metre Overseos P* ti - fh J:l'it;...Votina Results of M/s METRopoLt oVERsEAs tTD.Date ofAGM/EGM...


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ToThe Depattment of Corporate ServicesBombay Stock Exchange LimitedPhirozeJeejeebhoy TowerDalal Street714umbai-400001.

Ref: Scrip code: 514456

Dedt Sit,

Please find enclosed detajls regarding the voting resultSEBI (LODR) Reguiation,20lS pertaining to 25th-Annualand which is self explanatory.

Please acknowledge receipt.Thanking You,Yours faithfully,For Metropoli Overseas Ltd

o , 0 ,,nr+\ t..zu^\ _(SUNIL KUMAR PoDDAR)



Encl: as above

1) The Calcutta Stock Exchange Associarion Ljm;!ed7, Lyons RangeKoikata-7000012) The i\4adms Stock Exchange LimitedExchange Building, Post Box No. t83ll, Second Line Beach, Chennai-600001

3) The Secretary,National Securities Depository Ljmited.Trade World,4th floor,Kamala Mills Compound,SenapatiBapat Marg,Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 0134) The Secreiary.Centml Depositary Services (t) LtdPhifoze Jeejeebhai -fowe.,

28rr' FIoo..Dalai Sree! Mumbai- 400 02j

Adninisrrorive OfiiceChoIeriee Inrenolionol CenirFl lA J t Nehru RoodI 2rh Floo, Sul,e # 7 ta)Ioto 1OAAT I G^ ^Ph fet 133) 3048.t800/1801fox +91 (33)3048_t802tmorr hoil@cmimpex com

P*_ti- Works

'".."."!""#i.'""'n:t*'! J:l'it;- fh +9t @A) 2773.7227/8

-cmo'r merropot,

o. ".]^il

o6l lbri[,, r qs I ptcos

r rao

in terms of Regulations 44[3) ofGeneral Meeting of the Company

Resisrered Offi<e2 BBD 8oq {Eon).2nd Foo,

- Koltoro 200001P^ 'e) 133) 2248.45b5

Votina Results of M/s METRopoLt oVERsEAs tTD.

Date ofAGM/EGM 30.09.2015 (aGM)

Total number ofshareholders on record dare 6973

No. ofshareholders present in the meetingeither in persons or through proxy:

Promoters and Promoter Group:




No. of shareholders attended the meetingthrough Video Conferencing :

Promoters and Promoter Group:




*UtOrrt'O" "O.t

(to r".""r "nd "doo,rh"

Oudi,"d tinrn.i"lr*",ur"n,. of,h" ao.o"nufo,.

Resolution requiredr (Ordinary / Special) ORDINARY

Whether promoter / promoter group areinterested in the agenda / resolution?



volrngNo. ofshares held


No. of



%ofvotespolled on

outstanding snares


No. of


No. of



ozof votes

on votespolled






Promoter andpromoterGroup

E-Voting s6,44,9sO 0 0

Poll 4355100 77.75 4355100 0 100.00 0

PostalBallot(if applicable)

0 0

56,44,950 4355100 77.L5 43ss100 0 100.00 0Public-Institutions

E-Voting 13,31,600 0 0

Poll o 0

PostalEallot(if applicable)

0 0

Total 13,31,600 o 0Public-nonInstitutions

E-Voting 49,s0,106 0 0

Poll 0 0


0 0

49,50,106 0 0

1,79,26,656 4355100 43s5100 0 100.00 0

RESOIUTION NO.2 {To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Aiav Aqarwal {DtN:03474699}, who retires bv

rotation and beinq eliqible. offers himselffor re-aopointment.)

Resolution required: {Ordinary / Special} ORDINARY

Whether promoter/ promoter group areinterested in the agenda / resolution?


