Mathematics English - Schudio


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Mathematics This half term we will be looking at geometry, statistics and problem

solving. We will also be taking a deep look at fractions, finding

equivalences, adding and subtracting fractions with different

denominators, simplifying and much more. We will also be continuing

with mental calculations (arithmetic, mental maths and timetables etc.)

English This half term the children will be exploring and writing their own versions of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We will also be exploring persuasive writing after we have created our products to sell at the Hyde Market and Christmas Fair. Throughout our writing we will be focusing on sentence structure, grammar and punctuation.

Welcome back, I hope you have all had a lovely half term .We are very excited this half term as we begin to prepare for our Christmas productions and deck the Godley halls with glitter and sparkle. We will be covering the following during the next half term:

Theme Our theme this half term will be ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. This exciting theme will see the children promoting, marketing, making and selling their own products on Hyde Market. The children will be creating adverts for their products as well as using budgeting skills in mathematics. We will also be using our DT skills as we design, make and evaluate our products. We will also be looking at how Christmas is celebrated around the world, using our History and

Geography skills.

Pssst…. Why don’t you follow our Twitter

page @godleyprimary and find out about

all the exciting things we have been up to!


Brass Lessons.

Homework Grammar/ Spelling, Comprehension/ Reading/ Mental Maths Homework will be sent home on Fridays and will need to be returned on Wednesday the following week. P.E Days-

Tuesdays and Wednesdays- Please ensure your child has a full P.E kit in school. This consists of a white t.-shirt, black shorts, pumps for indoor sessions and trainers for outdoor P.E. As the weather is getting colder your child may bring track suit bottoms and a top/fleece to wear. These must be either black or grey or dark in colour.

Key dates and information for your diary:

Anti-Bullying Week- 13th -17th November

Odd Sock Day (for Anti-Bullying) - Monday the 13th November

Children in Need (Wear something spotty) – 17th December

Christmas Fair- 1st December 3:30- 5:30

Christmas Jumper Day- 15th December

School Finishes for Christmas – Thursday 21st December

Back to school for Spring term- 8th January

If you would like any further information about this half term in Year 6, please call in before or

after school or use the planners as a means of communication.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Miss Peacock & Mrs Okon

Focus targets for this half term:

This term as a class we will be aiming to achieve the targets shown below:


I can divide 4 digit numbers by a two-digit number using the written method of long division


I can proof read for spelling and punctuation errors


I show my understanding of what I have read by drawing inferences from within the text and

justifying them with evidence.