muafwit AWAIIAN A ETTE · 2015-06-02 · -AVIILIAI GIIES, Comer of Hotel and Fort Streets. fpEE...


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Every "Wednesday Morning,--IT &ZX DOLLARS PER AXXCM.

Fareltrn Snfcecribex, SS.00 to SI 0.00.

Omni In lite new Post OfSco BtiiM-in- r.

Merchant Slwt, Honolulu, IL 1

&w Prta-i- ar Oakee. toea aw be lHnnri

Ure.GTrra.ticae.'s coEsasststca- -




aTl cii

--4.. AV.


Gonornl "Tyicrc-,"-!

PniRCE .t CO.,eC taEtMlOM

ximo. ii.AN2



lawdta. LI atradai.i ileal.



i.jso. . saxraxtv

V. Co..


l a. raw mi


y eeatra Manas hmit (k.ulciifc: iiooa.

0naiiiitz IlKxitr: sid 6eserl Act::'llHatrl Taaa mm W CkiMT aad c Bl,

aed Aasenahi Swear KaaWMM. HmmI '

Sitae aakesiet saawt. tatow "WjS


Dealers ia General 3IerchandisestlHli,' CsissB: Xer--s,

J. a. "OAMCK.



."c ALI.KV.uui.

Sblppio; and Coramiiion .Merchants.

Ar3 Ik the Hav-xHx- s Piltt lire.

laairtil ft, Taionai i finp, L.


E. P. ADAMS,A'Mdsaeer sad 0&asijEi3 2Iercha-:t- .

i ttwa 5r Hiinlala. H L !JO IIS J. McCKElV, JI. I.,

t tat Samoa C S. Anay. )Oaa uaiatlil aia laailfd aw Hani $t, V4wees Ah--

A. F. JITBD,ArrosxET eerssxLioa at lav. i

Pate N aa Fx HaolaK.

THOS. G. TIIKUJ1"SStationery, Cutlery News Depot

Circulating Library,JamLiai Hn4a)a Aav Cartltac. Eat- -

Saawawc. vaupraptiTlaaaaaoala aanaw- -







xxptezzs. axd ttt? ix soars, seoes!law flUalaa. TWrmxAaac la4a. ISafiaiiKij, ac twr j

af Van ai Xercaaal StnMa,Abav A$ml far tae Hawaiiaa Mf Co. Oraeri referred.

ia fawaaHBty exacaaaa.f HI a I M

CtTT&ac. Tevwratr


J O IIS" II. ATI",Xotxry Fsbltc asi Ceiissisaer ef Deeds

DU.LI.GILVI A: CO-- ,ix?sm-- s axd healths ix haedwase,

Ta anr ill, taau aa Oak. aai GtsI Xer-.- bi

ysavla, Oa; ftreec Hiaolala fiS-lr- C


QeB Sarm. Hfrtala. H-- lyT

EJ). HOrPSCHLUEGES & CO,Tw-pa-T --rx-e

t. i. uvtu.

Xanax, il



I f







f i


,axd xttrchasts,Hwhla Oaaa. X. Tl?


11 Kata. aaa. K. I. Ty

ttjJjj, - JOIIA SEUJU ,

yy Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith,recawe: aaMr ia Cfvrtaax Cu4s.

taraWCMaacaara ruMLESCE SWI SaACSlMS,at. i ivit

. stcatsox


Alaiaaidamaaf wi'iSac Matenah. Tort Street, Heaoiajj.

Jt 1J j



aa, cthac -



I 5ia Sawa. K- - I. lyT


g AXD T?EeLSTEEEE. Vffvi aw Ivif Omii


tariaBai, efi iii.i iimiiiriu





frevareaao raralsatkeaac aaca




Waet--Soaea awar laet.

iyt4-- T

DICKSOS,and Painter,

So. 92 King- Street,PEiarty aii aeaan- - Mnaaaa A Ca.

Oralaaaa. iarteaau Oaaa--r. O linae nr. raar- -kaaaoavf. at. Aw, aaeeaawdea aaeahorteat

yaat taw cvjt ria aitlr una. So-l-a


MERCHANT TAILORS,Bartat, Wamaania. aaa iaai T. C. Haawl'a l(f

J". ix. Tiioyzpsox,GENERAL ELACSSMITH.

Cn Strc", Sen





'a mall, oa aaaCaadaaraaiea: &tlm,l KakrtBeat Ear Iras, and


las? i i BealtT i Icbitce"!twt H!. H r







aau- -





--fctuc, axi



o-i- .r




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Jlc ui rases --reap, Goat ;



Fart SeeVwiere wiU ta rtcalredaaeT'ii liHy aMeoaed ta, fIMTr


TaiJaUjaaad m Tames alwaya cs Las', asd aaa tcrct-xr-a .rrpalrec aad Ociurtc"i!tirIiUiia 'jaracBTtlj aSTr-- 'a to. '







IIOXOLULr, i I t IIAWAHAX ISLAXDS,rvr xxestsac ax

THE EM OF CiUFaSMH. : : : - SXS FRMaSCO.a mux aetxrs n




Ilonf Kon;,Sydney, aad

Zlfelbourne.Aad m.rt a Ccaeral Baattmr EmIwk.


House Carpeaters, Contractors, Builders,Callnet Iakcra, Trim era, Etc Etc.,

Cccstrtieeraaa. rort Su, EBriih.leexexperiearr, we sr.MlMafa-actaralxeechaaanc-


to execete all aaciij"aaai of ert-- ia theaawr. Uim, vita pi siBrtstase, Ml rraweaN tens,

mad to a wHrinwy tsasaer. la-fa

B. TKBixix. C IT. Com.It. IVIHTJLVA A: Co.,

v-- " XJ

SADDLES, HARNESS,lai errrr curip&cs of Art; tit iz czr

umtia f t ' CARRIAGE TMMMtSC mat

Oiiti frco k&ct fat4 MiicHa aa4 'teaUrttad4 to.

No. 83 King Street,1Mb Sin tbr Horn. SaaWf.


OSn. ta TlrF-tn- KMVKsrs. Qm f tmt,K-- Hwimla. XOtJxR trt

F. A. SCILVEFKU A; COImporters and Commtston Merchants

Jtf; Miwttc. Haara- - as Isiaa. 3jT



Ia TaAWaiaM. Cikinjr. Hata, Oapa. Boaa. a,aadBawWar. Mfrtial Strx.


