Mother's Mini-Message #2 Creator MiniMessages 2015.…  · Web viewGood day Bright Stars! Did...


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Prime Creator Mother/Father - Mini Messages - 2015

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May & Christine Burk


3 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #1

Open the Love Spigot

Oh, my Dear Children,

I am so delighted to be with you in this way today.  I will be bringing you what I am calling Creator Mother's “Mini Messages” on a daily basis for a while.  Now, of course they are Mini in length, but they will not be Mini in the walloping impact they will have in your life when you let them in.

Let's talk about that.  How do you let us in?  How do you let in Love, how do you let in the Company of Heaven, your Higher Self, your Twin flame, your Mother and Father?Since this is my first Mini-Message, I will get right to it.

You may be surprised, even shocked to hear this, but at all times, day and night, all of the Love, the adoration, the tenderness, the support, the resources, the care are pouring down on you at a maximum rate.  If you like, you can feel it now.  I will help you.  Take a chance.  Say to me, "Creator Mother, I would like a sample of that please," and I will help you bypass your own invented limitations for a moment so that we may be joined in an exquisite vortex of Love.

Now, let's discuss why you are not experiencing this at all times.  Are you ready?  I'm going to reveal to you how it works. When you descend into the Lower Dimensions, you invent reasons and beliefs that slow the flow of goodness that you would experience naturally, if you were in the Higher Dimensions - the 5th Dimension and above.  

Imagine this.  You have your hand on a spigot, like the one your garden hose hooks up to.  When you turn the valve to open, the Heavenly Love that your Creator Father and I are always pouring on you flows down into your Being.  When you are in this state, there is no lack, there is no need for external resources.  Everything you desire from your Divine Will that is aligned with our Will is infinitely present and available for you.

Long ago, when you descended into the Lower Dimensions - the 4th Dimension and below - you easily remembered that you had a spigot and that you had sole control over the spigot.  As the long eons passed, and the experience in the Lower Dimensions became more arduous, you forgot all about the spigot.

Great news.  It is there, you have complete command over it, and even more great news:  Creator Father and I and your Beloved Company of Heaven are on standby to help you recall how to open your spigot and turn on the waterfall of unending adoration and nourishment for your Body and Soul.  There I have encoded it.

I Love each of you.  It is time for us to be close.  I speak for Creator Father as well, of course. I stand together with your Company of Heaven.  We are not even a breath away.  Please my darlings, open your spigot and let in our endless Love.

It is time.I am your Creator Mother.

Channeled by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 3, 2015


4 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #2

Time to Finish the Lower-Dimensional Hokey Pokey

Good day Bright Stars!  

Did you know that?  Did you know that you are the Brilliant Stars that Light up Creator Father's and my sky?  Every precious one of you do.  Yes, you too.  Every one of you is the most treasured.  Every one of you receives all the Love we have to give, which is an infinite and ever expanding amount.  As we get better and better at Loving, because we are always growing too, we turn and give it all to you.  That is why our Love is always fresh and abundant, so open your spigot!  Here comes a new batch of Heavenly Love!

Now that's the way I like to begin everything we do, covered and smothered in Love like a hot fudge Sundae.  I mention ice cream just now especially for our Jesus-Sananda who is here by my side as I speak this to you today.  I have asked him to be here to help out with today's Creator Mother's Mini-Message.  Sananda likes ice cream very much; he likes about every kind of ice cream.  We all have favourite treats from when we have incarnated on Earth.  

We want you to get to know us like that now.  We want you to know us, Creator Father and I and your Company of Heaven, personally and familiarly.  We want our bond with you to be warm and close, our communications to be frequent and full of laughter.  Again I tell you that we here in the Company of Heaven are not different from you.  We think of our differences as only a difference in capacity.  In this infinite moment, Creator Father and I have more capacity to Love, and that makes us more capable of all things.  That is truly the only difference between us - capacity.  And yours is always growing.  The rest

is just perspective.  I will give you an example:  

A long time ago, we all began this Project for Planet Earth.  We can use the Project's formal title, “The Earth Project”, or for today's Mini-Message we can also just call this Project the “Hokey Pokey”.  You know that dance you did as a child?  Well, it could be said that all of us are at varying stages of finishing the Earth Project dance, the Hokey Pokey.  Some of us, like our Sananda here, are personally finished dancing that dance.  They have put all their parts in and taken all their parts out of the Earth's Lower Dimensional Matrix.  Then, they Come Home to Creator Father and I in between lifetimes and "shake it all about" because that is what it's all about.  It's all about the Lessons and the Love.  

Many of you are caught on a first line of the Song, as if your record is skipping and stuck there.  You put your Heart in...You put your Heart in...You put your Heart in... but you haven't taken your Heart out.  You have left your battered Heart in the values and beliefs of the Lower Dimensional Dark Matrix, and yet you wonder why it feels broken.  You put your brain in... but you haven't taken your brain out, so your thinking is still grooved into the dark and diabolical programming that always leads you astray.  You put your Will in and you gave it to your Lower Dimensional Ego, which certainly does everything possible to stop you from taking it out, so you live a life based on superficial gratifications rather than the everlasting fulfillment of aligning with our Divine Will.  

The solution is easy.  You just need to finish the dance.  Whatever you put into the Lower Dimensional Matrix, you need to take back out.  You do this by re-establishing your Divine Will, reclaiming your Heart, and taking possession of your own brain.  

You must reclaim your Will to direct and manage your own life, your own thinking, feeling and behaving.  No one has the right to own you.  You are not simply a leaf in the wind, being buffeted about by external forces.  If you believe you are controlled by the Dark elements in your life, you have put your whole self into the Matrix, then you insist you haven't - you are just responding to "Reality," and you have forgotten to take your Whole Self out.

This is the solution, of course.  First you must be courageous enough to "shake it all about."  Everything.  Your pet ideas, your precious beliefs, your opinions about yourself.  Leave nothing unquestioned, nothing unexamined.  Let nothing slip by your conscious attention. Be attentive as you have never been before.  Allow yourself to apply the strength of your own Divine Will to polishing the sheen of your own Self-love, and you will be able to look at anything, change anything.

Now you are ready to really do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.

And that's what it's all about.  

I am your Creator Mother.

Channeled by Kathryn E. May and Christine Burk, June 4, 2015


 5 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #4 Peace Is Declared on Earth - Our DNA Is Upgraded Good Day Treasured Children! I do not call you "Children" to suggest vulnerable or immature, but rather to alight the place within you that knows and cannot deny that you are our precious, wanted and Beloved Children, always.  You were born in Love, and it is time to come Home to be Loved until Love is all that exists in your Being once more.  You are Creator Father's and my Child, and we adore you.  We wait holding our breath to see if this will be the moment you come into our arms.  Let us immerse you in our tenderness and cover you in kisses, so you may quickly and easily finish your healing for the wrap up of the Earth Project.   My Scribe is giggling because I arrived to awake her this morning for this Message wearing a Peace shirt and a tool belt.  I wore these things to alert her of the theme of today's Mini-Message and because I Love to hear her laugh.  She laughs easily and often; it's one of the reasons we in the Higher Realms can effortlessly communicate with her.  She twinkles with laughter, and it allows her to see me within, in her mind's eye, you might say.  You can do this too! 

 Ask Creator Father and me to come, and we will.  We will support and enhance your valiant efforts to heal yourselves as you seek out and truly see where you changed your loyal alignment from us to a Dark Program - a Program that is not the Source of Light, so it can never ever accomplish its deceitful promises of fulfillment to you.  In bright contrast, your choice to re-connect with Creator Father and Me will Activate the DNA upgrade we have just released.                                                                                                                                                This will help you to open, purify and fortify the channel that is the core of Light running through the center of your being, your Pillar of Light.  You will be better able to receive the constant stream of messages we - along with your Higher Self, Twin Soul, Galactic Federation healing team and other members of the Company of Heaven - are beaming to you.

