MNU Undegraduate Viewbook



The 2013-14 undergraduate viewbook for MidAmerica Nazarene University

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midAmericA NAzAreNe UNiverSityUNdergrAdUAte AdmiSSioNS

thiS iS mNU.

Welcome to yoUr NeW bAcKyArd.

Your walk starts here.

AcAdemicSthere are no easY answers...…that’s why you’ll take an English class that feels relevant, learn science through the lens of a biblical perspective, explore strong programs like Criminal Justice, Education, Nursing and Business, as part of a faith community.

who are these kind people?“My professors show me what it means to live a Christ-centered, purpose-filled life.”

dANielle morgAN (clASS of 2015) Speech, theatre education/english minor – boise, id

We hAve yoUr mAjor…looK here.

You don’t have to be a biker to create a marketing plan for harleY-davidson....Just an Mnu student in a marketing class that presented to a harley-davidson dealership.

readY to applY? WWW.mNU.edU/Apply

do thiS and learn how to change the world

• Investigate forensic evidence for a Kansas City crime lab

• Research the impact of specific enzymes on cancer at the prestigious Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at Miami University, Ohio

• Manage a website and social media for an apparel company in New York City

• Examine Christian beliefs and European influences in Büsingen, Germany

• Develop safe drinking water systems for people in Guatemala

94%percentage of 2012 alumni employed since graduation

WhAt do mNU StUdeNtS SAy they love the moSt AboUt oUr cAmpUS?…The fellowship, seeing your professors at basketball games, chapel, Pioneer Pete, the way people always smile and say hello on the mall, the fact that we’re right next to Kansas City…we could go on. Seriously.

cAmpUS life eVerYone knows You here, eVen charles in the Mail rooM...

“The community life on campus helps me understand myself. My roommates encourage me to do my best…the events here are fantastic.”

richArd dUArte (clASS of 2016)pre-med – johannesburg, South Africa

rather see for Yourself?

come ANd viSit!WWW.mNU.edU/viSit

An authentic conversation about faith and servant leadership forms the living heartbeat of this campus…in class and on the mall, in Bible

study groups and retreats, on mission trips to Costa Rica or service projects at the local nursing home with SMILE (Students Ministering In the Lives of the Elderly).

mNU commUNity: You can take it with You.

whY becoMe an athlete at Mnu?

becAUSe We WiN.

rather see for Yourself?

come ANd viSit!WWW.mNU.edU/viSit



iNveSt iN fAith.What is the value of an MNU education? Challenging academics grounded in faith, lifelong, authentic friendships, the opportunity to find out who you are and how you will

contribute…what happens here doesn’t stay here - our alumni become imprints of the MNU experience all around the world.

Welcome home. | 913.971.3380 |

2030 east college Way olathe KS 66062-1899