mm P •sw^s' Mima to naa u...


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tehees? JBWIW& p . P r a t t IfcJEDM;.

Xf OM«*er t i e bridge)

—-;..•••!.•. — ••.•••! wrMaMMiiiiiiiiini iiiia. • • ! , ?


• east aid;, m M M M 9 m m

G i l l e t t e fc

PHTBIOUNS AND 8DKQI0HB.< Rojoe'i New Grttito

Sank Streets, Albion, N. T.

Dr. J . W . Randatal*


PHTWGIAS and Sargeoa. . . „ SiUietloJj* Book i » a i ) i « | BMW*. ....

pernor Mink and Oljnton, atroets. \ % f $ •

0 9 M n t IwMt k Sealdsace,

& TgflJl

A. B . Botaford, M. D . ,

HOKOJOPATIuq ujrfbniMIe Jhiatealn. OBee upatalr.,JBaoki tgftVSlitDmWiT.

»0r. A. gi> la. Potter.

HOHCBOPATHIO Ay, In Ob.r6nto Dlaigtea. _ . _ „ . , ,

•id aland,) He. 8« Panel itrset, Albion, y t y .

Practical Jhvaldea ~ • Sake'i

LeRoy n . Sanford,

ATTORNEY end GouncoUer st Law, and Jutlei of IB* PMC*. OBee, 8ojQ«!a>«w Block, Cor,

* g A B M A T BAY.

Puril Urtmtin.honUlo utt, SSiheamtteTeototfaUinnaereiraat, * *><#»• w^tea no tear* Ionia regret

S o t taa dtvs of foolitnat awlailJM-0(t^i>oclL-mrtlnlari(llmlo|o\d, ; Oil* tmplre (on s%*,}a|t tfirtftqjjj: 4 Hoi the aarceicl Br. «yH)M*i«*W.Mo>4' •"

In bar bin tag omatle kindle!.

8. 8.Spencer, . :ICB of t i e Foeee and Attorney ai Law. OBee

_ lu Burrows' Block, QUI the Bank of Albion Particular attention given to cpUacUoaa sndDra* Ins* Dteda, Mortgages aad other writing*

Henry Armstro*s;, , TTORNJty fat Claimant*. QSn, No. 31 Bar-L rows' Block, Albion.

, . M . P u f f y ,

IpASHIOlUBMi HAIR DRES3KB ao4 Bather 1 Everything} in the Toneorlat Una promptly ax> •anted in tat highest Btyle of the mrt. An excellent Hair BaHtoratlve and Invigoretor at only 60 oenti per bottle •tore, Mel»|tx4et.

Offlee one II. W. LM a CoV Grocery


OfB.cs at Gordlneor&i Lovery'aStoreklat door w..t of the PoetoBeeV OA8H PAID ?0B


C b a s . D . B Q I K ,

AOXNT - ' . J J I


NIAGARA L I F E INS CO. And rfetary Public Offlos io In Royeo'l naw

Qranlte Block, u m u Ualaaad Oanalvfila., Albloa. 4Ttf.

U O L L E t .

E d d y A T o w m e n d ,

ATT0RHST3 and Ooaatallors . ( U « . Dolllj, » . Y. WM K. towaaaitl),

OaAaaa A SDOT.

D O O L 1 T T L E A S T R A I G H T ,

D E N T I S T S ! O I T 1 0 I IH TtlK OIlANrrt BLOCK O W th*0r-

laAiu Coootj HajtloaAl DAOJL l a t n a o * o» Duk Str»»t, arttfiAir*.

All >ork do** In lb* B*at U*mb*r, uid o s r « K U -• t o U m a , tad tally JUAT»»U*4 .

T E E T H EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, br ln« IM Cblorafaraa, Ktfew or Nartotia Spraj.


AlMom, N b . «, HIT,

F»l» would tk.a Fo>. wnraM k«t Total, i Tila In bar tirribl, tluoaa rejoice, J Mi Ira?* hir u hiroalr okoloa j • ;, ,MtW j^wa7.thi>l»Wat.fM 'S

i S»»ttoWr, th, ymaajin 4>or i W a ] i ptffamooawallf l»altMli«)«ot4l,1 ' BwUlbttoron|btBoairbjl»rit.wioi><lbW»,

Qnten AporoditeVcmlirs,

0 OltJ o tJo | IpJinar* JOJH bj 1

Si w«r-jfc««j' in.0Bujiaf« hub i With ail S07 bwitx aad glory die

Bather ttirt make aomendar 1 ' Erta tkangk too Itrosg tko Gemum watt, Tboogb wkjretlum ataadllt be thj giara, * Tit j l i ld aotrW tha"-noOi%t 4*T.

TbykortoraritltQJr iplWor. ' .

snc'^ABiisny ^ a WOODB. Iknowntorj , &lt,t, dlamar, uJdir, , .

Than 107 ajoij p»lntiAJ% jour book*. I •Xo«artio^kd> It'alU'not raike yoa gliooir;

Yet llitea, with jour prwttj mllua lookl.

'•tlttiralrjStorjt" Well,raUfauti-At tmMVi»teiftt>bMk«af4lrljido» i v .

And Mima to naa u bciotifal and ilrr ;

Tat hllf, perbap, tba faizqr half, U traw.

Toa kid a baby ilitqr and a briber, Two my daistj people, roay ablta,

Swaatnlaan alltblngi elaw axotpteaeh othirl

Oldir ;et Toaagir-goae from komati ilgbt t

And I, vho lorad tkem, and ekallUTJ Uaarn ever. And think with reaming? tearahov each light hand

Crept tiraid bright bloom and, birtiea—UbAllnetar Kno» bow I toat tkra. r>6*J0< aadcratand)

Poor il|hOj ajpli'en beads 1 I think I mlaed them, n i t j o aoraei dreamy, nl^oni, doubtralwa];,

Bat wbla aad where with lloferlnr llpa 1 klated ttum,

kty fndnal parUog, 1 can nerer tar. Somatlmea I faao; that thwjr nuj baye~ patlabid

In ihldoerr ^alet o( aataocke andaaoea. , Heai piiaa wbawe >eii p.bblil I ba.1(|!eharlihet,

For their laumMkel, etac* mi n6at bitter loll.

1 Saner, tow, thuat they warw aottly eorered Bj roblaa, oeu of ippl* fiowan they knew,

Wboee naralas wtnge In far home taearilne borerad* Bafote the timid woild had dropped the dea.

Tkalr lieaae vwre whit yoars ue. At thU 70a woo-dir.

Th*lr plctarwa I « - J oar own, u yon hare leea ; Awd m; bird-fcmrled dartlaga, hidden asder

Lait leaeaa—why, 11 U yoor dead S«1TM I mean 1 -f. H, B,

« 1 — "

Dreaou and Their Cauges.


^ M

irtg^niEl«xex|o«&iilK£>"iHo o«iged

bly fomtj tt(gtt|B jts arouioi frioin *, tho (tttTtioaliraof wlloh ho ecultj rifipdkiwiiii jt^iipsisilW I*S.I'

j ^ » ^ . ^ ^ — ^ ^ — * , > ? *. i ^ . . F i i . i ^ v ^ t , » t 1

.^c . - iw i lEd '

»9olj:Or- . . . . . . .




I. _ ; -

N O . 6 4 M A I N 8 T K E S T

AttHo*, H T, arn Q m t f & Nobln 8«0« 3 l o n All X>«aul oytrmtioa* laUu»t*d Io O»T CAT* « U l r*er(T«

P r o m p t *. C a r e f u l A t t o B t l o n .

T«*tai cxinwetiad vllhfxil pain Ij tfa« ••* of

N T T R 0 D 8 OXTDE QA8.