 Here is big hint for better communicating with us.  Turn off your Inner Editor.  When we send you an image and a feeling or some words... let them stand as they are.  Do not think, "I must not be seeing this, after all, Creator Mother God would not show up wearing a tool belt and Peace sign, and carrying a L-O-V-E sign."  Of course I would!  And just wait until you see the endless parade of fantastic outfits Archangel Michael has in store for you!  I come to you today with thrilling news of a magnificent event that has occurred last night.  Two of your Lightworkers, who are diligently working on a Peace Project for all upon Earth (more to be revealed soon!), approached the Council and asked that the Council mark the moment and officially declare Peace On Earth.  Indeed a collective Light quorum and quotient (enough people at a high enough level) has been reached upon Earth, so this factor, along with the success of many of our Lightworker Boots-on-the-Ground are having on their Projects at this time, freed us to be able to grant this request and... declare official and lasting Peace.  Exactly what does this mean?  The vibration of Humanity is rising and holding steady at higher levels.  Pods of Lightworkers are quietly accomplishing their tasks involving NESARA, Safety, Prosperity, Peace, Landings, The Temple of Light and so on.  When you begin to hear about the details of these Projects, you will surely be amazed at what has been going on behind the scenes.  It means that Peace is now the overriding value and culture of Planet Earth.  Wars, panic, domination, engineered lack, poverty and debt slavery will peter out for lack of support and involvement.   If you choose to participate in any thought, feeling or belief of lack, fear, doubt or selfishness as this shift in consciousness comes fully into fruition, you will be delaying the inevitable glorious arrival of the peaceful New Golden Age.   Decide now where your allegiance lies because you will be accountable for the results of your actions.Peace is a refusal to take part in any kind of violence, ever.

 Peace is not a passive state.  Peace is readiness at every moment to engage with Strength, Love, Balance, Independence, Unity, Compassion, Generosity, Clarity, Humor and intense steadfast Divine Will. Peace is Light.  Peace is your Father and me. It is our Destiny. We Love you without end.  I am your Creator Mother.

Channeled by Kathryn E. May and Christine Burk, June 5, 2015


7 June 2015 – Creator Mother-God’s Message #5

Beloved Lightbearers, our own Darling Children. 

Today I will tell you one of Father's favourite things to say to our Dearest Children of Earth, especially whenever you come to us seeking relief from the conditions of the often trying circumstances of your lives.

Creator Father says...

"When you don't have cake, eat bread.When you don't have bread, drink water.When you don't have water, sit in Peace and meditate."

Father's words are encoded with uplifting frequencies of Light and Love to help you perceive and embody the profound and caring meanings embedded in what he says.  What we say to you is always a transmission of energies perceivable on many different levels. 

To gain the most from what we say to you, it is best to just relax and choose to let us in... we will always come.  We will soothe, elevate, inspire, reflect and Love you, in order to support your valiant efforts towards being loving and for your Ascension preparations.

Creator Father is encouraging you to be flexible.  See things as they are.  Let go of rigid beliefs and binding expectations.  If you dare to fully follow Father's words in body and spirit, you will have instant, deep and lasting Peace.  He shows you the doorway to Prosperity.  Creator Father shows you how to run free in the breeze through the meadow by the sea - no matter what is going on around you. 

Your Creator Father and I offer you this ease in many ways now.  It is up to you to embrace what we offer, so you may come fully into the time of laughter and grace.  This grace is the fulfillment of all you have experienced and learned.  As we have been showing you so often in recent days, the portal from the old and decaying Matrix to the threshold of your New Earth is your willingness to see and release the dark and damaging programming which has kept you upside down and inside out.

Walk outside and turn your face into the sunshine.  Invite the rays of The Great Central Sun to flood your body and warm your heart.  Your Father and I are the Light of the Great Central Sun.    Let in the sunny rays which are comprised of uplifting codes, DNA upgrades and restorative love.Bask in our warmth.

Be flexible, patient, kind and ready.

Your Father and I love you so dearly.

I am your Creator Mother. 

Through Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 7, 2015


9 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #6

Animals Are Mighty Masters, Showing You the Way Home

Many Animals Are Respected As Powerful and Steadfast Lightworkers!

Beautiful day sweet children!

It is me, your Mother.  How long I have waited to be able to speak with you in this close and familiar way.  Thank you for you deep and diligent inner-work - your efforts to raise up and shine like the jewels you truly are.  It allows us to be close in every way. 

Today my Mini-Message will not be "mini" because of its length but as a tribute to the stature of some of the mightiest mini-Masters on Earth.  I will use as many words as needed to explain the courage and triumph of these great ones who live among you and who serve with devotion, constancy and pure love.  They have been forging the way for and with you to transcend the thick blanket of destructive programming that has covered Earth. 

Today I will be naming names - that is, I will be using specific examples of some of the Masters from this esteemed group of Lightworkers - the Ascending animals - because they are the brave leaders who live among you, showing the way.  Yet, I want you to know that I could be speaking about any one of the millions of pint-sized Masters you all come in contact with every day.  Have I piqued your interest?

BamBam, the Energy Super-Scrubber

Let's begin with little BamBam.   BamBam is a cat who lives on the New York farm with Kathryn, Christine and Jade.  She has been with Christine since she was tiny.  She and her sister Pebbles are a lot like you; they have Missions, contracts and special gifts, just as each of you do.  BamBam knows her best ability.  As she calls it, she is an "Energy Super-Scrubber."  This means she knows how to transmute and clean energy in her environment. 

BamBam takes her job very seriously, and she works diligently around the clock to keep the home clear of energetic toxins, dark thoughtforms and entities.  She works with her own team of Angels and Guides to maintain a pristine environment for her family and for all who visit the Temple of Light.  

Christine, Pebbles and BamBam have always practiced their family Mission, which is to emanate Love, together.  All three sit on the bed or sometimes just join in their minds and their hearts, and they send out waves of love and healing to the world and to the Unified Crystalline Grid of Light.  Pebbles and BamBam have always called this special family effort "Trinity Time."  Like all of you, BamBam also has her own personal lessons and Mission. 

Before incarnating, BamBam chose two important Missions.  Firstly, she asked and so was assigned to be a helper, healer, supporter and Super-Scrubber for our dear Christine.  BamBam knew that Christine was to have a challenging Mission, and she wanted very much to come to love and assist Christine.  Little BamBam knew that Christine, like so many of you Lightworkers, was taking on a Mission that would help with the Ascension of Planet Earth.  BamBam wanted to help too!  All of your pets consciously chose to be with you, to love and support you as well.

"Primal" Is Not Natural, It's a Program Whose Time Is Up!

BamBam's other Mission is very important to Earth.  She is on a team of animals from across the planet who are working hard to help heal and end the Primal Programming.  Just like the animals, your true nature is peaceful, joyful, relaxed and loving.  Our beloved Masters and channels have explained to you that any other emotion including fear, anger, impatience, confusion, jealousy, selfishness, depression and sadness is NOT your true nature but something you are doing, experiencing and expressing separate from your true nature, like a suit of clothing that overlays who you really are.  These ill-disposed emotions and qualities are the result of the negative programming you have all taken on while living in the old Earth Matrix.  Your job now is to see how you have been saturated with this programming and extricate yourself from it.

The animals and other Kingdoms of Earth are in the same position as you.  The true nature of animals - all animals - is peaceful, joyful, generous and loving.  The main dark program that animals harbor is the Primal Program, which contains beliefs and behaviors such as: It is natural for animals to hunt, eat each other, be aggressive, defend their territory, and so on.  There are human and animal Lightworkers across the globe helping animals transition to higher dimensional living as Father and I flood Earth with our Light for your Ascension.  It may seem impossible to you that a predator who has fed itself and its young by killing and eating other animals could possibly survive any other way, but I tell you, the animals of Inner Earth and many other higher dimensional planets do just that.  They enjoy a

vegetarian diet just as their human counterparts do.  You remember our promise, do you not, that there is a Paradise coming to Earth.  The lion will truly lie down with the lamb.

Our devoted BamBam is helping to end the Primal Programming for all felines.  She works very hard, and her colossal efforts are endearing to us.  When BamBam is outside and she feels overcome with the urge to hunt, she interrupts the program by interrupting herself.  She will force herself to come indoors for a while, or she will sit under a big tree, where she receives waves of helpful, calming energy from the tree.  Sometimes she will call out to the family, who then encourage and praise her.  BamBam is conscious and diligent in her efforts to carry out her Mission and heal this programming, and she is willing to reach out for help if necessary.

Please realize that you have been programmed to believe that primal behavior is natural and immutable.  Father and I tell you now that this is not true. 

Angel, the Wonder Dog Overcomes the Program "All Attention Is Love"

We all know and love Meg, Kathryn's co-host and our darling daughter who is forging the way by unsnarling herself from some of the most heinous programming of the old Matrix.  She is also caring for Angel, the wonder dog, on her farm in Atlanta while Jade and her family do their work up North.  Meg and Angel joined forces to identify and leave behind an insidious program that defines attention - all attention - as good.  Within the Matrix, even torture or hatred, followed by admiration, becomes equal to love.  

For Meg this meant that whether she was treated poorly or not didn't matter. For little Angel, frenetic, aggressive and threatening behavior was the norm.  She would bark relentlessly, until her hyper behavior was annoying and grating to those around her.  All Angel cared about was getting attention, although she was never actually HAPPY demanding attention in negative ways. This is a draining and obnoxious program that we have all experienced at one time or another in ourselves and others. 

