May 22 2019 Term 2 Week 5 TERM DATES 2019€¦ · Representative Council; Harrison, Alicia, Jack,...


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May 22 2019

Term 2 Week 5

On Election Day we had a wonderful band of parents who took care of our BBQ. HR was definitely the quieter booth on the day, and at times the line for sausages was longer than that for voting! Parents deserve recognition for their dedication and commitment to Holy Rosary, especially given that so many of you had also given time and energy to baking and selling last weekend. It was another tremendous effort for our school and for our community. Special thanks to all parents who assisted, but particularly to Katherine Ruiu who coordinated the stall and worked for hours, attending to every aspect of stall coordination. Some of our helper's children were also actively engaged, working at the stall. They too, deserve accolades. They are a beautiful example of Mercy in action; extending service in the community for the good of others. Well done champions! We're proud of your efforts.


Congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who undertook NAPLAN over the

past week. The students showed their spirit of resilience, even in the face of

challenge. Thanks also to other students, staff and families who showed respect by

ensuring they were quiet around classrooms where tests were held.

Holy Rosary was mandated to complete the tests online but as you may have read

through the media, there were some connectivity issues. This had minimal impact

on Holy Rosary’s Year 5 students. (Doing the Writing test online was not an option

for Year 3 students Australia wide). Although there was minimal impact for Holy

Rosary students, we elected to complete the other tests on paper in case more

significant issues emerged in subsequent days. This was disappointing for

teachers, given that we had prepared our students to complete online tests.

As a school we have worked to keep the stress of NAPLAN to a minimum.

Therefore, although Year 5 students have the option of re-sitting the Writing Test

(with a new test), we have determined re-sitting would have little to no benefit and

may even cause unnecessary anxiety. Should you wish to discuss this further for

clarification, I encourage you to speak with your child’s teacher, Fiona or me.



Term 2: 23rd April

to 28th June

Term 3: 15 th July

– 20th September

Term 4: 7 th Oct –

18th December


Youth Leadership


Tila: 0400916465



June 21

Sept 20 (last day

of Term 3)

Nov 4 (Cup Day)

Nov 22.


This year we have a very keen group of Year 6 students who make up our Student

Representative Council; Harrison, Alicia, Jack, Liam, Max, Anika and Paddy. This group

proposed a student run canteen a number of weeks ago. We did not reject the group’s idea but

we asked them to revise their proposal to ensure they had considered all the details; funds to buy

stock, rosters to ensure adequate service, proactive measures to ensure litter control, and ideas

for spending profits, including making a donation to charity.

These students have worked diligently to meet our expectations, enlisting help at home, and

choosing to work during their lunch breaks. They’ve learnt about committee meetings, taking

minutes, the difference between takings and profit, the value of collaboration and how to pitch. All

this learning and they haven’t even bought their stock yet! They have outlined their proposed

menu as part of this newsletter. This is a trial so you may see some changes as they learn from

their experiences. The canteen will operate at first lunch on Fridays from 31 May. Students are

welcome to purchase a maximum of two items and our SRC request correct money, where

possible, please.

Cancer Challenge

This Friday is the Cancer Challenge. Details about this fundraiser were provided in last week’s

newsletter. Please bring along a gold coin and dress in yellow (a hair ribbon, cap or beanie will

suffice) or come as a pop star. Please be reminded that thongs are not appropriate footwear for



Please keep our Year 6 students and their families in your prayers as they prepare for

Confirmation this weekend. We thank their teachers Lauren and JP and Fiona for their work in

preparing them for the Sacrament. On Thursday, Year 6’s will join with St Brendan’s students to

meet with Bishop Mark Edwards at St Brendan’s.

Sending you wishes for a peaceful week,


Assembly / Prayer Celebration

Term 2 2019

Term 2

Week Year Mass

5 Year 6 Friday 24th May

6 Year 5 Friday 31st May

7 3/4J & 3/4ES Friday 7th June

8 3/4L&3/4B Friday 14th June

9 1/2 Friday 21st June


Religious Education At Holy Rosary

Pope Francis

@Pontifex May 10

It is the Spirit who is the protagonist of Christian life, the Holy Spirit, who is with us, accompanies us, transforms us, is victorious with us.

Last Saturday evening, as the Election Day festivities were winding down our

Confirmation Candidates gather at Holy Rosary Church to celebrate Mass and

to be formally presented to the parish. Our candidates assembled on the altar

and then presented the parishioners with prayer cards formally asking for

their prayers and blessings. It was the start of a very big week in these

children’s Religious Education lives.

Wednesday 22nd May Reconciliation in the classroom

In preparation for Sunday’s Sacrament Father Hien will attend at 12.30pm in

the classrooms for the candidates to receive reconciliation.

Thursday 23rd May Student Retreat Day at St Brendan’s


Candidates join with the students from St Brendan’s further exploring the

Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Edwards, Father Hien and teachers

from both Holy Rosary and St Brendan’s.

Sunday 26th May. Confirmation Mass at St Brendan’s

Flemington 2.00pm

Celebrated by Bishop Mark Edwards and Father Hien VU.

If you require any clarification please feel free to contact me

Mass in the Classrooms

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we

are celebrating Mass in the classrooms

each Friday morning. If you are available,

we would love to see you there. This

week’s hosts are Year Six. Here is a picture

of last weeks hosts Prep. Clearly they are

enjoying getting to know how Father Hien

is a person in our community that helps us.

