Mmc Grade Xii Smt1&2




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BASIC COMPETENCE (BC) INDICATOR OF ATTAINMENT (IA)INDICATOR OF MMCMMC OF IAMMC OF BCMMC OF SCCOMPLEXITYINTAKERESOURCES SUPPORT1.1Describing the symptom and characteristic of waves generally8083.638081.2180.861Identify the characteristics of transverse and longitudinal waves8283.638182.212Identify the characteristics of mechanical and electromagnetic waves8083.638081.213Investigate the general nature of waves (reflection, refraction, superposition, interference, dispersion, diffraction, and polarization) and the use in daily life8183.638081.544Identify the formulation of a travelling wave and a stationary wave. 7983.638080.885Doing the experiment to find the speed of wave on the string. 7883.637980.211.2Describing the symptoms and the characteristics of sound waves and light.78.583.638080.711Describe the symptoms and the characteristics of sound waves8083.638081.212Doing the experiment to find the speed of sound wave in room temperature7883.638080.543Apply the Doppler effect for sound waves 7883.638080.544Describe the symptoms and the characteristics of light7883.638080.541.3Apply the concepts and the principles of sound waves and light in technology7983.638080.87666666671Apply the concepts and principles of sound waves in technology7983.638080.882Apply the concepts and principles of light in technology 7983.638080.882.1Formulate electric force, electric field, electric flux, electric potential, electric potential energy, and the application on parallel plate.78.883.638080.811Describe electrostatic force (Coulombs Law) on point charges. 7883.638080.542Apply the Coulombs Law and Gausss Law to determine the electric field on continuous charges distribution7883.638080.543Formulate electric potential energy and its relation to electric force, electric field, electric potential 7883.638080.544Formulate the work principle of parallel-plate capacitor 8083.638081.215Calculate the energy stored in capacitor in a simple electric circuit8083.638081.212.2Concepts of magnetic induction and magnetic force on products of technology 78.6783.638080.771Describe magnetic induction around current carrying wires 8083.638081.212Describe the magnetic force on current carrying wires and moving charges 7883.638080.543Apply the principle of magnetic induction and magnetic force in technology such as electric bell and electric motor7883.638080.542.3Formulate the concepts of Faraday induction, alternating current and its application.78.883.638080.811Formulate the concepts of electromagnetic induction 8083.638081.212Apply the concepts of electromagnetic induction in technology for example; in generator and transformer8083.638081.213Formulate the concepts of induced current and induced emf7883.638080.544Formulate the concepts of alternating current and voltage 7883.638080.545Design the electronics components to make AC rectifier7883.638080.54

BASIC COMPETENCE (BC) INDICATOR OF ATTAINMENT (IA)INDICATOR OF MMCMMC OF IAMMC OF BCMMC OF SCCOMPLEXITYINTAKERESOURCES SUPPORT3.1Analyze qualitatively the quantum symptoms including the meaning and the nature of black body radiation and its application1Describe the phenomena of black body radiation 2Describe the hypothesis of Planck due to quantum light 3Apply the concept of black body radiation to explain the phenomena of global warming (green house effect)3.2Describe the development of theory of atom 1Describe the characteristics of each theory of atom (Thomson, Rutherford, Niels Bohr, and quantum mechanics)2Calculate the change of energy of excited electron3Calculate the maximum and the minimum wavelength of Lyman, Balmer, and Paschens series of the hydrogen atoms spectrum3.3Formulate the special theory of relativity for time, length, and mass and the equivalence between mass and energy that had been applied in technology1Formulate the special theory of relativity of mass, length, and time 2Analyze the relativity of length, time, mass, energy, and momentum 3Describe the application of the equivalence of mass and energy in nuclear technology4.1Identify the characteristics of nuclear and radioactivity 1Describe the characteristics of nuclear 2Describe the characteristics of radioactive 3Describe the principle of the equivalence of mass and energy on nuclear binding energy 4.2Describe the use of radioactivity in technology and every day life 1Describe the characteristics of radioisotope2Describe the application of radioisotope in health, industry, and agriculture. 3Describe the nuclear reactors scheme and its use 4Describe the calculation of fossils age using the concept of half time5Explain the danger of radioisotope and the effort to prevent it

Denpasar, Juni 2011

Physics Teacher

Cok Gede Anom Wiratmaja,S.Pd.NIP. 19680727 199702 1 004Approved by,Principal of SMAN 1 Denpasar

Drs. I Made Tumbuh,M.Pd.NIP. 19511231 197602 1 023Denpasar, Juni 2011

Physics Teacher

Cok Gede Anom Wiratmaja,S.Pd.NIP. 19680727 199702 1 004Approved by,Principal of SMAN 1 Denpasar

Drs. I Made Tumbuh,M.Pd.NIP. 19511231 197602 1 023

Sheet2BASIC COMPETENCE (BC) INDICATOR OF ATTAINMENT (IA)INDICATOR OF MMCMMC OF IA MMC OF BCMMC OF SCCOMPLEXITYINTAKERESOURCES SUPPORT1Menganalisis fenomena alam dan keteraturannya dalam mekanika partikel1.1Menganalisis gerak lurus, gerak melingkar, dan gerak peluru dengan metode analisis vector 1.2Menganalisis keteraturan gerak planet dalam system tata surya dengan menggunakan Hukum Newton1.3Menganalisis dampak dari gaya pada elastisitas material1.4Menganalisis konsep Gerak Harmonik Sederhana1.5Menganalisis hubungan antara usaha, perubahan energy, dan hokum kekekalan energy mekanik1.6Menerapkan hokum kekekalan energy mekanik untuk menganalisis fenomena-fenomena gerak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

1.7Menunjukkan hubungan antara konsep impuls dan momentum untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait dengan tumbukan2Mengaplikasikan konsep dan prinsip dalam mekanika klasik pada system kontinu untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan2.1Memformulasikan hubungan antara konsep torsi, momentum sudut, dan momen inersia berdasarkan Hokum II Newton dan aplikasinya dalam permasalahan benda pejal2.2Menganalisis hokum-hukum yang terkait dengan fluida static, fluida dinamis, dan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari3Mengaplikasikan konsep termodinamika pada mesin kalor3.1Mendeskripsikan sifat-sifat gas ideal monoatomik3.2Menganalisis perubahan kondisi gas ideal dengan menerapkan hokum-hukum termodinamika3.3
