May 4th Bulletin 2013



church update

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Seek the Lord

and Live! (Amos) Amos 5:14

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.

Superintendent: Simone Shepherd

MINISTRY SPOTLIGHT Health Ministry – Kathy Rayner & Team

WORSHIP HOUR Praise & Worship…………………………………………………Team 1

Hymn of Praise……………No.272…………..Give Me the Bible

Intercessory Prayer………………………………..Alex Golovenko

Praying for Revival & Transformation, Single Adults, Central States Conference

Next week: Transformation for service, Dakota & Minnesota Conferences

Offering Appeal…………Church Budget…………Gord Rayner

Children Story………………………………………………College Park

Special Music……………………………………………….College Park

Scripture Reading……Deuteronomy 6: 4-7……College Park

“Turning Hearts Towards Home” Pastor Glenn DeSilva

Song of Commitment………….No.652…………Love at Home

Benediction…………………………………………………….Mike Keim

Sunset this Sabbath 8:30 pm Next week 8:37 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to:

Announcements Today

1. This afternoon at 2:30 pm College Park Youth Choir will present a concert of praise.

2. Our weekly Bible Studies continues @ 5 pm today with elders hosting an open forum of your questions and brief answers. Next Sabbath, May 11, Clara Baptiste will lead the study time on topic of Modesty & Dress matters in the Bible. Come to continue this dialogue about our faith. We welcome your questions and suggestion of topics for study. For more details see the schedule in the foyer.

3. Joint elders meeting will take place TONIGHT @ 7 pm at the fellowship hall. Elders of Spanish, South & North churches coming together to plan alignment and cooperation for growth.


4. Pathfinders Club will meet tomorrow at 10 am. Uniform “Type A” inspection – be prepared. Camping Skills training in Dorchester has been rescheduled for May 26.

Later Events

5. Next weekend is Mothers’ Day! Remember it, and prepare for it! We are planning special Mother’s Day Social, celebrating mothers of our congregation, starting 7 pm Saturday night, May 11 at the fellowship hall. There will be no general potluck next Sabbath as we encourage families to invite other families and give a special “custom made” treat to our mothers.

6. The next Church Council (Board meeting) will take place on Monday, May 13 at 7 pm at our church hall. We invite all ministry leaders to continue developing their annual plans and share reports at the meeting. Key item on the agenda will be church leadership practices and proper management of ministries. As a reminder following leaders are members of the Church Board: Gord Rayner, Clara Baptiste, Don Topper, Heather Baptiste, Janice Brindley, Gene Bernardo, Teresa Ferreira, Jack Polihronov, Angelina Polihronova, Ray Thompson, Alonso Lopez, Lo Richards, Dayna Munro, Lucy Simoes, Edwin Onyango, Kathy Rayner, Mike Keim, Rixon Gultom, Cameron Munro.

7. June 7-8, Southern Regional campmeeting will be held in Simcoe at Norfolk County Fairgrounds, 172 South Drive, Simcoe.

8. Calling all campers! We will be camping at Fanshawe Park Conservation area starting Friday, June 7 after 2pm until Sunday, June 9 at 1pm. Please sign the clipboard in the lobby if you will be camping for the weekend so we know how many campers to plan for. The entire church family is welcome to come for the day on Sabbath...we will have a potluck lunch and afternoon hike.


9. A heartfelt thanks from the London Adventurers Club to those of you who so generously donated items for the children to distribute to residents of Westmount Gardens long term care. Not only did we reach our goal of 50 packages, but we surplused it! At least 50% of the residents will be receiving one of our packages and every nursing unit. Each package contains an inspirational Bible verse and/or church literature.

10. Worship Schedule for the 2nd trimester, May- August 2013 is prepared and available. Pick up your copy to know who is leading in various aspects of our celebration services on Sabbath.

