Martin Yarbrough Chindira Bryant Monterius Smith Tranesha Craig Aaron Smith


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Martin YarbroughChindira BryantMonterius SmithTranesha Craig Aaron Smith

Obesity is a medical condition in which the body accumulates excessive adipose tissue around the bones. Your body is made up of water, fat, protein, carbohydrate and various vitamins and minerals. More simply defined, obesity is too much body fat.

The body mass index formula assesses body weight relative to height. It's a useful, indirect measure of body composition, because in most people it correlates highly with body fat.

Obesity is mainly caused by taking in more calories than are used up in physical activity and daily life. Obesity also generally tends in to run in the family. Ones behavior and genetic code could be the causes for them becoming overweight. For example, a person who consumes a lot of food, but does no physical activity is on their way to becoming obese.

Obesity can lead to greater health risks, such as:

High blood pressure: when blood is highly pressured against your arteries.

High cholesterol: which is a plaque and fat build up inside the arteries which causes the heart to overwork.

Diabetes: when the body does not use or properly produce insulin.

Stroke: lack of blood flow to the brain.Also, Obesity is now recognized as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attack.

Physical Activity Sports Exercising Running, walking

Regular check-ups Watching what you eat

Low calorie intake Food charts Limiting fast foods and unhealthy snacks

Dudley vs. Grimsley Investigated & compared school P.E. programs

& cafeteria meal plans Dudley is predominantly black and Grimsley is

predominantly white. Dudley does not have a healthy section where

as Grimsely does.

We talked to people around campus about obesity and it’s risks

Asking people random questions: What do you usually eat around campus? How often do you exercise? Did you know…

Facebook group Promoting our awareness of obesity and it’s

problems Discussions Events

Sunday, April 5 @ 9:00 pm We gathered people at the Holland Bowl

to play a game of Capture the Flag The event was also assisted by other

organizations on campus

We wrote a letter to the School Board for the Guilford County about what we found and the improvements we suggest that be made to the schools, not only Dudley and Grimsley

We as a group we felt that we made some progress in helping with the ongoing obesity risk in our black community. We felt as though our progress should be continued with the school board taking action to promote health and physical education, as well as, providing nutritional food for all high schools.

What is obesity? What is BMI? Name a health risk from obesity. How can you reduce the risk of obesity? What is the name of our group?
