MPWMD Administrative Committee Meeting Agenda--May 11, 2015€¦ · 11/05/2015  · Monday, May 11,...


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This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules. This agenda was posted on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.

Administrative Committee Members: Andrew Clarke Brenda Lewis, Chair David Pendergrass Alternate: Kristi Markey Staff Contact: Suresh Prasad

AGENDA Administrative Committee

Of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District **********

Monday, May 11, 2015 3:30 pm District Conference Room, 5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA

Director Brenda Lewis will participate by telephone from

1759 Broadway Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955 Call to Order Oral Communications Anyone wishing to address the committee on a matter not listed on the agenda may

do so during oral communications. Public comment on any other matter listed on the agenda is appropriate at the time the item is being discussed by the committee.

Items on Board Agenda for May 18, 2015

(01) 1. Approve Minutes of April 13, 2015 Committee Meeting (07) 2. Consider Adoption of Resolution 2015-07—Certifying Compliance with

State Law with Respect to the Levying of General and Special Taxes, Assessments, and Property-Related Fees and Charges

(13) 3. Consider Approval of Expenditure for Purchase of Ford F-150 4X4 Truck (19) 4. Consider Approval of Expenditure for IT Hardware Replacement (21) 5. Consider Approval to Enter into Agreement with KBA Docusys for

Purchase and Implementation of Docuware Storage (41) 6. Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for March 2015 (71) 7. Receive and File Third Quarter Financial Activity Report for Fiscal Year

2014-2015 (79) 8. Consider Approval of Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Investment

Report Other Business (83) 9. Review Third Quarter Legal Services Activity Report for Fiscal Year 2014-

2015 (87) 10. Review Draft May 18, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda

5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA 93940 P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA 93942-0085

831-658-5600 Fax 831-644-9560

Agenda MPWMD Administrative Committee Meeting May 11, 2015 Page 2 of 2 Upon request, MPWMD will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. Please submit a written request, including your name, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service by 5 PM on May 8, 2015. Requests should be sent to the Board Secretary, MPWMD, P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA, 93942. You may also fax your request to the Administrative Services Division at 831-644-9560, or call 831-658-5600. After staff reports have been distributed, if additional documents are produced by the District and provided to the Committee regarding any item on the agenda, they will be made available at, 5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA during normal business hours. In addition, such documents may be posted on the District website at Documents distributed at the meeting will be made available in the same manner.

2015 Administrative Committee Meeting Schedule

Date Day of Week Time June 8 Monday 3:30 PM July 13 Monday 3:30 PM

August 10 Monday 3:30 PM September 14 Monday 3:30 PM

October 12 Monday 3:30 PM November 9 Monday 3:30 PM December 7 Monday 3:30 PM

January 19, 2016 Tuesday 3:30 PM February 10, 2016 Wednesday 3:30 PM

U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\May 11 Agenda.docx


From: David J. Stoldt, General Manager Prepared By: Sara Reyes SUMMARY: Draft minutes of the April 13, 2015 Administrative Committee meeting are attached as Exhibit 1-A. RECOMMENDATION: The Committee should review the minutes and adopt them by motion. EXHIBIT 1-A Draft Minutes of April 13, 2015 Committee Meeting U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\01\Item1.docx




DRAFT MINUTES Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Administrative Committee April 13, 2015

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:37 PM in the District Conference Room. Committee members present: Andrew Clarke

David Pendergrass Committee members absent: Brenda Lewis Staff present: David Stoldt, General Manager (participated by telephone)

Suresh Prasad, Administrative Services Manager/Chief Financial Officer Joe Oliver, Water Resources Manager Stephanie Locke, Water Demand Manager

Sara Reyes, Office Services Supervisor Oral Communications None Adopt Minutes of March 9, 2015 Committee Meeting On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the minutes of the March 9, 2015 meeting were approved on a vote of 2 to 0. Items on Board Agenda for April 20, 2015 Consider Adoption of Resolution 2015-04 Amending Table XIV-1, Rebate Amounts On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board adopt Resolution 2015-04 with amended Rebate amounts effective June 1, 2015. Consider Approval of Expenditure for Field Data Collection Support for Pure Water Monterey Project On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve up to $2,000 to allow a seasonal Water Resources Assistant retained by MPWMD to assist in collecting filed data associated with the Salinas Industrial Wastewater Facility pond field program. Consider Approval of Expenditure for Measure O Election Costs On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize an expenditure of $185,583.48 for Measure O election costs that was conducted on June 3, 2014.

5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA 93940 P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA 93942-0085

831-658-5600 Fax 831-644-9560


Draft Minutes – MPWMD Administrative Committee – April 13, 2015 Consider Extension of Deepwater Desal Cost Sharing Agreement On a motion by Clark and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve Amendment 4 to the Cost Sharing Agreement. Consider Extension of Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Source Waters and Water Recycling On a motion by Pendergrass and second by Clarke, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve Amendment 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding. Consider Approval of Sales Agreement with Brant Family Trust RE: Purchase of MPWMD Schulte South Well, APN 416-028-027 On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve the Sales Agreement to transfer the Schulte South Well to the Brant Family Trust, contingent upon the simultaneous execution of an Amended Well Use Agreement to allow the District continued access to and use of this well. Authorize Utilization of District Credit for Pure Water Monterey Financing On a motion by Pendergrass and second by Clarke, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve a pledge of the District’s revenue-raising capacity in support of the long-term capital financing of the Pure Water Monterey project. Stoldt reported to finance and build the Pure Water Monterey water supply project will require a borrowing from either the State Revolving Fund or the public tax-exempt debt market. In either case, the project must demonstrate an investment-grade creditworthiness that provides investors the comfort of knowing the debt will be repaid under all circumstances. Authorize First Supplement to Professional Services Agreement Dated January 17, 2013 Between District and Sidley Austin LLP Relating to Public Financing of a Portion of the Cal-Am Desal Project On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve additional services from Sidley Austin not-to-exceed $460,000 and subject to reimbursement from bond proceeds. Authorize First Supplement to Underwriting Services Agreement Relating to Public Financing of a Portion of the Cal-Am Desal Project On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve additional services from Raymond James not-to-exceed $95,000 and subject to reimbursement from bond proceeds, and authorize the General Manager to enter into the form of the contract shown attached as an exhibit to the staff report on this item. Authorize First Supplement to Federal Funding Strategy and Advocacy Services to Monterey Peninsula Water Management District for the Pure Water Monterey Program On a motion by Clarke and second by Pendergrass, the committee voted 2 to 0 to recommend the Board approve additional services from Bryant & Associates not-to-exceed $40,000 and subject to reimbursement from bond or revolving fund proceeds.


Draft Minutes – MPWMD Administrative Committee – April 13, 2015 Consider Adoption of Treasurer’s Report for February 2015 On a motion by Pendergrass and second by Clarke, the committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board adopt the February 2015 Treasurer’s Report and financial statements, and ratification of the disbursements made during the month. Other Business Review Draft Agenda for April 20, 2015 Regular Board Meeting The committee made no changes to the agenda. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:21 PM. U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\01\Item 1_Exhibit 1-A.docx





Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: Yes From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ General Manager Line Item No.: Revenues Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate: $9,000

General Counsel Approval: Yes Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended _____________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: At its February 23, 2012 meeting, the Board directed staff to implement a Proposition 218 process for the development of water fees and charges, including the hiring of a rate consultant and the development of the necessary ordinances, resolutions, and notices for implementation thereof. At its April 16, 2012 meeting, the Board reviewed as an informational item two alternative draft resolutions for the collection mechanism of the proposed annual Water Supply Charge. At its June 27, 2012 meeting the Board reviewed and approved Resolution 2012-06 for collection of Water Supply Charge through County Assessor’s Office. At this time, the Board is asked to adopt Resolution 2015-07 certifying compliance with State law with respect to the Water Supply Charge to allow the County of Monterey to continue collection of the Water Supply Charge on the property tax bill. This Resolution gets adopted by our Board annually. The County will charge the District 0.25% of the original amount that is to be collected by the County. The approximate collection fee for this fiscal year will be $9,000. RECOMMENDATION: The Board should review and adopt Resolution 2015-07 and authorize the County of Monterey for collection of Water Supply Charge on the property tax bill. The Administrative Committee reviewed this item at its May 11, 2015 meeting and recommended __________ by a vote of _ to _. BACKGROUND: There were two alternatives for the water supply charge collection mechanism: Alternative A was bills sent directly by the District or through a third-party mailing house: Alternative B was the use of the semi-annual County Assessor’s bill, similar to what is the current practice for Carmel Area Wastewater District and the water recipients under the Castroville Seawater intrusion Project. At its June 27, 2012 meeting the Board reviewed and approved Resolution 2012-06 for collection of Water Supply Charge on the County Assessor’s Office.


EXHIBIT 2-A Resolution 2015-07 U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\02\Item 2.docx







WHEREAS, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (“Public Agency”)

requests that the Monterey County Auditor-Controller enter those general or special taxes, assessments, or

property-related Fees or charges identified in Exhibit “A” on the tax roll for collection and distribution by

the Monterey County Treasurer-Tax Collector commencing with the property tax bills for fiscal year


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The Public Agency hereby certifies that it has, without limitation, complied with all legal

procedures and requirements necessary for the levying and imposition of the general or special taxes,

assessments, or property-related fees or charges identified in Exhibit “A”, regardless of whether those

procedures and requirements are set forth in the Constitution of the State of California, in State statutes,

or in the applicable decisional law of the State of California.

2. The Public Agency further certifies that, except for the sole negligence or misconduct of the

County of Monterey, its officers, employees, and agents, with regards to the handling of the Cd or

electronic file identified as Exhibit “A”, the Public Agency shall be solely liable and responsible for

defending, at its sole expense, cost, and risk, each and every action, suit, or other proceeding brought

against the County of Monterey, its officers, employees, and agents for every claim, demand, or challenge

to the levying or imposition of the general or special taxes, assessments, or property-related fees or

charges identified in Exhibit “A” and that it shall pay or satisfy any judgment rendered against the County

of Monterey, its officers, employees, and agents on every such action, suit, or other proceeding, including

all claims for refunds and interest thereon, legal fees and court costs, and administrative expenses of the

County of Monterey to correct the tax rolls.

5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA 93940 P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA 93942-0085

831-658-5600 Fax 831-644-9560


Draft – MPWMD Resolution No. 2015-07 – Certifying Compliance with State Law with Respect to the Levying of General and Special Taxes, Assessments, and Property-Related Fees and Charges

On motion of Director ___________, and second by Director ________, the

foregoing resolution is duly adopted this 18th day of May 2015 by the following votes:




I, David J. Stoldt, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula

Water Management District, hereby certify that the foregoing is a resolution duly adopted on the

18th day of May 2015.

Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ____ day of May 2015.

