Monitoring and data exchange at transboundary rivers


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Monitoring and data exchange

at transboundary rivers,including water quality cooperation

Almaty, 18-19 October 2010

Zsuzsanna BUZÁS



to W


Danube River Basin

801,473 km²

Different levels of coDifferent levels of coDifferent levels of coDifferent levels of coDifferent levels of coDifferent levels of coDifferent levels of coDifferent levels of co--------operationoperationoperationoperationoperationoperationoperationoperation

•• National level National level

•• Catchment levelCatchment level

•• International levelInternational level

•• Transboundary levelTransboundary level









Transboundary levelTransboundary level

Bilateral coBilateral co --operation is operation is essential for the daily essential for the daily water management in water management in Hungary, because 96 % Hungary, because 96 % of the water resources of the water resources is originated from the is originated from the neighbouring countriesneighbouring countries 7 7 neighboursneighbours

Transboundary levelTransboundary level

Flood control

Hydrological data exchange

Water quality protection

Surface water management

Groundwater management


common river basin

management plans


common common river basin river basin

management management plansplans

History:History:started with flood defenses, started with flood defenses, later data exchange andlater data exchange andwater quality controlwater quality control

CoCo--operation through commities, organised according t o operation through commities, organised according t o •• technical issues, ortechnical issues, or•• catchments catchments

only commitees related to water quality exist in al l relations only commitees related to water quality exist in al l relations

CoCo--operation in water resources management have starte doperation in water resources management have starte dCoCo--operation in groundwater related question is the ne xt stepoperation in groundwater related question is the ne xt stepCommon implementation of WFD is the new taskCommon implementation of WFD is the new task

CoCo--operation are based on regulationsoperation are based on regulations

Transboundary levelTransboundary levelTransboundary level

Transboundary levelTransboundary levelHungary - Romania

SubSub --committeescommittees-- on the protection against floods and excess waterson the protection against floods and excess waters-- on water management anon water management an d d hydrometeorologyhydrometeorology ,,-- on water quality on water quality

Hungary - Slovakia

Subsidiary bodiesSubsidiary bodies-- Danube subDanube sub --committeecommittee-- Ipoly/IpelIpoly/Ipel subsub--committeecommittee

-- Tisza subTisza sub--committeecommittee

-- SubSub --committee on water qualitycommittee on water quality-- Expert group on hydrologyExpert group on hydrology-- Expert group on the implementation Expert group on the implementation

on WFDon WFD


Transboundary levelTransboundary level

•• on the frontier crossing of the responsible authori tieson the frontier crossing of the responsible authori ties•• on the mutual visual aerial observations underon the mutual visual aerial observations under critical critical

situations caused by floods asituations caused by floods a nnd excess watersd excess waters

•• on flood on flood defensesdefenses ,,•• of mutual communication of meteorological and of mutual communication of meteorological and

hydrological data and informationhydrological data and information

•• on the water quality of transboundary surface water s,on the water quality of transboundary surface water s,

•• on the procedures in the cases of unexpected, hazar dous polluton the procedures in the cases of unexpected, hazar dous pollut ionion

•• on the on the defensesdefenses against excess waters,against excess waters,

•• on the concerted operation of on the concerted operation of somesome hydraulichydraulic structures,structures,

•• on the regular hydrological observation and on the regular hydrological observation and commoncommonidentification of water resourcesidentification of water resources ofof watercourseswatercourses

Romania - Hungary

RegulationRegulation of mutual communication of of mutual communication of meteorometeoro--

logical and hydrological data and informationlogical and hydrological data and information

Transboundary levelTransboundary level



Romania - Hungary

1. Article – Introduction2. Article – Aim of the mutual exchange of meteorological and hydrological

data and information3. Article – Regular daily meteorological data exchange4. Article – Water – snow equivalent data exchange5. Article – Meteorological warnings6. Article – Daily precipitation forecasts exchange7. Article – Regular daily hydrological data exchange8. Article – Hydrological warnings9. Article – Exchange of hydrological forecasts10. Article – Replacement of daily met and hydrological data11. Article – Exchange of yearly hydrological data12. Article – Exchange of groundwater data13. Article – Information of the changes of basic data 14. Article – Exchange of weather radar and radar warnings data15- Article – Long-term hydrological forecasts16. Article – Protocols and methods of exchange of data and information


Transboundary levelTransboundary level

•• rules of procedure of the HUrules of procedure of the HU --SK Committee SK Committee on Transboundary Waterson Transboundary Waters

•• in the in the defensedefense against floods, excess waters and iceagainst floods, excess waters and ice

•• during accidental pollutionsduring accidental pollutions

•• on the sampling, analyses and on the sampling, analyses and evevaaluationluation of water qualityof water quality

•• on the activities during the accidental pollutionon the activities during the accidental pollution



of the cooperation in the exchange of hydrological data and of the cooperation in the exchange of hydrological data and informationinformation

