Ministering to TCK’s and the International Family


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Ministering to TCK’s and the International Family

Where are you from?

What is a TCK? (Third Culture Kid)

children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents’ culture for a significant part of their development years. The experience of being a TCK is unique in that these individuals are moving between cultures before they have had the opportunity to fully develop their personal and cultural identity.

Not the same as an adult expat.

• Kids didn’t choose this culture

• They will eventually leave it

• The culture they grow up in will be different from that of their parents

Who are some famous Bible TCK’s?

Jesus was a TCK

Our kids are unique…

• Have a global understanding • Speak many languages• Have more compassion• May not know their address, but know their

passport number

Gluttons for new experiences

Adaptable chameleons…

Have a lot of pressure to represent their country & their faith.

Many TCKs are under pressure. They have a lot of expectations placed on them, and sometimes have a lot of people watching them. Because of that, it can be really hard for us to accept failure, or allow ourselves the room to make mistakes. If youth workers keep that in mind, then they can give their TCKs more support, but they can also give the TCK a safe place to fail. I was shocked when one of my youth leaders told me she WANTED me to fail at something. The thought of really failing was frightening, but at the same time it was wonderful to know there was someone who wasn’t expecting me to always be perfect. A lot of TCKs need a place where they can fail, a place where they know failure won’t cause someone to look down upon them, their family, or their company/organization. – Tanya Crossman

Our kids can have trouble with relationships …

- China expats. turnover every two years!- Limited contact with family members back

home- Feel that no one understands them

Our kids can fit in anywhere and nowhere

Discussion Question…

What do you see as some of the benefits our kids receive growing up abroad?

What are some of the difficulties they face and how you have helped in the past?

Many Int’l kids – this is their home church so how will we use the next 16 years we have them?

It’s a lot of work, but let’s press in…

God Understands…Hebrews 11

“For [Abraham] was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and building is God….

“And [these men and women of faith]admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.

Instead, they were longing for a better country– a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.”

Caitlyn says….

“Home is where God takes us.”

How can we make church a family?

How can we make the church more palatable to non-Christians?

How can we make new kids feel welcome?

I. Let’s be the Int’l Church (and not the American Club)

1. Involve parents of every background in leadership.

2. Honor all cultures.

3. Help kids love and bless China

Jeremiah 29:5-11

4. Try not to China bash…

6. Be sensitive about socio-economic differences

II. Don’t let being overseas be our excuse to have less children’s ministry.

1. Let kids know they are missed when they’re not there.

III. Take the initiative to communicate and encourage participation.

1. Call

Just do it!

2.Send out emails/weekly newsletter

- Birthdays- Events- Memory verses

3. Encourage kids to go to church on vacation.

IV. Do more than just Sunday morning!

2. Involve kids in leadership/planning.

3. Do a regional VBS or youth camp!

5. Do a sleepover activity.

For about 20% of our kids, International church is not a “filler” til they return to their home church. This is it. Let’s make it count.

Discussion Questions

What are some other things you have done or see the need to do for your TCK’s?

Share one thing you’d like to add to your church’s ministry? (What is the Holy Spirit saying?)

Please note – I hold no rights to the pictures in this ppt. They were all found on the internet. I can verify that I have used them for educational purposes only and have not sold anything that includes these pictures.