11. For members requesting subscription to Canadian Adventist publications, you can now make your request online at Click on the top right hand corner "Subscribe", fill in your information and click "SUBMIT". You will receive a "Confirmation Email" as acknowledgement. Adventist World publication is on the internet at

12. Last Sabbath we nominated by ballot delegates to the 33rd Quadrennial Session of the Ontario Conference that will take place August 23-25, 2013, from Friday to Sunday, in Oshawa, Ontario. Gord Rayner & Mike Keim had been nominated as the two regular delegates. Jack Polihronov was third nominee and his name will be submitted as a substitute, in case one of the regular delegates would not be able to attend. Alex Golovenko was nominated to represent this church on the Organizing Committee, Sunday, July 28, 2013.

13. For all the events on the church calendar, booking of the fellowship hall, and ministry planning please contact Sandi Rusek

14. Sanctuary London – ministry for homeless is located at 513 Talbot Street Church. Following times are open for people to come and offer friendship, build relationships with friendless. Monday – 11-2 pm lunch, followed by 2-3 pm Bible Study. Wednesday – 3-7 pm supper; 7-9 pm art and writing class. Sunday – 6 – 9 pm – worship, bible discussion, fellowship.

15. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service on Wednesday night at 7 pm. It is time for extra prayer, deeper Bible study, and testimonies.

16. “We are looking for volunteers, food donations and book donations for the week for VBS; if you can help in anyway please contact: Doris Van Leeuwen @ 519 452 7073.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS May 4 Joseph Beckles May 8 Sarah Ruthanne

May 4 Jessica Gyamfi May 9 Bill Dowdell

May 7 James Wood May 11 Gabriel Agyeman

May 7 Mayfair Appiagyei May 12 Lorenzo Lima

Emergency Preparedness – Christian duty May 5 -11 is a Canada-wide Emergency Preparedness Week. It is an initiative to

increase awareness of individuals and families. Since 1996 this effort had been at work. This year a special focus is on seniors and older adults. While they have the ability to help themselves and others, they are also more vulnerable during emergencies. How prepared are you for an emergency situation? Are you aware of what it means to be prepared? First level of responsibility is upon individual. Let me share just a few tips. 1. It takes about 72 hours for rescue operations to be organized and help to be offered

in cases of a disaster. Your family has to be prepared at least for 72 hours survival. Organize an emergency survival kit to be sufficient. Essentials

Food & can opener (non-perishable & easy-to-prepare items)

Water (4 litres per person for each day)

Flashlight & extra batteries

Radio (crank or battery-run)

Hand sanitizer or moist towelettes

First-aid kit & Medication(s)

Important papers (identification, contact lists, copies of prescriptions, etc.)

Cash (and extra car keys)

Whistle (to attract attention, if needed) Special Considerations

Medical supplies & equipment (cane, walker, hearing aid, breathing device)

Prescription eyewear and footwear

Dentures and supplies

Pet food and supplies if you have a pet Extra Supplies for Evacuation

Clothes, shoes, Sleeping bag or blanket

Personal items (soap, toothpaste, other toiletries) Place all these items in an easy-to-carry bag or case on wheels, and keep your emergency survival kit in a place that is easy to reach. Keep your cell phone or mobile device fully charged. 2. Have a corded phone (cordless do not work when power is out of satellite

communications are interrupted). Do not discard that old phone with a cord . And if you don’t get one from a garage sale for a buck, but make sure you have a phone with a cord to plug in.

3. Your household needs to have an emergency plan, for every member of the family to know what to do, where to meet up if people get separated, and how to contact each other. If you made a plan before – update it every year as things change. What is the safe place to meet near your home?

4. Public Safety Canada offers downloadable brochures from their website

5. Make copies of birth and marriage certificates, passports, licences, wills, land deeds and insurance. Take photos of family members in case a lost persons record is created. Keep them in a safe place, both inside and outside your home. You might want to put them in a safety deposit box or give them to friends and family who live out of town.

Today we will distribute brochures and guides. Please take this seriously, so you would not be a burden to others, but be able to offer help in time of need to your neighbour. As believers we should be more prepared, and take seriously possibilities of future disasters.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko