Merry Christmas to all! - BLD ·...


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8 Living Water - December 13, 2013

Toronto Teaching Schedule

For a complete and up-to-date Teaching Schedule, visit:


The Pastoral Services Ministry has reserved Saturday, the 18th of January, 2014 as


“Start of the Year Retreat”.

It is open to all members. Please mark your calendars and spread the word.



The Youth Ministry is now accepting registration for the upcoming 2014 YLSS # 15. All youth who

are turning 14 next year and older are welcome to attend, including non-BLD members. For more

information and to obtain YLSS 15 registration form, please contact Froilan and Charito Piamonte

at It is important that candidates attend any one of the orientation sessions

given on January 10, 17, or 24, 2014 and all shepherding sessions and the weekend proper. They

may bring their completed and signed registration form when they attend the orientation. Wel-

come and Salubong will be held on Friday, January 31, 2014.

Regular Youth Praise and Worship will resume on Friday, January 10, 2014.

From all of us in the Youth Ministry, thank you everyone for your continued support and prayers

for the youth members of our community. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!


Our first assembly in 2014 is the First Friday/Family Mass on January 3, 2014.

Merry Christmas to all!

Living Water - December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013—Third Sunday of Advent



We bring Jesus to birth in our life when we

proclaim the Good News to the poor.


Is 35:1-6,10; Ps 146:6-10; Jas 5:7-10; Mt11:2-11


“Be strong, do not fear.” (Is 35:4)

“Strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the

Lord is near.” (Jas 5:8)


We hear and see people around the world

suffering from the devastating effects of calam-

ities and wars through modern communica-

tions media. We witness right in our own liv-

ing rooms the grim sight of men, women, chil-

dren, young and old, picking themselves up

from the destructions of earthquakes and ty-

phoon. We have seen agonies of victims from

violence and rebellion in the Middle East. We

have seen the hopelessness of people stricken

by sickness, famine and hunger in Africa. Not

so long ago, in Bohol, Philippines, towns were

shaken by terrible earthquakes. And lately, our

very own country folks in Tacloban were al-

most wiped out by a record breaking super

typhoon. Let us not look far to see our brothers

and sisters who are also suffering: the unem-

ployed, the lonely and the marginalized, and

those who are handicapped by debilitating


Christmas season is here, a season of rejoic-

O Come Divine Messiah

2 Living Water - December 13, 2013

ing and hope. But how can these victims re-

joice in their present condition? During the

time of Jesus, there were also people who

could not find reasons to be joyful. The blind,

the lame, the lepers, the deaf, the slaves and

the poor were suffering just like the victims of

the recent catastrophe. Jesus brought joy to

those people as they heard him and cured the

infirmities of their bodies. The fulfillment of

the prophecies of the Prophet Isaiah gave

them hope. Isaiah pictured the deliverance of

Israel as a result of the coming of the Messiah.

Isaiah describes this deliverance, he says, “the

desert shall rejoice and blossom, like the cro-

cus it shall blossom abundantly” (Is 35:1-2).

“For the waters shall break forth in the wil-

derness, and the streams in the desert” (Is

35:6). He exhorted, “those who are of fearful

heart, be strong, do not fear”! He goes on to

say, “Here is your God. He will come and

save you” (Is 35:4).

As Christians and as disciples of Jesus Christ,

our duty is to bring the joyful message of

hope and salvation to those who are suffer-

ing, to the poor and marginalized, to the lone-

ly and abandoned, to the victims of calamities

and wars. We represent Christ in this modern

age and we ought to bring this hope of deliv-

erance to the suffering people.

Our community theme for this week is, “We

bring Jesus to birth in our life when we pro-

claim the Good News to the poor.” This is

how we can make a difference in this season

of advent. This is how we should celebrate

the coming of Baby Jesus; the hope of life, the

hope of salvation and the hope of eternal hap-

piness in God’s kingdom.

The apostle James in our second reading tells

us to bring this exhortation to those who are

suffering and hoping for the coming of Jesus

with his promise of salvation, as he says, “be

patient, until the coming of the Lord”(Jas 5:7).

But how can we tell this to a suffering person

who is in the verge of despair? How can we

tell him to be patient and wait? We cannot

simply tell the people in dire need to be hap-

py and wait, but more than that we must do

something to improve their present condition,

and if possible, to prevent any circumstance

that will deprive them of happiness. Thus, we

must put into action our faith and charity.

