Morganton NC 28655 Phone: 828.433 · Morganton NC 28655 Phone: 828.433.5308 March 1, 2018 Oak Hill...


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Worship Opportunities

8:45 am

Contemporary Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Traditional Service

2239 NC Hwy 181

Morganton, NC 28655


Mission Statement

The purpose of Oak Hill United Methodist Church is to be an instrument em-powered by the Holy Spir-it representing the Lord, Jesus Christ, fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Purpose Show Christ’s love through our church by seeking God’s will through prayer, by wit-nessing to the saving grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and by ministering to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our con-gregation, community, and the world. We will strive to bring others to Christ by becoming a living testa-ment of God’s redeeming grace and a vessel of his love.

March 11 - Sunday morning worship:

“WHAT Would We DO Without Gossip?”

Ephesians 4:29-5:2

March 18 - Sunday morning worship:

“I PROMISE. . . .”, John 12:20-33,

Jeremiah 31:31-34

March 25 – Palm Sunday.

Palm procession before 11:00 service.

March 29 – Maundy Thursday

6:00-Meal, 7:00-Worship Service.

March 30 – Good Friday. Tenebrae services will take

place at 12:00 and 7:00.

Come to the sanctuary for this 40 minute meaningful


March. 31 - Easter egg hunt, 2:00.

There will be a magician and games for everyone.

Donations of snacks and drinks would be appreciated.

April 1 – Easter Sunday

Sonrise service, 7:00 am

Coffee and donuts in the fellowship hall after service

No 8:45 service

What is a Tenebrae service?

The word "tenebrae" comes from the Latin meaning "darkness." The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian Good Friday service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the Passion, death, and burial of Jesus Christ.

This increasing darkness is a stark reminder of the death Jesus suffered for us, and symbolizes real hopelessness in our world without God. Worshipers leave in silence to ponder the impact of Christ’s death in our world and in their lives, trusting in what came next, and waiting for the Resurrection to come.

The first service will be at the traditional time of 12:00 noon (see: Matt. 27:45; Mark 15:33). Second service will be at 7:00pm.


One of the practices of Lent is to give up something meaningful to us as a way to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Jesus was tempted 40 days in the wilder-ness. The 40 days of Lent is a good time to make our own sacrifices. Here is a list of things we can give up – maybe not the traditional chocolate, sodas, etc., but good food for thought.

Give up complaining—focus on gratitude. Give up pessimism—become an optimist. Give up harsh judgments—think kindly thoughts. Give up worry—trust Divine Providence. Give up discouragement—be full of hope. Give up bitterness—turn to forgiveness. Give up hatred—return good for evil. Give up negativism—be positive. Give up anger—be more patient. Give up pettiness—become mature. Give up gloom—enjoy the beauty that is all around you. Give up jealousy—pray for trust.

Give up gossiping—control your tongue. Give up sin—turn to virtue. Give up giving up—hang in there!



Thank you again for your warm welcome! It’s hard to

believe that it’s been over a month since I began work-

ing with you! I look forward to learning more about

OHUMC and getting acquainted with everyone. You are

my best source of information as we look to build our

music and worship arts ministry. If you or someone you

know would want to participate in our music ministry at

either service (even occasionally) please let me know!

We will make a place and a way for you to use your tal-

ent and make praising the Lord through song part of

your life! I can be reached at 828-381-8951 or ~Amalie

Thank you for your sympathy. We are forever grateful to you for helping us

during this difficult time. Your kindness and concern for our family means a

great deal to us. We appreciate all the

love and support you have extended to us during this period of sadness. Thank

you for keeping us in your thoughts and


Many blessings to you all, The Family of Braden “Bubby” Derrel


Carolyn Barlow Ervin Hennessee Janet Harbison Home bound: Patsy McNeely Cindy Chapman Phillip Davis Dewey Allen Lewis Paschall Marilyn Harton Connie Haneline Penny & Joe Helton Ray & Kay Webb Emma Hamrick Virginia Rader Iris Fox Ken Clark Lonnie Suiter Helen Winters Clara Dickson Extended family and friends: John Galloway, Bill Galloway’s brother ; Kevin Gardner; Matt Buchanan; Michalene Snell, Dean Galloway’s daugh-ter; Barbara Roper, Laura Gwyn’s sister, Edith Brandon, Jane Jackson’s mother, Amy Huffman, friend of Lisa Amrhein, Judy Thomas, fr iend of Lisa Amrhein, Baby “H” due in September, Steve Baker, son-in-law of Walt & Liz Hudson

2239 NC Hwy 181

Morganton NC 28655 Phone: 828.433.5308

March 1, 2018

Oak Hill United Methodist Church Family,

Our Church is truly blessed. He has given us gifts and talents for His purpose for our church. Working together in

love we are doing great things.

