Motibhai Group Newsletter November 2015 Edition



Inbox - News From Motibhai Group

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    News From Motibhai GroupNews From Motibhai Group /, 2015

    Recipes on pages 4&5

    A universal festival uniting all as one family MESSAGE FROM Mr KIRIT PRABHUDAS PATEL Chairman & CEO of Motibhai Group

    A very warm welcome to all our customers, management and staff, family members and friends on this auspicious occasion of Diwali which has undoubtedly become a universal festival cel-ebrated by not only Hindus but people from all religious back-grounds.

    Our Group has turned 84-years-old this year and I wish to take this opportune moment to thank you all wholeheartedly and look forward to your continued patronage for many more decades to come.

    Diwali is an opportune time to refl ect on the bonds of friend-ship and unity which has enabled our Group to fl ourish to what it is today.

    It is also a time for us to fi nd the true meaning of such festivals and the teachings behind them.

    While there are many legends associated with Diwali in Hindu scriptures dating back to thousands of years, the signifi cance and message behind this great occasion remains unchanged for many millenniums now that is to remove yourself from darkness into light and adapt a progressive and peaceful atmosphere within and around you.

    It is a time when one should refl ect on the virtues of light over darkness, the victory of good over evil and the need for love and peace across all sectors and dimensions of our rich society.

    I am overwhelmed to note that Diwali remains a true testimo-ny of the ancient Sanskrit script Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - a phrase which means "the world is one family".

    I wish you all a very happy and safe Diwali. May Lord Almighty shower His blessings upon us all for many more years to come.

    Happy Diwali and a prosperous new year to you all.

    Celebrate Diwali with brands you trustFOOD plays an integral part

    in any festive occasion and the universal festival of lights better known as Diwali is defi nitely no exception.

    While the manner in which this auspicious festival is celebrated in our beautiful Fiji is unique in its own way when compared to the rest of the world, it is the sharing of food, sweets and snacks which has provided a common platform for families, friends and neighbors to unite and celebrate the occasion.

    Undoubtedly Diwali which has become the most anticipated and one of the largest annual festivals in Fiji and probably the entire globe.

    To add more fl avor to your en-tire Diwali experience, Motibhai

    Group has always stood to the fore with its quality range of products which includes but is not limited to the Allowrie hundred percent pure New Zealand Ghee and the renowned Golden range of edible oils such as Vanaspati, Coconut Oil, Soya Bean Oil and Canola Oil.

    Collectively these products will take care of every aspect of the festival be it for cooking, offering prayers or lighting your diyas which illuminate the entire atmo-sphere on what is believed to be the darkest night of the year.

    For generations, Fijians have enjoyed mouth-watering food and snacks using the high quality edible oils and ghee distributed exclusive-ly by Motibhai Group.

    We hope our quality products

    will once again brighten up your Diwali experience to your most satisfying expectations, Motibhai Group marketing manager Abra-ham Gomes said.

    We take this opportunity to wish all our valued customers a very happy Diwali and prosperous new year, Mr Gomes added.

    Ameeta Devi and Saroj Narayan of Nacovi, Nadi pick up the Allowrie 100% Pure New Zealand Ghee 750ml and Gold-en Canola Oil 4ltr respectively from MH Nadi while Baby Shaggy looks on.

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    Huge response for Sprint promotion

    The Win with Sprint promotion launched on Monday, September 14 has received tremendous response from customers so far.

    This time the team at Sprint has teamed up with United Kingdoms number one home appliance brand Beko to giveaway FIVE brand new 415 litre refrigerators which will be drawn on Friday, December 11 with fi nal entries closing on Saturday, November 28.

    Sprint has become a household name in Fiji with its refreshing taste which comes in nine different fl avours since 1999 when the drinks fi rst rolled into the local market while Beko is an award-winning home appliance brand offi cially endorsed by champion sports team FC Bar-celona which has huge following across the globe.

    We are very impressed with the number of entries pouring into the entry boxes in all participating outlets and via our postal mail, Motibhai Group marketing manager Abraham Gomes said.

    For all those who have not participated yet, you still have a months time before entries close for the main draw, Mr Gomes added.

    He said customers who have already entered can continue to send as many entries as they wish to as there is no limit on the number of times a customer can enter into the draw which requires only one cap per entry.

    All you need to do is collect the cap of any Sprint bottle, place it in an envelope with your name and address and drop it in entry bins pro-vided at participating outlets or simply post it to us on PO Box 9175, Nadi Airport for inclusion in the fi nal draw, Mr Gomes informed.

    You never know your early Christmas present could just turn out to be an award winning brand of refrigerator which will add all the excitement to your festive seasons food and beverage ideas. The draw is a month away so everyone should go for it and try their luck.

    Sprint is manufactured and distributed by the Motibhai Group, bringing quality products for you and your family.

    TOP: Saiyad Nabi picks up Sprint from Shop N Save Votualevu.

    LEFT: Saimoni Kuru of Nadi grabs a Sprint Jumbo Cola from RB Patel Jet-Point.

