Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1879-06-24 [p ]....All L'SKJlKKT. (!lltlM iHUKK.n K...


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4.K A.Vt.K ASH( IAIIu.V.Ala inrfitm; lifld by Hie Sliolby County Grange

A wrtali'm, on Saturday l;:sl, li l,ltrmlned tohave a lirwi.d li.trbeeiic ,il tins did Hair j rounds, ontt-- Miii!.i.s Cliarlt',tnri Kailroari, on the 4thy or Jul next,Ugellierv.itli several Trottinga , pre.

TU'j nt'ora rruit;ini of 57.rifort!inbst:j-mlniitf- l

Uors; S7."i frr the twst horst ; and SlOOforiMst horse five 10 ail; j.10 entrance lee lor eachtrol ; tn-- two In thr.e.

SlM premium fir the best horse In half-mil-e

li'mli: S; entrance It.S.'o rr fantMt pacer; best two In Hire; one mile

lie.'.ls; Jf."i entrance lee. All entries to be closed, by4 o'clock on the. i!xth Inst, at the Peabody Hotel,

order of the .Executive Committee.H. D. tiOoDWTN.C. WEATHER FORD.ti. B. FLEF.cK.B. M. MASON,li. D. GREEK.

Ari.lress Kxecutlve Committee, care C Weather-fo- -l

vurthotie. Vpmnlrl".

BAN.IO ANT) GUITAR Taught by JOHN T. BUT--l.i itt Leave orars ut Hollenberg's.

IRlr.-.F.L-, Dyer and Scourer, rt2 Jefferson ctreer.

and gents' clothing dod,..cleuned andrepaltvd in bent style.TR. C. bAsKF.RVILLE.XJ PaYSlCIAN AND 6UBGE0N.

Office. Vain. He.Hlnenee. 4H1 Shelby.

KKfSOVAl..AKIETY Aertctiltural Works to 4:i and 441

tsneiny STfp'. w. V ELLIS A SON.

T OCKET AND CHAIN-- On June lttlh. a child's--lJ gold locket with chain. Suitable reward paidfor return 0? same to oner. fit 8t l:nln.T street.

TAHF. fifC1OWS AND CALF On Jfith Inst., four cows and

belter calf ; also one cow on the 201a. Ap-Ii- yfit second toll-tru- Poplar Mwrt.

VJW AND spotted, with" .J N'll on, which the owner can have by proving, .ooertf and paying cbaiges. Inquire at 108 ajh-;.pni-



Including large ai d vuluable grounds,buildings Rnd ma hlnery The tools itr gooa and!ri .'ood onler. embracing in the ForNDKT. two Cu- -.

es, one 10 ton Crane, and one Rotary Blower,C!".tu iig and Blacking 41111 etc.

In thb Machine iSHop Two Iron Planers, twoEngine Lathes, two Drill Presses, two Bolt Cutters,one Iron Punching Machine, Hailing Machine, etc.

In thk Pattkkn Shop One Fay Sc Co. Scroll Saw,two Wood Lathes, one Splitting Saw and Table.

Thk Motiv. Powkr ,s one 20-hni- Engine, withfour tlu-- Boiler. Pumps, Tank, Shafting, Hangersand Piilllesconiplete. or price anil terms, addressus at Memnhls. Tenn J. K. h KAN K CO.

pvWELLINtiHOUSE-Corn- er Greenlaw and Sv-X- Jentb streets. Chelsea; good water, nice fiont"

jard, and convenient to street-car- s.

A. D. I.WVNNE, :tSH Front street.

OFKICK recently occupied by Memphis Water Co.,Second street.

Cole Co.'s old stand, 3:12 Second street; posses-sion given 1st of August.

2d ;jd and 4th floors over '2iW-20ll- ,a Main Street.tUoreh uhes in Jeflersnn Block,booms and unices over Porter, Taylor A Co.'s, tfOO

Front si reel.Old Exposition Building.4U0 acres well improved land on Raleigh road, with-

in 2 miles ot the city, from Ut January, lrtKO.Deslratile lots in any prt of the cltj; will give long

leases to pai tits wishing to build.JuilN OVERTON. Ja.

Apply to C. K. GROSVENOR,2H4 Second street.

PLACE To first-clas- s tenant, theCIRnDE Hn! i;ew Cirode Place molern. No. 2SHCynthia street, between Vnwand Linden.

WAWHEATLEV, 2k 1 Malu.BEljR i'Af - witn furnituie for saie. cottier "jUatTa

Madison, over Loulsv:lle tlcket oiuje. Oceof the moat pleasant rooms in the city, with all

Apply to W. A. U'Hti I' LKY.

AKUHN 1SHED BOARDlNUHOUKCentiaIiyAddress A. ts.. Apeal oniee.

Furnished or uDrurulshedf sultalphioi for families to hoiisekewp. 101 JKFFERgON.

liUTRMSHKD BOOilS Wita or wltliout boardJ.' No. 'j'M Third streLFURNISHED HOOiLS-Oh- eap toNEWLY Nrw lirtck hm sp. H4 Mullierry street.

IjIANOS A number of second-han- d PianosJ among which are one S'.'.'i.'iw:iy and one Chlck-erln- g.

Cheap for cash.E. W ITZMANN A CO., 223 Second st.

1ENGINE AND BOILER Ore power en--

nine and holler, nearly new.J. PATHI.Kjtt Memphis Gins. -

I OT3-Privat- ely. f.'f'.'IO days, iwo desirable bulkl-.- JIng lois. ti() by 145 feet, on Linden street, be-

tween Lauderdale and Orleans. For price and termsInquire of lD.juii;ley, at E. M. A person A Co 's.

A NICE cottage at Beersheba SprliigsCheao.For Information, apply to Mrs. R. L. C. Bustick,

Franklin, Tenn.. or N. C. Perkins, Memphis, ienn.GHOCE.tV-- A ra.eChaiu-- e lor a man wTFo small

to start In a tirst-cla- ss Grocery and loca-tion. SalUtactnry ciiuse given for selling. Apply at74 Jefferson street. J. 6TEWAHT 4 CO.

BRICK Bhipiied cheap by river or railroadTXeaveat John A. Denle's, JJ52 Front street.

Large concessions w ill be made on orders for goodBaimnnBrlck, suitable for chimneys or settlnc boil-- s.

etn. O. n. P. PIPE

Q jlllER BOARD, 3.i FIKTII AVENUE. NEWI ? o:is. Cool rooms; superior board; SlOweeitiy;

? SPRINGS Those aeinng summer board

XT at nasouabie rates. In a healthy Intuition, con-venient lo the city, with abundance of amusemer ts,ana every facility or communication and travel, anduo.c:uu exemption from epldemle elsei-e- s, shouMcoi respond with ELI IS & CO., Bailey Springs. AlarnO PARTIES VISITING NEW YOR.K, WHO

L desire to avoid the bustle of hotel ltie and atthe game time consult economy, will find superioraeeoiumo'iullon at the spacious premises, lOrt and1 OH Fas' 2:1 fctrtet delighlfully situated one blockfrom Ma:lvnn Square and Filth Av. Hotel, and with-in walklirg ais'uace ot nil the principal theatersand sloies; lefcrences exchanged.

