chroniclingamerica.loc.govMssSxeSBrlPtaWiBBMBBwIIII III 1 1 18. THE UNtSUNPr OCTOBER" X PA6ES....


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III 1 1


ANHONESTJHALLENGE.ill Copy of a letter received by theIII Wm. Radam Microbe' Killer Co.HI from Mr. John Blakely, the well- -'J known importer and manufacturer

111 of cigars and smokers articles, of1 1 233 Broadway, this city:II NJW lORK, Sept .'i. lesw,(I, MIL W.M BAIUM.1 1 Dear sirII In reply to yonr, Iriqulry as lo ,rtiit effect the "ill1 1 erobe KUIer" had In me, I Would say If It cost $llrt aII gslloiil'.'weuldnolbewllboatlL 1 took It three weels,IB and araTmr clear of nil palm and aches, t sufferedjjl for the peit ten years with muscular rheumatism andH I dyspepsia, to. bod at tluii, u to prevent my attending81 to business,II - , Ter tfuly yours,IS, ". . . joiix rlakkly.

l Wm. jtodsru'e Mkrobs Killer will .cur Consumption,III BronoMiit. Nasal Catarrh, CsurrUof the Stomach. M

HI lorla, rjieuiiiotllm.l'eiiieleWeeLnen, sndbtood dlsessesJjl Doctori :ny ssy thstwe3 rannot cute cuntuuipllon: we challenge them lo pro- -

'j' duce n tUe iotient la attending tetlie orj dlnnry tlutlen of life, that we cannot cure. sTwe rail,

ill vr are In donate to iidv Jionpltuljll . or mriHtuicli'ltecrnrililarUy Onit TIioiikmuiIJ Dollar-.- , Tl"fiu. Rodim Microbe Killer Oo. Ii cem

posed of conscientious, sincere, aad wealthy gentlemen

j of thlscliy who woUa Mr nethlngtndowlthafinock11 nostrum lfljivalldi will give the "Microbe Killer"J trial Ihcy will he convinced' ef Ite powerful eftlcocy tn

j ciiriuctliedltiaslsenumsrarid above, for further lu- -

HI fornatlou regarding this wonderful medicine addressWin ludlra.MI'criiue Killer do., 1391 Broadway. New

ill Turk '



Hnu'Ili-- . Ilmnl Mnlcssliy llr-itr-- III" See.Ill oud CniiNln, the Irnkr.

till 'III. Dennis Dowllnfj Muli'aliy i etunioJ to

Newark yestrrOrty, liavlnc jUBt lamlod from Uio

llll etomniliip City ot Clilcaco. He lias lieonlljl abroad Piirlonvorlnc to not nulinraof $170,000II j left liyhls mother's sl3tor. who rortrriednSpart- -II ishnnhlemrinnnd dtad intcstato. Hor moneyII II went to Don .lono iltero. an Infant, and the"III Jltikn of Sostn ns appointed hit guardian.III. ' 'J'ks Ihiko Is a tocond cousin or Mulenhy by

in ' Hols jlajonlomo to tho infant IClucot Spain.II I and has pretty much his own way In tliatooun- -

II try. JJollevinirtliut ho could not copo with Uiol Duko irt lilt own country. Dr. llulcahy broucht

llll action asalnst hlra lu Frnioo, proWntr that thaMil Duka rviiR born In that country, and obtainingJIH u jtulffmont which, Lo says, will lx executed usllll soon ns tho Duko sots his foot upon Frenchllll soil. The Doctor looks healthy and happy,il and It jubilant over tho success of, his mission.

j j ffltimtlont. ffinntctt.

A YOUNG 11 AN lately landed, rrotestont wonU sit-

uation aa coachman or (room, or would make htm-ll-

Mir luefol on rent's pieceII 111 CHARLES MeCLXAN, 67 Varlcklt. N. V. city.

OIEL wishes a altuatlon to do generalhousework: best reference; nocsrds. 109 East 113th

I at, ground floor.RESPECTABLE COLORED WOMAN wishes aA famlly'a wash, gentlemen or ladles' wash, or days

1MB wort. Tall or oddress 228 Welt 41st iU U. J. If.

A MOTHER, who baa loat taer own, wiU board or adopta baby at her own heme.

II M lira nODIN3 K 1,330 West atttlisit. top floor.

A MIDDLE AOED WOMAN, without any relationaldeaireaa aitnaUonaahouaekeeper. l&sdav., nearB lit at--

UAN would Hk to rlnlahbla trade atbook- -flnlahlng. Addreaa U. W. box Iwt Ban efflce.

B A YODNO GIHL (lit) wlabea a place at elthir lightIM xa. bouaewort or worfcfils Eaat73d aL, roon 7

BOT, to; would like to get work at anything: trade.. reference. T. o H7 2d av.

BOT I7) wlahea poaltlon In ahouae down town; chanceadrancemeut. Addreaa B . 1.23 Broadway.

C AlilNUTOAB wanted by compe-B- ltent uua who can take obaige of ehopa If necei- -

aary: beat of referencea farnUaed. U. W box lOO, SunH ofrlfie, 1,265 Broadway.

COACHMAN, calored, wlabea altuatlon aa coachman:Addreaa aLEXa.SUBKH JACKSON. 38 Eaat d at., private atable.

ILT and single gentlemen'e waablna done in flrat- -

ilaai atyle. Addreaa Janltroae. aas Welt 17th at.

JOBCOMfOSITOrt, dealru steady em-- ,at case. WILLI NO, box 160. Hun


JANTTOB. Wanted, position as lanltor; competent tenirlneerlng or run Inrnaors. 11

I W West 36th St., basement.ABIES' HAIR BRUSHED (scalp cleaned) ana ira- -.

proved In growth and coler; dally, at xeaidenee. sI ver month. Hme. PRICE, Sun uptown olOce, I.S8I Jiroadway.I W luUt lOKTBn by reapecUble young colored nun.

I I J--J who la wising and Industrious; beat testimonials.i I Address n.P SiaBsatrttthst.I t T,TACUINIhT AND BNOINtlKn wlabas situation.j JVIl 0. ZIMMERMAM. 151 Bast 103d It

MACHINIST AND TOOLMAKBR CIS) wallta situs.aecarne. mVIXG.t'06 Elmst

PROOF BBADEH of sixteen yeara' experience laall brancliea of proof reading would like a

W poaltlon tnflrst-clas- i prlnUngor publishing houao; wouldin do Dual critical reading for publiabers and prepare au--I U . tkorb'MS&fortao press. Address HBAMBK, box 178,I Bna ofBce.

SUOB 8ALR8UAK Hss had 13 years' experience Intrade; can fire reference from last employer.

I I Address I'. J. SHAW. Hi West Mtb atYOTJHO LADY of experlenca desires position as

and typewriter i beat references.B V. m7. pare M. U O'ConneU. 1.518 10th ar.

J 2tHBiou 3Jotitfr.RQUI ttllDAAllMniawcst nf'sixlb av.lllev,

lV.IIeberJewtoa, Hector) Kev. Dr. Hughes, asso-J- lalale pastor, will preach at II A. M,

Hp giuirpotitwiTJ A N ATTEKVATEI) or uudeycleped form made plump

iunBxeT n and beautiful, rbsnge perrepilble tn a seek ibis.UisaaaT abethed Improves the IicsIiIl and nster falla nuiustruT"."F ttesla Mine La Verge, 43 Weal fid st. 1st floor, ,s Y,

W' tMt --tnti rfcimrt.A pocketboos-contslnln- a sum of money,

ewuercaaLaTessDuaby pronng property and ray.lagexpensea AUAME A (O.mlur an2)stst

I 'Ssimiwlp ftOili,1 A"!8?10 ClfeGaTuriasr"ajiorlll"BsntisriI- - AuStJ U U. o'BlllKN i CO, bH )radwty.

qgaplca: Jtmalcir. -

The Sun Uptown Office

1,265 BROADWAY,Uetwecn aiBt nufl 32d-pta- , II,


PROF. LtVIr.OHTOrC mo 'Broadway. lsAJgreitA Inventor, patentee, and teaeher of the new rr(ichtomblnailon or souaree for drees cottinr, WlLLjpfBNT1IIH WKKK the IsrgestaadFJNItSf sesortmspfhMmported patterns ever.broughvto tr COVNTJIti andhaving the Isrgest and only llOUflKlnHeV.ToVkWhlte)-th- e

entire art of French urtss CutOog. naltUsgjtirap.Inr. Reproducing.- - and Oetlgsing. matching svWSs'erstripes, t without guesswtstk-o- r reutttit ,TrFrench meseure Every lady made capable of tating a'first class position or no charge tor tnstrtrcttoas. IMendfor circular giving foil particulars. . j) ,

A WANTBD. expert W. tilbbe operators hriu--,niersjt stesrapowsr. , ' ' H,- - r

H1MUN ftTBlWy CO., l7aodl,Wb)lKV- -FOLDKRS. Kxperlenced (older can leaveBOOK work at LOVTELL'M bindery, MJWori, st,

near Centre st i v

Experienced operatora wanted on bnldlngscd cordlngi ttesm power, steady work, lowest,

hmeleenlbsLKHWEItS, pssters, and foldera wanted: eteri.

enced. l W, ALliXANUKIt lualTWtlSttTitJOOK 8EWERS wsntsdi experience haadSL- - ,l,

R. BCTTBIt i SUN. ll Bast lithUyOOK RBWEBBand folders at R. WAi.KEIC'B.eEK'V'

SO Jacob at . corner of Frankfort "" f "

C" OOK Oood cook, to assist with laundry) referttace.'Csll thU morning. 822 West 33th st l ,

JJITTERS WANTED on Udlet' shoes; rasters works,cloth and French kia; those accustomed to ntln:

and operauag preferred. 4 Paclto plaoa. Westana 7th av.

iPBATURR8.-Expsrien- ce( bands on stdua- -

13AC.CY also, lesrnsrs.wsnted. tlt! w. STRIMt, cor. Crosby and Blssckft.