_____________________________________ David J. Stoldt, Secretary to the Board

U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\02\Item 2_Exhibit 2-A.docx



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The annual Water Supply Charge may only be used to fund District water supply activities, including capital acquisition and operational costs for Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Groundwater Replenishment purposes, as well as studies related to projects necessary to ensure sufficient water is available for present beneficial water use.
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4X4 TRUCK Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: Yes From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ Fixed Assets General Manager Line Item No.: XX-04-914000 Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate: $23,000

General Counsel Review: N/A Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended ____________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: The Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-2015 Budget includes funds to replace Ford F-150 (Unit #4) truck this fiscal year. This truck is over 16 years old and needs to be replaced. District is part of the Ford Fleet Program which provides incentives in price break. Staff solicited bids from three different Ford vendors which are attached as Exhbit 3-A. One vendor did not respond to the bid request. The vehicle provided in the proposals meets all specifications of the District. The final price also considers trade-in of the old vehicle. The prices are summarized in the following table:

Cypress Coast Ford North Bay Ford Salinas Valley Ford Ford F150 Truck $25,831.09 $26,108.78 Did Not Provide Trade-In Value 3,500.00 2,500.00 Total Price $22,331.09 $23,608.78

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize expenditure of funds to purchase Ford F-150 truck from Cypress Coast Ford at a not-to-exceed price of $23,000. This authorization would also include trading-in the old vehicle. The Administrative Committee considered this item on May 11, 2015 and voted __ to __ to recommend ___________. BACKGROUND: The Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Budget includes $25,000 for the replacement of 1999 Ford F-150 (Unit #4) truck. This truck was on the replacement schedule, and funds to replace this truck were previously accrued in the Capital Reserve Fund. EXHIBIT 3-A Truck proposals U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\03\Item 3.docx








REPLACEMENT Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: Yes From: David J. Stoldt, Program: Fixed Assets General Manager Line Item No.: 99-02-916000 Prepared By: Mark A. Dudley Cost Estimate: $17,453 Administrative Services Division Manager/Chief Financial Officer Review: Yes Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended ____________________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: As part of the IT infrastructure maintenance and upgrade plan, staff seeks authorization to purchase replacement server, tape library and uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The server is a Proliant DL380 Gen 9 Server. It will replace several aging stand-alone hardware servers in a virtual environment saving power and space, reducing energy footprint and power consumption. The existing servers are 8 years old and in need of replacement. The tape library will replace existing aging tape drive hardware which is no longer covered by manufacturer’s service agreement. The new tape library hardware will increase speed and efficiency of backups, with more than 3 times the capacity of existing tape drive hardware. The existing tape drive hardware is 11 years old and in need of replacement. The new Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) unit will replace the old UPS unit that was destroyed by overheated batteries. The new UPS will also add additional run-time capacity to existing systems and also serve to protect equipment in the event of power surges and power failures. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of expenditures not-to-exceed $17,990 to purchase the items listed in the table below:

Product Price HP Proliant Server $10,292.57 Tape Library 5700.76 UPS 1,460 TOTAL $17,453.33

IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES: The FY 2014-2015 Information Technology (IT) budget includes funds of $17,952 in the District budget for these line item purchases.


BACKGROUND: The District IT Infrastructure supports all facets of District’s computing needs including e-mail, Data Storage, Network and Data Security, Water Demand Database Application, GIS Application and Storage, Web Hosting, Financial Applications, SQL server databases and numerous other needs. The District currently houses 12 physical production servers with various purchase dates between 2003 and 2007. These new equipment’s will augment the existing infrastructure and help reduce power and space requirements while providing much-needed storage capacity. The tape library will provide more efficient and higher capacity backups to help protect the valuable district data. EXHIBITS None U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\04\Item 4.docx




Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: Yes

From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ Fixed Assets General Manager Line Item No. 9160 Computer Equip

& Programs

Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate $57,000

General Counsel Review: Yes Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended ____________________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: In recognition of the fact that the District currently does not have a document management software, staff budgeted $60,000 in fiscal year 2014-2015 to fund the purchase of a new document management software. Staff has evaluated different software’s that will meet the District’s needs for document management and recommends that the Board enter into an agreement with KBA Docusys for purchase and implementation of DocuWare document management software. The justification for selecting DocuWare is provided in the background section of this report. Since the District currently does not have document management software, it requires the District to maintain its documents in hard copy format and store at offsite storage units. The District currently occupies two offsite storage units that are almost full and will require the District to get an additional storage unit in the very near future. Purchasing of the recommended document management software will avoid the District from getting additional storage units, and in future reduce the use of existing storage units from two to one. RECOMMENDATION: District staff recommends authorizing the General Manager to enter into an agreement with KBA Docusys to provide DocuWare document management software and implementation services for an amount not to exceed $57,000. This amount includes $2,000 in related travel costs for the onsite trainers. BACKGROUND: Since its inception, the District has been accumulating hard copies of documents and storing these documents at its offsite storage units. The accumulation of these documents has been extended to two offsite storage units which are near its full capacity. If conditions remain the same, the District will have a need to rent additional storage units to accommodate the hard copy documents. Staff is recommending purchase of document management software to start retaining documents in electronic format and avoid use of additional physical storage space.


Since the current proposed document storage software is scalable, it will be implemented for accounting services and later rolled out to other divisions within the District. The goal will be to automate the accounting process making it into a paperless accounting system. For example, the Accounts Payable process will be automated from receiving the invoice to its final step of making payments. The invoices will be electronically routed for approvals, checked against the financial database for purchase order and other validation, and finally routed to accounting for payment. After payment has been made, the invoice and all other documents relating to the invoice will be archived electronically in accordance with District’s retention policy. The benefits for retaining documents electronically will be reduction in real estate space for storing documents, significant savings of staff time when searching for documents, better flow management of documents between divisions, ease of use during audit process, and many other benefits. Staff has evaluated different document management software and feels that DocuWare will meet the District’s need for document management. Staff recommends DocuWare document management software for the following reasons:

• Internet server – enables controlled access to documents stored in DocuWare from a web browser on the Internet or Intranet from anywhere in the world

• Scalability – rolled out from single user to small networks, and extending out to enterprise clustering

• Auto index capability – allows to import information from other applications, such as financial accounting programs, and send it to file cabinet as indexing and search terms for documents.

• Link capability – allows the full integration of archived documents in existing programs • Security – offers high degree of security against unauthorized data access • Auditing – keeps an audit trail of all users and activities within the system • Mobility – use of mobile devices to complete work flow and to access documents

remotely EXHIBITS 5-A DocuWare Product Info 5-B KBA Docusys Proposal U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\05\Item 5.docx




















ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE 6. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF TREASURER’S REPORT FOR MARCH 2015 Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: N/A From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ N/A General Manager Line Item No.: Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate: N/A

General Counsel Review: N/A Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee considered this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended _____________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: Exhibit 6-A comprises the Treasurer’s Report for March 2015. Exhibit 6-B, Exhibit 6-C and Exhibit 6-D are listings of check disbursements for the period March 1-31, 2015. Check Nos. 21280 through 21513, the direct deposits of employee’s paychecks, payroll tax deposits, and bank charges resulted in total disbursements for the period in the amount of $345,318.96. That amount included $15,521.79 for conservation rebates. Exhibit 6-E reflects the financial statements for the month ending March 31, 2015. RECOMMENDATION: District staff recommends adoption of the March 2015 Treasurer’s Report and financial statements, and ratification of the disbursements made during the month. The Administrative Committee reviewed this item at its May 11, 2015 meeting and voted __ to __ to recommend ______________. EXHIBITS 6-A Treasurer’s Report 6-B Listing of Cash Disbursements-Regular 6-C Listing of Cash Disbursements-Payroll 6-D Listing of Other Bank Items 6-E Financial Statements U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\06\Item 6.docx




U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\06\Item 6_Exhibit 6-A

PB MPWMD Wells Fargo MPWMD Reclamation

Description Checking Money Market L.A.I.F. Investments Total Money Market

Beginning Balance $75,691.61 $280,432.91 $1,693,257.91 $2,253,104.52 4,302,486.95 $296,333.07Transfer to/from LAIF 0.00 0.00Fee Deposits 906,576.32 906,576.32 678,435.13Interest 8.09 5,135.83 5,143.92 9.08Transfer-Money Market to Checking 400,000.00 (400,000.00) 0.00Transfer-Money Market to W/Fargo 0.00W/Fargo-Investment Purchase 0.00Transfer Ckg to MPWMD M/Mrkt 0.00MoCo Tax & WS Chg Installment Pymt 0.00Transfer to CAWD 0.00 (286,000.00)Voided Cks 0.00Bank Corrections/Reversals/Errors 0.00Bank Charges/Rtn'd Deposits/Other (235.63) (47.00) (282.63) (25.00)Payroll Tax Deposits (25,907.05) (25,907.05)Payroll Checks/Direct Deposits (126,899.37) (126,899.37)General Checks (192,276.91) (192,276.91)Prepaid Exp-Automatic Bank Pymt 0.00 Ending Balance $130,372.65 $786,970.32 $1,693,257.91 $2,258,240.35 $4,868,841.23 $688,752.28




4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 1 of 7

Bank Transaction ReportMonterey Peninsula Water Mgmt District Transaction Detail

Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015

Cleared Date Range: -

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


Bank Account: 111 - Bank of America Checking

29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder Reversal21086 Check Reversal03/03/2015 03/31/2015

-395.00ClearedAccounts PayableA.G. Davi Property Management21280 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-66.77ClearedAccounts PayableAlhambra21281 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-2,500.00ClearedAccounts PayableArriaga, John21282 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-99.76ClearedAccounts PayableCal-Am Water21283 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-104.87ClearedAccounts PayableCal-Am Water21284 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-390.18ClearedAccounts PayableChevron21285 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-1,031.00ClearedAccounts PayableDickhaut, Rick21286 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-3,811.01ClearedAccounts PayableEmployment Development Dept.21287 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-721.26ClearedAccounts PayableHarris Court Business Park21288 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-5,383.41ClearedAccounts PayableICMA21289 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-150.00ClearedAccounts PayableJoe Oliver21290 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-34.48ClearedAccounts PayableM.J. Murphy21291 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-142.01ClearedAccounts PayableMarina Coast Water District - 01344721292 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-247.38ClearedAccounts PayableMarina Coast Water District -011635 00021293 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-240.00ClearedAccounts PayableMartin, Debra21294 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-35.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21295 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21296 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21297 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21298 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21299 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21300 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-14.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21301 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-32.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21302 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-64.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21303 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21304 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21305 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-71.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21306 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21307 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21308 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-62.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21309 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-200.00ClearedAccounts PayableMonterey County Sheriff's Office21310 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-427.03ClearedAccounts PayableOneSource Office Systems21311 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-560.00ClearedAccounts PayablePeninsula Messenger Service21312 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-72.00ClearedAccounts PayablePeninsula Welding Supply, Inc.21313 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-19,008.70ClearedAccounts PayablePERS Retirement21314 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 2 of 7

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


-1,938.42ClearedAccounts PayablePG&E21315 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-1,850.00ClearedAccounts PayablePueblo Water Resources, Inc.21316 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-64.49ClearedAccounts PayablePure H2O21317 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-136.71ClearedAccounts PayableRana Creek Habitat21318 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

401.05ClearedAccounts PayableReyes, Sara Reversal21319 Check Reversal03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-401.05ClearedAccounts PayableReyes, Sara21319 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-356.08ClearedAccounts PayableSilva, June21320 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-527.62ClearedAccounts PayableVerizon Wireless21321 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-540.00ClearedAccounts PayableYolanda Munoz21322 Check03/05/2015 03/31/2015

-178.00ClearedAccounts PayableANA KRUSEE21323 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-400.00ClearedAccounts PayableCLARKE HERBERT21324 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-100.00ClearedAccounts PayableEDMOND BENECH21325 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableErin Farquhar21326 Check03/09/2015

-125.00ClearedAccounts PayableGARY & KAREN STOTZ21327 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableGENE VAN HOOTEGEM21328 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-264.00ClearedAccounts PayableHACIENDA CARMEL COMMUNITY ASSOC21329 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableHERBERT E LISTER21330 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-239.59ClearedAccounts PayableJEFF HOWARTH21331 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableJOANN M DEMAYO21332 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableKAREN MEDALEN21333 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-125.00ClearedAccounts PayableKATHIE BUAYA21334 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableKent M. Johnson21335 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-125.00ClearedAccounts PayableKEVIN J O'BRIEN21336 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-196.20ClearedAccounts PayableKikuyo Kuwatani21337 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00ClearedAccounts PayableLAWRENCE ZAMORA21338 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableNikolai Sokov21339 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-200.00ClearedAccounts PayablePAUL V LUCIDO21340 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-200.00ClearedAccounts PayableRICHARD STILES21341 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableROBERTA MYERS21342 Check03/09/2015

