MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


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  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and otherpolitical offices?

    Absolutelycertain to vote

    Very likely About 50-50 N

    Likely Voters 69 20 10 1854Male 72 20 7 865Female 67 20 13 990

    Suburban White Female 68 20 13 404Single White Female 67 22 11 109Married White Female 68 20 13 448Age: 18-29 59 22 19 301Age: 30-44 65 24 12 457Age: 45-64 71 20 9 700Age: 65+ 80 15 4 396Ethnicity - White 70 20 10 1510Ethnicity - Hispanic 60 22 18 165Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 74 19 8 238Ethnicity - Other 52 33 15 68Urban 67 22 11 458Suburban 70 19 11 923

    Rural 70 22 8 474Democrats (no lean) 71 22 7 710Independents (no lean) 62 23 15 538Republicans (no lean) 75 16 10 606Democrats (lean) 70 23 7 844Independents (lean) 55 23 22 274Republicans (lean) 75 16 9 729Liberal (1-3) 71 23 6 507Moderate (4) 63 23 15 561Conservative (5-7) 76 17 7 719Liberal (1-2) 73 22 5 341Moderate (3-5) 63 24 13 937Conservative (6-7) 82 12 6 510

    Tea Party - Supporter 76 18 6 533Tea Party - Not Supporter 67 21 12 1318Sample A 71 20 9 900Sample B 68 21 11 954


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    2: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?





    DontKnow /



    Likely Voters 17 25 16 39 3 1240Male 19 22 15 42 3 586

    Female 16 28 16 37 3 654Suburban White Female 11 25 15 47 2 263Single White Female 16 31 14 35 4 75Married White Female 14 19 20 44 3 307Age: 18-29 20 30 15 30 4 209Age: 30-44 19 27 19 32 4 325Age: 45-64 16 22 13 45 3 450Age: 65+ 14 23 17 45 1 256Ethnicity - White 14 23 16 45 3 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 23 23 13 39 2 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 39 15 7 5 172Ethnicity - Other 19 36 13 27 5 41Urban 27 27 16 26 4 305

    Suburban 17 23 14 43 3 611Rural 9 26 18 45 2 324Democrats (no lean) 34 41 15 8 3 453Independents (no lean) 13 23 16 44 4 376Republicans (no lean) 2 10 16 69 3 411Democrats (lean) 33 41 13 9 3 548Independents (lean) 8 21 19 47 4 185Republicans (lean) 3 9 16 69 2 505Liberal (1-3) 41 35 10 13 1 312Moderate (4) 14 32 21 28 5 389Conservative (5-7) 5 13 13 67 2 489Liberal (1-2) 49 32 9 9 1 200Moderate (3-5) 14 33 19 31 3 645

    Conservative (6-7) 5 8 10 75 2 344Tea Party - Supporter 10 14 10 63 3 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 30 18 29 3 865Sample A 16 24 16 40 3 614Sample B 18 26 15 38 3 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    2: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?





    DontKnow /



    Likely Voters 17 25 16 39 3 1240Protestant 15 21 15 47 2 337

    Roman Catholic 13 27 16 41 3 301Ath./Agn./None 19 31 12 34 4 258Something Else 21 23 18 34 4 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 19 16 46 2 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 29 15 35 4 749Income: Under 50k 17 29 16 34 4 519Income: 50k-100k 17 26 15 40 2 384Income: 100k+ 17 19 15 45 3 337Educ: < College 14 25 17 41 3 801Educ: Bachelors degree 19 23 15 39 3 290Educ: Post-grad 29 31 10 29 1 149White Collar 18 24 13 42 3 578Blue Collar 18 21 19 40 2 487

    Military HH 16 21 15 45 2 234Not Military HH 17 26 16 38 3 1007Public Sector Union 25 34 13 26 1 59Private Sector Union 17 19 37 27 0 50Not in Labor Union 17 25 15 40 3 1131Cell Only/Mostly 18 22 14 41 5 511Dual Use 16 27 16 40 2 446LL Only/Mostly 18 25 18 37 2 263Competitive Senate States 16 22 21 41 1 254All Senate States 14 26 15 43 2 672Dem Incumbent States 10 30 16 43 2 341GOP Incumbent States 18 21 13 44 3 225New England 20 25 6 46 3 69

    Mid-Atlantic 15 36 21 27 2 166East North Central 11 29 21 37 2 202West North Central 18 20 8 48 6 77South Atlantic 18 24 15 39 4 245East South Central 19 35 13 32 1 90West South Central 15 10 22 49 4 122Mountain 10 21 11 53 6 97Pacific 28 23 11 36 2 172Blue States 18 28 14 38 3 818Red States 16 22 16 42 4 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    3: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?

    Approve Disapprove Dont Know /No Opinion


    Likely Voters 42 55 3 1240Male 41 57 3 586Female 44 53 3 654Suburban White Female 36 62 2 263

    Single White Female 47 49 4 75Married White Female 33 64 3 307Age: 18-29 51 45 4 209Age: 30-44 46 50 4 325Age: 45-64 39 58 3 450Age: 65+ 37 61 1 256Ethnicity - White 37 61 3 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 46 52 2 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 73 22 5 172Ethnicity - Other 55 40 5 41Urban 54 42 4 305Suburban 40 57 3 611Rural 35 63 2 324

    Democrats (no lean) 75 22 3 453Independents (no lean) 36 60 4 376Republicans (no lean) 12 85 3 411Democrats (lean) 74 23 3 548Independents (lean) 30 66 4 185Republicans (lean) 12 85 2 505Liberal (1-3) 76 22 1 312Moderate (4) 46 49 5 389Conservative (5-7) 18 80 2 489Liberal (1-2) 81 18 1 200Moderate (3-5) 47 50 3 645Conservative (6-7) 13 85 2 344Tea Party - Supporter 24 73 3 374

    Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 47 3 865Sample A 40 56 3 614Sample B 44 53 3 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    3: Do you approve or disapprove of the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010?

    Approve Disapprove Dont Know /No Opinion


    Likely Voters 42 55 3 1240Protestant 36 62 2 337Roman Catholic 40 57 3 301Ath./Agn./None 50 46 4 258

    Something Else 44 52 4 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 62 2 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 50 4 749Income: Under 50k 46 50 4 519Income: 50k-100k 43 55 2 384Income: 100k+ 36 60 3 337Educ: < College 39 58 3 801Educ: Bachelors degree 43 54 3 290Educ: Post-grad 60 39 1 149White Collar 43 54 3 578Blue Collar 39 59 2 487Military HH 38 60 2 234Not Military HH 43 53 3 1007

    Public Sector Union 59 40 1 59Private Sector Union 36 64 0 50Not in Labor Union 42 55 3 1131Cell Only/Mostly 40 55 5 511Dual Use 43 56 2 446LL Only/Mostly 44 55 2 263Competitive Senate States 38 62 1 254All Senate States 40 58 2 672Dem Incumbent States 40 58 2 341GOP Incumbent States 40 57 3 225New England 45 52 3 69Mid-Atlantic 50 48 2 166East North Central 40 58 2 202

    West North Central 38 56 6 77South Atlantic 42 54 4 245East South Central 54 45 1 90West South Central 25 71 4 122Mountain 30 64 6 97Pacific 51 47 2 172Blue States 45 52 3 818Red States 38 59 4 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    4: When it comes to handling healthcare, which political party do you trust more?

    Democratic Party Republican Party NLikely Voters 50 50 1240Male 49 51 586Female 51 49 654Suburban White Female 43 57 263Single White Female 55 45 75

    Married White Female 38 62 307Age: 18-29 61 39 209Age: 30-44 54 46 325Age: 45-64 48 52 450Age: 65+ 40 60 256Ethnicity - White 44 56 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 55 45 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 86 14 172Ethnicity - Other 61 39 41Urban 66 34 305Suburban 48 52 611Rural 40 60 324Democrats (no lean) 93 7 453

    Independents (no lean) 47 53 376Republicans (no lean) 5 95 411Democrats (lean) 93 7 548Independents (lean) 43 57 185Republicans (lean) 7 93 505Liberal (1-3) 86 14 312Moderate (4) 62 38 389Conservative (5-7) 18 82 489Liberal (1-2) 89 11 200Moderate (3-5) 57 43 645Conservative (6-7) 15 85 344Tea Party - Supporter 22 78 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 38 865

    Sample A 50 50 614Sample B 50 50 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    4: When it comes to handling healthcare, which political party do you trust more?

    Democratic Party Republican Party NLikely Voters 50 50 1240Protestant 43 57 337Roman Catholic 42 58 301Ath./Agn./None 59 41 258Something Else 58 42 342

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 58 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 56 44 749Income: Under 50k 57 43 519Income: 50k-100k 46 54 384Income: 100k+ 45 55 337Educ: < College 48 52 801Educ: Bachelors degree 50 50 290Educ: Post-grad 62 38 149White Collar 48 52 578Blue Collar 50 50 487Military HH 41 59 234Not Military HH 52 48 1007Public Sector Union 65 35 59

    Private Sector Union 45 55 50Not in Labor Union 50 50 1131Cell Only/Mostly 48 52 511Dual Use 53 47 446LL Only/Mostly 47 53 263Competitive Senate States 48 52 254All Senate States 51 49 672Dem Incumbent States 50 50 341GOP Incumbent States 54 46 225New England 61 39 69Mid-Atlantic 51 49 166East North Central 51 49 202West North Central 39 61 77

    South Atlantic 50 50 245East South Central 60 40 90West South Central 47 53 122Mountain 40 60 97Pacific 52 48 172Blue States 50 50 818Red States 50 50 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    5: What would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law?

    Congressshouldexpandthe law

    Congressshould let

    the lawtake effect


    changes toimprovethe law


    delay anddefund the



    repeal thelaw


    Likely Voters 11 18 37 5 28 1240Male 12 17 35 5 32 586Female 11 19 40 5 25 654Suburban White Female 8 14 40 7 31 263Single White Female 12 20 45 1 22 75Married White Female 11 15 35 7 33 307Age: 18-29 18 22 35 2 22 209Age: 30-44 15 21 31 5 27 325Age: 45-64 9 16 38 6 32 450Age: 65+ 6 14 46 5 30 256Ethnicity - White 9 16 37 6 33 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 16 19 34 8 22 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 30 41 1 3 172

    Ethnicity - Other 10 23 51 3 13 41Urban 20 25 35 3 18 305Suburban 9 17 37 5 31 611Rural 8 13 40 7 33 324Democrats (no lean) 23 30 41 2 5 453Independents (no lean) 8 16 39 5 32 376Republicans (no lean) 2 7 31 8 51 411Democrats (lean) 22 30 41 2 5 548Independents (lean) 6 10 42 5 37 185Republicans (lean) 2 8 32 8 50 505Liberal (1-3) 25 29 37 2 7 312Moderate (4) 10 22 45 4 19 389Conservative (5-7) 4 8 29 7 52 489

    Liberal (1-2) 33 30 30 3 4 200Moderate (3-5) 9 22 44 4 21 645Conservative (6-7) 4 4 24 7 60 344Tea Party - Supporter 9 11 25 6 49 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 13 21 42 4 19 865Sample A 13 16 38 4 30 614Sample B 10 20 37 5 27 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    5: What would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law?

