Marketing Plan in a Day · Web viewMarketing Plan in a Day The Seminar 2017 Workbook EXERCISE 1-THE...


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Marketing Plan in a DayThe Seminar 2017


© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 1-THE MARKETING MIXThink about the Products/services that you sell?

Your Pricing levels

How and where you Promote your business

How they are distributed (Place)

Are they consistent?

Is there confusion in the mind of the customer which could create a barrier to purchase?

Take 5 Minutes to consider and draft out your own Marketing Mix (4Ps)





© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 2-THE MARKETING AUDITReview your current methods of marketing

What works?

What doesn’t work

Can you tell?

Do you have a marketing Budget? If yes, how much?

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 3-MARKET RESEARCHConsider the opportunities for Market Research and how you would do it eg:

-Customer Survey

-Mystery Shopping

-Review the market opportunity for a new product or in a new area

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 4-SWOTDraft out a Quick SWOT Analysis for your business-to be undertaken more formally with your colleagues later on

Rank on an A-D Scale

A=Major Strength, Major Weakness, Major Opportunity, Major Threat.

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 5-OBJECTIVESWrite down the key objectives for your business over the next 2-3 years

Remember SMART

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3


% Increase

Gross Profit


Net Profit


Number of Customers

Number Of Enquiries

Conversion Rate

© Shelton Associates 2017

Marketing Objectives

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EXERCISE 6-MARKET SEGMENTATIONThink about how you can/might segment your own customer base?

Define the main target customer groups for your business

Describe these segments

Market Segment Description

Existing Customers(Dealt with in the past 12 months)

Past Customers(Not dealt with in the past 12 months)

Lost Bids(Quoted but not Converted)

Enquired(Enquired but not Quoted)

Prospect Group 1

Prospect Group 2

Prospect Group 3

Prospect Group 4

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 7-MARKETING STRATEGYWhat overall marketing growth strategy will you use to achieve your objectives?

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Market Development




Market Penetration

Product Development

EXERCISE 8-USPTry and identify your own USP…..

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EXERCISE 9-PRODUCT STRATEGYWhere are your Products/Services on the Product Portfolio Matrix

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Market G




Relative M

arket Share

What is your overall Product/Service strategy?

How are your products/services positioned?

Does this vary by Segment?

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EXERCISE 10-PRICING STRATEGYWhat is your future pricing strategy?

Will this vary by Segment of the Market?

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EXERCISE 11-DISTRIBUTION STRATEGYConsider your own Distribution Strategy

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EXERCISE 12-FEATURES AND BENEFITSList 6 features and benefits of your products/services

To turn a feature into a benefit, use the phrase:

……which means that………….

Feature Which Means That Benefit

1 Which Means That

2 Which Means That

3 Which Means That

4 Which Means That

5 Which Means That

6 Which Means That

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 13-WEBSITEHow can I make my website more effective?

How can I monitor results better?

How can I make use of Video?

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 14-SEOWhat is your current approach to SEO?

Is it working?

Have you agreed your Keyword Strategy?

What are your SEO Rankings?

What do you need to do differently?

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 15-PPCAre you using PPC?

If yes, Is it working?

Have you agreed your Keyword Strategy?

Could you use PPC in the future?

What do you need to do differently?

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 16-LEAD GENERATIONCould I make use of Google Alerts?

Could I make use of Blogs, Answer Sites, Forums?

Lead Forensics?

Lead Generation Sites?

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EXERCISE 17-CONTACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSHow do you currently manage your lists of customers, enquirers, prospects etc?

How could this be improved?

Does it integrate with emailing etc?

If no CMS, review options

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 18-EMAIL MARKETINGDo you use email marketing?

How could You make it more effective?

How could you use video in Emails?

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 19-DRIP MARKETINGDo you use Drip Marketing?

Could you?

How could You make it more effective?

© Shelton Associates 2017

EXERCISE 20-SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGDo you use Social Media Marketing? Should you?

Which forms

How could You make it more effective?

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EXERCISE 21-APPSCould you use Apps in your business

How could you make these more effective?

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EXERCISE 22-AmazonCould you use Amazon?

For which Products?

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EXERCISE 23-‘TRADITIONAL’ MARKETINGWhat other forms of marketing do you/could you use?

How could you make these more effective?

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EXERCISE 24-PROMOTIONAL STRATEGYWhat is our overall future Promotional Strategy?

What promotional tools will we use?


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EXERCISE 25-ACTION PLANSStart drafting out your Marketing Action Plan

Activity Responsibility Timing Cost

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