-100.00ClearedAccounts PayableRoscoe L. Bava21343 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableSahin Gunsel21344 Check03/09/2015

-88.00ClearedAccounts PayableSal Marullo21345 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00ClearedAccounts PayableSANDRA STEVENS21346 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableSEAN MINNIEAR21347 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableStefanie Briscoe21348 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00ClearedAccounts PayableSUSANA SILVA21349 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-100.00OutstandingAccounts PayableTERENCE FOLEY21350 Check03/09/2015

-50.00ClearedAccounts PayableTOM RUSSO21351 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00ClearedAccounts PayableVERNON FERNANDEZ21352 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableWAYNE SUHR21353 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-500.00ClearedAccounts PayableWILLIAM MARTIN21354 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-100.00ClearedAccounts PayableZACHARY MOODY21355 Check03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-2,500.00ClearedAccounts PayableArriaga, John21363 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 3 of 7

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


-758.05ClearedAccounts PayableAT & T21364 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-1,785.61ClearedAccounts PayableByrne, Jeanne21365 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-222.20ClearedAccounts PayableCisco WebEx, LLC21366 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-10,553.90ClearedAccounts PayableCity of Monterey21367 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-865.00ClearedAccounts PayableColantuono, Highsmith, & Whatley, PC21368 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-0.94ClearedAccounts PayableEmployment Development Dept.21369 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-682.50ClearedAccounts PayableGoodin,MacBride,Squeri,Day,Lamprey21370 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-26.64ClearedAccounts PayableM.J. Murphy21371 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-31.26ClearedAccounts PayableMartin's Irrigation Supply21372 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21373 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21374 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

38.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder Reversal21375 Check Reversal03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-38.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21375 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21376 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21377 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21378 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21379 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21380 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21381 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-32.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21382 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21383 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-1,000.00ClearedAccounts PayableMonterey Bay Carpet & Janitorial Svc21384 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-15.00ClearedAccounts PayableMonterey Regional Waste Management District21385 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-1,083.00ClearedAccounts PayableOsahan, Inder21386 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-85.89ClearedAccounts PayablePC People21387 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-28.80ClearedAccounts PayablePG& E 9024846025-621388 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-61.81ClearedAccounts PayablePotter’s Electronics21389 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-60.76ClearedAccounts PayableRana Creek Habitat21390 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-604.95ClearedAccounts PayableRed Shift Internet Services21391 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-401.05ClearedAccounts PayableReyes, Sara21392 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

401.05ClearedAccounts PayableReyes, Sara Reversal21392 Check Reversal03/13/2015 03/31/2015

-1,119.32ClearedAccounts PayableSchmidlin, Cynthia21393 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-653.20ClearedAccounts PayableSherron Forsgren21394 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-12,680.00ClearedAccounts PayableThomas Brand Consulting, LLC21395 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-3,089.00ClearedAccounts PayableU.S. Bank21396 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-62.00ClearedAccounts PayableU.S. Postal Service21397 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

-1,622.40ClearedAccounts PayableUniversal Staffing Inc.21398 Check03/12/2015 03/31/2015

53.96ClearedAccounts PayableCalPers Long Term Care Program Reversal21399 Check Reversal03/13/2015 03/31/2015

-53.96ClearedAccounts PayableCalPers Long Term Care Program21399 Check03/13/2015 03/31/2015

500.42ClearedAccounts PayableForestry Suppliers Inc. Reversal21400 Check Reversal03/13/2015 03/31/2015

-500.42ClearedAccounts PayableForestry Suppliers Inc.21400 Check03/13/2015 03/31/2015

-41.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21401 Check03/16/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21403 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 4 of 7

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21404 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015

-14.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21405 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015

-26.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21406 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21407 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21408 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015

-67.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21409 Check03/19/2015 03/31/2015

-88.51ClearedAccounts PayableAT & T21410 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-343.39ClearedAccounts PayableAT & T21411 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-650.00ClearedAccounts PayableBill Parham21412 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-87.18ClearedAccounts PayableCal-Am Water21413 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-53.96ClearedAccounts PayableCalPers Long Term Care Program21414 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-395.00ClearedAccounts PayableCarlon's Fire Extinguisher Svc., Inc.21415 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-162.00OutstandingAccounts PayableChaney, Beverly21416 Check03/20/2015

-545.55OutstandingAccounts PayableCharles & Helen Hughes21417 Check03/20/2015

-397.00ClearedAccounts PayableCofer, Delores21418 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-3,892.50ClearedAccounts PayableColantuono, Highsmith, & Whatley, PC21419 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-197.35ClearedAccounts PayableComcast21420 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-16,193.50OutstandingAccounts PayableDelay & Laredo21421 Check03/20/2015

-3,922.44ClearedAccounts PayableEmployment Development Dept.21422 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-644.00ClearedAccounts PayableExtra Space Storage21423 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-740.67ClearedAccounts PayableForestry Suppliers Inc.21424 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-176.05ClearedAccounts PayableGabby Ayala21425 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableHamilton, Cory21426 Check03/20/2015

-698.62ClearedAccounts PayableHome Depot Credit Services21427 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-5,608.41OutstandingAccounts PayableICMA21428 Check03/20/2015

-795.00ClearedAccounts PayableJohnson Construction21429 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-99.48ClearedAccounts PayableJonathan Lear21430 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-244.80OutstandingAccounts PayableLocke, Stephanie L.21431 Check03/20/2015

-20.93ClearedAccounts PayableM.J. Murphy21432 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-12,080.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMartin B. Feeney, PG, CHG21433 Check03/20/2015

-1,200.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMBAS21434 Check03/20/2015

-623.34OutstandingAccounts PayableMcShane's Nursery & Landscape Supply21435 Check03/20/2015

-60.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMonterey County Public Works21436 Check03/20/2015

-200.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMonterey County Sheriff's Office21437 Check03/20/2015

-299.84ClearedAccounts PayablePalace Office Supply21438 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-19,292.51ClearedAccounts PayablePERS Retirement21439 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-22.03ClearedAccounts PayablePG&E21440 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-4,730.27ClearedAccounts PayablePG&E21441 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-32.16ClearedAccounts PayableProfessional Liability Insurance Service21442 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-333.48OutstandingAccounts PayableReyes, Sara21443 Check03/20/2015

-125.50ClearedAccounts PayableSentry Alarm Systems21444 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-724.19ClearedAccounts PayableSHELL21445 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-413.09ClearedAccounts PayableTavani, Arlene21446 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 5 of 7

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


-119.52ClearedAccounts PayableTelit Wireless Solutions21447 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-648.96ClearedAccounts PayableUniversal Staffing Inc.21448 Check03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-26.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21449 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-14.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21450 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21451 Check03/26/2015

-26.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21452 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-26.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21453 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-14.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21454 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21455 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-29.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21456 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-26.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21457 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-61.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21458 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-14.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21459 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-26.00ClearedAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21460 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableALEXA BURKS21461 Check03/26/2015

-200.00OutstandingAccounts PayableALFRED & GAIL COOPER21462 Check03/26/2015

-836.00OutstandingAccounts PayableAndrew Bardakos21463 Check03/26/2015

-100.00OutstandingAccounts PayableCHARLES R & CAROLYN C HAYES TRS21464 Check03/26/2015

-119.00OutstandingAccounts PayableFRANS FRYKSDALE21465 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableGARY PEASLEY21466 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableGENE BROWN21467 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableGREG MAXSON21468 Check03/26/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableHUAN HOANG21469 Check03/26/2015

-125.00OutstandingAccounts PayableJOSEPH FENECH & CHRISTINE REED21470 Check03/26/2015

-440.00OutstandingAccounts PayableKAREN HEWITT21471 Check03/26/2015

-100.00OutstandingAccounts PayableKARL BERSCHEID21472 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableKERRY LOUTAS21473 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableLAURA LEE LIENK21474 Check03/26/2015

-200.00OutstandingAccounts PayableLINDA PERRY21475 Check03/26/2015

-200.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMELVIN L ELTISTE21476 Check03/26/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMERILEE KOLPACZYK21477 Check03/26/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMICHELLE JELINCH21478 Check03/26/2015

-175.00OutstandingAccounts PayableNANETTE M GILES21479 Check03/26/2015

-300.00OutstandingAccounts PayablePATRICK O'KEEFE21480 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayablePETER CHEMERIS21481 Check03/26/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableRAY & JOAN NELSON21482 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableROBERT BAYER21483 Check03/26/2015

-88.00OutstandingAccounts PayableROBERT NEWSOM21484 Check03/26/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableRON EVANS21485 Check03/26/2015

-98.00OutstandingAccounts PayableRosemary Aiello21486 Check03/26/2015

-100.00OutstandingAccounts PayableRYAN EDWARDS21487 Check03/26/2015

-200.00OutstandingAccounts PayableSTEPHANIE VIERRA21488 Check03/26/2015

-500.00OutstandingAccounts PayableTAMMY CONSOLI21489 Check03/26/2015


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 6 of 7

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


-84.81OutstandingAccounts PayableAT & T21490 Check03/26/2015

-167.67OutstandingAccounts PayableAT & T21491 Check03/26/2015

-487.68OutstandingAccounts PayableAT & T21492 Check03/26/2015

-1,563.31OutstandingAccounts PayableAT & T21493 Check03/26/2015

-45.41OutstandingAccounts PayableAT & T21494 Check03/26/2015

-1,032.52OutstandingAccounts PayableAT&T Long Distance21495 Check03/26/2015

-794.00OutstandingAccounts PayableBell, Andy21496 Check03/26/2015

-104.00OutstandingAccounts PayableCentral Coast Exterminator21497 Check03/26/2015

-157.40OutstandingAccounts PayableCisco WebEx, LLC21498 Check03/26/2015

-440.00OutstandingAccounts PayableCoreLogic Information Solutions, Inc.21499 Check03/26/2015

-472.11ClearedAccounts PayableDave Stoldt21500 Check03/26/2015 03/31/2015

-596.54OutstandingAccounts PayableDavid E. Gibson21501 Check03/26/2015

-275.58OutstandingAccounts PayableDepartment of Treasury21502 Check03/26/2015

-1,031.00OutstandingAccounts PayableDickhaut, Rick21503 Check03/26/2015

-5,000.00OutstandingAccounts PayableGardenSoft21504 Check03/26/2015

-125.00OutstandingAccounts PayableHamilton, Cory21505 Check03/26/2015

-26.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMoCo Recorder21506 Check03/26/2015

-50.00OutstandingAccounts PayableMonterey County Clerk21507 Check03/26/2015

-52.72OutstandingAccounts PayablePeninsula Welding Supply, Inc.21508 Check03/26/2015

