Matrix Modules



Matrix Energetics Module List

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CATEGORY I (Base of spine) Complete.

TORQUE (Either S-I Joint)

CATEGORY II Weight-bearing on one side that produces stress. Examples: hiatal hernia, SOB (?), heart, stomach, blood sugar imbalance. Example: Left foot, ankle, knee, hip, SI joint, psoas, diaphragm, rib cage, neck, YMJ, temporal bone (track).

CM (CELLULAR MORPHOGENISIS) Any change in tissue integrity, inflammation, pathology (auto-immune patterns,inflammatory processes, and degenerative energy).May assist in changing morphogenic fields of tissueBlueprints back to normal.

CERVICAL Throat chakra, tongue, emotional throat pattern (i.e., self-expression, will power), sore throat, laryngitis, thyroid imbalances.

CHAKRA REPAIR Tears, rips, holes, twists, torques, vortexes, inverted. Beliefs about chakras, phobias, unconscious psychosomatic patterns.

CRANIAL Birth trauma (delivery, suction, forceps, breach, caesarian section, pre-mature), dizziness, ENT problems ears, nose, throat, senses, balance, 6th & 7th chakras, head trauma, consciousness, muscle spasms.

CROWN CHAKRA Integrates new experiences with old. Opens, balances and harmonizes brain hemispheres, flow and integration.

SOURCE CONNECTION (Top of head) Soul retrieval, reconnecting to angelic forces, grounding to body. Useful when one has no conscious concept of God as a personal experience.

EMOTIONS AFFECTING THE PHYSICAL Any condition. Includes frequencies #5-6-7-8-10.

FEMALE ENDOCRINE Any hormonal problems affecting emotions. Cramps, PMS, estrogen imbalance, sadness, endocrine sleep patterns.

GRAVITY SPHENOBASILAR Last thing to do before ending treatment. Relationship to gravity. Ground to water element for seasickness. Frontal-temporal bones and base of skull (hold).

HEART CHAKRA I-II-III Potentially any heart problem or pattern designed to balance the functional physiology, which includes elements of the other modules. Relationships, opens up heart chakra for integration. Alpha state.

HUMORS RELEASE Based on the teachings of Dr. Galen, 14th century (all diseases result from an imbalance of the 4 humors). The Four Humors: Bile, Black Bile, Blood and Phlegm. Any fluid imbalance in the body. Water retention, swelling, inflammation, diseases, circulatory and lymph systems.

INTERPERSONAL Family miasms (cancer, TB, heart disease, venereal diseases, mental illness), inherited patterns of family behaviors, thinking, emotions and physiology.

INTRUSIONS 1-2-3 Shamanic concept of external intrusive energies and entities. Can be possible component of any problem or condition.

LIMBIC Any emotional pattern driven by hard-wired emotional responses adapted by evolution and culture, i.e., flight Vs fight syndrome. Primitive emotional center of the brain

SPHENOBASILAR Any cranial/brain/hemisphere pain problem. Restores and normalizes CS (cranial-sacral) rhythm.

TRAUMA HARMONIC Comes from Dr. M.L. Reiss, DC. This module wanted to be called this. For any type of trauma pattern on any level.

TMJ MECHANICAL Insert at the tip of the jaw. What layer?This refers to what layer of the energy field 1 -7 . This question can of course be applied to every one of the Modules given here.

VITALITY I, II Energizes organs and system. Chi, Kundalini. Pick me up substitute for coffee. Boosts and revitalizes immune system. INVERT: Takes energy out of current pattern. Frequency #1 is part of this module.
