Middle East Exam



Middle East Exam. Sample test questions. Rules. Read the question and determine the correct answer. Text the letter of the correct answer or the correct word if it is a definition to 412-606-1838 Points will be awarded as follows: 1 st correct answer- 5 points 2 nd - 4 points - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Middle East Exam

Sample test questions


• Read the question and determine the correct answer.

• Text the letter of the correct answer or the correct word if it is a definition to

• 412-606-1838• Points will be awarded as follows:• 1st correct answer- 5 points• 2nd- 4 points• 3rd- 3 points

• Geographic diversity in the Middle East has contributed to

• a. Unequal standards of living• b. A common economic system• c. similar political systems• d. military alliances with Japan


• a. Unequal standards of living

• Mesopotamia was an early center of civilization because it

• a. had large amounts of oil and natural gas• b. was protected from invasion by the Atlas

Mountains• c. had ample water from the Tigris and Euphrates

rivers• d. commanded a vital trade route between the

Black and Mediterranean seas.


• c. had ample water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

• Which group is correctly linked with one of its major achievements?

• a. Persians – invention of cuneiform• b. Sumerians – invention of iron• c. Hittites – development of the alphabet• d. Hebrews- development of monotheism


• d. Hebrews- development of monotheism

• Which geographic feature has been most responsible for the population distribution in the Middle East?

• a. abundance of oil deposits• b. location of water• c. presence of high plateaus• d. availability if natural harbors


• b. location of water

• The religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a common belief in

• a. nirvana• b. monotheism• c. reincarnation• d. animism


• b. monotheism

• A belief shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims is that

• a. the Koran contains the laws of God• b. the Ten Commandments are the holy word

of God• c. Jesus was the Messiah• d. Muhammad was the messenger of God


• b. the Ten Commandments are the holy word of God

• A farming method pioneered in Israel that pumps water and fertilizer directly to the roots of plants

• Answer: What is fertigation?

• The conversion of salt water into fresh water for irrigation and drinking.

• Answer: desalination


• Answer: What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

• The PLO

• Answer: What is the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

• The movement to unite all Arabs based on their common language and culture.

• Answer: What is Pan-Arabism?

• The name for Islamic Law

• Answer: What is Shariah?

• A nation ruled by religious leaders

• Answer: What is a theocracy?

• Two effects of urbanization are• a. high concentration of skilled laborers and

good restaurants• b. prettier gardens and fresher vegetables• c. sub-standard, crowded living quarters and

high unemployment • d. cooler and wetter winters


• c. sub-standard, crowded living quarters and high unemployment

• An economic goal of Middle Eastern nations was

• a. to increase European economic influence• b. increase the spread of western money • c. nationalize foreign-owned oil companies• d. save money in Swiss banks


• c. nationalize foreign-owned oil companies

• Three ways that countries tried to increase agricultural production were

• a. desalination, fertigation, and giving land to the poor

• b. desalination, fertigation, and alienation• c. dehydration, desertification, and giving land

to the poor• D. ferigation, subjagation, constipation


• a. desalination, fertigation, and giving land to the poor

Bonus Round

• Text the appropriate answer in the form of a number.

• Point values are doubled for this round.

• The number of hostages held by the Iranians after the capture of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran

• Answer: 52

• The number of days these hostages were held

• Answer: 444

• The number of major religions founded in the Middle East.

• Answer: 3

• The number of days the Israeli-Egyptian War of 1967 lasted.

• Answer: 6

Final Round.

• This answer is worth 20 points.

• In 1990 the United States attacked Iraq in order to free Kuwait. This war was named after what Mid-East body of water?

• Answer: The Persian Gulf