ES1UABLK ROOM With boar.i. atI) 72 COURT STREET.("1 ENTLEilAN ND WIFE Or two gentfemen

can get a beautiful, unfuniished room Rnd goodboard with a private family, in a pleasant locality,ccnvanlent to street cms, at Slo r er month.

AiiTBss w. r. a... Appeal ottlce.

BOARDKitS A lew gentlemen atirt Union street. Terms inodeTate.

"300113 rooms and good board at.L IH JEKl-EKSO- STREET.

OOMJ-Sutt- of lront rooms, with board, at 111v,,urv sir"ei. t,ay owurutsrs waitieo.

TMBST-cLaS- J rooms, wltt. or booid.f Terms verv mrxierab No. Hi Mullvrrv.

WANTO.TX7"RITING Ti. do of every U..,d. Ccpylng

V lu a tieat manner and well punctuate,!. Lct-t-- s

wr'tten for those who cr.nnf t wrlie, onterms. All correspondence strictly confideiitlfai.

iiqulre at 221 Sec ma ytieet.

STF AMBOI LEIttf cnd-ban- l stationary horief.good order :md eheap. Adilress

:uCKER i BROS., Hernando, Miss.J AULTrt TU CLEAN At reduced rates Aply

at 4tt Madison St., Mcnphl-- . JOHN KAK.OITIIATION As saleMiian with some re'.'able

' wholesale houke; can command inuie and cotton;ivftrenccs given and reipi red. AMdii ss

BLINE;S. Town Creek. Al3.COLORED WOMAN To do general housework.

Apply at No L nlon sireet."OLACKSMITHS.JL.J JAMK3. ROOSA & GRAHAM.

MAN AND WfKK desire Tto take cl arge of aA hou) for some one leaving tor the summermouths; best of ielernces given. Call at 17 d Lin-den, s.

ONE SALh-bMA- lor each Sisle. Salary 7f, ioper month Mid exienses; refeiences

LA BKLLE M KU CO . Chicago.To i, e or repair, ai thePARAbOLS Paiasol Shop, 1H2 Main street, ueaj

Washington. Practical parasol ma kei s.

TROTTLNG SJALLlONd Ft R SEASON or 1K7V.riRuss," by Rysdjcn s Hamllloulaa

dam by Long Island Bliick Hawk."Cou JkFKKttson," b Dr. Heir's Mambreno

Pstchesi; dam. Lady JetTerson. We also have averylarge M.lleso Jack. We are prepared to grazeBlock. HUGH D. AND JOHN R GRF.ER.

rx miles southeast of city.


School Boohs,

Schocl Bcoks,

School Books,

School Books,

School Books,

School Books,

School Books.


300 Main Street,1. jjpbit, : ; : : ,Teimefo

" TCLE-O- ne large white muie, 12 years old; haditx sore unoer eacn eye; was stolen June 15th,Ten dollars reward for return of the mule to the half-way house, on old Raleigh road, to Wlaow Robinson,or to Chief or Police. Meniohls.


CX)W A large dark cow; white belly; silt In bothThe finder will be well rewarded for

the return of said cow to MRS. MOFFAT,at 72 Court street.

TWO COWS One dark brindle, the other red,white spots Mrs. D. F. Griffin or John

Rosser, Hernando road near the curve.

May 4th. one heifer calf:C"1ALK--


year old; had on leather muzzle. Liberalreward will be paia for cer return to



Ty Having vacated the store adjoining our presentpremises, we wish the public to know that we now

Occupy the Corner Building only.

where we are making extensive and useful Improve-ments to tiCilltr.'e the growing business of our house.

MENKEN BROTHERS20:j TOa in, corner Conrt.




Sugar, Coffee, Hams,

Lard, Crackers, Canned Goods,

Cheese, Tobacco, Cigars,

Etc, Etc., Etc.,

284-2- 8 8!!MAINi ST.



A new mooc made its appearance in thewest last evening.

The courts of record were du'l yesterdayin the way ot news items.

The ffire works are now all the talkthrough this whole section of country.

The Clarksville City Guards, forty strong,will reach the city at five o'clock this morn-it- g.

The cu8tomliouso corner-ston- e layingexercises will take place at three o'clock thisafternoon.

The members of the Helena, Arkansas,Rifles were out viewing the city and suburbsyesterday.

The Chickawaw Guards were out lastevening indulging in. a street drill. Theyhad sixty men in line.

The Memphis Light appeared intheir new uniforms yesterday dark bluecloth, with light blue facings.

A military entertainment was civen atEitival park iast night by the horao com-panies to the isitmg companies.

Cholera-mcrbu- s and kindred diseasesprevail at present, all caused by eating tooliberally of vegetables and fruits.

The committee of the school board ap-pointed to investigate the census report auiother matters will meet at their hall thisevening at eight o'clock.

The Zouaves, Captain Brown command-ing, drilled in front of the Appeax office lastnight. The drill and the manual were per-formed in good military style.

It has been suggested that business menshould closvi their stores early to-da- y, so thattheir employes can attend the customhousecoruer-ston- e laying ceremonies.

The store-fron- ts of Messrs. Jack Ar

M'Rea, and S. Vendig, on Main street nearAdams, are being relieved of their unsightlyawnings, preparatory to receiving a fresh coatof paint.

The M'Clellan Guards and their friendswill enjoy a picnic at the Exposition buildingto-d- and The Zouave Guardsand other military colored companies 1

participate.Resolutions of resptct to the memory of

the late J .iclge bcrugtrs have been presentedto the criminal court by the committee, com-posed of Esquire Miller, John T. Moss and G.P. M. Turner.

Some "person set fire to acabia full of darkies on Sheriff M'Gowan'sfarm near Bartlett on Saturday night. Theinmates barely escaped with their lives, andthe cabin was totally destroyed.

The specifications for the (improvementsfor the Church home were picked up on thestreet yesterday, and sent to the of-fice. The copy can be had by its owners onapplication at oar business office.

The honorary members of the ChickasawGuards are invited to be present at theGuards' armory at an entertain-ment to be given t tho Clarksville CityGuards and other visiting companies.

The man who sat down in the middle ofa pasture expecting that a cow would cometo him to be milked, is not more foolish thanthe man who stocks his stor and expectspeople to hunt him out wituout advertising.

