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All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

“Make Him A Monogamy Junkie” Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

by By Gloria Lee

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Copyright © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie

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All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

Module 11: One Chemical To Rule Them All

Lesson 31: The ‘Big Guns’ Tactic to Upgrade Your Relationship . . . . . 4

Here’s a little story that proves my point perfectly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Questions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

So now that you know the ‘big guns’ tactic for upgrading your relationship, and why the evolutionary psychology behind why it works so well … . . . . . . . . 12

… here’s what I want you to do now: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Lesson 32: Your Questions Answered! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

So here’s what will happen next: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

“I’ve done everything you said, and nothing is working.” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

“He’s not ready to commit now … but he says he will be later. What does that mean??” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

“Can you ever change a man who just plain doesn’t want to commit?” . . . . 20

Final Thoughts … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

Module 11: One Chemical To Rule Them All (mastery tricks that combine everything)

Lesson 31: The ‘Big Guns’ Tactic to Upgrade Your Relationship (final resort)

Whoo hoooo! You made it!

Welcome to the final module of Make Him a Monogamy Junkie!

First up: Lesson 31, which is about how to get the ring …

… or, if you're already married, how to upgrade your relationship to the next level, no matter where you're at right now.


This method is not to be used lightly OR early in a relationship.

This is strictly and only for use when you need your relationship to move forward … you’ve waited as long as you’re able … you’ve tried

everything else in this program …

And now it’s time to pull out the big guns.

First, a little background:


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

So, what is that men actually respond to?

Is it … beauty?


Sculptured abdominal muscles?

Amazing cleavage?

Smarts? A challenge? Enlightenment?


This is probably the number one question I get asked about men and commitment.

And my response is VERY simple …

Yes, men respond to all of the above …

… but it don’t mean a thing if YOU don’t set your expectations as far as the relationship goes.

Yup. What men respond to is EXPECTATIONS.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

Here’s a little story that proves my point perfectly .

My friend, Gemma, dated the same guy for 10 years.

(Ten YEARS! Of nothing more than ‘dating'!!)

And, honestly? She was a total string along girl.

She was beautiful, smart, busy, successful …

… but deep down, she felt unloved and unworthy, because she wasn't getting what she NEEDED from her man.

She loved him, she knew he loved her, but he would never do anything to move the relationship forward … and underneath all her pep talks and positive outlook, the truth was, she felt worthless.

I can't even tally up the number of times she called me up in tears, asking, ‘Gloria, what's wrong with me? How come other girls are getting married after 2 years and I've been with this guy for TEN YEARS and he still won't lift a finger to create a future with me? What am I doing wrong?'

It was heartbreaking.

So here's what happened.

I had a serious talk with her, and I said one thing and one thing only:

‘Gemma,' I said, ‘The reason he's dragging his heels is because you’re letting him do it. You've gotta have expectations and you've got to be prepared to ENFORCE


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11


Guess what happened?

She took that piece of advice to heart, she set the damn requirements, and six weeks later I got a call from her boyfriend asking me to help him pick out a ring.

‘I've got these three that I like, that I think she'd look beautiful in,' he said eagerly, ‘but you know her better than anyone … which one do you think she'd like the best?'

Let me just emphasize this.

After TEN YEARS of dating and never doing anything to create a future with Gemma …

… suddenly this same exact man had not one but THREE rings lined up, and was actually calling her friends to see which ring they thought she'd like the best?!

What is this magic?!!

So what does it MEAN to ‘set your expectations?’

Well, let's break it down.

The brutal truth is that, after a certain point …


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

If a man is dragging his heels, it’s because you are LETTING him do it .

You are the one with the power here.

Remember, men are biologically wired to want – hell, to NEED – to please you, protect you, and make you happy.

The future of the human race literally depends on it.

Because if you don't choose him, you'll choose someone else, and his genes will get weeded out.

So Mother Nature has been very smart and wired men to CRAVE your approval and pleasure.

In other words … he WANTS to please you … he just needs you to tell him how to do it!

You are the one with the power here.

This is about following through on the standards you set way back in Module 1.

So, if you want to get married, or you want to upgrade your relationship status … how do you DO it?



All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

You open your mouth, and you TALK to him like a logical, grown up adult woman …

…with a very specific script that I have researched, refined, honed, and tested for you : )

NOTE: I’m not talking about setting ultimatums here, laying threats at his feet, proposing to him yourself, or playing some weird game involving jealousy.

What I'm talking about is communicating with him openly and honestly and actually making it clear what you need from him.