As chair of the finance committee, I thank you for your trust. We manage the finances in accordance with the

United Methodist Book of Discipline. We record all receipts and execute expenditure of funds within the intent of

the gifts provided. We follow the budget and insure expenditures are in keeping with the decisions of the Adminis-

trative Council. As chairman of the finance committee I sign or review all payments. All apportionments were

paid for 2017 and payments have been completed in January and February 2018. With strong giving, particularly

in the 4th quarter of last year, all obligations were met and Oak Hill United Methodist Church closed the year with

a fund balance for the operating budget $23,447.90. Our finances are audited annually and no discrepancies were

noted for the 2017 audit.

We report monthly to the Administrative Council on the availability of funds to meet plans and obligations. The

Administrative Council set a minimum fund balance to be maintained above $10,000. This is the equivalent the

norm for two weeks anticipated receipts and expenditures. The Administrative Council also directed apportion-

ments be paid on a monthly basis. I reported to the Administrative Council the fund balance at the end of January

was $14,536.47. With a cancelation of services on the first Sunday in February, the fund balance fell below the

minimum threshold; however, the generous giving on February 18th returned the cash balance above $10,000.

Funds are available to meet financial obligations. Accounts payable actions are completed in a timely manner. All

funds are managed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

In order to hold your trust, communication is the key. The finance committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday each

month at 5:30. At this meeting the “Statement of Revenue and Expenses Budget vs Actual” for the previous month

is reviewed. Additionally, the “Report of Special Funds” is presented. The February meeting was attended by fif-

teen members of the finance committee. The reports were approved along with an update of the description and

responsible managers of the special funds were approved. The Administrative Council meets each month and the

finances are reported at the meeting. Both of these meetings are open to all church members.

In addition to these traditional financial management practices and reports we are striving to better communicate

with the church family the finances of the church. There is now a subcommittee to audit and review the budget

and two additional positions at large were added to the finance committee. Reports are being reviewed for clarity

and ease of understanding. One goal is to include the operating budget and all special funds on one consolidated

cash flow statement. This will provide better visibility of special fund expenses such as MPAC mortgage pay-

ments, youth fund expenses and any transfers of monies between the funds. Additionally we will be changing the

weekly report in the bulletin to reflect balances year to date. We will conduct a quarterly finance committee meet-

ing when we will be welcoming attendance from the church family. The finance committee meeting on March

13th will be in the sanctuary and I strongly encourage you to attend. Please let us address your questions and con-

cerns together.

As a member of Oak Hill United Methodist Church, I thank God for our church and thank all of you for sharing

your prayers, gifts, talents, service, and witness. As finance chair, I ask for your patience, understanding and sup-

port. We always come together in love to meet the financial needs for our church. Our giving in large part fol-

lows attendance and participation in events. We need to recognize the need for regular giving to meet the cash

flow needs of the church. Even though we finished 2017 in good financial shape, there were times during the

past year when our bank balance was almost depleted. Therefore, we want to encourage everyone to give regular-

ly throughout the year.

Our historical pattern of getting behind in our cash flow during the year, and then catching up in the 4th quarter,

makes it difficult to properly manage our finances. I ask you to consider bank drafts and on-line giving for those

times you may not be able to attend the church services and fellowship. We have made great progress but must

be committed to meet all of our obligations, including our mortgage for our MPAC building. I am thankful for all

the special funds and offerings. To God be the glory and for His purpose we strive.

With Thanksgiving,

Scott Lookadoo

Chairman of Finance


After listening carefully over the past several years, we believe we have finally determined what those who

attend our church really want in music. Following are items that come up most frequently whenever this top-

ic is discussed:

More fast songs in the opening praise time and more slow songs in the opening praise time.

More of those wonderful, lovely old hymns and less of those stupid, dead old hymns.

