May God Bless You First Holy Communion Day!...On Your First Holy Communion Day! “Good Shepherd...


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April 22, 2018

4th Sunday of Easter

229 South 28th Avenue

Wausau, WI 54401


Confessions Saturday:

11:00 am - 12:00 noon or by Appointment

Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction

Wednesdays - after 8 am Mass until 5 pm (Benediction at 4:50 pm) 1st Fridays - Benediction after 8 am Mass 1st Saturdays - after 8 am Mass until 9:30 am

Vespers - Evening Prayer of the Church

Wednesdays - 5:00 pm


Daily before Mass & Wednesdays at 4:30 pm Mon, Weds, Friday - with Prayer for Priests


Preparation classes are required of parents and recommended for godparents.

You must register one week prior to the class by calling Kris at 715-675-6750.

Next Baptism Class:

Monday, May 14th - 6:30 pm at Parish Center

Monday: Tuesday:

Weds thru Sat:

8:00 am 12:05 pm 8:00 am

Mass Schedule

Horario de Misas


4:30 pm 8:00 am

10:00 am 12 noon:

Saturday: Sunday:



“I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd.” John 10:14-16

April 22nd - World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Heavenly Father, Bless your Church with an

abundance of holy and zealous priests, deacons,

brothers, and sisters. Give those You

have called to the married state and those You have chosen to live as single persons in the

May God Bless You On Your

First Holy Communion


“Good Shepherd Sunday”

World Day of Prayer For Vocations


Pope Francis gave a wonderful catechesis on the penitential rite on March 1st of this year. It is a very good explanation of this part of the liturgy that takes place at the beginning of the Mass.

The Pope said, “Resuming the catechesis on the Eucharistic celebration, let us consider today, in the context of the introductory rites, the penitential act. In it we dispose ourselves to celebrate the holy mysteries in a worthy manner, that is, acknowledging our sins before God and our brothers and sisters, acknowledging that we are sinners. Indeed, the priest’s invitation is addressed to all the community in prayer, as we are all sinners. What can the Lord give to one whose heart is already full of himself, of his own success? Nothing, because the presumptuous is incapable of receiving forgiveness, as he is already satiated with his own assumed righteousness. Let us think of the parable of the Pharisee and the publican, in which only the second – the publican – returns home justified, that is, forgiven (cf. Lk 18: 9-14). Those who are aware of their own miseries and who lower their eyes with humility, feel the merciful gaze of God resting on them. We know from experience that only those who can recognize their mistakes and apologize receive the understanding and forgiveness of others.”

“Listening in silence to the voice of conscience allows us to recognize that our thoughts are distant from divine thoughts, that our words and our actions are often mundane, that is, guided by choices contrary to the Gospel. Therefore, at the beginning of the Mass, we carry out as a community the penitential act through a formula of general confession, pronounced in the first person singular. Everyone confesses to God and to the brothers ‘that I have sinned through my own fault, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do’. Yes, also by omission [my emphasis – Fr Bob] or rather, by having neglected to do the good I could have done. Often, we feel we are good because ‘I have done no harm to anyone’. In reality, it is not enough not to harm others; it is necessary to choose to do good by taking the opportunity to bear good witness that we are disciples of Jesus. It is good to emphasize that we confess to being sinners both to God and to our brothers and sisters; this helps us understand the dimension of sin that, while it separates us from God, divides us also from our brothers and sisters, and vice versa. Sin cuts: it cuts the relationship with God and it cuts the relationship with our brothers, the relationship in the family, in society, in the community: sin always cuts, separates, divides.”

“The words we say with our mouth are accompanied by the gesture of beating the breast, acknowledging that I have sinned precisely by my own fault, and not that of others. Indeed, it often happens that, out of fear or shame, we point the finger to accuse others. Confessing our own sins. I remember an anecdote, that an old missionary told me, of a woman who began with the mistakes of her husband; then she went on to recount those of her mother-in-law and then the sins of her neighbors. At a certain point, the confessor said to her, ‘But, madam, tell me: have you finished? Very good. You have finished with the sins of others. Now start to tell your own!’ Tell your own sins!”

