Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do? Zhang Juan


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Module 10 A holiday journey

Unit 1 What did you do?

Zhang Juan

1. To master the words and expressions in this unit . 2. To master and use freely the flowing sentences: a.Where are you going on holiday? b.How long did it take to get there? c.Who was with you ? d.What did you do?

Teaching aims

3. Grammar: irregular past simple of verbs 4. Task: Describe your holiday journey











adj. 太平洋的adv. 那么;这么 v. 猜,猜测adj. 激动的,兴奋的 int. 哇

adj. 太平洋的adv. 那么;这么 v. 猜,猜测adj. 激动的,兴奋的 int. 哇

Words and expressions

Where did you go in your holiday?

Happy valley Mingzhu tower






a. California b. Hollywoodc. Los Angeles d. Pacific Oceane. Santa Monica f. Disneyland

Find the places on the map.

a — 1 b — 4c —2 d — 6 e — 5 f — 3

Listen and number the places as you hear them.

Listen and choose the best answers.

1. What is Tony going to do on holiday?

A. Go to England.

B. Go to Los Angeles.

C. Go to the Paris.

2. Betty went Los Angeles _______.

A. two years ago

B. four years ago

C. three years ago

3. How long did it take to get to Los Angeles? A. Nine hours. B. Five hours. C. Ten hours.4. Who was with Betty?________ A. Her mom. B. Her dad. C. Her mom and dad.

1.How did Betty get to Los Angeles?

2.How did Betty get to her friends, home?

3. Why was Betty excited at Disneyland?

Watch and answer.

She flew there

Her friends drove her .

Because she met Snow White and Mickey Mouse .

4.How long did she stay in Desneyland ?

5. Where did she go swimming ?

She stayed for two days .

She went swimming in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica .

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box.

have a good time, on holiday, see, take, two years ago

1. It _____ us a long time to find his home last Saturday.

1. It _____ us a long time to find his home last Saturday.


2. We had a wonderful party last night

and everybody _______________.

3. My family went to Hainan __________

last summer.

4. ____________ I went back to our family

home and ____ my grandparents.

2. We had a wonderful party last night

and everybody _______________.

3. My family went to Hainan __________

last summer.

4. ____________ I went back to our family

home and ____ my grandparents.

had a good timehad a good time

on holidayon holiday

Two years agoTwo years ago


1. 休假,在度假 on holiday2. 开车送某人 drive sb somewhere3. 到达那里 get there4. 在太平洋里游泳 swim in the Pacific Ocean5. 好极了 It was great!


Language points1. enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴 , 过得愉快have a great/good time 和 enjoy oneself 都是“ 玩得很高兴”的意思。2. on holiday 在假期 , 在度假3. How long did it take to get there?

It takes sb some time to do sth


4. spend 花费 ( 时间和金钱 )

常用结构 :

spend + 时间和金钱 + on +sth.

spend+ 时间和金钱 +(in) +doing sth.

e.g. I spend two yuan on the pen.

He spent two days doing his work.

1. When did Betty go to Los Angeles?2. How long did it take her ?3. Where did she go ?4. Who met her at the airport ?

Listen and notice the stressed words.

Now say the sentences aloud.

1. Where did you go ?2. When did you go ?3. How did you get there ?4. How long did you spend there ?5. What did you do or see ?6. What was it like ?

Talk about a special holiday .

Ask and answer:


The Great Wall

Forbidden City

Beijing Zoo

Write an article

Using the following questions:1. Where did you go ?2.When did you go ?3.How did you go there ?4.How long did you spend there?5.What did you do there ?6.What was it like there ?


Individual activity



I. 写出下列词的过去形式。

1. 你假期打算做什么? What are you going to do __ _______?

2. 我上周五在北京玩得很愉快。 Last Friday I ____ _ ____ ____

in Beijing.

on holiday

had a good time

II. 将下列句子翻译完整。

3. 昨天我哥哥去机场接我。 My brother ___ me ____________


4. 昨晚我回到宾馆后就看报纸。 I ____ ____ __ the hotel and

_____ the newspaper last night.

5. 问你爸妈好。 ___ _____ __ your mum and dad.

came back to


Say hello to

met at the airport

Fill in the blanks with the right forms.

1.What ___ you __ on your last holiday? (do)

2. I ____ to Hollywood two years ago. (go)

3. How did Betty _____ there yesterday?


4. Where did you often _____? (swim )

5. My mother ___ at the station last weekend.


did do





1. We are going to travel ___ the country.

A. at B. on C. around D. in

2. How long did it _____ you to finish the


A. take B. spend C. spent D. took

3. I ___ three hours swimming in the river.

A. take B .spend C. spent D. took


4. Who did you go to Los Angeles ____?

A. to B. with C. and D. /

5.I want to do some ____.

A. shop B. shops C. shopping D. shopping

6.We __ have a football match next week.

A. will B. are going to C. go to D. going to

7. What house do you want _____?

A. living B. living in C. to live D. to live in

8. I love winter _____ it snows.

A. because B. so C. and D. but


发挥想象,连词成文 (50-100 字 ) 。

on holiday, meet, spend, journey, at the airport, take, have a great time