Popular Science Monthly, North Ameri-can Iievitir, Scribner and Ut. Nicholas forJuly; Maid, Wife or Wiilotc, by Mrs. Alex-ander, Ange, by Florence Marryat, two newnovels in cheap series, alMansford's, io. 208Mt in street.

A full-blow- u night-bloomin- g ceres waspresented to th' Appeal office yesterday.It bloomed in the store of llessen & Co.,druggists, on Poplar street, on Sunday night.Two other buds bloomed last night. Theplants were raised in the rlower-garden- s ofMr. Berringer, near this city.

Our exchanges speak of large crowdscoming to Memphis to see the fireworks onthe Fourth. Evidently our ciy will presenta lively aspect on that day. It is said theback of the stand on the bluff is to be raised j

ten it et tiigner man it now is in order thatcontributors may fully enjoy the scene.

The negro, J. D. Alexander, who hireda saJdIe-hors- e from (he livery stable of Mr.W. J. Terrell, No. 21 Third street, someton days ago, was arrested and bound over,and the property rec wered, a few days ago.Mr. Terrell repot ts that the same negro mar-ried a negro girl at Devalls Bluff, Arkansas,and deserted her alter two weeks.

At the criminal court yesterday, the fol-

lowing cases were disposed of: William andKachael Boregard, indictment for murder,jury and prdict guilty of voluntary man-slaughter, and penalty lixed at five years im-

prisonment in the Stats penitentiary. SandyKertland, housebreaking and larceny, juryand verdict guilty; sentenced to one year'simpriuocment in (h; penitentiary. Sandy

THE MEMPHIS.DAILY APPEAL-TUESDA- Y. JUsTK 24. 1879.Kertland, larceny, two indictments; jury andverdict guilty on each, and sentenced to oneyear's imprisonment in each case. WilliamJones, larceny and carrying stolen gocda intothe State; jury and verdict guilty, and sen-tenced to five years imprisonment in thepenitentiary. Charles Gobbie, carrying con-cealed weapons; jury and verdict not guilty.George Jacks, vagrancy; convicted and finedone dollar.

Fifty beautiful Bhade-tre- es along thesidewalks around Court equare have beenkilled by the hack stands which surround theplace. The authorities should replant thehoes and add to the delicious shade thathangs around the charming spot. "The manwho makes two blades of grass grow whereone grew before is a public benefactor," saidan old philosopher.

The Shelby county grange association,by way of increasing the attractions at theFair-ground- s, on the Fourth of July, proposeto add to their premium list a handsomemedal for the best-drille- d military companyon the grounds, as also an elegant bow andquiver to the best archery club. They havefixed the price of admission at fifty cents,and will make arrangements with the Mem-phis and Charleston railroad for rouni-tri- p

tickets at low rates. For sale of privileges',sea advertisement.

The musicale given by Mrs. Monsarrat.inChelsea, Friday evening last, was a most en-joyable affair. He parlors were filled withthe elite of the city, who highly appreciatedthe music, both vocal and instrumental, ren-dered by her scholars. We could scarcelyventure to particularize the performanceswhere all did so well. The Misses Hidellevinced fine talents in both instrumental andvocal music. Miss Iney Norvell sang sweet-ly. The playing of Miss Lizzie Winters wasgreatly admired, but the sweet little blonde,Leonora Calhoun, won all hearts. She received from her teacher a gold medal for pro-- J

nciency in ner stuuies, anu uie veruici ui uiiwas that it was worthily bestowed. Mrs.M.onsarrat sang two pieces with fine effect,evincing a high order of musical talent.Altogether the entertainment was a mostpleasant one, showing that Mrs. Monsarratkcw8 how to conduct an occasion of thiskind to the satisfaction of her guests.


Crlmlual Court J. K. K. Bay. JoateCalendar for Wednesday: 94, Andrew Stue-ar- t;

147. Charles Duncan; 81, 32, 33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38, 3U, 40, 41, Wm. J. Barton; 25, 35,John Burgett; 91, Albert Dodge; 36, 147,Wm. Parker and Burt Overton; 95, WilliamLooney; 92, John Redmond; 50, Chae. Sims,alias Wallace, Hugh Davis and A. J. Fos-ter; 85, Isaac Woods. Witnesses must bein attendance or forfeitures will be taken andattachments issue.

Chancery Court H'Dowell, Judge.Calendar for Tuesday, June 24th: 2300,

Anderson vs Larkin; 2101, same vs Bates;2303, Selma railroad vs Bolton; 2306, Russellvs Herndon; 2308, Rosignail vs Mumford;2310, Hilltuan vs Cornel; 2311, Adams vsWright; 2312. Shields vs Wright; 2315,Duke vs Rodgers; 2318, Pearson vs Slayan;2321, Basby vs Maydwell; 2326, Andersonvs Van Brocklin; 2328, same vs Shelton;2331, Hill vs Sanderson; 2336, Anderson vsReid; 2339, Anderson vs Reid; 2339, Onettevs Chandler; 2340, Anderson va Cummings;2344, same vs Partee; 2345, same vs Dubose;2343, same vs M'Cardy; 2349, same vs Mer-chants bank; 2351, same vs M'Kenna; 2352.same vs Cook; 2359. May vs Hill; 2361, Ltai-re- ll

vs E'ayne; 2365, Preston vs Shelton;2366, Presoott vs Stevens; 2367. Brown vaBrannin; 2;1j6S, Little vs Bates; 2371, Ashbyvs Test; 2373, Prestidge vs Dickinson; 2376,Moreland vs Greenlaw; 2387, Anderson vscity; 2391, same vs Spangler; 2392, same vaTodd ; 2395, Browu vs Cooper; 2396, Healeyvs Goodwin; 2398, Anderson v Dowdy;2399, same vs Grace; 2402, Bierce vs Hel-ma- n;

2411, Dunscomb vs Caruthers; 2414,Dickens vs Neal; 2422, Goodyear vs Cobb;2424, Mahoney vs Walsh; 2430, Street vsHorner; 2447, Kehoe vs Elliott; 2449, Zntvs M'Millan;2456, Edmonds vs Harris; 2461,M'Clelland vs Sigler; 2465, Flaherty vs Cala-na- n;

2475, Mahoney vs Hendrix; 2477,Brooks vs Gibson: 2478, Adkins vs Johnson;2479, Hatcher vs Myers; 2431, Stah vs Irby;2483, Berton vs Radford; 2486, Goodwin vsBeaty.