IAhCT FRATI1BRS Fins workers wanted by UV A1THEN. BON A CO, Broadway and IBth

IFINISHERS on dne upliolstsry trlmmlntsi slso aner M. O'ftlllBN , HON, SI3 Broadway.

Ci UtL todownshlng. ironing, and general houseworkIn smatl American family; good borne and ressais-blewage- e

to good srlrl, Oerman or French preferted.Address "PARTICULARS," box 100. Run a nice,1.IC3 Broadway

GIItL FOR GENERAL HOUSKWORK; reference313 West 27th st.

-- rrjWB HANDS on sample cards. 239 Centre si. I

AM) EMBROIDERERS to work on premises; tallwith sample before lu o'clock. M3 Tfest 19th st.

LIlllIT WORK forineat tidy elrls st cutting outwith scissors. 143 West 18th st

LADIES WANTBD to form cissies In training soh 5book free. 217 West 48th st

MILLINERY First class milliners and makers waA 00. 33 E. ITtlift.

SMART UIRLR to learn machine embroidery; pudlearning! no dull season 143 West nth st

S'KIRTS GooAirininierson colored skirts; bestpriasNORMANDIB SKIRT CO., S2 Walker st

WANTED Experienced girls for table work oil Hiefringes. Vort? EINBERO A CO.. 33 West 33d C

WANTBD A sirl for gsnersl housework in a smallCall at 333 West ISth stmorning. DONALDiON DROJ..

ApplrBO' Parb,tcITANTED-Uallte- rs, llasrs. and seal seweraT A. J AECKKU 11 Bsst 19th ti.

WANTED A wsmsn to cook, wash, and Iron. CslKing call bell. 123 West Ultha?1

Oood bands on cloaks and ulsters: hlglWANTED IT. WALTER. 303 6th at.WANTED Oood seal saooue flnlshera

C. ?. HUAYNB. 103 Prince it.Good seal seweraWANTED a C. BUAYNE, 103 Prince St.

Ql PRKSHEIts wanted to cress dyedOUgoeda Apply at LORD'S cleaning and dyeing ofrices. 13in st, near Tiffany's, or 113 8th av.

fttttrd; gltnlts.BROTHERS rerjulre iminedlstely

competent tailorson ladies' cloth gsrments;

rood psy and stesdy work .Apply between 8 and 10 A. M. at 23 Weat 23d st

A IK MISFIT FALL OVERCOATS we have lhIsrgest line ever oflered to tne pubUc consisting ol

aoo different styles and patterns, lined wltb heavy sillor satin; yoareboiee from $10 to $13; original cost 441to . CAMERON. 202Flstbutliav. Brooklyn.

A 3,000 VERY FINE misfit cutaway suits. In corkscrew and fancy mixtures of every description!

origin ally ordered for 33. iioTsoftjand tea, f12 will buy.any of them; you poaftively ears $23 on each suit. (

OAMERON'BMlantStore.gWFIatbnahav, Brooklyn.

A -3-.000 VERY KINS mitet Frinco Albert corkscrewsuits. In silk, satin, and plain trimmings. These

suits are positively made by leading tailors, and are.worth CSO and 970: you can bave your cnolce for 913.CAMERON'S Misfit Store. 202 Flatbusb, av.. Brooklyn.

A0RNT8 WANTED. 375 a month and expenses pillperson to sell our goods: no capital re-

quired; salary paid monthly: expenses In sdvance; fullpsrtlculars free. Standard Silverware Co.. Boston. Mass.

A SPLENDID pslr of tnlxflter second-ben- pants canbe bought at xos Flatbusb av.. B'ktyn, (rem l to

$4. These pants when new cost four times the money.

-J-UST THE THI.Va- -lt saves me $20. "Whatdoes 7" Why. this overcoat I bought It for $5 al

Csmcroa'.S02 tlstbush av.. B'hlyn. It Is worl $40. rCTIVE man. about 3a wanted (or city trade: will bIDttruoted in our busluees, and salary paid wlille

learning. Apply at atore, corner 4th ar. aad letU at.

GENTS WANTED everywhere--: new 10c article: salldfast; call or send (our stamps for sample.

Harrison St. room 2d. city.

A IF TOO WANT a genuine misfit fall overcoat oisalt (or $5. why, go to 203 Flatbush v., Brooklyn?

A OOOD HELPER wanted iu roofing shop. 43 NeaChambers st '

Y A WALL PAPER FACTORY, from one to Are ma.'chine printers to go towork at nnee. fairweger

will be paid. Apply to WM. CAUPBLLL A C0M 303 K007 West 41stst .

about IS; some 'knowledge of drawing, jn arehltect's office: refereneea TRIANGLE, box 10S, Sun,

uptown office, L2tfS Broadway t

ARKIAOE BLArk'HMirn. mustbeaflrstclssemsri,A. WILKEY. 33 and 37 Hoyt st. Brooklyn.

CANVASSERS wanted (or an Illustrated monthlyIsrge cash commissions. Address II. Lj

box 128. sun office. J

YLINDER PRBSSMAN-O- ne on cut work preferred i.stste salary. X C box 157. Bnn office

GORDON PRESSMAN wanted; stesdy Job. 82Johntt4

LIVE, experienced canvassers (or (set seller: used byrare opportunity to right party.

L. box ifp. Son offloe, 1,205 Broadway,

OUR LINE ef boys' sad children's overcoata ia beyondthe most extensive in Hie city; just think,

beys' ovsreoats B2, $3, $4. $5. bandssmely made ; cbtfdron's cape overcosts, 24 stviea your ehoice. $3. 3, 34.

CAMERON. 202 Flatbnsh ar.. Brooklyn.

PANTS, S3 SO; all wool: a perfect lit: strongly made,ta. JOHN WAUNBR. 17 Fulton st

PLUMBERS. Wanted, flrst-clss-s journeymen plumb,A CO., cr; Madison ar,

STENOORAPHEa typewriter, and clerieal asslst'sntiof a printing establishment

preferred; a permanent position to a young man the neceaaary requirements Address, stating i

wsges, references, age, Ac, HOWARD, box ISO, Sou'ofllce

SILK HAT CUIILKRH wsnted atA. DUNLAP A CO.'S Brooklyn factofy

TIN AND 8IIRET-IR0- WOr.KKRH Only flrst-cis-ts

need apply. THOUSON A CO.. 71)3 nth av.

TWO perfect chair caners wsnted. l.utn 2d av , bsse.'


riilN KOOFEIts wsnted st 400 West 18th st'

WANTED A young man who snswers to the nameThemes te sro to a town in western Feun,

aylvanluof S0.O0O inhabitants to solicit orders for Hoarfor a Minneapolis firm: &e money needed to start Callat room 2M. Metropolitan Hotel, at 12 o'clock Sunday.

ANTED Immediately, A man about 30, of nestap-- 'pearsnee. with some knowledge of retail business.(er a permsnsnt position; energy aud tact required.Apply at atore. 704 Bib av.

WANTED Assistant bookkeeper; youth good st,well recommended; with oftlie

expetlince; It) to IS. Address WHOLESALE, box ISOSun office.

WANTED A good brown stone setter, with eiter.Mender, between and 10 o'clock, at 111

West IWtli st Ask (or janitor, WM. FLEMINO,

WANTBD A s blacksmith en vsu, express,work . s wages to right psrty.

T1I0MA8 WRlUliT; 403 Orsad st. Jersey Chy.

WANTED A tinsmith, also a plumbergss tilting: come ready to work. . ;

T. J COliBOY. B trgen Feint. K.J, --l

Steemakera Apiuy. Monday mnralnjT'RAYNES, shoe upper manufacturer, 13J West SDib

st, Nsw York.

WANTED A first clau bretd end cake laker, goodTV andsteady man, togoout in theaouatry. Call atifuuu AiliLlOK'H. 3Jayst. Monday. A, M.

WANTBD A msn abont 28, who It quick to leant andwork. wlU be instructed and paid while

learning. Apply at store, IPs East I till st

WANTED A rood blacksmith esrrlsgs msnufsr.stesdy work, call Monday morning 86

Hooth 3th st . Brooklyn. E. PWANTED-ltoore- rs. skylight and cornlre makers.

skylight and Cornice Works, 30 Boer-lis- tplace. Brooklyn.

WANTED Hall boy: wagea $12 a month Call at HUst. before A. M . rear entrance, janitor.

WANTED 4 slaters at Manhattan Gas Werks, WentMonday morning JOHN KKhOAN.

WANTED Competent furnace end heater men for atin shop. CONSTANT. 144th it and 3d av

WANTED --Oood sel cuttere0 O. SHATKR, 103 Prince st

good lob dyers. Addrsss VICTOR F.MOXNIEB. IIS North Warren st, Trenton. N J.

WANTED Foremen on sample cards, apply by let.238 Centre st

WANTED Boy. at 748 Mb av , for " Buttons." aboutof ago.

YDl'M) MAN as experienced driver. AddreaaADVBRTISKlt, 204 Bast 24th st, N. V

.fk MEN wanted -r- iierdx. lieUU 13 Dowexr; rooms.OU 1.1 and aucenis, free baths; modern Improveaisnta

COttice utyiUMjr

tops, sitting, standing desks; bet"ari4,chesst Usrburctr.-aiacsaiii- i, Mrisaeaust.