    Congressshouldexpandthe law

    Congressshould let

    the lawtake effect


    changes toimprovethe law


    delay anddefund the



    repeal thelaw


    Likely Voters 11 18 37 5 28 1240Protestant 10 16 36 7 32 337Roman Catholic 7 18 37 6 32 301Ath./Agn./None 14 20 36 3 26 258Something Else 15 17 40 4 24 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 19 32 7 31 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 17 41 3 27 749Income: Under 50k 11 16 44 4 26 519Income: 50k-100k 10 21 37 4 28 384Income: 100k+ 13 18 28 8 33 337Educ: < College 11 16 39 5 30 801Educ: Bachelors degree 11 21 33 6 29 290Educ: Post-grad 18 22 36 5 19 149

    White Collar 11 21 33 5 31 578Blue Collar 14 17 34 6 30 487Military HH 12 15 33 4 36 234Not Military HH 11 19 38 5 27 1007Public Sector Union 21 25 31 3 20 59Private Sector Union 7 20 45 6 21 50Not in Labor Union 11 18 37 5 29 1131Cell Only/Mostly 15 16 34 6 30 511Dual Use 7 20 40 5 29 446LL Only/Mostly 14 19 37 5 26 263Competitive Senate States 13 15 37 6 30 254All Senate States 12 15 39 6 29 672Dem Incumbent States 11 14 36 6 34 341

    GOP Incumbent States 14 12 46 4 24 225New England 2 25 39 10 24 69Mid-Atlantic 12 24 39 6 19 166East North Central 8 17 40 6 29 202West North Central 12 19 29 6 34 77South Atlantic 11 17 38 3 30 245East South Central 16 14 50 4 16 90West South Central 14 11 37 3 35 122Mountain 10 9 36 7 38 97Pacific 15 24 28 4 29 172Blue States 10 21 34 6 28 818Red States 13 12 42 3 30 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    6: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think thesecampaigns are talking about the issue of health care

    Too much About theright amount

    Not enough Dont Know/ No



    Likely Voters 12 35 33 19 614Male 13 40 33 14 299

    Female 12 31 33 24 315Suburban White Female 8 36 29 26 131Single White Female 19 47 19 15 40Married White Female 7 34 32 27 141Age: 18-29 17 43 17 22 117Age: 30-44 14 42 27 17 154Age: 45-64 11 27 41 22 209Age: 65+ 8 34 43 15 134Ethnicity - White 9 37 34 19 495Ethnicity - Hispanic 17 39 37 6 47Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 29 26 20 92Urban 9 37 30 24 158Suburban 10 41 30 19 299

    Rural 19 24 43 14 157Democrats (no lean) 19 41 23 17 232Independents (no lean) 9 32 40 19 192Republicans (no lean) 7 32 39 23 191Democrats (lean) 18 41 25 16 271Independents (lean) 7 38 39 16 98Republicans (lean) 7 29 41 23 243Liberal (1-3) 16 38 33 14 160Moderate (4) 8 42 29 21 176Conservative (5-7) 13 31 38 19 263Liberal (1-2) 12 46 36 7 103Moderate (3-5) 10 34 33 23 306Conservative (6-7) 16 33 35 16 189

    Tea Party - Supporter 9 37 38 16 184Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 35 31 20 428Sample A 12 35 33 19 614


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    6: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think thesecampaigns are talking about the issue of health care

    Too much About theright amount

    Not enough Dont Know/ No



    Likely Voters 12 35 33 19 614Protestant 10 31 35 24 159

    Roman Catholic 11 33 41 15 143Ath./Agn./None 12 37 29 21 138Something Else 15 40 28 17 174Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 34 31 20 234Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 36 34 19 380Income: Under 50k 16 29 36 19 252Income: 50k-100k 8 32 39 21 198Income: 100k+ 11 50 22 17 163Educ: < College 12 31 36 21 394Educ: Bachelors degree 12 44 27 18 151Educ: Post-grad 15 39 33 13 69White Collar 12 38 34 16 278Blue Collar 12 33 37 18 250

    Military HH 12 29 42 17 118Not Military HH 12 37 31 20 495Public Sector Union 18 25 47 9 33Private Sector Union 8 48 33 10 36Not in Labor Union 12 35 32 20 545Cell Only/Mostly 13 34 31 23 263Dual Use 14 38 34 14 205LL Only/Mostly 8 35 37 20 140Competitive Senate States 13 35 27 25 124All Senate States 12 33 36 19 342Dem Incumbent States 6 35 39 20 187GOP Incumbent States 22 28 34 16 106New England 8 58 19 15 32

    Mid-Atlantic 13 33 32 21 67East North Central 5 35 41 19 101West North Central 4 45 36 15 39South Atlantic 12 40 31 17 139East South Central 38 18 31 13 36West South Central 15 27 33 25 63Mountain 8 27 39 27 50Pacific 16 36 30 18 86Blue States 9 37 36 18 408Red States 16 33 28 22 233


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    7: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think thesecampaigns are talking about the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010

    Too much About theright amount

    Not enough Dont Know/ No



    Likely Voters 19 32 34 16 627Male 24 30 34 11 287

    Female 14 33 33 20 339Suburban White Female 17 26 39 18 133Single White Female 8 25 35 32 34Married White Female 13 26 37 24 165Age: 18-29 20 35 24 21 93Age: 30-44 19 42 27 12 171Age: 45-64 15 31 39 15 240Age: 65+ 25 17 39 19 122Ethnicity - White 18 29 36 17 505Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 37 23 7 70Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 50 25 8 80Urban 14 37 33 17 147Suburban 22 28 36 14 312

    Rural 17 35 31 18 168Democrats (no lean) 23 37 27 13 222Independents (no lean) 23 32 28 18 184Republicans (no lean) 12 26 45 17 221Democrats (lean) 26 35 26 12 277Independents (lean) 20 26 27 28 87Republicans (lean) 10 30 44 16 262Liberal (1-3) 24 33 30 12 152Moderate (4) 20 37 27 17 213Conservative (5-7) 17 29 44 11 226Liberal (1-2) 23 39 26 12 97Moderate (3-5) 20 34 30 15 338Conservative (6-7) 17 26 48 10 155

    Tea Party - Supporter 11 30 50 10 190Tea Party - Not Supporter 22 33 27 18 436Sample B 19 32 34 16 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    7: Thinking about the campaigns for U.S. Congress and/or U.S. Senate taking place in your area, do you think thesecampaigns are talking about the health care legislation passed by Barack Obama and Congress in 2010

    Too much About theright amount

    Not enough Dont Know/ No



    Likely Voters 19 32 34 16 627Protestant 19 25 39 17 178

    Roman Catholic 16 36 36 13 158Ath./Agn./None 15 29 36 21 120Something Else 25 35 25 15 168Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 37 29 13 258Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 28 37 18 369Income: Under 50k 16 28 33 23 267Income: 50k-100k 22 37 28 14 185Income: 100k+ 21 31 41 8 174Educ: < College 19 29 33 19 407Educ: Bachelors degree 16 36 38 9 139Educ: Post-grad 22 37 31 10 81White Collar 20 38 32 11 299Blue Collar 18 25 40 17 237

    Military HH 16 28 36 21 115Not Military HH 20 33 33 15 511Public Sector Union 29 33 31 7 26Not in Labor Union 18 32 34 17 586Cell Only/Mostly 17 34 31 18 248Dual Use 13 33 39 14 241LL Only/Mostly 27 28 29 16 123Competitive Senate States 21 35 33 12 131All Senate States 20 29 37 13 330Dem Incumbent States 16 35 40 9 155GOP Incumbent States 24 27 34 16 119New England 16 19 58 7 37Mid-Atlantic 7 37 31 25 99

    East North Central 15 28 35 22 101West North Central 35 26 28 12 38South Atlantic 24 27 33 17 106East South Central 29 29 24 17 54West South Central 13 27 48 13 59Mountain 15 57 26 2 46Pacific 24 35 29 11 86Blue States 18 32 34 16 411Red States 19 34 32 15 223


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    8: Over the course of the next year, do you think the 2010 healthcare law will get better, stay about the same, or get worse?

    Get better Stay about thesame

    Get worse N

    Likely Voters 28 28 44 1240Male 28 28 45 586Female 29 28 43 654Suburban White Female 19 32 49 263

    Single White Female 28 27 46 75Married White Female 21 28 51 307Age: 18-29 34 33 33 209Age: 30-44 32 33 35 325Age: 45-64 27 24 49 450Age: 65+ 23 24 52 256Ethnicity - White 23 28 49 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 37 25 38 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 60 27 14 172Ethnicity - Other 22 44 35 41Urban 39 31 30 305Suburban 25 30 44 611Rural 25 21 54 324

    Democrats (no lean) 52 32 16 453Independents (no lean) 22 32 47 376Republicans (no lean) 9 20 71 411Democrats (lean) 50 34 16 548Independents (lean) 18 29 52 185Republicans (lean) 9 21 71 505Liberal (1-3) 50 35 16 312Moderate (4) 30 34 36 389Conservative (5-7) 14 19 67 489Liberal (1-2) 58 33 9 200Moderate (3-5) 29 33 38 645Conservative (6-7) 11 16 74 344Tea Party - Supporter 16 18 66 374

    Tea Party - Not Supporter 34 32 34 865Sample A 29 29 42 614Sample B 28 27 45 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    8: Over the course of the next year, do you think the 2010 healthcare law will get better, stay about the same, or get worse?