Clrrult Court Hon. J.O. Pierce. Judge.Calendar for to-da- y: 6007, 6009, 6011,

6012, 6013, C014, 6017, 6035, 6037. 6055,6056, 6058, 6059, 6062, continued over fromyesterday's calendar; 6066, Graham vs Wan-namak- er

& Brown; 6067, Lanaean vs Keith;6063, Reed vs Samt; 6069, Hollenberg vsWarren et al; 6070, Curd, assigner, vs Cal-

lahan; C071, Smith vs Haidin; 6076, Wat-kin- svs Purcell; 6077, Pfemfert & Co. vs

Warden; 6078, Hearn vs Glass; 6080, Strangevs Rogr-son- ; 6083, Conway, agent, vs Lem-mo- n;

6084, Walsh vs Gavin; 6085, Treze-va- nt

vs Brown; 6086, Jefferson vs Tucker;6087, Jetfe'son V3 Tucker; 6092, Factorswarehouse vs Ewell; 6093, Willman vs Co-

hen; t094, Neel vs Truehart; 6094, Dunn vaLadger; 6C98, Walker vs Gavin; 6099, Znt,administrator, vs Bucknell; 6100, Gilbert vsCook; 610, Frazer vs Mallory; 6109, Meyer& Guy vs M'Diugal& Co.; 6110, Rowlet vsKooer: 6112. Morean vs Trowbridge; 6114,B 'sby & Co. vs Stratton & Co.; 6116, Wongvb Sing; 6119, Ousterbiiut vs Carmile; 6120,Caraozo vs Wesson; bl3, liecitervs itayner;6125, Yeatman & Co. vs Robinson: 6126,Baxter & Co. vs Twohig and wife; 6127, Ma-hon- y

va Memphis and Vicksburg packet com-pany; 6128, Epperson Jt Bros, vs Arbuckle &Tucker; 6130, Sanders vs Rambaut; 6131,Willis vs Willis; 6132, Millard vs Millard;6133, Kyle vs Kyle; 6134, Woods vs Woods;6135. Ladell vsLadell: 6136, Thompson vsThompson; 3137, Butler vs Butler; 6138,Louder vs Louder; bI3y, Jones vs Jones; bl4U,Oates & Williams vs Rosco.

KKEMKU, UEQZUG &. CO.Invite the attention and inspection of visitors

and citizens to their

Excellent Selections and Great Bargains.Brazilian Fayals.Leghorns, at 50c.Lawn. 6iiC.Ribbons, 5, 64, 1, 10, 12c, worth

twice the money.Trimmed Hats largest assortment and

lowest prices in the city.Grenadines.




Henochsberg's Pictures, Frames, Etc.At greatly reduced prices, previous to

change ot brm. m. hksochskeko CO.,885 and 387 Main street

Frank Sturla'w French Kitchen.No. 370 Main street, is presided over by P.L. Mivelaz, one of the finest cooks in America. Everything prepared in the finest styleand at reasonable prices. The bar is sup-plied with the best of liquors.


NEW TRAVELING BASKETS.All goods very low, to save expense of

moving.Will occupy 310 Main street on and after

July 1st.SHERWOOD & CO.,

348 Main street, a few doors south of Union.

Lookout Mountain for the Summer.The Natural Bridge house. Lookout Moun

tain, is in better trim than ever. Freestoneand chalybeate waters. Fare unsurpassed.A new bowling-alle- y and ball-roo- m just nowcompleted, swings, croquet grounds; every-thing, in fact, that can contribute to healthand pleasure supplied. Address

A. li. THU5IAS, Caattanoogi, Tennessee.

China and lassware.One of the leading china and glassware

houses of our city is that of Charles N. Erich,No. 321 Main street. His stock is one of thelargest in the city. Every article, staple andfancy, known to the chinaware trade can befound at this well-know- n house. The beauti-ful goods will be sold at the lowest rates,which defy successful competition. The im-ported china and glassware goods are rareand elegant works of art, most difficult tohnd in any house on this continent. Citizensand strangers should visit this house andmake purchases.

Floyd's Candies.Visitors will find a nice variety of candies

and fine confections at Floyd's.

"Which is the CheapestA package of Duke's Durham, containing

twenty pipe-full- a of the best pmoking tobac-co made, or one common cigar? Each coststen cenU.

HiVLTa the poor man's riches, the richmat; 'a bltns is found in Ayer's medicines,after a fruitless search among othr remedif 3.A word to the wise is euSicient.


Heetlac of the Executive Committee Ofthe Auxiliary Sanitary Aeeoela-tlo- a

Free Bath las (SanitaryHerceaat'e lieport Confer-

ence Committee CourtSquare Hark Stand

Water Filters.

The executive committee of the legislativecouncil met at four o'clock, in the basementroom of No. 12 Madison street, last even-ing. The following named gentlemen werepresent: President James S. Prestidge, Gen-eral Colton Greene, John T. Willins, J. R.Godwin and Dr. W. E. Boggs.

The committee on books for the offico re-ported that they had procured the books andengaged the services of George W. Reynoldsto be in the dice during business hours toreceive reports and write up the books.

FREE BATHS FOB THK PUBLIC.General Greene reported as to public baths

thKt a boat with a false or movable bottomcould be procured at a cost not exceeding twohundred dollars. The committee was grantedfurther time to make a leport.

Sanitary Officer Broaddus made a report asto work done during the past week on thestreets and alleys as follows:

8ANITAKY sergeant's beport.Mr. President and Gentlemen of tbe Auxiliary Sani-

tary Association:Gentlemen I herein transmit to your honorable

body my report from noon June, 18, 187H, untoSaturday evening, June 21, 1879, completing oneweek's work. Since, toy last report on the eighteenth,I have completed my woik filling up a large hole inthe street at tbe corner of Linden and Shelby streetswith broken bricks; also cleaned np the alley andthe filthy gutter In the rear of Charles Berton'ssaloon, corner of Beale and Shelby streets, andcleaned up a pile of lilLhy mud left at the corner ofMain and Linden streets. Also, cleaned and sweptgutters and streets around Court square, and sprink-ling lime In the gutters where the hack and expresswagons stand, which bad become very olfenslve,commencing at tbe corner of Main and South Courtto Second street, up Second to Nona Coin t street,North Court to Main street, down Main street toSouth Court; also Monroe streei, from the alley be-tween Second and Main streets, to Front street, Ithencommeuced cleaning up Linden street, fromHernando to East Lauderdale streets; found someof the gutters In a very hltby condition, Into wblchI have thrown lime, and also around St. Patrick'schurch. Have hauled one hundred and seventy loadsof dirt to the dump, and eighty loads cf brokenbricks to Oil up holes with; total, two hundred andfifty loads. For the week's work ending Saturday,June 21, 187U, total loads to tbe dump two hundredand sixty, and one hundred and n'ty-sl- x loads ofbroken bricks to till op boles and cesspools with.Paid out of tbe appropriation for the week's work,one hundred and eighteen dollars and titty cents;balance on hand, thirty-on-e dollars and fifty cents.Kespectlully, W. H. BBOADDUS,

Sanitary Sergeant.COi FEREKCE COMMITTEE.

