Module 16 Test



testing monkeys in Bermuda

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1. a. amniotic egg: an egg in which the embryo is protected by a membrane called an amnion. In addition, the egg is covered in a hard or leathery covering.

b. Hemotoxin: a poison that attacks the red blood cells and blood vessels, destroying circulation

c. Endothermic: a creature is endothermic if it has an internal mechanism by which it can regulate its own body temperature, keeping it constant.

d. Placenta: a structure that allow nutrients and gases to pass between the mother and the embryo between the mother and the embryo.

e. Gestation: the period of time during which an embryo develops before being born

2. It is a bird

3. Reptile

4. Mammal

5. A. tuataras: rhynchocephalia

B. lizards: squamata

C. Crocodiles: Crocodilia

D. Turtles: Testudines

6. No. No reptiles are endothermic.

7. Contour feathers

8. It is a reptile egg

9. It should preen itself

10. its underhair will be thicker

11. The species that gave birth to the offspring with no hair and whose eyes were closed has the shorter gestation period.

12. a. amnion

b. yolk sac

c. allantois

Matt Peterson

Module #16Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals


May 5, 2005