Once Meg had taken a long look at this programming within herself, examining it closely to see where it had come from and how she had engaged in it, she came to Father and me for support in ending it.  We asked her to make a long list of the things she has called Love.  She wrote a whopper list, which we will share with you at a later time, and she came to the conclusion that Love is not attention.  Love is LOVE.  Bravo! 

Truth is what unravels programming, so with this truth in their hearts, Meg and Angel began to work to help Angel overcome this programming for herself, and so she could lead the way for the Animal Kingdom.  Meg began to celebrate and adore Angel for her big heart and crackerjack personality. 

Angel became aware of her demanding ways and worked hard to change them.  With Meg's attentive care and warm love, Angel made conscious choice after choice to change.  Now, Angel is a calm pleasure who interacts with respect and awareness.  We

beam praise to our little Angel for her tremendous accomplishment in fulfilling her agreement with us and overcoming this intense programming. 

Animals Communicate...  Are You Listening?

Father and I would like to make you all aware that it is now easier than ever to communicate with animals.  Everyone has the capacity to do it.  We also send a special blessing this day to all of the animal communicators who work on behalf of our treasured animals.  Meg, Kathryn, Christine and others in the family have an animal communicator who we simply adore.  She is a Master in her own right, and her service is impeccable.  If you ask your Higher Self and guide team, they will help you to communicate with your animals better and to connect with one of the many talented animal communicators who can open doors for you.  

Pebbles, the Sonic Wave Healer

Pebbles is an elegant and mature cat who is also consciously working to undo dark programming for herself and for the Animal Kingdom.  Her special gift, and a large part of her Mission, is to sit calmly, connect with higher dimensional energies and emit them in waves into the environment around her.  As she knows, her job title is, "Sonic Wave Healer," and she is excellent at it.  She often works consciously with the cetaceans for training and coordinates as a liaison with them to anchor and emit their uplifting emanations to help Earth and all life upon her.

Through her team of guides and Angels, Pebbles routinely receives assignments from us.  Recently, her Higher Self agreed to take on the challenge of overcoming the dark program, "I didn't mean to do it (therefore I am not responsible for what I did)."  Miss Pebbles went outside and caught a snake.  Christine immediately intervened. 

Christine scooped Pebbles into her arms and began reminding her that we never hurt other living beings.  Pebbles replied, "I didn't mean to hurt it."  Christine explained to Pebbles that her declared intentions did not match the results of her actions.  Christine looked deeply into Pebbles eyes, and Pebbles understood.  She asked Christine if she had made that little thing leave her body?  Christine said that she had not, but that Pebbles must think deeply about why she would hurt another being. 

Pebbles quarantined herself to the scarf basket for two days to think deeply.  Of course Christine covered her in kisses and encouragement during this time.  Pebbles re-joined the center of the family once she had finished working through her task.  She overcame the shame by acknowledging her mistake.  This made it possible for her to make a decision about her own character and how she would behave in the future.

As we cheer and beam for your accomplishments, we also feel deep love and admiration for these Masters as they come through their assignments, challenges and Missions.  Did

you know that the animals around you were working so diligently to do their part to learn and to raise Earth into higher dimensions?  

Pound for Pound, the Mightiest Kumara of Them All, Dr. Che

Che is Kathryn's little dog.  He is a mighty mighty Master, who has recently really come into his own.  When the family asked why Che had been making such leaps and bounds in his abilities, we explained to them through their beloved communicator that Che had needed two things to expand his talents.  First, he needed safety.  In the past, as part of his preparation, Che had been exposed to other programmed animals who were unpredictable and aggressive.  This had temporarily made him a bit anxious and unable to focus on his deeper qualities.  Second, Che, like all young Masters, needed loving encouragement so he could stretch his wings and fly - and oh, has he ever done that!

In Che's home family members are currently going through an arduous physical healing process.  Working closely with Sananda and with the warm praise and overflowing appreciation of his family, Che has become a remarkable healer.  We all call him Dr. Che.  Every day, he scans the family and their various conditions.  He organizes his day to ensure he fits everyone in for the healing they need.  Then, he will go from family member to member offering long sessions of healing in which he curls his body next to theirs and emits frequencies that repair and smooth weary systems and painful conditions. 

Che is tireless in his service.  Some days, he spends up to 16 hours healing the neediest.  He is quite a Master, for he remains in perfect harmony and balance as he allows Sananda, Archangel Michael, Father and I to come through and give healing.  Che works closely with the Arcturians and the Galactic Federation medical teams.  Che has been given the title "Doctor" by us because this mighty little snuggler now embodies all a true doctor is meant to be. 

I have taken great care to bring you these stories today.  I verify the validity of all these colossal Masters have accomplished and are still consciously attempting.   Sometimes they get a little frustrated or feel limited by the programming and the evolving nature of the bodies they are in.  That is when their family reminds them that they are much more than just their body or their temporary primal nature - they are mighty Masters of Love here to help Earth and all her Kingdoms Ascend. 

Let these Masters be an inspiring example for all.  How they are going after their programming in order to transcend is exactly how you can and must go after yours.  It is the way to freedom.  Love is the way.

I am your Creator Mother.

Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 9, 2015


9 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 7

The Trouble with Pleading Innocent

Today I will give you just a small taste of a subject we will be studying together in the near future.  It is a key to your freedom, a mystery door that was closed eons ago.  I urge you to walk with me, venture forth into unknown territory, and risk losing everything you have ever found annoying, infuriating, hurtful and irreconcilable about missed communications with others.

I am about to open a subject that has been supposedly settled ages ago, and I intend to make you question everything you thought you knew about Human nature, forgiveness, and peaceful negotiations.  I hope I have you interested.  I will begin with a poem from Kathryn's book, Who Needs Light.  It illustrates a particular personality trait that is all too familiar:


Oh my, did I spill that?How clumsy of me.Your new suit, your briefcase,All sopping with tea.I wish I were suave and Well-ordered like you.I just stumble alongAnd - oops - step on your shoe.

You're competent, worldly,Not fearful like I am.You're brave and secure,You go forth like a lion,While I'm so distracted,My mind's left ajar...Oh, yes, did I tell youI totaled your car.

Oh, I'm so hopeless,You'll hate me, you see,I locked out the childrenAnd misplaced the key.But the neighbour was lovely,The police were so gracious,Now, where is my wallet?I guess I've displaced it.

I'll just have to borrowA wee bit of money.I'm so glad I could helpWhen you needed me, Honey.

It is funny, except when you are brought back to incidents in your own life that left you frustrated, angry and stonewalled by a clever acting job that was intended to convince you that this person is truly helpless, mentally unhinged, and completely unaware of her/his actions and the frustration they cause others.

Here is the truth:  She/he has perfected the Insanity Plea: "I didn't know what I was doing."  "I didn't intend to do it."  She will probably apologize, but her apologies will sound inane and shallow, and yet she is often described by those who know her as having "a Big Heart."  They probably remind each other that in spite of her many "accidents" or "mistakes," she deserves to be forgiven and tolerated because "she means well."  

Nonsense. This manipulator is clever, calculating and conniving - a Master of Human vulnerability and dark programming.  She blind-sides people all the time because of the program that is running in them behind the scenes - one so pervasive that it is invisible in plain sight.

There is a simple idea without which this whole program would crash and burn. It is this:  the belief that people are so stupid, so out of control, so lacking in introspection or empathy for others that they really don't know what they are doing much of the time.  The scaffolding that holds up this concept rests upon a second equally absurd idea - that anyone who professes innocence by reason of unconsciousness is making a noble gesture, and deserves to be forgiven, especially if they apologize.  To refuse forgiveness would be uncharitable and unfair.  I say, nonsense again.

Now, I challenge you to identify the Big Lies in this program and explain why they have served to destroy trust, undermine good will, and make a mockery of integrity.  They reward dishonesty, disguise malevolence as kindness, and deprive the victim of any hope for real justice.  Are you ready?  Here they are:

Human Beings are afflicted with a deep and unfathomable "unconscious" which controls their actions, against their own true feelings and beliefs. They can't help it.It is an honourable and praiseworthy effort when a person apologizes for their hurtful actions, even if they were "unconsciously" motivated.

Now I invite you to examine your own life, your "accidents" and those inflicted upon you, and prepare a small analysis or essay with brief examples. Show us how this single booby-trap completely precludes Mastery, and why using it in your own defense will prevent your Ascension, drive your loved ones crazy, and create a wedge that will destroy close relationships.

Together, we will dismantle one of the most insidious programs the Anunnaki ever created and imposed upon Humankind. Join us in the Temple of Light, where we will

begin to untangle and de-construct this insult to the Creativity and consciousness of humankind.

