MJM22 Digital Practice and Pedagogy Week 10 Games and Learning Assessment & Feedback Image: Ted...


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MJM22Digital Practice and Pedagogy

Week 10

Games and Learning

Assessment & Feedback

Image: Ted Austin, 2007 http://www.flickr.com/photos/toddaustin/2068647073/

This session will cover:

• Feedback and discussion on assignment progress.

• Application of games in learning.

• Overview of assessment and feedback.

– Types of assessment.

– Feedback practice.

– Digital processes.

OER Progress

• Present your work to the group.

Assessment One

An OER Portfolio (60%).• Produce the OER.

– Educate others about a specific digital tool or practice.

• Supporting information.• Creative and interactive.• Demonstrate you critically understand.• Publish as blog post for assessment.

Assessment One

• Incorporate the following in OER:– Video.– Screen cast.– Interactivity.– Evaluation or test.– External resource, referenced, re-use or re-

purposed.– Links to resources or further information.

Assessment Two

Critically reflective writing (40%).• Write about your own experiences of using

technology.• Regular and critically reflective.• At least once a week in response to the

activities.• Equivalent 2000 words.• Publish final summary blog post for


Assessment Two

Final blog post: (1000 words).• Clearly address your experiences.• Demonstrate how you have developed.• Reflect on what you have learnt.• Show how you intend to build on this.• Bibliography or references.

– Link back to your previous posts (or someone else's.)

– Online sources.

Games and learning

Dr Katie Piatt

eLearning Services Manager

University of Brighton

Why are games great for learning?






Assessment and Feedback

Biggs Constructive Alignment (1999).

Intended Learning


Learning and Teaching Activities

Designed to meet learning outcomes.

Assessment methods

Designed to assess learning outcomes.

Christmas themed images: http://christmasstockimages.com/

Types of assessment

• Diagnostic• Formative• Summative• Peer• Self• Ipsative

Methods of assessment

• Coursework.• Examination.• Group work.• Presentation.• Work-based.• Portfolio.• Journal.• Project.

Image: Jonathan Billinger, Christmas day landscape in Mat Hill, 2010. http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2208026

Technologies in assessment

• Online quizzes and tests.• Digital publishing tools:

– Blogs (personal).– Wikis (group).– Discussion boards.

• Personal response systems.• E-Submission and e-marking.

7 principles of good feedback

• Clarify good performance.• Facilitates self-assessment.• High quality information.• Encourages dialogue.• Encourages self-esteem and motivates.• Opportunity to close the gap.• Helps tutor shape future teaching.

Gibbs (2007)

Image: Matt Hobbs, 2003 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ultrahi/250517246/

The feedback sandwich

• The good news.• The bad news.• And round off on high note.

Image: Les Dunbar https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/4ZDglv6IB6zzTKRG6i0QJQ

Online test questions

• Multi-choice.• Fill in the blank.• Drag and drop.• Hot spot• Matching.• Stimulate or reveal.

This week’s activities

1. Work on your OER and digital practice assignments.

2. Personal tutorials– Email to arrange time / date.

Time for a Break

Back in 5 minutes

Any Questions?

Closing and Questions
