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Module 4: Attitude of Gratitude

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Attitude of Gratitude


Every morning, I sit on the edge of my bed and say out loud, “I am so grateful for this day.” Every day that we wake up is another blessing. I’m thankful for those things that I see and have but also for things that are coming to me in my life. When we are grateful, we often release toxins from our system. On the other hand, if we harbor resentments, toxins may build up inside of us and make us miserable. We’re the ones who pay the price, not the people with whom we’re upset. They may not even be aware of our resentments; or, they may choose to ignore them.

This will help you learn to use gratitude and clearing techniques to overcome negative programming (memories) and the unproductive negative conditioning of others.


After studying this module, you should be able to accomplish the following:

› Clear your mind of negative dialogues.

› Describe three basic categories of destructive dialogues and identify to which category you belong.

› Identify those things that cause you to fear.

› Define what the Divine is to you.

› Continue to overcome limiting beliefs.

› Challenge your victimhood and practice radical forgiveness.

› Begin the process of achieving a victory over yourself.

› Recognize and banish your excuses.


To assess your current level of understanding about the topics in this module, please answer the following questions. (A Success Journal is available for you to write in, at the end of module 16.)

1. Who, or what, is driving your life?

2. Are you living the life you deserve to be living? Why or why not?

3. Are you receiving the fulfillment that you need and deserve? Why or why not?

“A l though da i ly l i fe i s fu l l o f

c i r-cumstances that can be

in terpreted as pos i t ive , most

peop le respond to the i r l i ves

wi th a negat ive at t i tude.”

− Joe V i ta le

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s

Personal Changes

When we are young, we don’t usually examine our personal belief sys-tems. In fact, we are often blissfully unaware that there may be anything amiss until something jolts us into awareness. For instance, this could be a general dissatisfaction with life, especially if it falls short of expecta-tions; or, it may be something more traumatic, like a divorce or the loss of a loved one. In fact, it could be nearly anything that calls into ques-tion what one truly believes.

One of the best things about being human is that we all have the ability to change when things happen. Many people have experienced the glory of a transformational epiphany, which redirects one’s entire life. Such people often step back and recognize the kind of power that exists in each of us, then they set out to harness that power for them-selves. YOU can have this same transformation in your own life; how-ever, I warn you that reactions from those who know you may come as a surprise.

There is an old saying, which states that misery loves company. Most people exist within a group’s comfort zone; and if one member of a group tries to step up or out of the group zone, the other group mem-ber often try to pull him or her back to the group level. In other words, when someone strives to achieve something beyond what others are used to, the reaction from a group can be negative, rather than positive.

This is an interesting dichotomy unique to humans. We are social creatures, and we want to belong to a group. However, if that group is holding us back, then we must go forward, even if it means losing some connections from other group members.

Group mentalities often exist because of fear: fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and fear of loss. If you examine the reactions of people in groups, you may find that they often discourage other group mem-bers because of their own fears, not because they don’t care. They want their group members to stay with them, where it’s safe. And although people in your social or family circle may give you negative feedback, they are likely convinced that they are saving you from disaster.

For many people, this establishes an attitude of helplessness. And some people spend their entire lives in this limbo; yearning for a better life but not having the courage to pursue it. They often become bitter and frustrated and have nothing to show for their lives but wasted dreams!

To be truly happy, you must get rid of any attitudes of helplessness that you may have. The first step, for getting rid of these attitudes, is to clear your mind of negative dialogues from your internal programming. When

“Our group men-ta l i ty ex i s t s

most ly out o f fear : fear o f

fa i lu re , fear o f the unknown,

fear o f loss .”

− Joe V i ta le

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you have negative thoughts, stop your mind and clear the thoughts from your mind. Over time, negative thoughts build upon one another and will crush your spirit; therefore, clearing your negative thoughts can lead you out of depression and self-pity. The second step is to replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Let me take a few moments here to discuss three basic categories of destructive dialogues: regret, indecision, and fear. Chances are you fall into at least one (or more) of these categories.