I am your Creator Mother, looking forward to our Ascension work together.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 9, 2015


10 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #8

You're The Last To Know

Congratulations.  Strike up the band.  Let the balloons fly.  

It's not just that the battle is over, or the war is over.  The entire struggle is over.

Dear Lightbearers, you have done it!  The last important step is for you to comprehend that you have done it.

What have you done?  The New Day has already dawned on Planet Earth.  Love wins.The Light has risen.  You are being restored as we speak.The momentum has been reached and sustained.Light floods every corner of your Earth.

It is as though a surprise party has been carefully planned.  The guests have all arrived and found their hiding places.  The food smells delicious.  The punch bowl is full and presents are piled on the tables.  Everyone knows about the celebration and is laying in wait to jump up, flip on the light switch and yell, "Surprise!"

The only one who is yet unaware that it is time for the celebration is you.But there is great news.  You are standing at the door with your hand on the knob.Fling open the door!  Let go of the old ways once and for all.  Step into the party where we will pat you on your back, lift you on your shoulders and call your name with a great megaphone.  Together we will celebrate for evermore.

Children of Earth, pods of unstoppable, undaunted Lightworkers such as yourselves work alone and in small groups, like camp fires dotting your globe.If you could see what we see, your laughter and relief would fill the Heavens.

So, your Father and I come to tell you now.  We know this home stretch has left you exhausted.  We see that you have clung with all your heart to your mission, and we tell you now, you have succeeded.

Stay the course but a moment longer.  You have done it.  We have done it.In the next breath you will begin to see the grand results of your long efforts.Hold on, Children.  Shine your Light, sing your Heartsong.  We are there.  We are there.

Creator Mother

Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May,  June 10, 2015


11 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #9

Where Your Foot Is, That's Your Path

Did you know that cats, whether living wild on the plains of Africa or curled up in your basket of socks at home, have individual and group assignments?  Many cats have the responsibility of walking the Earth when they are frolicking outdoors to help clear and energize the ley lines that are the meridians of Earth.

Of course, as I have shown you, many cats also have personal and individualized lifetime assignments and projects and missions as well.  For instance, a cat may also be entrusted with helping their human who suffers from seizures to be alerted when a seizure is coming and to remain calm and safe when it happens.  

The same may be said of Lightworkers.  At this important moment in Earth's exciting story, ALL are entrusted and trained to bear the Light that is to carry and emanate the Love of Father and me throughout every occurrence of their lives.  

Of course, you know that Lightworkers have individual assignments, projects and missions as well.  I come to you today to tell you with absolute certainty that at this current moment, you are carrying out and fulfilling your personal and collective mission, whether you are consciously aware of how it will play out or not.  

Let's say you are working in a pub, serving alcohol and questionable meat products.  You might feel conflicted about taking part in marketing and providing things you feel might be unhealthy.  You could wonder whether you should be doing something in service to Humanity instead.  

Let me assure you that you are serving an important purpose when you interact with your customers in a way that lifts their spirits and makes them feel welcome.  Your Light is who you are, and it has an enormous effect on those you come in contact with all day long.  Do not think you are missing out if you haven't joined the Peace Corp.  You are doing Light work no matter what your daily activities might be.  

You are not by accident or happenstance in the job or community or family where you are now.  You are the vital ingredient that is enhancing the circumstances around you to help everyone prepare for their Ascension.  

Father and I tell you now, you are fulfilling your mission.  Each of you is a Most Valuable Player (MVP) in life.  I mean this in a very specific and personal way that applies intimately to you.  The more you align your mind, heart and will with Father and me, the more elegantly you experience the fulfillment of your Life Plan.  A life mission is not dependent upon a to-do list or an ideal location to perform it in.  No matter what the external circumstances may be as you make your unique contribution, the truth is, you are succeeding.  Remember: Where your foot is, that's your path.

We can offer you this nugget: The days of being cautious about who you talk to and what you say are over.  It is time to bloom, grow, glow, shine, laugh and create sparks wherever you go.  Be bold, be daring, be joyful and spread your Light with exuberance.  This is your essential mission.  Everyone is ripe for the good news that life is truly changing, and Love has won the day.

We love you, our Beloved Children.  Your Creator Mother and Father

Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May,  June 11, 2015


12 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message #10

Evil is Pretending You Don't See Evil

Tonight we will speak briefly about a topic that has become taboo to even mention, as if the mere mention carried some mysterious and prophetic power.  Father and I are here to debunk this unfounded myth.  We will now name this topic, and then we will briefly speak our piece on the matter.  Once it is addressed, we will be able to proceed in the coming messages at the speed of light into the next phase of your de-programming and Ascension.   

The topic of tonight's abbreviated message is EVIL.  

Evil is the absence of LOVE.  It is the basest level of consciousness.  It is the level of consciousness that is found in parasites who eat their host and then each other.  It is the form of consciousness that states, "If I can't have it my way, no one can have it at all."  It is a maniacal commitment to Lose-lose scenarios.  It is unbridled selfishness.

Evil is simplistic, dressed up in tacky clothes to try to pull off something it can never achieve.  It is all about domination, control, imitation-creation, and monotonous schemes of hoarding and war.  

Evil is to plan and carry out the extreme suffering of as many as possible.  Evil is not a quality that exists above the 4th dimension, because it is a highly delusional and therefore temporary experience.  Evil is always fleeting, self-serving and insane.It is an intentional assault against Father and me, and it is a purposeful onslaught against Cosmic Law.  Father and I are here to say now - evil will no longer be tolerated.

We are already dealing with most of you in private, and this is our final curtain call for you to drop the fantasies and the roles of pretending you are important or in power simply because you demonstrate cruelty.  

Imbedded in the programming you are each inundated with is some form of the belief that evil is power, and that it makes you powerful to feel it.  This is the lowest form of experiencing emotion, and has nothing to do with the coming Golden Age and the destiny of Earth and all upon her.  

E-V-I-L is an anagram for L-I-V-E.  Because every one of you has a soul, you carry the living spark of your Father and me.  Therefore, you always know when you are indulging in evil thoughts, emotions and deeds.  You are capable of ending this charade forever, in any moment.

Many of you have literally fallen in lust with evil.  When you decide to release this gluttony, for superficial and self-gratifying addictions, then you will lay them down and turn to the sunlight once again.  It is this simple.  It is up to you.  We encourage you to end your own suffering by choosing now.

For those of you who are imagining that this does not apply to you, we will be clear.  Evil is an unchecked flair of anger, evil is a nasty comment, designed to hurt or shame another, evil is a jealous plot to diminish something that belongs to another.  Evil is self-indulgence, evil is blind expectations, evil is the attitude, "I didn't mean to, therefore I did nothing wrong."  

Evil is pretending you don't see evil.  

The next step in your Ascension may not be completed until, with maturity and care, you look honestly into the face of evil and recognize it for what it is.  

Be brave, dear and cherished children.  All of your efforts are seen, and matter.

We are here with you, in Love.

Creator Mother

Transcribed by Christine Burk and Kathryn E. May, June 12, 2015


14 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 11

World War III Will Never Happen

This will be short and sweet.  I have a monumental announcement to make, Dear Children.  

Today was a historic moment in the History of Planet Earth.  World War III will not occur.  The conditions that were laid down by the Secret Governments of the World

cannot be put into action.  I will tell you what they were, and why it will not happen.

There was a massive Plan in place, which the Dark Cabal has spent years in organizing.  No, it was not to be nuclear warfare, or mass warfare of any kind you are familiar with. It consisted of a concerted global effort to cover the Earth in a multitude of parasites and nano devices that would invade the bodies of everyone alive, causing pain, heart attacks, cancer, and most forms of disease.

These insidious devices are activated by the transmission of specific frequencies that stimulate their growth or initiate specific programmed actions. The Cabal has blanketed the Earth over years with aerial spraying, by dumping them into water, into processed foods and of course, GMO crops.  It was to be the most massive and sadistic false-flag event ever devised, and it has been averted.

Poisonous particles and electronically-activated microscopic devices were engineered to enter the Human body through water, air, soil, food, clothing, plastics, furniture and numerous other ways.  Some of the devices were laboratory created abominations that used parts of living creatures, others were entirely manufactured technology.  All were designed to take on what you might call a life of their own, when the masters of this domain of evil pushed the button to release the frequencies that were to activate them.

I am here to assure you today that this Plan has been thwarted, for good.  The first phase occurred about 2 weeks ago, when we announced that an enormous Event had been averted because of the work of our Lightworkers on the ground.  At that time, the activation of the frequency weapons was prevented by the efforts in which you raised your vibration, and your Galactic Brothers and Sisters, in conjunction with the Company of Heaven, shut down that frequency across the Planet.