The season of Christmas is a time for reaching

out. It is a time to share our blessings… a time to

express in words and deeds that we do truly

care. We must not limit ourselves to reach out to

the materially poor only but also to those who

are experiencing spiritual poverty. Let us reach

out to our families and relatives who have drift-

ed away from us, and most especially from God.

Let us reach out to our country men and women

by giving generously our financial and material

support, our resources, our time and talent so

that help will reach them. Above all, we must

pray fervently, unceasingly and expectantly for

the deliverance of all who are seeking salvation

in Jesus, so that “they will bloom with abundant

flowers, and rejoice with joyful songs” (Is 35:2).


Share the joy of Christmas to those who are

less fortunate.

As we wait for the coming of the Lord, let us

be patient and avoid grumbling against one

another so that you may not be judged.

Living Water - December 13, 2013 7

card. "To you I give My life, lived perfectly, as an

example so that you might see the pattern and live

worthy to return and live with Me again. Merry

Christmas from the Messiah."

"This one," he said, holding up a pure, white pre-

sent, "is for you." He held out the gift to a worn-

looking woman, who in earlier years must have

been a real beauty. She read the card out loud and

allowed her tears to slip without shame down her

painted face. "My gift to you is repentance. This

Christmas I wish you to know for certain that

though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white

as snow. Signed, your Advocate with the Father."

"That isn't all. No, here is a big, red package." he

looked around the group and brought a ragged,

unkempt, little child forward. "This package would

be for you if He were here. The card would say,

'On this Christmas and always, My gift to you is

love. From your brother, Jesus.'"

"One final gift," said my seat mate. "The greatest

of all the gifts of God--Eternal life!"

He held our minds and our hearts. We were a hun-

gry audience. Though our shopping had left us

drained, now we were being filled by his words.

"How we receive these gifts, these precious gifts

from the Babe of Bethlehem, is the telling point.

Are we exchangers?" he asked. "Is there really

anything else we would rather have? It is what

we do with a gift long after we have opened it

that shows our true appreciation." And with

those words, he stood up and was gone.

That was fifteen years ago, only a wink in time. But

not even an eternity could erase the sermon, or the


We hear so often the phrase "Jesus died for me"

that sometimes we forget the purpose of salvation

isn't just to be glad our souls are safe for eternity;

it's to follow Jesus’ example--give ourselves to oth-

ers. What if this year, you prayed for God to send

you a giving experience - to be a blessing in the life

of another soul--or many souls--whom He loves?

God is more than able to answer and would delight

at your willingness.

Lord Jesus, You gave yourself for me when I

needed it. Is there someone I know who needs

the present and the presence of Jesus in their

home this Christmas? I want more than ever

to give your love to those who need it. Is there

a stranger? Please show me who. Help me to

do this in Your Name. Amen.

(Related by H. David Burton at a BYU fireside)

Message from the Treasury Ministry

The tax season is fast approaching. The Treasury Ministry has started to collate information of

members for their tax receipts. Please ensure that your full name, current address and envelope

number are written legibly on the love offering envelope to insure that we capture the full amount

of your 2013 donations. Illegible name or envelope # or the lack of it will forward your donation to

the unknown basket and it will be difficult or impossible to track it down. Your cooperation is

much, much appreciated. Thank you.


6 Living Water - December 13, 2013

The Parable of the Shopper

I still remember that day as if it were yesterday, and yet fifteen years have gone by. Nevertheless, when

Christmas rolls around, I remember that day on the bus.

My feet were tired, my hands cold, my arms exhausted from the weight of the packages, and it was beginning

to snow. The bus was late. I was tired. I had been Christmas shopping all day long. When the bus finally

arrived, it was packed with holiday shoppers in the same exhausted mood. I sank into the only vacant place,

near the back, beside a handsome gentleman. He politely helped me with my packages and even held some of

them himself.

"My goodness," he said, "did you leave any merchandise still in the stores for the rest of us?"

"I don't think so," I moaned. "Worst of all, I still haven't made all of my purchases."

The woman in the seat behind us joined in my grief and added, "No, the worst thing is that the day after

Christmas we will be carrying this same armload back to the store to exchange it."

Her comment brought a general chuckle from all those within earshot, including my seat mate. As the laugh-

ter subsided, he began in a quiet, melodious voice, deepened with experience, to teach me a lesson that I have

never forgotten:

"Hear now the parable of the shopper," he said, speaking gently and indicating my packages. "A woman

went forth to shop, and as she shopped, she carefully planned. Each of her children's desires were considered.