Mr. Fontaine offered the following resolu-tion, which was adopted :

KMolved, That tbe committee or conference be in-structed to confer with tbe Taxli authori-ties as to their ability to repair streets and alley?,and to report back to tbe association if advisablefor them to make any fuither appropriation for thisobject.


The question of privy vaults on premiseswas generally discussed by the members ofthe committee. Several cheap plans for privyvaults were presented, especially by Rev. Dr.Botgs, who had given the subject close at-tention and no little study. These discus-sions were indulged in with a view to recom-mend some cheap but effective plan to thepublic. Dry earth was regarded as the greatdeodorizer for water-closet- s.


General Greene cfisred the following reso-lution :

Whkkkas, The use by the pubMc backs of thestreets sun-unln- Court square is destructive toshade trees and is otherwise a nuisance; therefore,ba it

A'jnfied, That the committee of conference be In-

structed to consider the expedleni-- y of having publicstands set apart by the city authorities for publicvehicles.

The resolution was unanimously adopted.A. CHEAP FILTERKR.

Dr. Boggs referred to the filterer which heis part inventor of, and stated that the costof each filterer would be about four dollarsand fifty cents at wholesale, or five dollarseach. It would filter from twelve to fifteengallons of Wolf river water daily.

How to utilize the filterer so as to furnishthe poor with pure water was the object ofthe discussion. It was asserted that ordinarycistern-wate- r, as used in Memphis, was notfit for drinking purposes on account of impu-rities. The water from a filter-buck- et passesthrough coarse and fine sand, a bed of char-coal and into a cistern at the bottom, hold-ing some two gallons of purified water. Theamount of water tittered daiiy would be suf-ficient for any ordinary family.

Mr. Willins offered the following resolu-tion on the subject:

litmlved. That a committee of three be appointedto subtest some means to induce tne public to usefiltered hydrant instead of cistern-wale- r, and howcheap a filter can be furnished for the purpose.

The resolution was adopted, and the presi-dent appointed a committee as follows:Messrs. Willins, J. R. Godwin and DaveEiseman.

On motion tbe committee adjourned tomeet at four o'clock oa Monday afternoonnext.


Mk3. J. F. Graham is at Iuka, Missis-sippi,

Vns. J ir:i Zent will spend the summerat ilue Kidge&pnngs.

Mr. T. C. Brangall, cf the Atlanta (Ga.)Sunny South, is in the city.

Mr. TJ. W. Miller and lamily left forJjon Aqua springs last evening.

T. P. Turner, dentist, 313 Main street,administers nitrous oxide gas.

Mrs. J. W. Leftwich has gone to Hampshire, Maury county, lennessee.

Mrs. R. L. Danheiser will be at Hannibal, Missouri, for the next month.

Colonel W. F. Taylor, of Porter, Taybr(Jo., is in liuntsville, Alabama.Mrs. E. M. Durham was among yester

day's departures lev Blue Ridge Springs.Colonel Enoch Enslet and family will

this week leave on a summer tour northward.

Mrs. A. B. Wills has gone to Bon AquaSprings, where she will remain during thesummer.

Commodore James S. Wise and CaptainJames D. Parker, of Cincinnati, are at thePeabody.

Mr, Victor D. Fuch and family leaveWednesday tor Cave City (Mammoth Cave),Kentucky, to spend tne summer.

Governor Marks and other prominent visitors will reach the city this morning at fiveo clock t ia the Louisville railroad.

General D. H.Reynolds, of Chicot City,Arkansas, and General J. L. Alcorn, of inars Point, Mississippi, are at the Peabody.

Lieutenant H. Wygant, United Statesarmy, and of the Twenty-fourt- h infantry,will act as colonel commanding the militarycompanies to-da- y.

Major R. H. Wildbekger, of the Kentucky military institute, 13 in lue city, andcan be seen at 317 Main street, where he willfurnish catalogues and other information.

Grand Master Connors, of Chattanooga,of the Masonic order, reached the city yes-terday, and will to-da-y conduct tbe Masonicceremonies of laying the corner-ston- e of thenew customhouse bunding.

At the annual meeting of Bluff City lodge,No. 22. A. O. U. W., held last evening, tbefollowing officers were elected to serve for theensuing term: J. T. Kennedy, P. M. W.;Giorge E. Rudisitl, M. W.; 11. W. Nichol-son, F.; Simon Sturm, O.; E. J. MacGrotty,recorder; Sol. Harpmann, financier; FrankUnderwood, receiver; J. G. Beck, G.; AdolphReis, I. W.; H. Cohn, O. W.j John L. Well-for- d,

trustee.General J. C. N. Robertson, an old

and prominent citizen of Desoto county,. Mis-sissippi, is in the city. Ila was grand masterof Masons in Tennessee in 1834, and, thoughnow in his eighty-eight- h year, he ha3 comeup to be with the craft at the ceremonies oflaying the corner-ston- e of the customhouse to-

day. The general is one of the olde sub-scribers of the ArPHAL, and a warm friendat all times, and it affords us much pleasureto have him with us on this interesting occa-sion.

The Helena, Arkansas, Rifles, thirty-tw- o

men rank and file, arrived in the city yester-day by rivfcr and were received as the guest3of the Bluff City Grays. The company isuniformed in dark blue cloth with bufffacings, and is armed with the needle-gun- .The officers are as follows: J. L. Henderson,captain; Greenfield (juarles, first lieutenant;J. A. Tappan. second lieutenant; S. C. Moore,first sergeant; J. W. Cook, second sergeant;A. Meyers, third sergeant; J. W. Jackson,first corporal; T. A. Euper, second corporal;C. P. Givan, third corporal. The companyis quartered at the Peabody.

