MRI Safety Training


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  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training




    Safety Background  The MRI scanner is a very large and powerful magnet

     Most clinical scanners are 1.5 - 3 Tesla scanners

     3 Tesla = 3! gauss

     "arths magnetic field # .5 gauss

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    MRI SAFETYMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the most powerful medicaldiagnostic technologies, combining strong magnetic fields with powerfulcomputer image processing.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training



    The core of an MRI machine is a very high-strength magnet arranged to surround most of the patient$s %ody. This magnet is usually wrapped with coils of copper wire! and when electricityflows through the wire a powerful magnetic field is produced.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training



    •  In normal MRI machines! the magnets are superconducting---their

    wires have &ero resistance to the flow of electric current. The only

    way to achieve superconductivity is to ma'e the magnets ultra-cold

     %y su%merging them in li(uid helium) at a%out -*53 +,! the magnetassem%ly is %arely 5+, a%ove a%solute &ero. ften! this li(uid helium

    is surrounded %y an insulating %lan'et of li(uid nitrogen.

    ecause superconducting wires continually conduct and recalculated

    the electric current without resistance! the magnetic field is present/* hours a day0 whether the MRI machine is %eing used or not.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training



    •  afe operation of an MRI machine re(uires managing

    three main categories of potential safety issues! all

    addressed %y MRI safety training programs)

    1. Medical2%iological effects of high-strength magnets

    /. rea2vicinity effects of high-strength magnets

    3. 4ryogenic ultra-cold6 gases

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    Biological magnetic issues

    •  There$s no evidence indicating %iological side effects from

    the magnetic fields of an MRI scan! and MRI machines don$t

    utili&e any ioni&ing radiation that can damage cells or 78.

    9regnant patients and technicians are generally advised to

    avoid MRI during the early months of pregnancy! due to a

    lac' of research on potential magnetic effects on the

    developing fetus. MRI operators are trained on pregnancysafety guidelines.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    Magnetic object safety•  The main potential danger from MRI machines comes from the interaction of

    the magnetic field with metallic o%:ects or particles. ny metal inside the

     patient such as medical devices or shrapnel6 can cause severe in:uries.

    Metallic o%:ects in the vicinity of an MRI room can %e attracted %y the

    ;fringe; magnetic field---causing them to %e suc'ed into the MRI machine at

    high speed! posing a severe danger to patients. MRI training videos

    demonstrate this threat.

    MRI safety training outlines the methods of screening for potentiallyha&ardous metal in a patient$s %ody! and for preventing the entry of any

    ferromagnetic o%:ects into the MRI room.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    Potential Projectiles E!am"les

    ell phone



    #air pins $ barrettes


    Safety pins

    &aper clips



    &ocket knife 'ail clippers

    Steeltoed boots $ shoes



    'o loose metallic ob*ects should be taken into the Scan room+

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


     Remember# t$e magnet is A%&AYS on' 

    Even when the MRI Scanner is not in use,

    the magnet is on. Ferromagnetic objects

    should NEVER be taen into the Scan


  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    Cryogenic safety

    •  MRI operators are trained in the safe management of cryogenic

    e(uipment and gases. In the event of a rapid %oil-off of the li(uid

    nitrogen or li(uid helium surrounding the magnet a ;(uench;6! a

    failure of the emergency venting system can cause a life-threateningo

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    !earing "rotection in the MR characteristic of the switching gradient fields is the production

    of acoustic noise. hen the alternating low-fre(uency currents

    flow through the gradient coils! which are immersed in the high

    static magnetic field ! forces are e

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    Safety Issue of 

    Static Magnetic Field

    ll non-MR personnel > study su%:ects entering

    the MRI scanner room must %e screened.

    4R recommends that non-emergent patients should %e screened %y two separate


    4onsider using plain-film radiographic study

    to confirm the a%sence of metal fragments in

    critical parts of the %ody.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


     #one $% Rece&tion area

     #one '% Screening interview area

     #one (% )ontrol area, access

    restricted with e* locs, &asse*

    s*stems etc.

     #one +% MR scanner room

    MR &ersonnel must have saet*


    non-MR &ersonnel cannot have


    access to #one ( or +.

    Safety Issue of 

    Static Magnetic Field (ones

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    Biological Effect of 

    Radiofre)uency Field *+,

    Radioreuenc* energ* de&osited in the

    bod* during an MR e/amination will be

    converted into $eat-

      0S"ecific Absor"tion Rate. *SAR, is


    as the average energ* dissi&ated in the

    bod* &er unit mass and time.

     1his heat gain is countered b* heat lossthrough sweat glands and cutaneous blood


  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    1hermal Saet* o Subject•   Resonant circuitr* can result in heating o the

    ti&s o wires or leads to tem&erature in e/cess

    o 23 deg ) within a ew seconds

    •   4ll unnecessar* electricall* conductive

    materials should be removed beore imaging.

    •   4ll attached leads should be covered with

    cold com&ress or ice &ac.

    •   4void an* large conductive loo&s, including

    limbs5do not cross arms or legs in the MR,

    this orms a loo& as well6.

    •   )are should be taen to &lace thermal

    insulation between the subject and electricall*

    conductive material.

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    nly items mar'ed ?MR afe@ are permitted in the magnet room. If

    there is a (uestion concerning the MR safety aspect of any itemA do

    not allow it to %e %rought into the magnet roomB

  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


  • 8/20/2019 MRI Safety Training


    The "nd
