MT - You Are Kafir So What


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Page 1 of 2 May 15, 2014 05:35:49PM MDT

You are kafir, so what?

You are kafir, so what?

So, if the Qur’an came from God or Allah, as Muslims believe, then it is Allah that is callingnon-Muslims . So why get angry with the Muslims when God was the one who callskafirnon-Muslims ? And I challenge Muslims to dispute this.kafir


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Ravinder Singh is not happy that some Muslims are calling non-Muslims means andkafir. Kafir infidelcomes from the Christian dogma of infidelity, or someone without faith. And ‘without faith’ means you donot share my faith but believe, instead, in another faith.

Hence this is a Judeo-Christianity-Islamic concept. It is written in the holy books. In fact, or kafir kafirunappears a number of times in the Qur’an. There is even an entire chapter named (theSurah Al KafirunChapter of the Infidels). So, if the Qur’an came from God or Allah, as Muslims believe, then it is Allah thatis calling non-Muslims . So why get angry with the Muslims when God was the one who callskafirnon-Muslims ? And I challenge Muslims to dispute this.kafir

According to Islam, a is someone who disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, and in His finalkafirMessenger, Muhammad — or a Muslim who disbelieves in or rejects the tenets of Islam. Hence, unlessyou accept Allah as the one and only God and Muhammad as God’s messenger, then you are a .kafirThere are no two ways about it. And, to the Christians, if you reject Jesus you are an infidel. And anyChristian who denies this is a liar.

So, do you still think religion is not wrong and only those who misinterpret religion are wrong? If you dothen you are suffering from a very bad case of ADS, Acquired Denial Syndrome. There is nomisinterpretation here. It is as clear as daylight. If you do not accept Jesus as the Son of God orMuhammad as the last Prophet, you are a kafir.


Kafirism: Isma’s gutter politics

Ravinder Singh

A news report read: “In a rebuke aimed at Muslims mourning the death of veteran opposition politicianKarpal Singh, a leader of Islamist group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) stressed today that infidels go tohell when they die. Isma central committee member Mohd Hazizi Ab Rahman, called on Muslims to bemore discerning when they pay their respects”.

Is it Isma’s business whether a non-Muslim goes to heaven or hell? Who gave Isma the authority to mindother people’s business or “menjaga tepi kain orang”?

Page 2 of 2 May 15, 2014 05:35:49PM MDT

Where in the Koran are Muslims prohibited from showing respect to a dead person? Even the Prophet issaid to have stood up when the funeral procession of a non-Muslim passed by. Does Isma deny this?

If by Isma’s authority a Muslim must not pay last respects to a non-Muslim, what about the following:

- Should a Muslim allow a Kafir teacher to teach his children?

- Should a Muslim consult a Kafir doctor and take medicines from him/her?

- Should a Muslim engage a Kafir lawyer to defend him over some charges?

- Should a Muslim engage Kafir contractors to build mosques?

- Should a Muslim buy shares in Kafir businesses?

- Should a Muslim accept the blood of a Kafir when an emergency transfusion is needed to save a life?

- Should a Muslim allow a Kafir to live next to him, opposite him, or close to him?

- Should a Muslim use the same toilet used by a Kafir?

- Should a Muslim sit on a chair that a Kafir had sat on?

The list can go on.

Why are a few bigots so hell bent on preventing Muslims and non-Muslims from living in harmony?

Who has gone to heaven or hell and come back to describe these to the living?

If heaven is meant only for the Muslims, why did God create peoples of so many faiths?

These bigots are painting the picture that God is the greatest sadist of all beings, hence he created nonMuslims to burn them in Hell and enjoy their screams, while Muslims could commit all kinds of sins, andyet by virtue of being Muslims, their place is in heaven.

Or, are the bigots saying that different Gods created the peoples of the different faiths! Well then, can theytell us how many Gods are there?

These bigots are gutter politicians and are dragging a religion of peace and love into the gutter with them.If they are not stopped, it means they are being condoned and encouraged to go on.

More Khairy’s are needed to tell these bigots to just shut up before they further damage interethnicrelations that have been so cordial in the past. Malaysia will be a better place without them.