4 jjoSraH'cis... ... f - - .mjvwfr : -

AtlOHT. pleasant suitable forbosrders; would 1st same without board

If bo deslredi terms moderate. .,,.lira- - F, KOYVLArlD, two West st.

wife or single genu can obUInpleasant rooms and good beard with owner at a

very moderate prlce,convsnlentlr located, at ZMiAdel-ph- i

st, second door from DiKalb at.j refereneea

A fill ALU pleasant room. $3: also large room, everyconvenience, ssllsble for one or two gentlemen:

private house; excellent desirable htcatlon. 33U EsstForty-firs- t st '

PRIVATE FAMILY wilt let elegantly rnmtihedA front room to one or'twa gentlemen; reference;terms ressenable. 330 West 3th st, bet 8th and th ays.

fornlshed room, with boire. ror ajonnrjady, $3.60 per week, tn ajrlTste ramily of

two.: ut.jM i3West2dtt.clly.A NU'ELY FURNISHED HALL ROOM, with (St aadA 'jUVtaaiAHT. 4I

HANDSOUP. PARLOR AND BEDROOM to letA with bet Snd celd water, bath, and gsaat I.1B3 3d av bet 08th and Turn st. third flat,

A' LA ROH tunny, furnished front reoat to let In aJt. strictly prlrate family: $3 per week; referenceiex.changed. J03 Bast 3gth st.

AFUBKlStlBD ROOMle let le a gentleman only, Inon second door; references

t.Batt liatritt ',

APARTMBNTR. Tatlor aad eetond fleer; well fur.breakfast in rooms It desired.

141 East 44,tlist CaUBnnday. , .

ANEATLY.FURNISHKD ROOM le real to oneor twostation ; family private.

No.:ti7 West 30th st, TLEASANT FRONT ROOM, suitable for twoynurur

V men. with good accommodatlosa Call at 221 Esst1231h St.

NEWLY FURNISHED bostdlsg houas; light airyA rooms; parlor prlrilecet; price rtssonsble. 17Kmgst

WIDOW would like a child to bosrdl would give itA a good hotnc Addrcw C. M, fort Klchmond. S. I.

Arm ACTIVE ROOMS In flnt-elas-t bouse forwHh best attendsnee. 43 East 2Jth st

ArosEV little (ronts room,VW: prlraU hotass;iocttloiu- - 330 Bast (1st st

COMFORTABLY FURNISHED hail bedroom, frontA In a private) family, snip Hudson stA NICK, quiet hsll bedroom to let furnished. Inquire

st 15 West Houston st, city,

AI.AROE front hall room, with stove i house quiet;prelerred. 130 8th av.

OARDBRS WANTED -1 h St. 331 East! a nicelyB furnished room with all conveniences and goodboard at reasonable prloe. locatien central; nslghber-hoo- d

very pice.

OARDBRS WANTL'D-- 91 7th fur-nishedB largs and small rooms, superior table aud

attendance--rnmlshed rooms, snltsble for twoCOMFORTABLY reasonable to permanent psrtlea;

may be teen Sunday. Mrs M. J. ASliB. H3B.24ihstC0MFORTA8LE BOARD and rooms; alio table board

only; terms reasonable. 128 WestI5lh st

SUNNY ROOM . elegsnt fist bouse: closet gas:genUeman;$1.73 REISS, 425 West 2thst, top floor.

DEfllRABLB ROOMS, good board. locationCentral and Riverside Parks, aud

near Lslation; table bosrd. msWcetflodat

IURNISHRD ItOOMH tl per week, withHerkimer st, between utloa and Koch-este- r

ava, s of a block (ram Fulton d

ststlon.I.1URNISHED ROOM lo 1st: a large ball room, with

X; uie of gas and bath In single flatW. STABCK. 346 EattBIttst

1BURNISHED HALL ROOM to let (or gentlemen Inprivate family ; goed location near elevated station;

root moderate Inquire 884 West 32d stURNISHBD FRONT II ALL ROOM for one or twogentlemen; ressonsble: & Csrmlne st, first flour,

front. lefthsnd side; don't ring.

URNISHBD ROOMS with or without board: tableF boarders taken: also meala sent to residence dallyand Sunday. 309 Bast 7M1U stCVRONT ROOM for two, with or without board, tableX' bosrd $3; also front room suitable (or light bust-M-

238 West artu itiMlRNISI.KD ROOMS to 1st with or without board.

st , city.

FDBMSUBD ROOM to letwltb or without bosrd.v Mrs. M.WOLFB.. 332 JSstt 86th st

front hsll room to lei on second floor.ICRMSITED' family, 132 8th ar. near 19th stPURNLSHED ROOMS, with beard. $5 per week; also

furnished, t'3 4 East 103th atHALL BOOM, foxnished: rent $2; gentleman

preferred. 377 Bib ar . ntarsath at.

If AI.L-- . BEDROOM to let; ' ring bell' twfee. rlTU'Av. A. near 7tb rt:. N, Y

ROOM to let, $2. M Oreenwtch ar.' oror drugstore- - Ring third bell.

fjlURNIKHBD ROOMS to let, with beard, alw frontX parlor. II Horatio it.IjU'R.NISHED HALL ltOUV 313 LastSlstSt, city.

OOD HOME in private famUyln village forreflaedboy, at S12 per month; best schools. Address,

stating age, BEdT CARE, box 134. Sun office,1.263 Bioadway.

HALL ROOM,4;a4thav.

closet bsth, newly fornlshed. U;

LARGE F0RNI8BED ROOM for light housekeeping;large fnmlshed rooms on second floor, to

let separate or together, with hot and cold water, batb.310 West aothttLADIB3 JLN.D, JE.NTJ.EMF.!. can have toed board,

gas and bath; also table board; reason-able terms, 183 Hudson st

ARQH FRONT PARLOR, gas and Ore;, two ortnere1 Xgentlemen; also otller rooms. 230 Hudson st, one

do6r from Broome.

I Alton ROOM lo let, also parlor-fo- physiclau. 149J Weat 14th st

MRS. .1 McCARTY, 212 West 3M st A newlybedroom for gentleman, nrst doer: good

location; gas, and room bested ; rlrst class bouse; csllafter 12 Monday ,.$! 50 per week

'iCHf1.! Fl'HNJsnED ROOM for one or 'two gentle--men. private beuse; room heated; private family;

rent very ressonsble' convenient L staUou. 40U Esst8JUi stKTICKI.V FURNISHED large aud small rooms withIt wardrobe and gaslight and bath; rent veryreasonable. FURNIs'lfBU Urge square room. gss. bsth,

Ac. for gentlemen; rent miderate. 137 ButThirty first stNICELY FUltNISIIBD

and 7th an. : msals if desired. 10 WestForty-flh- a it -

ICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for two gen-tlemen, al 320 West 32d st Call after S P. M.

NICELY FURNISHED large and until rooms, with orall conveniences. 337 West28thst

OR TWO OENTLEMBN can have nice, pleasantroom, in private family, with ail conveniences; use

of parlor sad bath; home comforts: desirable location;terms very ressonsble. MARTIN, 114 West 3d st

ROOM, suitable ror man and wife er two gentle-men; beard if desired, house private. 233 East

oath St.

ONE BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED back parlor, tworooms on second floor, also single rooms, with

.first class table. 132 Madison av.

PRIVATE FAMILY have newly furnished parlor and(southern exposure) for gentleman; can be

seep Sunday. TERRY. Cm flat 223 est 1Mb St.

COME NICB furnished rooms to 1st, for gentlemen.O with or without board. "by a Osrrnan fatally. 387Uarden st. Hoboken. N. J.

TWO NRWLT FURN 1SUBD front rooms to let. Infamily: gentlemen only, reference required

No. 347 Esst 14th stirlng nrst bell, i' rpo LET Neatly furnished rooms In most desirableu X location: both double and single; to gentlemen only.

Apply at 433 West 23d si.

'rrv LET Newly famished rooms, with all conre.. X'nlences; ressonsble rent .MraL. KRUEOElt. 13t3davenue.

rrpo LF.T-- A furnished hall room. 80 Esstioethst.X top list

.rpARLE BOARD given 233!asl&8thst

'TIANTED A reapecUble woman wishes bsby tovT bosrd, will give it a mother's csre; can give best

of reference. Call er address for two daya Mre. SEE.,LEY. 440 West WIU at. city.

W ANTED Two or three furnished rooms, wllb use ofvv kitchen, for llgbthousekecplngtsmatirsmlly; best

of references given. Address vUlET, box ISO, Sun up-

town office, ),2o& Broadwsy,

WERT 23D RT. furnished secondthree Isrge deep rooms, suluble for a family

or party of gentlemen, excellent table; private fsmllj;wlOi or without bosrd.IITANTRD Two tsnUcmen for back psrler. withoT board; tsrms reasonable. 313 Clinton st, city.

l ANTED ArespecUble'young Isdy to board. 613VV East 17th st, room No. 3.

klOKKINOHHN can have good board at S3 per week 'l F early breaktast )3a nth ar.I ST A V., 129, coiner Itli st Nicely 1 urnlaued room,I with good board, for 2 gantlemen at 94.30 per week,t prlrate fsinlly. laqolre housekeejtr.

I COTTAOR FLACK. Furaishsd rooms with board forrf gents ant ladlesi 9.60to93per week.n WEST 43TII ST. Elegsnt accommodations (or-(- J

nlshed: reasonable ftts;'reflaed pteple; referencesecbanged.A KAfiTearil ST. Furnished roomsforjentlemen only.

QTII .ST.r.l EAST, near Brosdway --Parlors aud etherilxooms, $3,up, parties nalilnc city accommodated,psisonable.

ilVSU AV., 878. NKAR 1TTII HT.- -A front hall room.1.1 baring wardrobe, running bol and sold water, withiKUhunt board. Inquire 3d Bat

TU ST.. 48 EAKT- .-l urnlthsd rooms, very desirable,11 with first claaa board) near Broadway,

Vtril ST. 112, US WEST. ILudsonssly furnlthsdIf. rooms, board gsatlcmaa, wife; single gentlemen;tale board.

lilTH ST.. 7 EAST, near Uroadwey-Me- ely furnishedIX Urge and smsli rooms, furnace hostlkcilAlllJtSHT.-Furnlsbe- d. Urge and small roomslb forgeuUemen; also uble beard.

