Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Installation Guide Omer Alrwais


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Microsoft SQL Server 2008Installation Guide

Omer Alrwais

- After you open sql 2008 cd click the setup icon.

- from the left menu choose installation.- from the right menu click new sql server stand alone.

- on this window just click OK

- on this window just click Install.

- then for the product key choose specify a free edition from the drop down menu choose Enterprise Evaluation.

- on this window just click Install.

- If all the rules are checked (passed) click Next otherwise you have a problem.

- on the features window select all.

- for the named instance ( DB name ) enter your university id number ( for ex.

427###### ) (( REQUIRED ))

- for the server account s click use the same account for all sql server

services ((Important))

- a new window will open, click Browse. Another window will open, click Advanced.

- from this window click Find Now, choose your windows account, click OK.

- you will return to this previous window, enter the password for you account , click OK , click Next.

- for the authentication mode, choose windows authentication mode , click Add Current User, click Next.

- click Add Current User, click Next.

- for the reporting services, choose install but don’t configure the report server,

click Next ((important))

- If all the features are marked green, thin your installation is complete.

The End Omer Alrwais
