May 2020 The Coryland Church News › mychurchwebsite › c6463 › may... · From SANDY STEWART,...


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May 2020

The Coryland Church News

They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts feel on fire as He talked with on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”

~ Luke 24:32

New trees planted



8 – Lauren Roy

15 – Doug Pratt

Myra Goss

16 – “Little’ Wm. Dibble

18 – Brian Roy

27 – Hannah Dibble

6 – Matt & Sarah Wales

Last month we let you know that our church’s website was

“Under Construction” and “New & Improved”. Well since

then we continue to add to it and make some improve-


We have added two complete WORSHIP SERVICES to the

website. One is from Easter this year and the other starts

a worship and message series entitled “In-Between Times”

and focuses on what Jesus is “up to” in the in-between

times in our lives, such as the one we are living through

right now. (The goal is to have a new worship service video

up every two weeks).

We will also continue to put up our church’s newsletter on

the site and we have some new Blogs in the works (that’s

the place where Pastor Jay posts some of his thoughts).

Oh, we changed our look back to its standard tem-

plate: plow, plant, water, harvest, in keeping with be-

ing a rural church.

We will continue to make additions and improvements in

our website, so keep checking back in and invite others to

check out our site, especially the worship services and the

blogs (hopefully it’s a good way to give interested people

an idea and feel for who we are and what we are like).

AND when we regather at our church for our first post-

Covid-19 services, we will announce our “Grand Opening”

on our site:

2 newsletter ** may 2020




CD Copies Available

CD (audio) copies of our online

WORSHIP SERVICES are available.

Just give a call to or email Pastor Jay

and he will get one over to you. It

also comes with a handout of the

outline of the service, the written

prayers and more.



THE WORK: We have some

newly-planted trees (“Green

Giants”) thanks to the work

and service of Gary Pierce,

Larry Smith, Jerry Root, Zach

Root, Matt Wales, Jacob

Wales, Jeffrey Roy, Sam Roy,

James Roy and DJ Johnson!

On Saturday, April 25th

, they

planted 23 new trees on our

church property to replace

the ones we had to remove

due to disease. Thank you

guys so much for your work.

THE TREES: They are “Green

Giants” — the Thuga Green

Giant Evergreen — also

called the Western Red Ce-

dar — and are a fast grow-

ing evergreen, known to

grow 3-5 feet a year.

Thank you Nancy Pratt for the


We have word that construction on our church’s new enclosed front

entrance porch will begin around


Updates to follow

3 newsletter ** may 2020

From SANDY STEWART, Our Music Minister

4 newsletter ** may 2020

When I woke this morning, the Heavenly Sunshine was pouring through my windows and reminded me that Joy Comes in the Morning; that Morning Had Broken, The Windows of Heaven were Open and there was indeed “Sunshine in my soul.”

I dressed quickly and walked out In the Garden and felt so Near to the Heart of God, remembering God’s Promise of Spring. The birds were singing and I thought of how God’s Eye is on the Sparrow and I knew He was watching me. As I continued Walking in the Sunlight I saw Lilies of the Valley peeking up through The Beauty of the Earth. My pink Trinity plants lined the sidewalk; these plants came to me years ago from Marie Updike, a beloved friend in Christ, a true Child of the King, who left us for her Home in Gloryland when her Roll was called up yonder; she was there and ready.

Did you ever talk to God Above and tell Him all your troubles? As you Have a Little Talk with Jesus, you will find “All My Troubles, Lord, soon forgotten.” Take time to Count Your Blessings and PRAISE HIM! PRAISE HIM! Jesus our Blessed Redeemer, for The Gift of Love, and the Amazing Grace we receive from our Awesome God. Oh! How Great Thou Art!

At this grim time of Pandemic, with the Coronavirus across our world, we must remember God is in control. God Has Not Promised Skies Always Blue, flower- strewn pathways all our Life through, but God Will Take Care of You, God’s Wonderful People, Day by Day.

From SANDY STEWART, Our Music Minister

Make Me a Servant, Lord, and help me to Live For Others; Bringing in the Sheaves so that Others See Jesus in me; living on Higher Ground and knowing we are all Sheltered in the Arms of God. Let us Reach Out to Jesus and thank Him for His Holy Word, The B-I-B-L-E. Let us bow on our knees and cry Holy, Holy. Holy, Lord God Almighty for we are hungry for Your Word and Your ways.

We know Jesus is Coming Again and Oh What a Day, Glorious Day that will be. Will There Be Any Stars In Our Crowns? Yes, Lord, Yes! Will our Anchor Hold, have held, through the storms, through the night? Yes, Lord, Yes!

One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus and then One Day He’s Coming and we will say Good Night Here and Good Morning Up There! Let us, People of God, never forget what Jesus died for us on The Old Rugged Cross; At the Cross, At the Cross, as He suffered and died as His Father willed, and then He Arose! He Arose! Hallelujah, Christ Arose! He arose so that All God’s Children could have Everlasting Life.

Thank You Jesus for Saving My Soul, for Making Me Whole and for Thy Great Salvation. You are Everything to Me. The King is Coming, the King is Coming, for me He’s Coming Again and may each of us say, “I Believe” and know in our hearts to be true, “It Is Well with my Soul”.

Sandy Stewart

Easter, April 2020

5 newsletter ** may 2020


6 newsletter ** may 2020

First of all I want to say what a blessing volunteering for E.M.P.C.C. has been. I have received more blessings than I have given.

The first e-mail I received from the center was that the guidelines from Caremark, our parent organization, was that we should stop one-on-one counseling. Shortly after the email I received the second one that volunteers would no longer be able to come to the centers.