KaafcaBaca itr, tb OU) rAINT SHOP. '

yjBartac carvd tie atrric c" a li;-c- i Siya

proaapaaen, at loar ntn aad ia as ttjit Cas W Atml


At tie Old -- -', earser Erg srd Eetiel Streets.pM-- R A Iattt StM-- ofiV.t aad all lts4l o

amawa atteat-.- - ba.oaf to

aare d ia aaUwaae waacb be baa feaettofjre m.k'aacfar wmira aow ntimtn ntaau. xx--

F. It. llAKKlS.Attorney at Law, Notary Public and

Master In Chancery,t" OSct KhoO.' Bc:d;!ir Kaalana.a Strrt. Pj

AFOSG aV AClirCIi.Irtperttrs. "VTiolesale aid Eetiil Dealer, ii

Gereral ereiaiiie,A4Caatea6elslarir(-fToortar- e ca Xawaaa Stmt,

aVc tfc. rwMw WItOI.I-Il- S .V CO.,

Shin Ciirilcn Cassuxscs KcrthiZS.Iasaten u4 IValKl la Ceaeaal XereaaaveWe. Oaeea Street,

Beaarala, Bawalw lalaaai.X?"Acealif4Ctakaamaxakai, Sljaaataa, aaa Eaaaako

Salt Weet.


Ia ratbieaaWe Cktawc Kata. Capa, bai, aon aacevery Yaaety carewr araaanf: uxsa.

im.X Cwea Stree. BhK H,l J?11,X. r. XElrES- -

b. r.'


falearecaa Caecabtrwt.

A. JXXfixx--



C. S. BAKTOYY.AUCTIONEER,ea Saeet, tat iax tme Eaaaaaaaa


VOIlCASIO TTOTT.CtT!.Crater of Kilauea, Hawaii.TVu taHaweBt rx area far tbe re--

frvftMa Tcattara ta faacaaa, wlia aaarrtty sataavt ocataae roast,t.ia. iifeaaa arteaaaare. Zipeneac- -



" - " n - l .





i ,


. V


: a aL J



' w


BaTirjfcoca ia arwaraiSaeaa, airwi

Cbararea Bcaioaablt:Saar,Syraw.

CO.aaade wbea refatrad.


Every rreiiteaJO to

Farric-ilx- x atte-i- e paid to Slip's Slxcixithi-- g.

Jj H'OBK eitrateJ the scn K-l-

--TI. BETIELD,Wagon and

t aad TC Ktag Street, HoaoMc

JJXl T CABKULCES 70rxTS30r'0iIl aa wairaaMCyFfZZy- - Also, parrirsiar Ut- -

noa prea xe tae

T. Ktttl.





Repairing or Vcnlelea ofTHai,! m Tfl aw aa &jm Samol Carraue. San a&a

0 ai raauiaf. Carfare Triawnr. ewi dnnaMiaitaiaaainir twairaataawsacrXV Or&m fraea aU frtJ cf tfc lriaa, froearctr ,ipcei

lrG. SEGELKCV & Co.,


Xri- - Strttt, btnrti- - Utrti-i-t art l-t- tz

KeateIcaaScKf.6alaBartj, raata aaa Hart lalap Lacas,IaaaaaVaaar Haw ia Intfta, ef S aac

tree. i a ilaa aaat ruampli le. BUb-TM-

aecalaea eery tarxe stack efTrawaretf erery ae--

rajtwwiar attaarki (mi to aar-War- k. Orean fxoa taetaarlaaaaai wg re Qarotaaay alr4i ta.

TaaatSal to tbe Catareaw ef liioaait tsd tae Ixlaaatgweraly fcrthea- - Mawratptl-aa- i .teas tbe pan, weaaawkyamnmaa ae huomjj ao pent tee aaaaa aac tae ratare.

d. h. srrcEcocs,SOTARY PCBLIC,

HawaS- -


Comer of Hotel and Fort Streets.

fpEE CHOICEST BEST OF ALES.TXESand Sfdritt alwaar to V foaod at tbe Ear. f32-l-y





1 Fine Assortment of

& Cigars IXartiii-Ii- . Porto KIco



fleers Iiaum Pipes,CIsf3r Hold era, A:c.

JTTS-r- Tor Sse ai tie Oidatt Cigar and Storeia Ecsz, tf (ct aid Xc-x- xn ESrreU.

5 H-- L SOLTE.


MAlvCH 6, 1872.




a i. "


Sugar andSOW COMING I and for saleCnor to fnit xrccaKn. hr


KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION5JUGAK SOW COMIXG I.V and for saleO in ovaatxtiea to tt tmrcatsfn br:Hj AFOXfi Jt ACnDCK.,

Pioneer Hill, Lahaina.C.01PBELL & Tl'RTOX. rroprictors.

of aperier iwIMt, now comin;u: for sale ia ua&tiucs to scit br



Snjar nnd tIo!ac Crop 1 7 1



Snir nntl ?f Iol;ic Ctop 1ST1


14bc 1VAI.KER i ALLEX. Ajti ti.


S"cw Crop of Sncar Jc IIoInMCVt OW C0MIX6 IX, AXD FOR SALE IX QCAX"-i.-

to stt partbafert brC. BREWER 4 CO., Aptal;.


VTEW CROP XOW COMIXG IX. FOR SALEJLN in Qnmtitics to ?nit parebasers. by

C. BREWER i CO., Acents

FOREIGN NOTICES.sxnr a. vtunats. SEcar r. Jiucsiar. cxu.a.!aais.


Irt aiAi1o,sl5potiezi-tiec3fiEct- e --

jniDDinR uoiiimission mercnanis.B ceBtc



SIS California Street, SuFraarisca.



axs acests orPici5c Barrel asd Ee Ccpazy,

Are prepared to taraisb KtO aad KAKRfcX ROOKS isaaraabtrnaairiaa refctratry MaWt OeasigaBeati

t5rr asa ItUad Proaaee.Kcfer to

Oa. ... .- H. Hjal iO ." "

" Walter i ABea. ..