    Wines are us!There is no doubt wine has

    been one of the best companion with food and entertainment for thousands of years now. In fact, wines have literally evolved to-gether with civilisation over many generations.

    While the history of wines goes back thousands of years, it has gained more popularity in the last century with mass produc-tion and brand loyalty which has made certain names a world-wide favourite.

    And here in Fiji, there is no shortage of good wine thanks to Motibhai Group which has been distributing quality wines for all occasions and suited to all tastes for many years now.

    The brands we distribute are world-renowned and collectively have won numerous awards at food and wine shows and oth-er important events across the globe, Motibhai Group Team Leader Hospitality Nitesh Chand

    said.Our wines have become part

    of your daily life, whether its a normal day or time for celebra-tion, he added.

    For wine lovers, even a simple dinner party is really just an excuse to showcase and taste great wines in great company of family and friends.

    Many a times people may not realise that you can actually pair a wine not only for each food course, but also for each segment of the evening - upon arrival, ap-petizers, toasting, after dinner sippers and so on.

    More wine is expected to be consumed during dinner parties in comparison with regular din-ners and we have a range of wines to suit each event. Whether its a group function, or a simple din-ner with your loved ones, we at Motibhai Group have you cov-ered, Mr Chand concluded.

    Aruna Chandra of Nadi enjoying wine in Aruna Chandra of Nadi enjoying wine in Beijing, China with her friend.Beijing, China with her friend.

    A glass of red wine at dinner is safe and possibly benefi cial for people with type 2 diabetes, a new trial suggests.

    People who followed a healthy diet and drank a glass of red wine

    Wine at dinner safe, possibly benefi cial in type two diabetes

    at dinner for two years ended up with better HDL or good cho-lesterol and other good health-related factors than people on the same diet who drank mineral wa-ter, researchers found.

    But what the fi ndings actu-ally mean for individual patients needs to be interpreted cautious-ly, and with careful medical fol-low-up, said Iris Shai, the studys senior author from Ben-Gurion

    University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, Israel.

    Motibhai Group is the largest distributor of world-renowned wines in Fiji. Please do seek your doctors views on this article.

  • inbox - News from Motibhai Group 3

    Technical college students bid farewell after fourteen-weeks of training

    With a strong workforce of close to 1000, we believe in the wellbeing and welfare of our PEOPLE...For more information, send an email to

    Twelve students enrolled un-der a one-year course for Cabi-net Making & Joinery at the Technical College of Fiji (TCF) Dr Shaukat Ali Sahib Campus in Nadi have successfully com-pleted their fourteen weeks of training at Motibhai Group as a prerequisite for their second tri-mester assignment.

    TCF Nadi Campus Principal Paulo Daurewa while address-ing the Management of Motibhai Group on Thursday, September 24 in a special farewell ceremony expressed his sincere apprecia-tion to the company for being so receptive and accommodating to their request of accepting the stu-dents as part of Motibhai.

    I on behalf of our college wish to thank Motibhai Group for

    giving the boys an opportunity to transfer their knowledge into skills for fourteen weeks, Mr Daurewa said.

    He said the college is very im-pressed with the manner in which Motibhai Group has accommo-dated the students who have come out with a better understanding of how things work in a commercial environment which is much dif-ferent from the daily college life.

    Mr Daurewa said their college is still fl edgling and assistance and support from corporate lead-ers such as Motibhai Group will go a long way in producing a skilled workforce for Fiji.

    With fourteen weeks of ex-tensive training, the boys have come out with better skills and a thorough know-how of a fast-

    paced commercial workplace, Mr Daurewa added.

    Motibhai Group Executive Di-rector Bhupendra Patel bade the students an emotional farewell with a few words of encourage-ment to motivate them in their career.

    You boys came at a time when we were very busy with all our projects going on and have

    gained fi rst-hand understanding and experience on how a tight scheduled business environment operates, Mr Patel said.

    I wish to thank the college for giving us an opportunity to assist in increasing the pool of skilled workforce in the country.

    This training has opened new opportunities for everyone and we may fi nd many of you back here in our team in a years time when we move to our new complex whereby we will have full-time joinery workshop op-erations.

    Experience is bought in a wallet of time and by spending time with us, you all have certain-ly come out better skilled in the career path you have chosen for yourselves, Mr Patel said.

    Experience Experience

    is bought in a is bought in a

    wallet of timewallet of time

    Students and teachers from the Technical College of Fiji Nadi Campus in a jovial mood with management of Motibhai Group following Students and teachers from the Technical College of Fiji Nadi Campus in a jovial mood with management of Motibhai Group following their successful training completion.their successful training completion.

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    Health Benefi ts of OvaltineBy APRIL KHAN

    Ovaltine is a chocolate-fl avoured drink mix with added vitamins and minerals.

    Ovaltine is a brand of drink mix, available in malt and chocolate fl avours, that contains essential vitamins and minerals. Kids and adults drink Ovaltine as a warm or cold beverage. Consumed in moderation, it offers health benefi ts by providing considerable amounts of several vitamins and minerals.

    Fat-FreeOvaltine is a fat-free drink, which encourages good heart health.