Arrivals at the Peabody hotel yesterday:Lieutenant C. Augur, United States army;W. H. Terry, Mobile; John Hilbert, Palmyra,Tenn.; Sam B. Rainey, New Orleans; H. C.C.Clarke, Mississippi; F. P. Scruss. L. S..Scruggs, Holly Springs; li. E. Holder, St.Louis; B. F. Matthews, Baltimore; CharlesC. Mackay, New Yoik: J. !f. Nathan Austin, Miss.; B. D. Hodges, Cieorge B. 'Vtors,E. B. Tollison, Arkansas; J. V. Lyn ti. O.U. M'Gaim, olivar county, Miss.; J. l. ;.d--

den, W. J. Shick, Chicago; Jack Kendall,Cincinnati; S. W. Warner, New York; B. J.Ruse, Allie Pippin, E. W. Ford, John L.Henderson, James A. Tappan and wif, G.Quarles, S. C. Moore and wife, J. W. Cookand wife, Helena, Ark.: C. J. Morris, Den-ver, Col.; William B. Dortch, Somerville,Tenn.; Mrs. J. W. Owen, Arkansas; MajorGeorge C. Conner, Chattanooga; J. E.Wood and lady, Marianna, Ark.; M. LtEtchisnn, Cincinnati; J. C. Bennett, Boston;Fred Beck, New York; J. E. Duke, J. H.Green, H. H. Matlock, Louisville; J. H.Childress, Grenada, Miss.; Sid E. Eiseman,Fayette, Miss.; General D. H. Reynolds, M.H. Carnco, Chicot county, Ark. ; J. L. Alcorn,George Brodie, Mississippi; Walter Daviss,Arkansas; M. Brennan, Helena, Ark.; N. D.Coleman, New Orleans; W. S. Warr, Ross-vill- e,

Tenn.; W. C. Sherrod, Alabama; SamO. Smith, Little Rock; P. Klopman and wife,New Orleans; E. W. Simmons, Wittsbursr,Ark.; James Daniels, Bnnkley, Ark.; W. V.B.Smith, Frankfort, Ky.; A. Meyer, J. H.Jackson and wife, J. B. Lambert, T. A. Eu-per, E. P. Govan, E. M. Bennett and wife,M. Bernhold, T. S. Briscoe, S. S. Faulkner,T. H. Faulkner, E. C. Horner, J. T. Har-gras- s,

Gray King, L. Lucy, W. Lucy, L.Longley, S. Liugg, W. E. Moore, jr., H. My-ric- k,

E. M. Mooney, D. V. Mitchell. A.Rainey, J. H. Ramsey, F. B. Sliger, J. C.Tappan, jr., T. M. Upshaw. W. G. William-son, Mrs. W. H. Govan, Mrs. A. R. Govan,Miss Jennie Dade. Miss Bessie Ward, MissDonna Govan. Helena, Ark.; R. A. Milam,Nashville; J. S. Wise, J. D. Parker, Cincin-nati; C. J. Streng, Louisville; A. Irwin,Newark, N. J.; B. W. Hodges, Mississippi.


Sleeting Yesterday CommunicationsKeceived. and Aeted Upon Street- Grading- - and Paving or Bnsl-nes- s

and Kealdent StreetsAdjournment Uublectto Call of President.

Yesterday afternoon, at two o'clock, thelegislative council met at the court-roo-

The following members were present: D. T.Porter, president; John Overton, jr., R. Gal-loway, M. Burke, John Gunn, C. W. Goyer.

A communication from G. A. Stovall wasread and filed.

A communication from M. Featherstonewas rend, and, on motion of M. Burke, re-ferred to the district attorney for report.

The committee to whom was referred thematter of progress of W. M. Adams wasread, and, on motion of Mr. Goyer, receivedand filed.

The committee to whom was referred thescale ordinance made report, which, on mo-tion of M. Burke, was received and filed.

The attorney reported on the petition ofTrustee Fleece, and, on motion of M. Burke,was received and a copy sent the trustee.

The attorney reported on the matter ofpublic rents, which, on motion of John Over-ton, was received and filed.

The committee on renting public propertyreported, and, on motion, the report was re-ceived and adopted, to take effect from June1st.

The offer of J. H. Jenningp, of a sewercleaned, was, on motion, accepted, and thethanks of the council were tendered to him.

The report of the engineer was, on motionof M. Bij'ke, received and filed.

The petition of the oil-mi- lls was read, andon motion of Mr. Gunn was received Andfiled.

The ordinance establishing the grade ofCalhoun street passed on final reading.

The ordinance amending section 7, sub-section 8, inspection ordinance, was passedon final reading.

On motion of M. Burke the engineer waBinstructed to erect a lamp on the corner ofLinden and Orleans streets for Mr. Bocler,free of cost to the District.

Oa motion of M. Burke, the gas commit-tee was allowed further time, and was in-

structed to make a report at tho next meet-ing.

M. Burke offered tbe following resolution:Resolved, That the fire and police commis-

sioners be, and they are hereby authorized toadvertise for bids for printing the digest ofordinances, to be known as Ueiskell s Dtqest.

Oa motion of M. Burke, the contract forpaving Madison street was awarded to AirF. Brown, upon his executing a satisfactorybond.

The ordinance to pave Adams street, fromFront to Orleans street, with Telford pave-ment, was passed on first reading; Mr. JohnGunn voted against it, statin ; that after paving Madison street to the Charleston depot.he favored paving Main street from theLouisville depot to the Tennessee depot before paving any other street.

In answer to his objections, it was statedthat the residents on Adams street had donated or subscribed seven thousand dollarsor one-thir- d the cost of the pavement desiredto be laid on such street, and if the property-owner- s

on Main street would subscribe asliberally, the- - pavement on the east side ofthat street, from depot to depot, could alsobe laid.

On motion, the legislative council adjourned to meet subject to the call of thepresident, D. 1. 1'orter.

What's the MatterWhen yon have the blues? Your liver istorpid, lake some ot the genuine Dr. C,M 'Lane's celebrated liver pills, prepared byt leming IJros., ot 1'ittBburg, .PennsylvaniaNone genuine without ther signature. Looktor it on every wrapper, the market is floodedwith imitations of the name M'Lane spelleddtnerentiy, but naving same pronunciationFor fever and ague, headache, or as a simplepurgative they have no equal. Ask yourdruggist tor them.

Clothing for the People.If you want to purchase clothing for men

or boys at a very low rate, vou must visit tbeclothinghouse of R. M. Drake & Co., 271Main street. Iheir line of clothing comprises everything known to the trade goodsselected to suit this southern climate. Suitsof clothing are made a specialty, and can bepurchased at astonishingly low prices. Inthe furnishing goods and underwear departments the stock is very large and containseverything that can be called for by thepublic.

John Ntnrla's Maloon,At the corner of Union and Main is sup

plied with the best ot wines, liquors and ciears, and the barkeepers know how to prepare the most palatable drinks. Rememberthe place, 337 Main.

There is no better remedy than Reed's giltedge tr.nic tor dys; epsia and indigestion.


Burnett's cocoaine removes dandruff.Dr. A. L. Kimbro, office southeast corner

Mam and Union streets.Banjo and guitar taught by John T. Rut

ledge. Leave orders at Hollenberg's.Nothing else will effect a cure in fever

and ague and liver complaint so quickly aslteed'8 gilt edge tonic.

Invalids requiring a stimulant made frompure grain and free from fusil-o- il should purchase (ireen liner.

Thb Crescent baking powder is made frompure material, and is extra strength. Forsale oy happen a avert.

Floyd's Itestaurant.Prices are moderate. Ever it convenience

of a first class restaurant. For fijty cents. , , . ,- -

you can get a gooa ainvrr, xnciuamgand desserts.