............. .....nalo

OFTICK,'o. 40S California Street, Francisco. '

a iy ;


The Basis of Our Business.


To Wannfarlnrc aS aad Sta--raw e 4Ve kere as weR as asd :

tbereOT atrteth- - btuatt ear caeaen and earsejTe.SECOXDTo Buy and Sell aad Sutjpo- -

tsecMrv toaaaLa is to aa ia4aet(d alert aadcoasva- - j

era licaw toaataaeilueaci U i laihigBart. ;

ana taapcrt ererr Vsithu ef Sta-- j

raevf, BBTiwaaraca waaBoeka at oar i?a aaaaaWtare, lat.s eaatra,

IJHt rarieties of Batat iaraa, xaot la Sleek.

A..L. A CO.,ZZ--lj Saa rraacjsca. Oat

recs xcxaxxx, c srxxasxPitrtsaad. S. T. Cat.





rtmaxttaMrutrlnnaikui. earatya oar eaat tuMtecs ticai Saifftar harat' Baw rraleed aod eta-- ofItHtt aaa b i iay Sacatf anntBrirkllalU

bM if AretreC. ll-l- r j afccwereatTagtaiilaaii.'aaaaTiIaaeSta'e,awea a Kaoa.PwJa, CoSee. etc, t

HONOLULU LEON WORKS : &fi&Zt3alnaas wjnbe

BollctDaeae-s.Irao.-SfanaaclCastia- karVesWSreaki .: rraaeiwo

Mchinery of Description, i ". ".".!V..V."'...".."".ir"Made Oraer. SX Baacertbaiatatirger "

JOt. cOTf--

Carriage Builder,







with fare




Large andHavana German ; ,








aj ra&ere

each Sock



rOiesaaa a Co..Stereaa. Baker a Co..

a lwitLaaeaTSitnaLeeaariS Gra






Portland, Oregon.





General Shipping' & GoinmissionJIEKCHASXS.

405 Frert Street, ccrrsr ef CUy, Sis Frirdscoxx x,r


Boston Board of rndenrritersAGEXTS for tbe Hawaiian latanda,

C. StLW F.K t CO.

Philadelphia Board of rndenrritcrsiA CEXTS for tie Hawaiian latanda.

C BRO ER A 00.

F. A. SCIIAEFEn,ACEXT of Bremen Board or Underorltrt,

at Dnsatw Baud f raaarwritera,Afrac of Tkaaa Boari of Caaerwritera.

CaOati afaaw Inrtace Cfeaapaafco witaia tbe iaTrdar-aa- g

t tae aai u SWr, ct Cadti anterv wfll hmrrtthettm-ta- d

V. Vf tba aaawa to aaake taaaa Taha.



TnE AGEXTS of tbekaae eic aatboriead ts tsaare ristt !

ec Cares. Frelcbt and Treasure, ar Coaalera.vtiaa Haoattia u alt perta of the Hawaiian Sroca, asd rice j



A CO- -


rras ixsxrRAycE cojctasy. 1

THE CXDEKSIGSBD havtag beta ap--Afeatt of tae afccTe Ceaafaar. are

ataasart rssbs acais! rire. oe Stone iat Uric t Build- - !

inirt. aad aa Hercnandlse atorad thneaii, aa tie '

aaaat SaTanMa tarns. Tyc afaa at tbcaeVeal 'Mj"" T. A- - SCBAfrEK A CO.

TjisTiraiice Notice.TllE AGKXT FOB. TnC BBXTIS1T

Xarise Iarsrasce CaCarazr. lifEirat . t- -' nired aaatneaaaar to redere tbe ratea as IatBracaganana SmoVinr Tobacco. . 'KT1 Saaatala aad Fartaaa tbo PacKc, axd ia aewpre.

ixn ' 1. isvr Icar, a! tkt ireol Ux, Ki a iriialreiaaSaacarraiA'irerStaassera.

A Small Lot of TerT Fine risrsrs-rf- t thhj. h. datits.








Jtot BriL Ttr. Ca. IXa'aitej)


rTTHE rjDEKSICXED, AGF.5TS OF THEaioOKraay. bare la aaxbarizacitatsaErerbaaoa tarpo, Frciglat aa Trcaaart, tract HoaoialsUaa porta af tia world, aadrka rma.W? H. HACKTTLD A CO




Not THIS, but the Other One !

Queer ! Very Qncer S

TX MY ADYKRTlSIXt: COLU.MX, mrJL Aoehar? and Chains Kr u!e at crawjrf ret andare amenpst the Xctns-l-- ( Britub Xclion). Tberxill b told cbrip, rxty tbeap.

Funny ! Very Funny !In Column, jay Bird Traps. Bird

IIoB!i and Breeding Capfs, of nbicb I bare a splea-di- d

anortocBt, are crsirdeJ cat. Tbcr trill be ttldcbep, Terr cheap.

Queer! Verj-qnecr- !

Mt mi! Blair'i. Vbelpten. and Oeekle'a. arecrowded oat and are iaetaded ia tbe Xettent.

Iron ToiU for Wire Feacint;, which I will jell forcent! each, ii moeb IfJi teas tbe raw material

cesii here.The Funniest of All ! Ernsselj Carpet wbieb

I bare for sale, a ?extdid article, and guaranteed ofeqsal qaalitc, at 3 per ceat lc-- s than the Carpet ftrtbe Xew Hotel cast ia San Franeueo, besides which,freisbi, infaranee and duty isn't be added to tbe SanFrancisco cost. It would take a mathematician toeakalite tbe lest ieenrrrd by net pnrchasinc bcre.

"Vot Queer or Very Queer !Tbe Steamer Kilaaea ts a decided ccccess and ma.

ttrially assists to promote trade and derefep theof the Kingdom. tGrnmbleri nctvitbstand- -

Xlie Sew Hotel.There bas bees a difference of optaies in eonse--

qneeee or Uptbalma. I am morally certain it will bea decided t neeesa ia promoting the iateresU of thesefair islands, and a great benefit to thera.

Ldrtag lloose Keepers reed not oaabc or reek aredoetwn in rent, for they will hare their share fromtbe extra ncmberef visitors to see ibe weedtrs of thisKingdom.