    Get better Stay about thesame

    Get worse N

    Likely Voters 28 28 44 1240Protestant 24 25 52 337Roman Catholic 26 30 44 301Ath./Agn./None 33 27 40 258

    Something Else 32 30 38 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 27 23 50 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 29 31 39 749Income: Under 50k 30 27 43 519Income: 50k-100k 29 30 41 384Income: 100k+ 25 27 48 337Educ: < College 27 28 46 801Educ: Bachelors degree 28 28 44 290Educ: Post-grad 39 30 31 149White Collar 29 26 44 578Blue Collar 25 31 44 487Military HH 29 21 51 234Not Military HH 28 30 42 1007

    Public Sector Union 42 28 29 59Private Sector Union 25 42 33 50Not in Labor Union 28 27 45 1131Cell Only/Mostly 28 28 44 511Dual Use 27 32 41 446LL Only/Mostly 32 22 46 263Competitive Senate States 30 23 48 254All Senate States 27 27 46 672Dem Incumbent States 24 31 44 341GOP Incumbent States 32 19 49 225New England 26 28 46 69Mid-Atlantic 29 33 38 166East North Central 25 36 39 202

    West North Central 28 24 47 77South Atlantic 25 34 42 245East South Central 42 12 46 90West South Central 23 19 58 122Mountain 30 18 52 97Pacific 35 28 37 172Blue States 29 31 41 818Red States 27 24 48 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    9: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will affect you and your family? Will it make things

    A lotbetter

    A littlebetter

    Have noeffect

    A littleworse

    A lotworse


    Likely Voters 11 16 27 22 25 1240Male 12 16 24 21 28 586Female 9 16 29 22 23 654Suburban White Female 7 12 31 27 23 263

    Single White Female 7 24 21 30 17 75Married White Female 7 9 30 24 29 307Age: 18-29 14 24 28 18 17 209Age: 30-44 14 21 24 19 22 325Age: 45-64 10 13 25 21 31 450Age: 65+ 4 10 32 29 25 256Ethnicity - White 7 13 27 24 29 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 18 17 19 26 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 28 32 29 9 3 172Ethnicity - Other 12 16 29 17 26 41Urban 16 21 28 16 19 305Suburban 9 16 26 24 25 611Rural 9 12 25 21 32 324

    Democrats (no lean) 21 26 36 13 4 453Independents (no lean) 5 16 28 24 28 376Republicans (no lean) 4 5 15 29 46 411Democrats (lean) 19 27 36 13 5 548Independents (lean) 4 12 31 25 29 185Republicans (lean) 3 6 15 30 46 505Liberal (1-3) 22 28 30 15 5 312Moderate (4) 10 14 38 20 18 389Conservative (5-7) 5 10 15 29 42 489Liberal (1-2) 30 29 25 15 2 200Moderate (3-5) 9 16 35 21 19 645Conservative (6-7) 3 9 11 29 49 344Tea Party - Supporter 8 11 13 27 41 374

    Tea Party - Not Supporter 12 18 32 19 18 865Sample A 10 19 25 22 24 614Sample B 11 13 28 21 27 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    9: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will affect you and your family? Will it make things

    A lotbetter

    A littlebetter

    Have noeffect

    A littleworse

    A lotworse


    Likely Voters 11 16 27 22 25 1240Protestant 12 10 22 28 28 337Roman Catholic 10 13 32 20 26 301Ath./Agn./None 9 20 28 21 23 258

    Something Else 11 22 25 18 24 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 15 17 24 30 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 17 33 20 22 749Income: Under 50k 11 18 24 21 25 519Income: 50k-100k 12 16 25 25 22 384Income: 100k+ 8 12 32 19 29 337Educ: < College 10 16 26 22 27 801Educ: Bachelors degree 11 15 26 23 24 290Educ: Post-grad 14 21 30 18 18 149White Collar 11 16 26 20 26 578Blue Collar 11 14 26 23 26 487Military HH 11 13 25 21 31 234Not Military HH 10 17 27 22 24 1007

    Public Sector Union 18 22 34 14 13 59Private Sector Union 14 20 32 21 14 50Not in Labor Union 10 16 26 22 26 1131Cell Only/Mostly 11 17 23 22 27 511Dual Use 9 17 28 22 24 446LL Only/Mostly 13 13 27 21 26 263Competitive Senate States 10 13 29 17 31 254All Senate States 9 16 27 22 26 672Dem Incumbent States 5 15 31 23 26 341GOP Incumbent States 15 17 23 22 24 225New England 11 17 21 16 35 69Mid-Atlantic 12 18 31 22 18 166East North Central 8 12 31 22 27 202

    West North Central 4 22 12 26 36 77South Atlantic 12 15 25 25 23 245East South Central 16 24 25 16 18 90West South Central 11 12 25 24 29 122Mountain 4 7 33 23 33 97Pacific 14 21 26 17 22 172Blue States 10 17 27 22 24 818Red States 10 15 27 21 27 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    10: In the long run, how do you think the health care law will affect how much you pay in total healthcare costs, such asappointment co-payments, monthly premiums, deductibles and drug co-payments? Will it make health care





    About thesame



    Much lessexpensive


    Likely Voters 34 28 27 8 3 1240Male 36 31 24 7 3 586

    Female 32 26 31 9 2 654Suburban White Female 33 29 31 5 2 263Single White Female 21 37 28 9 4 75Married White Female 44 23 24 7 1 307Age: 18-29 27 27 33 12 2 209Age: 30-44 34 27 26 9 4 325Age: 45-64 35 28 27 7 3 450Age: 65+ 37 32 24 5 0 256Ethnicity - White 37 29 24 7 2 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 38 28 22 9 4 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 22 46 16 4 172Ethnicity - Other 31 35 29 4 1 41Urban 29 27 33 7 4 305

    Suburban 33 30 28 7 3 611Rural 41 27 22 9 1 324Democrats (no lean) 11 29 41 13 5 453Independents (no lean) 36 27 28 7 2 376Republicans (no lean) 57 28 11 3 1 411Democrats (lean) 11 28 42 13 5 548Independents (lean) 40 30 24 6 0 185Republicans (lean) 56 28 13 2 0 505Liberal (1-3) 17 30 33 15 6 312Moderate (4) 21 29 41 8 2 389Conservative (5-7) 55 27 13 4 1 489Liberal (1-2) 16 31 27 17 8 200Moderate (3-5) 24 30 35 9 2 645

    Conservative (6-7) 62 23 13 1 1 344Tea Party - Supporter 57 26 12 4 2 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 29 34 10 3 865Sample A 33 30 27 7 3 614Sample B 35 27 28 9 2 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    10: In the long run, how do you think the health care law will affect how much you pay in total healthcare costs, such asappointment co-payments, monthly premiums, deductibles and drug co-payments? Will it make health care





    About thesame



    Much lessexpensive


    Likely Voters 34 28 27 8 3 1240Protestant 40 23 27 8 3 337

    Roman Catholic 31 34 26 8 2 301Ath./Agn./None 31 29 28 10 3 258Something Else 33 29 29 5 3 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 28 21 8 2 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 29 29 32 8 3 749Income: Under 50k 33 28 28 7 4 519Income: 50k-100k 32 31 23 11 4 384Income: 100k+ 38 26 30 5 0 337Educ: < College 35 27 27 7 3 801Educ: Bachelors degree 33 30 25 10 2 290Educ: Post-grad 29 30 31 8 2 149White Collar 34 29 25 10 2 578Blue Collar 36 26 30 6 3 487

    Military HH 44 25 20 7 4 234Not Military HH 32 29 29 8 2 1007Public Sector Union 29 33 34 2 2 59Private Sector Union 36 34 14 11 4 50Not in Labor Union 34 28 28 8 3 1131Cell Only/Mostly 36 28 25 8 3 511Dual Use 32 29 29 6 3 446LL Only/Mostly 35 25 28 10 2 263Competitive Senate States 34 29 25 9 3 254All Senate States 32 30 27 8 3 672Dem Incumbent States 28 34 29 7 2 341GOP Incumbent States 38 21 29 7 5 225New England 39 17 32 11 1 69

    Mid-Atlantic 23 37 26 12 1 166East North Central 34 32 26 7 1 202West North Central 36 28 22 12 1 77South Atlantic 37 28 26 5 4 245East South Central 32 20 27 13 8 90West South Central 40 27 28 3 2 122Mountain 33 27 34 2 4 97Pacific 33 27 28 10 2 172Blue States 33 29 27 8 2 818Red States 34 28 28 7 4 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    11: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will affect the availability of medical benefits you receive from yourhealth insurance, such as doctors appointments, medical treatments and prescription drugs? Will it make health care





    About thesame



    Much lessavailable


    Likely Voters 10 15 33 22 21 1240Male 11 16 30 22 21 586

    Female 8 14 36 21 21 654Suburban White Female 5 9 38 27 21 263Single White Female 7 24 33 25 11 75Married White Female 6 8 33 23 30 307Age: 18-29 19 20 31 16 13 209Age: 30-44 14 15 34 19 18 325Age: 45-64 6 16 33 21 24 450Age: 65+ 3 7 34 30 26 256Ethnicity - White 7 13 31 25 24 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 15 27 18 20 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 24 43 6 2 172Ethnicity - Other 7 11 46 11 25 41Urban 14 17 37 18 14 305

    Suburban 8 12 36 23 21 611Rural 9 17 25 21 28 324Democrats (no lean) 19 22 45 10 4 453Independents (no lean) 5 12 32 26 25 376Republicans (no lean) 3 9 21 30 37 411Democrats (lean) 18 22 44 12 4 548Independents (lean) 3 10 35 27 26 185Republicans (lean) 3 9 20 30 38 505Liberal (1-3) 20 24 38 15 3 312Moderate (4) 6 14 48 18 15 389Conservative (5-7) 7 9 19 30 36 489Liberal (1-2) 27 24 36 12 2 200Moderate (3-5) 5 18 42 20 14 645

    Conservative (6-7) 9 4 15 31 42 344Tea Party - Supporter 12 11 18 23 37 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 16 40 21 14 865Sample A 10 11 36 23 20 614Sample B 9 18 31 20 22 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    11: In the long run, how do you think the healthcare law will affect the availability of medical benefits you receive from yourhealth insurance, such as doctors appointments, medical treatments and prescription drugs? Will it make health care





    About thesame



    Much lessavailable


    Likely Voters 10 15 33 22 21 1240Protestant 9 10 33 24 25 337

    Roman Catholic 5 17 29 24 24 301Ath./Agn./None 8 18 37 20 17 258Something Else 15 14 34 19 18 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 14 26 22 27 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 15 38 21 17 749Income: Under 50k 12 17 34 19 18 519Income: 50k-100k 9 17 32 25 18 384Income: 100k+ 7 8 34 23 29 337Educ: < College 10 15 33 21 21 801Educ: Bachelors degree 9 12 35 23 21 290Educ: Post-grad 11 18 32 19 20 149White Collar 11 14 28 23 25 578Blue Collar 7 14 37 24 18 487