“After the confession of sin, we beg the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and the Saints to pray to the Lord for us. In this too, the Communion of Saints is valuable: that is, the intercession of these ‘friends and models of life’ support us on our path towards full communion with God, when sin will be definitively annihilated.”

Liturgical Catechesis


Holy Family Prayer Program The Knights of Columbus’s George J. Schreier Council #1069, which serves the parishes of: St Michael, Resurrection, St Anne, Holy Name of Jesus, and St Matthew are blessed to be hosting a Holy Family Prayer Program on April 23 at 7:00 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Wausau. This program focuses on the Holy Family and our own families. The theme of this prayer program is that we are called to love and serve one another and to see the gifts and talents of our family members as gifts from God that can enrich us all. We will be praying to God to restore our families in love, and

teach us to be more forgiving, and to nurture the unique gifts of others. After the Program there will be time for individual reflection in front of the Holy Family portrait that will be in front of the church. Please join us in this special event praying for our families.

Holy Family Prayer Books and Prayer Cards will be provided.

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����The 150th anniversary book Feed My Lambs is available for purchase for $35 at the Parish Center.

Feed my Lambs is a Pictorial History of the Parishes of the

Diocese of La Crosse.

Discover the Catholic Faith of the people of West Central Wisconsin through the stories shared by its many parish communities in this first ever coffee table book with pull-outs! Hardcover | 464 pages

“Aside from the ‘I confess’, the Penitential Act can be performed with other formulas, for example: ‘Have mercy on us, O Lord. / For we have sinned against you. / Show us, O Lord, Your mercy. / And grant us Your salvation’. On Sunday in particular we can perform the blessing and the sprinkling of water in memory of Baptism, which cancels all sins. It is also possible, as a part of the Penitential Act, to sing the Kyrie Eléison: with the ancient Greek expression, ‘we acclaim the Lord’ – Kyrios – ‘and implore His mercy’.”

“The Sacred Scripture offers us shining examples of ‘penitent’ figures who, returning to themselves after having committed sin, find the courage to remove the mask and open themselves up to the grace that renews the heart. Let us think of King David, and the words attributed to Him in the Psalm: ‘Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions’ (Psalm 51: 3). Think of the prodigal son who returns to the father; or the invocation of the publican: ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ (Lk 18: 13). Let us think also of Saint Peter, of Zacchaeus, of the Samaritan woman. Measuring oneself with the fragility of the clay of which we are molded is an experience that strengthens us: while it makes us take stock of our weakness, it opens our heart to invoking the divine mercy that transforms and converts us. And this is what we do in the Penitential Act at the beginning of the Mass.”

Quote from Pope Francis. Audience March 1, 2018 Next week I will explain the penitential rite in more detail.

– Fr Bob


Eucharistic Adoration in the Area

Pax Christi Adoration Chapel - Marathon

��Sunday: 12 noon - 11 pm ��Tuesday: 9 am - 11 pm ��Wednesday: 9 am thru Thursday: 8 pm ��Friday: 9 am - 3 pm

St Therese - Rothschild

��Tuesday: after 8 am Mass until Friday: 8 am

��To enter after 6 pm, ring the main entrance doorbell.

��To volunteer, call 715-359-8352.

On May 5th, Join us on the “Walk to Mary”

Life is a Journey of discovery & revelation, not a destination. Along the way, we tire, toil & triumph. We empty ourselves out, making room for the Holy Spirit

to expand within us. When we arrive, tired & exhausted, we encounter the “Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help” as a refreshing oasis along life's journey, offering respite for all who are weary & thirsty.