This Xaliecil Hotel, so ttaeh set "cl for tbeof oar Sscny Islands, will, in cenjnnctieo

with otber solid improv ements made by oarOuTernmeat, 4mmortaliie tbe reigc ef KanEBAVKHJL VrnvLong may be lire and reign.


NOT-fCE- .


thanks to all patrons for past titers, solkitiar furtherdemands.

Any unpaid eoarterly accounts to the 31st Decem-ber, 1ST1, desinag to hare settied wlihoot any far-ther eSorts fe jog parties tsemories, as ft ii a perfectbore to DUX, and objects to it.

His prices bare been reasonable and should bepaid. It is, be tbicks, takiag advantage ef goodnature.


B. will at that ara invesligationaslips sot ppkee Archipelago

when bis were sold. on iho .JOHX THOMAS WATERHOUSE.

Jancary 31, XST2 3 1 '

TO C.KAL, LonAiiti, respectably titnated. Also, one

I Mansion to let, with an allowance in rentmeats in tbe shape of sbrabs and choice trees.

Also a School licase or Shop. Apply toJOHX TUOS. iVATEKHOlcE.

Jaaaary 31, 157. 3



Tin it eel States !

HAS DONE MORE BUSINESS doringpast year than any ether Life Insurance

Company in the Coiled States.

an income in IS70 of. . . .$7,500,000

Its Assets amount to $15,000,000


THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS!Prefaiams parable Qaarterly,

or Annoally.It is the only Company a resident

ee these Islands, His Exeeateaey S. II. Pnitiirs,tbe Attorney General baring been for many years aDirector of tbe Cospany.

3rXo Life Insaraaee Company dees basinesstaore literally than this, and cece is core reliablein Hs dealing with tbe msared.

For fall particalars apply to

31. ItAPl.EE,14 Agent for tbe Hawaiian Islands.

THE UXDEltSIGXED, from nnd nOcrdate, will Usee Bills of Exchange and Lett-

ers, ef Credit on


in ssc J to soit at lowest rates.Best Coaaaereid! discounted, and Moctej ad-

vanced on Mortgages on taost favorable terras.Cash adraocee cade nn eoesl-ntte- nt. o; T.tar. d

rate ef cent--11. HAihittu tv.

HasoMo, Xot. 4. ISn. 13-- tf

--A.xxctioi3L iXTotlceA PP.OPORTIOXAL CHAKGE of necessaryA-- expease laearred for adrertisteg Auction Sales

will, as heretofore, charged to all eoesigaors ofMerchandise to be sold at A received before oralter sceb adrertueaeats are issaed.


ismA CARD.

IT KITH PLEASCBBtthat ardersiitsed bear tetiBoay to tbe saperiori-tyo- f

ar. JIacauley'i Pianoforte Taninc-- ,

and as an artist in this line we bare never, in oar ex-perience, seen Met sorpessed either is Earope tr theUnited States. are therefore jreatly indebted fcrtbe leal and spirit with wbieb be persevered inrejilatiBg aad tautf;r oar Pianos daring oar sUy iathis eaty, and we therefore (otaBtecd him to the psb-B-e

as po?ejia; a all others of similar pretessiaas.

Sigaedj A. MSCACCIAXTLManager Madirae States' Opera Co.

Sijaed CAR. P. GI0RZA,t" Mascal Director.

SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep SkinsCOXSTAXTT.V OS 11AXD and for Gale,

TVAI3IEA. TAXXEKT, C. XOT1.EY, Prop'rit-- c a. s n.mnor.s a oo.. trnn.

Ship Chandlery and Stores.THE LARGEST ASSORTMEXT OX

kept by any Haase on these Islands, andfor rale at the Lowest possible Price-- , by


OALOOX, Pilot and .Medium Bread, inkj oexes, cau ctxe; qcarters. Also,

A FttH Astsiortmcnt of Crackers,PerCOlTET-F- or Sale by


"Golden Bod" Tobacco.CASES of tbis for tale low, by


Hawaiian Mess Beef.THE ARTICLE

sal by 4"thtt market,



l A




Trcn&M from M iVmA, y tin. frxerxl.Mr. KnrroR: Under the above. title, I hove'

wad in tbe hst monthly Bulletin T hire reeelredns a member of the Geographical Society ofParis, some comprehensive remarks delivered atthe November meeting of lli Society by Mr.Vivien de Saint Martin, on the origin of thePolynesian and other races. As they may proveinteresting to many, and especially to someamong ns who have made ethnology their fa-

vorite pursuit, I vo made f. translation of thesame for publication. Mr. de Saint Martin ex-presses himself as follows :

A German traveler, Mr. Jagor, who, eighteenmonths ago, sent to onr Societv n most interesting volume concerning some parts of the AsiaticArchipelago, has recently published in the Ethnological Journal of Messrs. Bastian & Hatt- -raann, of Berlin, the result of his observations "in

the Island of Lnxon, the reading of which hassuggested to my mind a few remarks which I begpermission to submit to your consideration, or,rather, baa prompted me to commit to writingmy views on a subject that bas engrossed mythoughts for many years, and which I do notdeem nnworthy of the attention of learned mendevoting their lime to the study of the globe nnXl

its inhabitants.In bis book, Mr. Jagor attaches great import-

ance to ethnological questions. Three aboriginalpeople occupy the Island of Luzon aud the con-tiguous southern islands : the Tagals inhabit thonorthern and western parts of Lnion ; the Bicols,the eastern side; and the Birayas, the islandssouth of Luzon. These three people arc ofMalar origin ; tlieir idioms, however distinct, areno distant branches from the same stock. Theyare so much alike in feature, bearing, and out-ward appearance that only a long intercoursewith them can enable u3 to distinguish the onefrom the other; but it can be discerned that theBicols, who live between the Tagals and tho

and whose language is a medium betweentheirs, are apparently also intermediate withthem physically and morally tnfenor to theTagals, bat superior to the Bizayas.

