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  • 4 THE AI^MC&N : ^M#M&ti?EL '—

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    TL I ' I lit - made a mistake In calling ^Brother Mc- nil even U, he is ihe son of a Polish Jew , INTRODUCTION TO A BIBLI 06RA. jpoetry , and literature ,' by 8. B. Gottlo- of years prior to the persecu tion of the 68. If a^wrt { ntyn j ThTlieV ^

    IH6 AUl&IIC2 iri ISI36lH6 l DouSal to order when he waB iust un" born M 8Uoh > apd 0Mtte with hi" fathe p PHY 0F TH*' JEWISH PER . ber, Lemberg, 1876 to 1868, lasted three Jews iff Russia , up to 1881. »literaiy aiid b^ortyioweeklypubjT'. ] der way to expose fairly the whole fal- to Bruenn , where father Samuely sue- IOBICAL PRE SS. years. k r jr kaf. edbyK. tfc Sara sohii, edited byQ .R 0 .ISAAC M. WISE , Editor , laoy of the argume nt. If Mr. MoDougal oeeded in building up a large manu- 21. . Bikkoreth Ha Ithim (D'Hjf" nnp3) 47 Kam Chemed (ion D-O) " The

    zwe,Bi *?!>«»» weekly, eight folio p,^. — — would bare been interrogated , he factoring establishment and becoming A Paper by Isnnc M. Wise, Read Be- "The Switch of Timet" a kind of Klaatra * q ^-̂ Vineyard " a scientific literary B'n
