


Ambassador- We could build schools, so they can get educated and get a job; we could also give them free of charge supplies like medicine, food, clothes, and books teaching them some skills like how to stay healthy, or how to safe money or rescue people, would help their economy and help make their lives a bit better. These are just some tips and I’m sure everybody can come up with some ways to help, because all of us can help reach this goal. Interview By: Marta

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InterviewBy: Marta

Reporter- Good afternoon this is the Time Magazine reporter, reporting from New York City, this afternoon I will interview one of the U.N ambassadors that is working on number one of the Millennium Development Goals, to reduce poverty.

Reporter- To reduce poverty is a big goal how are you going to achieve it?

Ambassador- I t is not only the U.N who is working on this goal, but thousands of people from all over the world. They are making organizations and they donate clothes and food. Some spread the word so others can help. I think the only way to achieve this goal is by working together. Reporter- Mr. Ambassador do you think we are accomplishing much or should we work harder?

Ambassador- I think we are all working hard to meet this goal and we are succeeding, in a way, we are helping villages in Africa and Asia we give happiness and hope to many families and are doing a great deed, but the world is big and it still needs various things to be done for example right now 1.2 billion people live on less than one dollar per day and there are 850 million living on poor conditions. Reporter- How can we help poor people break the chain?

Ambassador- We could build schools, so they can get educated and get a job; we could also give them free of charge supplies like medicine, food, clothes, and books teaching them some skills like how to stay healthy, or how to safe money or rescue people, would help their economy and help make their lives a bit better. These are just some tips and I’m sure everybody can come up with some ways to help, because all of us can help reach this goal.

Reporter- What kinds of things are you doing to reduce poverty?

Ambassador- Well I collect the donated money from my organization and give five families in the village a flight to a more developed place and show them how the world is like out of their village. I show them the technology, the food, the landscapes, the culture, and bits of the language. So now when they go back to their village they can teach other people and at least now the world out there. I also give speeches, speeches sometimes help adults understand the concept easily. They understand that this is what happens when you don’t share or care about other people, they understand that there are some people out there with no shelter, starving and dying with no water, while we are taking long baths and throwing away our food.

Reporter- Mr. Ambassador do you think poverty will ever be balanced out?

Ambassador- I don’t know, but what I do know is that we are working very hard and I hope people will continue to help in various ways and make this a better place for everyone.

Reporter- Thank you Mr. Ambassador we will all work very hard to reach this goal.

Step to a Better World

poor kids( above left) a

kid with a chicken (top right corner) cows in a

field (down right corner)

confronting Disease and providing vaccines.

Help Fight Disease(To the tune of "row your boat")

Help help fight disease all around the worldGive some aid to those ones who don't have a lot.

Help Fight Disease #2(To the tune of "la cucaracha")

Help fight diseases, help fight diseasesA-all around the world, and give some a-aid, and give

some a-aid, to the ones that don't have lots.

Help Fight Disease #3(To the tune of "o Claire de la lune")

Help fight diseases all around the world,Give some aid to those ones who don't have a lot.

Build sustainable, e-environments so that you can be-e healthier like me.

Why do people in developing countries need sustainable environments and money.

A sustainable environment is an environment that people can live on in well conditions and that the environment will not corrupt. For example, slums are exactly the opposite of a sustainable environment and they are not healthy because some slums have trash and garbage lying around since the villagers don't know where to put it, thanks to that there might be a great deal of diseases the people can catch and there are not good enough roads for public services such as mobile clinics ambulances etcetera. This means that the people will not be able to get vaccinated or if they are sick will not receive medicine, so they might die. Today the U.N is helping build good roads so that people in developing countries can receive medicine and get vaccinated. Still this would not help much in poor villages because of the lack of money, with no money they would not be able to afford vaccines or medicine, now to help poor people be able to afford vaccines and medicines, they are selling them cheaper, for example a vaccine costs one dollar per person, still it is a hard choice some of these families have to make, either get a vaccine and spend 4 days without food, or eat those 4 days and have the possibility to catch any disease. Everybody is doing something to help these countries and if they keep working people will be able to get medicine and be able to eat; also if we keep working hard we may reach the Millennium Development Goal number six, to fight infectious diseases. To help this situation you can donate vaccines so people can be healthy and live a happy live.

kid getting vaccinated(top left) baby in a hospital( center) malaria pills(bottom)