The hard-earned money was divided, and the many purchases were made with the pure joy and delight that is

known only to the giver. Then the gifts were wrapped and placed lovingly under the tree. In eager anticipa-

tion, she scanned each face as the gifts were opened.

"What a lovely sweater,' said the eldest daughter, 'but I think I would prefer blue. I suppose I can exchange

it?” Her son said, "Thank you for the cassette player, Mother. It's just what I wanted”. And then aside,

secretly to his sister, he continued, “I told her I wanted the one with the automatic reverse and an extra

speaker. I never get what I want!” The youngest child spoke out with the spoiled honesty of her age, “I hate

rag dolls! I wanted a china doll. I won't play with it!' And the doll, still in the box, was kicked under the


One gift still lay under the tree. The woman pointed it out to her husband. 'Your gift is still there.” He stat-

ed, "I'll open it when I have the time. I want to put together this bike first”.

"How sad it is," continued the gentleman in his soft, beautiful voice. "When gifts are not received in the

same spirit they are given. To reject a thoughtful gift is to reject the loving sentiment of the giver himself.

And yet, are we not all sometimes guilty of rejecting?"

He was talking not only to me, but to all of those on the bus. They had all gathered around. The bus was


He took a present from my stack. "This one," he said, holding it up and pretending to open the card, "could

be to you." He pointed to a rough-looking, teenage boy in a worn denim jacket and pretended to read the gift

Living Water - December 13, 2013 3


"They will bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice with joyful song.” (Is 35:2)

Message for Advent 2013

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us sing praises to the Lord as we once again celebrate the birth of

our Lord Jesus Christ into this world. “God so loved the world that he sent his only Son so that

those who believe in him might not perish, but will have eternal life” (John 3:16). At this busy time

of the year, let us pause and reflect on what Advent brings - hope for those stricken by sickness,

calamities or disasters, peace in this troubled world and joy to those who will welcome the Lord in

their hearts.

Let us celebrate Christmas by opening our hearts to welcome Him, our Savior. Let the meaning of

Christmas deepen in us – not allowing the sparkle, the glitter and merriment of a festive environ-

ment to distract us from the true reason for the season, but believing that Jesus is the greatest gift

that we have received from the Father. In becoming flesh and dwelling among us, he becomes “our

unconditional love” for one another.

What better way to prepare the way of the Lord, than to reconcile and have peace with those who

have offended us. “Blessed are the peacemakers as they will be called children of God” (Matthew

5:9). Advent also invites us to prepare our hearts for His coming by asking forgiveness from those

we have offended. In this time of advent, let the words of St. Paul in Ephesians 4:2-3 remind us,

"With perfect humility, meekness and patience bearing with one another, let us make every effort

to preserve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin and peace as its binding force".

What greater gift can we offer to the Lord than the gift of ourselves that as the New Year 2014 ush-

ers in, we re-affirm our commitment in our service for the Lord. United together of one mind and

heart, let us remain committed to our community work and gladly support the various programs

of BLD. Let us give the gift that we freely received (Matthew10:8). We have received His love at no

cost to us, and so shall we also give our love at no cost to others.

We wish everyone a blessed Christmas. May the Lord overflow us all with His love, joy and peace;

and may His abundant blessings and graces be upon us all in the coming New Year.

In Christ Alone,


4 Living Water - December 13, 2013

CHRISTMAS...and what I like most

about it

Vincent & Louise

“I like Christmas

because it is Jesus’

birthday and








“To celebrate the birth

of Jesus with family and

give thanks to what God

gave us. Also, I like to

be able to share to the

less fortunate in the


What I like most about

Christmas is when we

as a family can bond

with each other and

celebrate our Lord Je-

sus' birthday.”

“What I love most

about Christmas is

getting presents and

Jesus was born!”

“Your talent is God's gift to you, what you do with it, is your gift back to God.” (Geena)

“I wish my sister will be

home from University

(Waterloo) and spending

time with the

whole family. I Am being

thankful celebrating Jesus


“I like gifts... we celebrate

Jesus birthday.” (Vincent)

“… the reaction I get

from people when they

receive a gift. (Louise)

“Celebrating love

with family and


Living Water - December 13, 2013 5

Intercessory Ministry Christmas Party Dec. 9, 2013

The BLD Advent Celebration will be held tomorrow

Saturday, December 10, 2011

at the North Thornhill Community Centre,

300 Pleasant Ridge Ave, Thornhill, ON L4J 9J5 (North of Hwy 7 and West of Bathurst St.)

The fun starts at 6:30 PM.