T » l < H U*<U>t B U s l a 1


JtjTtmllci—orabraciog lb« teAding pabllca-Uoni of N o v York, Uoetoo And PhiUdil-

phl* publishers. McL*ughlin'i Col* orfld Primftn, Linen Books and P i ­per Do lit. The SL*adtrd PotU—-

lo library and antique bindings. Hardlng'a cdllloae of Family Btblei ,wilh Photograph Al­bums. Notooa'i *nd Pott

& Amer/'e tioa of email Sibtes, Prayer Book*, and Testaments,

Rote wood, Mahogany, & Black Walnut Desks—Plain and polished, square and rcgenoj. Tourists Oases—Turkey, Morocco, Imitation and muslin —

Turkey Morocco, Hnsaia, Calf, and imitation wallets, purs«8,

and chain bags- Porto Fo­lios, Lad its ' Companions,

Gents' and Ladies' Dressing Cases, Checkers

PKAtographh Albums. Baok Oajamon Boards. Dominoes.

r i a j i a g Cards, Hill's Blook8, OundaU's Bnlldlng Block*, Irory

and Composition Tablets, Monobotr Boxes, Work Boxes, SoototvPlaid Goods,

Glore Bokea, Mosio FnUoa, Tramptrent 81ates, and other Panoy

Goods. Also, all kinds of S t a t i o n e r , Blank books, MU.

oellaneoos books. Pens, Pencils, all the Rochester dailies, the Ne»

York dailies and weeklies, receired regularly. Orders for Book-oindtng

promptly attended to Remember B a r -die B Post News R«om, Albion, N. Y

June & Wilson's Boot & Shoe Store,

R e m o v e d t o O n g h ' s B l o c k ,

No. 76 M A I N STBEKT.-

W E d«Btr* {to «tpr**> oar thanks for th* m a n !ib«rmi pstronAg* *o Ur *xt«Dtle4 to tu, stttd

DoUfj tb* pablia tbst m j suortm*Dt of Bnt CIAAI f ond* for

Mens, Boys', Ladies' and Children's Wter. is cjrsr/arAfls*o,

Aad oor prices irIU AIWAJ* bs found as LOW fea sqtial lj food Aruet** CAB be bsaght for w j w - h « e

O U 8 T 0 M W O B K erttl oontinae to be a epedalitj, end, tiring none ba the b ert etook. and erbployiag only competent work. m*n, eao readily gnaraatee entireestJefMUon.


H A H H O O D :

U»ir L o s t , H o w R e s t o r e d .

Jnet Pnbllebed, a new edition of Or 'B Celebrated Belay on the

'Itboot medicine) of tfamiOBj Weakni

IXIqtverweir ttadlcei cere f'

bpermatorrhou, or Seminel Weakneaa, Involuniary Semloet Loeaee, impoteney] tlental and niyeleat toeapeclty. Impediment* to Marriage, ete ; elao, Oonennrption, Eptlepey and 6te, induced by eelf-tedolg«noe or eeiael extreeagenee.

IT* P^ce, In e eeeled envelope, only eti cents. The eetebnte^ Aqthor in tale admirable eaxay,

clearly demonitretee from a thirty yeara' eocceeefat practice, that the alarming coneeqnencee of Self. eboeetnay be tadtealiy cafeS without thediagerooe a»« of tnternil medicine or the epplication of the knife i painting oat a mode of core at once llraple. certala and efleetael. by mean, of which erery eaf* ferer, no metier what hie Condition may be, may earw atamlf cheaply, prirately, and radically.

l # ibu Leotara ihonld be in tho bande of errery yoaib and every man in the tend.

Bent aaderleet to eny addreea, 'tn a plain eavel' atae receipt of afx ceata,orteroaoeugeirauape.

^' ' " " *' pne " Aleo Dr. CrOre Addreea the Pnblllbere

'erwsll e "Uarrlage Oaide," price 2g ala.

OH AS. f 0, OUSX *C0., O o t — B , Kgw Teal a^tOataa Baa, (

Soma Trrilon of eromoDoo aootand— u wo think orroDcouiljf—that tho mind i* novor at rest, aad that, OTOD darloz the niost profoaod ileop, drotrjas Uko plaoo, wbioh are oitbor immcdiald-\j forgotioo or which mako DO improB-eion OQ the moinory. ID opposition to lhi« Ttcw, tho following arguments n i y bs iddacod. If it troro oorroot, tho main object of iloep—namely, rogt fur, tho brain— would notor bo a(ttino<tj and, In t i l probability I fow olghta" conuououa and aotiwo dreaming would Snduea a menu) trritabllliw approximat­ing lo ioianitv. Again, oaaei aro oo-ooaiotiallj coot nitb, of pornonj »bo maintain tint tboy noTor, or onlj rerj oiciptioaally, droam.' Pliny rcfori to to looh oaaci in Lib., i., Cap, lxxr. Woqnols Hollaod'a qoant translation : 'Babca at tho »«ry boginolog do droam. For ihoj will waken tnd gtarf gnddooly in i fright; god, aa they lie iilocp, kco|itig a-caoking of tbolr lip*, as if it won at the btojjt beada Soma Dover dream ai mil. And if iuob ohaooo, oon. trai; to tbia cmlom, (or to dream ones, it hilb broo oouotedfor a eigo of doatb aa wo havti leoo and pruved oy roaoy (zamplca aod experiment* ' Aooord" ing lo PlaUrch, Cloon novor droimad; and Huetontuj doolircd that, bofore tho marder of his motber, be had noger dretmed. Tbo wntor of thia arttola ia acquainted wilb a lady, opwarda of eighty yeara of ago, who ia porfootly ocrliio that oo droam haa ewer paaacd through har braio, wbioh is by no moioe to ioicttvo ono. Dr. Hammond ataios thatt bo bad a lady undor bis oaro for a serious norvou.i afjootioo, who declared that ibo had only onoo had a dream, whiob r-ocurod after roociv-int a aoa-ero blow oo ibo head from a fall. As farther evidenoo against the wiew that tha ictioo of the brain Is oon ' tiouooa daring sleep, wo may addaco caios of appaiontly loog dreamt that baro boeai oompleted, from boginniDK to end, i s a very few aeconda, and -.juah brnvo been exoitod by extaroat induenoes. The following aro good etimples of inoh droaras, and others are iooidentallj given in the oonrso of thu article:

A pardon, who was suddenly iroosed from sleep by a few drope of water sprinkled in his faco, droamod of tbo oronta o f an entire life, in wbioh hap­piness and sorrow were mingled ; aod whiob Snail] terminated with an alter-otlioo apoo the borders of an exteo-•We lake, into which his oissperated companion, after a oonsiderablo airag-glo, aacoeeded in plunging him. Dr. Oirpenter mentions the oase ot a clergyman falling asleep in the polptt dorirjj tho singing of a psalm beforo the Bcrmon, snd awskoniog with tho conwiotion that ho must bavo slept for at least an hoar, and that tho eoogrega-lion moat hsvo been waiting for him ; bet on rtforring to his pealtn hook, bo wis ooosolod by finding tKal his slam bor bad not lasted longer than tho singing of a single lino'. Sir Benjamin Brodie, in his' Fsyohologioal Inquiries' 1864, mentions tho following fast of the late Lord H olland : "On an occa­sion when he was ranch fatignod, while listening to a friend who was reading •load be fell asloep snd had a dream tho particulars of whiob i t would tako him a qnarior o f an hoar, or longor, to •ipresa in writing. After he awoke he found that h e romomborod the be-gioniDg of one sentooae, while ho ac­tually beard the lattot part ot the sen-tence immediately following' i t ; so that probably, the whole time daring ghiah ho had slept did not oooupy more than a fow seconds.'