Slovakia - Hungary

Regulation on the sampling, analyses and the evaluation of Regulation on the sampling, analyses and the evaluation of

water quality performed by the authorities of the Hungarian water quality performed by the authorities of the Hungarian

Republic and the Slovak Republic in the watercourses Republic and the Slovak Republic in the watercourses

forming the frontier or crossed by itforming the frontier or crossed by it

Transboundary levelTransboundary level



Slovakia - Hungary

1 Article – Aim of the regulation2 Article – Institutions involved3 Article – Sampling places4 Article – Water quality parameters 5 Article - Sampling methods6 Article – Fulfilment of physical, chemical and biological samplings7 Article – Compliance of the results8 Article – Evaluation of the results9 Article – Applied threshold limits 10 Article – Qualification of the results11 Article – Periodical survey of the water quality changes 12 Article – Reporting obligations of the Water quality sub-

commission13 Article – Closing resolutions

Regulation on the sampling, analyses and the evaluation of Regulation on the sampling, analyses and the evaluation of

water quality performed by the authorities of the Hungarian water quality performed by the authorities of the Hungarian

Republic and the Slovak Republic in the watercourses Republic and the Slovak Republic in the watercourses

forming the frontier or crossed by itforming the frontier or crossed by it

Transboundary levelTransboundary level



Slovakia - Hungary

Annexes1. Data of involved institutions2. List of the sampling places and frequencies3. List of the parameters, units and yearly frequencies of

given parameters4. Sampling, conservation, transport and storage methods5. Fulfilment of physical, chemical and biological samplings6. Protocol for common sampling results7. Protocol for evaluation of the results8. Threshold values for evaluation9. Summary table10. Protocol for the water quality changes of given rivers

Regulation on the sampling, analyses and the evaluation of Regulation on the sampling, analyses and the evaluation of

water quality performed by the authorities of the Hungarian water quality performed by the authorities of the Hungarian

Republic and the Slovak Republic in the watercourses Republic and the Slovak Republic in the watercourses

forming the frontier or crossed by itforming the frontier or crossed by it

Transboundary levelTransboundary level



Slovakia - Hungary

4 Article – Water quality parameters- general physical and inorganic chemical parameters- general organic parameters- inorganic industrial pollutants parameters- organic industrial pollutants parameters- biological parameters (including based on WFD:

phytoplankton, - - macrophytes and phytobenthos, benthic invertebrate fauna)

12. Article – Reporting obligations of the Water quality sub-commission

- evaluation of water quality in written from and with general tabulators- general summary of the yearly water quality changes- reasons of the changes

Regulation on the activities during the accidental pollution of the Hungarian -Slovakian transboundary waters (1995)

Transboundary levelTransboundary level



Slovakia - Hungary

1-2. Article – Introduction and aim of the regulation3. Article – Information exchange4. Article – Evaluation of the risk and vulnerability5. Article – Contingency plans6. Article – Warning systems7. Article – Information about the events8. Article – Post-evaluation of accidental pollutions

List of annexes1. Data of the institutions which have to be informed in case of accidental pollutions (two responsible national ministries)2. Data of other institutions involved into accidental events information exchange 3. Protocol for reporting4. Technical means for identification of accident5. Contingency plans’ content 6. Information protocol about the accidental pollution

Trans NationalTrans National

MonitoringMonitoring NetworkNetwork –– TNMNTNMN by Igor by Igor LiskaLiska

TNMN TNMN until 2007until 2007

�� Based on national monitoring Based on national monitoring


�� Data from 77 sampling Data from 77 sampling

stations provided in 2005stations provided in 2005

�� 52 determinands in water52 determinands in water

�� Minimum sampling frequency Minimum sampling frequency

12/year (12/year (chemchem) 2/year () 2/year (biolbiol))

Load assessment programmeLoad assessment programme

�� Integrated with the TNMNIntegrated with the TNMN

�� LoadLoads are s are calculated for BODcalculated for BOD55, ,

inorganic nitrogen, inorganic nitrogen, orthoortho--phosphatephosphate--

phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus,

total phosphorus, suspended solids total phosphorus, suspended solids

and chloridesand chlorides (voluntary)(voluntary)

�� Minimum sampling frequency Minimum sampling frequency -- at at

least 24 per yearleast 24 per year

Major Objective Major Objective ––

Revised TNMNRevised TNMN

�� The major objectiveThe major objective

�� overview of the overview of the overall status and longoverall status and long--term term changeschanges of surface water and of surface water and –– where necessary where necessary –– groundwater on a basingroundwater on a basin--wide scalewide scale

�� particular attention paid to the particular attention paid to the transboundary transboundary effectseffects like pollution load like pollution load

link Danube nutrient loads and eutrophication Black link Danube nutrient loads and eutrophication Black SeaSea

monitoring of nutrient sources and pathways of monitoring of nutrient sources and pathways of nutrients in the DRB and the effects of measures to nutrients in the DRB and the effects of measures to reduce the nutrient loads into the Black Sea. reduce the nutrient loads into the Black Sea.

