Mr. Tucket novel study - Denton ISD do you think the ... Can you sympathize with the Indians? ......


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Chapter 1

Vocabulary –

• Muslin-pg. 3

- A cotton fabric

• Engrossed-pg. 9

-to occupy completely, as the mind or attention

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Francis Tucket celebrated his birthday in a covered wagon. Imagine what it would that be like if you were in his shoes? How would a birthday in the year 1847 be different from one in 2014?

• The Pawnees have

captured Francis! Why? Where do you think the story will go from here?

Chapter 2

Vocabulary –

• Insult-pg. 15

-to affect as an affront; offend or demean.

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• How would you describe the one- braided warrior?

• What do you think his role is in the tribe?

• What did he mean by the statement, “It is stupid to insult the man who holds your gun. It is stupid to insult your elders…”

Chapter 3

Vocabulary –

• finery-pg. 17

• travois-pg.20

• dismantle-pg.20

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Write a letter to Francis’ family from his perspective. Tell about your experiences at the Pawnee camp after 3 weeks. How do you feel knowing that your gun was probably used to kill members of your wagon train?

Chapter 4

Vocabulary –

• noose-pg. 25

• derby-pg. 26

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Give your own explanation as to what happened to Mr. Grimes’ arm. What do you think is his relationship to the Pawnees? Why don’t they want to kill him?

• Make a prediction: Will Francis make a successful escape? Why or why not? What obstacles do you think he will face?

Chapter 5

Vocabulary –

• muck-pg. 31

• mare-pg. 31

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Make a cartoon sketch of the chapter’s events. Be sure to include captions of what is taking place.

Chapter 6

Vocabulary –

• chuckle-pg. 34

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• How would you feel if you were Francis at this point in the story?

• Explain how Mr. Grimes lost his arm. Draw a character web using at least 4 adjectives to describe Mr. Grimes.

Chapter 7

Vocabulary –

• ramrod-pg. 43

• savvy- pg. 45

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• What did Mr. Grimes mean when he said, “Now let’s clean that little shooter of yours and try some rapid firing. That’s what really separates the men, or boys, for that matter, from their scalps in this country--- not being able to shoot fast.”

Chapter 8

Vocabulary –

• sorrel-pg. 47

• grouse-pg. 48

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Write a letter from Francis’ sister, Rebecca, to the Pawnee tribe asking for his release. Persuade them as to why they should let him go.

• Explain why Mr. Grimes doesn’t feel angry towards the Pawnee tribe. Do you agree or disagree with him? Why?

Chapter 9

Vocabulary –

• prestige-pg. 57

• mite-pg. 57

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Describe the relationship between Tucket and Mr. Grimes. Would you call them friends? Why or why not?

• According to the book, how do Native American traditions differ from the lifestyle of the settlers? Give examples.

Chapter 10

Vocabulary –

• meek-pg. 72

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Do you think that Tucket will ever be reunited with his family? Why or why not?

• If you could give a title to this chapter what would it be? Explain your answer.

Chapter 11

Vocabulary –

• mesa-pg. 75

• entrails-pg. 81

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Explain what happened when Francis shot at the deer. Who actually killed the deer? Why?

Chapter 12

Vocabulary –

• feisty-pg. 90

• pelt-pg. 93

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• What is Braid planning to do? How do you think this will affect the settlers traveling West? How might this affect Mr. Tucket and Mr. Grimes?

Chapter 13

Vocabulary –

• No vocab today

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• What dilemma, or choice, does Tucket face? What are the pros and cons?

• What does he ultimately choose and why?

Chapter 14

Vocabulary –

• depressions-pg. 104

• nuisance-pg. 109

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Draw and color a picture of what you imagine the lean-to in the canyon and the beaver ponds looked like.

Chapter 15

Vocabulary –

• bluff-pg. 112

(…he would simply have to stay and try to bluff them out)

• amble-pg. 113

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Write a reading response paragraph for your current comprehension goal

Chapter 16

Vocabulary –

• labor-pg. 123

• stench-pg. 126

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• How did Mr. Tucket feel after shooting his first deer?

• How might you have felt if you were in his shoes and why?

Chapter 17

Vocabulary –

• veer-pg. 131

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Make a prediction: What will happen between Tucket & Grimes and the Crow Indians?

• Why do you think the Crows are after them? Can you sympathize with the Indians?

Chapter 18

Vocabulary –

• dominate-pg. 136

• taut-pg. 136

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Write a diary entry from the perspective of Francis Tucket after the day’s experiences. Tell the events that happened and your fears and emotions about them,

Chapter 19

Vocabulary –

• stubborn-pg. 143

• hobble-pg. 144

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Explain how Tucket’s character has changed since the beginning of the book. Give examples from the chapter to prove your answer.

Chapter 20

Vocabulary –

• No vocab today

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Write a weather report describing the conditions that Tucket and Grimes experienced in the last few chapters. Describe how to take shelter and survive in this type of weather.

Chapter 21

Vocabulary –

• automatically-pg. 154

• dismount-pg. 154

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• Pretend you are Mr. Grimes. Write a farewell letter to Tucket. Explain your favorite time with him and give him advice for the future.

Chapter 22

Vocabulary –

• No vocab today

Journal Response – Please answer in complete sentences.

• What does Francis mean when he says, “There are different rules for different people”?

• What rules does he live by? What rules does Mr. Grimes live by?

• Why won’t he look back at Mr. Grimes as the book ends?