I t i s from oasea of this nature that Lord Brougham was led to form tb< opinion that i II oar dreams rosily take place i n the aot ot falling asleep or of •waking. Tbis viow is as inoorreot in one direction a s tho opinion wo ara on-deawoxing to controvert (of which the lite S i r William Hamilton, the great netipbysiolao, was one o f the principal champions) is in tho opposite one. tn his 'Ucolurcg o n Metaphysics,' this in-toUsotoal athlete beliewee that be has proTttd that tha aotiaa o f tht brain is

recogoixo in tU»m»et*tr».v,niiB' - ^ j j ' preaeatly tettd M. Mtury's wpeiiniieinti, ' I t ^ a t a M m t f e ' t W a ^ ^ mew txoHattoa ofWtSxing » 8lor*pjiii person is gener»U»..'.stttficitn.t tu give

r«t»i tQaKdwato^f- i , c " T

mm ftes| %$• otjiqf. urgBDBtijnl •that raight ha adtjuosi, itmty bs mfp, Jj-assntneithat •th,J)sain.U'tiu. *%*m in aotigft, ^ ^ h M t»ei;e ijjf «,njej, when weileop witbgut dretaiDg,'

Dtelms "Hm Hfci* BSBS kitiaa of foundttion; and, as. D r . Hiumoosd ob-, aat»«8, the basil dnitCnttnat Be squght hf in,.jrnnrpions uiipo upon tho mind a t coma p^oviPM—pttafbaFi Ippajahfly. ^ ( K ^ I I T W I ^ W . , . * r " Jp;o;

ducked at^tho ^Umejteritg Ble,aja», I?y bodily tensa'tioua. A-t" flttt sigiit it -may uepnl that we lure dtoums w»hiQh cannot possibly bo refected to eaitbjrj of those exoltiqg onoaes. t 'but tl qf; oagbly ihvestigMion vrill itmr'nbl^ ro veal tho oxistenoo of a n . aasooiation bo twoon the dream end sotno suob ideas or events,' In oontnmtlloo o r thu view he adduoos kotorjetl mm, woae^ of which bs bar} oglloo(td from 'tho. wqll-known works of Aboreiombtof Mevesniaji, Bendy, ("Philosophy of Myitaary.'') and other British wrtcers j whila 6th ora'Vro origiml and n o w fint publiihod, JJrqui tho, latter wo bpx:roH. (ho follow iog roruarkablo hlit6ry,%Mdh i a somo rsspeots resembtei tlit>- Hory to ld lit Sir Visitor Scott • to, Aberorooibxe, ro. carding •b°iJ?,0<>y|1fJ»«.by ma»BB Of i dretnr, of lost iloouwcnts njo'dslajry for tho inocoaful prosootxtion of a law lait. A lawyer, well koosrxt tg,,Dr, Ham. mond, found it necessary to nscrortaio tho oxaot age of s client of bu wfcio wis also bis ooaain. Tbeir gtiodfitbesr who was rather an ccoontrio poruca, had died when the; wcro boyj Thea law yer often told hli cousin that i f the grandfather b d becrx alivo the desired information ooald h a r e Itoo r-oadily obtained ; and thit b.e hid a dlon roa-olleotion of having s e o n i reoortX kept by the old geotlomia, and of tbxaro bo-iog lomo partiaalirltw about it wbioh he eould not recall. Some months gf tor the search hid b e e n given up hupoless, he droamod- that (heir grand-father name to him a n d eald, 'Vcxa have been trying 16 find c»nV(lbOn ee3|.\ wis bom. tyjo't yon .x-ecollfp!, t » « t one ai'NrBOdtrt' when>w*av. wifdJ taviiog, I read ;"0U somo linos from in -Elilrlr 'Honoo,'and shoHod yon how £. audi a family ro.'wd oal o f tbo book by in aotiing-a, nam her of i>Unl,)c»Ye»n too <ndt- Now; la «ott knk , 1 •ftiviaisd

my library to lb« Rev. L was I great fool for giving, a>lm bookat . whiob ho will nower rcao. Chat Ibo 113oraio,' and yorj wilNlsooVtt'r the oisot hour at which J. was boro,' Tbo lawyer deep­ly Improucd with t h o tlroim, started by tho first morning train to viiiU the olcrgyman, who lived in I noig-iiboring city, found tho 'Tlormce,' md it «bo led whoro tho pages oouea'ituling lb«a family record, cxaotly si b-md boon deascriboc in tbo droam. Hj no effort of lit moinory coold ho recall tbo locfcdont of tho llsliing exounioo-

It may havo oooax*cd to somo of oar readers lo havo oip»oriooood tbv« samo droam on two or throo ooo»»30oaUTO nighut, or sevor tl l i m e s in i b o same night This reoitiS-ion of • d.Tenm is popularly regardld eaa indioaliorg that it Is eilhor loot •• at wiromg or that it his I prophotloohuaraolor. I>r. Him mond tolls u» that a few join ago ho road Sohiller's Oder to Ltura,' aas trans-lalod by'Lord Ljttoo, boginnlnjo;— "

• Who end whel ger. tn*.. l*»e vlih to e o o thee I'

and admired it oi a sinking piece of vcrnfioation, oonvesytng itonaeo noted pliilostipbtoal idoas to I forortlo md beiutiful manner Tbofoljoauag night ho had a Tory vitid dro*ln"f m condi­tion ot pro-o xialonc=«3 iu wbioh ho Im-nsiood nimaolf In rxj. Tbo conneoilon botwoon tbo droam and ibo £aoom bo had booo readln)! wras luffiolooatly woll marked, and did not astonish -' him He was, howovor, aarpri«od to find that the two nr-xt nights be bad cbo lima droanj. Dr. Htm snood farther tells us that a friend of Ills is Tory stabjoct to dreams of tbis oha^aotsr. and that en somo oooaaioDS the repetition has ta­ken place as many as s doson crimes.

Abercrrombiepio b i s woll-known work, to wbicb wo havo »lros ly rtfe Tred, ro lites sewarsl very remirkablo oaaei of dreams induood by impr«alc»>«9 msdo upon tho mind during sleep In ono oase, an elabortto dream of Clio lame nature was simultaneously esoited io the minds ol a loldior md bm wite, by the noise produced by the falling of a pair of tonga.

An officer oo board t transport used to bo teasod by ni> oornpinione, who oould produce im him any kind of dream by whicporing in hli o=e»r. Onoe they conducted h i m through cUio whole proooss of s qusrreal, whiob erxidod iu a duel : and when t he parties wwcro sup­posed to havo mat, a pistol veraa put lo his hand, whiob b e fired, «n«i tho re­port of whiob owoke him. O n another ocoasion they foaod him silesop on the top of a looker in tbo oibin, wbon they mado him boliovaa tbut ho * a d felled overboard, and oa:horlod hio» to save himself by awimnuing. They Ihon told him that a Bhsrk was pursuing him.nnd ontroated bim to divo for his* life H o instantly did no, anil with, so much foroo as to throw bimsolf from the looker apnft tbo cabin floor, by which, of course, bo wis awakened.

Dr Hammond relstos tbo particulars of a singular dream, whiob, as iu the prooeoding one, wras duo to an impres­sion conveyed to the briin t&rougb t h e oar; and likewise corroborates tho fa ot, previously noticed, that oo definite ooit-cplion of time enters ioto tfao element* of a dreim. V7e givo tho oarralivo i o bis own wordi:—

1 dreamed that I bid taken a pas­sage in s stoitner from S t - Louis to Naw Orleans, a o d tint imoog the paau songera was a man who hidi all tho ap­pearance of hoittg Tor; ill with con­sumption. Ho looked mote like a ghost than a human bSing, and moved nois-leasly among thto pmengez-a, notioing no one, though aattraotiog ttae ittouiioo. of alL For uresral days -BaotbitiC was" laid betwisn hixaa and any -eanr/iill ottavi

, V * •i-'-il. :

S B . . . 7 t IN Jj W

i l r j w e»a i HW tjjjuUtkkjM,.

