Mercury Technology Teams



Team and defeating uncertainties.

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The Technology teams at Mercury are

“Mercury-Ready ”

Mercury’s technology teams

Engaged and passionate




Teams and challenges

Sir Edmund Hillary was the first human to summit Mount Everest. He realized everyone has personal mountains to conquer. One of his famous quotes is as follows:

‘It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.’Sir Edmund Hillary

When we at Mercury create goals, physical or mental: climbing a mountain, propose and implement a new process, run a marathon, or build relationships...

We approach the goal with a different mindset than simply saying “Implement a document management system in our company.”

Instead, we first say, “We are going to identify and defeat all the uncertainties that may stop us from implementing a document management system.” 

There is a subtle yet important mindset difference between the two

Strong teams are only needed when there are uncertainties.

Strong teams conquer uncertainties through collective perseverance.

Every aspect of our success here at Mercury is due to strong teams.

Ignoring uncertainties will result to many business failures that disease your technology and team.

We learn by our failures. These failures are priceless investments for the future.

Mercury technology teams analyze failure and ask the following...

•What has been our failures?

•What did we learn from them?

•What are our current uncertainties from these failures?  

•How can we express these uncertainties to our team? 

•How can we use our team to help defeat the uncertainties?   

Mercury promotes the development of a well oiled team 

Mercury believes team can accomplish more than any individual.

We recognize that maturing a team takes effort and engagement from all members.

A united collaboration within our immediate team, department, or company allows us to excel at rates never thought possible.


“We are to be called the architects of the future, not its victim” R. Buckminster Fuller

Presented by the technology teams at Mercury Payment Systems 

Be Mercury-Ready and join the team. 
