Moral Lesson From the Life of Prophet Muhammad


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ByMrs. Amina Y.S Adamu

The life of Prophet Muhammad(SAW) is full of moral lessons.

Some of them are magnanimity and sympathy.

Means to forgive when you have the power to punish.

Sympathy means to pity someone who is in difficulty or error.

The Prophet (SAW) Showed these qualities in his life.

He taught his followers to emulate him. The people of Makah persecuted the

prophet (SAW)when he preached Islam to them.

They called him all names and hurt him and some of his followers.

At last he left Makkah, his hometown, because of what the people of Makkah did to him.

During the battle of Badar, the Muslims defeated the people of Makkah.

Some of the people were captured. The Prophet was advised to kill them,

but he did not.

Instead, he asked them to teach Muslim children how to read and write for ransom.

If he wanted he could kill them. But he was magnanimous to them.

Magnanimous: Very kind and generous toward an enemy or some you have defeated.

The same thing happened when he captured Makkah.

Many of the people of Makkah who persecuted him and the Muslims were at his mercy.

They all thought he was going to avenge what they did to him and his followers.

Therefore if he wanted he could kill all the people who persecuted him and his followers.

He however, pardoned all of them.

Sympathetic :