-11.44OutstandingAccounts PayablePG&E21509 Check03/26/2015

-479.50OutstandingAccounts PayableSchmidlin, Cynthia21510 Check03/26/2015

-220.00OutstandingAccounts PayableU.S. Postal Service21511 Check03/26/2015

-811.20OutstandingAccounts PayableUniversal Staffing Inc.21512 Check03/26/2015

-3,422.59OutstandingAccounts PayableZone24x721513 Check03/26/2015

Bank Account 111 Total: (232) -192,276.91

Report Total: (232) -192,276.91


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:40 PM Page 7 of 7

SummaryBank Account Count Amount

-192,276.91232111 Bank of America Checking

-192,276.91Report Total: 232

Cash Account Count Amount

-192,276.9123299 99-10-100100 Pool Cash Account

-192,276.91Report Total: 232

Transaction Type Count Amount


1,423.486Check Reversal

-192,276.91Report Total: 232



Payment Type Total Payment1350 Regular 5812.49 5812.49

1351 Regular 1891.2 1891.2

1352 Regular 2897.06 2897.06

1353 Regular 1959.02 1959.02

1354 Regular 2992.5 2992.5

1355 Regular 1853.63 1853.63

1356 Regular 1943.86 1943.86

1357 Regular 1801.41 1801.41

1358 Regular 1348.84 1348.84

1359 Regular 1634.93 1634.93

1360 Regular 2561.29 2561.29

1361 Regular 3091.27 3091.27

1362 Regular 1649.73 1649.73

1363 Regular 213.33 213.33

1364 Regular 2151.94 2151.94

1365 Regular 487.65 487.65

1366 Regular 2316.2 2316.2

1367 Regular 267.16 267.16

1368 Regular 2042.55 2042.55

1369 Regular 2943.15 2943.15

1370 Regular 2743.83 2743.83

1371 Regular 2168.69 2168.69

1372 Regular 2628.28 2628.28

1373 Regular 2143.58 2143.58

1374 Regular 1663.21 1663.21

1375 Regular 1778.62 1778.62

1376 Regular 1779.8 1779.8

1377 Regular 2702.68 2702.68

1378 Regular 1703.81 1703.81

1380 Regular 5812.49 5812.49

1381 Regular 1891.2 1891.2

1382 Regular 2897.07 2897.07

1383 Regular 1959.02 1959.02

1384 Regular 3611.98 3611.98

1385 Regular 1853.63 1853.63

1386 Regular 1943.86 1943.86

1387 Regular 1801.41 1801.41

1388 Regular 1348.84 1348.84

1389 Regular 1634.93 1634.93

1390 Regular 2561.29 2561.29

1391 Regular 3232.71 3232.71

1392 Regular 1649.73 1649.73

1393 Regular 2151.92 2151.92

1394 Regular 638.93 638.93

1395 Regular 2139.8 2139.8

1396 Regular 484.69 484.69

1397 Regular 95.35 95.35

1398 Regular 2042.55 2042.55

1399 Regular 2943.15 2943.15

1400 Regular 2743.83 2743.83

1401 Regular 2168.7 2168.7

1402 Regular 2628.28 2628.28

1403 Regular 2143.59 2143.59

1404 Regular 1663.21 1663.21

1405 Regular 1778.62 1778.62

1406 Regular 1779.81 1779.81

1407 Regular 2702.68 2702.68

4/28/2015 3:19:34 PM Page 1 of 2

03/20/2015 1003 Boles, Michael T 0

03/20/2015 1010 Kister, Stephanie L 0

03/20/2015 1017 Locke, Stephanie L 0

03/20/2015 1016 Oliver, Joseph W 0

03/20/2015 1026 Urquhart, Kevan A 0

03/20/2015 1001 Ayala, Gabriela D 0

03/20/2015 1009 James, Gregory W 0

03/20/2015 1011 Lear, Jonathan P 0

03/20/2015 1012 Lindberg, Thomas L 0

03/20/2015 6010 Gonnerman, Maryan C 0

03/20/2015 6001 Gwinn, Abigail E 0

03/20/2015 1007 Hamilton, Cory R 0

03/20/2015 1023 Stern, Henrietta L 0

03/20/2015 6028 Atkins, Daniel N. 0

03/20/2015 1004 Chaney, Beverly M 0

03/20/2015 1005 Christensen, Thomas T 0

03/20/2015 1008 Hampson, Larry M 0

03/20/2015 1013 Lyons, Matthew J 0

03/20/2015 1021 Schmidlin, Cynthia L 0

03/20/2015 1022 Soto, Paula 0

03/20/2015 1002 Bekker, Mark 0

03/20/2015 1018 Prasad, Suresh 0

03/20/2015 1019 Reyes, Sara C 0

03/20/2015 1020 Sandoval, Eric J 0

03/20/2015 1025 Tavani, Arlene M 0

03/20/2015 1006 Dudley, Mark A 0

03/20/2015 1039 Flores, Elizabeth 0

03/06/2015 1017 Locke, Stephanie L 0

03/06/2015 1014 Martin, Debra S 0

03/20/2015 1024 Stoldt, David J 0

03/06/2015 1001 Ayala, Gabriela D 0

03/06/2015 1003 Boles, Michael T 0

03/06/2015 1010 Kister, Stephanie L 0

03/06/2015 1012 Lindberg, Thomas L 0

03/06/2015 1016 Oliver, Joseph W 0

03/06/2015 1026 Urquhart, Kevan A 0

03/06/2015 1007 Hamilton, Cory R 0

03/06/2015 1009 James, Gregory W 0

03/06/2015 1011 Lear, Jonathan P 0

03/06/2015 6028 Atkins, Daniel N. 0

03/06/2015 1004 Chaney, Beverly M 0

03/06/2015 6010 Gonnerman, Maryan C 0

03/06/2015 1013 Lyons, Matthew J 0

03/06/2015 6029 Snyder, Alexander G. 0

03/06/2015 1023 Stern, Henrietta L 0

03/06/2015 1002 Bekker, Mark 0

03/06/2015 1005 Christensen, Thomas T 0

03/06/2015 1008 Hampson, Larry M 0

03/06/2015 1020 Sandoval, Eric J 0

03/06/2015 1021 Schmidlin, Cynthia L 0

03/06/2015 1022 Soto, Paula 0

03/06/2015 1039 Flores, Elizabeth 0

03/06/2015 1018 Prasad, Suresh 0

03/06/2015 1019 Reyes, Sara C 0

03/06/2015 1024 Stoldt, David J 0

03/06/2015 1025 Tavani, Arlene M 0

03/06/2015 1006 Dudley, Mark A 0

Payroll Bank Transaction ReportMonterey Peninsula Water Mgmt District By Payment Number

Date: 3/1/2015 - 3/31/2015

Payroll Set: 01 - Monterey Peninsula Water Management District





Direct Deposit

AmountPayment Date Employee Name Check Amount


Payment Type Total Payment1408 Regular 1703.8 1703.8

1409 Regular 507.92 507.92

21279 Regular 0 473.52

21356 Regular 0 507.92

21357 Regular 0 710.15

21358 Regular 0 203.17

21359 Regular 0 203.17

21360 Regular 0 406.34

21361 Regular 0 203.17

21362 Regular 0 101.58

21402 Regular 0 403.65

Total 126,899.37$

4/28/2015 3:19:34 PM Page 2 of 2

03/09/2015 7004 Potter, David L 101.58

03/20/2015 1029 Dettman, David H 403.65

03/09/2015 7003 Lewis, Brenda 203.17

03/09/2015 7005 Markey, Kristina A 406.34

03/09/2015 7001 Pendergrass, David K 203.17

03/09/2015 7006 Brower, Sr., Robert S 507.92

03/09/2015 7007 Byrne, Jeannie 710.15

03/09/2015 7013 Clarke, Andrew 203.17

03/20/2015 1014 Martin, Debra S 0

03/12/2015 7005 Markey, Kristina A 0

03/06/2015 1029 Dettman, David H 473.52





Direct Deposit

AmountPayment Date Employee Name Check Amount


4/28/2015 2:56:56 PM Page 1 of 2

Bank Transaction ReportMonterey Peninsula Water Mgmt District Transaction Detail

Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015

Cleared Date Range: -

ClearedDate Number Description Module Status AmountType


Bank Account: 111 - Bank of America Checking

-10,232.13ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000552 Bank Draft03/06/2015 03/31/2015

-2,122.48ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000553 Bank Draft03/06/2015 03/31/2015

-202.14ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000554 Bank Draft03/06/2015 03/31/2015

-73.40ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000555 Bank Draft03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-313.72ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000556 Bank Draft03/09/2015 03/31/2015

-235.63ClearedGeneral LedgerTo record bank charges for March 2015SVC0000050 Service Charge03/16/2015 03/31/2015

-10,563.82ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000558 Bank Draft03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-2,166.60ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000559 Bank Draft03/20/2015 03/31/2015

-232.76ClearedAccounts PayableI.R.S.DFT0000560 Bank Draft03/20/2015 03/31/2015

Bank Account 111 Total: (9) -26,142.68

Report Total: (9) -26,142.68


Issued Date Range: 03/01/2015 - 03/31/2015 Cleared Date Range: -Bank Transaction Report

4/28/2015 2:56:56 PM Page 2 of 2

SummaryBank Account Count Amount

-26,142.689111 Bank of America Checking

-26,142.68Report Total: 9

Cash Account Count Amount

-26,142.68999 99-10-100100 Pool Cash Account

-26,142.68Report Total: 9

Transaction Type Count Amount

-25,907.058Bank Draft

-235.631Service Charge

-26,142.68Report Total: 9


4/28/2015 4:15:05 PM Page 1 of 4

Statement of Revenue Over Expense - No DecimalsMonterey Peninsula Water Mgmt District Group Summary

For Fiscal: 2014-2015 Period Ending: 03/31/2015










Budget Total Budget


R100 - Water Supply Charge -10,554 2,013,997 -59.24 %3.73 %-293,774 -1,386,003283,220 3,400,000

R110 - Mitigation Revenue 354,568 1,141,068 -53.65 %-200.11 %177,384 -985,932177,184 2,127,000

R120 - Property Taxes Revenues 0 887,592 -59.17 %0.00 %-124,950 -612,408124,950 1,500,000

R130 - User Fees 3,602 38,165 -50.89 %-57.65 %-2,646 -36,8356,248 75,000

R140 - Connection Charges 14,840 90,978 -51.99 %-101.80 %263 -84,02214,578 175,000

R150 - Permit Processing Fee 16,676 117,639 -67.22 %-114.40 %2,099 -57,36114,578 175,000

R160 - Well Registration Fee 25 1,775 0.00 %0.00 %25 1,7750 0

R190 - WDS Permits Rule 21 2,570 30,283 -54.08 %-55.09 %-2,095 -25,7174,665 56,000

R200 - Recording Fees 953 8,301 -103.76 %-143.01 %287 301666 8,000

R210 - Legal Fees 342 1,896 -12.64 %-27.37 %-908 -13,1041,250 15,000

R220 - Copy Fee 10 80 0.00 %0.00 %10 800 0

R230 - Miscellaneous - Other 826 3,440 -22.94 %-66.11 %-424 -11,5601,250 15,000

R240 - Insurance Refunds 0 6,729 0.00 %0.00 %0 6,7290 0

R250 - Interest Income 5,144 13,656 -91.04 %-411.68 %3,894 -1,3441,249 15,000

R260 - CAW - ASR 213,130 349,723 -62.69 %-458.58 %166,654 -208,17746,476 557,900

R270 - CAW - Rebates 22,373 909,682 -75.81 %-22.38 %-77,604 -290,31899,977 1,200,000

R280 - CAW - Conservation 275,532 275,532 -72.09 %-865.41 %243,694 -106,66831,838 382,200

R290 - CAW - Miscellaneous 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-583 -7,000583 7,000

R300 - Watermaster 0 37,506 -54.36 %0.00 %-5,748 -31,4945,748 69,000

R310 - Other Reimbursements 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-3,603 -43,2503,603 43,250

R320 - Grants 0 169,214 -36.72 %0.00 %-38,379 -291,58638,379 460,800

R500 - Capital Equipment Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-7,322 -87,9007,322 87,900

R510 - Operating Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-124,424 -1,493,084124,424 1,493,084

R520 - Flood/Drought Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-9,582 -115,0009,582 115,000

R600 - Water Supply Charge Carry Forward 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %38 0-38 0

Total Revenue: 900,038 6,097,259 -50.91 %-90.21 %-97,692 -5,879,875997,730 11,977,134


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Budget Total Budget


Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs

1100 - Salaries & Wages 173,547 1,625,088 71.58 %91.76 %15,577 645,312189,125 2,270,400