W # t * W l ) ! { W a * i 4

P'Jingiir? *UU » bfit,, he w^drfMrt " " " t^SHrt j y l l f o . "'When you! huarjhti „ _ v

l»Vrj?.|fc«jii«i, ' j u m p o v e r b o i t i - p f t t w 1^ •"{??>* .r}f("r»«i 4*»>K uveiaaiwita—r*»aa,ii f»*S|M»jj»RsjniMd» the bciij Hill IJI, |» dtoms.' X. thultar} jtim, a«tt h * l«ft taa. , Mfn\ day a n d ^ e next JF* c t daa.Vfltiir4,lft«»c.9m.Wa ray fellow puMDt. gurjtjwjjyho fate ia, flora ftr tkero, bat ^Stip^fjtnd tb,») I nid , ivit4 tlip toalty Vtspeeoh {t t ieoyo wrl,ta hn. ^n^djb,l!t tny JiVrtd; wafrjiirBlvxori. fu JjotVT "cMd. ^ o p t no moioi to wito

, . . WjitUq t JIu makipg hteajs in-u.a,L efforu, l W r a , l h e ^ W « l b

pt tho epgmq. I.ruijioii $b |e , Bido QI the '.bolt to pttibgo ovr«tb.oarfj^.inpj •woVo. The whiatld, of a' it«»ra s iijj-njiH now w j housoi had 'jqs,,' b'oojul to sound, and had iwak'eood can, Mj ojraam" hid h^cn *tsattt}il jjy 11,—and o»i»ljd not havb^o^oupieo t»'oro than a few sooeu.da.' *" ' ' '

Rlany <{'i9:oa aro on record in whioli drea'ma bavo boon oxoi,od bv'other senaos thin'- that ' of nekrjpg. &. ro markablo oaso, in wbioh > dream wis originntod by tbo Oomblbod notion of tho erntoi o f sniOll md hearing, U do-sortbsd iu the 'Journal of Pejobologloal Medioinc,' for July, 1856, in whiob » pj»yeioion, who was oompolled to sloop at a ohcyotnongor's houao, in sa-bod-room impregnated with a strong odor of Amerloin cheese, and swarming with rats, dreamed that for a political offence ho was iooarooratod in a hugh ohooio, Wbioh was attacked by iu army of these vermin, thit n soon is they hid effooted in entranoe, fixod ibornaslvca on his mkdd body,

The loose of laate i s so leldom ox eroiaed during sleep that It i> raroly productive of dreams. The follolog oaeo, rooorded by Q. Hammond, is ths moit-romarkable one of tha kind that we have met with. A young lady who had oonlraotcd tho lucking nrr thumb dating Bleep, tried to break borsolf of tha practice by covortog tbo offending organ with eztraotof aloos botore iho went to bod. She slept well, bat in the morning eho found bor thumb'in her month with all tbo aloos sucked off. During the night aho droituid that Ibo was eroding tbe ocean io A steamer mado of wormwood ; that tho plates,, dishes, chairs, &o., woro composed of t h o matetlal j and that there wn a "hitter imaW all' 0T»i> 'tnoTrtrtrj- JIhMi was so arong a bitter Into in bor month, that on hor arrival at Harvo s h e asked for • glass of witer; but tho attendant brought her an Infusion of wormwood, whioh she gulped down, On hor requesting a Paril physician to extraot the wormwood from her body, b e told bor that tbe only romedy was oi-gall, which ho eavo her bv tho pound. Trro bitter laato of the reme­dy wa< ae bad M that of the wormwood; and to got rid of it she applied to Ibo Pope, who told her that alio moat mako a pilgrlmago tn the plain where ibo pillar of salt stood-whioh was formerly Lot's wife, and most eat a piece of salt as largo as bor thumb. Hho reaebod tbo objoot of ber Journoy, and thea deliberated as to what part o f tbe (g. are she should break of. The result was, that as the had a bad habit ol •racking" her ilium1), sho ahoald broik off sod soak that part of tha stuulo. On potting tho broken fragmoot ioto hor mouth sho awoko, and found tint ahe waa suokiog her own thumb.

Dreams are very readily eioitod through impressions made on t h s norroi of ordinary sensation, oven in oases when the stimului is applied io pin-lyxed limbs. A lady whoso lowor oi> tromllica woro paralysed, olten oipori- , •need remarkable dreams of tbis nature wbsn hot bottles woro applied to bor foot. On ono occasion ahe dreamed that she was transformed iotoabeir and was being taught to dance by being rnAde to stand on hot plates of iron. Oo anotbor similar ocorsion, sho drcam-,td that aho was wadiog through a eti'eim of wator that luucd from a hot

riaws*>4*jljjtajl]t^ «X k o M f ' W ^ J t r H O a O . a U ^ t f t i h

•>»**»JtiiH POUity ^ v j f c t a w r n a i , P'i»«»»i t»* f h ^ a , an usually,Woashi Mtgfjaarar^f^y^ god. to) »,bl*;--«' l«rJ„^»«4»dit»o|Lji( b « i p | flULfavskl ttufwll, ^aMMniattofaf oo,t|» wfthin Mt,O0^S^»eaatTlfriB«-- ^a .n ,hu» , HI

•hlwl^.i'flilajaaWiiivlitl* ixinu^liita J P W « W»«"4»« fi\j)„tk%itt)p>t)Wi«inji f f S r ^ w e e f l ^ | s ) t » J e l V V » ^ ^ i f *

»W«* 8S$m $*&mi m»aUW ontn)Baon

! S r J r « ^ A i d ! » » W i •r4w»*rtVW « F | m \^*mm*4**,i w4*iMwq^n i

.I'fijBMlttpf b»««Wni!.. §»miliE,t«a«lt3 « l l l . ^ J t o » , i ^ | h ^ , l t w a ^ l i j « s _ t l p » d

0|Ua>*-e.I1IIUt,l»»,ie4>llllli %ffTll|bjU. <tf{ tllO Ofg*,na.o(^»^h*r»i »!»4 t.hqt«,it,nad9, but^Sn tioop wro all ^; *hla jteatvonlng, (tnd U\Tritore-, ^harm'iijruj tfltivtht l»w o f a»8,oo\a ion, {.horet s^ruot fiom tbo fooltrig^ ul opprostlgu tho, idei oi aateightt.nd t^p,kigo, <>f i Rvgjjorih' fflnahent raepV."^ Wo.aUo..ijrej,mj Ol beastly lidon »»S9iiJ naMM,,owoJt>s<i,' or o f ditk, stxadowy apparition* Ain«|rg-WK. «WR».'I>» ooiliog » a d (jtid'Hally Hot lling 4owa#pqrjHut,„ , ' •'

N o t nnfrcqnoDtly, w« . od fliat, in. Bteavd pi jhla, w,o drtpta pt ijuin greil trotxble ot aiidjtlafl, JFighwamtnj l«» 'ho aatktag itito- cxpuripnoaa of^q terjjdor tespication diffioull. W o tbon,dreana,lor oxajanplo, ih,ijt v»c w %tt»pji,oil ;^y rob-bora j .aad when wo cndoavQi to apouro oar satetyby^ulsV,"ex and to our,<jou-Stoxnatlon, t t a t out.fAet to(uf0 .to/acrwa, Mt and i(o rannaiqi, aa | t wotv rpiH'4 tp tthe stouud. yfo try to cull for help, but, Hudtbat, vvo |ra uuab|t| ft) ptoduoo • fftoglo souoa, nnlll," a t }p8l(i,f tot Jong itr«ggllqgv t h 0 j mttiolos, qf rospiratlw «,re rolmiiid-fra,ni |U»ir MIIIMTIJ,, injo; wo> »w»lf«7-«omutli»o.v -with ajqud orj,"