St Matthew Parish has scheduled a bus trip to participate in the “Walk to Mary”. The bus will take us to the Shrine of St Joseph in DePere, WI where our walking pilgrimage will start & continue till we reach the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, WI. If you can’t walk the entire distance, shorter routes & a shuttle bus are available. More information about the “Walk to Mary” may be found on their website:

Cost: $25 for an Adult to walk with reduced rates for children $20 for the round trip coach bus

We will leave St Matthew Parking lot at 4:45 am & arrive back at St Matthew around 9:00 pm. We will stay for the 5:15 pm Mass with Bishop Ricken at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help and stop for Supper on the way back. Seats are still available on the bus. To Register, call Janet at: 715-842-3148 or Rosalba: 920-841-0924

St Anthony Spirituality Center Marathon

St Anthony’s is located 8 miles outside of Wausau on 40 beautiful acres of wooded land. If you are interested in attending one of the following retreats, contact St Anthony’s at 715-443-2236, or email them at and

to register for an upcoming event go to

�� April 26-29: “Domestic Church Couples Retreat – Learn to Love your Spouse More”: ($360 per couple)

�� April 27-29: “Medieval Women Mystics” - Fr Jim Bartelme (Cost: $185)

��May 8 (6:00 - 8:30 pm): “Healing the Brokenhearted” Women’s retreat (For more information & to register call 715-257-7960)


It is a great privilege to serve at the Altar of our God, (the sanctuary) and

therefore are chosen from those who display a desire for a more intimate union

with our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. Our loving Savior becomes present on the

Altar, just as He was at the Last Supper and Calvary. Accordingly, Servers have

a solemn responsibility to do their assigned duties with dignity and reverence.

Our parish has Altar Servers (boys and girls), who start after their First

Communion and continue for as long as they desire or able. All people of good

faith are welcome and those who think they may desire to serve are

encouraged to do so. All that is required is a desire to assist the priest at the

Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Announcing Altar Server Training:

If you would like to be an acolyte/altar server please come to our next

training with Deacon Tom on Saturday, May 19th at St Matthew Church.

For the Altar servers who would

like a refresher you are also


We will start at 1:30 pm till 2:30 or

3:00 pm, depending on the number

of attendants.

For any questions please call

Janet at: 715-842-3148.

Newman High School Annual Spring Plant Sale

Here is an opportunity to get your spring plants at a reasonable price, while supporting the high school students! Plants are florist quality and will be available for pick up at the High School on the Friday before Mother's Day - making an ideal gift for Mom! You can print off the order form and see more details at their website: Look for the link in the News section on the main page. There are also a limited number of forms in the back of church. Deadline to order is April 24th. For questions, call Krista at 715-571-7243. Thank you for your support!

Farmers’ Hotline

With historically high numbers of farmers declaring bankruptcy, there is also a high amount of distress. There is HELP. We offer two helplines:

The Farmers' Hotline in Madison is: 800-942-2474 Organic Valley farmer hotline number is: 888-809-9297

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SCRIP is a nationally recognized fundraising program benefiting St Matthew

Parish and the NCS System. Every little bit helps. It is a simple way to fundraise for credit toward our subsidy which in return helps with our expenses. The rebate rate for each vendor is different but can be as much as 80% for the Parish.

The Parish will be stocking some of the most common cards and will be selling these cards at the Parish Center during business hours. All you have to do is call and we will make sure what you want is available. A list of all the cards available will be in the bookrack at church and at the Parish Center. SCRIP cards can also be purchased by going to the SCRIP Office at St Michael Parish, 619 Stark St. or can be placed on-line at Special orders can be placed on Mondays and will be received by Thursdays. The SCRIP Office hours are Monday and Thursday 8-4.

How it works: You purchase gift cards at face value and use them to purchase items. It’s that simple. There are many SCRIP participating vendors. There are cards for groceries, gas, food and more. There are cards for Wal-Mart, Krist Gas, Holiday Gas, Trigs, Riiser and more���

They make great Birthday and/or Christmas gifts!

Right now, we will only sell some SCRIP cards at the Parish Center but in the future, it is our hope to sell after Masses. Please support this program and help the Parish at the same time��

Stepping On Program

Mondays, April 30 - June 11, 9:30-11:30 am

at the Aging & Disability Resource Center

Join other older adults in learning how you can take control of your life to prevent falls! Topics include: managing medications, vision changes, safe footwear, improving strength and balance, plus more. You’ll get the support you need to take charge of your life.

Call Peggy at (715) 261-6070 for more information. Suggested contribution for the 7 week session: $10.