Regret happens to everyone on occasion. For instance, you may regret unfinished business, unfulfilled relationships, or plans that went wrong. Regret can haunt your thoughts, making you hesitant and overly cautious. They are especially destructive because of the stories you create about yourself, when you start thinking about the What ifs. Such as, What if...

› I had taken that promotion;

› I had said yes to that business opportunity;

› I had saved more money when I was young;

› I hadn’t given in and made a stupid mistake;

› I had kept my thoughts to myself;

› or, I had finished school?

Over time, this type of destructive dialogue only gets worse. If you don’t learn to get clear, let go of the past, and stop regretting, it will keep growing and growing until it overwhelms your present and destroys your future!


Indecision can be the present reality for many people. Although daily life is full of circumstances that can be interpreted as posi-tive, they respond to their life with negative attitudes. For example, when faced with financial demands, people may become paralyzed because they are afraid of making the wrong decisions; therefore, they make no decisions at all and they watch their lives spin out of control. Such negative dialogue may sound something like the following:

I’ve just lost my job. What do I tell my family?

My boss has overloaded me with projects. Where do I turn?

“A labor that up l i f t s

humani ty has d ign i ty and

importance and shou ld be

under taken wi th pa instak ing

exce l lence.”

− Mart in LutherK ing J r.

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s

I’m drowning in debt and can’t make my payments. What can I do?

I just graduated with loads of debt and no job. What now?

The main weapon you have for dealing with indecision is focused intention. Focus on the solutions. Take out a piece of paper and write down every possible option or solution you can think of. Then, ask family and friends to add any options they know. By allowing yourself to explore all possibilities, you’re moving for-ward. You’ll be able to find better and faster solutions by perform-ing this exercise than you would if you just sat and worried about your problems. The key to dealing with the everyday stress of life is to force yourself forward, even if indecision tugs at you.


This is a big one for most people. Fear’s biggest weapon is the power of what if. It convinces people that the worst is just over the horizon and they should watch out for falling pieces of sky and flying farm animals. This destructive dialogue usually focuses on possible problems, rather than on opportunities.

To combat fear, consider the following questions, and what your solutions might be, as one way to anticipate and deal with fears. What will I do if the following should happen:

› I get fired?

› I get sick?

› I can’t pay my bills?

› I can’t find a spouse?

› My spouse divorces me?

› Terrorists invade our country?

› The stock market crashes?

› I lose everything?

I’ll be the first to admit that planning for your future is a good thing. However, there’s a difference between planning and relent-lessly obsessing.

If you fixate on a problem and attach a great deal of negative emo-tion to it, it will likely attract more problems! However, if you look to the future for solutions, you’re taking some portion of control over your life, which will free you to receive the miracles waiting to come into your life.

“Success i s the sum of smal l

e f for t s , repeated day in and

day out .”

− Joe V i ta le

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Why would you choose to live in constant fear—raining on other people’s parades? Why wouldn’t you choose to live an abundant and prosperous life? There are many possibilities, but most causes stem from experiences and events in your life.

Let’s examine a few possibilities:


Conflict with a family member or co-worker can leave you with an attitude of resentment and anger. Do you feel that anger resurface every time you see this person? Do you lie awake at night thinking about the conflict? Do you wish the person harm? If so, then you haven’t let go of the conflict. This hurts you more than anyone else and can poison your current relationships.


Do you avoid taking on new responsibilities so you won’t risk failure? Do you put others down, rather than congratulate their accomplishments? Do you refuse to assist coworkers for fear that they may be after your job? If you find yourself deal-ing with these feelings, they may stem from low self-esteem, where you just don’t believe in yourself or your abilities. Indi-viduals with low self-esteem usually try to protect what they have, rather than believe that they can have more.

Additionally, a problem with avoidance is that negative actions actually have the opposite effect. By refusing to help others and move forward, you attract stress and financial difficulties into your life.