Once in a village in Ghana, Africa there lived a family. Airam a thirteen year old girl with long dark hair and eyes, who was stubborn and talkative, Katzim, her eleven year old brother with short dark hair and eyes, and Jusaf her nine year old brother, with long dark hair and green eyes, and Malasia and Razim, the mother and father. The family was poor and lived in a hut that smelled like dust, it ad two rooms, one was for her mother and father, and the other one was for her two brothers, Katzim and Jusaf, she had to sleep in the hard ground in one corner of the “main room” the kitchen and living room. She had insisted that since she was older and needed more space she should be the one to have the second room, but her father Razim had said that since she was a girl and there where two males in the family they where to choose the room they wanted to be in, and of course they choose the second room because nobody wanted to sleep on the “main room” since it was cold and you had to sleep on the hard ground. Airam knew that her father liked her two brothers better; she also knew that as a girl she was never listened to or taken seriously, Katzim and Jusaf always where listened to and taken seriously, they always got the last batch of rice, they got to choose their own rooms, and could go to school, instead Airam always had chores to do, she had once gone to school but her parents took her out

because there where only able to pay for two kids, of course guess which two would get to go, her two brothers. She was invisible to all her family. Airam thought this was unfair but no one in her family seemed to share that opinion. One day while she was walking to the well, three miles away from her house, she found her friend, Shima, in ahead of her and Airam started to run towards her, then Shima turned around “I’m so happy to see you I was looking for you yesterday, I have something important to tell you.” “Well tell away Shima” Shima started “ well…you see…thanks to this organization that gave us money now we can sale all the way to America, today was my last day in Ghana, I wanted to see you to say goodbye to you” Airam looked sad “oh” she said “ I’m so happy for you, I wish I could come with you, my family never listens to me, it’s like I’m invisible to them.” Shima took pity on Airam and said, “ Do you really want to come?” “ Of course I do” Airam answered “ o.k. Then I know a way you can come, but you have to be very brave” “ Anything it takes to go away from Ghana where no one cares about me except you” Airam replied “ Well then I will tell you my plan at night by the old well” Shima said “ deal” and Airam went home with out another word.Airam took some bread and put some shoes on, it was midnight and she was supposed to meet Shima by the old well. When she

The LetterBy: Marta

got there she saw that Shima had her old luggage bag with her, she had made some holes into it and had put some pillows to make it look comfortable, Airam had a what- is –that- look on her face “ I know it’s a little bit crazy but it’s the only way the boat chief won’t notice” “o.k.” Airam said while stepping in “ don’t worry I’ll try not to bang it much.” “ Thanks” Airam replied.

A tiny line of sunshine went through the hole aiming straight at Airam’s eye, Airam woke up, she realized that she had felt too tired and had fallen asleep, she peeped through a whole, she was on the boat sailing to America, she started thinking of how America would look, was it like Ghana? She hoped not, she stopped thinking about America and reread in her mind the letter she had left for her family it said… Dear family,I hope you don’t mind my disappearance, it probably doesn’t matter because nobody will miss me, you never take me seriously because I’m a girl, I think this to be

a very unfair reason because I have the same abilities my brothers and can do as many things, sometimes even better then them. I think I should be given a chance to prove myself. In a few weeks I shall be in America do not come to look for me, it does not matter now, there is only one thing I will be willing to ask you, just one favor, please think about how you treat other people you shouldn’t treat them badly just because they are different or are girls please treat each person with care and love. Airam.

This story is based on the third Millennium Development Goal, to provide equal chances for girls and women, this goal is one of the United Nation’s goals, it is a very important goal, and believe it or not in some parts of the world, mostly in developed places, the women and the girls are treated differently and unequally, this things shouldn’t be happening and hopefully this story will reach people’s hearts and make them realize how unfair this situation is. So hopefully people will treat each person as an individual with care and love.

Everything Can Help

To Fight Infectious Diseases

Kids and moms are dyingIt is a preventable issueDeath shouldn’t come to babies itShouldn’t even come to pregnant women

About 20% of Burkinabe children die before the age of five. There areNever enough doctors there are only five Doctors for every thousand people

Most kids and adults die Of HIV/AIDS sometimesMalaria kills them. Women also die when giving birthSince there is no medical treatment or they may have a virus.

To Clean Up the Environment

Clean environmentClean, sustainable

Clearing, building strong houses, not pollutingSustainable forever, extremely unhealthy

Burning, driving, not recyclingBad, unhealthy


A kid having to drink dirty water