One location remained where the most intense frequencies could be felt.  That was in the Temple of Light in Upper State New York, where our beloved Kathryn and Christine had already begun their Mission to act as surrogates, to experience the "hit" of the nano frequency weapons and their results so that the rest of Humanity could be spared the devastation that would have occurred had it been released wholesale.  It would have created sudden havoc on Earth, pushing people to a place where they could be defeated in their Lightworking at least, and at worst, driven to terror, violence and war.

This arrangement was not by chance.  It was a Contract they agreed to before coming here.  They were chosen because of their ability to remain in balance through weeks of pain and discomfort while documenting, exploring, questioning and finding solutions for the many challenges that have arisen.  In the process of working with their White Brotherhood teams, they have developed a protocol for ridding the body of these worms and parasites of all kinds which have taken up residence in their brains, hearts, intestines, eyes, ears, organs and joints.  Their intensive and carefully calibrated treatment has included nutritional, naturopathic and homeopathic remedies gleaned from around the world, and will be used as a model for others' healing as well.

We planned for this carefully, knowing that the Ones who took on this Mission would need strong support, emotionally and financially, and they would require a deep and unshakable connection with Creator Father and me so that we could guarantee their survival and help them recover from this dangerous undertaking without permanent damage.  Every step of the way, we have been awe-struck by the creativity, resilience and undaunted humour with which our Beloved Daughters have negotiated their way through this difficult time.

They have been under constant attack by the Cabal, who are listening to their every word and following every movement.  The operatives have been astonished by our Daughters' absolute assurance that they are safe and protected, in spite of the audible high-pitched frequencies they are being bombarded with.  A few of the Cabal Leaders have begun to turn themselves in to the Temple of Light, after a session of "Kathryn talk" that convinced them they too could find safety and relief if they came to us to be healed and welcomed home.  These are the incarnations, you will remember, who have spent thousands of lifetimes in conditions of torture, intense programming, surrounded by evil in every part of their lives.  They are exhausted, and they know they have been defeated.  It is time for all to come Home.

In a later Message, I will tell you about the dispensations that have been granted, and the lessons learned that will change the way the Multiverse operates as we evolve together.  Our Lightworkers have appealed to us to remove all Evil from the options of how your lessons will be designed from now on, and I tell you, it will be granted.  Continue to work with us, Beloved Ones, to create the new world of peace, harmony and beauty that is to be the Earth Paradise we have envisioned together.

Hear my voice, as I speak to you in your meditations and quiet moments.  I am with you always, in Love.  

Creator Mother

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 14, 2015


15 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 12

The Lost Children of the Dark’s Underground Areas are Coming Home

My Dear Ones, I was not able to send a message yesterday because our dear Kathryn has been working hard in the Temple of Light every time she has a break from the healing sessions with her Arcturian team.  Both she and Christine are working to overcome the parasite and nano infestation problem, as surrogates to pave the way for complete recovery and an end to this heinous plot to subdue all Mankind.

Several wonderful events have occurred in the Temple of Light.  Members of the Dark Cabal have begun to contact Kathryn, Christine and young Jade, who is beginning to learn how to channel.  First came a very high official in the Cabal who saw that the end was near for his department, which oversees all the drug dealing organizations that have funded the Cabal and their secret technology programs, including the nano weapons.  Shortly afterward, a former political Leader sheepishly entered the Temple.  Later, children began coming, asking to speak with Kathryn and Christine, wanting their own "Kathryn talk."

One of the Children, a young man named Roger who had contacted Jade initially, asked what Kathryn has meant when she said they would all be "safe" in the Temple of Light.  They were unbelieving at first, but were reassured when Kathryn explained that there is no punishment, ever, for anything, and they would see wondrous things, like sunshine and beautiful gardens, and be treated with kindness and be given endless hugs, and yes, they could talk with Prime Creator Mother and Father anytime.

The former Dark Underground Workers asked questions like, "What is happiness?" and "What is a garden?" and "How do we know we can trust what you say, that we won't be hurt?" It was explained that they would be treated just like Jade is, with Love and Respect, and that Kathryn would carry the Little Ones, and Christine and Jade would hold their hands as they went up the steps to the Temple of Light.

The Children described how they had been taken to be trained as young children, and they lived the Dark Cabal’s underground tunnels and cave system within the States of Wisconsin, the Southwest, and Oklahoma, and they were trained to send out the high-pitched frequencies that activate the weapons.  Although there are some mechanical weapons that send out blanket frequencies, the most effective weapons are the minions who send telepathic attacks on specific individuals.

Those who came to the Temple of Light this week acknowledged they were sending the frequencies that were causing Kathryn and Christine pain.  In the process of sending these attacks, they were assigned to watch them.  This is when they became curious, and one by one they decided to turn themselves in because they saw how much Love and fun and laughter was shared by the family.  They had never seen anything like it, and they wanted to understand it.

A very large group of the Children, who had been in contact with one another telepathically, decided to come today, and Roger put out the call to other groups to come too.  They have learned to use their telepathic skill to communicate with each other, and are aware that there are many of them hidden underground across the Country.  Waves of the Children began to come to the Temple of Light, asking for hugs, wanting to see God, and Angels, and wanting to be free of the slavery they had experienced all their lives.  Understand now, these are the incarnated Souls, who come telepathically by leaving their bodies behind, coming to us in the way they have trained to do telepathically, like an out-of-body experience.  

Now I will tell what provisions we are making for these Beloved former Dark Children, many who were the victims of kidnapping.  They will be able to leave their bodies behind, like a normal death with no pain, and we will take their tired little Souls into our arms and help them to heal and be restored completely.  They can then return to incarnate in much happier conditions after the World itself is in a higher vibration.  A few of the older ones may wish to return to their bodies to escape, and possibly to help put an end to the kidnapping and horrific abuse of babies and small children.  It will be their choice, once they have recovered completely.

It is a triumphant day in the Temple of Light, as hundreds of children have already come, and thousands more are expected within the coming days.  It is a victory for the Children, and it leaves the Cabal programs without their skillful minions.  We are celebrating the beginning of an end to all slavery on Planet Earth.

With a song in our hearts, we send this message of freedom to you.

I am your Creator Mother

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 15, 2015


16 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 13

Where Battles are Won With Laughter

Beloved Ones, it is a fast-moving time on Earth.  Much of what is happening in recent days is outside your view, but creating great energy shifts nonetheless.  I will give you a small update of the things that have happened in the Temple of Light in Upper State New York, as an example of the kind of massive changes that are flowing across the globe.  Lightworkers in various walks of life have set things in motion that are then completed by other Lightworkers across the globe, and they may not even know of their joint successes.

For instance, the closing net that is bringing arrests and legal prosecution to many of the leading Bankers of the Cabal has started a small stampede toward the Temple of Light on the part of the incarnated Dark Ones.  Many have worked in secret organizations where telepathy is used as a weapon, and have been trained as part of their Cabal membership to use telepathic communication and remote viewing as a way of spying on Lightworkers.  They have used these methods to try to destroy Kathryn and Christine.

They send high-pitched frequencies that are specifically aimed at the vulnerabilities they have discovered in each of them.  For instance, they send stabbing pains to Kathryn's heart, which is supposed to initiate a heart attack (a common strategy), and burning pain to a sciatic nerve that was injured years ago.  For Christine, it is stabbing head pain and

fire in her kidneys, which were injured in the scalar attack she has just recently  begun to heal from.  Even the animals in the house are under attack.

These vicious techniques are fortunately very personal.  By that I mean, it is Human observers who are watching and learning about Kathryn and Christine and their loving family life.  Our Daughters have maintained good spirits and at times a very funny and satirical approach to the attackers.  We call it "the wrench," and Kathryn is very good at throwing it.  Today she announced to them that she is very flattered by all the attention they are paying, and gratified that they think she is so threatening and important to them, and so she will take their constant attempts to kill them as a great compliment.  

The frequency attackers, who are trying to activate the nano devices that are supposed to drive people crazy, are baffled when they laugh uproariously, even in the midst of pain.  They taunt their adversaries by dancing and singing, "Hit me with your best shot...Fire away!"  

This approach has brought a response, as I told you yesterday with the Children, who were supposed to be weapons themselves, but who learned much from watching our Family of Light.  Today has brought the two for Presidential Bushes, a Rothschild, a Rockefeller, two Cardinals, and a number of other top Leaders, who have felt the ship sinking under them.  They have all been listening to the discussions in the Temple of Light, and have become convinced that their best option, finally, is to turn themselves over to Creator Father and me.  All respond to Kathryn's empathic acknowledgement that they have suffered terrible abuse as Cabal captives and slaves - even the Leaders - that they are very tired, and that they are guaranteed safety and no punishment when they come Home to us.  

