Markup Summary 6-24-2019...Markup Summary 6-24-2019 Subject: Callout Page Label: 18 Author:...


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Markup Summary 6-24-2019

Subject: CalloutPage Label: 18Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:24:03 AMColor:


dsdparsons (19)

Subject: CalloutPage Label: 12Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:24:23 AMColor:


Subject: CalloutPage Label: 16Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:26:15 AMColor:

show the ranch prop boundary; if the trail runssouth of woodmen; show the connections thru theproperty or use leaders and label

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 16Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:26:22 AMColor:


Subject: HighlightPage Label: 16Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:26:37 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 16Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:26:47 AMColor:

Subject: CalloutPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:32:57 AMColor:

something is off here...where is B labels on themap ? If red dashed arrows point to pikes peak tothe west, how are the views to pikes peak to thesouth-south west? Is that Cheyenne mt?

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:33:05 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:33:07 AMColor:

son between these urban density developmenensity but with less commercial development. 

Gross Area (ac) Net Residential* (ac)  Net Den

610 599950 864144 1337211 158813 735

hool sites. Includes parks, open space and ROW rth is subject to change until plans are approved. 



 Page 12 of 20    


 The 2006 update of this plan included a change to the boundary lines of the plaland along the Woodmen Road corridor, generally bounded by the City of Colorand South, Vollmer Road on the Northwest, and an extension of Stapleton Roadwas originally addressed in the 1987 Black Forest Preservation Plan, but was incbecause the Woodmen Road corridor was rapidly developing, and is logically reoccurring in the City of Colorado Springs to the West and the Falcon Area growt


o the proposed primary regional trail on Arroya Lane to the north (No.8).  An alignment for trail is included on the Sketch Plan. 

ract from the County Parks Master Plan                

Plan for Mineral Extraction 

Plan for Mineral Extraction identifies the property as an area of Upland Deposits with sand, ilt and clay, remnants of older streams deposited on topographic highs or bench like is type of aggregate, together with Eolian Deposits (windblown sands) cover most to so County.  The development of this property will not materially impact the availability of 

show the ranch propboundary; if the trailruns south ofwoodmen; show theconnections thru theproperty or useleaders and label

   The Ranch Sketch Plan    Prepared by NES Inc. Letter of Intent    December 2018, Revised May 2019  


e. County Parks Master Plan  

The County Parks Master Plan shows a proposed secondary regional trail running from Woodmen Road to the south, through The Ranch property along the alignment to the eastern drainageway, ultimately connecting to the proposed primary regional trail on Arroya Lane to the north (No.8).  An alignment for this regional trail is included on the Sketch Plan.  Figure 7: Extract from the County Parks Master Plan 


something is offhere...where is Blabels on the map ? Ifred dashed arrowspoint to pikes peak tothe west, how are theviews to pikes peak tothe south-south west? Is that Cheyenne mt?

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Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:33:12 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:33:15 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:34:41 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:34:42 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:34:44 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:34:52 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:34:54 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:34:59 AMColor:

Subject: HighlightPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:35:03 AMColor:

Subject: CalloutPage Label: 21Author: dsdparsonsDate: 6/24/2019 8:35:15 AMColor:

is this view B?

is this view B?

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View B removed and overall panorama shown.
