Mission Statement: To draw people Church Telephone Number:...


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Reverend Jonathan Button can be contacted on 0467 683 333 or j.button@bigpond.com

I am available in the event of emergencies at any time, but other than that would appreciate not receiving calls on Wednesdays, where possible, as this is my day off.

Church Telephone Number: 8251 4298

Keeping in touch with the G.G.U.C. family http://goldengroveuniting.org.au

Vision Statement:

We see a Jesus-orientated church having a passion for the Gospel and

compassion for the world expressed through dynamic worship, love in action, the empowering of the servant leaders and the growing of disciples.

Next Week’s Roster

18th November, 2018

This Week’s Roster

11th November, 2018

Golden Grove Gazette

Sunday, 11th November, 2018 Remembrance Day Preacher: Jonathan Theme: Ultimate Peace

Scripture Reading: Psalm 3 and John 14: 25-31

Remember Peace?... We all want peace – don’t we?!... Especially in our way too manic society, where we work and stress ourselves “into the ground”. We are ready to grab hold of peace as soon as we get even the “sniff” of a promise of it. The question is, is what we grab hold of really peace?.... The Bible speaks about so-called “prophets” who cry out “Peace! Peace!” – i.e., they claim that “all is well”, there is nothing to be concerned about, and that God is smiling on all that is happening in His world (Jer. 6:14). However, all the time this is utterly false, a lie, and there is no true peace! What is peace?.... Often what people mean by “peace” is that, they’ve got a secure job, a good income, a nice house, reasonable health, enough insurance – basically, that they’re getting what they want, and that they are not in a war, or at least not being given a “hard time”. However, Jesus Christ defined peace as receiving His gift of being forgiven and right with God, and with others, and living in harmony with God’s good purpose for our lives, here and now, and in eternity (Jn 14:25-31). This is real peace, nothing can ever take it from us, it is “bullet proof”! Grace and cheers, Jonathan

Mission Statement: To draw people

to our Lord Jesus Christ

and nurture them through our church

Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan Sandy Lucinda Tina Brunetta Kevin & Max Ray Chris DeB. Tina Coral, Katherine & Michelle Jim Alan **********

Gordon Kathryn Jonathan Sarah B. Lucinda Trevor Brunetta & the Boys Kevin & Max Ray Katherine Tina Eileen, Joy & Tina Jim Kay Barb & Patrick

Preacher: Leader (am): Leader (pm): Welcome: Duty Elder: Reader: Musician: Stewards: Manager: Crèche: Kidz Connect: Morning Tea: Audio: Visual: Cleaning:

Preacher: Leader (am): Leader (pm): Welcome: Duty Elder: Reader: Musician: Stewards: Manager: Crèche: Kidz Connect: Morning Tea: Audio: Visual: Cleaning:

The Power of Prayer

Sarah, William and family wish to thank you for your prayers regarding William’s operation. They would like you to know that the operation was successful and that the mesh was able to be removed in one piece. The operation was expected to take 5 hours but was completed in just over an hour, much to the surprise of the specialists and everyone else involved. Please continue to pray for pain relief and that William will be completely healed.


Volunteers are required for morning and

afternoon teas at the Christmas Tree Festival.

Friday Afternoon, 30th Nov. 1.30pm. – 5.00pm.

and Saturday Morning, 1st Dec. 9.30am – 11.30am.

Please see John Wheatcroft, if you are willing to help. Thank you very much.


We would like to thank our wonderful church family and your

equally wonderful families and friends for the generous support

of Operation Christmas Child. The operation exceeded all

expectations, for we: beat our record!!

We packed 34 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. 7 more than last year!

Thank you so very much to all our lovely contributors for willingly

embracing such a fantastic opportunity to bring happiness to some needy

children at Christmas.

On behalf of those children, thank

you, from the top to the bottom of

our hearts.

(evidence supplied at right)


18th November, 2018


Only $10 donation per person

There is a form on the table at the back of the hall.

For catering purposes, please enter your name

if you are able to attend.

Please see Coral or Kay if you would like to make a salad.

Garage Sale

Thank you so much to everyone who gave donations or worked

hard on the day of the sale. Your efforts are much appreciated.

May God bless you all.

Dates for the Fast Fading Year

• Elders and Pastoral Carers Meeting: Tuesday, 13th November: 7.00 pm

• Doris’s Birthday: Thursday, 15th November

• Presbytery and Synod Meeting: 15th to 17th November

• M&WW Sausage Sizzle: Sunday, 18th November: After Worship

• Church Council: Tuesday, 20th November: 7.00 pm

• Church Council Elections: Sunday, 25th November: After Worship

• Craft Group Break-Up: Tuesday, 27th November: 12.00 noon

• Working Bee: Saturday, 1st December: 8.00 am

• First Sunday in Advent (HOPE): Sunday, 2nd December

• Wedding: Saturday, 8th December

• Women’s Fellowship: Thursday, 6th December: 12.30 pm

• Second Sunday in Advent (PEACE): Sunday, 9th December

• Church Picnic: Sunday, 9th December: 12.30 pm

• Day of Prayer: Thursday, 13th December: 8.00 am to 6.00 pm

• Last Day of Term Four: Friday, 14th December

• Third Sunday in Advent (JOY): Sunday, 16th December

• Carols Service: Wednesday, 19th December

• Southern Summer Solstice: Saturday, 22nd December: 8.53 am

• Fourth Sunday in Advent (LOVE): Sunday, 23rd December

Today’s Hymns and Songs

These are the days of Elijah (Songs of Fellowship 1047)

Create in me a clean heart (Praise and Worship 414)

Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Australian Hymn Book 519)

We greet Thee, who my sure Redeemer art (Australian Hymn Book 128)

Be still, for the glory of the Lord (Praise and Worship 527)

Shalom (Together in Song 778)

The Birthday Girl

Our beloved Doris will be ninety-four years old this Thursday, 15th November. Your church family wishes you a very happy birthday, dear Doris. With love and blessings from us all.

