Mobile Controlled Car


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We pay our countless thanks and humilities to the creator of every heaven and earth, the most altruistic, the

most benevolent. The completion of this task is only because of his blessings. With the belief on His majesty we

were able to accomplish this Task.

We would also like to thank our families and friends for their continuous encouragement and moral support.

Malik Muhammad Zaid (2013-EE-37)



Now-a-days due to advancement of technology , wireless system becoming more and more popular.Every thing

is going to work on the system which takes only commands through wireless systems.The major example is

mobile phone.Smartphones acts as remote controls for car. This technology is not new. Various applications and

technologies are already available that can enable your phone to remotely unlock the door or start your car. So

by using voice interactive response technology (IVR) we can move not only a toy car but even a large car forward

and backward. Companies are working on concepts allowing cars to cruise along on the highway without driver

intervention known as hands free driving. By using this IVR technology we can increase or decrease the speed

of car by just merely dialing numbers. Using this dual tone multi frequency technology we can lock and unlock

the doors and ignite the engine by using mobile phone.Now we can control the House-Hold appliances as well

as industrial appliances through wireless syetem based technology.We have created the project named “Mobile

Controlled Car Through Voice Call” .In this we can control Car through voice call , after that we can handle the

car in every direction where we want along with its speed control.This technology is basically using in “Drones”

now-a-days.In future this technology will be used in most of appliances especially in cars e.t.c


Table of Contents

1 PROJECT OVERVIEW: ....................................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 DTMF (DUAL TONE MULTI FREQUENCY) CIRCUIT:.................................................................................................. 6

1.1.1 DTMF Decoder: ............................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.2 Working of DTMF Decoder Circuit: ................................................................................................................. 7

1.1.3 Components Required: ................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.4 Circuit Diagram of DTMF Circuit: .................................................................................................................... 7

1.1.5 Physical Discription of DTMF Circuit: .............................................................................................................. 8

1.2 Microcontroller: .................................................................................................................................................... 10

1.2.1 Code explanation: ......................................................................................................................................... 11

1.2.2 Code : ............................................................................................................................................................ 11

1.3 Motor Driver Circuit: ............................................................................................................................................. 14

1.3.1 Advantages of motor driver circuit: .............................................................................................................. 14

1.3.2 L293D Description: ........................................................................................................................................ 14

2 Interactive voice response (IVR): .................................................................................................................................. 15

3 CHALLENGES FACED DURING IMPLEMENTATION: .................................................................................................................. 15

4 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................................. 15


List of figures

Figure 1.1 Circuit diagram of Mobile Control Car Through Voice Call ................................................................................... 5

Figure 1.2 Block diagram of Mobile Control Car Through Voice Call .................................................................................... 6

Figure 1.3 Keypad Buttons Frequency ................................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 1.4 Circuit Diagram of DTMF circuit ............................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 1.5 Physical Discription of DTMF Circuit ..................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 1.6 Frequency & Logic of keypad buttons generated by DTMF circuit .................................................................... 10

Figure 1.7 TIVA ARM TM4C1233H6PM ............................................................................................................................... 11



The project is basically mobile controlled car through voice call. In this project the car is controlled by a

mobile phone. In the course of the call, if any button is pressed, control corresponding to the button

pressed, is heard at the other end of the call. This tone is called dual tone multi frequency tome (DTMF).

Car receives this DTMF tone with the help of phone stacked in the car. The DTMF decoder on the basis

of frequency convert it into binary equivalent.

The received tone is processed by the LM4F120H5QR microcontroller with the help of DTMF decoder

(MT8870).The decoder decodes the DTMF tone in to its equivalent binary digit and this binary number

is send to the microcontroller, the microcontroller is programmed to take a decision for any given input

and outputs its decision to motor drivers in order to drive the motors for forward or backward motion

or a turn. The motor (L293D) is basically governed by outputs of microcontroller. The mobile phone that

makes the call to the mobile phone stacked in car is transmitter.The mobile phone that is stacked in car

is receiver. On the course of call numbers are dialed from transmitter and tone is generated on receiver


So our project consists of three parts:

DTMF circuit


Motor driver circuit

Figure 1.1 Circuit diagram of Mobile Control Car Through Voice Call

The following block diagram shows how DTMF decoder , LM4F120H5QR microcontroller and L293D

motors are interlinked.Motor driver circuits will motors to proceed on the basis of microcontroller