Hi BANK ST.-B- ack parlor, auluble for psreldau erMk dentist: every shewn to

by American physician's family; other largs andstaU rnomsi house newly carpeted and furnished.

8T. 9 furnished rooms;moderate prices for the choice locsllty; labia sup-p- li

t with, the best: new and thorough ineusiemeai,r;i rsness extfhangetj; adults7

2 ST 8T 18$ tVEHTJnearthsv.-Funit)i- ed roeius.wilbauperforbottd. Frenen table; table bosrdsrs

'T, M Ttro largk rooms heated; alcely fqr.Inlser, rusraarwaifrllisbMtWardi low terms.,

rtMl) ST. 1 Jt WEBT.-Dulr- aUe Urge and small teOBJ,4 nlctljrfuniljhsdi tvatrtor table.

jL nx& mA oom',92Vi.T- - 4" rTBST Three Urge, bsjidsome rooms:1

Hlng beds; house nested, private family; refer-- ,ence Hbsugsd.OJiVTi.31s WE8T. Second and third floora WilliT"hrd: house thoronghly renorsted; s in

sllltsbointments; referenceiOLlT Jit.. 218 WEST. Elegantly furnlahed beek par.

m piano, folding bed; open Ore U desired; retF'large rln. sBiuWe for two persons! prlee teuonsbltfretereita required.

QjtTV1-- 20 WEST. Large newlr and wen fur-nl-

sonar room; prlrate bath: excellent board,two, 9)1 sqnsre room, fourth floor, front, two, $10;referent1.

9gsT"F" 107 F.sst Spacious rooms on parlor and,r upJ' floors, rumUhed or unfurnished, all In

with or without board, lu a prlrateJewish fkiiy. Apply on prsmiseaHI w'r;:,TI1 room with or

reference.QODhlkvKHr. 049.-sn- nny rooms, Isrge end imall;"'7'closl running wster, respecuble block, excel-lent noaro

SO CLlioN PLACE --Parties desiring superior ee---

combdstlona will be repaid by examining thesenewly derkted, beniliomely. furnished, steam heatedrooms; reknable; penaanentor transient.QD HTLb WEST. nesrBth furnished.:? en sis or slngli-- , slcove psrlor, bedroom andbath, all cAsjoung. Tr. BATON, 2d Bat

m.T" Hie0'1 WEST. Meslr furnished rooms forJx gsntMWn; moderate prices; can he seen Sunday.

OC EA8W) ST. nesr Central tlng

eJO mem floor, with board; other rooms.

QQ WKSTtoTII ST. (MILLER'S HOTEL) --Suites and,'- -' slnkle looms, nicely rurnlsbed, with Cm classbosrd I .

QQTH RTiM HabdMBiely fnrntihed rooms!7 en mtt singly; besrdoptlsnsl; references.yd'T'TH ST. U. Two Isrge connecting alcove rooms In

f prlratetouse; hot end cold running water: heatand gss; nkiy and handsomely furnished; termsmoderste; fliy lass location.

-1 ST ST., Jmit est. Comrortsble large rooms; goodtrL board,?, iwo, folding bed, running water;private. T

G KINO accommodated with litreor smallloma and board: terms moderate.

7i7TII 8T,1i EAST. Elegantly 'furnished largerooms; llbprlvate batb and parlors, gas, hot nd

cold wster. snd gents, wiihorwlilionl board,

r7Q MACDOOVl sfT Mcely (urnlsheufrooms for twoI J or three rin, gss, bsth. snd piano. $3.

1 flfl KAK.T M "T-- corner Tark av.-F- lne fumUbedxvvr bscbesif apartmenu er single rooms; moderate, nil conrWacts, finest snot Intheclty; magnitl- -cent view '1111 WEST tttl ack psrlor. with folding bed;X" large ndtingle rooms on third door.lbath.prl-vat-

house. js -

1 lAJ"EarT A nice furnished room, prlrateX house, 9Mper week; gentlemen, call all week.

TjOi LEXINtllN sunny third slory!XA. en suite tsingly. other rooms: abundsnt uble;location centrakud near L sutlon, referencei


1 OQEA8Ilir.-0nerir- ge front and rear roomXeJC7 m prlvafpmlly. furnlined; gentlemen only.

1 Ati WEST 4t ST., one block rrom ole atedtlon Twtlandeomely furnished front rooms,

including bath angsa; 8" weekly. KLWUUP.

1 jV--i ALLEN i Handsome large front parlor.XUehouiekeejekr allowed, 94 per week; respectable

psrtles only. JHi

IRK EAST StTlhT. Handsomely furnished doubleXtHFandslnilanis: owner.

QflQ WEST 20TIBT. third floor Large sunny roomsUOtn let fortung meu, with or without board,

with heat for wlnl

QQQ 1VLST sjlhT., near Broadway.-Furnlt- bed"O rooms, wltyidlngbede, Ac.

flO MT'I XV srga (rent room and bed,(umlshedtU tor honsekn)lug. $4; one (or tX6ttOflT WEST 23D ulte of rooms, sitting and twoOIF f bedrooms; reond floor; accommodate four gentlemen; good boarOfrefercncc exchanged.

ini) WEbT I9TnJT.-B-reel- lent table bosrd. $3.

Uf WEST 50Tllr. Lsrse rurnlsbed roomslo letuXiwlih bsth, Huentlemen or lsdies that areduring the dsj

O 1 17 EAST 2 JTII St-T- o let. one or two comrertablyOX I furnished rooisatvery moderate prlves; clean,pleasant home; nearyuuon.JOO LEXlNaioskv. corner 38tu

nlshed roomein salts or singly, wltb bosrd,hall rooms; prices , no dark rooms

00 I WBrT 20TH i A private family will letnlshed. pleaisl front room, also hall room, to-

gether ersepsrste; ratonsble.

KbtQ WEST ietTelerrantly furnUhed par.eyXO lor floor. wltUkrg, extension room, suitable fordoctor or dentist; alujther rooms. furnlsbsd,wlthorwithout bosrd,

s .

,;0 WEST 18TII S JUrge and small rooms nicelyOfJ7 furnished, baisndgas, breakfast if desired;good beds: homecomt aOQA 12TH HT.-- Bo wltb tingle or double rooms;Qui good tsble. Mrs. B. S TURNBULL.

A AQ WEST ibTII S1 -- FurnUhed rooms to let, 92;HUP front pert 91.51

All) WBST2aD Br.iine rooms: convenient loca-- ti-- tlon; L staHon',yrms moderate

flOQ WEST 42D UTVdTwo large (nrnished rooms (oriyO housekeeping, tlrvekiy; Broadway greenxar-an-42d st cross town Of? pass the beuse.

TOO 8TII AV, 1st betfFurnished rooms to let with1 AJ or without boara

goawl and ?R m -- rooMaw.IN I1RO0KLY --75 Lafayette av, near Ful

ton. two minutes fc i L sutlon. two third storyfront connecting rooms, inny and well heated; pricefor two adults, tla. also i irr rooms.

I.IIRBT Cl.AbK ACCOM IUiATIONS at very low rates,X' rooms newly carpetednd papered, at 231 ClintonSt. Brooklyn. I

LAR0K front famlsbeftfiom. three minutes' walkHamilton ferrj 13J President st, beuth

Brooklyn. Q

Qtl'l MADISON ST, Eloklyn. To let with bosrd.Utabsob psrlor. hantLmelr fumislied. in s quiet

family, to a married coupl homo coruforu; ery

lfsT CLTMBIt ST, BROKLIN. E. II --Nicelynlshed roema with,l- - without bosrd; alio rao

reoms, suitsblefsr a doctor&r dentist on psrlor floor;terms reasonable. I

(Ciwriat.ROCKAWAY Wint3 board era .ccoramoaJLtrd;

prlT9( fjetnltr; reaicriN rates; 40 minute fromcltv; health reiert; train etrenlent for buttneis. Addreiho. H. box 143. hun oflft).

AND WIFK In bo actorxitaoJaltd wJ'Uexcellent board: splena rooms; private family.

B , lg l'roipect tt Batt Orafeo, N. J.TAKE two or tbreeftlldren nnA (rive then a

mother's care. refrentfvn Mod required. Atidrew Box 37, rltatantrlUe. yitchetter county, N. V.

Stal jUffT

E LRU ANT PRIVATE RESIjLnCES. West rUdst SlidCentral Part Partlea seiinur a llrst class prlrate

residence In one of the cbolceeifocatlons remaining uusoldonNew 'lurk IsUod wlltteVeagoodinvesinieutbyfiurchasing one of those in a ror of nine lieuses Jrtst be.

located at IT tot? West tttd st. only I'Mfeet weat of Central Psrk, oulivne block frorn eleratedrailroad station, and only one lleck from Museum utNatural History. ,1

Itio houses are broin stone, 20, 2 and 23feet wide: elegant elevations. lurved fronts, cabinettrimmings, highly finished, ailhodern iinproiaueuts,wood mantels. Inlaid floors, eleccic bells, Ac, Ac,No. l7WMt(Kdst,23feetwldel . ,fSl),rx)No l9West8idet. 21feet wldi 4(1 OKINo. 21 WestH3dsr, aifeet wldi , . .. 4i,nNo. 23 West 82d st, 23 feet wide) , .. 40.000NaU3 West Bid st, 23 feel wide'. 47.000No 27 West Bid st , 23 feet wldel 4H.0HUHo. 29 West tttd it . 0 feet wlite'l 40.000No.31 West 8;dst, 20 feet wldel. . 4HM)No 83 West Cdlt. 20fest wldel 41.000

Exsmlpstion courteously solictid. Prices low, termsHberaL Inquire ou premlsea ur f,

OBOKiiE jmWK, 171 Canal stA DRAKrV't Bible Home, lisle

desirable tenements. Iota, ail private houses rorsale. In various locations' at ressesible prices.