Election of 2019 Church Council

The election of Elders and Councillors for the year 2019 will be held immediately following morning worship on Sunday, 25th November, 2018. The meeting will be solely for the purpose of electing Church Council members for 2019. The AGM will be held early in 2019, when reports will be received. The following Members have been nominated for election to Church Council:

• ELDERS : Jane Bean, Roger Bean, Ray Holroyd, Andrew MacTier and Cath McKechnie.

• COUNCILLORS: Tim Checkley, Coral Larcombe and Neil Larcombe.

Please note: in conformity with Uniting Church regulations, only Full Members and Members- in-Association may nominate, be nominated and vote. Proxy Voting is not permitted. A member must be present in order to vote. A list of those eligible to vote will be issued before the election. Please inform me of any inaccuracies immediately. If you are not sure of your voting status, please check with me. The new Church Council will take office on 1st January, 2019. Please see me if you require any further information.

John Wheatcroft (Council Chairperson)

Philippines Child Education Scheme: Latest News from Gordon

Pat and Ceri are now supporting Edgar Curaza, Von and Geoff are the new supporters of Harold Garcines, and Joan and Bill are supporting Joan Curaza, as their previous child has left Luciano’s district.

We now have 22 sponsors, supporting 26 children! Well done, and thank you, Golden Grove Uniting Church.

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.” (John 14: 27)

“The peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7)

“Peace does not mean the end of all our striving,

Joy does not mean the drying of our tears;

Peace is the power that comes to souls arriving

Up into the light where God himself appears.”

G.A. Studdert-Kennedy (1883-1929)


Once again, with your help, we will be collecting food to make up Christmas food hampers for the two schools we support through the Pastoral Care Workers. They are Danielle McAllister from Banksia Park Primary School and Louise Finch from Greenwith Primary School. Estia Nursing Home has already started collecting food for us in order to assist with this outreach programme. Over the next few weeks, bins will be situated on the back tables in the hall for you to leave any donations for this special cause to feed families over Christmas. Or, you could even donate a small children’s gift to put a smile on a family’s faces over Christmas. The last day for donations will be Sunday, 9th December. Thank you for your wonderful support and generosity over the past several years.

Advent Friend

Yes; it’s that time of year again, back by overwhelming, popular demand.

What does it mean?

For four weeks during Advent, if you participate, you will be given the name of a member of the congregation (you keep it a secret until the last Sunday in Advent). Each week it is suggested that you buy, make,

or send a little note relating to the theme for the Sunday, e.g. HOPE, PEACE, JOY and LOVE.

Someone will be given your name, and he or she will do something for you.

When does Advent begin?

2nd December, and then for a further three weeks: 9th December,

16th December and 23rd December.

How can I participate?

Write your name on the sheet in the hall and on Sunday, 25th November, you will be given your secret Advent Friend’s name.

What do we do at the end of Advent?

On Sunday, 23rd, when you give your final gift, note, etcetera, you will write your name on it so that the person knows from whom it has come.

Looking forward to many of you joining in.

Sandy Walker

The Humble Poppy

The humble poppy has become a universal symbol as the Remembrance Poppy or

the Flanders Poppy. War once devastated and desecrated the Flanders fields,

which had been already known world-wide for their magnificent acres and acres of

beautiful poppies. John McCrae’s poem, on the opposite page, became the source

of inspiration for an American woman, Moina Belle Michael, and a French woman,

Madame Anna Guérin, who encouraged people to use the red Flanders Poppy as a

means of remembering those people who had suffered in war. This tradition has

remained to this day.

It was in May 1915, at the Essex Farm Advanced Dressing Station in Ypres (now

known as Leper), a Belgian municipality in the province of West Flanders, that the

Canadian military doctor and military commander, Major John McCrae, began to

draft his famous poem.

During the early days of the Second Battle of Ypres a young Canadian artillery

officer, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, was killed, on 2nd May, 1915, a few weeks

before his twenty-third birthday. He was the victim of an exploding German

artillery shell. He had been serving in the same unit as his friend, Major John

McCrae. As the brigade doctor, the latter was asked to conduct the burial service,

for the chaplain had been called away on duty somewhere else that evening. It is

believed that later in the evening the doctor began the first draft of his poem,

which was to be eventually published in 1918.

McCrae himself died while still on duty, in Boulogne, France, on 28th January,

1918, from extensive pneumococcus meningitis, several months before Armistice

Day, and without seeing his poem published.

John McCrae (1872-1918)

Alexis Helmer (1892-1915)