Category Mode ofvoting shares held


No, of



polled onoutstandin

g shares



No. of



in favour




agarnsron votespolted



E-Voting 56,44,950 0 0

Poll 4355100 77.15 4355100 0 100.00 0

PostalBallot(if applicable)

0 0

total 56,44,950 4355100 77.r5 4355100 0 100.00 0Public-Institutions

E^Voting 13,31,600 0 0

Poll o o

PostalBallot(if applicable)

0 0

Total 13,31,600 0 0


E-Voting 49,50,106 0 0

Poll 0 0

PostalBallot(if applicable)

0 0

Total 49,50,106 0 0

Total 4,19,26,656 4355100 36.52 4355100 0 100.00 o

RESOIUTION NO. 3 ( To appoint Auditors & fix their remuneration)

Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special) ORDINARY

Whether promoter/ promoter group areinterested in the agenda / resolution?


Category Mode ofvotinS

No. ofshares held


No. oI



%of votespolled on

outstanding snares



No. of


No. of










Promoter and


E-Voting 56,44,950 0 0

Poll 4355100 77.75 43ss100 0 100.00 0

PostalBallot(if applicable)

0 0

Total s6,44,950 4355100 77.7s 4355100 0 100,00 0Public-Institutions

E-Voting 13,31,600 0 0

Poll 0 0

PostalBallot{if applicable)

0 0

toral 13,31,600 0 0


E-Voting 49,50,106 0 0

Poll 0 o

Postal Ballot(if applicable)

0 o

Total 49,50,106 0 0

total 7,19,26,6s6 4355100 36.52 4355100 0 100.00 0

..ffK. LABII$fi 3;,i"1i i""3#iA$iit)' Acst (rond)

P:!:lc.coneanv s*;;tyA. K. LABH & Co.

Company Secr"J:€ries

#;^[:".j:1. :,:::,,.^.9 -Fioor, Korkata /00 013;Y:y.\r-zzir:elE-r r 1063.0236. Fax : (o33) 2221 s3a1*'" ".1," ydru0_55689 / 9830o-57689e-mair : aklabh@ak, / aktab;c;b;ma,

Websile : w,\i/w.dklabh.Lom

[Pursuant to Section I0g ofthe Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 20 ofthe Companies. (ManagementandAdministrarion)Rules,2014l

The ChairmanMetropoli Oversqs Limited2, B.B D, Bag (East)Kolkata - 700 012

Dear Sir,

I,Atul Kumar Labh, practicing Company Secretary (FCS _ 4g4g / Cp _ 323g) and prcprietor ofM/s. A. K. Labh & Co., Company Secretaries, Kolkata was appointed as the scrutinizer inconnection \{ith 25th Annual General Meeting ofthe members ofia4etropoli Overseas Limited,,

1':Coi1a1n held on Friday, 30th September, 2016 at the ,,Chatterjee Intematronal Cenhe,334.. J.L Nehru Road, Kolkata-700071 at I 1.30 A.M. for the purpose ofscrutinizing the remotee-voting and voting through physical ballot process in a fair and t.ansp".ent manner andascertaining the requisite majority for the said voting as per the provisions ofthe Companies Act,2013 and Rule 20 ofthe Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, as amended,on the resolutions refened to in this repot.

The management ofthe Company is responsible to ensure the compliance with the requirementsofthe Companies Act,2013 and Rules relatjng ro remote e_vorinj and voting through physicalbaliot process on the resolutions contained in the Notice of the Annual Gen;l Meeting datedthe l2'" August, 2016. My responsibility as a scrutinizer for the remote voting process throughelectronic means and voting through physical ballots is restricted to make a Scirtinizer,s Reportofthe votes cast "in favour', or.,againsf,the resolutions, based on the reports generated ftom thee-voting system of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and of voting throughphysical ballots as provided by lr4ls R&D Infotech p\.,t Ltd., the agencies engaged by theCompany to provide remote e-voting / physical ballot facilities.

I submit my report as under:

l. The remote -e-voting

period remained open from 10.00 A.M. IST on Tuesday, the 276September, 2016 up to 5.00 p.M. IST on Thursday, the 29e September. 20i0.