Mr. Jagor expresses the wish and the hope

X. If not paid soon, be hare to be tho., ethnographic may takeexpense of some pri-te- d calculated upon in that direction. The Asiatic

goods tij. indeed. of oil,nr.,r,W

foriaprcve- -



having Director









f eoorranhic-rvinn- ? nf !hn lnhn nbinb To m.:iincompletely known. Hydrography, alone, basnearly performed its part there, bnt for therest, long and patient research unhappily verydifficult must be made, many observations gath-ered, and facts of high scientific importance

j elucidated.We are informed that a race, the

Malays, occupy nearly all tbe shore line of all thoislands, and that in tho interior there have beenfound soma, tribes more or Ies3 barbarous, some-

times altogether savage, showing, between tbera-erlic- j,

apparent cttnllartiles, obsolilety differ-

ing from the Malays. We are also toH that,eastward, the extremities of the Archipelagoare inhabited by another race a brack racecalled Papuan, at first sight noticeable by thesingular aspect of their woolly and bnsby heads.It is also well known that, further on, in thegreat ocean, on the other side of JCew Guinea,large archipelagos, forming a long chain comprising New Britain. Sew Hebrides and Sew Cale-

donia, are inhabited by real negroes with woollyhair, differing nevertheless in several essentialcharacteristics from tbe African negroes; whileby tbe side of those and of the Papaans, unotberrace with very dirk skin, the Australian race,has straight and smooth bair.

What are the exact limite of these races!Above all, what are their exact relations? Suchare the questions which science at present is notready to answer with certainty. Where, exactly,begins the domain of tbe Oceanic Jfecroes ? Inwhat relation do they stand with tho Papoans?Are tbe latter a pare or a mixed race, a kind ofnegro"e"d race, similar to the African? and inthis ease, of what elements are tbey composed ?

And as to tbe interior of Sew Guinea a countryas little known as tbe Pole itself what is therace occupying it ? Is it a Xeero or a Papuanrand, or the ethnographic conlitraation of Aos-traK- a?

How many questions to be answered ! Andwe have said nothing yet of Polynesia, another

pradare at tbe S "j3 iatereet per annnni. ethnologieal mystery, the sofation of which in





evitabiy bring3 ns back to the great A sta lieArchipelago. This immense insular region, south-

east of Asia, is, I repeat it, the newest andlargest field for ethnographical inreiligatronnot to speak of geographical exploration m alltbe snrface of the globe, and I am safe to addthat the proWerns it holds in reserve for ethnolo-gists have an extent and relation that bave tbasfar been overlooked, and tbe existence or whichbas hardly beea ssspeeted.

A whole century of active exploration may notexhaust this subject, the limits of which reachfar beyond us ; bat I believe that it woeM not beimpossible, even now, in coKeeting with care.and tbo race,

: wood.cukiumoos ui saca natere as to aireci ana enlighten, in a measure, future researches. Andunless I am greatly mistaken, these cooclasionsare new and unexpected enough in several re-

spects, to deserve the serioes attention of thosewoo take iateren in this kind or stcdy.

As I do not intend to enlarge ibis beyond tbelimits of an essey, I may be permitted, in orderto be brief, to samraerily exposod ray views inthe form of apborisni, with a few necessary

I. My first proposition (aad it bas been admitted as true, at least ia in its general terras,)is that the preat Asiatic Arcbipelago, from Su- -

metra to tbe Celebes and Pirilppfees, bas beenthe primordial seat of a race proper ta tbisissslated region, and limited on side by theyellow .popaklie-i- s of Bas tern Asia, and on theOther by South-we- st Oeeaaica. This race ii uhitx,with features very nearly, if not absolately Cau-

casian. Their bair is Mack, thiek and smooththeir nos3 straight or slightly aquiline the ont-It-

cf tbe face is orsj. These elemental fea-tar-

are to be foond in all the people of the inte-

rior in tbe great tracts of tbe Archipelago,showing a manifest descent frora the aboriginalrace. Tbey are noticeable with the Bit las ofSumatra, the Dayaks Borneo, the Tagab;

Luzon, tbe Bizayas Mindanao, icii mam it

PISES Pembroke Salt, Preston ASIerrill, JT. ,1 jiaiapusiiea to measdTeaxt Powder. abcnginal tnbes great Archipelago is, in

BOLLES & CO. ray opinicn, a mixed race--?, hybrid race formed


in ancient times by tho mingling of tlrejrellowpopulation of Eastern Asia with tba primordialpopulation of tho Archipelago.

III. Tho existence of a race altogether dis-

tinct from the Malay race in the interior tractsof tho Archipelago bas been long rocogniicd.(without, however, having been tho subject ofcareful inqniry.) Hat what has not been

considered is the apparent fact that thosaid primordial race has not been circumscribedwithin the limits or the Archipelago. Far fromit; I do not even believe that however incom-plete our means or comparison, it can bo estab-lished, beyond doubt, that this race bas branchedout into two vast ramifications the one north-ward, in all the islands skirting tho Asiatic coastIrom rormosa to Kamstchatka; tho Other east-war- d,

in all the inter-tropic- archipelagos of tboGreat Ocean, extending round to tho south-wes- t

as for as Xew Zealand.

IV. The flrst proposition, tho one concerningof the primordial race of the great

Archipelago of Asia in all tho eastern islands ofthe Asiatic Continent, results from tho existencaia all these islands in Formosa, in the island ofIlai-noe- in tho Deon-Khleo- in tho island ofXiphon and the other islands of Japan. In theijhind or Vcso and a part of the Koariles of anaboriginal population whoso features and physicalconstitution are similar to thoso of the tribesinhabiting tho interior of Sumatra, Borneo, andthe Philippines, that is to say. offering outline.nnd appearances analogous to those of European-- .Inthe Island of Iieoa-Khieo- u and Japan, wh&rono mixture of Chinese blood bas taken place,the Caucasian physiognomy is a striking contrastto the Mongolmn clsaracteristics. In tho Islandor Yeso. and in the southern part or tho Islandor Sakalin or Tarakni, the aborigines are knownby the names or Ainos, and tho abundanco oftheir beard and hair contrasted with tho lack orpilosity or the --Montchoos, Chinese, and otherMongolian nations, is very remarkable, and hasbeen more than onco noticed also with tboDayaks nnd consanguineous tribes or tho greatArchipelago.