Diocesan Annual Appeal 2017-2018

Target: $67,415

Tax returns coming in? Now’s a good time to either pay off your pledge commitment or make a pledge, large or small, if you haven’t done so. Never too late to be included in our giving family at St Matthew.

Thank you and may God reward you abundantly.

Financial Stewardship

Minimum budgeted amount needed weekly………….….…......$9,612.00 Stewardship Last Weekend….To be announced in next week’s bulletin.

Thank you for generously supporting St Matthew Parish

Scripture Readings This Week

Monday, April 23 - St George, Martyr; St Adalbert, Bishop & Martyr

Acts 11:1-18/Ps 42/Jn 10:1-10

Tuesday, April 24 - St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest & Martyr

Acts 11:19-26/Ps 87/Jn 10:22-30

Wednesday, April 25 - Saint Mark, Evangelist

1 Pt 5:5-14/Ps 89/Mk 16:15-20

Thursday, April 26

Acts 13:13-25/Ps 89/Jn 13:16-20 Friday, April 27

Acts 13:26-33/Ps 2/Jn 14:1-6

Saturday, April 28 - St Peter Chanel, Priest & Martyr St Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest Acts 13:44-52/Ps 98/Jn 14:7-14

Sunday, April 29 - 4th Sunday of Easter - World Day Prayer for Vocations

Acts 9:26-31/Ps 22/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8



Saturday April 28 4:30 pm

Sunday April 29 8:00 am

Sunday April 29 10:00 am

Liturgical Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers

Ushers and Greeters

A Peek M Peek

K Huebsch E Drake


D Mayer L Peek Jay Rolefson

R Huebsch D Krause Joey Huebsch

C Miller K Malovrh Larry Sanders

L Cummings Louise Lach

H Wanserski Mike Jilek

Lynn Meyer Bonnie Sanders

D Burish N Kipp J Pederson L Lach G Piaszak F HEIL* L HEIL*

M Jilek G Koy J Koy J Peterson J Pritzl D LEPAK* S LEPAK*

B Sanders E Tierney K Tierney(P) P Sliwicki K Sliwicki D EVERT* J WITZELING*

Children’s Liturgy of the Word


Nancy Losinski Ellen Schumann

Annette Southworth Joel Stubbe

Mary Lenard Barb Britten

Pastor - Rev. Robert Thorn Associate Pastor - Rev. Peter Kieffer Deacon - Rev. Mr. Tom Tierney Pastoral Care - Dorothy Giallombardo Secretary - Ann Graveen Finance Secretary - Barb Splinter

Office (Oficina) “Parish Center” - 221 S. 28th Avenue Behind the school - atrás de la escuela.

Hours/Horas: Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 4 pm Friday: 8 am - 12 noon

Plant Manager - Jason Seliger DRE & Hispanic RE - Joy Orozco Director Youth Ministry - Janet Nichols Bulletin Editor - Rosemary Beever Deadline Next Bulletin: 3 pm Monday

Parish Staff

Phone: 715-842-3148

Celebration of Sacraments

Marriage - Arrangements for marriage must be made six (6) months in advance with the Pastor, Fr Bob.*

Anointing of the Sick - To receive this Sacrament when seriously ill or before a scheduled surgery, call Dorothy at 715-432-5519.*

Hospital Visits - Let the hospital know when you are admitted, if you would like to have Fr Bob or Fr Peter visit you.*

Visits to the Homebound - To arrange for visits to your home, assisted living facility, or nursing home call Dorothy at 715-432-5519.*

Intercessory Prayer - Our prayer group is always ready to be of help when prayer is needed. Call Bonnie at 715-675-9876.*

* You may also call the Parish Center at 715-842-3148

Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri Sat


Mass Intentions April 23 - 29, 2018

8:00 am - 12:05 pm - 8:00 am - 8:00 am - 8:00 am - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm - 8:00 am -

10:00 am - 12 noon -

†Jerome “Jerry” Kufalk (Ladies Council) †Leslie Siewert Christian Klein †Isabelle Misudek †Stan Mijal †Olga Ramirez Bowen †Fr. Charles Shebuski & †Donald Shebuski †Gerard Skrzypchak Living & †Deceased St Matthew Parishioners †Liboris & †Guadalupe Patino