Cedit;ed f iting Centre tot e-t ing under MCA ?r negr\&Cedtfied Filing Centrc for e-Atin7 unair ACE

of Corporate Atfairs,(Cenlral Excise & Seruice Tax)

Govt. of lndia

. A. K. LABIIM Com, MBA, FCS,ACMA trc^t), ACST -ondrDIIV, OHRO PGHDSM, DIRPMPt a ctic i ng Conpa ay Secrctary

A. K. LABH & Co.Company Secretaries

40 Weston SireFt. 3ro Froor. hotkala /00 013(/ (0331 2221.938 | 4063-0236,t ar.t\33tZ?21.g3A1lVobile : 98300-5S689 / 98300_S7689e-marl : /

Website I \,!

2. The Shareholders holding shares as on rhe ..cut, i.e. 2Jd September. 20t6 wereentitl€d ro vote_on the proposed I ffhree) resolutions as mentionea'in the notice datedrr Augusr.zul6ot theAnnual Ceneml Meeting ofthe Company.

3. The Company has also distributed the physical baliot formsGenefal Meeting to enable the shareholders to caste the voteshas not been casted by them through rcmote e_voting.

4. The votes were unblocked on Friday, the 30d September, 2016 around 2:30 pM after thecomptetton oflhe Annual Ceneral \y'eeling in the presence of fwo witnesses, namely. Mr.}ai:r Chowdllrryt residing at The C,A.B. Dr. B. C: Roy Club House, Eden cardens,Kolkata - 700 021 and Ms. Vinita Sampat, residing ai 59, Kalicharan Ghostr Road,Kolkata - 700050 who are not in employmint ofth" Cimpuny.

5. The ballots which were incomplete and./or rvhich were otherwise found defectrve haveDeen treated as invalid.

6. The combined result ofthe remote e-voting [EVEN : 105539] and votes casted throughphysical ballot papers distributed at the AGM venue are as under:


a) Resolution:1

To receive, consider dnd ddopt the.Audited Findncid! Stotements of the Compdnyfor the tinancial yet ended 31't March, 20t6 together with;epofts of theDirectoq dnd Auditors thereon,

(i)Voted in fdvour of the Resolutton:

at the venue of the Annualphysically in case the same

Mode ol voting Number oIMembeB voted

Number of votescast by them

% of totdlnumbq oj vdlid

votes CastRemote e-voting 0 0

Voting by ballot 4355100

Total 43ss100 !00.00%

Ceiified Filing Centre for e-fiting under MCA 21, Registercd by Ministry ot Cotporate Affairs, Go,,4. of IndiaCeftified Fiting Centre for e4ting undetACES ('Centrat Excisi li Siiice fax)

. A. K. LABIIfV Com. MBA. Fcs.ACMA(rCAtl, ACS|ilond)rJ[v, oHlto, PcHDSt\,t. otRPMPracn. i ng Com pati Sec rctary


A. K. LABH & Co.Company Secretaries

r'O,,Weslon Skeet 3rd rtoor ^otkara /00 0,3A 10331 2?2 1-9381 . 4A63-0236 rd{ . (033) 2zzj 938-rrob r" : 98300-S568c / 98300-5/689

e-marl : / aklabhcs@gmait.comWebsite I www.aklabh.corn


(ii) Voted agoinst the Resolution:

( iii) lnvalid Votes:

Totdl number ofmembers whose voteswerc decldrcd involid

Total number ofvotes cqst by them

0 0


To dppoint o Director in place ol Mr. Ajqy Agdrwdl (D!N: 03474699t, who rctiresby tototion qnd heing eligible, ol|e6 hinself for re-dppointment.

(i)Voted in fovour ofthe Resolution:

Mode of voting Number ofMembe6voted

Number d votescast by them

% of totdlnumberofvalid votes

cdstRemote e-voting 0 0

Voting by ballot 0 0

Total 0 0 o.00%

Mode oJ voting Number otMembe6voted

Number ol votescdst by them

% oI tota!number ofvalid votes

calstRemote e-voting 0 0

Voting by ballot 4355100

5 4355100 700.oo%

certified Filing cente for eiiring under MCA-21, Regtstered by Mnistry of corporate Affairs, covt. of rndiaCedified Fiting Centre for e_titing underACES (Central Excise 6i, Se|ice Tax)

. A.K.LABH1,fi 1';,Sli,i,?*,iiifr ltlr) ^cs'


PE. tc'ng Compa n y Sacreta.y

A. K. LABH & Co.Company Secrctaries

10.^lgrlgl.9!qr 3rd Frool (otkara _ /u0 0r3'u, \u-rr) z/)1.9381 406J 0236 fa, (0r3)222t.9381Moo,,e, 98_j00.5Sssg i cg:dO-szoegerair aktabh@a|\ / a aohcs@gnrd,...or

Websile :

(ii) Voted agdinst the Resolu on:

( iii) Invalid Votes:

Totdl number ofmemberswhose voteswere decldrcd invdlld

Total number ofvotes cost by them


To dppoint Auditors &Ilx thclr rcmunerdtion.