Stress is a major factor in most people’s lives. Everyone feels financially and emotionally stressed on occasion, and no one is immune to it. The problem comes when stress is allowed to build day after day, week after week, etc., until it affects every part of your life. Stress can make you short-tempered, give you stomach problems, interfere with your ability to sleep, and may even lead to thoughts of suicide—just to escape the relent-less pressures. Stress can give you a very negative attitude for a few days or for years. Alleviating stress takes effort. After all, it didn’t build up overnight, and it can take days or months to figure out how to lessen the pressures from stress.

Fear is a natural emotion that protects us from danger. However, the problem is that many people often imagine dangers that don’t

“We spend a great dea l o f

t ime te l l ing God what we

th ink shou ld be done, and

not enough t ime wai t ing in

the s t i l lness fo r God to te l l us

what to do.”

− Peace P i lg r im

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s

exist or are minimal at best. Then, people magnify their fears until they are larger-than-life. This can be paralyzing because a person living in fear may refuse to consider doing anything outside of their perception of what is possible. They would rather not try at all than have something bad happen, like embarrassment or failure. These people also project their own fears onto those around them, encir-cling everyone they know with negative energy. They can’t handle any type of change without feeling threatened or having an overall sense of impending doom.

Ignite the Divine Within

It’s a curious challenge to explain how awareness evolves in the life of every person. As you begin, you must realize that you don’t know what you don’t know. Your results are a product of what you have been taught and learned over your lifetime, not because you con-sciously chose your beliefs. Once you recognize that your beliefs may be irrational or self-limiting, you can consciously choose to change them. This is done by clearing negative thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with positive ones.

We are human; and in our present existence, we don’t normally get going unless we’re forced to do so. Many of us rattle along life’s high-way with our same old thought processes: not really doing bad, but not reaching our full potential. A few people experience what is known as a catalyst of awareness. This could be through dissatisfaction with life or from a traumatic event. A catalyst of awareness often forces people to view their current beliefs from a new perspective and to evaluate whether those beliefs actually serves their purposes. This empowers them to take control and choose to attract what they want in life.

One of the most powerful stages of awareness is understanding that you must let go. You must release your desire and allow miracles to come to you. This may seem a little counterintuitive, but this step gives you the maximum power to attract things into your life. By letting go of inten-tions, you allow yourself to co-create with the Divine and deliver your heart’s desires in the easiest and fastest ways possible. If you hold on to the how, you will struggle more than is necessary. Letting go makes it easier.

Everyone has a different idea of what the Divine is: some say God, the Universe, Buddha, or any number of labels. In essence, they’re all the same. As you focus your intentions on helping others, you’re naturally rewarded with your desires. You move from ego intentions to divine intentions; and divine intentions are the ones that attract the fastest.

“You aren ’ t here wi th much

ob ject iv i ty and c la r i ty,

because there i s baggage

in the way. That baggage

i s mem-ory. To c lear i t , you

may need to say, ‘ I love

you . ’ “

− Joe V i ta le

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Letting go isn’t about tossing your intentions to the wind. It’s about focusing your intent and then releasing the how. This allows the Uni-verse to do its work without interference from you. Quite honestly, most people put more obstacles in their way than is necessary because they don’t really trust the Divine to deliver; they have to interfere and dictate how things should happen!

You are the only one with the power to create what you want in life; and it all starts with your intentions. If your life feels terrible, it’s because you created it that way. If your life is awesome, it’s because you made it that way.

One key to success is working backward. First, discover your life’s purpose, your calling, your gifts, and your strengths; then proceed to do your work. Most people work hoping that they can find their life’s purpose. Before they know it, life has passed them by. The key to letting go is to first know what your life purpose is. Then letting go takes on a new look. It’s letting go with a purpose, rather than letting go and wishing for the best.

When faced with difficult decisions, you always have a choice; and indecision or doing nothing is one of those choices. Don’t sit back and just hope that the Law of Attraction is going to support you. The Law of Attraction always delivers, even if it’s not something you want. You are responsible for your own choices. While that may give some people a sinking feeling, you can choose to revel in the fact that power is in your hands to change whatever isn’t working for you.

