Micrologic e Brochure


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  • 8/12/2019 Micrologic e Brochure


    2010 Schneider Electric Industries SAS, All Rights Reserved. Schneider Electric, Active EnergyManagement, Compact, EcoStruxure, ION Enterprise, iRIO, Make the most of your energy, Masterpact,Micrologic, Power Plant To Plug, and PowerLogic are owned by Schneider Electric, or its afliatedcompanies in the United States and other countries. 998-3432

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    Micrologic EControl unit for Compact

    NS630b to NS3200 andMasterpact NT/NWcircuit breakers

    The smart view toenergy efciency

  • 8/12/2019 Micrologic e Brochure



    As energy costs increase and more stringent greenhouse gasemissions regulations are introduced, its essential to nd ways toreduce energy consumption.

    Distributed energy metering is a critical rst step. It will help youunderstand exactly where, when, and how much energy you areconsuming throughout your facilities so you can discover opportunitiesto improve your efci ency.

    The new Micrologic E control unit for Compact NS and MasterpactNT/NW circuit breakers puts energy metering at key points across yourpower grid in a way that is:

    > Smart> Safe> Simple

    Its the most affordable way to help you maximize your energyefciency, control your costs, and meet your environmental objectivesand responsibilities.

    Energy efciency, now withinyour reach

    The Micrologic Econtrol unit is makingintelligent, energymeasurement-capablecircuit breakers thenew industry standard.

    Micrologic EBuildings can achieve up to30% energy savings with anActive Energy Management programme that includes anenergy metering system.*

    * Programmes can also include the use of automation and control systems, monitoring andmaintenance services, energy acquisition optimization, and renewable energy sources.

  • 8/12/2019 Micrologic e Brochure


    2 3* Active, reactive, and apparent power and energy. Accuracy of acti ve energy is 2 percent (including the sensors).

    The intelligent way to put energymetering where you need itSmartGet a meter in every breakerSchneider Electric was the rst to offer energy metering in a protectivedevice at a cost-effective level, starting with the innovative Compact NSXcircuit breaker. The Micrologic E control unit extends this offer across theCompact and Masterpact ranges, making it affordable to have energymeasurement everywhere you have a breaker.

    At only a small incremental cost, the Micrologic E delivers all of theprotection and measurement features of our popular Micrologic A model,while delivering energy metering and other capabilities previously onlyavailable in the Micrologic P or H models.

    Going beyond energyOther essential features include current, voltage, power, trip history, andbreaker maintenance data that will help you track the performance of yourequipment, extend equipment life, and ensure the reliability of yourpower system.

    Knowing more means saving more The energy data from Micrologic E will help you study consumption patterns, comparethe performance of different facilities, and isolate where energy is being wasted. Exposingthe associated energy costs at the building, department, or machine level will drive efciency.

    Having integrated metering in your breakers can also complement existing tenant meteringsystems, helping you validate utility billing, or verify that consumption at upstream feedersmatches the sum of the associated tenant meters.

    It avoids theadditional costsand panel spaceassociated withinstalling a separateenergy meter withcurrent transformers.

    Integrated LCDmetering display

    The Micrologic E bridges the gap in theMicrologic family of industry-leadingcontrol units, joining a legacy of safety,exibility, and ease of use.


    Instantaneous current and maximeter

    M e a s u r e m e n

    t s

    N o meter ing A a mmet er E energy P power H ha rm on ic s

    C u r r e n t p r o

    t e c t

    i o n

    t y p e 2 (L, I): long time, instantaneous 2.0 2.0 A 2.0 E

    5.0 5.0 A 5.0 P 5.0 H5.0 E

    6.0 A 6.0 P 6.0 H6.0 E

    7.0 A 7.0 P 7.0 H

    5 (L, S, I): long time, short time, instantaneous

    6 (L, S, I, G): long time, short time, instantaneous, earth fault

    7 ( L, S, I, V): long time, short time, instantaneous, earth leakage up to 3200A

    Current demand, voltage, power factor, power, power demand,and energy*

    Cos- j , frequency, per phase measurements (power, energy, PF,) andadvanced protection

    Power quality (harmonics 31st order), waveform capture,enhanced alarm programming

  • 8/12/2019 Micrologic e Brochure


    4 5

    The scrollingdisplay means

    you dont need totouch the panel.