. I n a alinilar nigiiner U otpejianood the* djoim c f f»\llng ftqia at gtoll height, }t uoa|ll; happons whi le wo aro falling asleep, and, dppgtltk upon thu oixasmMiuoo that (be gt^duil telaxing of the muaalei «iuied hyj |»eg j h, bj m m e mouiontjity moitemenl, rarerioj, and tbo roiatt is i ahrioijng hack of the body similar to that oipotienocd In failing from any lofty position. Somo-what diloren,, ftotn this il the dream of flying, ..Asoordiag. to Soharncr

Mihorit/ ,nid%a1u4T«WB.rt t»>r*ta .

basaoMor j o , , * J » * - « * * « t : 5 A t «.»» tb* PWy WaritUi "•"'— , '

*r».Jia«j.w .-xi-. IS— . k j j 11

^^TQLUMMOa-a| mm

v^warjiiin iWeryJWtl Yt^Pj l iK V* oii'Tid-withWiry rinnstiil" pol^oifsM.-»tSstili^Tidetttly, bfHbe'nH.()Hltii(» ^ hisitnajnint fgivou by bar JGraee'g apj Vfy. tBrdut tbatrtuta Vbavngaaiettha seo&mio, horn i p)ay«r beotn* l>lu"mpTi-HOl- -i . j it j In «" J t . tv1

xp. '!•"• I'*" " " J ' V V a , t ' Valwot .B*^ ,1 ,»,

aava «k>«,it»«4l«1<tt vrl*'*-imUth. ,ae«fa*asfMe JwM'attaei »Mi stlttpi,

, MtTAswiaHi«Eii i>-


•pot sfikb th* aiWptt on th* g W J M ' a*ar»i'|w»«sy -UtaTa* * « f H r l ^ l r t i to rli|iktMwithibor*]i idrtt-itxQtfirikv. «*. *j»d,,gard«n?ft dispo-Ht of tlttr k«tMf J t, wittl th» Axpastttton «(in-. trodn«ing«f«»m powar on iliefairas, Ihe effioleaoy- of bortM it iitllJnVr. «rT f*t)mMw««t,o(a>^M.«*aa>a futn, wtth,. ij, fk>w M*»ptio*k.rt 'VykiRsvtyf w n % f t « j " <i»t Wilis: Qt*1* *,Ulto^W«T^t ttattioa lUttln*—*M«l\ wiir Mtfontk, taor* toonowlolli a»d •ApUnlty tfhat aottw but ' to" do,! w» MlAMrt V>. W» Hall l)^W«t], I^H

' I—• ^.uto^.ijiitt*, "tfi

OOe, "KsTi Omtr* wa, KM* 'air* Awgf tjt ,

iisa.a gain * ...

<3-<3K SoeTvsoja, «sa o o .

«»s»!-Jfca«Uagti*>a«k» tflUarattksOIlM, Ml *p>evaaaav*Ta wl^skkassaakais kivlax

, r f a * « M t » « ^ ^ ^ W » » p a , i , i a t U t>«t«A**Ui aaValiai, J . -UJI»I—iS.~^- y -e5 . - .^

jeirwUlk -wrV j i J i t ' - * )\i

M£?\L1 "•*W« j*M*^a«tykt)tlM[ briany1 til*' iBateonnblub^vjiM ^biiruU* In }U»a, yj?mtty en Sun4»>%,mqtM»| Itut » » « * 6*«looli*uTho jjWn^\ncnbtf'-*wuii| ,to' MVB Doon ott»>.«if tn-Miwotaitxary^kats Jt«t9*nrrtmolWngi4^vft!lj4^W^^ vT«s°ni'riiiuiatiiur«a- nrstitj" atujn'ipup,* ftlrUctitli.cbnturf ' W e oliVpMekqt Sp»m1WoMa"ibipo»r irj-jtUgalVlUw olatm, »» thoy ooar rooord ihrf Aho ', «t>0n »ft*)t.l;h'iir eJnquv*t ol IJi*^ *)uniirjt aod noariJ»',i.vit> loouturtn i«a.r. Uor, dilplayerl volvot hanging! > and velvot rugs in thpir puluoan n,nd- publio baildlngi. lvho produoiion ol'-vo\vct waa: for l-lting series of yeara oonfiped to Spalrj and: Italy,'and its iutroduotio.n into othor parts of' Karopc. progtoseed tlowly* \>' , l .

Oaring the. sixteenth oco iW, . ^ho-proo«ia tit rnaklug volvotbooiuw knqvtn la ^» yotia auhBoqacjqJ^ ly,.th« m»tsri»U»yii9 gt«»ly imprpyeil M«U^»t«»nro^hft:riolmB»».l^'*,h,6>|«•' , , , . u r i l

forth it rapidly grow i n . . , t o r w|Hi|l^tb:«flb%;e.ilcthbtfcg^Uht«sollo oi wealthy Dnpn\o, a,n4, won, nftor, it Sbol oamo au important artlolo of ootncnoroi.

- • - • (.ho io .'o

prQKotit it hon boon a/'rirAcrc^e article (jf droe's ' "

Tbo Mlrtbtpal Itsaluvc -at gonWha yd vol is 11(0 jneortidii of taall Qno throadi

U°»tfv«f^»tla»ia •Wly«Ua.>>«.^ naaiAt | « M WMW^rw^waa^Waaott t tHarM' aaatvlUavk 'eiWbiaU.oiwr ' KUrm ekir^fortata wtepvlaa;

?,»t'«.5t»V.f^,,w'****',,*,,»w * • • • atjtk.tfitHtaivi^iriHtva VWrl|Mv«»»tl |avji»rlr «wr*aa*t»iit»MJi»sa«al», at tkalr s l i u a i e . a * ! ^Wjf iaa i* »»«la '«x wtilui.wltkaat^Hfefc » r

I t i T t v k a i i . X o w e w ^ a s , MUea*'fwa»ai«»tl.

. [Hiir^jt^l*'t«pBr«K)a> a ropslltton ol XhursUsy's' eatrthqukko .hliti JJ.P.»Ot«i'i.a^.Aar*(«s>i'a|ti «•>' wriboUts. *D«on»uo* W » t ; ^ ,v||lkg» of Saratoga SptfDgr, • " " U,-;

sprtug. Meyer narratei that he once droam­

od that be wis attacked by robbors, who laid bim full length on bia btok upon the ground, into whioh thoy drove a stake', paeaiog it baiweon two of his toes ; but on awaking bo found that tbeie two mombors wore only sepsratod by i straw 1

Another relates that, having a bottle of hot water placed «t hia foot, ha* dreamed that ho bad reached tbo top of Etna, and was treading on burninat lava. In a similar dinner, if wo or« onoasy in bod and tbrow off ttto oovor-iog, we dream that in the oold ol win­ter wo aro wandering half clad through tho s u a e u ; or, ii there i a a atroog wind blowing, wo droam of storms ao<* shipwreck J or a knocking at ibe doors-produces drqama of ap attack b y ttilovcs. It la- vory aolnabl 'rnr.t'Xkrdes spokon in sloop aro distinctly undor stood, and equally sefdotn that Ihoy oall ap In the miod of tho sleoper tho Idem thoy represent. I may mention in i n ­stance or two in wbioh dreams oollW bo controlled in tbi< way Df, Alior--oroinbte relatei that an PnglMi e fc^r who accompanied tlio oxpoditlan t » Ludsigaburg iu 1758 droamod, to t h e groat delight of hia oomrads, any kind of dream thoy ohoao, according to t h e words thoy whispered in his ear . Another cinmplo ia given b y Klugo: a rejected lover, who bad scoured t b e favor of tho lady's mother, obtained permission to whiapor bis samo In h « r ear wliHo «bo slept. Vory_ BOOD there was a remarkable chsngo i o ber oatfi duet towards him. and at last alio garvo him har bind. On being qacittoried ihoat the obsngo, sho roplioa thstslao

1 iid beootno attached to bim, in v iv id a ind oft repeated dresmi. For tho Irtatb ii tbis story wo omnot rouohjit t i e samo tiros we do not deny i t ! probabili­ty.