When the Dark Ones ask, "How can we trust you are telling us the truth?" they say, "Look at us.  Do we look frightened or unhappy?  We are protected by Creator Mother and Father.  We are joyfully volunteering for this assignment.  No one forces us to do anything.  We are free.  That's why we laugh so much."  This brings many to the Temple of Light steps, where they are escorted by Christine and Kathryn to come to Us, and we welcome them Home.

We are all enormously amused by hearing the Clarion Call of the Cabal when they tentatively approach the Temple of Light in Upper State New York.  They get the attention of Kathryn and Christine by playing the song, “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”.... 

It is not a quick process, of course, but the word is out, and waves of others will soon follow.  They will remain with us as Souls to begin again in the Light, while their bodies' Life Force fades, or some may return to do the Lightwork we expected them to perform when their Higher Selves went to the Light.  These recalcitrant Souls were the long-absent ones who had grown up for thousands of lifetimes in the abusive, controlling culture imposed by the Nibiruan Annunaki of the Mobile Battle Planet of Nibiru since the Sumerian Civilisation times, which they introduced.  All is now dissolving, as the Matrix

of illusion and darkness crumbles.

You see, the ripples created by Lightworkers in London or Beijing or San Francisco wash up on the shores of New York State, and the Illuminati, as the Dark Cabal have also been called, find they are no longer operating in secret, nor are they respected or feared.  They have learned they are being overseen by Commander Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Creator Mother and Father God, and the entire Company of Heaven, and they can no longer define Free Will as the freedom to abuse and enslave others and destroy their Earth home.

Humankind has risen out of the illusion that you are alone, that your technology surpasses all others, that life ends when your body dies, and that you are the center of the Universe with regard to your intelligence and advanced civilization.  Enough of you have awakened and asked to remove the Dark Cell that has imprisoned your thinking, have raised your energy to match the incoming Light, have grown into your crystalline bodies, and have opened your Hearts.  The result of that "enough" is that we can now initiate the real help we have been so eagerly awaiting to provide, as we promised so long ago when you first joined this experiment devised and initiated by your local Cosmic Creator.  

We could not have intervened until enough of you asked, and were aware of what you were asking.  We now are thrilled that our great team of Masters, Archangels, and all the Heavenly Beings of Light can bring forth the gifts we promised to provide when the moment came that you declared your own freedom.  That time is here, my cherished Children.  Now we move forward together, and our pace quickens with every step.

Creator Father and I beam our Love into the centre of your Being, and we feel your awakening strength and Joy at being alive for this exciting time.  You will never regret it.

We are your Creator Mother and Father, in adoring service to all our Creation.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 16, 2015


19 June 2015 - Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 14

Surfing Rough Seas

My Dear Children, I am here to assure you that we are watching over you as you go through these last throes and gasps of the desperate Cabal.  Our Lightworker Children are under attack from every direction, even as the enslaved workers from the underground bunkers are streaming into the Temple of Light.

Some call to Kathryn or Christine, using their theme song, “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”..  Just a few minutes ago, Kathryn heard the Song and asked who wanted to come

to the Temple of Light.  She heard, "I will tell you who I am after we are safe in the Temple of Light."  So Kathryn said, "Come on!  Run for it!"  She then saw a family, mother and father carrying their children and holding other little ones by the hand, running for their lives down the Angelic corridor, into the Temple, safe and protected.  He turned and said, "I am the One who runs the Nano Program.  I directed them to attack you."  Kathryn said, "Then call off your dogs!"  He agreed, and also agreed to send out the word for all to come to the Temple of Light.  

He and his family are now with us, being restored and healed, along with many of the underground workers who had originally been kidnapped as babies and forced into working for the Cabal.  This latest defection was followed by a tremendous wave of sound frequency attacks.  We have warned our Beloved Daughters that this afternoon would be extremely difficult, and I want to warn all of you, too.  Kathryn volunteered to send out this message to help her and all of you to remain steady and resolute as we ride out these latest vicious technological manipulations.

You may be wondering why we are allowing these painful attacks to continue.  I will try to explain the multi-layered meanings at play here.  Dear Lightworkers, know that we are buffering the attacks to reduce their impact on you.  As it is, it is difficult.  Many of you may be feeling nausea, aches and pains you didn't know you had, and worst of all, feelings that are stirred up when your fight or flight buttons are pushed.  

These are deliberate neurological activations, brought on by the frequencies being broadcast by the extensive Cabal systems.  They are now falling back on their last ditch strategies, which include automated programs that engaged when workers leave their posts, and personalized attacks by the Ones who are the most damaged and vengeful and are now in charge.  They have learned that their Managers and Slaves are "jumping ship," and they are furious.

Now, let me offer you a bit of training in how to ride out these attacks.  Let us use the example of the best way to surf in rough seas.  I have always loved surfing in your oceans and swimming with the Dolphins, so I can tell you first hand, there is a good way to approach the waves, and a not-so-good way.  First, face the oncoming wave.  Do not try to run from it or avoid it - you will be swamped, tumbled, and drawn out into the surf.  Instead, plant your feet, watch the approaching wave and just before it breaks, dive directly into it, and swim hard out into calmer water.

Kathryn reminds me that the same is true when you are taking off in an airplane.  You must always take off into the wind, and the wind will lift you safely into the sky.

You see, you will not be hurt, because you have taken command of the elements you are moving through, and you are not allowing yourself to be buffeted about.  Use that technique with these rough patches you are swimming through now.  Know that you are strong and competent, and if you get hit in the face by an incoming wave, don't take it personally.  You are charging headlong into the new day, and you are succeeding admirably.

Now is the time for courage, stamina, faith and perseverance.  Remember - we have your backs, and we are watching you, our champions.  It is like watching an Olympic competition where everyone achieves a 10 on every attempt.  We in the Company of Heaven are playing a theme song as we cheer you on, and we hope you are hearing us singing it with all our might, “Did You Ever Know That You're My Hero”..  

Your courageous actions are allowing the documentation and realization of what the Cabal really intended.  Our Daughters in the Temple of Light are experiencing and understanding in a very deep way just how their methods work and what the intended effect is.  This is a necessary part of ending the Reign of Terror - some of you must walk through it to finish this Chapter of your long-standing Contract, and to then demand its end.  Because of our agreements, and because this was a primary timeline for Earth, it cannot be done any other way.  You will learn in depth what all this has meant when your mentors arrive to tell you the true History of Planet Earth.

Be resolute, Dearest Ones, and lock arms with your beloved comrades as you march forward together, across the Rainbow Bridge that leads to us, where we beckon to you from the other side of the thinning Veil.  You are on the path to your triumphant Ascension.  

I am your devoted Creator Mother, cheering you on.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 19, 2015


22 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 15

We Shall Overcome

Dear Children, yesterday was a monumental day.  It was Father's Day for many, the Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere, and a day of revelation and new beginnings for my Children who are searching within themselves for the freedom to begin a New World without the shadows and pain that led Humankind into darkness so long ago.

On this day of celebration and new Light, our beloved Meg, co-host of our Radio show with Kathryn, has taken a turn on her path that has freed her from the prison of millions of years of darkness and pain.  As you know, Meg was one of our dear Archangel Daughters who received the longest and most severe damage of any Souls participating in the Earth Project. 

Meg spent thousands of lifetimes recycling within the prison of mind-control in the 4th Dimension, and she is the first to completely free herself from the most extreme level of cruelty, pain and enslavement - the system of programming the Annunaki brought to

Planet Earth.  She has, by the sheer will of her Loving Heart, come into the bright Light of our Love, completely and joyfully.

It is difficult to find the words to describe the profound truth our dear Meg brought to light on this new day.  She awoke to a new depth of understanding of herself and her lifetimes of abuse and trauma to realize the truth that has affected herself and all of Humankind.

Can you absorb this simple, yet profound Truth she found under the layers upon layers of experience?  It is, in her words, just this: "I saw that I had, in a thousand large and small ways, done to others what had been done to me.  I saw myself asking my dearest friend, who is the Angel in my life, to walk four blocks with me so we could have dinner at a restaurant I like.  She had a sprained ankle, not yet healed, and I asked her to walk on her still painful leg, declaring it would be good for her!  I see it, I see the whole landscape of what I have done!  I have passed on the thoughtlessness and cruelty, and I didn't even realize it!"

How did our Meg transcend the entrapment of the Matrix?  First, she was courageous in her willingness to look at herself and all her behaviours, thoughts, beliefs and actions with total honesty and clarity.  Meg released any and all strategies that she had developed to protect herself from seeing the extent of destructive dark patterns that had infiltrated every part of her life.