    According to the American Heart Association, reducing saturated fat, cholesterol and trans-fat in your diet can help increase heart health by reducing the risk of developing heart disease or Type-2 diabetes. Reduced fat consumption can also help reduce the risk of high choles-terol, which may lead to heart disease. However, making your Oval-tine with most types of milk -- anything but non-fat -- increases the fat content of your meal and reduces its nutritional value.

    B-Complex VitaminsOvaltine contains an array of B-complex vitamins, which are used

    in the body to convert food to energy and to control appetite, mood, sleep, contraction and relaxation of nerves and muscles, and metabo-lism. Vitamin B6, also found in potatoes, spinach and fi sh, works to support the brain. Consuming a serving of Ovaltine contributes 15 per-cent toward your daily value of vitamin B-6.

    Bone HealthOvaltine contains both calcium and vitamin D, which are needed

    for bone growth and strengthening. This vitamin-and-mineral combi-nation is especially important for growing children. Due to the natural process of aging, bones become less dense as the years go by, making them more susceptible to fractures and increasing the risk of develop-ing osteoporosis. An inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D can prevent osteoporosis. Each serving of Ovaltine provides 40 percent of the daily value for calcium and 35 percent for vitamin D.

    Blood HealthThe mineral iron, contained in Ovaltine, is critical for delivering

    oxygen throughout the body and for haemoglobin production. A per-son whose body is low in iron can develop iron-defi ciency anaemia, which can cause symptoms such as fatigue, rapid pulse and diffi culty breathing. Eating foods or drinking liquids that contain iron can help to prevent this condition. Ovaltine contains 10 percent of the daily value of iron in each serving.

    A customer picks up the Ovaltine 400g Jar which came with a com-bo deal at Shop N Save Votualevu.

    Ingredients: Besan 1 kgSugar 1 kgWater 1/2 literAllowrie 100% Pure NZ Ghee 1 kgFor garnishing: Pistachios and Almonds Preparation: 1. Fry besan in ghee on low fl ame for about 30 mins till it becomes pink and ghee separates. 2. Mix sugar and water into a syrup. 3. Add this syrup to the besan and mix well. 4. Pour this mixture into a greased tray.5. When it cools cut into cubes and garnish with pistachios and almonds.

    Ingredients250g Sweetened Condensed Milk250g Golden Icing Sugar (sifted)200g Friends Fiji Style Desiccated CoconutMethod1. Mix together the condensed milk, icing sugar and desic-cated coconut in a large bowl. 2. Break small pieces of the dough and cut into square shapes.3. Dust with desiccated coconut.4. These will keep for up to a month at least, if stored in an airtight container.

    Diwali Recipe BESAN KI BARFIDiwali Recipe COCONUT ICE

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    Butter or margarine? Its your health, you choose

    Most of us are consuming too much of the unhealthier, satu-rated fat (which comes mainly from animal products) in our diets. Replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat improves cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart dis-ease.

    Healthy eating includes replacing unhealthier saturated fat found in foods such butter and lard, with healthier polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, found in oils like olive, cano-la, sunfl ower and margarine spreads.

    Replacing butter with margarine spreads is an easy way to low-er our intake of saturated fat and instead include healthier fats to lower our risk of heart disease. Small amounts every day add up to large amounts over time. By switching butter for margarine on your morning toast and sandwiches at lunch, you are removing almost 3 kg of saturated fat from your diet in a year.

    Why does Heart Foundation rec-ommend margarine over but-ter?

    Switching butter to margarine is one way to reduce saturated fat content and add healthier unsaturated fats, for heart health protection.

    Butter is around 50% saturated fat and 4% trans-fat the un-healthy fats that raise our cho-lesterol levels. On the other hand, margarine spreads have around 28% saturated fat, less than 1% trans-fat (most only 0.1-0.2%) and are a good source of healthier fats.

    Using a margarine spread instead of butter is a simple way to re-duce saturated fat and include unsaturated fats.

    SOURCE: Heart Foundation Australia

    A customer is all smiles while picking up the Golden Margarine 500g pack from Shop N Save Votualevu branch. Motibhai Group are manufacturers of Golden and Marigold brands and imports Miracle brand of margarine from Australia.

    Ingredients2 Cups Friends Fiji Style Satwa (Seven Grains) - 250g1.5 Cup Powdered Sugar - 200g1 Cup Allowrie 100% Pure NZ Ghee - 200gCardamon (Elaichi) 7-8 podsMethod1. Heat ghee until melted thoroughly.2. In a wide basin add Satwa, cardamom and sugar and mix thoroughly.3. Mix heated ghee as you progress with binding the mixture into round balls.

    Diwali Recipe SATWA LADDOOS

    Photo: Courtesy of Payal Chandra of Nadi

    Anita Mokashi of www.cravecookclick.Anita Mokashi of all excited with her Diwali delights. com all excited with her Diwali delights.

  • inbox - News from Motibhai Group 6 Published by Manager Public Relations | Corporate Marketing Shalendra Prasad. Mobile:- 7777519