ALL PRICES.-Send- lor lists oltirgalnl In dwellings,tenements and unlmiroT properties: losns

negotlsted. IlVltox W, ANI)l'.lui, 17 Weal I23ih st.HEAL BSTATE FOR HALltlt BsrgainB.-T- ur-

nlshed and unfornlshed honsl. business property,flats, lota snd tenements In erenjeectlen of the city,on eoer terms WYCKOFF, 113 kid L2b7 Broadwsyand 43 Hast liiolh st

SALE New bouse, nine sjoms. all Improvementa, within three minutes of Ii av borsscsrsor

4th av. steam car (rspld transit or fire minutesfrom Ferdhsm College, three mlritei I from publicschool: on hlgu. dry grooad, and neighbor,nood: ebanoe for speculstrs or Drlvale par-lies: the house will fetch $23 per mohb at present snd1 will sell for $3,300, (or I wish to go eir Call and souferyourtsK. Inquire of H. B. VKiiRNMUltOU, Foeplace, Fordhsm. j



Containing a Isrre assortment tn allUsrlsnt the oily.Will be mailed ir deilrft.

I, J CARPKNTli. 41 Liberty si,Branch office. 1,181 3fTr.

SALE Two itory and basemets seven rooms,goodcondlUoui lmmedlateposses)bui terms easy.

No. lanevoest. Breoklyn. E, n. nearllnlon ar.AYR YOUR RENT. Usndseme neiiEouse. with lot:Improvements, good locsUon, JersW Citr. ceaven

lent to ferries; price, $3,200; enly fSOuTssb wanted.ulBBOli tm Liberty st.

SEND STAMP or call for printed Hit r deslrsbierealbargains QlbBOrjWLlPerlT stFPO BDlLpEIta-Sus- gle lot with UbsrlllosnI MACLAT A DA VIES. 120 and 7 Broadway.

WANTBD For Investment onTtb or ih sv. a Cstorywltb stores. In good nelrtborhood

WlllTTLU A DOWIa.l6l3daV.HTORY FLAT, good as new; not but for sale l allImprovements; (org families, paysllHi psr csnt

oter uses and interest 33 Blescker at; Vir Buahwlckav., Rleecker at, one block east of Oredc ar. Brook,lyii. K. D. Vl,

2' M ' 300-- lloosea e) to i rooms. ImVB&iVW prorements, high groundleasy terms,steam aud horse oars, three minutes' wis east fromJunction Kligibrldge rosd and 3d av TV

HTUNEBRIDOE. Monroe dt'leimoiil

tnTftgtBte yantif" ""

FUBMISIIED sal unruro'leu.srn'.fwi'. ! o97,0Xsi to 9tJ0,us), also btsfil i r,ii ' )

from 97.300 le i,ooo,0uij; will pot in caV iVs 11coontry oroperty in part payment IiwycK0FF.I13sjdf,2nUrsadwsraiida)4 i.'Mj,, i

WANTBD-9orlo- ts. wltb old bulldlngiW oit beand below Houston sL

H. DK WALLTKAirSB. IU7i Brosdway, ,

WAST.'y'r-- 1 'MU,1.tfi"'J14' swutvwatt ila. aos

dints) nut, apartttwol i&o ct.TO LET.ArARTMENTS231 to 233 West ISlh St.

Seven rooms and bath, $30 to $33.I3H to 143 West 18th st,

stesm hecr sll lmprorements, $00 upward.4 ,i;4to83S Wetl8ihtt,

- llsldsoii recond floor apartments, $10..HAtoSin West3thtt,

1 Choice apartments. Ivl to $43,HAMILTON APARTMENTS,

let) Bait U7th and IKS Baal mth sis. $30 to (43.113 to 119 East 70th st,

Sareii rooms and bsth, hall boys, Ac ressonsble rents.Apply to

BROWN k HOLDING.120 Broadway,

or janitors In the noaies.



a. before mmm clsewiiereCsll and examlns those elegant apartmenu In 104 Best124th st; 7 rooms snd bath; all papered; hall heated!lentveryluw. Janitor, or


' --N08. I IS AND 121 WEBT I04TII BT, 300 feet from'it, L station Apartments of 4 rooms and bath, and 8srooms snd bath; steam heat throughout; $20 to $34. Ap-ply on premises er to

WALTF.R, LAWRBNOE,Northwest corner eth av. and 104th It.

A FINE ASSORTMENT of cornsrfUtaB Isrge roomsand bath, handsomely decorsted and pspered;

very rinsly looated near Park entrance and convenientlo L elation: rent low ; 922 to $33, Apply on premises.Park av. and txrth st. or

DUFF A CONGER. 1.417 3d ST.

APARTMENTS In the Improved dwelling Sjvt Eastthree, and four rooms: allllght with

bath, laundry, hot and cold water, and halls heated;rent fo.23 and 914 rFULBUM BROTHERS, W liest 13th it, pear Drotdway.

A" "THE EDINBORO," northwest corner loth ar.and Ilea at Apartments with steam heat pas-

senger elevator, and all first class appointments $43 toJ Apply on premleet or to WALTER LAWRENCE.

northwest corner 9th av. and 101th st

A NEATEST in Harlem: five rooms, hot water,electrlo bells. Venetian Minds, handsomely deco-

rated lulls, flHtoiuo. Jsnltor. aio West I84tlist, orWILCOX A bllELTON. 221 Welt 123th St.

AN F.I.KdANT DUPLEX APARTMENT; sunshine inroom; drawing roora; dtnlugroom; fonrbed-ronm- a

bsthroont kltohen. Ac.: nodogotakeiu 31 EastTwenty.elghth st Apply to Janitor.

A TO LET Elegsnt corner aptrtments. all lightsnd airy; Arooms; hot and told water: beautiful

location: only $18 to $22 Apply to Janitor, northwestcorner Sth ar. and 130th st.


MAN, PECK A CO. piano warerooms. 188 3th av.

A PRIVATE FAMILY would rent their back parlor toa physician, or their second floor front room to a

gentleman: reference required. Call at 1SU East 77th stPARLOR AND BEDROOM In corner, second fist;stesm hest eleator. restaurant, use of kttrheu, ami

every possible convenience i 923 monthly. 300 K. 27th stAT EAST 58D and third floors, 3 and 4

rooms; prlvste house; $14 and $13.UUBB1NEAU A DRAKE, II Bible House.

FEW FLATS still vacant: wlllrsntat ndtirel rates'.Apply corner lytb ar. andB2d st (The Bedford), or

II. II. CAMMAN A CO, 61 Liberty St.

of 3 and 4 rooms; quiet neighborhood;Improvements: private halls; reut 910.50 to 914.

A pply to janitor. 144 West 124th stPARTMENTS-1- T0 F.iat 118th st: SO feet house: nlLImprovementi: 8 rooms, all onuido windows; rents,

Ra and 924. Janitor on premises.

A THREE SINOLE FLATS ; high stoop, modern lm- -prorements. Inquire on the Inrexnlses, 233But


A STORE BASEMENT to let with rooms; cheap rentInquire at 130 West 33d st, city.

ASF.COND FLOOR In bouse with the owner. 140 West

BEAUTIPUL PARLOR and other rooms, reasonably ,new, paint paper, carpet; referenoes exchanged.

146 West luh st.

CHOICE LOCATION. Cosey, well furnished (1st,referenoes: 983, 100 Esst 71st st. 4th list

IrtLEOANT FLATS; all large rooms; hot and cold9l5to$17. 113disi; between Till snd sth

avs. Apply en premises or toWOODWARD A HOYT. 303 West 143J st

EXAMINK348EottB3th St.: tbree, four roomshalls carpeted; boated;

loiprorements, quiet neighborhood, email families;$11 to $14; choice homes; refereneea

APARTMENTS of 3or 4 rooms: rents, $7 toJ $12, with improvements, begin Oct 15; reference re-- q

ulrcd. Apply at 1,003 tuth av.

ELEOANT FLATS: 3 rooms. decorsted (Improvements;neighborhood; $13 to 917. 47 East

to let In all sections of the city; also apart-ments; all owners should register then property at

nice, registration rroe. WYCKOFF, is and 1.2W7Broadway, and 43 East 123th stFLATS AND APARTMENTS, unfurnished snd

d. in all parts of the city.FOLbOM BBOTHBRS. 3 Bast lathst, near Broadway.

XTtLATS In the Marlon for a quiet and aelscthomo;rents. 913 and 914: near (erriea

sjos. j. HUGHES. 83 Berry et, Brooklyn.

GREENWICH ST. 784, near Bank. Two (rent rooms,painted; $10, also three rooms. 3

Bethnnost,$IO.nO. Inquire at T84 Greenwich art

TfTilT AT TTTP ELEGANT steam-heau- dAX XJTXXl (eat (rent single lists, cabi-net finish and decorated, at rednoed rates; rsnufrom

can be occupied at once, rent to commence,JtntoSoo; 1st of November.At the foot of elevated station. 247 West 135th at,

near 8th av.


INV.O0D. 223T0 2J9 WE3T40TU. 922T09JH.Handsomely decorated, five rooms and bathroom.

MORRIA M. BAbK A CO , 7J West 34th It,OIUIIS R. BAER A CO . 72 WEST 34Tll.'hT.

Some with eteam heat ball boy. (Ac.Cbelies. 247 W. l'.tti . $30ICarlton, 124 W. setli. $60Jefferson. 277 W. 127th. 2 Westminster,. tee W. nib 33BEAI'FORT. 758 7th av. near 49th it . llxM rooms... 221 03 Lexington ar .. $13 48 sth sv. $VS5

247W. 1Mb . $30 to 33 117 V,. 19th 940 to 300117 W 23d 35 to SO 108 W. 17th... 33 to 40118 W.38lh. .. . 32 to 4(1 124 W.SCtll . . .. . SO

734 7th av. .. , 23 to 33 223 W. (Oth., 922 tO 28377 IV. l.'Tth .. U3 to S3 1,003 Lexington av 13811009 W. 131st 50 to S3 1.U32 8th av 11Niagara, steam Beat and elevator $40 to 5aAlelne. 101 E, 123d. corner 38 to SO

Printed description mslled:ARLBOROUOH ARMS. 57 West 10th stFire proof; steam heat: slerstor; restaurant

urnlshed snd unfurnished soltes sad single rooms401 WeU2.Mst, single sparlmenU; halls nested.305 West23dst, sultesof 2 or 3 rooms: gss and beat4J East 31st st, elegsnt apsrtmeats, with steam

heat1,473-- 7 Lexington av , single apartments.