1110 - Manager's Auto Allowance 462 3,831 79.81 %115.43 %-62 969400 4,800

1120 - Manager's Deferred Comp 600 5,331 76.15 %102.90 %-17 1,669583 7,000

1130 - Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %250 3,000250 3,000

1140 - Insurance Opt-Out Supplemental 1,249 11,810 124.97 %158.61 %-461 -2,360787 9,450

1150 - Temporary Personnel 3,894 29,110 71.35 %114.57 %-495 11,6903,399 40,800

1160 - PERS Retirement 31,246 301,894 77.41 %96.18 %1,241 88,10632,487 390,000

1170 - Medical Insurance 23,769 214,770 71.53 %95.03 %1,242 85,48025,011 300,250

1180 - Medical Insurance - Retirees 5,885 44,162 81.78 %130.84 %-1,387 9,8384,498 54,000

1190 - Workers Compensation 3,030 29,547 75.18 %92.54 %244 9,7533,274 39,300

1200 - Life Insurance 438 3,893 73.46 %99.14 %4 1,407441 5,300

1210 - Long Term Disability Insurance 1,494 9,062 77.13 %152.62 %-515 2,688979 11,750

1220 - Short Term Disability Insurance 174 1,565 66.59 %89.02 %22 785196 2,350

1230 - Other Benefits 154 1,389 0.00 %0.00 %-154 -1,3890 0

1260 - Employee Assistance Program 66 592 53.82 %71.82 %26 50892 1,100

1270 - FICA Tax Expense 408 3,116 0.00 %0.00 %-408 -3,1160 0

1280 - Medicare Tax Expense 2,189 21,028 76.19 %95.22 %110 6,5722,299 27,600

1290 - Staff Development & Training 474 2,392 15.74 %37.43 %792 12,8081,266 15,200

1300 - Conference Registration 795 3,930 54.58 %132.55 %-195 3,270600 7,200

1310 - Professional Dues 0 1,515 13.41 %0.00 %941 9,785941 11,300

1320 - Personnel Recruitment 0 1,967 109.25 %0.00 %150 -167150 1,800

Total Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs: 249,873 2,315,992 72.32 %93.66 %16,903 886,608266,776 3,202,600

Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services

2100 - Board Member Compensation 3,080 21,120 57.08 %99.93 %2 15,8803,082 37,000

2110 - Board Expenses 2,239 3,734 82.97 %597.27 %-1,864 766375 4,500

2120 - Insurance Expense 3,445 32,074 71.27 %91.91 %303 12,9263,749 45,000

2130 - Membership Dues 0 24,333 76.04 %0.00 %2,666 7,6672,666 32,000

2135 - Public Outreach 1,764 3,913 130.43 %705.69 %-1,514 -913250 3,000

2140 - Bank Charges 287 3,020 86.28 %98.53 %4 480292 3,500

2150 - Office Supplies 3,982 25,842 81.52 %150.78 %-1,341 5,8582,641 31,700

2160 - Meeting Expenses 1,110 2,364 29.18 %164.56 %-436 5,736675 8,100

2170 - Printing/Photocopy 0 1,947 14.11 %0.00 %1,149 11,8531,149 13,800

2180 - Miscellaneous Expenses 276 2,876 38.35 %44.11 %349 4,624625 7,500

2190 - IT Supplies/Services 753 57,449 66.42 %10.45 %6,453 29,0517,205 86,500

2200 - Professional Fees 6,600 98,950 81.24 %65.05 %3,546 22,85010,146 121,800

2210 - Legal 44,051 241,316 60.33 %132.21 %-10,731 158,68433,320 400,000

2220 - Legal Notices 0 231 5.36 %0.00 %358 4,069358 4,300

2230 - Rent 2,084 15,596 74.62 %119.70 %-343 5,3041,741 20,900

2235 - Equipment Lease 936 9,334 54.91 %66.12 %480 7,6661,416 17,000

2240 - Telephone 4,517 37,921 98.75 %141.21 %-1,318 4793,199 38,400


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Budget Total Budget

2250 - Utilities 3,682 35,446 100.41 %125.20 %-741 -1462,940 35,300

2260 - Facility Maintenance 6,649 27,400 79.42 %231.35 %-3,775 7,1002,874 34,500

2270 - Travel Expenses 7,596 19,314 91.97 %434.27 %-5,847 1,6861,749 21,000

2280 - Transportation 1,187 16,823 54.27 %45.98 %1,395 14,1772,582 31,000

2900 - Operating Supplies 1,160 12,723 58.90 %64.47 %639 8,8771,799 21,600

Total Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services: 95,398 693,725 68.12 %112.45 %-10,565 324,67584,833 1,018,400

Level1: 300 - Other Expenses

3000 - Project Expenses 104,879 3,280,249 47.08 %18.07 %475,581 3,687,751580,460 6,968,000

4000 - Fixed Asset Purchases 0 43,067 21.64 %0.00 %16,577 155,93316,577 199,000

5000 - Debt Service 0 77,544 33.71 %0.00 %19,159 152,45619,159 230,000

5500 - Election Expenses 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %15,465 185,58415,465 185,584

6000 - Contingencies 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %6,247 75,0006,247 75,000

6500 - Reserves 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %8,213 98,5508,213 98,550

Total Level1: 300 - Other Expenses: 104,879 3,400,860 43.85 %16.23 %541,242 4,355,274646,121 7,756,134

Total Expense: 450,150 6,410,578 53.52 %45.12 %547,580 5,566,556997,730 11,977,134

Report Total: 449,888 -313,319449,888 -313,3190 0


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Fund Summary










Activity Total Budget

24 - MITIGATION FUND -315,2500 213,121 -315,250213,121 0

26 - CONSERVATION FUND -180,1910 212,992 -180,191212,992 0

35 - WATER SUPPLY FUND 182,1230 23,774 182,12323,775 0

Report Total: -313,3190.17 449,888 -313,319449,888 0


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Statement of Revenue Over Expense - No DecimalsMonterey Peninsula Water Mgmt District Group Summary

For Fiscal: 2014-2015 Period Ending: 03/31/2015










Budget Total Budget



R110 - Mitigation Revenue 354,568 1,141,068 -53.65 %-200.11 %177,384 -985,932177,184 2,127,000

R120 - Property Taxes Revenues 0 29,083 0.00 %0.00 %2 29,083-2 0

R130 - User Fees 3,041 32,219 -42.96 %-48.67 %-3,207 -42,7816,248 75,000

R160 - Well Registration Fee 25 1,775 0.00 %0.00 %25 1,7750 0

R190 - WDS Permits Rule 21 2,570 30,283 -54.08 %-55.09 %-2,095 -25,7174,665 56,000

R230 - Miscellaneous - Other 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-1,250 -15,0001,250 15,000

R250 - Interest Income 134 1,908 -29.58 %-24.99 %-403 -4,542537 6,450

R290 - CAW - Miscellaneous 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-583 -7,000583 7,000

R310 - Other Reimbursements 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-2,583 -31,0002,583 31,000

R320 - Grants 0 163,464 -35.47 %0.00 %-38,379 -297,33638,379 460,800

R500 - Capital Equipment Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-3,582 -43,0003,582 43,000

Total Revenue: 360,338 1,399,801 -49.62 %-153.33 %125,330 -1,421,449235,008 2,821,250


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Budget Total Budget


Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs

1100 - Salaries & Wages 74,462 688,218 71.48 %92.84 %5,740 274,58280,201 962,800

1110 - Manager's Auto Allowance 92 766 80.64 %116.64 %-13 18479 950

1120 - Manager's Deferred Comp 120 1,066 76.16 %102.90 %-3 334117 1,400

1130 - Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %100 1,200100 1,200

1140 - Insurance Opt-Out Supplemental 314 2,986 157.15 %198.69 %-156 -1,086158 1,900

1150 - Temporary Personnel 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %37 45037 450

1160 - PERS Retirement 13,467 128,458 77.11 %97.04 %410 38,14213,878 166,600

1170 - Medical Insurance 10,752 95,274 71.37 %96.69 %368 38,22611,120 133,500

1180 - Medical Insurance - Retirees 2,531 21,093 91.71 %132.09 %-615 1,9071,916 23,000

1190 - Workers Compensation 1,868 18,242 77.63 %95.41 %90 5,2581,958 23,500

1200 - Life Insurance 186 1,664 73.94 %99.46 %1 586187 2,250

1210 - Long Term Disability Insurance 663 4,024 77.38 %153.16 %-230 1,176433 5,200

1220 - Short Term Disability Insurance 77 689 68.86 %93.00 %6 31183 1,000

1230 - Other Benefits 51 458 0.00 %0.00 %-51 -4580 0

1260 - Employee Assistance Program 29 255 56.61 %76.51 %9 19537 450

1270 - FICA Tax Expense 300 2,370 0.00 %0.00 %-300 -2,3700 0

1280 - Medicare Tax Expense 993 9,351 77.28 %98.47 %15 2,7491,008 12,100

1290 - Staff Development & Training 175 1,290 19.55 %31.83 %375 5,310550 6,600

1300 - Conference Registration 0 1,219 39.32 %0.00 %258 1,881258 3,100

1310 - Professional Dues 0 702 14.63 %0.00 %400 4,098400 4,800

1320 - Personnel Recruitment 0 846 120.80 %0.00 %58 -14658 700

Total Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs: 106,081 978,971 72.44 %94.23 %6,499 372,529112,580 1,351,500

Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services

2100 - Board Member Compensation 1,324 9,082 57.12 %99.99 %0 6,8181,324 15,900

2110 - Board Expenses 963 1,756 92.40 %608.26 %-804 144158 1,900

2120 - Insurance Expense 1,482 14,380 74.51 %92.15 %126 4,9201,608 19,300

2130 - Membership Dues 0 9,510 68.91 %0.00 %1,150 4,2901,150 13,800

2135 - Public Outreach 1,355 2,300 176.90 %1,251.04 %-1,246 -1,000108 1,300

2140 - Bank Charges 122 1,094 72.93 %97.26 %3 406125 1,500

2150 - Office Supplies 1,712 11,322 82.64 %150.02 %-571 2,3781,141 13,700

2160 - Meeting Expenses 477 1,013 28.94 %163.76 %-186 2,487292 3,500

2170 - Printing/Photocopy 0 837 14.19 %0.00 %491 5,063491 5,900

2180 - Miscellaneous Expenses 119 1,237 38.65 %44.46 %148 1,963267 3,200

2190 - IT Supplies/Services 324 24,666 66.31 %10.44 %2,775 12,5343,099 37,200

2200 - Professional Fees 2,838 42,549 81.20 %65.02 %1,527 9,8524,365 52,400

2210 - Legal 9,886 54,110 60.12 %131.86 %-2,389 35,8907,497 90,000

2220 - Legal Notices 0 99 5.22 %0.00 %158 1,801158 1,900

2230 - Rent 997 7,392 82.14 %132.98 %-247 1,608750 9,000

2235 - Equipment Lease 403 4,014 54.98 %66.21 %205 3,286608 7,300

2240 - Telephone 1,980 16,989 102.96 %144.06 %-606 -4891,375 16,500


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Budget Total Budget

2250 - Utilities 1,598 15,360 101.05 %126.20 %-332 -1601,266 15,200

2260 - Facility Maintenance 2,889 11,996 81.05 %234.34 %-1,656 2,8041,233 14,800

2270 - Travel Expenses 3,043 6,680 74.22 %405.98 %-2,294 2,320750 9,000

2280 - Transportation 884 10,846 80.94 %79.23 %232 2,5541,116 13,400

2900 - Operating Supplies 503 1,709 18.38 %64.92 %272 7,591775 9,300

Total Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services: 32,897 248,938 69.93 %110.93 %-3,243 107,06229,655 356,000

Level1: 300 - Other Expenses

3000 - Project Expenses 8,239 468,528 52.48 %11.08 %66,126 424,27274,365 892,800

4000 - Fixed Asset Purchases 0 18,614 20.74 %0.00 %7,476 71,1367,476 89,750

6000 - Contingencies 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %2,720 32,6502,720 32,650