So, step by step, here’s what you do:

Step One: You pick a time when he’s calm and relaxed.

(Tax time, during a sports game, or any time he's stressed and anxious is NOT the time. You want him to be mellow and happy.)

Step Two: then, you say this simple script (or something very similar):

‘Baby, I just want you to know that I absolutely love being with you. You are the man I've always wanted and hoped for but never thought could truly exist..

‘I want you to know I'm in your corner 100% and I would NEVER give you an ultimatum or intentionally pressure you.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

‘And, for the sake of transparency between us, now I need you to think about whether you are ready to upgrade our relationship to the next level.

‘And if you're not ready, that's fine, because I would NEVER want you to do anything you're not happy with.

‘But long-term, carrying on forever as we are now is just not going to be enough for me, because I thrive on growth and evolution and I want us to keep moving forwards.

‘So: have a think, and let me know sometime in the next week, okay?

‘And if you decide it's not for you, then I get it. But, as much as I love you, I need to make it clear that I'm not going to be able to just wait around forever, because I've got plans for my life and I know what I want from a man.'

Step Three: the conversation is now over.

You smile, kiss him on the cheek, walk away, and for the next month, you carry on being your normal loving, sexy self.

So WHY does this work so well?

Because men are wired to please you.

And what they respond to best of all is EXPECTATIONS.

Not ultimatums.

Not threats.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

Just calm, clear expectations.


Q: ‘Isn’t this kind of … ball-bustery behavior??’

I supposed it might seem that way to some women – especially if you were raised to wait around forever for the man to make up his mind about you.

So let me be clear:

You can't just reel this out any old time.

This is strictly a last resort. You should ONLY use this tactic if you truly are willing to risk losing him over it if he decides his answer is ‘no'.

(Which might sound terrible – but if his answer is ‘no', then it's honestly better to know NOW than to waste time in a dead end.)

So DO NOT go giving him this speech if you've only been dating six months, or 2 months, or if you haven't even met his mother yet. Like I said: this is a LAST RESORT for ‘nudging' a stalled relationship forward.

And, I also don't recommend proposing to a man yourself – ever.

I am a firm believer in TENSION (as are you, by now, module 11 – or you'd better be!) and I can't think of a better way to destroy that tension than by you doing all the heavy lifting yourself.

This is more of a last-resort thing: when your patience is running out, you need


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

to know one way or the other, and you don't want to sit on the fence any longer.

But, it does work – it's a truly powerful method.

(Matter of fact, that little speech is almost word for word what I told Gemma to say to her man. They're now happily married, and trying to get pregnant. It's strong stuff.)

So now that you know the ‘big guns’ tactic for upgrading your relationship, and why the evolutionary psychology

behind why it works so well …

… here’s what I want you to do now:

You’ll find a cheat sheet for this method in the downloads section for module 11.

Download the cheat sheet, have a look at it, and keep it somewhere handy in case you need it some day.

Then, come back here and move on to Lesson 32, where I’ll answer your objections, questions, and more objections in the final lesson of the final module!

Lesson 32: Your Questions Answered!

Welcome to the final lesson of the final module!


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

I'm so proud of you for making it right to the very end.

By completing this program, you've done something truly amazing for yourself and your lovelife.

Be proud

So what I want to do now is wrap up the program with a few burning questions that previous customers have asked.

So, in no particular order … let's go.

“How long should I wait for him to commit before I give up?”

The truth is, there's no cut and dried number of days, weeks, or months in love.

Some guys are ready to commit after just a few weeks, some take a few months, and some will literally make you wait FOREVER.

So how do you know? What should you do?

Well, the truth is, every guy is different. So you have to use your common sense and acuity and pay attention to how he TREATS you, not what he’s SAYING.

Remember, guys don't speak the truth with their mouths as much as they do with their ACTIONS.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

So: how does he treat you? Does he respect your wishes? Does he look out for you? Does he make you part of his life? Does he want you to be happy?

Honestly, some guys are really capable of TRULY loving you, and just plain never wanting to get married.

They do exist.

So I don't want to make any sweeping generalizations about ‘if he hasn't given you a ring in X months, cut him loose', because you just might be with one of those guys who truly is terrified of marriage.

But I will say this: I have seen those guys, those ones who genuinely are terrified of marriage, change their minds and get married after all…

… because they knew it was what their girl wanted, and they WANTED to make her happy.

THOSE are the kinds of standards you should be holding him to. Because you deserve the best.