Some of the best miracles happen when you’ve already released the intention. And then, it suddenly arrives, out of the blue, and shocks you by how perfect the solution is.

The Cleansing Power of Ho’oponopono

You learned about the most powerful three words you can ever say, I love you, when we discussed Ho’oponopono in Module 3. When you say “I love you” to the Divine (to God, Life, Tao, or to whomever or whatever you want to call the Divine) it has profound power to trigger healing—both emotionally and physically.

The basic assumption of this power is that every action you take is coming from inspiration or memory. Inspiration is a signal direct from the Divine. Memory is a program in your subconscious. Everyone is coming from memory, virtually all of the time. The task is to clean those memories so you can act from inspired signals from the Divine instead.

“V ict imhood p lays i t se l f out

as a s t rugg le between two

conf l i c t ing energ ies : the

need to condemn versus the

des i re to fo rg ive.”

− Joe V i ta le

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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s

“Unt i l you make the

unconsc ious consc ious , i t

w i l l d i rect your l i fe , and you

wi l l ca l l

i t fate .”

− Car l Jung

In other words, how you respond to the very words in this book is most likely a reaction based upon memories. If you disagree with me, it’s because you have an old program in your mind that is not agreeing with my writing. If you agree with me, it may be because you have an old program that is in alignment with what I am saying. Either way, you aren’t here with much objectivity and clarity because there is baggage in the way. That baggage is memory. To clear it, you may need to say, “I love you.”

Your model of the world may not match this new model of the world. So, if you are feeling confused, simply hold it in your awareness and say, “I love you” to the Divine.

Now, think of something or someone in your life who still frustrates you: it could be a health problem, a fellow worker you don’t get along with, etc. It doesn’t matter what it is. As you hold that thing or person in your awareness, silently begin to say, “I love you.” (Or, you can direct the statement to the Divine.) Whether you believe this is working or not, trust the process and continue it. All you have to do is repeat the phrase, “I love you.” As you do so, you will begin to feel love; and you will begin to transform towards that person or thing.

Keep in mind that no one has to know you are doing anything at all. As Dr. Hew Len might say, there is no out there. It’s all in you. It’s all about your relationship to the Divine. And all you have to do to clean up that relationship is say three little words: “I love you!”

Challenging Victimhood

When something bad has happened, we think of ourselves as having been victimized, no matter how hard we try to forgive. It can only play itself out as a struggle between two conflicting energies: the need to condemn versus the desire to forgive.

Now, I want to talk about radical forgiveness—a state when you realize nothing bad or negative or evil happened at all. In fact, what happened didn’t happen to you but for you. It happened to help you awaken and to grow. It was part of the curriculum to bring you to where you are now. And from where you are now, you CAN attract miracles.

Obviously, the thing to do is to forgive. However, just saying, “I forgive myself” may not cause the inward shift that you seek. And you don’t need to say, “I forgive you” to anyone because they weren’t at fault to begin with—they were simply acting out their own programs. In fact, you probably should thank the other person for helping you see the problem!

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I’m going to draw from my book, Zero Limits, and suggest that what you need to do is to ask the Divine to forgive you for your errors in judgment. This can be as simple a process as saying, “Please forgive me” or “I’m sorry.” And you don’t need to say these phrases out loud. You don’t need to feel it either. As you silently repeat the phrases, directing them to the Divine, you should begin the process of releasing the nega-tive energy that is stuck inside of you.

This is not complicated. You do not have to understand how it works. You are working on a soul level to release the hold within yourself that your judgments have created. Try it and see. Say, “I’m sorry” and “Please forgive me” to the Divine. Then, be silent and allow the silence to free you.

Remember, one of the most powerful Ho’oponopono concepts is a call to the Divine. When you do this, you petition the Divine by saying the following (remember to repeat these words, and change the order from time to time):

Look, I don’t know where the beliefs came from. I’m sorry for them. I love you. Please forgive me for whatever may have occurred to bring this to my awareness. Thank you. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you.

