Midweek Lenten Services: At the Name of Jesus€¦ · van with the cost being $25 per participant....


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First Lutheran Church 240 W. Hardanger Gate Lee, IL 60530 815.824.2356 A Newsletter of Heart of Illinois Lutheran Parish

Immanuel Lutheran Church

398 Church Road

Compton, IL 61318


March 2020

• Parish Press • Parish Voice • Prairie Ponderings

• The Heart Beat

On November 3rd during worship we will take a vote to narrow it down to the top two names. Then on November 24th at the joint worship service, we will choose the winning entry.

Thank you to all who submitted names. A total of 24 names were submitted.

Join Pastor Jeff for a “Walk on the Wild Side” Building on the success of last fall’s leaf

peeping trip, Pastor Jeff is going to lead four field trips this year built around the themes for the Season of Creation Sundays this fall. The first of those trips – the wilderness field trip – will take place this month.

“We’ll have a great time,” says PJ. “We’ll see wild places and with any luck, plenty of wild life. We’ll enjoy a meal together, pray together, laugh together, and come

back in awe of our amazing God.”

Leaving from Immanuel at 7:30 a.m., after a long ride (there will be a pit stop) the first stop will be at Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge. “Hopefully will see the huge flocks of snow geese,” PJ commented, “as well as the three different species of swans that hang out there.

After exploring Emiquon, the group will head into the town of Havana, IL for a bite to eat at Babes on Plum.

Following lunch, the group will walk off their lunches at the Dickson Mounds Museum to get a sense of the history of this fascinating area of Illinois. The day will then conclude with a drive through Banner Marsh State Wildlife Area.

“The day will be more riding than walking,” PJ said, “but the scenery and fellowship will be well worth the travel.”

Travel will be by a rental van with the cost being $25 per participant. Sign up either at Immanuel or First or by calling PJ directly.

Midweek Lenten Services: At the Name of Jesus

During our midweek Lenten services the focus will be on Philippians 2:5-11 using a series called “At the Name of Jesus.” As has happened the last few years, we’ll enjoy a “round robin” of preachers from the area present the messages:

March 4 – “Let the same mind be in you” Pastor Jes Bakken – St. John’s, Ashton

March 11 – “Christ emptied and humbled himself” Pastor Karyn Kost – Freedom, Oregon

March 18 – “At the name of Jesus all knees shall bow” Pastor Jeff Schlesinger – Heart of Illinois, Compton/Lee

March 25 – “Every tongue confess” Pastor Andrew Kayes – Emmanuel, Payne’s Point

April 1 – “Christ became obedient” Pastor Barb Otten – Immanuel, Amboy

Check out the box on the right for locations. And don’t forget to come for supper beforehand.

2020 Lent & Easter Schedule

Feb 26 – Ash Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at First

Lenten Supper & Worship – 6:00/7:00 p.m.

March 4 – Immanuel

March 11 – First

March 18 – Immanuel

March 25 – First

April 1 – Immanuel

Maundy Thursday – April 9, 2020

6:30 p.m. – Immanuel

8:00 p.m. – First

April 10 – Good Friday, 7:00 p.m. at Immanuel

Easter Sunday – April 12, 2020

7:00 a.m. – Immanuel

10:30 a.m. – First


As I type this, I’m thinking about what my evening meal will be tonight. Today is Shrove Tuesday – also known as Fat Tuesday. It is the final day of the Epiphany season, the day before Ash Wednesday and Lent. The tradition is to fill yourself up with all sorts of fattening foods before entering into Lenten fasts. When we lived in Princeton, our go-to Fat Tuesday meal was a big ol’ butter burger at Culvers complete with cheese curds and topped off with frozen custard for dessert. But enough talk about food. It’s only 10:00 in the morning and now I’m getting hungry for supper. It’s a long time before I get to enjoy my Fat Tuesday decadence – whatever that turns out to be.

The reason I bring this up is because we begin a new season tomorrow. A new season means change. And when seasons change, we put things away until that season comes up again. In a few weeks we’ll experience the Spring equinox. Come spring, we often put away our winter clothes, our boots and gloves, etc. (Of course, here in the Midwest we usually wait a bit as the weather does not always look at the calendar.) At the beginning of Epiphany, as the Christmas season came to a close, we put away our ornaments, our Nativity sets, and our mistletoe until the season comes up again next December. The fact that we put them away, however, creates a sense of excited anticipation for when we get to take them out again.