6500 - Reserves 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %8,213 98,5508,213 98,550

Total Level1: 300 - Other Expenses: 8,239 487,143 43.74 %8.88 %84,535 626,60792,773 1,113,750

Total Expense: 147,217 1,715,052 60.79 %62.64 %87,791 1,106,198235,008 2,821,250

Total Revenues 1,399,801.49360,338.19 -153.33 % -49.62 %125,330 -1,421,449235,008 2,821,250

Total Fund: 24 - MITIGATION FUND: 213,121 -315,250213,121 -315,2500 0


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Budget Total Budget



R120 - Property Taxes Revenues 0 519,182 -61.64 %0.00 %-70,159 -323,06870,159 842,250

R130 - User Fees 561 5,946 0.00 %0.00 %561 5,9460 0

R150 - Permit Processing Fee 16,676 117,639 -67.22 %-114.40 %2,099 -57,36114,578 175,000

R200 - Recording Fees 953 8,301 -103.76 %-143.01 %287 301666 8,000

R210 - Legal Fees 342 1,896 -12.64 %-27.37 %-908 -13,1041,250 15,000

R230 - Miscellaneous - Other 0 300 0.00 %0.00 %0 3000 0

R250 - Interest Income 766 1,853 -45.74 %-227.01 %428 -2,197337 4,050

R270 - CAW - Rebates 22,373 909,682 -75.81 %-22.38 %-77,604 -290,31899,977 1,200,000

R280 - CAW - Conservation 275,532 275,532 -72.09 %-865.41 %243,694 -106,66831,838 382,200

R310 - Other Reimbursements 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-1,020 -12,2501,020 12,250

R320 - Grants 0 5,750 0.00 %0.00 %0 5,7500 0

R500 - Capital Equipment Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-258 -3,100258 3,100

R520 - Flood/Drought Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-9,582 -115,0009,582 115,000

Total Revenue: 317,203 1,846,081 -66.96 %-138.12 %87,538 -910,769229,665 2,756,850


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Budget Total Budget


Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs

1100 - Salaries & Wages 38,920 387,155 76.82 %92.70 %3,064 116,84541,983 504,000

1110 - Manager's Auto Allowance 92 766 80.64 %116.64 %-13 18479 950

1120 - Manager's Deferred Comp 120 1,066 76.16 %102.90 %-3 334117 1,400

1130 - Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %67 80067 800

1140 - Insurance Opt-Out Supplemental 314 2,986 157.15 %198.69 %-156 -1,086158 1,900

1150 - Temporary Personnel 3,894 29,110 72.78 %116.86 %-562 10,8903,332 40,000

1160 - PERS Retirement 6,948 70,374 83.09 %98.48 %107 14,3267,055 84,700

1170 - Medical Insurance 5,892 56,288 77.53 %97.42 %156 16,3126,048 72,600

1180 - Medical Insurance - Retirees 1,412 8,749 67.30 %130.43 %-330 4,2511,083 13,000

1190 - Workers Compensation 140 1,433 68.26 %80.04 %35 667175 2,100

1200 - Life Insurance 121 982 72.75 %107.41 %-8 368112 1,350

1210 - Long Term Disability Insurance 344 2,092 80.46 %159.01 %-128 508217 2,600

1220 - Short Term Disability Insurance 40 376 68.31 %87.73 %6 17446 550

1230 - Other Benefits 51 458 0.00 %0.00 %-51 -4580 0

1260 - Employee Assistance Program 17 156 52.14 %66.65 %8 14425 300

1270 - FICA Tax Expense 46 324 0.00 %0.00 %-46 -3240 0

1280 - Medicare Tax Expense 548 5,578 79.69 %93.96 %35 1,422583 7,000

1290 - Staff Development & Training 299 1,000 27.02 %97.01 %9 2,700308 3,700

1300 - Conference Registration 795 1,640 91.13 %530.21 %-645 160150 1,800

1310 - Professional Dues 0 521 20.02 %0.00 %217 2,079217 2,600

1320 - Personnel Recruitment 0 472 94.39 %0.00 %42 2842 500

Total Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs: 59,993 571,527 77.04 %97.08 %1,803 170,32361,796 741,850

Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services

2100 - Board Member Compensation 739 5,227 58.73 %99.71 %2 3,673741 8,900

2110 - Board Expenses 537 746 67.83 %586.41 %-446 35492 1,100

2120 - Insurance Expense 827 7,450 68.98 %91.91 %73 3,350900 10,800

2130 - Membership Dues 0 8,044 105.85 %0.00 %633 -444633 7,600

2135 - Public Outreach 188 548 78.27 %322.24 %-130 15258 700

2140 - Bank Charges 68 620 77.48 %101.79 %-1 18067 800

2150 - Office Supplies 956 6,092 80.15 %150.94 %-322 1,508633 7,600

2160 - Meeting Expenses 266 589 31.02 %168.37 %-108 1,311158 1,900

2170 - Printing/Photocopy 0 467 13.74 %0.00 %283 2,933283 3,400

2180 - Miscellaneous Expenses 66 690 38.35 %44.11 %84 1,110150 1,800

2190 - IT Supplies/Services 181 13,805 66.37 %10.43 %1,552 6,9951,733 20,800

2200 - Professional Fees 1,584 23,823 81.59 %65.12 %848 5,3772,432 29,200

2210 - Legal 5,585 25,831 32.29 %83.81 %1,079 54,1696,664 80,000

2220 - Legal Notices 0 55 5.54 %0.00 %83 94583 1,000

2230 - Rent 155 1,410 28.21 %37.11 %262 3,590417 5,000

2235 - Equipment Lease 225 2,263 55.20 %65.80 %117 1,837342 4,100

2240 - Telephone 955 8,197 89.10 %124.60 %-189 1,003766 9,200


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Budget Total Budget

2250 - Utilities 877 8,547 100.55 %123.87 %-169 -47708 8,500

2260 - Facility Maintenance 1,596 6,631 79.89 %230.80 %-904 1,669691 8,300

2270 - Travel Expenses 2,144 6,427 128.54 %514.90 %-1,728 -1,427416 5,000

2280 - Transportation 140 3,393 45.85 %22.79 %476 4,007616 7,400

2900 - Operating Supplies 444 9,866 189.74 %102.47 %-11 -4,666433 5,200

Total Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services: 17,533 140,724 61.64 %92.19 %1,485 87,57619,017 228,300

Level1: 300 - Other Expenses

3000 - Project Expenses 26,685 1,303,495 75.63 %18.58 %116,902 420,005143,587 1,723,500

4000 - Fixed Asset Purchases 0 10,527 33.85 %0.00 %2,591 20,5732,591 31,100

6000 - Contingencies 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %2,674 32,1002,674 32,100

Total Level1: 300 - Other Expenses: 26,685 1,314,021 73.54 %17.93 %122,166 472,679148,851 1,786,700

Total Expense: 104,211 2,026,272 73.50 %45.38 %125,454 730,578229,665 2,756,850

Total Revenues 1,846,080.71317,203.24 -138.12 % -66.96 %87,538 -910,769229,665 2,756,850

Total Fund: 26 - CONSERVATION FUND: 212,992 -180,191212,992 -180,1910 0


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Budget Total Budget



R100 - Water Supply Charge -10,554 2,013,997 -59.24 %3.73 %-293,774 -1,386,003283,220 3,400,000

R120 - Property Taxes Revenues 0 339,326 -51.59 %0.00 %-54,793 -318,42454,793 657,750

R140 - Connection Charges 14,840 90,978 -51.99 %-101.80 %263 -84,02214,578 175,000

R220 - Copy Fee 10 80 0.00 %0.00 %10 800 0

R230 - Miscellaneous - Other 826 3,140 0.00 %0.00 %826 3,1400 0

R240 - Insurance Refunds 0 6,729 0.00 %0.00 %0 6,7290 0

R250 - Interest Income 4,244 9,895 -219.89 %-1,132.14 %3,869 5,395375 4,500

R260 - CAW - ASR 213,130 349,723 -62.69 %-458.58 %166,654 -208,17746,476 557,900

R300 - Watermaster 0 37,506 -54.36 %0.00 %-5,748 -31,4945,748 69,000

R500 - Capital Equipment Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-3,482 -41,8003,482 41,800

R510 - Operating Reserve 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %-124,424 -1,493,084124,424 1,493,084

R600 - Water Supply Charge Carry Forward 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %38 0-38 0

Total Revenue: 222,496 2,851,377 -44.56 %-41.74 %-310,561 -3,547,657533,057 6,399,034


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Budget Total Budget


Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs

1100 - Salaries & Wages 60,166 549,715 68.41 %89.88 %6,774 253,88566,940 803,600

1110 - Manager's Auto Allowance 277 2,299 79.26 %114.63 %-35 601242 2,900

1120 - Manager's Deferred Comp 360 3,198 76.15 %102.90 %-10 1,002350 4,200

1130 - Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %83 1,00083 1,000

1140 - Insurance Opt-Out Supplemental 620 5,838 103.34 %131.65 %-149 -188471 5,650

1150 - Temporary Personnel 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %29 35029 350

1160 - PERS Retirement 10,830 103,062 74.31 %93.74 %723 35,63811,554 138,700

1170 - Medical Insurance 7,124 63,209 67.14 %90.84 %718 30,9417,843 94,150

1180 - Medical Insurance - Retirees 1,942 14,320 79.56 %129.53 %-443 3,6801,499 18,000

1190 - Workers Compensation 1,022 9,872 72.06 %89.54 %119 3,8281,141 13,700

1200 - Life Insurance 130 1,247 73.37 %92.16 %11 453142 1,700

1210 - Long Term Disability Insurance 486 2,946 74.59 %147.70 %-157 1,004329 3,950

1220 - Short Term Disability Insurance 57 501 62.58 %84.92 %10 29967 800

1230 - Other Benefits 52 472 0.00 %0.00 %-52 -4720 0

1260 - Employee Assistance Program 20 181 51.67 %70.21 %9 16929 350

1270 - FICA Tax Expense 63 422 0.00 %0.00 %-63 -4220 0

1280 - Medicare Tax Expense 649 6,098 71.75 %91.63 %59 2,402708 8,500

1290 - Staff Development & Training 0 102 2.09 %0.00 %408 4,798408 4,900

1300 - Conference Registration 0 1,071 46.55 %0.00 %192 1,229192 2,300

1310 - Professional Dues 0 292 7.49 %0.00 %325 3,608325 3,900

1320 - Personnel Recruitment 0 649 108.16 %0.00 %50 -4950 600

Total Level1: 100 - Personnel Costs: 83,799 765,495 69.01 %90.69 %8,601 343,75592,400 1,109,250

Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services

2100 - Board Member Compensation 1,016 6,811 55.83 %100.01 %0 5,3891,016 12,200

2110 - Board Expenses 739 1,232 82.15 %591.30 %-614 268125 1,500

2120 - Insurance Expense 1,137 10,244 68.75 %91.60 %104 4,6561,241 14,900

2130 - Membership Dues 0 6,779 63.95 %0.00 %883 3,821883 10,600

2135 - Public Outreach 221 1,065 106.52 %265.15 %-138 -6583 1,000

2140 - Bank Charges 98 1,306 108.85 %97.94 %2 -106100 1,200

2150 - Office Supplies 1,314 8,428 81.04 %151.67 %-448 1,972866 10,400

2160 - Meeting Expenses 366 762 28.21 %162.92 %-142 1,938225 2,700

2170 - Printing/Photocopy 0 642 14.28 %0.00 %375 3,858375 4,500

2180 - Miscellaneous Expenses 91 949 37.96 %43.67 %117 1,551208 2,500

2190 - IT Supplies/Services 248 18,979 66.59 %10.46 %2,126 9,5212,374 28,500

2200 - Professional Fees 2,178 32,579 81.04 %65.04 %1,171 7,6223,349 40,200

2210 - Legal 28,581 161,374 70.16 %149.18 %-9,422 68,62619,159 230,000

2220 - Legal Notices 0 76 5.44 %0.00 %117 1,324117 1,400

2230 - Rent 933 6,793 98.45 %162.24 %-358 107575 6,900

2235 - Equipment Lease 309 3,057 54.59 %66.24 %157 2,543466 5,600

2240 - Telephone 1,582 12,735 100.28 %149.55 %-524 -351,058 12,700


Statement of Revenue Over Expense - No Decimals For Fiscal: 2014-2015 Period Ending: 03/31/2015

