Monday, Jan. 14 1.Get out your spiral and put your binder on the floor 2. Update your Table of...


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Monday, Jan. 14

1. Get out your spiral and put your binder on the floor

2. Update your Table of ContentsDate Title Entry #01/7 Constitution Test Review 7401/9 The Role of the Citizen notes 7501/10 Bill of Rights packet 7601/14 Bill of Rights picture activity 77

3.Get out your Bill of Rights packet. If you did not get one last week then get one from me.

1st - Learning Recovery - Monday, Jan. 7

Name Ch. 6 section 1 and 2 worksheet

Ch. 6 section 5 and chapter 7 section 1 worksheet

Articles of Confederation political cartoon

U.S. map in 1790

Emily X X

Marina x

1st - Learning Recovery - Monday, Jan. 14

Name Federalists and Anti-Federalists reading/questions

Chapter 7 section 2 and 3 worksheet

Bryson X

Ulises X

Thomas X X

Marina x

Sarah X

5th - Learning RecoveryMonday, Jan. 14

Name Ch. 6 section 5 and chapter 7 section 1 worksheet

Articles of Confederation political cartoon

U.S. map in 1790

Moises X

Name Federalists and Anti-Federalists reading/questions

Chapter 7 section 2 and 3 worksheet

Semester Test Review

Moises X X XC.J. X X XEmily W. X

7th - Learning Recovery -Monday, Jan. 14

Name Ch. 6 section 5 and chapter 7 section 1 worksheet

Articles of Confederation political cartoon

U.S. map in 1790

Sonia X X X

Name Federalists and Anti-Federalists reading/questions

Chapter 7 section 2 and 3 worksheet

Sonia X X

Zach X

Alex X

Bradley X

8th - Learning Recovery - Thursday, Jan. 10

Name Holiday Ornament Federalists and Anti-Federalists reading/questions

Chapter 7 section 2 and 3 worksheet

1st Amendment – 5 Freedoms

(5) 1. A. SpeechB. ReligionC. AssemblyD. PressE. Petition

1st Amendment – 5 Freedoms

2. To threaten someone, yell fire in a crowded movie theater, yell bomb at the airport, write untruths about someone

1st Amendment – 5 Freedoms

3. Jail, fines, sued

1st Amendment – 5 Freedoms

4. Sacrifice, polygamy

1st Amendment – 5 Freedoms

5. Petition = formal request to a superior or one in authority for some favor, privilege, or redress of a grievance

Assembly = to gather or bring together

2nd Amendment – Right to Bear Arms

1. They can not be infringed upon

2nd Amendment – Right to Bear Arms

2. Grace period; felons can’t own guns; concealed weapons

3rd Amendment – Quartering of Soldiers

Quartering Act – before the Revolution colonists were forced to house British soldiers

4th Amendment – Search and Seizure

1. persons, houses, papers, and effects

4th Amendment – Search and Seizure

2. The date, what they expect to find, the location, a judge’s signature, and the area to be searched

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

1. Capital Crime = death penalty is a punishment

Infamous crime = a serious crime such as murder, rape, or robbery but the death penalty is not a punishment

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

2. Legal accusation returned by a grand jury, charging the commission or omission of some act, which is punishable by law

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

3. To decide if a person should be tried in a federal court; they examine the evidence against the accused to determine if there is enough evidence against him to merit a case going to court

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

4. 12 to 23

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

5. True bill = enough evidence to go to trial

No true bill = not enough evidence

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

6. Means a person can not be tried twice for the same crime

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

7. Nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself

5th Amendment: Fair Trial in Open Court

8. The right of the accused to be treated fairly and according to the law

6th Amendment: The Rights of a Person in Court

1. Held in the district where the crime took place

6th Amendment: The Rights of a Person in Court

2. So secret witness cannot bear witness against the accused

6th Amendment: The Rights of a Person in Court

3. Subpoena

7th Amendment: Jury Trials

1. $20

7th Amendment: Jury Trials

2. a. Where there was a question on a point of law

b. Where there has been a technical injustice in the court procedure.

8th Amendment: Excessive Bail and Punishment

1. Security given to the court to obtain the temporary release of a prisoner and guaranteeing his appearance at a designated time.

8th Amendment: Excessive Bail and Punishment

2. Intolerable Acts – closed the port of Boston; officials accused of crimes stood trial in Britain

Salem Witch Trials – hanged for accusation of witchcraft

8th Amendment: Excessive Bail and Punishment

3. Death penalty = opinion

9th Amendment: Other Rights

1. Right of Privacy; education; work where you want

9th Amendment: Other Rights

2. Article I Section 8 describes the necessary and proper clause (elastic clause) which is the basis for the implied powers or laws that aren’t listed in the Constitution

ex. Health Care

10th Amendment: Rights of the States

1. Given to the states and to the people of the states

ex. Divorce laws, speed limits, marriage laws

Amendement 11-27

Bill of Rights Picture Analysis #1Describe what is happening

in the pictureRight


numberExplanation on

why you choose this







Bill of Rights Picture Analysis #1Describe what is

happening in the pictureRight


numberExplanation on

why you choose this








Find an article in the newspaper or the internet that has to do with one of the first 10 amendments. Summarize the article and tell me which amendment it describes and why.