In fact, just repeating the phrase, “I love you” can dilute any nega- tivity that you might be experiencing.

Remember also that you cannot change other people. They have free will. When you practice Ho’oponopono, you work within yourself—what you see from others (or from other things), is a projection anyway.

Exceed Yourself

In the battle of life, there is no real competition. There is no enemy. There is only the desire to improve yourself. And as you improve yourself, the world also improves. Think about this, as I discuss two excellent people who exceeded themselves.

When I was a teenager, one of my heroes was the late Floyd Patterson. Floyd was twice the heavyweight boxing champion of the world. He was also the youngest man in history to win the title. He was a nice guy, in an often not-so-nice business. He wrote his autobiography and gave it an intriguing title: Victory Over Myself. I love this title because of the ideal that it

“Be l ie f s , uncon-sc ious or not ,

a re c reat ing your events .

Unt i l the be l ie f s that c reate

the events a re re leased ,

the events wi l l cont inue to


− Joe V i ta le

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conveys: instead of trying to beat the world, just improve yourself. (Runners call it exceeding your personal best.) In other words, if you aren’t happy with yourself, find a way to be victorious over yourself!

One of the great champions for peace was Mildred Norman Ryder. This kind woman spent 28 years of her life walking for peace. She dropped her real name and became known as the Peace Pilgrim. She owned nothing but the clothes on her back. She ate or slept whenever someone along her path gave her food or shelter. She walked over 25,000 miles for peace. She walked in total trust that what she was doing was making a profound impact on the world. She was interviewed by the media, seen on television, heard on radio, and read about in the newspapers. Yet, she was simply following her own calling. She dared to exceed herself and do something worthy. Mildred died in 1981, but her spirit lives on. She was, and continues to be, an inspiration to millions of people. (Her life and words can be found online at


To me, excuses are the number one things people do wrong. While all of these excuses may seem legit to the person saying them, they are virtually all hogwash.

Excuses are beliefs. If you buy into them, you’re stuck. However, if you believe that there’s always a way to get around excuses, then you’ll move forward. My philosophy is, there is always a way.

Leave your excuses behind, and you will begin to attract more abun-dance, wealth, success, and happiness than you ever imagined. Leave your excuses behind, and your life will soar!

Who Directs Your Life

We seem to create our lives from our own perceptions. For example, if we focus on lack, we get more lack; if we focus on riches, we get more riches; and if we focus on excuses, we attract more excuses (blocks). Our perception becomes a magnet that pulls us in the direction of where we want to go.

If you don’t consciously select where you want to go, you go where your unconscious wants you to go. To paraphrase the famous Swiss

“Des i re i s good . I t i s what

mot ivates you to get up ,

to l ive , to work , to grow,

to love. I t ’ s bu i l t in to your

human system. You can use

des i re to t ranscend des i re .“

− Joe V i ta le

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psychologist, Carl Jung, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” In that regard, most of us are on autopilot. We simply haven’t realized that we can take the controls. Knowing what you want helps you to aim your life in the direction that you want it to go.

For What Purpose

I remember saying that I wanted to write books that were best sellers. A man named Jonathan Jacobs asked me (what has now become a famous question), “For what purpose?” At first, I squirmed and said things like “I deserve it,” or “My books are good enough for it.” But the real reason, the underlying motivating factor, was that I wanted people to love and admire me. When I said this out loud, I felt a shift within myself. I knew that I had reached the real thing that I wanted. My goal, my intention, was to feel love.

Most people live their entire lives being driven by an unconscious, unacknowledged need for something. For instance, the politician may have been a child who never received enough attention; the business-woman may have been a youngster who didn’t feel equal to her peers; and the best-selling author may still be trying to prove that he’s smart, or lovable, or admirable. However, true freedom and power comes from knowing what you want, without being a prisoner to what you want.