    Measurement andCommunications

    SensorAir Core CT













    Type, number,total number

    Date of trip Time of trip

    All parts aretested together toensure reliability.

    Protection andmetering units aresafely separated.

    Protection, metering, andcommunications, reliablyin one deviceSafePeace of mindWhen power is critical, you need to trust that your breakers providethe highest level of protection available. Thats why Schneider Electrichas developed a unique, dual processing architecture that ensuresthat the protection function operates completely independent of themeasurement and communication functions.

    Protection and measurement units are also tested and certiedtogether, guaranteeing the quality of both the breaker and the

    metering capability.

    Automatic Scroll Quick ViewWith this new, innovative display mode, your maintenance personnelwill never have to touch the front panel of the Micrologic E to view allthe most relevant measurements, including current, voltage, power,and energy.

    Fully capable yet easy to use

    The Micrologic E is as easy to use as youve come to expect from allMicrologic controllers. While offering most of the protection options ofthe Micrologic A, the Micrologic E adds two features previously onlyavailable in the models P and H:

    > Trip history for easy troubleshooting. The last tentrips are always memorized in non-volatile memory.

    View these through the Micrologic E display or throughsoftware, with each event including the trip cause, date,and time stamp.

    The trip history isviewable throughthe Micrologic Edisplay or throughsoftware, supporting

    easy troubleshooting.> Two relay outputs for coordinated control. Two M2C

    type relays are driven by trip events for a exible choiceof management functions. For example, a groundfault trip assigned to one output enables interlockingwith medium voltage equipment.

  • 8/12/2019 Micrologic e Brochure



    Convenient, local data access The new BCM ULP communication module option for all Compactand Masterpact circuit breakers allows you to connect a high-visibilityFDM121 front display module. Maintenance personnel will haveconvenient access to all Micrologic measurements, histories, andcircuit breaker maintenance indicators directly from the panel ofan electrical cabinet.

    Connect energy informationto everyone that needs itSimple

    Easy, remote data access The new BCM ULP module also enables standard plug-and-playconnectivity, making it easy for you to network your circuit breakersand other measurement or control devices across an entire building.With nearly unlimited scalability, the energy data from all of yourMicrologic E control units can connect through web-enabled gatewaysor RTUs, to standard web browsers or user friendly software forfurther analysis. Information will be easily accessible to anyone thatneeds it, supporting energy management strategies as well as remotemaintenance and troubleshooting.



    Micrologic E

    BC M ULP

    Convenient dataaccess from a panel

    BCM ULP moduleenables local orremote data access

    Facility andcorporate managersanalyse energyefciency and costs,while maintenancepersonnel analyseelectrical system


    Automatically collectdata from circuitbreakers, meters,and sensors acrossyour facility

    Remote Control Utility(RCU) for simple data

    access and circuitbreaker control

    iRIO RTU or EGX300 gateway for data

    viewable using astandard web browser

    PowerLogic ION Enterprise software for advanced

    energy and powerquality analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Micrologic e Brochure




    Active Energy Efficiency


    PassiveEnergy Efficiency



    Lower consumptiondevices,insulationmaterial,powerfactor correction

    Fix the basics

    Building management,power management, motorcontrol,lightingcontrol

    Optimize throughautomationandregulation



    2 3 4



    The rst steptoward energy


    Schneider Electriccan help deliverup to 30%energy savingsin industrial andcommercialbuildings.

    The path to sustainable savings The levels of efciency required for effective energy management involvesystem dynamics across platforms and providers like never before. Withour innovative EcoStruxure approach, we provide an Active EnergyManagement architecture from Power Plant to Plug to create intelligentenergy management systems. These systems are simplied, savemoney, and reduce waste by guaranteeing compatibility between themanagement of power, process and machines, IT rooms, buildings, andsecurity.

    Thinking aheadBy including a Micrologic E control unit in each of your Compact NS andMasterpact NT/NW circuit breakers, youre making an important rststep toward improved energy efciency, in a way that is smart, safe andsimple. Schneider Electric can help you take the next steps necessaryto achieve maximum efciency for your entire building. We are the onlyglobal specialist in energy management providing an integrated approachto help you meet your efciency targets.