On a practical note …

… the fact that you can't always tell immediately what sort of man he's going to be, commitment wise, is exactly why it's so important that you don't make him your everything and keep living an amazing life without making him the backbone of your existence.

Never wait around for a man.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

Never cool your heels for a man.

Never make him your everything.

Keep living an amazing life and pursuing your goals NO MATTER WHAT.

Many women find that they have a ‘breaking point': a time when they realize that they definitely need MORE from their man.

If you ever reach that point, and if you've tried everything in this program and it still hasn't worked (which is always possible; some guys just aren't ready to commit no matter what, as we talked about in Module One) …

… that’s when you’ve got 3 choices:

- Either you use the Big Guns final tactic;

- Or you walk away and find someone who is not just willing but eager to give you the love and commitment you deserve (without making you wonder and worry about getting it);

- Or, you shelve your dreams and stick around in a relationship that doesn’t quite fill you up, if you’re honest.

Now, I can't make that choice for you.

But what I CAN do is tell you that you absolutely deserve to be happy in love.

I can reassure you that a relationship worth having is one where you don’t have to ASK for what you need, or waste years waiting for him to be ‘ready', or try and


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Module 11

convince yourself that your sacrifices will be ‘worth it in the end'.

You deserve to have a loving, healthy, happy, hot relationship with a man who is desperate to do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face – day in, day out.

“What if we’re dating, and we’re having regular sex, and he’s met my parents and friends …

… but we’re still not OFFICIALLY ‘exclusive’?”

Okay, here's the deal:

If you have not had the ‘we're going to date exclusively now' talk, then you are LITERALLY STILL A SINGLE LADY.

This is a hard one to swallow for a lot of women, but it's the truth.

It's like the court system: innocent until proven guilty.

And, single until proven exclusive.

And if you're still single, then that means you should still be meeting and dating other men.

So here’s what will happen next:

- either the guy you’re with right now will figure it out and settle in with


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

you and make things exclusive;

- or, you’ll become exclusive with one of the other guys you met and dated (since you’re still single, remember?) and you’ll end up ditching the current guy in favor of someone who’s more willing to fulfill your needs in a timely fashion.

“What if I don’t WANT to be exclusive?”

Um. Well. I suppose you can do anything you want.

But … uh, this is a course is for women who want a serious, committed relationship with a man …

… so, not to be rude, but what have you been DOING all this time? ;)

In all seriousness though, the answer is no.

Using these techniques on a guy you're not serious about will either make you look crazy, or will leave one (or both) of you ending up hurt …

… because these techniques work on a man to make him want to COMMIT to you.

Please don't use these methods unless you want him to be yours for real.

It's not fair on him.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

“I’ve done everything you said, and nothing is working .”

I won't lie: that's incredibly painful.

Disappointing and sad and painful.

But here's the thing: even if a guy is great in loads of ways …

… even if he's sexy and funny and kind and sensitive and smart …

… even if he has a gigantic penis and knows EXACTLY what to do with it, too ;) …

… if he isn’t able to commit himself to you in the way you want and need him to, then you need to be able and willing to leave and find something better.

Because you DESERVE to be totally happy. You really do.

Look: your heart is precious.

You don't want to give it to someone who will always leave you hungry for more.

Making yourself available for someone who can give you his heart FULLY, and openly, lovingly give you the commitment you want, is what you need to do if you're in this situation.


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Module 11

“He’s not ready to commit now … but he says he will be later . What does that mean??”

Okay. Quick quiz:

Q: How do you know if a guy’s about to jerk you around?

A: Because he has no plans for you, and he SAYS it.

For instance, he'll say things like, ‘Let's just see how it goes.'

Or, ‘We're just chilling for now, right?'

Or even, ‘I'm not looking for anything serious.'

Look: a man who WANTS YOU has FUTURE PLANS for you.

He won't want to risk you getting away, because he wants you. He won't even want to RISK another man getting close to you.

That’s how you know if he's for real or not.

So, if he's a foot-dragger from the start, cut him loose.

(Remember what we talked about in Module One? Some guys will just plain never commit.)

Yes, it's painful. I'm sorry. I've been there too, and it's brutal.


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

But here's the thing:

If I hadn’t cut myself loose from those lukewarm guys, I would never have met the man who’s now my husband, and known what it was like to be TRULY loved and TRULY committed to.

And that's what I want for you, too.

I don't want you getting all messed up over a guy who quite possibly may never actually commit to you, because I want you to have a relationship where you are NOT starving for love and NOT feeling insecure about his feelings for you.

