McDonald's History



historia de mc donalds

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MCDONALD'S HISTORYA company that changed the way we do busness n the wo!"d#y $athe!ne %!denes LetonRcha!d and Mau!ce McDona"d'()*+ opened the ,!st -ast -ood !estau!ant n Ca"-o!na()./ then mo0ed to San #e!na!dno()1. Ray $!oc2 a p!o0de! sha3e machne'McDona"d b!othe!s $!oc was g!anted e4c"us0e !ghts to the ma!3etng and ope!aton o- the McDona"d's busness'()11 was opened n Des 5"anes2 I""nos 67SA8 the ,!st "oca" McDona"d's Co!po!aton'()19 2 add (: !estau!antsn ()1+2ha0e .; !estau!ants'$!oc made McDona"d's the "a!gest aton n the wo!"d?ua"tySe!0ce C"ean"ness@a"ue In ()9;2 Rona"d McDona"d s bo!n ma!3ed by A""a!d Scott()9( Ray $!oc c!eates the go"den a!ches "ogo In ()912 the ,!st I5O to B ::'1 eachIn ()9+ the chan opened ts ,!st b!anch outsde the 7nted StatesToday .1 m""on peop"e n the wo!"d's popu"aton eat pe! day n one o- the :+2;;; "oca" McDona"d's dst!buted n (:; count!es ac!oss 1 contnents'