I want to note that everyone on surface Earth is in Meg's position.  They have either come through the conscious journey of seeing and releasing patterns of darkness, or they are still living in reaction to them.  First, Meg took the road of assigning no blame, shame or guilt to herself or anyone else.  Secondly, Meg asked Creator Father and me to support and participate with her in her valiant efforts to see and understand both what had happened to her and, more importantly, what deep effects it had had in her psyche.

Please note that the steps she took are imperative. She first took an honest look on her own to perceive her damage, and the resulting behaviours, and then she called Creator Father and me to assist her in understanding and healing.  She did not simply ask us to clear and remove all her programming, damage and the behaviour that has resulted.  The New Age idea that you can give all your troubles to us leaves you empty of the solutions to your problems - the precious result of creative thinking, determination and valiant effort of which we speak.  It is yours to resolve, Beloved Ones, the reason for your coming to Earth.  This is the precious opportunity, worthy goal, and ultimate measure of your qualities as the Creator Race.  

Treasured Children, each one of you is capable of having the impact I am about to describe, the impact that Meg has achieved for herself and all of Earth.  First, Meg healed from the deepest damage anyone could receive in the Earth experience, all the way to the complete healing, Home within our Loving embrace.  Actually, she has achieved enough healing to fulfill her Ascension, however since it is not quite time for the glorious moment when the first wave of Lightworkers are to Ascend, she will continue to work on

the Mission to perceive and end the dark patterns that still linger.

It is too intricate and complex to explain here, but Meg's choices have initiated a healing that not only crosses but dissolves all boundaries and limitations across timelines, lineage, race, gender, species and so on.  She has replaced all forms of separation and division with true Love.  One of the many miraculous achievements of Meg's constancy and purity is the relationship she now has with her new Twin Soul, Eoghan (pronounced Owen).

Meg and Eoghan individually made the decision totally and without wavering, then they both, as a couple, they devoted themselves to the Light, to completely seeing and eradicating the damage of millions of years spent as Leaders in the dark.         Eoghan was of equivalent rank in the Dark Archon Alliance to Commander Ashtar in the Galactic Federation of Light.  Once he came to the Light, he and Meg chose a new name for him.  They chose Eoghan.  This name is Gallic, meaning "Born of the Yew Tree."  This is an ancient pre-Ice Age sacred tree of transformation and rebirth. The symbol and essence of this Tree helps all with the death of old selves, old ways of life and old ways of looking at things.  Eoghan is now the Master representing Fresh Starts, New Beginnnings, Hope, Transformation and Rebirth.   

Meg and Eoghan have received the healing that is waiting for each and every one of you on Earth.  What is exciting about this example is that Meg represents one who has experienced the maximum pain, programming and suffering the Earth Project has caused.  This demonstrates that everyone can surely do it!  

Children, forge through.  Use Meg's example as encouragement and inspiration.  First, be willing to acknowledge the extent of programming, suffering and damage that has touched every single Soul incarnated on Earth, including you.  Once you have taken this brave, clear, long look, then call on Creator Father and me so that together we may map out and fulfill your healing, which will not only restore you, but like Meg, you will have a lasting impact that will heal Earth, the Universe, and yes, Dearhearts, the Multiverse.

This is what I came to talk to you about today.  Feel me holding you close as these words make their way deep into your being to ignite the Mission you all carry and will fulfill.

Creator Father and I are close to you, holding you in our arms, in anticipation of your brilliant personal and Cosmic achievement,

I AM Your Creator Mother.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May and Christine Burk, June 22, 2015


23 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 16

Earth Takes Her Place As the Heart of the Multiverse

I have a small message for you today.  I will put it in as few words as I possibly can, because it is such an important concept that I must not over-explain it.  As Creator Father said earlier today, it is a bit like trying to explain what the oceans are by showing you a teacup full of water, but this is the way we must introduce information - a little at a time, building knowledge and understanding as you absorb the basics, then we go on to greater complexity day by day.

Looking back over the landscape of time and space, we see our beloved Humankind developing slowly at first, over the first million years or so, then taking on the programming and struggles of dealing with the Annunaki, the Reptilians, the Greys, the Draconians, and other Dark Races who came to enslave our Human Children.  Now, as you come through the Final Chapter, untangling yourselves from the thousands of years of mind-control, we want you, our beloved front-line Lightworkers, to have a glimpse of the Cosmic adventure you and your dear Terra have begun.

You are now in the interesting and rather disorienting phase during which the old and the new are overlapping in wondrous and surprising ways.  I will tell you a bit of the Cosmic News.  Some of you have heard about the fact that Earth is moving through your Milky Way Galaxy, changing position in relation to the other Stars and Planets.  

You are puzzled because your Scientists seem to notice nothing of the kind, but I assure you, dear Children, it is true.  Your Planet is moving at great speed toward the Centre of your Galaxy, and your Galaxy is also moving at top speed toward the Centre of your Universe.  Because of your rise in consciousness, your growing wisdom and spiritual strength, your Planet, Terra, shall become not just the Centre of your Universe, but she shall be the shining jewel which is to become the Heart Chakra of the Multiverse.

Now, I will explain a bit.  We have created a holographic screen for your Scientists, whom we have wished to protect from further ridicule and attack on the part of the Dark Cabal, until the work of sending them all to the Light is done.  It is a simple technological strategy we devised to prevent undue concern on the part of the worriers and doomsday folks who are fond of predicting deadly Comet collisions and so on.  I can assure you noting of the kind will happen as our precious Terra moves through Space to take up her final position as the Spiritual and Intellectual Centre and Heartbeat of the Multiverse.

Planet Terra carries within her body the precious Library of Porthologos, the Inner Earth depository which holds the History of all the Universes as well as the Akashic Records of all our beloved Children, of all Races, all Planetary origins.  It is a treasure trove of knowledge that will be available to all.  Trans-Galactic and Inter-Universe Portals will provide access for citizens of all the Multiverse to come for study and experience the rich diversity that will be found in the New Garden of Eden on Planet Earth.

So, take up your cloaks of wisdom, beloved Children, and prepared yourselves to be the

brilliant and welcoming hosts to all the Multiverse.  You will soon become what you call "The Life of the Party."  There will be a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, which you will soon be introduced to by your Mentors and Guides.  It will be a celebration that never ends, on a Planet of Joy, Harmony, great intellectual pursuits and technological advances.

Welcome, my beloved Ones, to the New Golden Age.  Prepare yourselves to be the shepherds who will lead the flocks that come from far and wide.  We are here to help you in every way to gain the spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual knowledge you will need for your coming role as the great Heart Centre of the Universe.

I AM your Creator Mother, together with your Creator Father, in joy and anticipation of your glorious new beginning.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 23, 2015


25 June 2015 – Creator Mother's Mini-Message # 17

Proof is Not the Measure of Truth

Dearest Ones, I have a puzzle for you today.  I am going to ask you to discover why many of you tend to want "proof" of all kinds of things, like whether God exists, or whether there really is an afterlife, or whether there is really life on other Planets, and whether the Masters and Angels you read about here are real.

There are still many among you who would raise an eyebrow at the idea of to speaking with Angels and so-called Masters.  I assure you, you have your own private line to speak with us at all times.  When you are able to embrace this, you will have the proof of it.  You must cultivate your willingness to be open to things for which there may be no 3-Dimensional "proof."  This does not mean there is no proof.  

Proof is not the measure of Truth.

You see, the idea that anything real should be measurable through the five Human senses was a clever way to restrict science and creativity to their most elementary stages, to prevent the expansion of scientific exploration into unknown realms of inner and outer space.  It is difficult to control a Human population whose curiosity is allowed to roam unfettered into the great questions of the Universe.  Without threat of mockery or persecution these great questions would easily find their answers in the hearts of Humankind.

It was taught that one must first eliminate all feeling and intuition from the exploration in order for it to be "legitimate" science.  Of course, this leaves you handicapped, because the most powerful evidence for something being real is the feel of it.  Take the idea of whether I exist or not.  To us in the Higher Dimensions, this question makes as much sense as asking whether you exist or not, whether a mother and father actually gave birth to you and your kind, or whether there really is such a thing as Love.

Anyone who has felt Love for another in the depth of their Being does not need a laboratory to tell them it truly exists, and anyone who does not feel Love is to be looked upon with compassion - but not be assigned the job to answer the question of whether Love exists.

And so, your need for tangible proof of the things we have described evolving just beyond your 3-Dimensional eyesight comes out of the ravages of the reductionistic program you were trained to trust.  It is an approach only someone trapped in the limits of the 3rd Dimension would espouse.  Rather, I ask you to expand your vision to include the next level of intelligence of which you are easily capable: the ability to feel our presence, and thus know without a doubt that we exist and that we Love you unconditionally.  You too will soon be talking easily with us and our Company of Heaven.