You don't get to the good one until you cut the bad ones loose. Simple as that.

And that means you've got to be willing to cut a guy loose if it's just not working.

“Can you ever change a man who just plain doesn’t want to commit?”

Well … the incredibly annoying answer is, it depends.

Sometimes you can … and sometimes you can't.

Which is why it's important to love yourself enough to lead a full life and be willing to walk away once you know that your needs are not going to be met with this guy (which is part of the beauty of this program, because it winnows out the ‘real deal' guys from the ones who ultimately are not going to be good for you.)


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Module 11

Ultimately, what you want is to get a clear answer either way, so you can either move forward, or move on.

“What if he’s already with another woman? What if he’s MARRIED? Will this still work?”

Ha. Okay. Time for some brutal honesty.

Here's the way I look at questions like this:

The world is a big place.

And (although it can be hard to accept, because I know you think you want this guy) …

… there are so many amazing men out there who are NOT already taken …

… that there's no sense using these techniques on a married or taken man and creating a huge load of pain and heartbreak.

Especially when you can meet someone else amazing (and SINGLE!) instead.

Plus, even if you DO get him to cheat on his girlfriend or wife, what do you end up with?

A cheater.

Honestly. Is that really what you want?


All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

Some women I know who have ‘gotten' a guy to leave his current woman are happy AT FIRST …

… but then they just end up feeling nervous and insecure.


Because they know he is the type of guy (as he's proved by his actions) who can and will leave one woman for another.

Look: you deserve someone who is available to YOU, who can express his love honestly and openly, and you deserve a future without an ugly past hanging over it like a black cloud.

You deserve happiness and honesty.

So I can't make up your mind for you. But I can tell you what you deserve, which is REAL love that doesn't come at the cost of lying, and dishonesty, and sneaking around feeling dirty and wrong.

Final Thoughts …

Congratulations on making it all the way through.



All Rights Reserved © 2015 Make Him A Monogamy Junkie: Trigger His Commitment Chemical And Make Him BEG To Be Yours Forever

Module 11

It was a long program … and I hope for your sake that you did all the work and didn't cheat yourself out of an incredible opportunity for the golden future you've been dreaming of.

I can promise you one thing:

If you've read the entire program and actually WORKED IT, then your life is about to change in incredible ways.

Don't be afraid of the powers you're unlocking within yourself over men and love. Every human seeks to grow and expand in power. It's natural and good.

You are on the right track.

You are in the right place.

You are following your destiny and achieving your birthright.

If there's one final lesson I can leave you with today, let it be this:

You are incredible. The fact that you've identified what you want (more, greater, deeper, more blissful, honest and TRUE love) … the fact that you recognized this program as a tool that can help you achieve what you want … and the fact that you actually did followed through on your convictions and completed the program itself sets you into the top 10% of all women.

I'm not even kidding. Do you know how RARE it is for someone to actually finish a course they started on? I do this for a living, and I can tell you, less than ten percent of all people, on average, finish a self development course once starting it.


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Module 11

Now, here's how to skyrocket from the slipstream into the Jetstream and give yourself the highest possible chance of achieving INCREDIBLE results with men, love, and happiness in the shortest possible amount of time:

Don’t just ‘internalize’ what you’ve learned here.

Actually USE the material.

Go back and read over your notes at least once a month. (My recommendation is that you read over a paragraph or three every day. You want to keep this stuff fresh in your head.)

Continue to interact on the comments section of the website. Introduce yourself to more women there. Ask questions. Answer the questions of others if you feel moved to do so. Keep the flame alive.

And above all: know with absolute certainty that the love you seek is coming your way.

The relationship you deserve – the relationship I want for you - is one in which you can be yourself and have the other person value you, love you and cherish you just as you are.

You have a special purpose. You are here for a special reason. Look into your heart to discover what really matters to you.

Know that you deserve to connect with a man from the heart and be not just loved, but adored.

Then let that self knowledge and self belief shine into your life as the beauty of strength, power, and unflagging self-love.


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Module 11

You deserve this.

And as long as you can love yourself unconditionally, without self-criticism, self-judgment, or self-abuse of any kind, you will very quickly begin to attract, experience and enjoy the kind of deep-hearted, unconditional love from your true loving partner that you desire – and absolutely deserve.

I'm so proud of you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.

Please write me with any questions or comments.

You can reach me and my staff at - I read all my emails personally (yup – every single one) and I would LOVE to hear from you.

With so much love,

Insert signature here

Gloria Lee

Author, creator, and founder of Make Him A Monogamy Junkie