But there’s another reason for knowing and stating your intentions. When you declare them, you begin to discover all the things that stand in the way of you realizing your true dreams. You may say you want to pay off your house so you can be free of those big payments, but sud-denly here come all of the objections: “I don’t make enough money to pay off my house;” or “No one ever does that;” or “What will my par-ents think!”

You know what I mean. It’s easy to come up with objections. The trick is to dissolve those objections until you are clear inside. When you are clear, manifesting whatever you want will be easier.

How You Create Reality

Beliefs are how we create reality; however, I’m not sure how to ex- plain this to you in a way that makes sense. You’ve probably noticed that people seem to have recurring problems. Did you ever wonder why it’s often the same problem for each person: the person with money problems always has money problems, and the person with relationship problems always has relationship problems. It’s as though

“Freedom and power come

f rom knowing what you want

wi thout be ing a pr i soner to

what you want .“

− Joe V i ta le

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each person specializes in their particular disorder. Beliefs, unconscious or not, are creating those events. Until the beliefs that create the events are released, the events will continue to reoccur. Consider the following as an example of what I am talking about:

I know a man who has been married seven times. He hasn’t got it right yet. He will continue to marry, divorce, remarry, etc. until he removes the underlying beliefs that cause the events to reoccur. And while he continues to marry and divorce, he blames other people for his problems, blames fate, and even blames God.

What Are Your Beliefs

Look at your life. What you have are the direct results of your beliefs. Not happy? In debt? Poor marriage? Not successful? Bad health? There are beliefs that are creating those experiences for you. In a very real sense, some part of you wants what you have—problems and all.

I remember a motivational guru, Tony Robbins, who talked about a schizophrenic woman who had diabetes when she was one personality and was healthy when she was another personality. Beliefs make up one personality. The woman with diabetes had beliefs that created the dia-betes. This may be an extreme example, but if you change your beliefs, you can change your situation.

Now, how do you change beliefs? It starts with selecting what you want for your life. I picked up Ask and You Shall Receive, a book by physicist Pierre Morency, which states that you must ask for what you want. Asking gives you focus and directs the energy of the Universe to help manifest it with you. The cover of the book asks, “What did you ask for when you got up this morning?” I love the question; and I ask it every morning when I wake up—it’s now my breakfast.

And as soon as you select what you want to be, do, or have, you’ll discover beliefs that block the way to your desires. Believe me, they’ll surface and become your excuses; however, don’t let them ruin your successes.

Can You Really Have Everything

What are the limits to our desires? I’m not sure there are any. You could argue for physical or scientific limitations, but I think those are limits based on current research. At one point, people believed that no human could run the mile in less than four-minutes; now, many athletes

“Most peop le work hop ing

they can f ind the i r l i fe

purpose. Before they know i t ,

l i fe has passed them by.“

− Joe V i ta le

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routinely do it. At one point, no one believed that humans could ever walk on the moon—been there and done that. And at one point, people assumed the disabled could not participate in sports; now we have the Special Olympics and Paralympic Games! The list goes on and on.

Again, I’m not sure anything is impossible. I’m not sure you can’t have it all. Certainly, the goals, intentions, and wishes of the average person taking part in this program are within reach. You may not know how to achieve something, but believe that the dream is somehow, some way, attainable.

The only thing you need to be aware of is what the Buddhists call hun-gry ghosts. These are desires that run you, rather than you running them. For example, a desire for new shoes, when you have many pairs and you don’t need more, might be a hungry ghost; a desire for more property, when you have plenty, might be a hungry ghost; and a desire for more food, when you just ate, might be a hungry ghost, too. “The hungry ghosts are driven by intense neurotic craving,” writes Dominic Houlder, in Mindfulness and Money. “Neurotic, because the craving they experi-ence is often the displaced desire for something else—something they are not consciously aware of.”

I am not trying to stop you from desiring anything. Desire is good. It is what motivates you to get up, to live, to work, to grow, and to love. It’s built into your human system. And you can use desire to transcend desire. But you also have to watch the mind. It can be like a wild mon-key, telling you to get this and that and never letting you have any peace. You need to watch out for the hungry ghosts.