Janitors, or MACLAY A UAVIEa. B7 Broadway.


.lust elegantly pspered and frescoed; six and isrsnrooms and baths: private halls, Ao.l rents $33 and 923.

MORRIS ft BAKU A CO, Ti West 34 tb stFLOOR. 3 or 4 rooms prlvste house, to small

family; good chance for pByslclan. 1,103 Lexingtonavenue.

PARK AV 1.K63-1.3- (Warrenton) 77th and 7Rtbchoice dsu. fourth. 92N; flfth, 92d; halls

bested! janitor's services, owner lives on premlseaST, 320 Three Isrge rooms: very light; de-

sirable; rent $14. Inquire of housekeeper.



116th st, 1 Esst nesr Msdlson av. Handsomeeight room, steam heated lists, conulnlngall latest improvements, RenU $32 to 933 00

109th st, CO East Fourth flat 7 rooms, nicely pa-pered and pointed; single house $20 00

4th nr, 2,130, corner 117th st Second floor,south, lire light rooms, insrble manuis,range, tded holla Ac .$17 00

123d at, tm to 422 East quiet healthy locationlloors of Are rooms right through; tubs,sink, door openers, insrble mentals, plentyof closets, Ac Jsnltor cleans all holla andstairs. A few. floors nicely pspered, and aU iIn thorough order. RenU $13 to $14 00'Qdav. 1.068. Floors of ore large roam rightthrough, tuba gas fixtures, electric bells,marble mantels, Ac Renteredncedto$12to$13 00

Manyotuert. Reference requitedMURRAY'S. 2.030 3d , near 112th at



235 West 123th St.FDUCED RENTI-Feojro- om flats, $12.50 to $14;Istett ImproremenU, stationary tabs. 404 East

24 Hi st, tSUFERIOK to a Bat, seren rooms In the upper part of

bouse; new plumbing: decorated: ereryconvenience for housekeeping; patent heat 419 West'Twenty ssoondst.

WILLIAM ST, S3. Apartments, three rooms,'In office building; rsnt $13. Room 3, DO Cedar st

rpilF. BBAUFORTrJ. 754 AND 750 7TII AV BET, 49TII AMD 30TII,BTB.This model bouse hat all the coarsnlsnqes

that can be desired for parues seeking small suites (erhousekseplnit ' consist of 4 well arranged,extra well lighted and handsomely decorated rooms,having direct ventilation wltb the outer air, special at-tention banuK been given to sanitary plumbing Thelocation U very central; the Broadwiy, 7th ar, aadBroeme steers pass the doer, the Ueulerard and 43dit and elerated care within a short black i rent 922.






PARK AV. (fOTIl JTFlou to rent from 91,000 to $1,600 p annum ; siestabest elorstors. Ac, f

$.14 Apiit 0j S Ni.biss1,13d auoflMd sU ; assreitTsU .u"a! iSth" 0MW,B

T" li'Kti, tSSOP'f-- J onlhwsit corner 12Jd sii'1.,.',,iiii"''H,iV; enui Undsomely deso-rote-

I0Br ,V,B,BU Mmm ,,.,. .

rZZJEJJg!r iMirtfiuiti.


Inttt nntt gipntimcntia go frt.LET The Coemopohlan, southesst corner Sth ar.TOand 183th stt handsome dsu; six rooms; prlrate

hall and all ImproremenU ; rents 20 to $23. inquire onpremlsea or JUST BROTHERS. 709 Broadway,

LRT 108 West 12th St. one elegsnt apartment,TOhandsomely finished throughout: steam beat andall lmprorements. Inquire on premises, or jubtlmOTllBRa 708Broadway.

LRT Three Isrge rooms, with wasbtubs; rent 111TO 910. Inquire of housekeeper, 1,431 Istar. Alsotop floor of Ore rooms. Inquire 1,197 Arenas A.

LET Elegant second and third floors, together orseparate! conveniences! rent 120 and ll smsll

family 1 private house j owner, 403 East fed it.FLOORS lo let in a private, well kept honssiTWO low rsnt to rrspecubte small fotailles; free to

Not. 1. Call at 3as West 33th stROOMB. soluble for light housekeeping: 3d floor of3 house IBS I'sclflo it, Brooklyn, nesr Court st.

Q LARGE ROOMS, all light, $S.3Ot0$10. 07 East trjeihOst

AV, 3.695, corner 43d llsu, rsnt $138TU hssltby neighborhood i five rooms I heatedhallo Inquire at 2,097 Sth ar, or In candy store,

station and 43th et.

778, adjoining 47th St. hsndsome first floor;8THAV, rent tla Apply 111 Bowerv.

(11RT ST, 37 WEST Second floor, furnished! newlyi--l painted; ample closets; hsll rooms

OQTI1 BT, 410 WEST. Three to six roomi, all con-A-

renlencesi lew renUi rery light; agent there.ST, 409 WEST, Three nicely rurntshed rooms

In private family.

CJTII ST.. 231-2- EABT-Ble- flats, newly paint.(IU ed: carpeted halls, heated: near two stations t

rents $14 to 917. Janitor on premlsea"EeVTII ST, 310 WEST, 2 and 3 rooms; neat rear cofOi ugel $Dand$8.ij'JH ST, 124. 182, ISO WEST New, stylish flats,

mlrably planned for small, genteel families : fourrooms and balk, 918 to t23; richly decorated throughont;main (separate) halls tiled, osrpsted. decorateo, heated,rentllsted. andUghted; vestibules frescoed, csblnet fin.Isbed: superior ranges, msrble mantels, eleotrio bells;thorough nrst class management; oppoalte flnerrlraurealdencot; refereucee required. Apply to a.. 1)0DD,House Agent. &96th 7th ar, or to janitors on prcmUeafsTsTII ST, 33 W:bt Hlghatoep brick house: theW owner the only farallr : win ut 6 rooms land both,one flight orer parlor, tor 922; or the parlor floor andbasement for $30; all ImproremenU. ,

lftTT'1 ST, 189 EAST. Single Hats: all ImproveIU f ments: conrenlent to L atatlon. Inquire janitor.

1 A'iO ST NEAR BTn AV, Three and four room140 apartmeaU,$S to 112: nicely decorated: electricbells, dumb welter, Ac; healthy location; conrenlentto elsratld station Apply on premises or to

WOODWARD A H01T. 803 West 143d stQQQ WEST 1TTH ST. Elegsnt flats, all Improve-4-

tnenti; rents mederste.Qe'fb 6TII AV. Second floor. 6 rooms and both; alllQJ7 Improvemenuu MONETPENNY. 181 nth av.

Itzn A 4711 AV., near 88th st Newly decoratedBrooms, alllmproxemsnu; tla

2 077 an AV- - Toomt' J7 a"119-2.0D-

3d av . 3 or 4 rooms $11 and 914'.1X1 Bsst 113th it, corner house, 4 rooms, $14SJi) Esst USth st, aportmenU from 85 u til.

dtf! $7, $8, $9 Apartments ef tbree large rooms,yu, 2.232 and 3,314 10th uv, near U4th st House-keeper on premises or

WOODWARD A HOYT, 51 West 123th itell FLATS Hot water supplied by owner to eschJB I1 family's bathroom and kitchen; all improve-ments; steambeat; small, select families. .134 E. 77th st

rjlatjS iinij pavtriuHteprooWsti,C07 OP.ANI) ST, BROOKLYN Poor comforuhloUfri front rooms; qoleU healthy, convenient; corepass neag ferry; rentlA

cugfg and Vantnl.

DWELLING noi'EF, good order, east or west side;over SH.O30; will psy oil cash it required.

Address JAMES F. FLYNN. 171 Broadway, room 13

1200 TO PAY en houie In New York city orvicinity; bslonce easy lnstsllmeuts, monthly or

qnorterly. Address JANITOR. 148 Weit 124th it1 AD Y deaires two rooms and bsth, furnished for lightJU houekeeplng; private German fsmUy or flat pre-ferred; references: state price. TEACHER,

box 1x4. Son up town office, 1,285 Broadway.

WANTED To purchase, house on the line of theRailroad In Brootljn; three story,

stone, with tmproveraenu, price must be reasonable..Address PAHTICl'LAKa box loo. Sun office,1,203 Broadway. New York city.

WANTED FurnUhed and unfurnished beusesdemand from responsible trnonte

WYCKOFF. 143aai,287 Broadway and 43 East 123th itWANTED One or two furnished rooms for light

not abore ootb st. wst side.MAILLABD. 23 Altor piece, city.








IfrOD par year; new. handsomely decorated houses,with jraa ilxuires oomplete, south tide of 133th nu botwein 7U. and toth ava.. lOJ feet from station. Apply on

In Dwelling Houses; to rent or lease; all lmprorements; '

for small famlllss or urge; 9300 per annum to $4,000;located in dcelrubl porta of the city

nEVEJIXEY WARD,235 est 123th St.


BROWN-STON- 2Of00t front te rent,or unfurnished, handsomsly decorsted,

butter's pontrv, extension, abundance of water through-- ,out lgfWcit73dst.

AN ELEOANT furnlibed snd decorsted house Weit i78d st. near Ceatral Pari. WTCLOFF. 145 and

1 , J87 Broadway, and 43 Bast 123th stAVBRY lINE HOUSE to rent In West 73th st, atII, If. CAM MANN A CO . 31 Liberty st 'BETTBR THAN FLATS -- 3) to $33 comfortableto IS rooms: all ImproremenU: high

round; e sty walk to can. Inquire grocery store, 2,405tb ar.