4/28/2015 4:14:47 PM Page 9 of 10










Budget Total Budget

2250 - Utilities 1,207 11,539 99.48 %124.87 %-240 61966 11,600

2260 - Facility Maintenance 2,164 8,773 76.96 %227.89 %-1,214 2,627950 11,400

2270 - Travel Expenses 2,408 6,207 88.67 %413.04 %-1,825 793583 7,000

2280 - Transportation 162 2,584 25.33 %19.11 %687 7,616850 10,200

2900 - Operating Supplies 213 1,148 16.17 %36.06 %378 5,952591 7,100

Total Level1: 200 - Supplies and Services: 44,968 304,063 70.04 %124.36 %-8,807 130,03736,161 434,100

Level1: 300 - Other Expenses

3000 - Project Expenses 69,955 1,508,226 34.66 %19.30 %292,553 2,843,474362,508 4,351,700

4000 - Fixed Asset Purchases 0 13,926 17.82 %0.00 %6,510 64,2246,510 78,150

5000 - Debt Service 0 77,544 33.71 %0.00 %19,159 152,45619,159 230,000

5500 - Election Expenses 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %15,465 185,58415,465 185,584

6000 - Contingencies 0 0 0.00 %0.00 %854 10,250854 10,250

Total Level1: 300 - Other Expenses: 69,955 1,599,696 32.94 %17.29 %334,541 3,255,988404,496 4,855,684

Total Expense: 198,722 2,669,254 41.71 %37.28 %334,335 3,729,780533,057 6,399,034

Total Revenues 2,851,376.86222,496.37 -41.74 % -44.56 %-310,561 -3,547,657533,057 6,399,034

Total Fund: 35 - WATER SUPPLY FUND: 23,775 182,12323,774 182,1230 0

Report Total: 449,888 -313,319449,888 -313,3190 0


Statement of Revenue Over Expense - No Decimals For Fiscal: 2014-2015 Period Ending: 03/31/2015

4/28/2015 4:14:47 PM Page 10 of 10

Fund Summary










Activity Total Budget

24 - MITIGATION FUND -315,2500 213,121 -315,250213,121 0

26 - CONSERVATION FUND -180,1910 212,992 -180,191212,992 0

35 - WATER SUPPLY FUND 182,1230 23,774 182,12323,775 0

Report Total: -313,3190.17 449,888 -313,319449,888 0



FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: N/A From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ N/A General Manager Line Item No.: Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate: N/A

General Counsel Review: N/A Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended ____________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: The third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-2015 came to a conclusion on March 31, 2015. Table comparing budgeted and actual year-to-date revenues and expenditures for the period are included as Exhibit 7-A. Exhibits 7-B and 7-C presents the same information in bar graph format. The following comments summarize District staff's observations: REVENUES The revenue table compares amounts received through the second quarter and conclusion of FY 2014-2015 to the amounts budgeted for that same time period. Total revenues collected were $6,097,259, or 67.9% of the budgeted amount of $8,982,851. Variances within the individual revenue categories are described below:

• Water Supply Charge revenues were $2,013,997, or 79.0% of the budget for the period. The first installment of this revenue was received in December 2014. The second installment is expected to be collected in April 2015.

• Mitigation revenue was $1,141,068, or 71.5% of the budget. Mitigation revenue is billed and collected in arrears.

• Property tax revenues were $887,592, or 78.9% of the budget for the period. The first installment of this revenue was received in December 2014. The second installment is expected to be collected in April 2015.

• User fee revenues were $38,165, or about 67.8% of the amount budgeted. This is below the budgeted amount as Reclamation Project’s share is billed and collected at the end of the fiscal year.

• Connection Charge revenues were $90,978, or 69.3% of the budget for the period. Budget figures are forecasted based on estimated number of customers pulling permits.

• Permit Fees revenues were $149,697, or 86.4% of the budget for the period. Budget figures are forecasted based on estimated number of customers pulling permits.

• Interest revenues were $13,656, or 121.4% of the budget for the period. This is due to investments placed with Wells Fargo Securities yielding a higher interest rate than budgeted.


• Project reimbursements of $1,572,443, or 92.8% of the budget. This is based on actual spending and collection of reimbursement project funds.

• Grant revenue of $169,214, or 49.0% of the budget. This is due to grant funded projects being deferred and continued to next quarter.

• The Other revenue category totaled $20,449 or about 71.8% of the budgeted amount. This is below budget as this category includes reimbursement revenues from legal and other services.

• The Reserves category totaled $0 or about 0.00% of the budgeted amount. This category includes potential use of reserves, water supply carry forward balance and the line of credit during the fiscal year for which adjustments are made at the conclusion of the fiscal year.

EXPENDITURES Expenditure activity as depicted on the expenditure table is similar to patterns seen in past fiscal years. Total expenditures of $6,410,578 were about 71.4% of the budgeted amount of $8,982,851 for the period. Variances within the individual expenditure categories are described below:

• Personnel costs of $2,315,992 were about 96.4% of the budget. This was slightly below the anticipated budget.

• Expenditures for supplies and services were $693,726, or about 90.8% of the budgeted amount. This was slightly below the anticipated budget.

• Fixed assets purchases of $43,067 represented around 28.9% of the budgeted amount as some of the purchases were deferred to next quarter.

• Funds spent for project expenditures were $3,280,249, or approximately 62.8% of the amount budgeted for the period. This is due to some project spending being deferred to next quarter.

• Debt Service included costs of $77,544, or 45.0% of the budget for the period. The second installment on the loan will be due in June of this fiscal year.

• Election expenditures were $0, or 0% of the budgeted amount. This was due to the elections expenses paid in last quarter of the fiscal year.

• Contingencies/Other expenditures $0, or 0% of the budgeted amount. This was due to the contingency budget not spent during this quarter.

• Reserve expenditures of $0, or 0% of the budgeted amount. This was due to the adjustments made at the conclusion of the fiscal year.

EXHIBITS 7-A Revenue and Expenditure Table 7-B Revenue Graph 7-C Expenditure Graph U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\07\Item 7.docx



U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\07\Item 7_Exhibit 7-A

Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Percent ofRevenues Budget Variance Budget

Water Supply Charge $2,013,997 $2,550,000 $536,003 79.0%Mitigation Revenue $1,141,068 $1,595,250 $454,182 71.5%Property Taxes $887,592 $1,125,000 $237,408 78.9%User Fees $38,165 $56,250 $18,085 67.8%Connection Charges $90,978 $131,250 $40,272 69.3%Permit Fees $149,697 $173,250 $23,553 86.4%Interest $13,656 $11,250 ($2,406) 121.4%Reimbursements $1,572,443 $1,694,513 $122,070 92.8%Grants $169,214 $345,600 $176,386 49.0%Other $20,449 $28,500 $8,051 71.8%Reserves [1] $0 $1,271,988 $1,271,988 0.0% Total Revenues $6,097,259 $8,982,851 $2,885,592 67.9%

Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Percent ofExpenditures Budget Variance Budget

Personnel $2,315,992 $2,401,950 $85,958 96.4%Supplies & Services $693,726 $763,800 $70,074 90.8%Fixed Assets $43,067 $149,250 $106,183 28.9%Project Expenditures $3,280,249 $5,226,000 $1,945,751 62.8%Debt Service $77,544 $172,500 $94,956 45.0%Election Expenses $0 $139,188 $139,188 0.0%Contingencies/Other $0 $56,250 $56,250 0.0%Reserves $0 $73,913 $73,913 0.0% Total Expenditures $6,410,578 $8,982,851 $2,572,273 71.4%

[1] Budget column includes fund balance, water supply carry forward, and reserve fund

Monterey Peninsula Water Management DistrictThird Quarter Report on Financial Activity

Fiscal Year 2014-2015




U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\07\Item 7_Exhibit 7-B








REVENUES Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2015

Year-to-Date Actual Revenues $6,097,2591 Year-to-Date Budgeted Revenues $8,982,851

Year-to-Date Revenues Year-to-Date Budget




U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\07\Item 7_Exhibit 7-C









Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2015 Year-to-Date Actual Exenditures $6,410,578

Year-to-Date Budgeted Expenditures $8,892,851

Year-to-Date Expenditures Year-to-Date Budget




INVESTMENT REPORT Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: N/A

From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ N/A General Manager Line Item No.:

Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate: N/A

General Counsel Review: N/A Committee Recommendation: The Administrative Committee considered this item on May 11, 2015 and recommended _____________. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: The District’s investment policy requires that each quarter the Board of Directors receive and approve a report on investments held by the District. Exhibit 8-A is the report for the quarter ending March 31, 2015. District staff has determined that these investments do include sufficient liquid funds to meet anticipated expenditures for the next six months and as a result this portfolio is in compliance with the current District investment policy. This portfolio is in compliance with the California Government Code, and the permitted investments of Monterey County. RECOMMENDATION: The Administrative Committee considered this item at its May 11, 2015 meeting and voted _ to _ to recommend ___________. EXHIBIT 8-A Investment Report as of March 31, 2015 U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\08\Item 8.docx




U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\08\Item 8_Exhibit 8-A

Issuing Institution Purchase Maturity Annual Rate PortfolioSecurity Description Date Date Cost Basis Par Value Market Value of Return Distribution

Local Agency Investment Fund 03/31/15 04/01/15 $1,693,258 $1,693,258 $1,693,258 0.260% 34.78%

Bank of America: Money Market 03/31/15 04/01/15 786,970 786,970 786,970 0.033% Checking 03/31/15 04/01/15 130,373 130,373 130,373 0.000%

$917,343 $917,343 $917,343 0.028% 18.84%

Wells Fargo Money Market 03/31/15 04/01/15 258,240 258,240 258,240 0.010%

Wells Fargo Institutional Securities:Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 09/04/13 09/04/15 $250,000 $250,000 $250,405 0.750%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 10/30/13 10/30/15 $250,000 $250,000 $250,607 0.850%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 08/30/13 03/01/16 $250,000 $250,000 $250,741 0.900%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 09/08/14 03/08/16 $250,000 $250,000 $250,280 0.700%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 09/05/13 09/06/16 $250,000 $250,000 $251,630 1.150%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 04/15/14 04/18/17 $250,000 $250,000 $250,727 1.050%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 07/09/14 07/10/17 $250,000 $250,000 $250,116 1.150%Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit 03/27/15 03/27/18 $250,000 $250,000 $249,869 1.150%

$2,258,240 $2,258,240 $2,262,615 0.854% 46.38%

TOTAL MPWMD $4,868,841 $4,868,841 $4,873,216 0.492%

Issuing Institution Purchase Maturity Annual Rate PortfolioSecurity Description Date Date Cost Basis Par Value Market Value of Return Distribution

US Bank Corp Trust Services: 0.16% Certificate Payment Fund 03/31/15 04/01/15 791 791 791 0.000% Interest Fund 03/31/15 04/01/15 327 327 327 0.000% Rebate Fund 03/31/15 04/01/15 19 19 19 0.000%

$1,136 $1,136 $1,136 0.000%

Bank of America: 99.84%Money Market Fund 03/31/15 04/01/15 688,752 688,752 $688,752 0.030%

TOTAL WASTEWATER RECLAMATION PROJECT $689,888 $689,888 $689,888 0.030%

These investments do include sufficient liquid funds to meet anticipated expenditures for thenext six months as reflected in the FY 2014-2015 annual budget adopted on June 23, 2014.







FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 Meeting Date: May 11, 2015 Budgeted: N/A

From: David J. Stoldt, Program/ N/A General Manager Line Item No.:

Prepared By: Suresh Prasad Cost Estimate: N/A

General Counsel Review: N/A Committee Recommendation: This is an informational item only. CEQA Compliance: N/A SUMMARY: The third quarter Legal Services Activity Report for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 is attached as Exhibit 9-A. The information presented are in a table and graph format and compares the actual second quarter activity and the year-to-date amount to the overall budget for legal & professional services. The actual costs for the current reporting period were 72% of the total legal & professional budget. EXHIBIT 9-A Legal Services Costs Update Table U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\09\Item 9.docx




U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\09\Item 9_Exhibit 9-A

File No. Description Previous Bal. January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 Total FY 2014/15 BudgetDelay & LaredoWMD-001 Retained General Counsel Service 31,500.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 47,250.00 WMD-003-01 Desal A.12-04-019 3,999.00 1,075.00 172.00 2,816.50 8,062.50 WMD-003-03 SCD - A.10-09-019 193.50 - 64.50 - 258.00 WMD-003-04 CPUC A.10-07-007 (GRC) 494.50 86.00 - - 580.50 WMD-003-05 218 Fee A.10-01-012 623.50 21.50 602.00 129.00 1,376.00 WMD-003-06 SWRCB Proceedings 1,784.50 - - - 1,784.50 WMD-003-07 CPUC Proceedings (General) 838.50 86.00 1,039.25 - 1,963.75 WMD-003-08 Thum vs MPWMD 7,569.95 1,268.50 860.00 967.50 10,665.95 WMD-003-09 Seaside Basin Watermaster 1,032.00 107.50 64.50 43.00 1,247.00 WMD-003-10 Special Counsel Oversight 21.50 - 43.00 - 64.50 WMD-003-11 MPWMD vs. SWRCB (CDO) 7,430.40 1,827.50 2,343.50 2,107.00 13,708.40 WMD-003-11A MPWMD vs. SWRCB (Sierra Club Appeal for Attorney Fees) 13,222.50 43.00 107.50 - 13,373.00 WMD-003-12 2013 GRC Proceeding A.13-07-002 7,944.50 64.50 1,032.00 1,075.00 10,116.00 WMD-003-13 Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) Project 7,675.50 2,257.50 2,623.00 1,397.50 13,953.50 WMD-003-14 MPTA vs. MPWMD Case No. M123512 11,545.50 - 2,429.50 1,612.50 15,587.50 WMD-003-15 Deep Water Desal 107.50 - - 64.50 172.00 WMD-003-16 Water Plus vs MPWMD 6,600.60 1,397.50 6,815.50 3,096.00 17,909.60 WMD-004 Bond, Audit or Financial Matters - Special Legal Services 1,462.00 - - - 1,462.00 WMD-005 3rd Party Reimbursement - Special Legal Services 1,720.00 365.50 344.00 516.00 2,945.50 WMD-005-01 Water Demand Permits/Deed Review 2,580.00 279.50 107.50 258.00 3,225.00 WMD-005-02 Reclamation Matters - - 172.00 258.00 430.00 WMD-005-03 WDS Permits and Water Rights Review 14,770.50 838.50 516.00 64.50 16,189.50 WMD-005-04 ASR 4,020.60 - 430.00 - 4,450.60

Adjustments - - - - - Sub-total (Delay & Laredo) 127,136.55 14,968.00 25,015.75 19,655.00 186,775.30

Goodin, MacBride, Squeri, Day & Lamprey, LLP3465-001 PUC Proceeding 3,812.05 705.33 1,177.50 1,540.00 7,234.88

Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PCProp 218 Advice 67,738.76 4,757.50 17,523.19 2,623.40 92,642.85

JEA & AssociatesConsultant 15,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 22,500.00

Total 213,687.36$ 22,930.83$ 46,216.44$ 26,318.40$ 309,153.03$ $430,000.00 [1]

72%[1] Budget column includes legal budget of $400,000 plus $30,000 for professional services.



Quarterly Activity



This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules. The Board of Directors meets regularly on the third Monday of each month. The meetings begin at 7:00 PM.

DRAFT AGENDA (Current 5/6/15)

Closed Session and Regular Meeting Board of Directors

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District ******************

Monday, May 18, 2015 Closed Session 6:00 pm

Regular Meeting 7:00 pm Conference Room, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA

Staff notes will be available on the District web site at

by 5 PM on Friday, May 15, 2015.

Brenda Lewis will participate by telephone from 1758 Broadway Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955 Kristi Markey will participate by telephone from 142 N. West Berger Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico

The 7 PM Meeting will be televised on Comcast Channels 25 & 28. Refer to broadcast schedule on page 3.

6:00 PM - CLOSED SESSION As permitted by Government Code Section 54956 et seq., the Board may adjourn to closed or executive session to consider specific matters dealing with pending or threatened litigation, certain personnel matters, or certain property acquisition matters.

1. Public Comment – Members of the public may address the Board on the item or items listed on the

Closed Session agenda. 2. Adjourn to Closed Session 3. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (Gov. Code 54956.9 (a)) Water Plus v. MPWMD, Case No. M125274 Thum v MPWMD; Monterey Case No. M112598; 6gh District Appellate Case #HO039566) MPTA v MPWMD, Case No. M125274 4. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Gov. Code 54956.8) Address: 1910 General Jim Moore Blvd., Seaside, CA 93955 Agency Negotiator: David J. Stoldt, General Manager Board of Directors

Kristi Markey, Chair – Division 3 Jeanne Byrne, Vice Chair – Division 4

Brenda Lewis – Division 1 Andrew Clarke - Division 2

Robert S. Brower, Sr. – Division 5 David Pendergrass, Mayoral Representative

David Potter, Monterey County Board of Supervisors Representative

General Manager

David J. Stoldt

This agenda was posted at the District office at 5 Harris Court, Bldg. G Monterey on _____, _____, 2015. Staff reports regarding these agenda items will be available for public review on 2/13/15, at the District office and at the Carmel, Carmel Valley, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Seaside libraries. After staff reports have been distributed, if additional documents are produced by the District and provided to a majority of the Board regarding any item on the agenda, they will be available at the District office during normal business hours, and posted on the District website at Documents distributed at the meeting will be made available in the same manner. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for June 15, 2015 at 7 pm.

5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA 93940 P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA 93942-0085

831-658-5600 Fax 831-644-9560


MPWMD Regular Board Meeting May 18, 2015 Page 2 of 4

5. Conference with Labor Negotiators (Gov. Code 54957.8) Agency Designated Representatives: David Stoldt Employee Organization: General Staff and Management Bargaining Units Represented by United

Public Employees of California/LIUNA, Local 792 Unrepresented Employees: Confidential Unit 6. Adjourn to Regular Board Meeting


CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Anyone wishing to address the Board on Consent Calendar, Information Items or

matters not listed on the agenda may do so only during Oral Communications. Please limit your comment to three (3) minutes. The public may comment on all other items at the time they are presented to the Board.

CONSENT CALENDAR: The Consent Calendar consists of routine items for which staff has prepared a

recommendation. Approval of the Consent Calendar ratifies the staff recommendation. Consent Calendar items may be pulled for separate consideration at the request of a member of the public, or a member of the Board. Following adoption of the remaining Consent Calendar items, staff will give a brief presentation on the pulled item. Members of the public are requested to limit individual comment on pulled Consent Items to three (3) minutes.

1. Consider Adoption of Minutes of the April 20, 2015 Regular Board Meetings 2. Consider Approval of 2015 Annual Memorandum of Agreement for Releases from San Clemente

Reservoir among California American Water, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

3 Consider Resolution 2015-06 Establishing the Date for Commencement of Medicare Only Coverage for Employees Not Previously Covered by Medicare who Opt to Enter the Medicare System

4. Consider Adoption of Resolution 2015-07 Certifying Compliance with State Law with Respect to the Levying of General and Special Taxes, Assessments, and Property-Related Fees and Charges

5. Consider Approval of Expenditure for Purchase of Ford F-150 4x4 Truck 6. Consider Approval of Expenditure for IT Hardware Replacement 7. Consider Approval to Enter into Agreement with KBA Docusys for Purchase and Implementation

of Docuware Software 8. Receive and File Third Quarter Financial Activity Report for Fiscal Year 2014-15 9. Consider Approval of Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2013-14 Investment Report 10. Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for March 2014 GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 11. Status Report on California American Water Compliance with State Water Resources Control

Board Order 2009-0060 and Seaside Groundwater Basin Adjudication Decision 12. Update on Development of Water Supply Projects 13. Report on Drought Response ATTORNEY’S REPORT 14. Report from District Counsel on Closed Session of May 18, 2015 DIRECTORS’ REPORTS (INCLUDING AB 1234 REPORTS ON TRIPS, CONFERENCE

ATTENDANCE AND MEETINGS) 15. Oral Reports on Activities of County, Cities, Other Agencies/Committees/Associations


MPWMD Regular Board Meeting May 18, 2015 Page 3 of 4

PUBLIC HEARINGS – No public hearing items were submitted for Board consideration. ACTION ITEMS – Public comment will be received on each of these items. Please limit your comment to three (3)

minutes per item. 16. Receive and Confirm Water Supply Forecast for Period of May 1, 2015 -- September 30,

2016 -- Adopt Resolution 2015-08 to Amend Rationing Table XV-4 Action: The Board will receive a report on the available water supply and determine whether

water-rationing triggers have been met. 17. Consider Approval of New MPWMD Website Design Action: The Board will review the beta version of a new website for the Water Management

District, and consider approving it for public use. DISCUSSION ITEMS – Public comment will be received. Please limit your comment to three (3) minutes per

item. 18. Review Proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 MPWMD Budget The Board will review the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16. General direction will be

given to staff but the Board will take no formal action. The Board is scheduled to consider adoption of the budget at the regular monthly meeting on June 30, 2015.

INFORMATIONAL ITEMS/STAFF REPORTS The public may address the Board on Information Items and

Staff Reports during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes. 19. Letters Received 20. Committee Reports 21. Carmel River Fishery Report 22. Monthly Allocation Report 23. Water Conservation Program Report 24. Monthly Water Supply and California American Water Production Report ADJOURN Board Meeting Broadcast Schedule – Comcast Channels 25 & 28

View Live Webcast at Ch. 25, Sundays, 7 PM Monterey Ch. 25, Mondays, 7 PM Monterey, Del Rey Oaks, Pacific Grove, Sand City, Seaside Ch. 28, Mondays, 7 PM Carmel, Carmel Valley, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Pacific Grove,

Pebble Beach, Sand City, Seaside Ch. 28, Fridays, 9 AM Carmel, Carmel Valley, Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Pacific Grove,

Pebble Beach, Sand City, Seaside Upcoming Board Meetings Mon. June 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting 7:00 pm District conference room Mon. July 20, 2015 Regular Board Meeting 7:00 pm District conference room Mon. August 17, 2015 Regular Board Meeting 7:00 pm District conference room Upon request, MPWMD will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. MPWMD will also make a reasonable effort to provide translation services upon request. Please submit a


MPWMD Regular Board Meeting May 18, 2015 Page 4 of 4 written request, including your name, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service by 5:00 PM on Thursday, May 14, 2015. Requests should be sent to the Board Secretary, MPWMD, P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA, 93942. You may also fax your request to the Administrative Services Division at 831-644-9560, or call 831-658-5600. U:\staff\Board_Committees\Admin\2015\20150511\10\Item 10.docx