Lo!Behold a new thing!Yet only comparatively new,For its merit has been recognizedThroughout the civilized world.Toe highest and only medalsUt merit were awarded toTbe manufacture, both atTbe Centennial and the PartsExpositions, by medical Juries.Humbugs are advertised;So are useful articles.This Is truly one of tbe latter.Benson's capclna porous plasterIs a simple but wonderful remedy.It contains new elements whichMake lt far superior to tbe common,Slow-actin- g porous plaster, it actsQuicker and more powerfully relivesjfalii almost at once. Try lt forlameness and weakness of the back or mus-cles, for rheumatism, for coughs and weaklung?, tor kidney disease, spinal complaints,or any local ache or pain. You will not re-gret it. Do not allow yourself to bo per-suaded t" take a common porous plaster inplace of Benson's capcine porous plaster. AHothers are very inferior to it. Sold by alldruggists. Price, 25 cents.

They All Knew It.Memphis is full of visitors. There are now

here young men from all the towns within ahundred miles of Memphis. Many of themare to take part in the military display at thelavintr of the corner-ston- e. Nearly all thesegentlemen knew before coming here that SolColeman's was the place to buy cigars. Hisfamous brands have become known far andwide, and his reputation as a wholesale dealeris attracting a great many orders from thecountry.


EneonrajEloc Letter in Regard to Itfrom (Governor Porter An Addi-

tional Prize for Poplls ABright Outlook.

The following letter from Governor Potterin regard to our medical college will be readwith pleasure by our citizens. We are in-formed that Governor Porter's suggestion isapproved by quite a number of the trustees;and the faculty offers, in addition to theprizes mentioned in their announcement, thetrustees' prize of one hundred dollars to thestudent who is the most proficient in all thebranches. The faculty and trustees appre-ciate the interest taken in the enterprise byour distinguished statesman.

governor porter's letter.Paris, Tenn., June 17, 1879.

Dr. W. E. Rogers:My Diar Six I am In receipt of the first

announcement of the Memphis hospital medicalcollege, in which I am announced as one of tbeboF.rd of trustees, and I take it that I am Indebtedto you for this honor. In my opinion there Is nopoint In the south that offers superior advantages toMemphis for medical education, especially to gen-tlemen who propose to practice the profession inthe south and southwest, and I write to express toyourself and your associates, my approval of theundertaking and to assure you of myI find the names ot thirty-thre- e gentlemen an-nounced as trustees, and I suggest that in additionto the prizes already offered, that you provide, fromcontributions from tbe board, "The Trustees Prize,"for such examination as may be prescribed by thefaculty. Two to live dollars from each one, wouldprovide something handsome, and would be a pow-erful stimulus to your first class. If this suggestioncould be brought to the attention of tbe board oftrustees. 1 believe that all of them would make acontribution. I will be glad to help you In that way.Yours truly. . JAMES P. PORTER.





2S1MAIMTTlie Seaside Library.

Out y In Clear. Bold. Hanisome Type,91A1IK WIFE. UK tVIOU V

By Mrs. Alexander 10 Cents,ALSO,

liOBD KlLUOBBIX.By Charles Lever 20 Cents.


By Florence Marryatt 20 Cents.KKW STOK BY EMILK HABOBIAU.

THK COUNT' UKrKK'i'.By the author of ' File No. 1 13." will be commenced

in Xim. GIO cf THK IRl-:I- Ci'Ml'JO'IOS.


MISS MART J. BALDWIN, Principal. Theof 187W-K- 0 will open the first Wednes-

day in September, and close the corresionding timeIn June following. Tf.kms For session of fortyweeks, payable one-ha- lf on entering and the balance lu tebruan): Selection Klrst or board, wasnIng. fuel, lights, physician's fee, seat In church, ca-listnenlcs and lull Engllsn course, including eiocutlon and contingent fee, are S250. For full particulars, apply to tue principal ror catalogues.




Tuesday. June 24th. at 5 p.m.JOHN A. SCUPPER Calvert, master

Saturday, June awtn. at o p.m.


FOB VICKIsBtlBO.COLORADO M'Pheeters, master

Monday, June 23d, at 10 a.m.GRAND TO WES Lennox, master

Tnursoay. June liotn. at lu a.m.CITY OF VlCKoBURtf Riley, master

naturuay, June zxtn, at lu a.m.31EMPHIH ASD HT. LOUIS PKT. CO


JOHN B. MAUDE Blake, masterMonday. June 23d. at 10 a.m.

BELLE MEMPHIS John C. Crane, masterTuesday, June 24th, at 5 p.m.

CITY OF ALTON Blxby, masterWednesday, June 25th, at 5 p.m.

CITY OF HELENA M'Eee, masterTbtirsoay. June znto. at 10 . in.

CITY OF GREKNVILLB A. J. Carter, masterbaturday, June 2Htn. at ID am.

For all information. atiDlr at Memohls and SLLouis Packet Co.'s wharfboal, foot of Monroe street.

ad eriiRM, Bunerlntendent.


Per Sew Orleana and the Reads.-T- heSouthern Transportation Co.'s Passenger Steamer

Charles Miller, master.Will leave Glenn's wharf boat as above on THIS

SAY, June 24th, at 4 p.m. For freight or passageappiyio n.. r. iimn, agenr. at wnarTDOfii.


Cairo., . aKvanavlUe,I --T i . M . ..! Lomtrvllle,.. , . and-

--L,UUUal. 1UQ UUO BlCaUlfT

(xiiiding Star, jgSW. B. Miller, master.

Will leave Glenn's Wbarfboat as above WEDNES-DAY, June 25th. at 4 p.m. Tickets given to allpoints iNorin ana rast, K. v. uleisn. Assent


The Swift and Elegant Passenger Bteamer

CONS MILLARW. C Tichenor master I Jas. Wilstn clerk

Will leave as aboveWednesday, June 25ta, at 5 p.m.


CHEAPER TnAJf EVER!Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, and all points

North and East at proportionately low rates.CyMea!s and staterooms on the steamer FREE.For rreignt or passage, apply to

B. W. LIGHTBCRNK, Sup't,No. 7 Monroe, otinoslte Peabodv Hotel.

The Steamer JAMES W. GAFF leaves Saturday,dune ifxin.