(i) Voted infdvour ofthe Resolution:

Mode of voting Number ofMembers voted

Number of votescost by them

% of totdlnumber ofvolid votes

catstRemote e-voting 0 0

Voting by ballot 0 0

Total 0 0 o-00%

Mode of voting Nunber ofMembers voted

Number of votescdst by them

% of totdlnunber ofvdlid votes

carstRemote e-voting 0 0

Voting by ballot 5 4355100

Total 4355100 LOO.oe6

ceftified Firing centre far.eJiring under Mca-21, Reg$tercd by Minislry of cotporate Affairs, Govt. of rndiaCeftified Fiting Centrc for e-filing und;t ACES (b.nmt t^i,u-{ iJ*io. rui

A; K. LABIII,,fi3lff ?,i,f3;friXA[il' )

^cs'| (Lond )

P ra.tic ing company secre tafy

Thanking You,

Yours hulyFor A. K. LABH & Co.

Practic i ng Cornpan! SecretaryFCS - 4848 / CP No. - 3238

@t A. K. LABH & Co.

Company iecretaries40 Wesron Slree.. 3rd Ftoor. \otxala _ 700 013tO (033) 2221 9381 4063-0236. Fay . (033) 22?j_9.J81MoDrre 98300.55689 / 98300.57689e-mar : /

. Website :

(ii) Voted dgdinst the Resolution:

Mode of votinq Number ofMembercvoted

Number of votescast by them

% of totdlnumber olvdlid votes

.cdstRemote e-voting 0 0

Voting by ballot 0 0

tot3l o 0 o.oo%

(iii) lnvdlid Votes:

7. All the resolutions propoied hereinabove have been passed unanimously

8. The physical ballot forms, remote e-voting register and other related papers / registersand records shall remain in my safe custody until th€ Chaiman ofthe meiting considers,approves and signs the minutes in this regard and thereafter it wil be han;ed over toCompany Secretary as authodsed by the Bo;rd ofDirectors for safe keepine.

Place: KolkataD.ted; ?a , l. 2.06


,l;1,g(cs A. K. LABrO

Ceftified Filing Centre for e-fiting under MCA_21, Registered by MinBIry al Corporate Atfais,Ceftified Fiting centre fot e_filing under ACES lbentat ixcis; { i;rvice Tax,j

Gort. of lndia

.4. K. LABIILf, i3ii,$lt,i,"3.,ilxA[il,),

Acs, (Lond)

PEc ciog Conpani S.crctary

A. K. LABII & Co.. Compahy Secretaries

*,^I:"191.9!C"r 3.d Ftoor. Korkard - 700 013q, (033)2221.9381, 4063_0236. Fax .r033t 222.r.9381[/obite : 98300 5SeeS r gCai0_izsSge-marr / aktabhcs@gma .com

Website :,

Witness :

,n' {< \v cl-*Jl,,"r .rl '(Raju Chowdhury)The C.A.B. Dr. B. C. Roy Club House,Edea Gardens, Kolkata, TOO O2l

2 \, ^\ . larnDa-r

(Vinita Sampa,59, Kalicharan Ghosh RoadKolkata- 700 050

4!!3i!94JL!4!oort of t he Scr utinizerPor Metropoli Overseas Limited

\,hrl(Ruhi Agrawal)Company Secretary

Cettified Filing Centre far e4iting under MCA-?1, Registercd by Mtnjstry ot Corporate Affairs, covt. of IndiaCertified Fiting Cente fot e_titing undet ACES ('Centrat Excisi ti'ieirce taxt