I ask you, this year as the calendar changes from Epiphany to Lent, what will you be putting away? This actually is a good way to view Lenten sacrifices – putting something away for the season. So often, what we put away during Lent is food – which is actually a great discipline, especially when it is a food you love. For instance, if I put away pizza, which I love dearly, for the season of Lent, when during the Easter season I bite into that pizza after fasting from it for six weeks, my appreciation of that marvelous triangle of deliciousness grows deeper (and now I’m getting hungry again – I have to stop this!) And when that sacrifice is tied to reflection on what Christ gave up in order to save us, it is an even more powerful discipline.

There is a long-standing tradition of putting things away during worship during the season of Lent. Most congregations put away altar flowers during Lent. And then come Easter, the beauty and smell of the lilies and tulips and whatever other flowers we bring into the sanctuary, give a heightened sense of joy of the resurrection. Liturgically we put away the “Alleluia!” This beautiful holy word, which we love to sing and shout, is withheld so that with the proclamation of the resurrection on Easter morning, we can’t help but let the “Alleluia!” ring at the top of our voices.

This year, we’re going to put something else away for Lent during our worship services. We’re going to put communion away. On Ash Wednesday, we’ll celebrate communion, but then we won’t celebrate it again until Maundy Thursday. At our Sunday morning worship services, we’ll be celebrating the Service of the Word, but will put communion away until Easter morning. In doing so, I suspect you will go away on Sunday mornings thinking something was missing. For indeed, it will be. I hope it will give you a greater sense of awe and wonder when you receive it again on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday as we experience the sacrifice of Jesus that is very much embodied in the bread and wine. I don’t intend on making this a tradition. We won’t do it again next year. But this year, we are going to put communion away for the Sundays in Lent.

Now, about my meal tonight...

See you in worship on Sunday.

Jeff’s Jottings – Putting Things Away

...for out of it you were taken; you

are dust and to dust you shall


By the sweat of your

face you shall eat

bread until you return

to the ground...


Faith Formation

2020 Winter/Spring BLAST Schedule

February 16, 2020 – First

New Birth (Baptism)

March 15, 2020 – Immanuel

Loving God, Serving Neighbor (Commandments)

April 19, 2020 – First

Lip Service (Creed)

May 17, 2020 – Immanuel

JC on Prayer (Lord’s Prayer)

Vacation Bible Camp 2020 “ANCHORED”

Deepening Faith In God Sunday, June 7-Wednesday, June 10

5:30-8:30 p.m.

We are looking for the following volunteers to help put this together: Crew Leaders - 6 (high school age & older). Sign up in the overflow or call Debbie in the church office (815/539-6567) if you are interested.

Friday Morning Bible Study What better way to start your day than digging into the upcoming Sunday scripture lessons? Coffee and conversation begin at 9 a.m. Study commences around 9:30 a.m. Come join us!

Coming Soon - Communion Instruction

Later this month PJ plans on holding a communion instruction class for all preconfirmation age young people and their parents. Designed for those who have not yet communed as well as those children already communing, this is an important part of learning our faith. Look for future Sunday announcements and emails for more details. In the meantime, let PJ know that you are interested.


Serving Our Neighbor

Helping hands at N.I.C.E. Center

Truck deliveries: 1st Fridays, 8:15 a.m., and 3rd Tuesdays, at,

11:30 a.m.

Immanuel’s Ark Need a lift to church? Your normal ride unavailable? Then, float on in with IMMANUEL’s ARK. Text/Call John Hoelzer at 815.440.3358 by 8 p.m. the day before the church service. If a driver is secured, you will receive a text/call from John. He’ll tell you who your driver will be and when you will be picked up. Don’t let the lack of transportation keep you from worshipping with your church family.


in Lee, is the 2nd Saturday of

every month (except for

December) from 7:30-11:00

a.m. Come join us as we

provide a pancake breakfast

for our neighbors who gather

at N.I.C.E. center. Help us

make and serve pancakes,

roll silverware, etc. Cooking

begins at 8:00 a.m.

Volunteers for N.I.C.E. March will be Immanuel’s month to volunteer at N.I.C.E. on Saturday’s from 8:00-11:00 a.m. Please sign up in the overflow at church if you would like to help out. This year marks our 20th year of being involved with N.I.C.E.