A longer and shorter time of praise at the beginning of the service, and a shorter and longer time at the end.

Songs to flow quickly into each other and long periods of time between songs for reflection.

More repetition of songs so they can be learned and less repetition of songs because it gets boring singing the

same thing over and over.

More of those lovely arrangements with extra instruments and less of those showy arrangements with all

those instruments.

To sing the good old songs more often and to stop singing those same old songs.

Songs to be sung in higher and lower keys.

The band to play in the middle of the platform where they can be seen, back behind the plants where they

won’t be a distraction, louder, softer, faster, slower, more often, and not at all.

Newsletter publication - Beginning in April, the newsletter will be published in the first month of each

quarter. The deadline for the April newsletter is March 28th.

As many of you know, Oak Hill UMC received a

grant from Duke Endowment in 2015 to expand

our outreach ministries. I was hired as the

Children’s and Youth Director, and after some

discernment and ministry expansion, we

changed my title to Youth and Family

Outreach Minister. This has enabled me to focus

more fully on our youth ministry and outreach to our community.

I am continually blessed by all who are involved in these ministries, both participants and

leaders. As I share with others in our United Methodist connection about the youth and

outreach ministries of Oak Hill UMC, they are amazed at the dedication and compassion

of our leaders. They are inspired by the remarkable stories to share of the insights, trans-

formation, and growth of the participants in our ministries. I am full of gratitude for our min-

istry together and greatly appreciate everyone who supports our youth and family out-

reach ministries. I am happy to meet with anyone who has questions about our ministries

and share stories about what we’re up to and/or how you can be involved. Attached to

this article is an overview of our school year and year-long youth and family outreach

ministries. I pray that as you read over them, you will give thanks and prayerfully consider

how you might support these ministries with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and wit-

ness. Blessings and peace be with you all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(YEAR LONG) Youth and Family Outreach Ministries

Burke Augustine Literacy Project

Mission: to improve the reading, writing and spelling abilities of low-income children

and teens so they may lead more productive and fulfilling lives

Overview: The project trains and supports tutors who provide free, long-term, one-to-one instruc-

tion to struggling readers. Tutors are trained in a curriculum that is research based, multisensory,

structured and phonetic. Sixty free lessons are provided to students who are performing below

grade level and who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Our tutors meet with their students at least

twice a week. Note: This is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that our church started in March 2016.

Oak Hill Church Collaborative

Mission: to form and strengthen relationships between churches in Oak Hill so that we will partner

together to address needs in our community

Overview: We meet with Oak Hill area churches to consider the needs of our community, discuss

how we might share resources and partner together, and plan events/programs to address

needs and make a positive impact in our community. Current projects include: providing quarter-

ly or holiday meals for the Kinship Caregivers Support Group, hosting a booth at Family Day to en-

courage family interaction, a community wide Mission day (coming in April), and providing a

breakfast and ongoing support as needed to Oak Hill Elementary School teachers.


March 4th: Youth Leadership 101 (noon-3pm)

March 11th: Youth Leadership 102 (noon-3pm)

March 17th: Breakfast with the Easter Bunny (serve; 7:30am-11am)

March 18th: Lunch & Laughs (noon-3pm)

March 23rd-25th: Senior High Beach Retreat (leave at 1pm Friday)

April April 1st: decorate flowers on cross for Easter

April 11th: Messy Church & Meal (5:30pm)

April 13th-15th: Middle School IgniteUs Retreat

April 22nd: Picnic at the Park (noon-3pm)


May 2nd: Last day of CLUB—Community Meal (5:30pm)

May 4th: Family Game Night (5pm-10pm)

May 20th: Lunch & Laughs (noon-3pm)

May 23rd: Wednesday Church Celebration/Cookout

Summer Dates: June 3rd: Missional Network Youth Gathering—End of School Year Celebration/Cookout (5pm-8pm)

June 10th-16th: Youth Mission Trip to Savannah, GA

July 16th-20th: VBS with OHES Daycare (9am-noon)

August 3rd-6th: Spiritus at Ft. Caswell

SIGNUP DEADLINES If you haven’t already signed up for

the Mission Trip or IgniteUs, see Deacon Shannon ASAP!