God is in control. Last year we purchased Bright Course, an online system with our parenting classes and much more including life skills, ceasing smoking, and the gospel presentation to name a few. We have been able to text the classes to our clients. They complete the workshop and the homework. They text it back to us and they can still earn “Baby Bucks.” They text their needs to us. We bag the diapers, etc., place them outside the door with their confidential number on the bag. They can pick them up with no social contact. Of course we prefer one-on- one counseling so we can get to know our clients better and hopefully help them spiritually as well as meet their physical needs.

We have been able to give free ultra sounds on a more limited basis. Only those in the first trimester and only allowing one person to attend with the client.

We have gained new clients and those working clients have been able to have classes that they normally would not have been able to have.

I have gone to the center in Canton once to make folders and stuff letters. We make up folders for new pregnancy, negative pregnancy test, miscarriage, abortion-minded, and sexual abstinence. The folders contain resources for other services, appropriate booklets and pamphlets and spiritual peace with God.

We have not been able to take the coin from the baby bottles [Baby Bottle Fundraiser] to the bank, but we are holding them safely until things change. We have been blessed with new contributors that we were not expecting, so we are ok financially.

Just wanted you to know that even though we are not open we are still meeting the needs of our clients. Thanks for all your support.

~ Cleo



The title is not original with me; it comes from the title of the Cover Story in the May/June 2020 issue of Christianity Today. In that piece the author, Andy Olsen, a managing editor of CT, tries to discuss some of the issues of how we, first-world, American Christians, can and should respond to a global pandemic, or as he puts it “How much are we obligated to help others when we need help ourselves?,” especially those impacted by the coronavirus in third-world countries, countries that sorely lack the resources we have. He recognizes that “effectiveness matters when we help others, and we are generally most effec-tive at helping those most proximate to us,” in other words, we help those closest to us usually (and mainly) first, but he is asking, in effect, is that where we are to stop? He comes up with no definitive an-swers but rather issues for thought and (future) action.

As I read the article I know that we all have been effected in some way with this coronavirus outbreak and spread. Social distancing, washing our hands for 20 seconds, wearing a mask if and when we go out in public … they are now a part of our lives in a way we could not have imagined 2 months ago. I have prayed and thought and pondered how we as a church be the church under these circumstances. As a (and your) pastor I have prayed, and thought, and pondered how I need to respond and be pastor at such a time. I confess that I have no definitive answers either. But as I just wrote, it got me to thinking.

It got me thinking back to one of the most known teachings of Jesus in all the Bible, what we call “The Parable of the Good Samaritan,” found in Luke 10. After having one of His usual conversations/confrontations with a fellow countryman who was an “expert in the Law” that person, Luke tells us, want-ing to “justify himself” asked, “Who is my neighbor?”, in effect saying, “I will fulfill this commandment to ‘Love my neighbor’ if I can limit my ‘neighbor’ to those closest to me and ‘birds of a feather’.” And then Jesus tells the parable of the “good” Samaritan and ends with this question, a question that turns the whole discussion on its head: “Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” (Luke 10:36). In other words, the real issue goes beyond “who is my neighbor?” to “how can I be a neighbor?”. And the incident ends with the expert in the Law answer-ing: “The one who showed mercy to him” and Jesus closing with “Go and do the same.”

One of the aspects of our church that I have repeatedly boasted about (in a good way) to others is your incredible generosity of soul, time, energy, resources and funds. This church — you — support around 24 missionaries/workers/projects beyond our four walls each year. In my time here I have learned of the innumerable ways on a regular and consistent basis as individuals and as a church body you have given above and beyond and have touched so many lives. I have rightly said I am proud of this church. You have proved both that your “definition” of “neighbor” is a pretty broad one and shown that for you the real issue is “how can I be a neighbor?”

continued on back page


7 newsletter ** may 2020



3028 Hickory Road

Columbia Cross Roads, PA


Coryland Church

Sunday Schedule Worship & Children’s Church 10:45 am Church Phone Numbers: Church Phone: 570-549-4040

Manse Phone: 570-297-0962

Pastor: Wm. Jay Zaremba

Prayer Chain: 570-549-4402

Web address:


3028 Hickory Road

Columbia Cross Roads, PA



Our church’s Prayer Chain is always

ready to receive your prayer

concerns. Call Jan Jenkins at ——--

——— ———to share your requests.

In our next newsletter we would like

to include an insert with current

prayer concerns. Contact Pastor Jay

with those concerns.

Ministry and expenses continue even in

these times. If you have a contribution to

give send your check to ——— ————

——————— —————————— ———

————— include a note if you wish to

contribute to One Great Hour of Sharing.

Thank you.



continued from previous page

In the space remaining that is what I want to focus on: Who and How?

WHO?: Who is “the neighbor/s” Jesus is calling you to in this time and be His arms and legs and love to? Who is the Holy Spirit bringing to your heart and mind? When you pray whose “picture” or name pops in your head and seems to have a Holy Spirit neon sign pointing to them? This person could be near or far, but I truly believe Jesus has at least one person who is your “neighbor” in this time.

HOW? Just as Jesus turned the whole neighbor thing upside down and asked “how are we being a neighbor?” the next step for us is: how are we go-ing to reach out and be neighborly, a true neigh-bor? The prayer, the phone call, the note/letter, the text, a gift, going to the store for them, so many ways to be a neighbor — in the Jesus way, express-ing His love. Ask Jesus and He will give you His (creative) way.

Thank you for being some of the most “Jesus neigh-borly” people I know. ~ Pastor Jay
