Mission statement


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Los Pueblos Mexican Restaurant

Serve our customers the most interesting, carefully prepared and authentic regional Mexican cuisines available

Provide our customers a joyful, gracious and beautiful experience that nourishes their bodies, minds and souls

Support art, beauty, graciousness, courtesy and culture

Create a rich and entertaining experience that “transports” our customers to Mexico, to see and enjoy its beautiful scenic

splendors, charismatic people and diverse cultures

Serve our customers by providing safe, natural, delicious, life-

giving and affordable products

Provide meaningful work, fair compensation, and a safe, healthy

work environment that encourages openness, creativity, self-discipline and growth

Employ Coaching management principles to develop employees self-esteem, self-awareness, leadership, citizenship and life

management skills

Create a work environment that enhances employees’ spirits, and

their abilities to be successful and loving providers to their families

Respect, value and serve not only our customers, but also our co-

workers, owners, agents, suppliers and our community: to be

concerned about and contribute to their wellbeing; and to operate with integrity so as to be deserving of their trust

Give customers a positive image of Mexico, and employees of Mexican and Latin heritage a source of pride in their culture

Create a healthy, energized corporate culture

Create a competitive, efficient, profitable and sustainable business

which produces highly attractive rates of return for investors

© Jeremy Kravetz, 2012