    Military HH 9 12 25 22 31 234Not Military HH 10 15 35 21 19 1007Public Sector Union 15 14 35 23 13 59Private Sector Union 15 10 37 23 15 50Not in Labor Union 9 15 33 21 22 1131Cell Only/Mostly 11 16 33 22 18 511Dual Use 9 13 33 23 22 446LL Only/Mostly 7 13 34 21 25 263Competitive Senate States 9 15 27 27 22 254All Senate States 10 13 31 24 22 672Dem Incumbent States 5 10 36 27 21 341GOP Incumbent States 17 13 26 19 25 225New England 10 19 27 13 31 69

    Mid-Atlantic 9 15 38 19 19 166East North Central 7 12 41 21 19 202West North Central 7 26 21 22 24 77South Atlantic 8 14 37 22 19 245East South Central 25 22 10 22 21 90West South Central 8 8 33 28 23 122Mountain 7 5 40 20 28 97Pacific 11 17 31 23 18 172Blue States 8 16 34 21 21 818Red States 11 12 34 21 22 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    12: In the long run, how do you think healthcare law will affect the quality of the medical care you receive? Will it makehealth care



    About thesame






    Likely Voters 7 13 39 19 23 1240Male 7 16 34 20 23 586

    Female 8 10 42 17 22 654Suburban White Female 3 8 46 21 22 263Single White Female 4 13 43 20 19 75Married White Female 3 7 40 21 29 307Age: 18-29 18 15 35 13 19 209Age: 30-44 11 17 37 17 18 325Age: 45-64 3 11 41 19 25 450Age: 65+ 3 9 38 24 27 256Ethnicity - White 4 11 38 21 25 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 13 17 32 15 24 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 25 22 45 6 3 172Ethnicity - Other 7 11 51 9 23 41Urban 9 15 44 14 17 305

    Suburban 5 13 42 19 22 611Rural 10 10 28 22 29 324Democrats (no lean) 13 24 52 7 4 453Independents (no lean) 2 10 39 22 27 376Republicans (no lean) 5 3 24 28 39 411Democrats (lean) 12 22 52 8 6 548Independents (lean) 1 8 38 23 29 185Republicans (lean) 5 4 24 28 39 505Liberal (1-3) 14 24 45 13 5 312Moderate (4) 2 14 54 16 13 389Conservative (5-7) 8 5 23 25 39 489Liberal (1-2) 20 28 39 11 3 200Moderate (3-5) 4 13 51 17 16 645

    Conservative (6-7) 8 5 15 28 44 344Tea Party - Supporter 8 10 19 22 41 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 14 47 17 15 865Sample A 7 13 39 20 21 614Sample B 8 13 38 17 24 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    12: In the long run, how do you think healthcare law will affect the quality of the medical care you receive? Will it makehealth care



    About thesame






    Likely Voters 7 13 39 19 23 1240Protestant 5 12 37 20 27 337

    Roman Catholic 8 8 42 19 23 301Ath./Agn./None 4 15 41 18 22 258Something Else 12 16 35 18 20 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 12 30 19 29 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 13 44 18 19 749Income: Under 50k 9 14 38 17 21 519Income: 50k-100k 7 15 39 19 19 384Income: 100k+ 4 9 39 20 28 337Educ: < College 7 13 38 18 25 801Educ: Bachelors degree 7 14 37 22 20 290Educ: Post-grad 8 12 47 16 16 149White Collar 8 12 37 19 24 578Blue Collar 6 13 37 21 23 487

    Military HH 6 14 29 20 32 234Not Military HH 8 13 41 18 20 1007Public Sector Union 12 11 45 18 14 59Private Sector Union 13 10 38 17 21 50Not in Labor Union 7 13 38 19 23 1131Cell Only/Mostly 7 14 37 19 22 511Dual Use 7 11 39 20 24 446LL Only/Mostly 9 13 38 17 24 263Competitive Senate States 7 14 36 21 23 254All Senate States 8 12 37 20 23 672Dem Incumbent States 3 10 42 22 23 341GOP Incumbent States 15 14 30 19 23 225New England 2 21 30 17 30 69

    Mid-Atlantic 11 10 46 13 20 166East North Central 3 13 43 19 21 202West North Central 5 7 41 29 18 77South Atlantic 7 16 37 16 24 245East South Central 24 15 25 16 20 90West South Central 7 10 34 25 25 122Mountain 1 9 41 21 27 97Pacific 8 13 41 18 21 172Blue States 6 13 40 18 23 818Red States 10 13 36 19 22 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    13: Now thinking about Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, do you think Medicare will requiremajor changes or minor changes? If you think Medicare is fine the way it is and does not require any changes at all, pleasesay so.

    Major changes Minor changes No changes NLikely Voters 36 43 21 1240Male 39 43 18 586Female 34 42 23 654

    Suburban White Female 32 40 28 263Single White Female 34 40 26 75Married White Female 35 48 17 307Age: 18-29 43 41 16 209Age: 30-44 43 40 17 325Age: 45-64 35 44 21 450Age: 65+ 24 45 30 256Ethnicity - White 35 43 22 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 59 23 18 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 46 19 172Ethnicity - Other 53 27 20 41Urban 34 41 25 305Suburban 37 42 21 611

    Rural 37 45 18 324Democrats (no lean) 26 51 23 453Independents (no lean) 42 37 21 376Republicans (no lean) 43 39 18 411Democrats (lean) 28 49 24 548Independents (lean) 48 32 20 185Republicans (lean) 41 41 18 505Liberal (1-3) 31 47 22 312Moderate (4) 32 43 25 389Conservative (5-7) 43 40 17 489Liberal (1-2) 35 48 17 200Moderate (3-5) 32 44 25 645Conservative (6-7) 46 38 17 344

    Tea Party - Supporter 48 36 16 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 31 46 23 865Sample A 36 44 20 614Sample B 37 41 22 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    13: Now thinking about Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors, do you think Medicare will requiremajor changes or minor changes? If you think Medicare is fine the way it is and does not require any changes at all, pleasesay so.

    Major changes Minor changes No changes NLikely Voters 36 43 21 1240Protestant 33 48 19 337Roman Catholic 39 40 21 301

    Ath./Agn./None 38 41 21 258Something Else 36 41 22 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 41 17 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 44 23 749Income: Under 50k 35 40 25 519Income: 50k-100k 34 46 20 384Income: 100k+ 40 44 16 337Educ: < College 38 40 22 801Educ: Bachelors degree 39 40 20 290Educ: Post-grad 22 62 16 149White Collar 39 42 19 578Blue Collar 35 43 22 487Military HH 36 47 17 234

    Not Military HH 36 42 22 1007Public Sector Union 30 49 21 59Private Sector Union 53 37 10 50Not in Labor Union 36 43 21 1131Cell Only/Mostly 41 40 19 511Dual Use 33 46 21 446LL Only/Mostly 33 41 26 263Competitive Senate States 39 37 24 254All Senate States 38 41 20 672Dem Incumbent States 36 40 24 341GOP Incumbent States 40 45 16 225New England 29 48 23 69Mid-Atlantic 35 43 22 166

    East North Central 36 41 23 202West North Central 45 45 10 77South Atlantic 37 44 18 245East South Central 36 53 12 90West South Central 30 42 28 122Mountain 41 30 29 97Pacific 37 42 20 172Blue States 37 42 21 818Red States 36 44 20 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    14: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively affect your access or future access to private plansalso known as Medicare Advantage plans?




    Not tooconcerned

    Not at allconcerned


    Likely Voters 26 25 22 20 7 479Male 28 23 21 19 8 238Female 24 27 22 20 6 241

    Suburban White Female 23 29 14 25 8 116Married White Female 27 30 15 23 5 133Age: 45-64 27 23 27 17 7 222Age: 65+ 26 27 17 22 8 256Ethnicity - White 27 26 22 19 7 444Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 17 10 21 35 16 26Urban 23 30 24 15 9 94Suburban 24 24 19 26 9 233Rural 33 24 25 14 4 151Democrats (no lean) 13 15 32 31 8 155Independents (no lean) 18 26 21 24 11 146Republicans (no lean) 44 33 13 7 3 178Democrats (lean) 12 18 29 30 11 196

    Independents (lean) 23 24 22 27 4 59Republicans (lean) 40 32 15 9 4 221Liberal (1-3) 17 15 17 37 14 102Moderate (4) 13 24 33 22 7 137Conservative (5-7) 36 30 18 12 5 215Liberal (1-2) 12 14 16 48 9 62Moderate (3-5) 19 21 30 21 9 246Conservative (6-7) 39 37 11 9 4 145Tea Party - Supporter 46 33 11 8 3 125Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 22 25 24 9 352Sample A 26 25 20 22 6 234Sample B 26 25 23 18 8 245


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    14: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively affect your access or future access to private plansalso known as Medicare Advantage plans?




    Not tooconcerned

    Not at allconcerned


    Likely Voters 26 25 22 20 7 479Protestant 29 28 20 16 6 189Roman Catholic 32 23 23 16 6 143

    Ath./Agn./None 21 25 18 27 9 67Something Else 15 22 25 28 10 78Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 28 17 16 5 192Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 23 25 23 9 287Income: Under 50k 29 25 28 11 8 224Income: 50k-100k 22 30 15 30 3 142Income: 100k+ 28 18 17 26 11 113Educ: < College 28 28 24 15 5 304Educ: Bachelors degree 22 24 13 30 10 99Educ: Post-grad 25 14 23 27 11 76White Collar 26 21 22 22 9 229Blue Collar 25 32 17 19 7 183Military HH 33 19 17 21 11 123

    Not Military HH 24 27 23 20 6 356Not in Labor Union 26 26 23 18 7 435Cell Only/Mostly 25 23 24 18 10 101Dual Use 27 28 16 23 6 214LL Only/Mostly 28 24 23 17 7 154Competitive Senate States 28 22 28 13 10 100All Senate States 26 24 28 17 5 266Dem Incumbent States 23 25 29 16 7 133GOP Incumbent States 28 21 31 16 3 84New England 25 38 9 16 12 29Mid-Atlantic 29 23 22 19 7 66East North Central 23 34 16 21 6 87West North Central 23 28 15 32 1 33

    South Atlantic 32 20 19 22 7 88East South Central 27 17 38 12 6 36West South Central 31 24 27 13 6 46Mountain 22 22 36 16 4 41Pacific 22 21 16 24 16 54Blue States 26 27 17 22 8 323Red States 26 22 32 14 6 167


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    15: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively affect your access or future access to Medicareprescription drug plans, also known as Medicare Part D?