V. Tho expansion or tho primordial whltorace in all the Polynesian gnwpj SOems to menot less evident Wherever the islanders orPolynesia havo been round pare nnd unmixed,they have been described as remarkable lor theirstature and personal appearance, the noble andregular cast or their features, and the abundanceof their smooth or curled hair. In fact, theybave been considered as models not unworthy orthe Grecian sculptors; while the women harebeen noticed most enthusiastically by the earlynavigators, who speak with praises of the grace-ful appearance of the females of "Tho XewCvthera."

The Polynesians arc therefore another racewho are placed by their configuration in comrec-Uo- n

with tho Caucasian races. On the otherband, W. de Humboldt bas shown in the Polyne-sian iilioma & aimiUnij, uavio aHSn)tlV III ttitgrammatical arrangement than in tbe vocabularies, which ascnoes mem to a common sourcewith the Moby language. If sigtH oforiginal relationship exist and the authority orthe great Berlin philologist can hardly be doubt-e- d

whence do they proceed? Xot, indeed,rrom the Malays, with whom the Polynesianshate ho physical similitude, bat from the au-

tochthonous populations of the great Archi-pelago, or whom the Malays are but abranch. The physical relationship between thisprimordial race or the great Archipelago and tbel olynesians is maienntfy evident, and I will addtlmt it 13 only there an origin can be traced forthem answering to til the conditions or tbeproblem.

Here would naturally appear thoquestion of the dispersion or tho Polynesians inall the Archipelagos or Central Oceanka. In myopinion, this question ha3 now lest most of itsimportance, and it will be enough for rae to callto your minds the existence oftwo great ocean currents, one from tbe Sea ofFormosa, the other from the Philippines, bearingeastward through the breadth or tbe ocean andthis fact alone fs or itself snfSeJeot to meet at!objections. There ia no need to resort to thesnpposltien of a broken continent, and of tbeArchipelagos being its only remaining vestiges,or to the theory or an Americanorigin, contrary to all known facts.

VI. In fine, I will say that from all tbe factsknown to us, results the existence, so far ignored,of a great primordial race, which items to tarebad as its primitive seat the Islands of the AsiaticArchipelago, where it has yet some unmixed representative.". TbTa rice has two principal raajifi-catio- m

one, northward, by Formosa and Japanto Ycso and the Kuriles the other, eastward,ba3 peopled all the Polynesian groeps. A char-

acteristic distinction of this race consisting ininhabiting islands only, I would call it tbeOetanian Roes. Tho .Malay race, which bajcommonly been taken as a type of tbe popala-tio- oj

of tbe Asiatic Archipelago, and even ofPolynesia, can not In feafity be anything bet aI. .1. m .

nvammno- - f.ra , " V" ana a oraBea ofi. . ,





oror or

ii i i n i i i i










- r t . ; , , .

This new race, which will henceforth otalm Itspiece In science, and on the ethnographic map ofthe globe, yoor attention, by this brief netlce, isinvited. Mr object bas been, in a few wen,to point out Its existence and its relations, andto coll opon it tbe most careful obserratkrSJ ofthe explorers and lovers of ethnology.

He who expects a friend without faults, winnever fiad one.

He whe sayi what be Hkcs, hears what hedoes not like.

He who bas no bread to spare, should not keepa dog.

Tbey who tire wffiiBglj--, lave to give qnkkiy.A foolish friend does more barai than a who


A spar in the head is worth two fa the heel.An old dej cannot alter bis way of barking.A civil denial is better than a rode grant.Safe is he who ferres a good coosde Bee.

Bishop Moeixt was focd of a joke. Once,when tbe footman was ont of the way, be order-ed the coachman to fetch tome water from thewell, to which tbe coachman made a arnmblin?objection that bii baiisea wis to rJrife, not torun errands. Well, then,' laid Morley, ' bringoat the coach and foor, set tbe pitcher inside,and drive to tho well," a service which was set.eral times repeated, to the great amnseaest ofalmost the en tiro Tillage.



onirl Typ.

3iUe-lta- he

Qavlersf Cahsw

1 ev j a

IIMll1M 41zee seal ni TMknan' seal tea. tttHMMMMa

eat m aoaaj Mei M aa, to m U

"W((Wao , I 04 rtafc KMHalfaf tMcan Lit 'Oi CVtawm .. ... Pltaol as ev a

n-- Baata--n Card, wbea man ad

J I t

T si sat rr

eatml Gl

Pted dtaoraat fraan (aeao ranLMra.arettaenia, wkea paM gitVltS- -

st ad 2ft

- , TwrSnprcme Conrf, Oct. Term. 1N7I.

AVD.t cC.o-.r-a. JOBS XMXX.

Atirs, C. J.:TUa I an aetlen ef afsoliuKt, bteegbt to leeewr

a 111 of Jo!, aed tae atataitS rietee ntte bythe Mibale of Feb. ttk, ttM", smi tbe atrtnt taaeedby the MfeMtr ef tbe later- - fa lraM, aaater tbaAct si 1980, based opes tM Jabel.

Tbe defetMaiat eWaaa by a reft aaAaad Amiti Jw.STlb, 1S51 ta A. IMsbof. aaat naW frsta Msai ihimself of May asth, MM. Tba amnlerof paatn--tlfia reeelrett frem HW Mejaaty KaaiaaMUpeba. 1IRthe reHer-hs- e elUeeoe af1 UlM M saado by ike Mahetc

l'AHOt" Tit tfUlf trnni Jfctaaaiat naaVM fa--

lawat One-ba- tf Ivaleea, M ef Waaaaaa Abeeaati.Waianar, Oatn. I eeeaen". ta thU iMiiabia. It he

good; rtboa't'rt tbeawt baltttad nwlsaaedabaTo .

coBsea la clresi to take K ibn MM Lwet Coea- -

ratssfenera.SaJeAJ XXaaHUMl, lSaJ.

Kojal ralaee, Fttw-tatyIr-

KAVrniMin t's -- TA-a I aarI4 JUayaawa Sa--

ma MxiJ.-OflC-- baH Kaettw, Ht sf Wabwes Abapaaa, Waloaaa, Oabo. I taaaaeaat to tba drrMoa. ItLi good. Ta tbe Krap Vataraa lb ew-bali- - Loadnwntkmed above. I bare ne rtebt at H

ISIssetl (Ms X ataffc) rAsrAa, (ceeJ.WltneM: SteaeJJ S. P. KauutA.