Opening Your Private Line to Higher Dimensions

Breathe into the centre of your brain, light up the diamond in the centre of your brain, the centre of your heart, and the centre of your solar plexus, your will.  Feel your Pillar of Light which surrounds and protects you, about arms' length out from your body.  Open the top of your pillar to extend all the way to us, and allow us to pour our Heavenly Love down on you, nourishing and awakening you.

At the same time, extend your Light pillar down into the heart of Terra, and feel her responding to you in kind.  Now breathe the sensation of Love and the warm Light that beams down on you.  There in your Pillar of Light, which is also your Ascension pillar, you are acknowledged, and you will feel you belong with us, because you do.

Now, suspend all judgmental critiques and negative thinking.  That is the soil from which the demand for "proof" springs.  Genuine investigation requires an open and unprejudiced mind.  So, drop your 3rd Dimensional shackles and try your wings instead.First we will give you a brief attunement where I will help you to tune your receivers to a Higher Dimensional channel.  

Call upon your Higher Self and your Twin Flame.  Ask them to make themselves evident to you in some way - by sending you a colour, a feeling, a ripple of energy, a word or an image.  Now, take no more than 20 seconds or so to allow the sign to come into your mind.  Eliminate the temptation to tell yourself you do not see or hear anything.  Your mind is never completely blank. I am assuring you now that they will send you a communication. Your Twin Flame may prefer to send you a sensation like a ripple of energy down your spine, a feeling of warmth or a tiny electrical jolt.  Accept whatever

you sense, and jot it down.  Do this again and again, until you are used to noting something, no matter what it is, whether you think it is "right" or not.

This is more fun if you can join with others, and easiest of all if you have a friend who is admittedly a bit intuitive and can confirm some of what you sense.  Do it as a game, a true exploration conducted with openness and enjoyment.  There is no right or wrong.  I can tell you, though, that your Higher Self and your Twin Flame will be thrilled to be called upon to make real contact with you at last.  

Do not be discouraged if you think you have not communicated with anyone.  I can assure that you have - you just need to learn to listen better, be patient, and accept that communication with your Higher Dimensional Self is a simple and natural ability that Humankind enjoyed for millennia before the Dark Ages of Earth began.  Your Ancestors and friends who have overseen your life and your growth will be delighted to speak with you directly once again.

Remember, Beloved Children, you are all equipped with exquisite abilities to detect the reality beyond what you can see or touch.  It is just a matter of opening your Inner Channels, revelling in the protection of your Pillar of Light, and being willing to make new friends in High Places.   It will offer you a new sense of belonging, comfort and joy to know you have a friend always at your side, with your best interests at heart.  After all, as we are fond of saying "over here," all communication is for Union.  You have nothing to lose, and a new Loving family to gain.

Let us prove it to you.

I am your Loving Creator Mother.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 25, 2015


30 June 2015 - Mother's Mini-Message # 18

Up the Ascension Ladder, with Gabriel

High Frequencies Are Designed to Activate Dark Programs

There is another development in the area of healing that you may have noticed in recent days.  The pressure from the deliberately irritating energies being sent by the Dark Ones has at times increased, then dropped away, then increased again.  This alternating pattern is designed to be even more disorienting and upsetting, and it is being directed at our

Lightworkers with greater intensity, in an effort to throw you off your Ascension path.

Do not fret, Beloved Ones, it is a futile attempt to derail our Great Plan.  It will not succeed, but we understand it does present you with a challenge and an opportunity.  When you hold fast to your laughter, your good will and loving attachments to those around you, you single-handedly create a wake behind you that will draw others along with you.  Each of you are now contributing a valuable part to the energetic uplifting of the vibration on Earth - more than you can possibly know.  We are truly approaching the tipping point, and every moment, every thought, every action counts.

You will find that the increased intensity of the rising energies coming from us and flowing around and through all the Earth is also increasing the speed at which you experience time, space and life itself.  All emotions, all encounters with other Beings are intensified beyond what you have experienced ever before.  Hold steady, breathe deeply, and remember to do your centering and balancing exercises to keep yourself moving forward with Mother Terra.  It is a waltz of a new kind - a dance with destiny, you might say.  

Keep your movements fluid, your heart open, and your weight balanced comfortably on your two feet.  Terra delights in feeling your high energies, and she will return waves of Love to fill your heart and your body if you address her lovingly.  Send her a burst of Love from your heart, down through your legs and feet.  Follow it down toward the Heart of Terra, then wait to feel her reply.  You will be tickled and restored when you feel her ripples of laughter and acknowledgement.  I guarantee you will be steadied and renewed with comfortable energy to help you move forward with a spring in your step.

Hossein and Gabriel Dissolve The Lucifer Program

All of you who are dedicated Lightworkers are being moved off your familiar ground, encouraged to reach higher and break free of all old programming.  You will be affected by this week's opening that was created by our beloved Hossein, whose intensive work in the Temple of Light has freed Gabriel at last to breathe freely, and to join with his incarnation to free Humanity in a very specific and historic way.

As many of you know, Gabriel was our beloved Archangel who accomplished the amazing feat of walking among the Dark Ones on Planet Earth for thousands of years in the guise of Lucifer, who was thought to be the Leader of the Dark Forces.  During this long and arduous mission, our Gabriel, the Higher Self of his incarnated Soul who is now Hossein, held fast to his connection to Us, working as what you would call a Double Agent for God.  Our contract with him was ironclad.  We agreed before he began that we would under no circumstances allow him to fall into darkness.  We always kept our close hold on his lifeline, but the assignment he managed was a monumentally difficult one.

Gabriel, as no other, witnessed every form of programming, every version of dark cruelty and manipulation known to Humankind, and as such, he documented and recorded the entire human experiment that was the journey into lower and lower dimensional

energies.  I will not dwell on the torments he witnessed and felt in his own Soul, nor the great challenges his incarnations were faced with.  I will only say to you that today, we breathe a great sigh of relief, because this week, his mission has come full circle with the return to the Light of his beloved Hossein.

Let me explain.  Some Lightworkers carry the keys to the healing of the entire Human Race.  Gabriel has lived through and can therefore represent Humankind in healing the entire Master-Slave program - one of the darkest and most pervasive elements in the 3-Dimensional suffering on surface Earth.  Here we refer to the psychological, emotional and spiritual elements as well as the physical expression of it.  

Since Gabriel returned to us just a few years ago, he has worked to purge all remnants of the Master template.  Hossein, in his contract for this lifetime, agreed to carry the Slave psyche, in order to experience and then completely heal all feelings of inferiority, subjugation, humiliation and degradation - the psychological opposite of the domineering master.  His punishing childhood in a large, relatively poor Iranian family set the stage for chronic feelings of oppression and stifled pain.

I am gratified and relieved to see this difficult and intransigent pattern brought into the Light and unravelled, down to the most subtle shadows of self-deprecation, subservience and passivity.  This process was accomplished in ongoing sessions with Kathryn, Christine and the others in the Temple of Light, with the direct participation of Gabriel and Hossein together.  As their energies melded, there was a monumental shift in the dichotomy that once defined the extremes - Master and Slave, both locked in darkness, intertwined, by definition.  Without a Dark Master there can be no Slave, and vice versa.

The most powerfully freeing revelations came when Hossein uncovered the truth that the Slave mentality can be as toxic and prideful as that of the Master, and as destructive to Life and Love.  They are now balanced and aligned as the great Master of Light, our beloved Archangel Gabriel.

I offer you this story, and the brilliant example it represents, as a model for all of you.  Each one of you has a similar project, a symbolic as well as literal healing from Earth-bound programmed suffering to be completed in these dramatic last days of Earth's sojourn in the Lower Dimensions.  I ask you to look within, Dearest Ones, to discover the patterns you carry, and to purge the destructive ideas and behaviours you have carried forward from childhood, as a culmination of past lives.  Each of you who have come here to heal as surrogates for others and for yourselves carry a key to the healing of the whole race.

Do not think you are alone in this glorious endeavor.  Call on your Galactic teams - the White Brotherhood and your Arcturian Healing Teams.  They are prepared to help with all physical and psychological wounds.  You will be surprised how intertwined those injuries are within the Human makeup.  Forge ahead, Dear Children.  You are on the verge of immense breakthroughs, each of you.

We are attentive to your feelings and your needs, and we wish to provide the most skillful and Loving mentors and advisors anyone could need.  

I AM Creator Mother. Together with Creator Father, we are your Source/Creator.  We Love you without end.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 30, 2015