    Not tooconcerned

    Not at allconcerned


    Likely Voters 26 33 17 16 8 479Male 26 30 19 18 9 238Female 26 37 16 15 6 241

    Suburban White Female 28 31 16 17 8 116Married White Female 26 36 15 19 5 133Age: 45-64 27 35 17 14 7 222Age: 65+ 24 31 18 19 8 256Ethnicity - White 26 34 17 15 7 444Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 16 17 23 33 11 26Urban 27 30 20 17 7 94Suburban 25 27 19 19 10 233Rural 26 45 12 13 4 151Democrats (no lean) 13 31 16 29 10 155Independents (no lean) 24 23 24 19 10 146Republicans (no lean) 38 43 12 4 3 178Democrats (lean) 14 28 17 28 13 196

    Independents (lean) 28 24 26 19 3 59Republicans (lean) 35 40 15 6 4 221Liberal (1-3) 18 14 19 32 17 102Moderate (4) 11 41 22 19 7 137Conservative (5-7) 39 35 14 8 4 215Liberal (1-2) 14 9 21 39 17 62Moderate (3-5) 17 37 20 18 8 246Conservative (6-7) 45 33 13 5 3 145Tea Party - Supporter 47 30 14 8 2 125Tea Party - Not Supporter 18 35 18 19 10 352Sample A 27 31 21 15 6 234Sample B 24 35 14 18 9 245


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    15: How concerned are you that the 2010 health care law may negatively affect your access or future access to Medicareprescription drug plans, also known as Medicare Part D?




    Not tooconcerned

    Not at allconcerned


    Likely Voters 26 33 17 16 8 479Protestant 26 35 16 17 6 189Roman Catholic 32 32 21 7 7 143

    Ath./Agn./None 20 26 19 26 10 67Something Else 18 39 11 23 10 78Religiosity: Monthly+ 31 34 14 14 5 192Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 32 19 18 9 287Income: Under 50k 26 37 20 9 8 224Income: 50k-100k 25 33 17 21 5 142Income: 100k+ 25 27 12 27 10 113Educ: < College 27 39 19 10 5 304Educ: Bachelors degree 24 29 13 21 12 99Educ: Post-grad 21 16 17 35 12 76White Collar 26 25 17 21 10 229Blue Collar 29 32 21 12 7 183Military HH 25 34 9 21 12 123

    Not Military HH 26 33 20 15 6 356Not in Labor Union 26 35 17 15 8 435Cell Only/Mostly 28 27 24 12 9 101Dual Use 27 37 12 18 6 214LL Only/Mostly 24 29 20 18 9 154Competitive Senate States 23 40 14 13 10 100All Senate States 25 36 19 13 7 266Dem Incumbent States 22 38 21 12 8 133GOP Incumbent States 29 34 20 12 5 84New England 27 35 17 10 12 29Mid-Atlantic 19 51 13 15 3 66East North Central 25 33 27 10 6 87West North Central 25 32 9 31 4 33

    South Atlantic 37 20 11 24 8 88East South Central 27 39 16 12 6 36West South Central 31 31 25 5 8 46Mountain 22 41 16 14 6 41Pacific 13 27 17 26 16 54Blue States 26 32 16 19 7 323Red States 25 34 20 13 8 167


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    16: How concerned are you that your employer will shift your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges?




    Not tooconcerned

    Not at allconcerned


    Likely Voters 19 21 23 14 24 1240Male 18 23 24 14 21 586Female 19 18 21 14 27 654Suburban White Female 15 15 19 18 33 263

    Single White Female 18 16 24 11 31 75Married White Female 18 20 19 15 28 307Age: 18-29 29 20 25 9 18 209Age: 30-44 21 21 23 19 16 325Age: 45-64 15 23 23 13 26 450Age: 65+ 13 17 20 14 35 256Ethnicity - White 17 21 21 14 26 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 27 19 11 11 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 18 32 14 15 172Ethnicity - Other 31 17 19 18 15 41Urban 19 20 25 12 23 305Suburban 17 17 24 17 26 611Rural 22 27 18 11 22 324

    Democrats (no lean) 11 15 27 18 28 453Independents (no lean) 16 22 22 12 27 376Republicans (no lean) 29 25 18 12 16 411Democrats (lean) 11 16 26 18 30 548Independents (lean) 18 21 28 9 24 185Republicans (lean) 27 26 17 12 18 505Liberal (1-3) 9 17 20 19 35 312Moderate (4) 12 22 27 15 23 389Conservative (5-7) 30 20 21 11 19 489Liberal (1-2) 12 16 20 17 35 200Moderate (3-5) 13 20 26 16 26 645Conservative (6-7) 33 22 18 10 16 344Tea Party - Supporter 28 29 18 10 14 374

    Tea Party - Not Supporter 14 17 25 16 28 865Sample A 17 19 25 14 26 614Sample B 20 23 21 14 22 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    16: How concerned are you that your employer will shift your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges?




    Not tooconcerned

    Not at allconcerned


    Likely Voters 19 21 23 14 24 1240Protestant 15 25 20 14 26 337Roman Catholic 21 17 23 14 24 301Ath./Agn./None 15 17 23 20 24 258

    Something Else 22 22 24 11 21 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 25 20 12 17 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 18 24 16 29 749Income: Under 50k 18 21 22 11 28 519Income: 50k-100k 18 19 26 18 19 384Income: 100k+ 20 23 20 15 22 337Educ: < College 20 22 24 11 23 801Educ: Bachelors degree 16 19 24 18 23 290Educ: Post-grad 14 19 12 25 29 149White Collar 21 18 17 17 26 578Blue Collar 16 24 24 13 23 487Military HH 18 22 21 12 26 234Not Military HH 19 20 23 15 23 1007

    Public Sector Union 13 23 21 22 21 59Private Sector Union 26 35 28 3 9 50Not in Labor Union 19 20 22 14 25 1131Cell Only/Mostly 18 21 24 15 22 511Dual Use 17 22 22 17 22 446LL Only/Mostly 21 18 19 9 32 263Competitive Senate States 17 19 24 14 26 254All Senate States 18 22 22 13 26 672Dem Incumbent States 15 20 23 12 30 341GOP Incumbent States 21 25 20 12 21 225New England 22 34 15 5 23 69Mid-Atlantic 19 22 20 14 25 166East North Central 11 26 24 13 26 202

    West North Central 20 20 17 23 21 77South Atlantic 21 16 23 17 24 245East South Central 24 28 20 11 17 90West South Central 15 27 22 12 24 122Mountain 20 10 29 13 28 97Pacific 22 13 26 15 23 172Blue States 18 20 23 15 24 818Red States 19 23 21 13 25 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    17: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, what impact would that have on thequality of your health coverage?



    No effectat all




    Likely Voters 7 9 34 27 24 1240Male 7 11 32 26 25 586Female 7 8 36 27 22 654

    Suburban White Female 4 4 34 31 28 263Single White Female 6 12 40 28 15 75Married White Female 5 4 30 32 28 307Age: 18-29 13 16 38 16 17 209Age: 30-44 10 13 28 25 23 325Age: 45-64 4 5 34 29 27 450Age: 65+ 2 5 38 32 23 256Ethnicity - White 5 7 34 28 26 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 14 13 27 23 23 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 17 40 18 6 172Ethnicity - Other 7 24 16 33 19 41Urban 11 12 41 20 17 305Suburban 5 7 33 29 26 611

    Rural 7 11 29 29 25 324Democrats (no lean) 14 13 43 24 6 453Independents (no lean) 2 5 39 28 26 376Republicans (no lean) 3 8 19 29 41 411Democrats (lean) 12 13 45 23 7 548Independents (lean) 3 5 38 30 25 185Republicans (lean) 3 7 20 29 41 505Liberal (1-3) 10 14 46 24 6 312Moderate (4) 5 7 44 26 18 389Conservative (5-7) 6 7 19 27 41 489Liberal (1-2) 15 16 40 24 5 200Moderate (3-5) 3 10 42 29 16 645Conservative (6-7) 8 3 16 21 51 344

    Tea Party - Supporter 11 10 20 20 40 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 9 40 29 17 865Sample A 7 10 35 24 23 614Sample B 6 9 32 29 24 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    17: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, what impact would that have on thequality of your health coverage?



    No effectat all




    Likely Voters 7 9 34 27 24 1240Protestant 6 7 32 28 27 337Roman Catholic 5 10 32 27 25 301

    Ath./Agn./None 5 10 38 26 21 258Something Else 10 9 33 25 21 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 10 26 26 28 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 8 39 27 21 749Income: Under 50k 9 8 38 28 17 519Income: 50k-100k 7 11 32 29 21 384Income: 100k+ 4 7 29 23 37 337Educ: < College 7 9 33 27 23 801Educ: Bachelors degree 7 8 33 25 26 290Educ: Post-grad 4 11 38 27 20 149White Collar 7 8 33 23 28 578Blue Collar 5 9 35 27 23 487Military HH 6 8 29 30 27 234

    Not Military HH 7 9 35 26 23 1007Public Sector Union 8 20 30 17 26 59Private Sector Union 13 27 25 17 20 50Not in Labor Union 6 8 35 28 24 1131Cell Only/Mostly 7 8 31 26 28 511Dual Use 7 10 36 28 19 446LL Only/Mostly 6 11 37 21 26 263Competitive Senate States 5 6 38 25 25 254All Senate States 7 6 34 30 23 672Dem Incumbent States 3 5 37 32 24 341GOP Incumbent States 14 9 30 27 21 225New England 11 6 35 22 26 69Mid-Atlantic 6 16 32 27 20 166

    East North Central 3 10 35 31 21 202West North Central 6 5 39 14 36 77South Atlantic 5 6 36 31 22 245East South Central 19 8 15 41 16 90West South Central 6 10 36 24 24 122Mountain 5 2 42 20 31 97Pacific 9 12 33 19 26 172Blue States 6 10 34 27 23 818Red States 8 8 33 26 24 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    18: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, how seriously would you consider lookingfor another job?