Don’t forget Sunday Night

BLAST will include service

opportunities. Come and join us!


Next LYO meeting Sunday, March 8th

after worship.

Prayer Corner Homebound – Joan Benner, Harold Schlesinger, Arlene Archer,

Nathan Eich, Gene Williams, Marilyn Ward, Phyllis Larsen

Monthly Requests – Whitley Clayton, Gary Holle, Ron Rebholz, Ed & Joan Benner

Newly Baptized – Whitley Grace Clayton (4/14)

Affirmed in Baptism - (November 24, 2019) Cyndie Prodzenski, Caytlin Prodzenski, Shayne Prodzenski

Mourning Families - Marlin Hoelzer Family (3/13), Schaller Family (Greta Bates Mother- 3/2019), Sarah Fassig Family (6/22), Christy Lilja Family (8/3), Marilyn Goetz Family (8/5), Keith Eich Family (8/31), Jean Albert Family (9/9), Dorothy Burkart Family (9/13), Donna Albers Family (9/22), Lucy Nicholson Family (10/14), Paul Albers Family (11/26), Paul Betz Family (12/11)

Our Leaders - ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, NIS Bishop Jeffrey Clements, HOILP Pastor Jeff Schlesinger

March Birthdays

1 – Ron Rebholz, Ariana Delgado 2 – Cindy Schlesinger, Julia Hoelzer 5 – Harlan Eames 6 – Rhonda McCormick, Daniel Ganz, Moya

Wade 7 – Jennifer Crumpton, Axel Cartwright,

Shelby Kroeschel 9 – Jacob Swope, Mike Miller 10 – Donna Heiman, Brooke Heiman 12 – Corrine Rosenkrans, Sandy Schlorff 13 – Tim Albers, Chad Sarver, Jeff Childs 14 – Christine Johnson 15 – Christina Barnickel 16 – Terry Neal 17 – Zach Ross 21 – Margaret Frick 24 – Marty Ganz, Joseph Corn 26 – Nick Knoblauch 27 – Pamela Taylor 29 – Sheri Clayton 31 – Connie Ganz

March Anniversaries

1 – Allen & Leesa Fitch 2 – Gabe & Michelle Wade 11 – Roger & Carol Kern 23 – Jason & Dawn Foster 28 – Harlan & Karla Eames


Pancake Breakfast at Immanuel Sunday, March 22nd

after worship Join us for food, friends, and fellowship!

All donations will go towards the LYO.


Sunday, March 29: 2-4pm

Immanuel Lutheran Church - Compton

$10 per player; max.10 team members

Snacks and sweets provided

Prize for winning team

Contact any LYO member or the church for details (815.539.6567)


MARCH EVENTS: Bible Study: We are called! “Called to serve”

Theme Verses: Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-37, Romans 13:8-9, Galatians 5:14, Genesis 41-45 Esther 2-4 Wednesday, March 4 at 1:30 p.m. – WELCA Bible Study Leader: Charlene Zimmerman Hostess: Christa Edwards Tuesday, March 17 at 12:30 p.m. – Sewing & Tying Quilts (3rd Tuesday of the month)

JUSTICE (MISSION ACTION) - Charlene Zimmerman

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8

Remember PADS when you are shopping. There are shopping lists for your use in the PADS totes. Take advantage of sales to continue to help the homeless. For LWR we need 4-5 oz. bars of soap in individual wrappers and light weight, dark color bath towels. Again, take advantage of sales to pick up these items for LWR Personal Care Kits.

Put your donations in the PADS totes in the room next to the office. Thank You.


It is March already, which means it is the season of

Lent. March is also our month to help at N.I.C.E. on

Saturdays from 8-11 a.m. If you can’t help this month,

it is OK to go in April to help. Helpers are always

welcome. During Lent we are again having soup and

sandwiches before church on Wednesday evenings at

6 p.m. We continue to tie quilts on the third Tuesday at

12:30 p.m. We have been getting 10 or 11 quilts done

each month. The Spring Retreat will be at LOMC on

Saturday, April 18 and we are asked to bring bars of

soap. We will be putting together health kits and 2

people applied for Thrivent grants so we will have

plenty of towels. Other conferences will be bringing

other items for the kits. There will be a sign-up for the

retreat later this month. If you are unable to attend, but

would like to send some soap, let me know. Save the

date: Friday, May 15, 2020 will be the Central

Conference Spring Brunch at St. Paul’s Lutheran

Dixon. More information will be available in April. Try

something new this month and attend the BLAST

event here at church. See you Sundays or


sign-up in the overflow if you are able to help us out

Greeters for Lenten Services

March 4: Holly Phalen, (need 1 more) March 18: Holly Phalen, (need 1 more) April 1: (need 2 people) April 10: Good Friday 7:00 Joint Service at Immanuel: (need 2 people)


March is our month to volunteer at N.I.C.E. from 8:00-11:00 a.m.

