MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1 st February - SHAPE Project International Conference A regional best...


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MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

A regional best practice in Puglia: the memorandum of

understanding for experimental beach nourishment projects.

Nicola UngaroARPA Puglia, Trieste 27 – Bari, Italy

The Puglia region is characterized by a wide extension of its coast*, in many places subject to erosion due to the combination of several factors, among them the decreased supply sediment from the hinterland.

* 985 km length (Puglia Regional Coast Plan, November 2011).

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

In the last years the issue has become an emergency due to the combination of several factors, including natural (storms, etc.) and anthropic ones.

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

Of course, the impact of the erosion is now high both for the coastal environment and the social-economic safe use of the coastal zone (tourism, bathing, etc.).

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

By circular no. No 9388 of 13 May 2010 concerning "Urgent action needed to address coastal erosion caused by storms of early 2010" the State Property and Heritage Service of the Puglia Region has provided information concerning the administrative procedures for the implementation of the actions for the soft beach nourishment aimed at fighting erosion along the apulian coasts.It consisted of a simplification of administrative procedures in case of emergency, involving all the Institutions responsible for managing the issue.

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

The Puglia Regional Government, with the Regional Council Deliberation No 410 dated 10/03/2011 (BURP No. 42/2011), has approved the “Guidelines for the identification of interventions aimed at mitigating the most critical situations of low coasts”, give this ruling effectively prescriptive and binding all along the Puglia coasts.

The memorandum of understanding for experimental beach nourishment projects

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

According to the above mentioned guidelines and considered that the beaches and coasts are among the most important tourist attractors and natural environments of the Puglia Region, the regional, provincial and municipal local governments have decided to sign, together with regional technical/scientific bodies and institutions, a Memorandum of Understanding for experimental beach nourishment projects.

At the time two memoranda of understanding were already signed in Puglia, the first for the Municipality of Monopoli and the second for the Province of Brindisi; a third is in approval stage for the Province of Lecce.

An example: the memorandum of understanding for the Province of Brindisi

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

The coast of Brindisi is among the most affected by erosion due the environmental peculiarities.

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

The memorandum of understanding for the Province of Brindisi was signed the October 13, 2011.

Partners:-Puglia Regional Government;-Brindisi Provincial Government;-Municipalities of Brindisi, Carovigno, Fasano, San Pietro Vernotico, Torchiarolo;-Puglia Basin Authority;-Puglia Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection (ARPA Puglia).

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

The purpose of the memorandum ……….

- Realization of joint, standardized and coordinated actions to stem the coastal erosion according to the “Guidelines for the identification of interventions aimed at mitigating the most critical situations of low coasts”.

The rules of the memorandum …………

- Identification of the stretches of coastline affected by erosion;-Execution of bathymetric, morphological and stratigraphic surveys of the sea bottoms in front of the traits as identified above;-Topographic profile of the emerged beach;-Characterization plan and physical, chemical and biological analysis according to the regulations;-Studies on the presence and distribution of sensible habitats and species;-Studies on coastline dynamics and weather-marine hydrological trends;-Action planning for beach nourishment projects;-Projects approval.

MEDITERRE 2012 – Bari, 1st February - SHAPE Project International Conference

The Partners tasks …………

-Puglia Regional Government: Co-financing the nourishment works costs, after the approval and authorization of the projects.-Brindisi Provincial Government: Activities related to the design, financing and authorization of the nourishment projects.-Municipalities of Brindisi, Carovigno, Fasano, San Pietro Vernotico, Torchiarolo: Activities related to the design, financing and realization of the nourishment projects.-Puglia Basin Authority: Technical support and advices for the realization of the nourishment projects according to the guidelines.-Puglia Regional Agency for the Environmental Prevention and Protection (ARPA Puglia): Environmental framework, characterization analysis according to the regulations, validation and testing of the monitoring.

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Many Thanks for Your Attention!

Torre Guaceto - Brindisi
