MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions · 2018-06-19 · MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions ....


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Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

Last changed on: 05/31/13 12:09 PM

Master Document File Name: MaintainTeamSubstitutions.doc Last changed by: JPrevo

Page: 1 of 16

Last Update: 05/31/13 12:09 PM

MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions MSS Trigger: Perform this procedure to create shift substitutions for your direct report employees.

Business Process Procedure Overview Manager Self-Service (MSS), or 'My Staff,' is a single access point for managers to find employee information and perform managerial tasks. MSS users must be designated as a 'Line Supervisor' (B 002) in the organizational structure to access MSS My Staff functions. The Maintain Substitutions service is located in the 'My Team' Workset in MSS. Mangers will use this to create shift substitutions for their employees. There are circumstances where an employee is unable to work his/her shift. Another employee can substitute on that shift. When taking over a shift, the substituting employee inherits all the attributes for the shift they are substituting for (e.g. shift premium eligibility). In order for the substituting employee to inherit the shift attributes, a substitution record must be created by the manager. Shift Substitutions - A shift substitution involves specifying a Daily Work Schedule (DWS) or a Work Schedule Rule (WSR) that the substituting employee will work during the period of the substitution record.

DWS - Should be used for a substitution of a single day

WSR - Should be used for a longer substituting period After a substitution record is created, the maintenance of the record is very important due to the possible changes in compensation due to substitutions for premium eligible shifts:

o If the actual period dates of the substitution changes, the record must be updated to ensure proper compensation.

o If a substitution is no longer necessary, or an employee did not actually work the assigned substitution shift, the relevant record should be deleted to ensure additional compensation is not earned.

Reference: The 'Work Schedule Job Aid' is located on the Training Help site: The job aid can be located in the Help-->Time Management folder.


Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

Last changed on: 05/31/13 12:09 PM

Master Document File Name: MaintainTeamSubstitutions.doc Last changed by: JPrevo

Page: 2 of 16

1. Start all MSS applications by logging on to the BEACON Portal.

BEACON Portal: Log On Screen

2. Update the following required and optional fields:

Field Name Description R/O/C Values

NCID The NCID is used by all NC State employees to access SAP

R Enter value in NCID.

Example: zzsapess01

Password The employee's system password

R Enter value in Password.

Example: ******** 3. Click Log on button.

Information: After the initial log-on, there will be no additional log-on prompts to access business functions due to Single Sign-On (SSO).

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Information: Note Text After the user is logged on, the business packages and tabs on the main page will vary by the user, depending on their roles and authorizations. For example, only managers will see a tab on their screen for My Staff (MSS) when they log on to the portal.

Critical: When using web applications that maintain or create data, always ensure you leave the application (or log off) when you complete work. This will prevent record locking.

4. After logging on, the user will be defaulted to the BEACON Home Page.

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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BEACON Portal Home Page

5. Click the My Staff (MSS) tab.

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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My Work Overview

Information: MSS users are defaulted to the 'My Work Overview' page.

6. Go to the 'Detailed Navigation' on the left section of the screen. Navigate to the 'Maintain Substitutions' service by expanding the folders down the tree structure:

My Team-->Employee Working Times-->Maintain Substitutions

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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MSS: Maintain Substitutions

Information: The default screen displays a tabular list of the manager's Direct Report employees. When an employee is selected from the list, the section to the right shows an overview of all their substitution records.

7. Perform one of the following:

If Go To

You want to create a NEW Substitution Step #8 You want to EDIT a Substitution Step #11

You want to DELETE a Substitution Step #13

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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8. To create a NEW record, select an employee from the tabular list and click . The lower portion of the screen will display with input fields.

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Create New Substitution

9. Enter the following information:

Field Name Description From

The start date for the substitution period.

To The end date for the substitution period. Daily Work Schedule (DWS)

The employee-oriented description of the duration and position of working time on a particular, unspecified work day.

Note: The DWS should be used for

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Field Name Description

a substitution for a single day. Work Schedule Rule (WSR)

The work schedule rule determines which period work schedule is used to set up the work schedule, and the day of the period for which it applies.

Note: The WSR should be used for a longer substitution period.

Holiday Calendar ID

The Holiday Calendar ID is derived by the Work Schedule Rule.

ES Grouping

The Employee Subgroup Grouping is derived by the Work Schedule Rule.

PS Grouping

The Personnel Subarea Grouping is derived by the Work Schedule Rule.

Tip: For assistance with work schedules, please refer to the 'Work Schedule Job Aid' located on the Training Help site: The Job Aid can be located in the Help-->Time Management folder.

Information: When creating a substitution, you will always maintain either the Daily Work Schedule (DWS) or the Work Schedule Rule (WSR). You will never maintain both.

10. Enter the applicable fields to create the substitution record, then click . The new record will be added to the employee's overview listing of records on the upper portion of the screen.

Information: To exit/cancel the creation of a new record, you must click to return to the upper portion of the screen. The record will not be saved.

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Page: 11 of 16

New Substitution Created

11. To EDIT an existing record:

Select the applicable employee from the tabular list

Select the record to be changed from overview listing


Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Edit Substitution

12. Maintain the applicable field(s) to change the record, then click .

Information: You cannot change the dates on an existing record. To accommodate a date change, you must DELETE the record, and then create a NEW record.

Information: To exit/cancel the record you are changing, you must click to return to the upper portion of the screen. The changes will not be saved.

13. To DELETE an existing record:

Select the applicable employee from the tabular list

Select the record to be deleted from overview listing

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Page: 14 of 16

Delete Substitution

14. A pop-up window will display to confirm the record deletion. Peform one of the following actions:

Click 'Ok' to continue and delete the record

Click 'Cancel' to terminate the deletion process and keep the record

For the purpose of this exercise, click 'Ok.'

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Delete Substitution

Information: The record is deleted and no longer displays in the overview listing on the right.

Caution: Please be aware of the following when deleting records:

o If a substitution is no longer necessary, or the employee did not actually work the assigned substitution shift, the relevant record must be deleted to ensure additional compensation was not paid.

o If a substitution is deleted for a date in the past, and was previously processed or paid, this will cause a retroactive entry for any paid compensation.

Reference: For assistance with work schedules, please refer to the 'Work Schedule Job Aid' located on the Training Help site: The Job Aid can be located in the Help-->Time Management folder.

Title: MSS - My Team - Maintain Substitutions Functional Area: Human Resources

Sub Area: Self Service Portal

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Page: 16 of 16

15. The system task is complete.