    Not tooseriously

    Not at allseriously


    Likely Voters 12 17 23 19 29 1240Male 12 18 23 19 28 586Female 13 16 22 20 29 654

    Suburban White Female 8 11 23 24 34 263Single White Female 13 18 25 22 22 75Married White Female 9 16 24 23 27 307Age: 18-29 19 23 25 19 13 209Age: 30-44 18 21 25 19 18 325Age: 45-64 8 14 24 22 32 450Age: 65+ 7 13 16 15 50 256Ethnicity - White 12 16 22 18 31 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 16 20 20 26 17 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 22 27 19 20 172Ethnicity - Other 19 25 18 22 15 41Urban 14 15 24 22 26 305Suburban 11 16 22 22 29 611

    Rural 14 21 23 12 30 324Democrats (no lean) 10 13 19 21 37 453Independents (no lean) 12 16 24 21 26 376Republicans (no lean) 14 23 25 16 22 411Democrats (lean) 10 12 18 22 37 548Independents (lean) 12 17 28 20 23 185Republicans (lean) 14 23 26 15 22 505Liberal (1-3) 8 13 17 20 42 312Moderate (4) 6 19 24 22 29 389Conservative (5-7) 19 18 24 17 22 489Liberal (1-2) 10 12 16 18 44 200Moderate (3-5) 7 18 24 22 30 645Conservative (6-7) 23 18 24 16 19 344

    Tea Party - Supporter 20 26 24 11 19 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 14 22 23 33 865Sample A 12 15 23 21 30 614Sample B 13 19 23 18 28 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    18: If your employer shifted your health coverage to the health insurance exchanges, how seriously would you consider lookingfor another job?




    Not tooseriously

    Not at allseriously


    Likely Voters 12 17 23 19 29 1240Protestant 11 15 21 20 32 337Roman Catholic 12 17 24 19 28 301

    Ath./Agn./None 11 20 19 23 27 258Something Else 15 17 25 16 27 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 22 22 20 21 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 14 23 19 34 749Income: Under 50k 15 16 23 17 30 519Income: 50k-100k 10 19 21 23 28 384Income: 100k+ 11 17 25 19 27 337Educ: < College 13 19 23 17 28 801Educ: Bachelors degree 13 14 25 22 25 290Educ: Post-grad 6 16 15 24 39 149White Collar 12 17 20 20 31 578Blue Collar 11 16 27 20 25 487Military HH 14 16 21 16 33 234

    Not Military HH 12 18 23 20 28 1007Public Sector Union 6 24 13 30 27 59Private Sector Union 27 22 21 17 14 50Not in Labor Union 12 17 23 19 29 1131Cell Only/Mostly 15 17 27 18 24 511Dual Use 12 16 20 24 29 446LL Only/Mostly 8 21 17 15 39 263Competitive Senate States 14 15 20 19 32 254All Senate States 13 17 22 17 31 672Dem Incumbent States 11 15 23 15 37 341GOP Incumbent States 17 19 22 16 25 225New England 11 31 20 7 31 69Mid-Atlantic 12 21 18 18 31 166

    East North Central 5 20 26 18 32 202West North Central 18 13 23 23 22 77South Atlantic 13 14 21 22 30 245East South Central 22 15 27 18 18 90West South Central 12 19 25 17 27 122Mountain 15 15 22 14 35 97Pacific 11 14 23 26 26 172Blue States 11 18 23 21 28 818Red States 14 17 22 16 31 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    19: In thinking about purchasing a health care plan, which is more important for you?

    Higher premiumswith lower

    out-of-pocket costs

    Lower premiums withhigher out-of-pocket



    Likely Voters 58 42 1240Male 58 42 586Female 58 42 654

    Suburban White Female 56 44 263Single White Female 81 19 75Married White Female 54 46 307Age: 18-29 68 32 209Age: 30-44 63 37 325Age: 45-64 52 48 450Age: 65+ 54 46 256Ethnicity - White 57 43 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 75 25 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 60 40 172Ethnicity - Other 59 41 41Urban 62 38 305Suburban 56 44 611

    Rural 58 42 324Democrats (no lean) 61 39 453Independents (no lean) 57 43 376Republicans (no lean) 57 43 411Democrats (lean) 60 40 548Independents (lean) 60 40 185Republicans (lean) 55 45 505Liberal (1-3) 65 35 312Moderate (4) 55 45 389Conservative (5-7) 55 45 489Liberal (1-2) 67 33 200Moderate (3-5) 55 45 645Conservative (6-7) 57 43 344

    Tea Party - Supporter 58 42 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 58 42 865Sample A 57 43 614Sample B 59 41 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    19: In thinking about purchasing a health care plan, which is more important for you?

    Higher premiumswith lower

    out-of-pocket costs

    Lower premiums withhigher out-of-pocket



    Likely Voters 58 42 1240Protestant 57 43 337Roman Catholic 57 43 301

    Ath./Agn./None 52 48 258Something Else 65 35 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 40 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 57 43 749Income: Under 50k 60 40 519Income: 50k-100k 52 48 384Income: 100k+ 62 38 337Educ: < College 60 40 801Educ: Bachelors degree 53 47 290Educ: Post-grad 57 43 149White Collar 59 41 578Blue Collar 56 44 487Military HH 55 45 234

    Not Military HH 59 41 1007Public Sector Union 54 46 59Private Sector Union 60 40 50Not in Labor Union 58 42 1131Cell Only/Mostly 64 36 511Dual Use 51 49 446LL Only/Mostly 58 42 263Competitive Senate States 56 44 254All Senate States 57 43 672Dem Incumbent States 54 46 341GOP Incumbent States 58 42 225New England 50 50 69Mid-Atlantic 57 43 166

    East North Central 52 48 202West North Central 66 34 77South Atlantic 60 40 245East South Central 60 40 90West South Central 53 47 122Mountain 58 42 97Pacific 66 34 172Blue States 58 42 818Red States 58 42 456


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    20: Private insurance plans typically pay for care received through specified networks of doctors and hospitals you can choosebut generally do not pay for care received outside of the insurance companys networks. Generally speaking, do you prefer

    Less expensive planswith a limited

    network of doctorsand hospitals

    More expensive planswith a broader

    network of doctorsand hospitals


    Likely Voters 53 47 1240

    Male 58 42 586Female 48 52 654Suburban White Female 46 54 263Single White Female 48 52 75Married White Female 42 58 307Age: 18-29 61 39 209Age: 30-44 53 47 325Age: 45-64 52 48 450Age: 65+ 46 54 256Ethnicity - White 51 49 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 63 37 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 41 172Ethnicity - Other 50 50 41

    Urban 56 44 305Suburban 51 49 611Rural 52 48 324Democrats (no lean) 59 41 453Independents (no lean) 50 50 376Republicans (no lean) 48 52 411Democrats (lean) 57 43 548Independents (lean) 53 47 185Republicans (lean) 48 52 505Liberal (1-3) 54 46 312Moderate (4) 58 42 389Conservative (5-7) 46 54 489Liberal (1-2) 55 45 200

    Moderate (3-5) 57 43 645Conservative (6-7) 40 60 344Tea Party - Supporter 51 49 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 53 47 865Sample A 50 50 614Sample B 55 45 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    20: Private insurance plans typically pay for care received through specified networks of doctors and hospitals you can choosebut generally do not pay for care received outside of the insurance companys networks. Generally speaking, do you prefer

    Less expensive planswith a limited

    network of doctorsand hospitals

    More expensive planswith a broader

    network of doctorsand hospitals


    Likely Voters 53 47 1240

    Protestant 52 48 337Roman Catholic 50 50 301Ath./Agn./None 55 45 258Something Else 54 46 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 45 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 49 749Income: Under 50k 61 39 519Income: 50k-100k 56 44 384Income: 100k+ 36 64 337Educ: < College 58 42 801Educ: Bachelors degree 43 57 290Educ: Post-grad 43 57 149White Collar 45 55 578

    Blue Collar 59 41 487Military HH 54 46 234Not Military HH 52 48 1007Public Sector Union 54 46 59Private Sector Union 36 64 50Not in Labor Union 53 47 1131Cell Only/Mostly 54 46 511Dual Use 49 51 446LL Only/Mostly 53 47 263Competitive Senate States 49 51 254All Senate States 51 49 672Dem Incumbent States 48 52 341GOP Incumbent States 58 42 225

    New England 35 65 69Mid-Atlantic 63 37 166East North Central 59 41 202West North Central 49 51 77South Atlantic 47 53 245East South Central 50 50 90West South Central 63 37 122Mountain 48 52 97Pacific 49 51 172Blue States 52 48 818Red States 54 46 456


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    21: How would you describe your own health?

    Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor NLikely Voters 18 36 32 11 3 1240Male 15 34 34 12 4 586Female 21 37 30 10 1 654Suburban White Female 22 36 29 11 2 263Single White Female 26 39 25 9 2 75

    Married White Female 21 35 33 10 1 307Age: 18-29 34 31 28 6 1 209Age: 30-44 25 35 30 9 2 325Age: 45-64 12 38 33 13 4 450Age: 65+ 9 35 36 16 3 256Ethnicity - White 17 35 32 12 3 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 15 38 31 13 3 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 27 34 32 7 0 172Ethnicity - Other 14 47 32 6 2 41Urban 17 32 35 14 2 305Suburban 16 38 34 10 2 611Rural 24 35 27 10 4 324Democrats (no lean) 18 40 27 11 3 453

    Independents (no lean) 18 30 36 13 3 376Republicans (no lean) 19 35 33 10 2 411Democrats (lean) 18 39 28 12 3 548Independents (lean) 18 25 38 14 4 185Republicans (lean) 19 35 34 9 3 505Liberal (1-3) 20 40 25 12 4 312Moderate (4) 13 34 42 7 3 389Conservative (5-7) 22 35 28 13 2 489Liberal (1-2) 22 43 19 13 4 200Moderate (3-5) 16 33 38 10 3 645Conservative (6-7) 23 37 27 12 2 344Tea Party - Supporter 20 38 27 11 4 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 18 34 34 12 2 865

    Sample A 19 35 33 10 3 614Sample B 18 36 31 13 3 627


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    21: How would you describe your own health?

    Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor NLikely Voters 18 36 32 11 3 1240Protestant 17 34 34 12 2 337Roman Catholic 19 38 29 11 2 301Ath./Agn./None 17 36 31 12 4 258Something Else 20 34 33 10 4 342

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 37 30 9 3 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 35 33 13 3 749Income: Under 50k 13 31 33 18 5 519Income: 50k-100k 24 39 29 6 2 384Income: 100k+ 20 39 34 7 0 337Educ: < College 18 31 34 13 4 801Educ: Bachelors degree 19 45 28 7 1 290Educ: Post-grad 21 41 27 9 2 149White Collar 21 39 29 10 2 578Blue Collar 16 34 35 11 3 487Military HH 17 27 40 12 3 234Not Military HH 19 37 30 11 3 1007Public Sector Union 27 42 26 4 1 59

    Private Sector Union 32 25 35 8 0 50Not in Labor Union 17 36 32 12 3 1131Cell Only/Mostly 22 34 31 10 3 511Dual Use 17 37 32 11 3 446LL Only/Mostly 15 35 36 12 3 263Competitive Senate States 19 35 32 9 5 254All Senate States 19 34 31 12 3 672Dem Incumbent States 19 37 29 12 3 341GOP Incumbent States 21 29 33 14 3 225New England 10 36 40 13 1 69Mid-Atlantic 28 25 39 8 1 166East North Central 16 36 36 8 4 202West North Central 16 49 17 13 5 77

    South Atlantic 15 37 32 12 5 245East South Central 34 19 29 14 3 90West South Central 13 36 38 9 3 122Mountain 16 50 18 15 2 97Pacific 19 37 30 14 1 172Blue States 18 36 32 12 3 818Red States 19 36 31 11 3 456


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    22: Have you, or another person in your family, ever been denied health insurance based on a pre-existing condition?

    Yes, I have Yes, anotherperson in my


    No N

    Likely Voters 10 5 85 1240Male 12 6 82 586Female 8 4 88 654

    Suburban White Female 5 4 91 263Single White Female 5 3 92 75Married White Female 5 4 90 307Age: 18-29 16 7 77 209Age: 30-44 14 7 79 325Age: 45-64 6 3 91 450Age: 65+ 5 5 89 256Ethnicity - White 8 5 87 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 8 57 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 11 7 82 172Ethnicity - Other 10 6 84 41Urban 15 5 79 305Suburban 8 5 86 611

    Rural 7 5 88 324Democrats (no lean) 11 6 83 453Independents (no lean) 11 7 82 376Republicans (no lean) 7 3 90 411Democrats (lean) 12 6 82 548Independents (lean) 10 7 83 185Republicans (lean) 7 4 89 505Liberal (1-3) 11 6 83 312Moderate (4) 11 6 83 389Conservative (5-7) 8 4 88 489Liberal (1-2) 15 6 79 200Moderate (3-5) 9 6 85 645Conservative (6-7) 9 4 87 344

    Tea Party - Supporter 12 7 81 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 9 5 87 865Sample A 8 5 87 614Sample B 12 6 83 627


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    22: Have you, or another person in your family, ever been denied health insurance based on a pre-existing condition?

    Yes, I have Yes, anotherperson in my


    No N

    Likely Voters 10 5 85 1240Protestant 12 5 84 337Roman Catholic 6 7 86 301

    Ath./Agn./None 8 5 87 258Something Else 12 5 84 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 7 79 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 4 89 749Income: Under 50k 11 6 83 519Income: 50k-100k 9 6 85 384Income: 100k+ 8 4 88 337Educ: < College 9 4 87 801Educ: Bachelors degree 13 7 80 290Educ: Post-grad 6 7 87 149White Collar 11 5 84 578Blue Collar 9 6 85 487Military HH 10 7 83 234

    Not Military HH 9 5 86 1007Public Sector Union 19 5 76 59Private Sector Union 16 8 76 50Not in Labor Union 9 5 86 1131Cell Only/Mostly 10 6 84 511Dual Use 7 4 89 446LL Only/Mostly 14 6 80 263Competitive Senate States 10 6 85 254All Senate States 9 7 85 672Dem Incumbent States 4 6 90 341GOP Incumbent States 12 9 79 225New England 15 1 84 69Mid-Atlantic 9 4 87 166

    East North Central 5 4 91 202West North Central 9 9 82 77South Atlantic 12 6 82 245East South Central 7 9 84 90West South Central 7 6 87 122Mountain 9 5 86 97Pacific 14 4 82 172Blue States 10 5 86 818Red States 9 7 84 456


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    23: Are you, yourself, now covered by any form of health insurance or health plan or do you not have health coverage at thistime? A health plan would include any private insurance plan through your employer or a plan that you purchased yourself,as well as a government program like Medicare, Medicaid, or the military.

    Covered by healthinsurance

    Not covered by healthinsurance


    Likely Voters 93 7 1240Male 91 9 586

    Female 94 6 654Suburban White Female 96 4 263Single White Female 95 5 75Married White Female 97 3 307Age: 18-29 87 13 209Age: 30-44 92 8 325Age: 45-64 92 8 450Age: 65+ 100 0 256Ethnicity - White 93 7 1001Ethnicity - Hispanic 90 10 117Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 89 11 172Ethnicity - Other 93 7 41Urban 91 9 305

    Suburban 92 8 611Rural 95 5 324Democrats (no lean) 94 6 453Independents (no lean) 88 12 376Republicans (no lean) 96 4 411Democrats (lean) 93 7 548Independents (lean) 90 10 185Republicans (lean) 94 6 505Liberal (1-3) 93 7 312Moderate (4) 91 9 389Conservative (5-7) 94 6 489Liberal (1-2) 91 9 200Moderate (3-5) 93 7 645

    Conservative (6-7) 94 6 344Tea Party - Supporter 91 9 374Tea Party - Not Supporter 93 7 865Sample A 92 8 614Sample B 93 7 627


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    23: Are you, yourself, now covered by any form of health insurance or health plan or do you not have health coverage at thistime? A health plan would include any private insurance plan through your employer or a plan that you purchased yourself,as well as a government program like Medicare, Medicaid, or the military.

    Covered by healthinsurance

    Not covered by healthinsurance


    Likely Voters 93 7 1240Protestant 94 6 337

    Roman Catholic 96 4 301Ath./Agn./None 85 15 258Something Else 93 7 342Religiosity: Monthly+ 94 6 492Religiosity: LT Monthly 92 8 749Income: Under 50k 86 14 519Income: 50k-100k 96 4 384Income: 100k+ 99 1 337Educ: < College 90 10 801Educ: Bachelors degree 97 3 290Educ: Post-grad 98 2 149White Collar 95 5 578Blue Collar 92 8 487

    Military HH 95 5 234Not Military HH 92 8 1007Public Sector Union 96 4 59Private Sector Union 97 3 50Not in Labor Union 92 8 1131Cell Only/Mostly 91 9 511Dual Use 94 6 446LL Only/Mostly 95 5 263Competitive Senate States 94 6 254All Senate States 91 9 672Dem Incumbent States 91 9 341GOP Incumbent States 87 13 225New England 93 7 69

    Mid-Atlantic 94 6 166East North Central 97 3 202West North Central 95 5 77South Atlantic 89 11 245East South Central 87 13 90West South Central 91 9 122Mountain 93 7 97Pacific 95 5 172Blue States 93 7 818Red States 91 9 456


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    24: For your healthcare are you covered by a...
















    Militaryor vet-erans



    Likely Voters 43 3 6 12 21 11 3 1150Male 43 3 3 12 23 11 6 533Female 44 4 8 12 20 11 2 617Suburban White Female 46 3 5 12 24 8 2 254Single White Female 22 1 33 15 6 23 1 71Married White Female 56 7 2 12 18 3 2 296Age: 18-29 30 2 34 15 0 17 1 181Age: 30-44 62 5 1 12 2 16 3 301Age: 45-64 53 4 0 14 13 11 5 412Age: 65+ 14 2 0 7 72 1 4 256Ethnicity - White 43 3 4 12 25 10 3 935

    Ethnicity - Hispanic 55 9 7 10 8 10 1 105Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 4 12 12 6 20 9 153Ethnicity - Other 55 3 15 16 4 8 0 38Urban 35 6 7 10 20 20 2 278Suburban 46 3 5 13 20 8 5 565Rural 45 3 5 11 24 9 3 307Democrats (no lean) 39 3 5 11 22 16 4 425Independents (no lean) 46 4 6 13 20 9 2 330Republicans (no lean) 46 4 7 12 21 7 4 395Democrats (lean) 39 3 6 12 23 15 3 508Independents (lean) 46 5 5 15 16 12 1 167Republicans (lean) 47 3 6 11 22 7 4 473Liberal (1-3) 40 2 9 14 19 13 3 289

    Moderate (4) 47 3 2 13 18 12 4 355Conservative (5-7) 44 4 6 8 26 9 3 459Liberal (1-2) 40 3 9 14 18 14 2 182Moderate (3-5) 41 4 6 12 22 13 4 599Conservative (6-7) 52 3 4 9 23 6 3 323Tea Party - Supporter 44 6 6 9 19 12 4 340Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 2 6 13 22 11 3 808Sample A 45 3 6 10 21 11 4 565Sample B 42 3 6 13 22 11 2 585


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    24: For your healthcare are you covered by a...
















    Militaryor vet-erans



    Likely Voters 43 3 6 12 21 11 3 1150Protestant 39 2 2 16 28 9 4 318Roman Catholic 49 5 6 5 26 5 4 290Ath./Agn./None 48 2 11 16 11 11 2 220Something Else 39 5 5 11 18 19 3 319Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 4 7 12 21 10 4 463Religiosity: LT Monthly 44 3 5 12 22 12 3 687Income: Under 50k 22 1 5 14 32 23 3 445Income: 50k-100k 49 4 8 13 17 5 4 370Income: 100k+ 65 5 5 8 11 3 3 335Educ: < College 38 3 8 11 21 16 3 724

    Educ: Bachelors degree 54 5 4 14 17 3 3 280Educ: Post-grad 46 4 0 10 32 4 3 146White Collar 50 2 8 11 22 4 3 549Blue Collar 41 5 3 11 19 16 5 446Military HH 34 4 4 11 22 8 16 222Not Military HH 45 3 6 12 21 12 0 928Public Sector Union 57 9 2 14 14 3 2 56Private Sector Union 52 24 2 6 8 3 4 49Not in Labor Union 42 2 6 12 22 12 3 1045Cell Only/Mostly 51 2 7 11 10 15 4 465Dual Use 45 4 5 12 24 7 3 418LL Only/Mostly 26 4 5 14 37 10 4 250Competitive Senate States 41 2 5 12 22 14 5 238

    All Senate States 43 2 4 12 23 12 4 610Dem Incumbent States 43 2 5 13 22 12 3 312GOP Incumbent States 45 2 3 12 22 11 5 197New England 36 5 1 18 29 9 3 64Mid-Atlantic 46 4 9 12 17 9 2 157East North Central 45 5 4 11 19 13 2 196West North Central 48 1 9 7 18 15 2 73South Atlantic 40 3 6 16 22 6 7 218East South Central 50 2 1 13 22 8 4 78West South Central 40 2 3 14 22 17 3 111Mountain 48 0 2 6 32 10 2 90Pacific 38 6 10 9 18 14 3 163Blue States 43 4 7 13 20 10 3 765

    Red States 43 1 3 12 24 12 4 414


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    25: Did you purchase health insurance on a health insurance exchange?