Kojal rabce, Fabrosty 4, IMSA bfM blatot; af Use Itaraahrtlkrs ett Hm grtrA

abject of kad iMea Is etctneiy to decade oa iiitgau of tbtee part sea- -

It ra by tbe Act of tbe 1 Jtaaay of Jaae. 1,that Ilia Ma)eaty tbo Elafr. aanmatud to bet eh leftand peonK tbe greater peitfua ef felt rayal doaaaiw.and plteta tire atM hi Use km plan ef tbe ftat itXoMes aad Rep intelatlTaa, oreaab peewMs aa tbertaay nppoeni, aad ta be dliaaisd af la aaeh awanera tbe Iteete ef Neblea aad Hepimetatlrea var dt--

rect.Oartaln laatk were ajndiawd aa tae private bred

of III Mijaoty Ksroabssaaha Hid, ta bar aaatIrolU 16 mcaaar, kk kstrs ami beetuiei j. tosl rtain etbar leaaa wete at apart a the htada of torHarraiia Oovaiamtat, tabjeet la tae rtabte of U,

to be itbp af by tae MKaWor of Meiinraceardieg ta tbe pretWaaaaf atw, wltb tho aparaeai of lib MjHy la rrtry CaaacH. Aaat tba laaalIn cootroversy was to set apart to be dlapoeeu r aaaforrsaW.

A Beard of Laad Coeataieaieeer wa eiliaHaaaatIn 1510 far tae lavaattfra-te- a aod Salt aamtataawator rejection, of all claim of art tat badiTadaata.whether Batlre ar fore Urn, to aary landed pperfraraalred anterior to tbe panatni af taaa act. TbeStatala iseetared that tbti Board taaril be ia eaiateacefor two rear.

Oa tba ISlt of Jaae. 1S48, tbe Le0latre rrtraat- -

tbe powers of tbe Hvard for aarb fartbrr tiate taralirbt be neceaeary for tbe cxamaaatln, aaftleeMaraad award tipoa all aacb ctaiaaa ee aaay bars ccapreeaated to tbo said Board. By tee .let f Jsle J,ISfvt, It ia declared that tbe Solid ef CaaMaMtior- -a

ta qaiat Land Titles aball be danalrtd aa the aTday of March, ISSo. An Act sppreevd AaariTi i0h.1384, was JMMed fr tae relief ef Kuavaik.a, vxpreaiaWe of waicli is aa lollowa :

" Vbereas, certaia Koaablkia was rare i ml iaadafrom lib Mejeetj- - at, tbe ureal dlesaeoa oi tails i

tbe year 1S19, dM from acrid .otal caaoea fail to preMat tlicir crthss U eaasi khm4 Va Vb Board f t arsiseloeen to iprlet Lead Istaa, --uai a. ,itowed by law, aad bate ia tawaKqaeaee been hatred,tberefore: Bo It aaa tied by taw Kiott. tba N-- ti-

and KepreeeauUTea af tbe ltowailaa lalaoda. is Uplslallre Couacii ammbiad I That lay Kouoaik '

who reecived had treat the KJaa; at tbe dlriawa r

bads in tbe year lli, aad wba faiird, flta ar eeaase wbataoever, to preseat hit claiat for :h :aeto tbe Board of ComaiaiiaODcra to ejaiet Laad Ttt'ct.preTtees to the Ilth day af Faaraary, D i?.nay preaeat Ms claiaR tar tmek laad u the m-- i

Boaid of it aay tlaaa prreluas V--k

flrst day of Xevsmber aext easalas; : ted tbe aaidBoard of Coaibuloeiii are bcraey tatbnriard vjreceive, bear sad dcUnntaa ait cJaiata ikat mar - -

pretested to then, aader the faHaarotaic pmeutniaIn like ssMMer a If sack eblaat bed anni piteurejte tbera pret leas to the lt day af Feeraart. A ilJU

Aa addltloaal Act wee aaaaed la Hfla tor the reBef of cetUta Koaohfbhi wfeesa aavntm appear ti Jusdrrhloa ef bads frees Kamieaieahs III

"bcreM, carta tn KsaehlMa wha wc eatlttedta leads aader the dirteioa ef ttt, bete for eertemeaases "tiled to (.Mala their awards front tbe aaUoairaiMaon wHbin the Hate Si.tWud by law andfar that reason are deal Hate, tbtrtibrs . Tbe Minu-ter of the latcrior Is hereby aaiboiiaid ! jrrae"awards for their leads to iM Ksaoklbts wt- - barstailed to receive tbe seme fraaa ike Lead omatit.tioa, prorWlod that the if at ef atl sack Roouba,4iP1ar (a tba Mabala Book af UM year MH8 ami a.;

awards as? graated by aatd UlalsSei akaJl

tiM with those of the Lead Coaboa.And by this K tppeaws that Mat Keeak-h- i bad

asala failed to obuia tketr awards tnm (be LaaAC0aa4s4OB.

It appear thtt laws ware jwseed tVeea time stints lo protect this claaa erf psei teat, aad it ia ii ..Iwtleace, aa efcrrtatate set af atfcsaaiaii . tvjt tatailed to preeeat his claim and aecare his rtftbtx

As sppears by tbe certiScare tt Has MJ-si- !t asKing, that be cOBteated to tjc diritaoti of the Vi 'tWataoee, as chined by tbe platMl, bat t wascosplctt wltb the condition tb-i- t R aboald ha tak --

before tbe Lead Coetiaistioa for thatr adjadieat'Pihoa, the axeeater, ieiled to preseat bbs cbwas illla tbe thae preaerirjed by law. and Ma fcrbta. a mraoa with aR other KoaobDt.s. r- d trhtw-- aa barred. Prior to tbra linte a rarwl satcar witIttaed to A Blavap, tad the title it thtt uat oe-- ; --

la the OoTaraawat, it passed to the gnatee th-e- aa Wed, tad of coarse a ohf letart enov-sa- ca

wtsald bare ao Itftl effect as saalott 0t pror jrranlTbe coaasal for tic ptuatitta aaattad ca "bs

royal ptitat dass act sas. tay beater lataral title -

the lied 1a Pthea aad hat bate), taaa be bad be' retbedete ef the patent ts aaalaat tbeaad the ilefcailtat. Tho bad was set spart as 'SoJaad of tae OoeirBieat by speebrl eaaetaaear. tub-Jee- t

ta the tttatts af Utttats, aai aa hsn "htwas not eonaraaad by tbe Laad Cammaaaaoo, lie satin la(crest rtttalnd hi theftoTereaistt

