Mollusca presentation10 4 ira




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Mollusca THE BEST

By Lachezar, Ivaylo, and Ira from 10/4

History of the Mollusca

o It is the second largest phylum of the animal kingdom 7

oThey are one of the earliest form of life 7

oStarting 530 million years ago 7

Name and Representatives

Mollusca is coming from the Latin word “mollis” which means soft 4

Representatives are snails, octopus, squids, mussels, chitons, oysters and other 4


They have soft body, with no cavity 5

The body has double cell layers 5

Bilaterally symmetrical (spherical symmetry) 5

Has a heart and aorta 5

Has a kidney 5

Open circularity system 5

Reproduction – sexual and unisexual 5

Normally they have a “head” and a “foot” region 5

They can live in the bottom of the ocean or in the top of the mountains 5

They vary in size – from microscopic to giant 5

One BIG Family

Closer related are worms and echinodermata 8

Humans are not very related because mollusca do not have vertebrae 8

Main Representatives of the Phylum


Octopus• Phylum mollusca 9

• Class cephalopoda 9

• Order-octopoda 9

• Octopuses are called “head footed because their tentacles are coming straight from the head, no body 9

• Interesting fact is that they have blue blood because of hemocyanin. The blood is pumped by 3 hearts, 2 for oxygen-rich blood to the gills and 1 for the rest of the body 9

• Masters of camouflage-They have sacks with pigments called chromatophores. They are surrounded by muscles which allow the octopus to control its color. 9

• Like their close, relatives the squids, octopuses release ink when they are in danger 9

• Octopuses may look lazy, but when they find themselves in danger they can boost up to 40 kph. They pump in water and release it with their funnel with great speed 9


Snails live in various locations – deserts, cool climates, etc 3

They eat plants, fruits, vegetables. 3

They are considered to be hermaphrodites 3


Live in salt and fresh water 6

Have a shell 6

Marine mussels have filament that help them to attach to rocks they are called byssus 6

They have a muscular foot that helps them dig 6



JOKES!!! haha

• Why did the shellfish go to the gym?To get stronger mussels.2

• "Why did the octopus cross the road?""To enslave and kill humanity!" (gallows humor) 2

• I take my new friend snail home with me and I get to the front of my house and he say, "That is a big house. I wouldn't want to carry that on my back.“1

Work Cited1. "Five Snail Jokes." Alive in Wonderland. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

<>. 2. "The Learning Zone: Jokes." O.U.M.N.H. Homepage. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

<>. 3. "Life Cycle of a Snail." Facts about Snails. Web. 30 Mar. 2010. <

Cycle-of-a-Snail.html>. 4. Mollusc Mollusk Mollusks. Web. 30 Mar. 2010. <>. 5. "The Mollusca." UCMP - University of California Museum of Paleontology. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

<>. 6. "Mussel -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

<>. 7. "Pearl Oysters | Pearl Mollusks | Pearl Molluscs |" Pearls | Pearl Information | Web. 30 Mar. 2010. <>.


9. Horton, Jennifer. "How Octopuses Work." 13 March 2008. <> 24 March 2010.

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