E8IRARLE IHlUSKR. unfurnished and furnished,InaJl parU of the city.

FOLbOM EliOTmiBS. 3rt East 13th st, nesr Broadway.

EART78TII ST. near Msdlson ar. basement,stoop, with French roof; Kxfoxioo; rent, .

fnlly furnished, $I.fl00: unfurnished, $1,400. J. V Y.WkCKOFF, 145 and 1,287 Broadway, and 45 East125th st,

STATElf ISLAND-- At West New Brighton, te let newAnne oottage. seven rooms. Address P. O. box

167, Port Richmond, Htaten Island.

SMALL HOUSE on West 14th it,; rent $1,200. Apply403 West 14th st.




?ro" hrown stone booses, 217 and 229 WstI32dat, be'wsen 7th and Stbavs.: high Uoop, i

tnLmJC?T.m"n": can be seen Sunday. JUSTBROTu.ERS. 700 Brofidway.

TO LET-I- .ie hlghlv desirable" four itory high stoop, hron-sion- dwellings lit) Esst72dsk, 13:29. andrXtJfi,V.HflSjit3''iu'a Apply to AK--

NBTABLE A COT 19ih st and 5th ay.

TITANrD TO LBT-Nic- sly furnished house, three.rr story brick, with brown stone basement; near allcar foutfit; within walking dUUnce te all ferries. 413Faciflo l . Brooklyn.

lSt1? ST- - 3W three-stor- y

.J! hrown-sun- bouse; good neighborhood! $73monthly. Owner.

ikojgtttox guiittrwtttpijfi.PINE LARGE CORNER STORETo let: excellent location for druggist grocer, or pro visIon mslrket; good terms to good tenant Apply to Jul.tor. Madhionuv. and llltbsL.or 10

WII.MUBT AJAUVIH. I.KWJdav.sesr 100th stAflTOHU, 1 too oth av bet. KSth and 89th aU; $35

best buslneis location ov, avenue. Applyx'.i,':.Vyn or towiJ.TKU LAWRENCE, N. W. cor, 9tb av. A HMta si

A T, lx,.w BBNT-Eleg- ant sure. ofSTie and basementjtX'jSOOih ay.,; location unequalled forbui'.ueu; (or fifteen years Herald braacbofllieWYCKOFF. 1.207 Broadway, room B,

VERY LOW rtENTR-D.llro- 'jI. oOoeS, spaciousrooms, snd studios. 1,267 Brosdway, near 'id st,

over tbe World and Herald braaer, offlcss; reut 91,10 to$3M0. WYCLOFF. I.2f,7 Broadway, room B.

DHUa 8T0RE to let corner lo'lTieu av. and H5thst.plate-glas- s wlndova, steam blated. excel

'.?. looatign and very moderaw reut Apply to CHOW.BIB A McKP.AW. 1.589 3d ay.



ORE AND VANDEWATRR BT8 -- Loftl. with llesmbeat power, and aleratoro Waverley, southwestcorner Broadway and 4tb st Conunodloue ottloei, withitism best, elsvster.MACLAY A DA VIES, 097 Broadwsy

li tore and living apartmenutt JANITOR on premlsea or Here. 181 Hit ay

137 WB8Ti Tnl and rooms '

h!(CrH Av. between 48th and both its, elsgantI OU store, with two windows, very low rentMOItHlB B. BAER A CO. 73 West 84th st


GOHDOlTpRagg (NEW). IUI7, with Ink fountain, foroaabe saeu at any Hue- Call oraddress WU.U TOUKii. 117 Msple et, Jersey City. N. )

L0...0!! IBCOND-HAN- LEATHBIt belling, allgood eoadltlon. for sale chssp

BAolU EL ROBihra, Pearl st, city.Usctilnery.-Coropl- ete ontflu (or hooderiuojaUiutilea. DAtkr80W, MDiyst

giuclion Jgotirfjg. .AA --A. "COOKE'S AUCTION ROOMS," lPl


will sell S

Wednesilny, Out. BO, , 1nntl Thursday', Oct. In, I




MATTIthS8Kl'lI.LOWS,lpril-r:e- , AROOKRRN, LI1IRAK1 TAIlouV), .(, 3



tlegant Oak Mirror Frpnt Fo!A'm Beds. Ifl? AXlIIJJSTKTt. 1!X,VTtT and 1IRI'SS1.L8 yl




, LOCATRH Or, ','1KT, ai, I1D, 4T1I. AND OTH AV8..AM) ll

OOTII, MTU, A Nil tRTII bo polil At Hrjrti'.n nnr t

TUESDAY, OCTOBERS, 1888,At 12.30 (clock, at the Real Esute Exchange and Ano.


tlon Room, stitoes Liberty st, New sofk city.70 per cent, ean remain on bond and mortrage atSbsrcent. Interest for three or Ove yeerAccei to the property Is had by the ferries from Pier

2. lasl River. NewTork, lo foot cf frith it , Iireokltn.and lo Day Ridge, foot of Whitehall at. and b ihe "Brooklyn City Rsllrnad cars from tbe Bridge, aad frsiatho Fulton and Hamilton ferriei t

si?.r.!m.ok,Wny ""1 Particulars apply at Ihe nfnoe of 'Montsgueat, snd st the corner ef .tdsvand 48th st, Brooklyn, or lo Bergen A Isykernan. attor-neys, ini Monugue et . Brooklrn and at the olllce or

AU1CIAN II. MlI.l.KlT AiKON.Auctlon're.1 Finest. New lotkcltt.











At the salesroomi.JI).U ST,Commencing at 11 A. M,


From various residences arid hotels of thlseUy, Brook,lyn and Jersey.

Sal absolute Rain or hinp . Terms i coshDUNN A PABL1MI. A uctlnueers

SUE WALLTEARSH. ACCnilNIJEg',Appraiser and Real Estate Uroer" ofllee 171 Broadway.




JA-ME- CAONEY, Auctioneer, tobushed 180U

MONDAY AT 303 WEST 4TM (fj. AT 10:30 A !S

The handsome and superior rurnltoreofanEUrslwihsnmansion and !M st e' T,t ad entln ebonlred parSia"i rm' Jnt. library and wrretary

hookcasea flno (oidlng b ta nan cliomber suites bri,,I,''fL5?rD')tk0v,J,,.'T mlnut eillnslon tables, diningchairs In leather, buffet t ,,, cosPfMO, china, slasswars, Ac making a sp jendid ossorlwent Sslo peremp

THJAwxiwrrTucTiT)",!, ,UJJ salesroom, torner rnlverrityplareand lOtuit. on Tj iiday, Oct. V, at II o'cloot Large sale 'of handsome per rf,r, bedroom, and dining room fsrnlture, carpeu. r jjci, grand and square planoR. mirrors,

Ac.: also, 10 n--i ir,c-- front folding bed,15o One engrar- - ,iInge. bandsor.-.ti- j framed, a private collection .


8(las Fixtures. .'

Chandeliers, Brockets, 11 all Lighu..Aa, Ac,elegsnt iu stylo snd finish, m

cheap (or caih. jjl

v. nclewee'a'uon, a35 Warerler place, ceTgar Oreene at. S

um"A BABOAINSIIIHT S&.. LETTER COl'YINO I'lUiasKS, new and oecoinl dhand COI'YING PRESSES (any nuke) bought, re-- Jpaired, or uken in exchange. ' $3

DUMB BELLS (any weight). 5c, perltt 3INDIAN CLUBS (any slzek $1 per pair. I(CUT TU18 OUT.) B01tNBTBIK.24Ann8t. &

PRIVATE FAMILY will sell nuuo, Turkish silk-- , Splush psrlor suite in three colore; leather dining tft

room cbalgs and lounge, chamber suite, luslrmattreliej, Jlaoe curtains, mirror, carpeu oil parnttngs, Ac. 241 'tr.wen it, corner Power. Brooklyn. B. P. $AT TYPBWRITER HEADQUARTERS. 70 Broadway 'V

wiU be found thelorgeitvarletttar excellent con 4dition second-han- writing machines of ia theworld: pricca Incredible, please call' and see us. 'I

A BARGAIN. Photograph studio; 30 te 2(A) sittingsthe week: no tintypes; death in family. Addressr. L.t.x I w, Snn ofllce. ,

HOUSE for sale; lowre'nt:.est location;everything In good order, 22 ttlcn light rooms, 2tf

paying bosrders: a rsre chance. .Apply, at 174 Henry -et , corner of Jefferson St. city. (

CARDS, circulars, handbills, (election tlckeu. low I80 cents, and every desortptlon of printing by H a

electric motor, cheap and quick. ' IIYNB. 17 Ann at H

CIOAR AND STATIONERY STORE, also newspaper 1 "cheap. 1 Market at II

'CANDY, CIGAR, and fishing tackle atere; 3 living R

low rent U31 lltbsir, H --'

DBSKS.-Do- n't (all to" see our line before buying It i ,wont to love money. KINGMAN k CAMP. I

BELL, manufacturers, 204 Canal st. II

If OR SALE--A IR.000 If'

X' to 30.0U) copies an hour; complete stereotyping out- - I t.(It easting boxea tall cutters, shaving machines, chip- - Hping blocks. Ac, Ac. Address- -

DAILY NKWrlFAFER. care of TUE SUN, 1 l

I?OR SALE Positive barglUni In cigars at til fl, I ''and 25 per l.UOO FEDBRSEN A aCILMAETEB. 1 ,

wholesale tobacoonlsu, 2S5 Uleecker stFOR SALE Small machinist repairing ehqp and lock- - .,

old firm; no agenu. QIlBVALLIER, 139Dleecker at OFFICE-T- wa preuesi and log fonU ofDpe: low rent, good trade, five years; $400, easy 1

terms. 83 Maiden line. .SAFES. Fire and burglar proof lafea; new ones ef

construction . old ones tlist have been taken,ln exchsnge. D1EB0LI) H4FE AND LOGIC CO, W. IL 'AButler. General Agent 7(j Duanest. S

SAFES Large, medlntn, and smsll, thesp; safes jsold, or exchanged ; vJ. M. MOSSMAN, 101 Mslden lanenear Pcsrl st. JB

(JEWING MACHINES cheap, all kinds, psymenu; 'tv rented: machines repaired; dress forms 50c week. ?S'.'H5 uth sv 5fc

FpAEEN FOR DEBT. Must sell at once, choice of lrX ersl new imported tnuslc boxea 24 inches long; cost m9123, sell (or trfeoch. 'ttseen ot Murray it, room 5. X

HujilttWfi (CliaiufJ.