The exoitbinent of1 the utsrotlnatf^

It depends upon bur eoosoiduincteva o f tho action of the lungs, their rising md falling motion giving to m in our dreatli t b e notion o f flight, Xbor« are i groat romny more* coodltiooa of tbo. body trikioh, if Ihoy, oamo into our. qonoloui. neses during elcap, awak.0 la us, tn bar-nsoov with s h e law of tho i*aoaia,llon oat ldnu. a o rlalu kind ot droinis., Tito. CUIOIIDQS alio produoo a definite itaapranluD upon their ob.a.raotof, 'Gttoit ioR'.eomoon* has written* 'Orlg-tasRes * dlrTarsntsliia f«ftdtaetaa*il-fjp[u. iCroat lorrow j aod ardent l o v e fllyoi riao to droaxns not prodoeed by hotrod, d e e p ronentanoo, or a n mousing oon-acisnoo.

Eooontrlolty o f Qouiaau

Vivier, the colob-atod born player ta one of thoso mou of whom aneodules acre told—a>n eoecntrio lulstor upon baving his own Kay, aod Mi own nay, byaiog whimsioally |>cculier.

In England ho mado a great tenia avion nub bia fint conceit, i n d invito tione lo play al private pirttea vera aas ncoeiaary sequent. On th* day if.

, aOouidaogly, • noble lord called up o u tbo aruat' aod giving a poll to lilt cravat lo tbo Engliab minoor o f iituts, b e said, in bad French i

'You most come to morrow evonln?, »od plij tor the Daohcu of SmlioN land/

Vivier looked steadily at i h o lioblo-man, end staid with • aigolfloant gcaturo 'take off your hit I'

•WlialT aakod Iho ^iiltur. •Tako ofl your bald' 'Ah I i n Koiiland wo hue tbe one-

torn of keeping our bats on.' 'Tako a l t your h a l l ' Yicldiog to lh« partloioity of tboso

four words, whioh t>>e srtlit would bavo gone on repeating thirty t imes if it had boon ncceuary. tbo oobloaoan took off liii bat, and ttid onoo u>ore : "you mual como to-morrow eveoixg, end play for tbe Duobess ol Sutherlond '.'

'You wprok Kfaneh very badly,' I« plied the artiat, ' losloidof that im­polite phrase, jou should bavo said i •The boohosa of Sulborlaod wiahes to lioir y o n play, aod aho baa rrquosiod too to inquire trhetrier you wi l l do hor tbo ploar irQ of coniiog to tbo ptrty* whioh s b e purposes to give to-morrow evouing ?'

'Ah 1 bat in Boglxnd we express it tho ol ber way.'

'Vory possible— bat onless you ax-prcis it i a tbe better wiy 1 have da seribod t o you, 1 s t a l l tike no notice of tho invitation '

The Ecfclubman. evidently very an­gry, repeated tho invitation m» directed,

'Ism happy to accept tbo invitation of the Duoho'.i,' sa id tbe artist.

'They will give you too pounds,' ad­ded the nobleman.

'There, sgilo, i s so III bred manner of treating a deiicito sabjeOl,' said Vivior. 'I should havo made oo bar­gain io advnnoo, and should have left it to the discretion of tbe Duohosa; but since you • » » » • onoeromoniously overstepped the barrier permit mo to sty that ton pound* is not enough.

'Ah t bat In England wo- give only ten pounds to an inilrlmootiat. Tbo singers, likoOrlai or Mario, wo givo fiftoon.*

'Do yon know,' said the Englishmen, knitting his brow, 'twonly-fiwo pounds •ro s is hundred and tblrty-fivo francs of yoar nttinoy V

'Hv nrif!s.'n„^ —..... „ ut do yoar

My price, notwitlntiDding. 'Well, you may h»vo i t . Bui

boat m d bo (innotual/ 1 shall bo ready whon t b e Duohess'a

•oirriigo call* for t o s / wpl ied Vlvtor. '.Uti ? dd yoa ezpem * esrriogo to be

sent for you 7 i t is not the custom in liofland/

'! s tn vory sorry—bat I do not ride in bicSney coiches ; aod i f Madame, the dutches*, docs not c b o o i e to send bor o w n cirrlig* Vm n o , - £ shall not go''

'Very woll,' said the Englishmaov

looking porfootly amiiad, bnt aubttiv cvBUbUltitw (Ii«*'*s4MlSttfor dria^'»l iJ | , i a ^ l l i o f AiuuilVto ths ton*5 i f

bYVilK uhdar tbo w0ft, or 'or6s»Sb^*dj]i with tholr onda standing Uprltjht, »nd Bo'olosoly mingled togethiof !uiTto coyer up and oonooal tbo iutorlaolng of tbo thronda beneath.

Fine velvets oon tain forty or fifty rows of loaprl'i ovary inoh of length oftfjabtlo. .Tho -.prodd. cf tnwvltig la alnw md tedious, and *• yirdl of plain •nival ia oonaidorcd a good day's vtork. Td produoo an oven nap, tbo woven material slides over a sorica ol floo knives, aao^by ajllflaraatarritigaaiint of thoao luatrumentn, both itrlpod 'or ombossod volvot to made. Ralacd work Is very rauoh admired in many textile febrlcl; but in volvot it ia oxooodingly rich and booomiog foe ladies' or Ohildrau'a wuat, volvnt 14, ooualdotod tho most ologant of fabrics, and it is at' so guiocp'ablo of gtoat Olubolllalimant.. liowiJos its ploistng softno^i, ,v»lvol poiscssrs groat durability, wliioll ia maiqly owing to tbo oluso toxturo of Its uti'dotilde, ktitl likowno to tho think nan ..f tb* upor, whiob ejroatlj rtiilta 'IVlotrth. •It-.tS-vJorvJ wafni'matetlil, aad lt» rich 1U1TO retains its froib look a very long period of isrvlooahlo use.

Tho beat volvot is outdo in Switior-land ludKranco, and (iota theie . tiro countries it is ogporied to.ovory qoirtor ot the civtllaod globe, VoWol is Ulsd for a vsrioty of purposes ^ o nut on­ly soe velvet, drpaa goods, but likewise vojvol oarpats, laltct drapery, velvet ribbons, volvot iiingo,volvol ruga, arii-Uolll volvot Icatos and flottots, |0<1 velvot plums, volvot f>r pie lures md velvet for uphoUtoiy g. ode

A very durable and futnrioui vtoveo goods, whiob, In many re«pocti reaom bio velvot, is kn >wn as plueli. It Is a kind ofshnggy elotb, with o velvet nap uu one sido, composed regularly of a wool ol a single thread and a double wrap, one ol wbioh is ol wool, two ibreada twiatod, Ibo ntberof goat's or oamot's hair. Homo descriptions ol pluib are mado entirely ol wonted ', oibcra wholly pf bolr I'luili volvot is tho most oxponstvc md bvnuilful fabric ot Ibis at) lo of luanofit turo ; but it differs from uonuit>o velvet, In ibo In! ti-r Ixitnff of a mtioti fiiior and olo<er toaturo, and »( a mole brtl laot luatro.

Cotton velvet is t.rodudod io ilm samo mannor as tbogsnuino labrto, but it U made wholly <jl a vory long and fine cotton ampin. C Hon volvat Is al-ao somotimoa ualled vclvotcpu ', but Iho latlor ortiolo Is usually inado , f a mm glmg ol butb outiun and wool.— noun1


P l o u g h i n g b y Stoom In N o w jot-' any.