Wishing you a peaceful week


With much anticipation the Science Fair is

nearly upon us. It has been an amazing

last 10 days discussing science project

with this year's entrants. There are some

fabulous projects and we have some very

talented budding scientist here at Holy

Rosary. These projects will be on display

in the Hall on Thursday 30th May.

Students will visit the Science fair with their class during the day and it will also be open to

parents and friends after school on Thursday 30th May 3.30-6pm. To acknowledge each entry

and the enormous effort each of the students has put into their project they will each be awarded

certificates in a Wednesday Assembly. They will be handed out over a number of assemblies and

where possible they will be handed out when their class hosts Assembly. Our Science Fair at

Holy Rosary focuses on the students' understanding of the scientific concepts involved in their

project. Some students may receive an outstanding award or a highly commendable award to

recognise a sound understanding of the scientific concepts involved in their project.

29th May Year 5 and 6 certificates will be handed out in Assembly 5th June 3/4ES and 3/4 J certificates will be handed out in Assembly 12th June 3/4L, 3/4B and Prep certificates will be handed out in Assembly 19th June 1/2 certificates will be handed out in Assembly.

Art News

The Year Three and four students completed some work in the area of

modelling, where they made gratitude portraits using plasticine and a small

canvas. They were asked to make a portrait of someone they are grateful for.

They did an amazing job and these are now in the hallway on display outside

the Year 3/4 classrooms where you are welcome to come and have a look.

The preps and ones have started working with magiclay and the senior students will be working

with some air drying clay in the next couple of weeks.

Physical Education News:

On Friday May 17th, 21 students represented Holy Rosary at the District Cross Country at Aberfeldie. Overall, our school came third in the Small Schools section - a great result! We also have four students going onto to the Combined Division at Brimbank on June 5th - Tom, Ned , Lara and Jie. We wish them the very best at the next level. I would like to congratulate the students on the way they participated today and the dedication and commitment they displayed in turning up to training to prepare for the event. Their

determination to succeed and the resilience they displayed in their races today is a true testament to their character. I would like to personally thank Simon, Allison and Jen for supporting the students at the training and the trials. I know the students particularly appreciated Simon’s knowledge of running and his willingness to give them tips to do their best on race day. His advice was invaluable.

SRC News:

The SRC has been busy! They got a suggestion from the students for a school CANTEEN! The SRC put forward this idea and it has finally been approved by Christine. We worked tirelessly to make this suggestion a reality. This project still requires lots of hard work! The SRC Team will run the canteen. It will start on the 31st of May. The Canteen will be on Fridays at the first lunch. The SRC would prefer you to bring gold coins but silver coins will be accepted and no notes, please. We will be selling Messy Monkeys $1, popcorn $1 and juice $2 (All GF, nut Free and Dairy Free.) The menu may change every few weeks.

We look forward to serving the Holy Rosary community. SRC Members- Harrison, Paddy, Alicia, Jack, Anika and Liam

Fundraising Dates 2019

21 June – Hot Dog Day

13 Sept – Trivia Night

20 Sept – Hot Dog Day (Footy Colours)- New date to be advised

15 Nov – Hot Dog Day

13 Dec – Icy Pole Day



23RD Confirmation Reflection Day St Brendan’s for students

23RD NO Spanish classes

24TH Challenge Cancer Fundraiser

26TH Confirmation Day 2.00pm

30-31ST Science Fair


4-6TH Prep Parent Interviews

5TH Combined Division Cross Country

6TH Winter Warmer Concert

10TH Queen’s Birthday Holiday

13TH Father Elio Capra at HR – First Eucharist information evening.

18-19 Year 3/4 Camp

21st School closure day

26th Parent Teacher Interviews – School finishes 12.30pm Outside School Hours

Care available – Bookings Essential.

28th Last Day Term 2

Dates added to this list will appear in red.

Woolworths Earn and Learn

Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers can be redeemed for resources

such as art and craft supplies, sports gear, teaching aids, and more.

Please keep collecting the stickers and drop them in our collection

box at Woolworths Newmarket or the front office.

Thanks for helping out!

Backpacks 4 VIC kids

An Australian charity providing backpacks and nappy bags to Victorian children entering foster

care and emergency accommodation.

Can you donate any of these items? If so, bring into reception until this Friday 24th May by

3:30pm. Second hand items in great condition are welcome unless indicated. Collecting for a 12

year old girl…

Any enquiries please see Laura Carra.

‘A DAY IN MAY’ 2019

This year, we are excited to be hosting ‘A Day in May’ at Holy Rosary School in support of

children and families living with cancer.

On Friday 24 May, students, staff and even parents are encouraged to dress as their favourite

POPSTAR or in a splash of YELLOW in return for a gold coin donation. All funds raised will be

directed to Challenge’s Musical Moments Trust, which funds positive music experiences for

children living with cancer and their siblings.

Challenge established the Trust in 2011 in honour of an inspirational little boy who, regardless of

the way he was feeling throughout his cancer treatment, embraced life and surrounded those

around him with happiness. Yellow was his favourite colour, and his love for music and dance

acted as a vital resource that brought him joy.

Funds raised from ‘A Day in May’ provide musical scholarships for children living with cancer in

metropolitan, regional and rural locations throughout Australia. These opportunities can include

private and group music lessons, home visits from a music therapist, musical instruments and the

chance to create and record a song with a musician. In 2017, over 40 scholarships were awarded

to children in need.

We hope you will enthusiastically support this important day and look forward to seeing everyone

dressed up!

If you would like to find out more about Challenge or the Musical Moments Trust, you can visit where you can also make a direct donation online.