�� address all address all biological quality elementsbiological quality elements

Surveillance monitoring ISurveillance monitoring I

�� Quality elements:Quality elements:

�� all biological quality elements,all biological quality elements,

�� hydromorphological parameters,hydromorphological parameters,

�� all general physicoall general physico--chemical quality parameters,chemical quality parameters,

�� priority list pollutants which are discharged into the basin,priority list pollutants which are discharged into the basin,

�� other pollutants discharged in significant quantitiesother pollutants discharged in significant quantities

� Monitoring of surface water status� Provides assessment of the overall surface water status in

the DRB

Sampling and assessment: Once in the RBM plan perio d

Surveillance monitoring IISurveillance monitoring II

� Monitoring of specific pressures� Provides assessment of long term trends of specific

pollutants� Sound basis for load estimation transferred in marine

environmentSampling and assessment: annually

�� Quality elements:Quality elements:

�� organic pollutionorganic pollution

�� nutrient pollutionnutrient pollution

�� hazardous substanceshazardous substances

�� Biology (selected)Biology (selected)

hydromorphological parameters (site specific)hydromorphological parameters (site specific)

Water Waterconcentrations load assessment

Parameter Flow anually / 12 x per year dailyTemperature anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearTransparency (1) anually / 12 x per yearSuspended Solids (5) anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearDissolved Oxygen anually / 12 x per yearpH (5) anually / 12 x per yearConductivity @ 20 °C (5) anually / 12 x per yearAlkalinity (5) anually / 12 x per yearAmmonium (NH4

+ -N) (5) anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearNitrite (NO2

- -N) anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearNitrate (NO3

- -N) anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearOrganic Nitrogen anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearTotal Nitrogen anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearOrtho-Phosphate (PO4

3- -P) (2) anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearTotal Phosphorus anually / 12 x per year anually / 26 x per yearCalcium (Ca2+) (3, 4, 5) anually / 12 x per yearMagnesium (Mg2+) (4, 5) anually / 12 x per yearChloride (Cl-) anually / 12 x per yearAtrazine anually / 12 x per yearCadmium (6) anually / 12 x per yearLindane anually / 12 x per yearLead (6) anually / 12 x per yearMercury (6) anually / 12 x per yearNickel (6) anually / 12 x per yearArsenic (6) anually / 12 x per yearCopper (6) anually / 12 x per yearChromium (6) anually / 12 x per yearZinc (6) anually / 12 x per yearp,p´-DDT and its derivatives (7) anually / 1 or 12 x per yearCODCr (5) anually / 12 x per yearCODMn (5) anually / 12 x per yearDissolved Silica anually / 26 x per yearBOD5 anually / 12 x

(1) Only in coastal waters(2) Soluble reactive phosphorus SRP(3) Mentioned in the tables of the CIS Guidance document but not in the related mind map (4) Supporting parameter for hardness-dependent eqs of PS metals(5) Not for coastal waters(6) Measured in a dissolved form. Measurement of total concentration is optional(7) ; In areas with no risk of failure to meet the environmental objectives for DDT the monitoring frequency is once per year; in case of risk the frequency is 12 x year

Surveillance Monitoring 2

SM2 SM2 --



SM2 SM2 -- BiologyBiology


chlorophyllchlorophyll--a a


Saprobic index and number of families Saprobic index and number of families

(ASPT and EPT taxa optional)(ASPT and EPT taxa optional)


��benthic diatoms benthic diatoms ––optional parameteroptional parameter

Operational MonitoringOperational Monitoring


� assess status of those water bodies identified as being at risk of failing to meet their environmental objectives

� assess any changes in the status of such bodies resulting from the programmes of measures.

The selection of parameters for the operational monitoring is individual for a particular sampling site that represents an

affected water body.

Trans National Trans National

MonitoringMonitoring NetworkNetwork ––TNMN TNMN newnew setupsetup surfacesurface waterswaters

Investigative monitoringInvestigative monitoring

……primarily a national task.

At the basin-wide level:

Joint Danube Surveys (every 6 years) will be used to carry

out investigative monitoring as needed

� testing of new methods

�checking the impact of “new” chemical substances

•96 sites were successfully sampled along the 2,600 km stretch of the Danube River

•Survey gathered comprehensive information about riverine hydromorphology, biology and chemistry; microbiological and isotope analysis was performed as well

•Strengthened basin-wide cooperation among the scientific community

•Increased public awareness toward water quality protection


•Important tool for the preparation of the Danube River Basin Management Plan

•Generally improving trend along the main Danube River was confirmed

•Specific problems were reinforced, especially at a number of tributaries and downstream large cities

JDS2JDS2General General conclusionsconclusions



Monitoring Network Monitoring Network

TNMNTNMN1st 1st yearbookyearbook 19961996

- Harmonise or make comparable the monitoring and assessment methods

- Develop communication and data processing facilities- Elaborate joint programmes for monitoring the riverine

conditions in the Danube catchment as basis for the assessment of transboundary impacts