Figure 1.2 Block diagram of Mobile Control Car Through Voice Call

1.1 DTMF (DUAL TONE MULTI FREQUENCY) CIRCUIT: A telephone keypad was standardized when the dual-tone multi-frequency system in the new push-button

telephone was introduced in the 1960s, which gradually replaced the rotary dial. When used to dial a

telephone number, pressing a single key will produce a dual-tone multi-frequency signaling pitch

consisting of two simultaneous pure tone sinusoidal frequencies. The row in which the key appears

determines the low frequency, and the column determines the high frequency. For example, pressing the

'1' key will result in a sound composed of both a 697 and a 1209 hertz (Hz) tone as shown in figure

Figure 1.3 Keypad Buttons Frequency

To convert this dual tone multi frequency signal which is an in-band tele-communication signaling system

using the voice-frequency band, we need a circuit that converts it into binary equivalent on the basis of

number pressed. This binary will be then processed by microcontroller. For this we use DTMF decoder

IC named as 8870.


1.1.1 DTMF Decoder: This DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) decoder circuit identifies the dial tone from the telephone line

and decodes the key pressed on the remote telephone. The IC MT8870 is a touch tone decoder IC. It

decodes the input DTMF to 4 binary outputs.

1.1.2 Working of DTMF Decoder Circuit: Caller generates a dial tone consisting of two frequencies. It is transmitted via the telephone line

(communication media).

DTMF decoder, which decodes the frequencies in to digital code.

1.1.3 Components Required: Components required for DTMF circuit are as follow:

DTMF decoder IC (M-8870)

Crystal Oscillator 3.5795 MHz

Resistors (100kΩ; 100kΩ; 330kΩ)

7805 Regulators

Capacitors (0.1µF x 2)

9 volt DC battery

Bread board

1.1.4 Circuit Diagram of DTMF Circuit: Circuit Diagram of DTMF circuit is as follow:


Figure 1.4 Circuit Diagram of DTMF circuit

1.1.5 Physical Discription of DTMF Circuit: For Physical description of DTMF circuit just see the figure as described below:


Figure 1.5 Physical Discription of DTMF Circuit

It can be seen from pin configurations in fig 1.4 that output is generated at pin numbers 14,13,12,11 and

pins 6, 5, 9 are grounded and 1, 4 are short circuited. The following figure shows DTMF outputs on

pressing different buttons of transmitter mobile. In this circuit, tip is connected to pin 2 and 3 of DTMF

through capacitor and resistors. Pin 14 is most significant bit and pin 11 is least significant bit.

In this the major logic is when we press the respective button on the keypad of mobile then that button

has its own particular frequency as described in fig 1.3 then our purpose is to convert that particular

frequency into respective logic for this purpose we use crysral oscillator which is used to make the logic

for particular frequency and that logic is generated through DTMF IC , So every button of Keypad has its

own particular frequency so we are converting that frequency into respective logic and we are giving this

logic into micro-controller .The respective frequency as well as respective logic generated by DTMF

circuit for particular button of keypad is shown in figure as shown below


Figure 1.6 Frequency & Logic of keypad buttons generated by DTMF circuit

1.2 Microcontroller: The four outputs generated from DTMF decoder are basically inputs of microcontroller TM4C123H6PM or

LM4F120H5QR.On the basis of these inputs four different outputs will be generated which through motor

driver will control the direction of car.

The Figure of micro-controller we are using TIVA ARM TM4C1233H6PM is shown below:


Figure 1.7 TIVA ARM TM4C1233H6PM

We will configure port B as output and port E as input by means of direction register. Direction register

is enabled for port B and direction register is not enabled for port E. Digital enable is enabled for both

port B and port E. Pull up resistor is enabled for port E.

1.2.1 Code explanation: Microcontroller is coded in such a way that when DTMF decoder IC gives “2” (0010) as input at port E,

output which is taken at port B generated as 0101 through which motor driver will make both sets of

motors to move in forward direction.When DTMF decoder gives “4” (0100) as input at port E, output at

port B generated as 0001 through which motor driver will make right set of motors to move forward

which in turn results in movement of car towards left side.When DTMF decoder gives “6” (0110) as input

at port E, output at port B generated as 0100 through which motor driver will make left set of motors

to move forward which in turn results in movement of car towards right side.When DTMF decoder gives

8 (1000) as input at port E, output at port B generated as 1010 through which motor driver will make

both sets of motors to move in backward direction and hence car will move backward.