March 7: Cyndie Prodzenski (need 3 more) March 14: Cyndie Prodzenski (need 3 more) March 21: Cyndie Prodzenski (need 3 more) March 28: Cyndie Prodzenski (need 3 more)



Immanuel Council Highlights – February 13, 2020

• General Treasury ending balance January 31, 2020 was $9004.27

• Welcome new Council members, Jim Eich, Kim Menzel, Christa Edwards.

• Congregational Resourcing Event at Kishwaukee Community College on Saturday, March 14. Keynote speaker: ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

• Sunday BLAST (Believing, Learning and Serving Together) a multi-generational program replacing Sunday School will be held Sun., Feb. 16, 4-6 p.m. at First Lutheran, Lee.

• Letter from Pastor Jeff, president of Mendota Lutheran Home Board of Directors, announcing the closing of Mendota Lutheran Home. Meeting to celebrate life of MLH at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mendota, Sun., Feb. 23 at 3:00 p.m.

• God’s Work, Our Hands upcoming project.

• LYO Trivia Night, March 29, 2-4 p.m. $10 per player, ten to a table.

• The next council meeting will be March 19, 2020.

Parish Team Highlights – February 11, 2020

• Met at Pastor Jeff’s – welcomed new members Kristen Edecker (First) and Randy Schlesinger (Immanuel) and returning member Rita Thompson (First) who will fill the final year of a term.

• Firmed up parade plans and assigned duties.

• Discussed other ways of making HOILP known in the area.

• Made working group assignments: Service Project – Kristen & Randy; ACF – Larry & Greta; World Hunger – John & Rita

• Set meeting dates – 5/6/20 at First; 8/5/20 at Immanuel; 11/4/20 at First.

First Council Highlights – January 19, 2020

• Internet access/phone lines – internet access is now available at First. Phone number 815-824-2729 is disconnected. Phone number 815-824-2356 will be maintained.

• Church Front Doors – project is being rebid. One quote has been received within budget; second quote is in process. Expected completion date is spring of 2020.

• 2020 Budget – budgeted expense exceeds budgeted income again for 2020. Proposed budget will be presented to congregation for approval at our February 9th Annual Meeting.

• Parsonage – First Lutheran parsonage will be put back on the market for sale.

• Financial Meetings – Council will call special congregational meetings to discuss financial situation at First Lutheran.

• Annual Meeting – immediately following worship on Sunday, February 9, 2020.

• Next Council Meeting – immediately following worship on Sunday, March 15, 2020.


First Lutheran

2020 Council

Mike Davis

Becky Jarman

Alex Johnson

Dave Koroscik

Janelle Koroscik

Julie Lovett

Tom Thompson

Pastor Jeff Schlesinger (advisory)

*Officers will be elected in a brief meeting

following council installation (3/1 or 3/8)

Immanuel Lutheran 2020 Council

Brad Ehlers – President

Jim Eich – Vice President

Charlene Zimmerman – Treasurer

Carol Kern – Secretary

Christa Edwards

Kim Menzel

Luke Ross – LYO

Pastor Jeff Schlesinger


March Benevolence

The benevolence offering this month is for Back Pack Blessings. Please use the enclosed envelope.

At the November 17th congregational

meeting, the proposed constitutional

changes passed. A ratifying vote and a

vote on the associated by-laws changes will

be taken at the annual meeting so that the

changes can be instituted in 2020.

2020 NOTT Schedule

January 11 – Alfano’s ✓ February 8 – The Coal Company ✓ March 14 – Coupes – Lee April 4 – The Right Spice - Peru May 9 – Twin Taps – DeKalb June 13 – Hanks – Ottawa July 11 – LaVigna – Oregon August 8 – Maples – Peru September 12 – BASH – Ottawa October – Starved Rock Lodge November 7 – Legion Soup Supper December 5 – MHS Madrigal Dinner December 12 – Mark Allen’s – Peru

Calendar “Highlight” Dates

March 4 – Lenten Worship, 7:00 p.m. at Immanuel.

