Mother- Teresa, Servant Leadership



The ppt covers various aspects of Mother Teresa as a Servant Leader

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Leadership Project Presentation

Group 13

Gaurav SinghPSN VamsiVishal Shetty

“You shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do”.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them”

“There is more hunger in the world for love and affection than for bread”.

"A life not lived for others is not a life."

Mother Teresa1910-97

Born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje(now the Capital of Macedonia), she was named ‘Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu’ by her parents.

Early Life

By the age 12 was convinced that she should commit herself to a religious life

She left home at age 18 to join the Sisters of Loreto as a missionary.

She took her first religious vows as a nun on 24 May 1931 and her solemn vows on 14 May 1937

She arrived in India in 1929, and began her novitiate in Darjeeling, near the Himalayan mountains

“By blood, I am Albanian. By citizenship, an Indian. By faith, I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to

my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus”

Mother Teresa-A living saint

 Founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1950 in Calcutta

 In 2012 it consisted of over 4,500 sisters and is active in 133 countries

For over 45 years, she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity's expansion

 Runs orphanages, AIDS hospices and charity centres worldwide, and caring for refugees, the blind, disabled, aged, alcoholics, the poor and homeless, and victims of floods, epidemics, and famine

Other initiatives

• 1952 – opens Nirmal Hriday for the dying.

• 1955 – opens Nirmala Shishua

for lost children or children's home.

• 1957 – opens Shanti Nagar a home for lepers.

Her order became well known for this work!

When Mother Teresa received the Nobel prize, she was asked, "What can we do to promote world peace?

She answered

“Go home and love your family”


• 1962 - Padma shri award • 1971 - Pope John XXIII peace prize • 1975 - Albert Schweiter international prize • 1976 - Pacem in Terris award • 1978 - Balzon prize • 1979 - Noble Peace Prize • 1983 - Order of Merit • 1985 - Medal of Freedom • 1994 - Golden Honour of the Nation [Albania]

• 1996 - Honorary citizenship of USA

1998 - Pope John Paul II begins the process to make her a saint. This process is still going on !

•Mother Teresa had played an active role in the orientation of new novitiates

•Always made an effort to get to know each of her people's strengths and needs

•Mother Teresa was also a great listener and focused a great deal on helping others grow

• Mother Teresa was completely focused on helping one person at a time

According to Sister Mary Prema (Current Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity)

The final days

• March 13th 1997 – she stepped down as head nun and is replaced by Sister Nirmala.

• September 5th 1997 – She died of a massive heart attack in Calcutta at the age of 87.

• Her funeral was on the 13th of September 1997. She was given a state funeral

Thank You