1.2.2 Code : The code of “MOBILE CONTROL CAR THROUGH VOICE CALL” is as follow:




Figure 1.8 C-code of “ Mobile Control Car Through Voice Call ”

Header “ H “ File


The header file of project in which all the registers address and addresses of all the ports and

other information related ports are described below in figure 1.9:

Figure 1.9 H-code of “ Mobile Control Car Through Voice Call ”

1.3 Motor Driver Circuit: Third part of circuit is motor driver circuit. Motor driver circuit uses the outputs of microcontroller and

allows the car to move in backward, forward, left and right directions by controlling the motors and

allowning the motors to move in clock-wise as well as in anti-clock wise direction.

1.3.1 Advantages of motor driver circuit: Advantages of motor driver circuit are as follows:

Use to turn the motor in clockwise and in anti-clockwise direction.

Use to control the speed of motor.

1.3.2 L293D Description: L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC circuit which allows DC motor to drive on either

direction. L293D is a motor driver circuit which can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any

direction. It means that you can control two DC motors with a single L293D at a time. Vcc greater than

36 volts cannot be applied on it. If this motor driver will enable both pins of two motors then car will

move in forward direction. Because of H bridge circuit car can move in backward direction. Enabling pin

of right motor will move the car in left direction, while enabling the pin of left motor will move the car

in right direction. Enabling both the pins allow car to move in forward direction.


2 Interactive voice response (IVR): Interactive voice response (IVR) is a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through

the use of voice and DTMF tones input via keypad. So this technology which we have used is basically an

IVR technology.

3 CHALLENGES FACED DURING IMPLEMENTATION: The challenges faced during implementation are as follow:

Our basic challenge is based on DTMF circuit in which there is very difficulty for getting DTMF IC

named MT8870 because this IC is being banned by Pakistani government due to mis-use because

this IC is being using in making automatic voice call based bombs.

Secondly Major challenge that we faced is to control the car with respective buttons because we

have to control the car with 2,4,6,8 button keys only, and when we configure these pins to control

the car then other key buttons also take part to control the car and these buttons affects the car

control very badly and car oftenly goes unstable.

Thirdly we are using Three “3.7 Volts” Rechargeable cells in series which add up to make almost 12

Volts. and when we gave this voltage to Motor Driver Circuit and when we control the car then due

to this high Voltage DC Motors goes Mad and totally unstable which affects badly the car so

previously we were using separate battery to give power of 5 Volts to Microcontroller as well as to

DTMF IC then to remove this defect we remove that 9 Volts separate battery as were using and then

we give the power to Microcontroller as well as DTMF IC with the same 3 pairs of cell then in this

way we devided the voltage of battery into microcontroller and across DTMF IC.

Fourthly The major and most important challenge that we have face is to control the speed of

motors or to control the speed of car which is our major goal in the project. In this we have to give

PWM (pulse width modulation) to Motor driver circuit and when we use this then all the respective

key handlers of Car works differently then we add Pull-up registers to inputs of microcontroller but

then we got the different problem when we press the respective control button then after first

pressing car remains going to work on that button which is pressed first time then we also add pull-

down resistors to input of microcontroller then all the problems related speed control vanishes and

in this way we achieved our goal.

4 Bibliography Arkin, R. (1989). Motor schema-based mobile robot navigation. In International Journal of Robotics research (pp.


Mate, P. M. (n.d.). Cell Phone Operated Robot. Retrieved from slideshare:

Muhammad Tahir, K. J. (2015). ARM Microprocessor Systems. Lahore: CRC Press.

Muhammad Tahir, K. J. (2015). ARM Microprocessor Systems. In K. J. Muhammad Tahir, ARM Microprocessor

Systems (pp. 312-314). Lahore: CRC Press.

Sanfeliu, J. A.-C. (2001). Topological map learning for a mobile robot in indoor environments. In J. a. Pla,

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Yerraballi, J. V. (2012, May). Parallel I/O ports. Retrieved from Electrical Computer Engineering Department

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