An Englishman lias been operating a huge ate «o eogtne aa tho race ground* at fiterson, N. J., daring a ttwvdeys

fust, ploughing a Itttlo and drawloR a oog train of largo track wagons heavi­

ly Jpadod, for tbo purpose of displaying tho efBo'iODoy of tbo cngino an o trio tion powor—a nowor to drgw pv'afy-ilung wbero a largo span ol bortossrs' employed. It Ii silri'lodoibe worYdf lourtoen horade, oonsubffng bat IPO pounds of coal sn hour, and sold at $5,000 Tbo engine waa attached to a gang of seven ploughs, rieh of whiob out a farrow eight rnohes deep, whore Micro was it tiugh nod A prominent feature of thia engino consists of iho, rubber lim oov riog ibo litigb driving wheels. Ibcsa rubbpr ties arc cappod and prjtootcd from tho wear oi tho rued by aa'ocl chain or retloulatiot) no lilogod as in yioll wbon the tire yields, and oomo out when tho release of prcs sure brings tho rubber out to n' porfcot oirolo. The engine Wolglia six Ions When running without t load tboro Is a proasnro of three tons' on caoh wheel at the point of contact with tbe earth. I his weight flattens out tbo rubbor ; to instoad of a lino of contact aa Inoh io width, as with the iron rim, tbo pressing, -itirfnee is nearly is foot. Wbon a load is nttaolicj tbo bioktrard strain compresses the rubber still mora, giving a lirger frietion-surfaoo.

I'or drawing bade on oomroon high­ways the machine worked satisfactorily,, and it will undoubtedly totre an excel lcntpurp>,ao in many mining localities, quarries, and sbip-yaids for traotivo noes, wnora it is iDoonvcnient ta My down rail, l int we ,tauat be furniBhed wiib moro reliable ovldonos, than hiB ever bean presented in America that this «rany Othor traction cnglo6, iravr

oiling-ovor tbo graand ind drawing I (gang ot plongba behind It, will ever work to the profit or.sallif«ct't(in.'of soy fillers of tb* Mtl,-«tMpwitntiHtj»B^

a»iW t? b'At*4l*T-i ,W,«,.q^j(», W a bad Bjmptom but, thp tbtoji. |«OM| t.o: be notondod vol, Horoooktu, Juffrn-soa'Blilnidell, vtholfejldoi W~%i ¥«tt »ho*oii)f 8»r«og»,.l»kp,, tbSMUthrle*, qutt-Uti of * (nil*. be\avl floon'i, .fn'df

f ^ r , t b , h - a ^ a ^ x i ^ a f S ^ i ^ ^ at tho tine, lils! attention *a*f'IrreiU^ by * lowjaisoD rawbllbg towdj at If iw* th*. -ftnmiit &\tym\b. flfh* ,eol»f hiku.vt}*,™* »Vn»«.4, flgajrt b> «>w aii^mraonsa pJttcor, nppt|rtlg Ulstga! •>• a maVu hand, hhootlrjg twlftly lero»». tho llrniauionffroal oorlli to lot(th. Jp«» II lt,rv«ohi4 tb* lottjhnq Umli qt vision it apinirod to split HPiliod dlyidav lottf isv«*«! pirti, Tht note* M t h * meteor was heard and icon Tiy | iv*r»l poraofji b«*i4*iMr» JUtn«4,.UVi . But th* rtci, Mrnarkajblf. jpl|'|nom4ii« oonnoqiod vritll the meioor warol ion at' No«|i'if\aarn(f: J Uor* ihi e l t f i W wer« RreMl'y'aliTfiiod, and luppoesid Irom tho tumbling nnd irptnor of the earl, that the glyoerioo wpika It lltKM'O tunnel had boon blowp up. Uul | t tijrnod oat from th* obiorvsllon of'vsUmbor* o t psnonithst tho tlinbot burst In thai Vl. ololiyvand that ,lt,W4i thooauta of tho cammptlovt. T^8 Mploalflp, shsnk, th* buildings and oar'h for |ni) i | .aroQOQ Truly, with oarlhquakri intd iiieleota end gilos BrnJ'other ptiobomooa, the year 1870 inonr.tha'i cannot bo ineaxed at.

•t t i i w i a e i i i 11 i

A Bottio tn tho AJr.

A Bolgiutn paper, the JVoutctUt du .i/ o^traordloirj ilorj, oar rating tbo pinioning ol a. bulla he-twceo trvoroiontutsnoir Parll. I t is, wo believe, the first Initio recordid thai haslakon ulatBIn tbi air. N. Nad.r wnorj a qalloon trip from Toum to Pnrla, Ho flgoallsd a ircood baloon aud (lireVr out l'ronoh oolora. Tho stranger respond d by showing too •atno oolotf. Tho lialloona approaohed each other, ind when wltbin ihootlajj distance tbo people on tho earth woro stsrtlod by rfpoaVod orjiloalona in tljo tvjoimd balloon luncoupanl waa "Br­ing upon Nadir. M Nadir was o b acrved IO^ deiccod ropldly# ind to ttf engaged in tho rigging of bia balloon. Ualluio No 2 waa then flying Praaaleii colors, Nadir at length tbrow oat t-al-last and begin to r|>* again. Onoo moro ho wont on into tbo rigging of lila bnlU'on, and dl I what ho ooald tn



•**w» etjkwlvWlataat. ^ »


ll,vfdN« ' j f t In


!«^!*-gaSJta* eV*0 •a,**


"J}W» .v^ttoA-w^ft.lwAslirtlvaita taalaaas whioh larteiu^Mt oftba'Witti«ri^»tv,itUa. .milltaarsanlitaafeatVi^s^tW^

SOOT HH., 10 a . oka^ad^t'lr^rttSiw.^ v M^?»*S» 1W»!!^,0!!i "1%-HiV . •i l l"'** > ' e ' ' » W n W « ' fc«,a4 tuearks fryoiiry'.>|.,W«tnU„,Uaoaata |IW*». r ".'.tvA ,*i- t v.';'.ftn

yiaiwaUMia, . . , tv^T. !fea»tW»rRWa'^ '•v*aklMMatawaaraxjavw.fw I' . »>

limajL^-eSesejeggegeaisll l|lll| , . j »»»iej«ee»|||(ta.

6& J - U i l ^ r ^ s r - l o f ^ l ^ ' s t . .

ItJ Al



l l larwoi l lo or OeAtoaUetea s r ever? diaactauoa

so*aaV*rt.VT? ^ ^ *' ' ' -ftaj . l t ,

•opalr tlio dktnsgo done by the enemy1! Iro 11 bis 'ntilp,' Thia aacoompllslied, bo turned hia guna upon the dnotny, and for a (line tbo firing was quite brisk. Finally iho Proawlin air alilp waa porlnroiod so sorloaslw that It lie-gon to descend, and ot length struck tho ground with greol firoo, Tho oaf-raior know tot tbo fate o f tha "snron-otil Nadar d< sounded latfely at Lbar enlort. Ami thuo olo«'« the siatamenl aod the first air t.oiilo

nrBMAIlOIt'B BAIIT — At iho Prtiaj. Uo beadquailo'f in Meaui ths King ooquptcQ the front, Uuuot llisuiarok tin backroouiu/ the Arclitaiabop'a paleoa. Tho tpirtmatiu of tho 0•»ml w. r.i on the grouud l»>r, and I > ked «u', upon Jho,oxt)irj||vo jjeidpns to the r^r of fie paliee. Tbo IO h tif B-rplomber b .d bltrO a vlify bnsy dnV to unity of 'ho iTuaBlaog. and not leist of all lo tl n Oount. tin wai riding a i l day, and. In tho evening ha (lad a long oinference villi Iho King, Tirid arttli these di(B. oult labors ha hasiened, when he roa li­ed bis roosi, to prop«ro fur bed. lib had icaroejy, however, begip to undress himself, when ho hoard a rustling itn«ng tho bedelbtbea, aiid on isarohlog found tbors to hit nitoraiahmiaf, sn ID .fant not mora than fonr -weoka old. Oo looking oloior be found tho following nolo : 'My husband foil It Sedan ) I btvs nothing to cat Despair forces mo to psrl with my only child. I t bit boon baptlicd Vincoot/ Nor dees thia oarinus story end licro ; iho unlprtu-nsto mother ootuiillitcd aulctds. Thi tnnttor renohedthn enrr al tbo lting,md orders wore given thit tbo desolate In­fant should bo, loot t o Derlio. Was ever a life ito aorioualy begun?