AOENCIBS WANTED FOR PACIFIC COAST.-- Mr. J. D. sfjJodea Mundy J Co, Son Francisco, will m

be In Boilon about Oct lo, and wuold like to meet man' twufaoturere desiring bullneu represeatsliou outbe Pa. wciflocoost HU Arm Is also ready to enter into arrange. 7,menu as purchasing ugenu for sll ttnds of CaliforniaRroducu. Address blm In care of Csiiplfi. Trull A Co, 'st.... , .,A SPLENDID CAFE and liquor store on a prominent ;,.

cornerofddav rurale, theowuer haautherbusl- - ;

ness. will sell for CAskfHfoi. WYCKOFF, 145 aud 1.2S7 '"Brosdway, and 45 East I25ih it

NEWSPAPER FOR SALE In a town of 4.0(11 Inhok M(rom Chicago Ouly printing orcce A?

in the place. Tbree steam jpresses. complete ouut vKGBBUT MANN WOODS, Jollet fit tf!,

'CORNER LIQUOR hTORl, for sale If not sold 'immediately will be sold at auction on Monda), ,,

SIILRF.V, cor. of Charlton aud Greenwich its. t,

IiTllNTlNil First ciafuTwork at low rates, cards and ' i$1 25 per single I, Mil, o.OU) circulars. 'c,

491XH, $i.'5 send stamps for samples, on parle Krsn- - ifrraise; man spricht Dsuucb. THE pll.TEB'8, ll West f ,Twenty sixth st l

RESTAURANT For sale, a (Irsbclaos resUuraat ftof golug out uf business, apply Gt

TIIOS. ItaUGEiti. 44 Court st, Brooklyn, room M. 2

IIRFl'ROOF SAFE: sute Inside dimensions ana WJ, U. MU8BMAN, loll Maiden lone $

grintlurritntt-tial.""- "

PKINTERH aordOftHlniTersairLTberty, Favorite. Mpresses other mokest body snd lob type,

new and nearly new, at big dlionunt, paper and en Vvelopesatcost, cheapeot boHseln the busiuesa m

DAMON A PEr.TH, sTlleekmariit 8?.

toranf. ' IKNICKERBOrKER storage ar.housea largest, ",

solldeitlulhedly o(tlce3 I.i.i mn.l ruriiitur. .carrlacis. nierehaudlse elored; contenu 91 tef,monthly, fireproof psrtltlons, moring, pocking city. 3Loounlry upholnered eons, lowest rote uuadvante m,psyuvsnU rsqulred. send ostal, representative wi J tall , 9M

", S8.,giUda, it. ' fl

GOING TO EUROPE will leO Irapnrtel thor Mougbbred Russian sughound This rsre arid I.UU4 afy

ble dog la perfectly kind snd afftctluiiate. aud. cjui be Mflean at U, 0 I'UVriY .l 4ili st

gry 358oil.

BUSINESS WAOOKH -l- .'oil andisuilue utu-- newdelivery wsgom. ws have a special Use,

Tiry haadlsrae, (or the dry goods trsde. 'lUL'INK WAGON A l.'AIIKIAGK CO .

tortitr Bprtiig It aad sUuta 1th ar

gHMitJgirttreg,TJOST-OFFIC- NOTIC& Letters for foreign countries

II ' . X need cot addressed for despatch by anyII ' fjarttcblar steamer, except when It Is desired to sendII ' cluplicatesof bankinr and commercial documents. let- -

ten not specially addressed being sent by the fattest. Vessels available.

foreign palls (or the week ending Oct 13 will closeI It promptly In all eases) at this office as follows- -

I I BDNBAY. At 3I M for TruxUlo and IluaUa. parI steamahlp S Oterl from New Orleans, at a H. If. for

TruxlUo.per steamahlp J. oterl, Jr.. fremewOrIII leansi at 3 r. u. for Bluenelds, per stearasblp OuuleI'l ' from New OrleansI MOWAT.-- At 3 1', M. for Belize. Puerto Cortex, and

Guatemala, per stesmshlp Wanderer from New Or- -

TUESUAY.-- Atleaua

11 A. M. for the Bsiama Ialanda persteamship Alro (letters Tor iMrsnUla. Ac. must bedirected "per Alro"): at 3 r. U. for Truiitlo aneBuatan, per steamship K. B. lrard. Jr., from New

i OrleanatTEINK8UAY,-- At 6 A. U. for Ireland, per steamship

(,'ermanlc rla cjueenstown (latters for Oreat Britaini , and other Boropean countries must be directed "per

I i Uermamo"); at A. M. for Burope, per stesmiolpki Alter, via Southsmpten and Sremeu (letters for Ire-

land must be directed "per Alter"); ntluA. M. forlt Croix and bt Thomas, Tla St. Croix, alio forwindward (elands direct per eteainibluAarrecouta;

, at 10 A. ! far. Central America and South Pacidoporta per Bteaouhlp Newport rla Aaplnwalt (letterazerODatemala must be directed "per Newport");at a P. M for Puerto Cortea and Guatemala, perteamshio rrof. Uorse. from New Orleans.

VUVRSOAyT At2:30 A. M. (or Braclland the I.a Plataiti 't eoontriea Tla Rtode Janeiro, per steamship I'roLlda,I . (rem fisltlmore letters most be olreoted "peru , Proflda','); at 7 A. H. (or Ireland, per steamshipI Nevada, via Qneenstown ilettera most be directed1 ' "perKersda'); at7 80A. M. forCurope, perateatn-- I

ahlp Qellert via Plymouth. Uberbourr aud Ham-- I

kiurg (letters must be directed "per Oellert"!: at IIf A, at. for Jsmstca.und (or Costa Rica via Limon.I per steamsblp Alene; at 1 P. 11. for Bermuda, perI steamship Trinldaa; at 8:30 P. M.fer Newfoundlsnd,I ; per steamer (rem Halifax, at 8 30 p. H. for ft.I per steamer from Uailfsx

FRIDAY.-- At 3 P. SI. for TroxlUo and ltuatan, perI atesmllilpB Piusti from New OrlesnaI BATIIBDAY.-- At 1 A. ii for Urarll and the U PlataI CountrlaavlaBrafU: (or Bt Thomas and fit. Croix.

. via SL Thomas; for Barbsdoes and (or Trinidad andpemerara, via Barbadoea. per ateamabip yinance.from hewport Jstirs (letters (or other Windwardislands meat be directed "per Finance"); at 8 80

" y A. atfer Kurope, per steamsulp Umbria,vlaQueens- -gown (lettera (or uermany, Asstrls, Denmark,flweden. Norwsy. Russia sod Turkey must be direct-ed "per umbrla"); at u&O A. 11. tor Oermsny, Aus-- ;Srls. Dtnmart, rtweden. Norwsy, Rossis, ud Turkey,

, rer steamship Eider, vis Urernen (letters for otherXnropean coantrles, via Houthsmpton. must be dlrseted "per 12lder"); at a so A. M. for rranee dl-- I

", tet persteamshlp La Normandle, via Havre (letters,' pigst be directed ''per La Kormsadie"); at 8 SO A,

, II. for SeoUsnd direct per alesmsblp Forcessts. via,. Olssgow (letters must be directed "per Fnraesila");at S.90A.M. forthe Netherlendavls Amsterdam.

i aerstssmshlp ndsmdsiters must be directed "per; Edam") ; st JO A. M. for Belgium direct per steam.

;. ahlp Bhynlsnd, via Antwerp (letters must be direct- -

"per Rkynlsnd"), at It) A. XI (or the Bahamastands and liartt per steamship Clarlbel, at 1 P. M.

fer Casnseehe. Cblspas, TabAseo. and Vucatsn. psrirlsamsblp Oily ef Alexandrls (letters for other Mexican "tales must be directed "per City of Alexan-dria").

ONpAT. At f A. VI. (or Prsgreso, per slssmtblp B.i Tilesjas, rla Havana (letters tor other Mexican

itstes mutt be directed per " B. Yglesias").Malls (or Cnlassnd Jspsu, per steamship iitlsio (from

Baa Frauclsou), close her Oct '13. at 4.30 P. M.. ilalla (or Auitralls, New Zealand. Ilawallsn. FIJLs and Bamosn Islauda per slesxoshlp Zealsndls (from

an rrsnclsce), close here Oct 'il. P. iliorsV. u arrlral at New York uf ateamshla Acranls, with-- v PtlalJ tnsll for Australia). Mails (or the (Societyy Islaada per shin City of raoeltl Urom Ssu Prsncls- -- a), close here OoLntS. at T. M. Malls for Cuba by

' sil to Tampa rla, and thence by stesmer, via Keyf . West, rla, close at this otnee dally at 2 30 A. U.

Th; sehsdsls ef cleslsgof Trans-Cseln- malls Issr-f " WBf ad po the presumption of their uninterrupted over- -

land transit to Ban Franclsoo. Malls (rem tbeKsstarrlvisg on time at fan rranclicoui the day of sailingsa stesmers are doapatohed thence the same dsr.