FOR ARKOPOLIS AND PINE BLUFF R.RAdams U.f. SI all Line for Arkopolleand

i idc uiun naunaa.For Helena, Friars Point, Concordia, Terrene, and

all Plantation Landings. Tne elegant steamer

Mark B. Cheek... master I A. L. Cummins... derm- -

Leases as above every MONDAY aud THURSDAY., at U p.m. For iretgnt or passage apply to

J. T. WAbhlNuTOiN, Agent,No. ft Madlwrn street.


JSerular Independent .Memphla andWhite River Packet tor Autusta. JacksonuortSearcy, and way points. The itfguiai pendent.racxei


Will leave Memphis every WEftNUSKAY. on andafter July tub, lb7. at 5 p.m. Fur LititUt or passage, appij to

B. W. LIGHTBTJRNE.No. 7 Monroe St., opp. Peabody hoteL

B. P. GLENN, on Wharf boat.Jl I LT B.4KIIY I,I?VK.

Uemphis W ntte Klver and Mlaeat 1X1 verti. m. in an

For Indian Bay, SL Charles, Clarendon, Devall'sBluS, Des Arc, Augusta Jacksouport, West Point,oearcy, rsatesvme, rownatian, ana iocacoraas.l ne new steamer

Josle HornM. Ii. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, clerk.

Leaves Memohls on and after November 2d. everbiiuiuiii,iu o p.m., connecting airectwitn tnenew Black river U. B. mall packet MILT HARRY forPowbattan and Pocahontas, and with Dailv Packetsui cstesviiie ana upper wnno river.

l urougn rates to an points.Freight consigned to Milt Harry Line. Memnhls o

.terrene wiu De promptly rorwarueu. Freight wlUbe received at ail timet on the R. E. Lee Wharfboat.


for Uleudale. Helena and Jb'riars Point.Loaiioiiin, .551Stack Lee master I Jno. Gwathmey..clf'k

ui raarc m buwo uu every nun ut x , w iuiHjt.s-D-A

if and FRIDAY, at 8 D.m. For f retuht or naasaimapply on board or to . J. T. WASHINGTON,

No. H Madison street.

FOR OSCEOLA.Eeular Semi-weekl- y Mall Packet for Randolph

uitoQ. usceoia and ail way landings.The elegant passenger steamer

Osceola ISelle, SSiJ. G. Andrews Master I B. O. Michel! Clerk.Laves Mempnis every wluaibuii, ana

FRIDAY, at fin. in. Vat freUtit or DaoMUre I- -Ili.on board.




Printed Linen Lawns,Whita FrenchWhite Lace Stripe Lawns,White Linen Lawns,Printed Union Lawos,

r v






COLORED ORGANDIE LAWNS,White Lawn d'lnde,White Dotted Swisses,White Paris Muslins,White Persian Lawns,Plaid Manchester


ipotj hps.






No. 300 Tront Street.Between Mad 1 won awd u on roe Tfemphiw. Tennew.


yv MnT.TfiaAT.TI

rocers. Cotton FactorsAnd Ccxnmissian Merchants,

Ttins. 371 and 373 Main street. Sfempliis, Tenn,


It is almost needless to say that this



Dysentery, Acute and Chronic Diarrhoea, Flux, and all kindred diseases, far excels anyotner known remedy. It not only cures the disease, but strenctht'tis the intestinal organsand invigorates tbe entire system. AVe do not claim it to cure every tbinir, but wo guar-antee it to cure the diseases we name above. For children it has no equal, being both mildand safe m its enects; and for females itCan be taken at all times with perleet

-- AT-




98 Second St., opp. fflarltet Square, Mempnis.House Kront, Wrought and Cast Fencing, all kinds Iron and Brass Caatlnsa. CottonPresses, Palleys, Shafting'. Bolts, Pipe and Kitting, Brass Koods, tiov--ernors, engines, general uenairs. and rverumng m nn.oi rviaary or Jiaemne-sao- p

norit. nkiii ruK ki katkiiXI. 1 HKACUA1I.


preparation, for an effectual and certain cure

best strengthener and appetizer known.eatety. For sale by druggists.



uatener. A, Coebrani

Tito.. ClarSL. jr. Clark.

to Weighing Cotton Intrusted to

Grocers, Cotton Factors,AND SAXT AGENTS,

Wo. O Union street. : ; : : tlcmpliia. Tenn.





THE TREATMENT OF THB MANY ILLS WHICH THB HUMAN FRAME IS SUBJECT TO. BYnow seems to be tbe only efficacious and speedy remedy. Tbls new departure from the

old method of swallowtne nauseous medicines will be bailed by UiousHnds with a welcome greeting, be-cause, in tbe bOCHKSTKR PAD. Is found a pleasant, speedy and sure relief many diseases.

Tbe most reliable Pad before tbepubl'e Is tbe result or tbe sclent ill 5 knowledge of Dr. S. N. Rochester,long a resident of New Orleans, who bss made the subject of YELLOW and MALARIAL FEVER bis lire,time study. After careful research Into tbe cau-- es nature of these diseases, a study of twenty yearsconstant application, and having passed through U'n epidemics, the principal ones of which were YELLO-W-FEVER scourges, be tu l gave to trie world tbe new giving, heaven-Inspirin- g the Krh-este- rAborblag Cushion. This Cushion been found to be the most powerf ul agent In eradi-cating or preventing diseases known, a has ben proven by scientific rtsrttroh and the best testimo-nials from sufferers In all alks oi life. It Is a species for malarial diseases, and In a short timetorpidity of tbe liver enlargement of the spleen.Hlt MAI.K --By O. W.JO.NKSACO. and N. WILKURSHN CO., Wholesale Druggists, and allretail druggist everywhere. Price only 81 RO medlum-srxe- d Pad. ,

HOWARD FORD, M.D., General Manager of the Boches'er Pad Company for Southern States,Month Court Mtreet, Moon o. 6, 1'p-atalr- s. Uempnls, Tennv.

JR. Jjm Cochran. S. a.

. Cochran k Co.,BAirjFACTCBEBn OF

Lumber, Lath and Shingles,Door. Sash and Blind., ana all kind of Faeklns Boxes.

Office and Yard, foot of Washington St. 'aw and Planing- - Mills, Korth end WaryMemphis, Tennessee.

M. txavln B. JSalllvan,

M. Gavin & Co.Wholesale Grocers. Cotton Factors,

And Commission Merchants,3 53 IPront Stroot, 2LXo333-i- p la-Is-

, Toxin.Between Adams and Jefferson.

Our MAJOR T. J. OOWGILL devotes bis whole time









our cuarve. uur uwu txjuou warenousa, corner wasulngloa and second.

k. C. JL. B.

A. C



SPHkii.U.lXil.lJ. ilUJiiii(SUCCESSORS


Wholesale Grocers

Consignments of Cotton solicited and LUteralsum, m weu a. taai coui w us



is the




the and Sale of


andlife gift







Tl Fin nnH Xt11.U1JIXUU.


Advance, mad on same. All Cotton Insured whll.lauy nw. unless ouierwu. innaea.

and Cotton Factors,No. 11 Union Street, Memphis, Tenn.