Tuesday, April 24

Building & Grounds Committee Meeting - School Cafeteria: 7 pm

Wednesday, April 25

St Matthew Youth Choir Practice - Holy Name Church: 5 - 6 pm Religious Education Class - Holy Name School: 6:15 - 7:30 pm Thursday, April 26

Jubilee House Free Community Meal - School Cafeteria: 4:30 - 6 pm Men’s Club Spring Steak Feed - (School Gym) Social: 5 pm with Dinner: 6 pm

Saturday, April 28

Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Sale after Mass

Sunday, April 29

Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Sale after Masses First Holy Communion at Holy Name of Jesus Parish

This Week

at Saint Matthew


Employment Opportunities

❇ St Adalbert Catholic School in Rosholt: Full-Time Combined 1st & 2nd Grade Teacher For more information visit our website at or call 715-677-4517.

❇ St Mary’s Catholic School in Colby: Principal Email Fr Damian Joseph Redfern at for more information.

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is always celebrated on the 4th Sunday in Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday. In today's Gospel reading, we hear about the sheep that always know the voice of the shepherd. May we also hear with ears of faith our Shepherd's call to discipleship.

Let us pray...

Jesus, good and gentle Shepherd, we pray for those among us who hear Your voice and call to a vocation in the Church. Help them to be unafraid of that calling from You of service to the universal church. Give them courage to boldly say yes to Your call. Help us to encourage them in their long journey of discernment and formation. We offer our thanks to You for calling us to discipleship in many and various ways, as married men and women, as single men and women, as priests, deacons, and professed men and women.

We ask all these things in the name of the Good Shepherd, Jesus, our savior and our brother. Amen

Mother’s Day Basket Raffle

Need a Mother’s Day gift? Buy a raffle ticket from the Hispanic Youth Group and win one (or more) of three Mother’s Day Gift Baskets! Tickets will be sold after Masses on April 28th & 29th. Tickets may be bought at the Parish Center during the week. Drawings in time for Mother’s Day!!

Proceeds from the raffle will provide financial assistance for those going on the bus trip “Walk to Mary”. Thank you for your support!

Purchase a $2.00 ticket

and a chance to win!

Basket A contains the following Gift Cards:

❀ $45 from Mandarin Fine Chinese Cusine

❀ $25 from Taqueria Tres Hermanos

❀ $25 from Kwik-Trip

❀ $10 from Old Navy

❀ a Dairy Queen frozen cake

Basket C contains the following Gift Cards:

❀ $40 from El Tequila

❀ $20 from 2510

❀ two entrées from Becca

❀ $5 from Old Navy


❀ a bottle of Caribbean Rum with real dairy cream (must be 21 years or older to collect the Rum)

❀ a lovely set of hand crafted earrings

Basket B contains the following Gift Cards:

❀ $50 from IHOP

❀ $20 from El Patron

❀ $10 from Old Navy

❀ Two entrees from Panda Express

❀ A haircut and color from Fantastic Sams

❀ a Dairy Queen frozen cake

Saint Matthew Men’s Club Spring Steak Feed Members, wives and guests

Thursday April 26, 2018 in the School Gym Social 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm

Steak or Chicken Breast, Baked Potato, Salad, Dessert and refreshments

$13.00 per person (includes $1 for 50/50 raffle)

RSVP by Sunday April 22rd

(Include number of people and if you would like a Steak or Chicken Breast.) RSVP to: Glen Yeager 715-848-1106 or Mike Bourguignon 715-241-0030 or Joel Stubbe,

If you have not paid dues for 2018, dues are $5.


This was a great year for our soup suppers! We served 2,500 people! Because of all the wonderful

people who came and helped with Soup Suppers, we had another successful year. A big thank you to all of you. Also, thanks to all those who brought desserts. They were enjoyed by all. Thank you to everyone who came and shared our meal. It is always our pleasure to serve you. See you next year!

The Soup Committee

Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive

After all Masses next weekend, April 28th & 29th, the Knights of Columbus is holding their annual “Tootsie Roll Drive”. Cognitively Disabled Individuals will benefit from any donations given for the Tootsie Rolls!