On the other hand, you should honor the desires that well-up from deep within you—the wishes from your very core. When you come from that place, nothing is impossible; and you can have anything you can imagine. At that point, you are aligned with the Universe itself. In many ways, the Universe’s desires will be your desires.

The point is, you can attract virtually anything you want. But the question remains, do you want your goals to be like a spoiled child in a candy store or a wild monkey drunk on power; or, do your desires come from the essence of who you are?

Some people tell me, “I don’t know what I want.” I know those people. I used to be one of them. When I asked Dr. Robert Anthony, “What do you say to people who claim that they have no idea what they want?” He replied, “I tell them they are lying.” And he’s right. You know what you want. You know it right now. If you are one of the few who says that you don’t know what you want, you are lying to yourself. Some-where inside of you, right below what you are willing to admit, are your desires. You simply haven’t spoken them yet.

“Many o f us rat t le a long l i fe ’ s

h ighway wi th our same o ld

thought process ; not rea l ly

do ing bad , but not reach ing

our fu l l potent ia l . “

− Joe V i ta le

Page 84




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Joe Vitale’s MIRACLES COACHING Course Curriculum Volume 1: Illuminate the Path

J o e V i t a l e ’ s


Use the following questions to evaluate what you have learned from this module. (A Success Journal is available for you to write in, at the end of module 16.)

1. Who, or what, is really driving your life?

2. Are you living the life you deserve to be living? Why or why not?

3. Are you receiving the fulfillment that you need and deserve? Why or why not?


� Review this module and write down any questions you may have for your coach.

� Complete these exercises (on the pages that follow):

� Define the Divine: Capture your definition(s) of the Divine.

� Overcome Victimhood: Practice overcoming victimhood with the Ho’oponopono technique.

� Improve Yourself: Capture those things that you want to improve in yourself.

� Are You Inspired: Capture what you see as your inspired potential or intentions.

� Your Excuses: Identify and overcome your excuses.

� Overcome Excuses: Describe ways that you might be able to overcome your excuses.

“Th ink pos i t ive ly about

yourse l f. . . . ask God who

made you to keep on

remak ing you .”

− Norman V incentPea le

Page 85


What does the idea of the Divine mean to you? Is there a force in the universe that is greater than you? Is it a deity, a person or per-sons, a thought, a notion, or an equation? Detail what the Divine is to you?

Define the Divine


Page 86

Choose something or someone in your life right now that frus-trates you: a health problem, a fellow worker, whatever. As you hold that thing or person in your awareness, silently begin saying “I love you.” (If you want, you can direct the statement to the Divine.) Whether you believe this is working or not, trust the process, and continue doing it. All you have to do is repeat the phrase, “I love you.” As you do, you will begin to feel love, and you will begin to transform towards that thing or person. Now, write about this experience. Write how you feel, how you’ve changed, etc. Repeat this process as often as you like.

Overcome Victimhood

Page 87


Overcome Victimhood (cont.)


Page 88

What do you want to improve in yourself? List as many things as you like.

Improve Yourself

Page 89


Improve Yourself (cont.)


Page 90

Capture what you see as your inspired potential or intentions. Are there any that you classify as being Divinely inspired. How and why? Also, what inspires you and why?

Be Inspired

Page 91


Be Inspired (cont.)


Page 92

List those amazing things that other people have accomplished, which you wish you could do as well. Now, finish the follow-ing sentence with as many excuses you can think of for all those amazing things: I couldn’t do what he or she did because...

Your Excuses

Page 93


Your Excuses (cont.)


Page 94

Ask yourself if there’s any way on earth to get around your excuses. In other words, are the excuses you stated in the last exercise real or imagined? Have you tried to get past any of them? Has anyone else, ever, gotten past the same excuses? Write your answers here.

Overcome Excuses

Page 95


Overcome Excuses (cont.)