    Yes No NLikely Voters 10 90 1150Male 12 88 533Female 8 92 617Suburban White Female 7 93 254Single White Female 5 95 71

    Married White Female 9 91 296Age: 18-29 13 87 181Age: 30-44 16 84 301Age: 45-64 9 91 412Age: 65+ 4 96 256Ethnicity - White 8 92 935Ethnicity - Hispanic 25 75 105Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 18 82 153Ethnicity - Other 16 84 38Urban 15 85 278Suburban 9 91 565Rural 8 92 307Democrats (no lean) 14 86 425

    Independents (no lean) 8 92 330Republicans (no lean) 8 92 395Democrats (lean) 13 87 508Independents (lean) 10 90 167Republicans (lean) 7 93 473Liberal (1-3) 16 84 289Moderate (4) 10 90 355Conservative (5-7) 7 93 459Liberal (1-2) 18 82 182Moderate (3-5) 9 91 599Conservative (6-7) 7 93 323Tea Party - Supporter 17 83 340Tea Party - Not Supporter 7 93 808

    Sample A 10 90 565Sample B 10 90 585


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    25: Did you purchase health insurance on a health insurance exchange?

    Yes No NLikely Voters 10 90 1150Protestant 10 90 318Roman Catholic 9 91 290Ath./Agn./None 12 88 220Something Else 9 91 319

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 88 463Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 91 687Income: Under 50k 14 86 445Income: 50k-100k 10 90 370Income: 100k+ 6 94 335Educ: < College 9 91 724Educ: Bachelors degree 14 86 280Educ: Post-grad 6 94 146White Collar 10 90 549Blue Collar 11 89 446Military HH 9 91 222Not Military HH 10 90 928Public Sector Union 18 82 56

    Private Sector Union 22 78 49Not in Labor Union 9 91 1045Cell Only/Mostly 11 89 465Dual Use 9 91 418LL Only/Mostly 11 89 250Competitive Senate States 10 90 238All Senate States 8 92 610Dem Incumbent States 5 95 312GOP Incumbent States 11 89 197New England 4 96 64Mid-Atlantic 12 88 157East North Central 9 91 196West North Central 5 95 73

    South Atlantic 12 88 218East South Central 7 93 78West South Central 10 90 111Mountain 6 94 90Pacific 14 86 163Blue States 10 90 765Red States 9 91 414


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    26: What is your age?

    Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ NLikely Voters 16 25 38 21 1854Male 14 27 37 22 865Female 18 22 38 21 990Suburban White Female 12 17 45 26 404Single White Female 60 21 15 5 109

    Married White Female 7 25 45 22 448Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 301Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 457Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 700Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 396Ethnicity - White 13 23 39 25 1510Ethnicity - Hispanic 32 37 30 1 165Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 31 29 33 8 238Ethnicity - Other 24 46 24 6 68Urban 20 29 32 19 458Suburban 15 23 40 22 923Rural 15 23 39 23 474Democrats (no lean) 19 25 39 17 710

    Independents (no lean) 19 25 35 21 538Republicans (no lean) 11 25 39 26 606Democrats (lean) 19 25 38 18 844Independents (lean) 23 29 31 17 274Republicans (lean) 11 22 40 26 729Liberal (1-3) 22 27 32 19 507Moderate (4) 17 26 39 18 561Conservative (5-7) 11 22 42 25 719Liberal (1-2) 23 27 31 20 341Moderate (3-5) 17 24 39 19 937Conservative (6-7) 10 23 42 25 510Tea Party - Supporter 15 30 35 20 533Tea Party - Not Supporter 17 23 39 22 1318

    Sample A 18 23 37 22 900Sample B 15 26 39 21 954


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    26: What is your age?

    Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ NLikely Voters 16 25 38 21 1854Protestant 8 17 41 35 513Roman Catholic 10 23 41 26 439Ath./Agn./None 28 29 33 10 392Something Else 21 31 35 13 507

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 15 27 31 26 742Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 23 42 18 1112Income: Under 50k 19 20 36 25 804Income: 50k-100k 16 28 38 18 610Income: 100k+ 12 29 40 19 440Educ: < College 20 20 39 20 1219Educ: Bachelors degree 13 37 35 16 412Educ: Post-grad 4 26 34 36 224White Collar 14 26 36 24 816Blue Collar 14 26 40 20 761Military HH 8 22 35 34 341Not Military HH 18 25 38 18 1513Public Sector Union 9 29 50 12 94

    Private Sector Union 14 33 42 12 69Not in Labor Union 17 24 37 22 1692Cell Only/Mostly 21 35 36 8 767Dual Use 14 19 44 24 655LL Only/Mostly 12 15 30 44 400Competitive Senate States 15 25 40 20 373All Senate States 15 24 41 21 986Dem Incumbent States 14 23 39 24 483GOP Incumbent States 17 26 41 16 323New England 15 18 42 25 96Mid-Atlantic 16 23 36 25 242East North Central 10 26 44 20 299West North Central 11 27 37 25 138

    South Atlantic 16 29 32 23 371East South Central 19 22 48 12 119West South Central 18 26 36 20 199Mountain 12 22 46 20 125Pacific 26 22 32 20 264Blue States 17 23 36 23 1208Red States 15 26 40 18 676


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    27: What is your gender?

    Male Female NLikely Voters 47 53 1854Male 100 0 865Female 0 100 990Suburban White Female 0 100 404Single White Female 0 100 109

    Married White Female 0 100 448Age: 18-29 41 59 301Age: 30-44 51 49 457Age: 45-64 46 54 700Age: 65+ 47 53 396Ethnicity - White 47 53 1510Ethnicity - Hispanic 57 43 165Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 58 238Ethnicity - Other 44 56 68Urban 45 55 458Suburban 48 52 923Rural 44 56 474Democrats (no lean) 43 57 710

    Independents (no lean) 52 48 538Republicans (no lean) 46 54 606Democrats (lean) 45 55 844Independents (lean) 49 51 274Republicans (lean) 48 52 729Liberal (1-3) 44 56 507Moderate (4) 48 52 561Conservative (5-7) 50 50 719Liberal (1-2) 44 56 341Moderate (3-5) 47 53 937Conservative (6-7) 52 48 510Tea Party - Supporter 55 45 533Tea Party - Not Supporter 43 57 1318

    Sample A 47 53 900Sample B 46 54 954


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    27: What is your gender?

    Male Female NLikely Voters 47 53 1854Protestant 45 55 513Roman Catholic 49 51 439Ath./Agn./None 52 48 392Something Else 42 58 507

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 57 742Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 51 1112Income: Under 50k 44 56 804Income: 50k-100k 49 51 610Income: 100k+ 49 51 440Educ: < College 46 54 1219Educ: Bachelors degree 47 53 412Educ: Post-grad 51 49 224White Collar 49 51 816Blue Collar 50 50 761Military HH 58 42 341Not Military HH 44 56 1513Public Sector Union 56 44 94

    Private Sector Union 64 36 69Not in Labor Union 45 55 1692Cell Only/Mostly 48 52 767Dual Use 49 51 655LL Only/Mostly 40 60 400Competitive Senate States 45 55 373All Senate States 47 53 986Dem Incumbent States 47 53 483GOP Incumbent States 46 54 323New England 47 53 96Mid-Atlantic 46 54 242East North Central 48 52 299West North Central 52 48 138

    South Atlantic 48 52 371East South Central 49 51 119West South Central 48 52 199Mountain 40 60 125Pacific 43 57 264Blue States 46 54 1208Red States 47 53 676


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosstabs 6-24-2014


    28: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?






























    Likely Voters 0 7 27 4 20 8 22 3 9 1854Male 0 5 30 4 19 6 22 3 10 865Female 0 8 24 3 21 9 22 3 9 990Suburban White Female 1 3 26 3 21 10 23 3 10 404Single White Female 0 7 23 0 27 9 23 1 9 109Married White Female 0 3 25 2 23 10 23 3 11 448Age: 18-29 0 14 30 2 27 7 17 1 2 301Age: 30-44 0 5 20 3 18 9 33 3 10 457

    Age: 45-64 1 7 27 4 21 8 20 3 8 700Age: 65+ 0 4 34 5 15 5 17 5 15 396Ethnicity - White 0 5 30 4 20 7 21 3 9 1510Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 15 19 2 16 11 30 2 6 165Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 14 17 5 18 10 26 2 7 238Ethnicity - Other 0 3 13 2 24 5 28 9 15 68Urban 0 6 30 4 22 6 19 4 9 458Suburban 1 4 24 3 20 9 26 3 10 923Rural 0 12 31 4 19 7 18 2 7 474Democrats (no lean) 0 8 28 4 18 7 23 3 10 710Independents (no lean) 0 9 26 4 22 6 21 3 9 538Republicans (no lean) 1 4 28 4 21 9 22 3 8 606Democrats (lean) 0 8 28 4 18 7 22 3 11 844

    Independents (lean) 0 12 24 4 22 6 21 2 8 274Republicans (lean) 1 4 28 4 22 8 23 3 8 729Liberal (1-3) 0 3 26 2 23 6 22 3 14 507Moderate (4) 0 9 31 4 15 9 22 2 7 561Conservative (5-7) 1 7 25 4 22 8 23 3 8 719Liberal (1-2) 0 3 26 2 23 6 23 3 14 341Moderate (3-5) 1 10 28 4 18 7 21 3 9 937Conservative (6-7) 0 3 25 5 22 9 24 3 8 510Tea Party - Supporter 0 4 31 4 21 7 23 3 7 533Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 8 26 4 20 8 22 3 10 1318Sample A 1 5 26 4 22 8 23 3 9 900Sample B 0 9 28 3 19 7 22 3 10 954


  • 8/12/2019 MC Health Approval Market Research Crosst