March 11 – Lenten Worship, 7:00 p.m. at First.

March 14 – Nurture Kitchen 7:30-11:00 a.m., to cook, eat and serve.

March 14 – Night on the Town, 6 p.m. at Coupes, in Lee.

March 14 – Congregational Resourcing Event, 9:00 a.m. at Kishwaukee College.

March 15 – Council Meeting, 11:35 a.m.

March 15 – BLAST at 4:00 p.m. at Immanuel.

March 18 – Lenten Worship, 7:00 p.m. at Immanuel.

March 23 – Adventure to: Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge.

March 25 – Lenten Worship, 7:00 p.m. at First.

April 1 – Lenten Worship, 7:00 p.m. at Immanuel

April 5 – Palm/Passion Sunday

April 9 – Maundy Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Immanuel, 8:00 First

April 10 – Good Friday, 7:00 p.m. at Immanuel

April 11 – Nurture Kitchen 7:30-11:00 a.m., to cook, eat and serve.

April 12 – EASTER Worship 10:30 a.m. Breakfast begins at 9:00 a.m.

April 19 – BLAST at 4:00 p.m. this month at First.

May 4 – Adventure to: National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium.

May 17 – BLAST at 4:00 p.m. at Immanuel.

Summer – Adventure to: Land & Prairie

October – Adventure to: Leaf Peeping

At the annual meeting of the Cemetery Association the following officers were elected:

President – Stanley Hoelzer

Vice President – Roger Grinka

Secretary – David Bittner

Treasurer – Harlan Eames

Records – Gale Barnickel

Board Member – Allan Zimmerman

Night on the Town

March 14 2020 – 6:00 p.m.

Coupes 101 S. Viking Vie

Lee, IL

Sign up at church or call Theresa Schlesinger at


Immanuel Announcements First Announcements



HOILP Lay Worship Volunteers – March 2020



MAR. 1 Immanuel

Need 2 people

N/A TBD Jill Ross Fran Sellers &

Theresa S. LuAnn, Charlene


First Mike Sue N/A Sue Becky, Kristen Rita N/A

MAR. 8 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD John Hoelzer Minor & Connie LuAnn, Charlene LuAnn Kromm

First Mike Janell N/A Rita Sue, Janell Rita N/A

MAR. 15 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Trysta Foster Harlan & Karla LuAnn, Charlene Holly Phalen

First Mike Rita N/A Mike Becky, Kristen Rita N/A

MAR. 22 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Theresa S. Stanley & Christa LuAnn, Charlene Pancake Breakfast

First Mike Sue N/A Kristen Becky, Sue Rita N/A

MAR. 29 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Sarah Goetz Carol K. & Theresa S.

LuAnn, Charlene Mary Ellen & Connie W.

First Mike Deb N/A Larry Sue, Janell Rita N/A

HOILP Lay Worship Volunteers – April 2020



APRIL 5 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Karla Eames Rhonda, Rachel Pam W., Holly P. Jill Ross

First Tom, Larry Mike N/A Julie Becky, Sue Kristen N/A


Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Carol Kern Stanley & Cyndie Pam W., Holly P. N/A

First TBD TBD N/A TBD TBD Kristen N/A


Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Randy S. N/A Pam W., Holly P. N/A

Good Friday N/A N/A N/A


Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Connie Avery Carol K. & Fran

Sellers Pam W., Holly P. Easter Breakfast

First Tom, Larry Rita N/A Sue Dave, Janell Kristen Easter Breakfast

APRIL 19 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Christa Edwards Minor & Connie Pam W., Holly P. Christa, Cyndie

First Tom, Larry Sue, John N/A Rita Becky, Mike Kristen N/A

APRIL 26 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Trysta Foster Harlan & Karla Pam W., Holly P. Pancake Breakfast

First Tom, Larry Dave & Janell N/A Theresa Sue, Kristen Kristen N/A

MAY 3 Immanuel Need 2 people N/A TBD Jill Hoelzer Stanley & Christa Connie G. & Karla

LuAnn Kromm

First Mike Deb N/A Larry Becky, Sue Becky N/A
