

Mr. P’s HONORS ENGLISH. Final Grade Rubric & Checklist. Master Essay. Tools for Writers. All year long we have been working at fine-tuning your writing skills and giving you a stronger command of the tools writers use to be stronger communicators…. Master Essay Tools. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Final Grade Rubric & Final Grade Rubric & ChecklistChecklist

Master Essay

Tools for WritersTools for Writers

All year long we have been All year long we have been working at fine-tuning your writing working at fine-tuning your writing skills and giving skills and giving you a stronger you a stronger command of the command of the tools writers use tools writers use to be stronger communicators…to be stronger communicators…

Master Essay ToolsMaster Essay Tools• Sentence structures – length & variety Sentence structures – length & variety • Strong diction – word choiceStrong diction – word choice• Punctuation skillsPunctuation skills

• CommasCommas

• Semi-colonSemi-colon

• ColonColon

• DashDash

• EllipsisEllipsis

• ApostrophesApostrophes• Intros – Conclusions - TransitionsIntros – Conclusions - Transitions

Master Essay Master Essay GradingGrading

Since your master essay has been a Since your master essay has been a work of many revisions, grading will be work of many revisions, grading will be handled a bit differently than on your handled a bit differently than on your previous papers.previous papers.

Instead of one TOTAL grade, you will Instead of one TOTAL grade, you will be receiving a series of grades based be receiving a series of grades based on how well you followed instructions on how well you followed instructions and learned to use the writing tools. and learned to use the writing tools.

Grade 1 – FormatingGrade 1 – FormatingA if matches/F if notA if matches/F if not

Your final paper must match these criteria…

• Font = Times Roman 12 point• MLA Format

• 1-inch margins• Header – last name – one space – page#

in same font as paper all way to right margin

• Name box formatted correctly – MLA date format

• All of paper double-spaced – no extras!

Grade 2 – Diction (Word Choice)Grade 2 – Diction (Word Choice)

Your final paper must…

• Eliminate “weasel words”• Include at least five examples of

quality vocabulary

Five examples must be highlighted in Five examples must be highlighted in GREENGREEN!!

• A = no errors• A- = 1 error• B = 2-3 errors• C = more than 3 errors

Grade 3 – Sentence Grade 3 – Sentence VarietyVarietyYour final paper must highlight… • a “semi-colon” sentence pattern• a sentence of less than 10 words• a complex sentence• a compound/complex sentence

Examples must be highlighted in Examples must be highlighted in PINKPINK!!• A = meets all requirements• B = missing 1 element• C = missing 2 or more elements

• A = no errors• A- = 1 error• B = 2-3 errors• C = more than 3 errors

Grade 4 – CommasGrade 4 – Commas


• Semi-colon• Colon (as list marker)• Dash• Ellipsis

For full credit, paper must have one correctly written example of these punctuation tools

NOTE: Dashes are two hyphens – type with a NOTE: Dashes are two hyphens – type with a space on each side! space on each side!

Grade 5 – Punc. VarietyGrade 5 – Punc. VarietyA if all correct / less 1 for each missingA if all correct / less 1 for each missing

• A = no errors• A- = 1 error• B = 2-3 errors• C = more than 3 errors

Grade 6 – ApostrophesGrade 6 – Apostrophes

• Include a creative, interesting title• Exhibit a creative intro paragraph of at

least 4 sentences• Exhibit care in word choice• Not include “there are” sentences• Effectively introduce topic of essay

Your final paper must…

Grades: A if requirements met – B if notGrades: A if requirements met – B if not

Grade 7 – Title & IntroGrade 7 – Title & Intro

• Move smoothly from point to point• Include appropriate transition phases &

sentences – not jump from point to point• Include strong conclusion that exhibits

careful wording & clincher sentence• Not include “there are” sentences• Effectively wrap-up the topic of essay

Your final paper must…

Grades: A if requirements met – B if notGrades: A if requirements met – B if not

Grade 8 – Grade 8 – Transitions & ConclusionTransitions & Conclusion

Grade 9 – Word CountGrade 9 – Word CountA if essay matches guidelinesA if essay matches guidelines

Your final paper must match these criteria…

• All comma rule notations removed• Word Count printed on final page• Word Count meets class guideline of

1500 words• Word Count does not display obvious filler

techniques that marks poor writing

Grade 10 – Revision Grade 10 – Revision CollectionCollectionA if all present - less 1 for each missingA if all present - less 1 for each missing

Your final paper must include…

• Rough Draft• Comma Draft (with reasons)• Punctuation Variety Draft• Format/Title/Word Choice Draft• Master Essay Final Draft

Congratulations!Congratulations!You have completed the MASTER ESSAY assignment for Honors English – this is more focus on one piece of writing than you probably have experienced in your whole life. I pray that it has been an opportunity for you to experiment and fine-tune your writing skills as you head to next great adventure in your life.

Blessings to you all! Mr. P