Oak Hill UMC Youth

Service Opportunity:

Wednesdays (3pm-5:30pm)

*help with Wednesday

Church and/or CLUB *see Deacon Shannon for details

Continued from Year-Long Youth and Family Outreach Ministries:

Oak Hill UMC Youth Ministry

Mission: to provide a safe environment for youth to explore their faith, belong to and

participate in a Christian community where they are loved and accepted, and partici-

pate in God’s mission in the world through active service

Overview: Youth (7th-12th grade) meet regularly for fellowship, service, worship, and spir-

itual formation. We participate in retreats (both WNCCUMC conference events and self-

led) and missions in both our local community and beyond. We engage with other

youth groups through our Missional Network (UMC) to expand our network of faith

friends and experience different types of music, speakers, spiritual formation, and mis-

sions. We participate in the life of the church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service,

and witness. We enjoy conversations and experiences which challenge and strengthen

our faith and develop our potential as faithful disciples of Jesus.

(SCHOOL YEAR) Youth and Family Outreach Ministries

Search and Discovery (Tuesdays, 3pm-5pm)

Mission: to be a safe place for middle school students to fellowship, learn about

God, explore various ways of serving in the community, and build community

with one another; “searching for God’s will and discovering how to live into it”

Overview: We meet weekly to share a snack supper and rotate programming as needed

for the group. Programs include faith-based lessons, life-skills education, panel discussions

on issues youth face, games/recreation, etc. At least once a month we go out into the

community to serve in various capacities and learn about issues facing our community.

Service Projects may include: disaster relief, animal shelter, soup kitchen, making Comfort

Kits for DSS, trail cleanup, yardwork, etc.

Wednesday Church (Wednesdays, 2:45pm-4:30pm)

Mission: to be a safe space for children to learn about God, build

community with one another, receive a nutritious meal, and enjoy fellowship and recreation

Overview: Children and adult/youth leaders enjoy recreation and a snack supper, then

break into Family Groups for prayer, spiritual formation activities, and sharing.

Art, drama, games, and/or missions are part of our spiritual formation activities.

Once or twice a month we join together for fun, lively worship in the Sanctuary.

CLUB (Wednesdays, 4:30pm-5:30pm)

Mission: to build community and foster mentoring relationships between small

groups of children (K-5th) and youth/adult mentors while engaging together in

an interest area

Overview: We offer three to four interest-group options for the fall and spring semesters. Chil-

dren K-5th grade sign up for a CLUB (no more than twelve to a group). Two or more mentors

(high school youth and adults) are assigned to each group. Mentors are encouraged to

build relationships with the children as they explore a particular interest (i.e. nature, music,

chess, Spanish, dance, cooking, art, etc). Parents are invited to attend monthly meals

where CLUB participants share what they have learned and where parents can meet CLUB

leaders. (Spring club offerings are: nature, art, recreation, and cooking)

CLUB/ALP Monthly Meal (First Wednesday, 5:30pm-6:30pm; Oct.-Dec., Feb.-May)

Mission: to bring the community together for a meal that strengthens relationships among

community members, especially participants of CLUB/ALP and their families

Overview: Different individuals/groups provide a meal for CLUB participants and families;

Burke ALP students, tutors, and their families are also invited to participate.

In Memory, with Grateful Hearts

Oak Hill United Methodist Church recently said “Good-bye” to three of our faithful members. With

saddened and grateful hearts, we acknowledge the deep loss for their families, friends, and our church.

We also thank God for the countless blessings they shared with us, and celebrate their victory in Christ

our Lord.

Please continue to pray for the families and all loved ones of:

Richard “Dick” Smith – his wife Terry; his sons and their wives, Richard and Heather, Jason and Me-

gan; grandchildren Jacey, Jackson, Jameson, and Mallory; and his brother Larry and his wife, Teri.

Phillip Davis – his wife Hazel; daughter Victoria and her husband Chuck; son Barry and his wife

Myong; grandson Wesley; and sisters Nan and Betty.

Lewis Paschall – his son Tim and his wife, Nancy; daughter-in-law Betty; grandchildren George (wife:

Andrea), Robert, Rene, Laura, and Anna; great-grandsons Hunter and Charles; and steadfast friend and

caring companion Suzette Smith.