• i'ilea eneeeini

A PfsitTimstiT QawxiOB.—John Van Burcn onoo won * lult at whioh tbo oppojllo party wis s o murjb enraged, ihat tie jcolarcd that ivlionovcr ho met *l»rinC8 John' ba would plloh into him Vtiej oncouotorod oavoli other otan oyitcr oountor. •Tho tmn a t onoosd-dreuod bim: Mr, Vis Buron, \* tlioro » oiuso so bid, or in ittdivdual 'Bd-lnWHIoas, thit your leftices cannot bo obtained 7' '1 ettnooi a a y / aiid John, swallowing «aoo*liir oyster) ind then, itoopiog over, |i*.«<l|<1d, i a sn un:

dertono. that jo«tifb»r]}tMitId heir— ' Wh»t-biT*,sou. bm_*wtiV

i — I f all the world'* iitage^and moo KBd' wornon m*rely platytn, wbers at* th*i*ud|oQO« sod orchmra to ooni* ftojuf "

,n^«io^ - I • i1 t*v, t ;i;' ^

i»n. rwjsisiaiuif. 'punm,'

Aunljllsal PlijaieUi, 0»n b s eoniultad at hli offloaa ai fellaws

ItOCttxjtrjII, .r^aarsjtaaw.l^aiidaviiaatrik

e f O e l S r •^^••»*t*V»««l»it»» M IlitUOjl, llenlnxtaa ll«tl«, Tiaridif, Ua Ilk

•f lleoeMhir, > "

aiantNA, Medlaaa Haul, ritfiv, u i (tai at DeieteiVetr ^"

HATAVU, SI Jew. , Helil, Jl.Mir.lVe gta n D,«mbet. , ~*A . T T

.'rftasw.alHMwr^CraaA'i *rta« t « l i < . « « « i 'r!»»«»»»«vi^t»*f«v,

Merveai CaaaUpa.

. . . .- — . Oleeaaf a i. -j»*»'bi| j sytts iaw i n laratae* Is No ilurge row lenulUUew.

eaeeelal ilteallewa said ' '" iMItfr., , ••



ifeiUlwto'ffltaiiia •ft.*' tiaii. dlaawi

aay ektroale ar it "

ee>acUI elteallflea said t Iraai

•e> rwmnii, i V w r l l m l kraaninrii

•eft. t i l UlilUatlnaaeM teeUaaaaaaef wa

o«c lywient o( Ireatewal ti eg, , laal .aad

A tntrtn ay rAor, T R l l l t l l ' I I t . M ' A t t A t L E l e E t t

-Tila .' .

Great 8lioshonecs Romedy.* G ttsvt

to the trovwry tn cotnp. tinttlog e tarter* of ,l»etae> Vegejl bta He.tlilnta ol d.ff.iul llnde, frkia nent aautl

.— . . .^ t | tfa._g,lnp«BBdor. rtraedr -tba'w^aioie ernperTiea er e

.. og Into|r • vanety of .theeaaa,

'• • id (or enale or female young or old, (la Wlr_rjtei«a!a«i fa .taa eete e>r primely

gei-Q*B,io Ihej itiei_ccinj«BBd or. remedy uoi l» hat men), ttie Teitoi, ytopmlee Sf Bt nR. -dlente enlillog Into III rumsaiJUesi, bM» It 1*1

It to a*o<-d - - - - - - - r a e.m*enipllt>&, ef aeroruli, or e>eni|,ta, iivjr ,0'gi>

kldn.y ot.eue dmile campletnia, get.—' Rttveas depteutoB or^avlitt4,loaaerr epe.

eleteat. kldn.y ot.eue female cempUIni*. getwal ««>>ttl*j, oitrooa deytiuteBOflvllthvloeairt at*

.ml . l t . loo .r ir ,«« atl < i»«e ,? . , i . t . < free, Itoporema ol tae blood, dlaardired iteiaaea sad *>oer*ta er wiirhtet I'mdlitna wf tha eirtoas fataiea. 'l U perely i . («'aU, | inl predaelea tbaenaef beaa, netetleger-tewpoeatba fbiiTe^eryite«.ltl<sa«taitV u - pablle with atnoel eoal«emee. II ertil rebllU tbe »ban«redooaiettliittoaaeltltaoldiha«Aaay,

ifoaiinrirtored. »« ll» Yowax.* Bro,,ai ivraean, » . ^.andferiaUo^tvant^Bjnrliualsl

naHABKsJii,x ouxe tit orii'trxtA. Da. Voois fc Bio., BiraaaM, N. V-Tkle ia Ii

ramify Ibll aiy wnfe WUlateiiaelv IBIMed with III i . ( . < • f..r alengrurdT line.aad (ill •—- ••-ib^Onil Btioihoeiell HlBeta}. Hie ettli ptl'o. nenae^, eiuetitteM, litarUarb, a eeaie it r«ito..i eitir enttag, Orrrwiton and disordind

' . .SeKral^'u, p*»'ft. niosw-a, tiueUtloM, litsU-Usru, a nan *f

- — * - " - •• Ittl fatietlnpi(if tb« bu»«|', Bk*kttft.,t4 tovausati •t* o.y.siilil **t},tH,-lllt.rtit.*«i]Sf; - -<1»1* »i. had to »»• dotfl scttfc-ftliiilt.

W* stioMtlUii fliiflieal tns/a ol ilirM lUfftrtil atsitU tor«Mt«o-*) *stl .iMf-r>* fcolrttitBt ""-'• —

iinlnj * ' "" "' " " itr.

a nnifi

utn ant] liilu litre* tDtTtrttt

Rb* trtirt _ . ir of rtopnUt piijtttt mtdtdn**, h»l bstii Mfwntsfl liry-iitt iJ.» i-i.b nr*»I'-0-Ulilfi|l hstpw'} hi

'. _: ihwra w i i r ••—•** - ' - -*-J *-- **-- n-l^OSUB| |At«VBl«Da*4 |

H»ailri|( thirf* will iu fiKKiB eta U?4 tut Ib* Qllii " - " ' - ^ " — " 1 .irMgJji tiSf t UHtl* W > B&< MtJitoUd u* tr; it, SD*1 liAtint tskan U *{/»»

iliU U Oiw -"tUteiti-"li »trtk« rjorrlt, "• - itKl to know It- Vht hid

b u t«u»»fid, aattuliy r»-

ItUlaU. IBSUlKJ Will h*lp I

liifi. ttakso

• S DDipi, afJCf

vhts* J f a .

I cerflrt that on Una 11a day al r)'pteinber,llft», llamijr King, e»1w liiled Hi* toiirilog parilgiiie, pwraonaUy apt/e>irtd Mure me, anil made ,.ath to the roregtllig' JOllN II TUfAr) J. I.. O.M.Ta, K. V


Flour and Feed Store. Toakntnaellty of

Whit© Wheat Flour. BUD VTBEAT.PLODB,



C r e e d W h e n t i C o r * M * * l , . O t t t M M I . C o r n t O K t * * * *

M1II Fasiid, ' ' |rw*«leiVtliiI^'atAltCiiiirrteia,atl

SlokeU" Blook,;B*»ikLBt.,

•»»«vy tvi.-'i