Each of these men are sorely missed, but we are grateful for the ways they lived their lives among us,

and for all they have gained. Your ongoing prayers and care for their families and loved ones are great-

ly appreciated.

~~~~*~~~~ ~~~~*~~~~ ~~~~*~~~~

Paschall Endowment Fund Established for Oak Hill United Methodist Church

The last project Lewis Paschall wanted to complete with help from his son, Tim, and Oak Hill UMC

Trustees was to establish an endowment in the name of his parents that will help fund the church’s ma-

jor property maintenance or capital improvements. The process started with a called Charge Confer-

ence on November 19, 2017, and concluded after much legwork by Trustees C.J. Shuffler and Barb

Russell on January 31, 2018. The Community Foundation of Burke County manages the endowment

account for the exclusive benefit of Oak Hill United Methodist Church.

We encourage gift donations directly to the George Lewis "Jake" and Annie Taylor Paschall Endow-

ment Fund, so the church may benefit from the earned proceeds. To give directly to the endowment,

make your check to “CFBC,” and on the memo line write, “Paschall Fund.” Send your check to CFBC,

P.O. Box 1156, Morganton, NC 28680. Thank you for your prayers and your gifts.

~~~~*~~~~ ~~~~*~~~~ ~~~~*~~~~

CPR Class – April 9: In keeping with our Safe Sanctuary Policy, we are offering

a CPR class especially for volunteers who work with children and youth in our church,

and for anyone who wants to renew or obtain CPR certification. CPR Class will meet on

Monday, April 9, at 5:30pm. Class size is limited to 15 participants at a cost of $20 each.

Thank you so much for your generous donation to The Meeting Place Morgan-ton in 2017. Donation Value $1,140. Your generosity provided meals, shel-ter, and case management that helped local families and individuals break the cycle of homelessness and attain perma-nent independent housing. We are a local mission serving the homeless: providing emergency shelter, transitioning homeless individuals and families into permanent housing, providing safe shel-ter, recovery, and continued case management to ensure success. Your continued support will help assure our continued work, provide a hand up to people in desperate need, and ensure they have the best opportunity for success. Thank You for Providing Hope & Opportunity,

~Katy Fox, Chair Daylight Savings Time

begins on Sunday, March 11th.

AMAZING GRACE - The Broadway Musical

AMAZING GRACE is a new original musical based on

the awe-inspiring true story behind the world’s most

beloved song. A captivating tale of romance, rebellion

and redemption, this radiant production follows one man

whose incredible journey ignited a historic wave of

change. John Newton, a willful and musically talented

young Englishman, faces a future as uncertain as the

turning tide. Coming of age as Britain sits atop an inter-

national empire of slavery, he finds himself torn be-

tween following in the footsteps of his father – a slave

trader – or embracing the more compassionate views of

his childhood sweetheart. Accompanied by his slave,

Thomas, John embarks on a perilous voyage on the high

seas. When that journey finds John in his darkest hour, a

transformative moment of self-reckoning inspires a

blazing anthem of hope that will finally guide him

home. Brimming with emotion and adventure, AMAZ-

ING GRACE is an unforgettable musical saga that cap-

tures the spirit of history’s sweetest and most powerful

sound: freedom.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Tickets: $35.00 (+ $3 per ticket facility fee & 6.75% NC sales tax)

Trustees If you notice something that needs to be brought to the

attention of the Trustees, pleaser remember to utilize the

Trustee project clipboard located on the side of the mail-

boxes in the hallway. They check it regularly.


Mar. 11 - Daylight Savings Time starts

Mar. 17 - St. Patrick’s Day

Mar. 25 – Palm Sunday

Mar. 29 – Maundy Thursday: 6:00-Meal, 7:00-Service

Mar. 30 – Good Friday

Mar. 31 - Easter egg hunt

Apr. 1 – Easter Sunday

Sonrise service, 7:00 am

Donuts & coffee in fellowship hall

Sunday School, 9:45 am

Worship Service, 11:00


Join us as we celebrate 31 years of promoting and

advocating life for babies, women, and families.

Music by the Hipps family; Comedy by Bob Clark

Featuring: Henry Jernigan, a highly regarded

pro-life speaker.

This is a free ticketed event.

For tickets or more information, call 828-437-4357.

March 15, 2018 at 6:00 pm

at Mt. Home Baptist Church

Oak Hill United Methodist Church 2239 NC Hwy 181

Morganton, NC 28655

blessing the world growing in love rooted in grace