TVs Mabels Uaeif Jess tad jrea a titK It a aairtaa, aad ef great Tataa, liimm K sesdraaed itthe Beard ef Laad CotBtlea, a template ut sobtitaed. Bat was oyaa' la isnlaaliaa, aad 2the erldesee was aatUhatary bbet the Koaobil.was esdMled te the tssd teaardtee; ta tbe prbaelpaeswtkVI. jfeTersed that BaaM af Laad Oiaaissiogtbeiraifd gi-r- e a oesspaeSe sites. By ta Xthrienis 'lajeaty the Kkas earaseatod kkat Pabea sbantuthare Ibe bad, tekbsct ta the twsrd ei the LtsJCMsstulaa.

It atteeara are taa wrlinla - - - . a u.i.,:.--that aa awsrd af the Beard of Laad Csarusiaatonwis neeasiiry ta psrttct tbe tMe aattt, by tbe xwel IS60, the Mtastter ef the Itstrlec was sataerliadto gnat awards.

Ia my Tiew, u Pabea asgleeltd la ptrieet hie '.ebefore tbe Beard ef Laad Cattnsfaiio j, bat aaScrerfMs etaba to be barred, the legal asafo reaMiaed latfcaGaTanWEtB!, aed tbe rwysi pateat te A. BXabopros- -YtjetJ their title ta Mai, aad. as K wee pndr tapaUnttasatd to Paaea, K stast prreaii.

Let Jodgaaeet be etsterad, weak atatav fcr ae do- -

feodAat, of the tst day of aheAetoaertaV--BLssax H. itm,

B.B. Stinjy.w aatiatifts, R, . Basil vHXJn.'i. for icUoii&L

iloaolalo. Janaary ii, HVt.



flOXOLULr:3LARCH Cm, 1S72.

BY AimiOItlTV.

PKO CL AMATION."VYx, KAME 1 1AMEII A V., by tlic Grace

of God. of the Hawaiian Islands, King,DO PROCLAIM:

Tfest it is Ors pleasure, m pnrsnance

rf tfc ptisions of Ocn Constitution, that- T T 1 I 1 T AMrUtiKn li

--? .fl( UuEr jYMgown ao asseinuic ai tucOmk IIosjse,at Oxm Capital of Honolulu,ft tie dispatch of Public Business, at 12

efofeek 1L n Tcesdat, the Tuiktiethtwit er Ateil, A. D. Eighteen Hundredas Seveaty-two- .

Given onder Ocn Uoyal Sign Manualat 0oe Palace in the City of Hon- -

ekfa, das Twenty-sevent- h dayv,eai, j-- Fobrnary, Eighteen Hundred

"1 and Seventy-tw- o, and the XinthYear ef Ocn Reign.

Signed KAMEIIAMEIIA R.13- - the Ivixc.

The Minister of the Interior,Signed Feup. W. Hctciiisok.

Jlu. Employee af tie Government, and other par-tl-

M wtwen aaseys rait 1 dne at lie HawaiianTreasury,, as r before the 31ft of ilirrb, If 71, are

ierrhy rtaoested U draw the same before cr as near

U that date as possible, and percent accountable to

tbe Ifefurtoesl are rra.nea.ed to return their accounts

pnafOj. in rderthat no delay majocenr in closing

the Wt&s-ft- the Steal period ending n the above

niutfaaid date. Cms. A. CaSTir.,Eegirtrar ef Public Accounts.

Fixiirn. ScraCTSCXT, February IfMh, 1STI.

Oar friend.of the Semi-"Ycetl- y Com-tmret- el

Advertiser, on the 28th of Febru-

ary, expresses his opinion that " the gen-or- al

public hare probably heard enoughfor the present, of the peculiar and uusat-isiacto- ry

situation in which the Ministershave placed themselves by their ownnets" regarding the "Webb steamers. Iutin the weeldy issue of the same paper on

the 3d inst., they seem to have alteredtiteirrmad impelled thereunto, doubtless,Tir tljar deep regard for the public in-

terest."II ere shall the Frets toe People' rights maintain,Us wee. bv hefiaceec tad kssaViM ."

It k likewise interesting to know fromthe same source, on Feb. 29th, that theattempted rgoinder of the Organ (mean-

ing oerselves) 'to our (their) expositionof tbe oontxoversy between Mr. "Webb and

tbe Ministers, is one of the lamest andraest raejaaoholy failures," eta, for ther-ein tlio puU!o me apprised that the "con-

troversy1 is between Mr. Webb and the3Beriiters,3Bd not by any manner of means

the expression of Tiews put forward bythe writers of the extremely " Independ-

ent Press." Wc arc sorry to learn thatthe "Independent Press" feel themselvesjustified in setting forth that their remarksare aa exposition of "ilr. Webb's contro-

versy." Wo have not been apprised fromany Ministerial source that Mr. Webb hadany controversy whatsoever with the Min-

isters.By thoir paper of the 2d of March, we j

arc very Ii3ppy to observe a better reason- -

od article than any that has been publish- -

od in the same paper, when sKking eitherfor or against the payment of the subsidy.And therefore, it is fair to suppose thatthey have got a better writer and onemore interested in his subject than anywho had previously essayed to give "ourexposition."

It is asked on the 29th of February, as

uWhv there is not one word said as tothe $14,000 which we claim has been ille-- ''

.gaily paid to the Hall line?" Well, in ,

the first place, wc do not see what busi-

ness it is to Mr. Webb whether this Gov-

ernment paid f14,000 to Mr. Hall or not.IT any such sum of money was paid, it was

not Mr. Webb's money, but belonged tothe Hawaiian people, for whom we yen of

lure the assertion, that it is quite rea-

sonable to suppose the Kinc and his Government feel quite as much interest as Mr.

Webb possibly

JSgoondi;. It had not reached the carsof those who arc accountable for payingthe money that "We claimed" the payment to have been illegal. And theyprobably don't know who "We" arcand undoubtedly thev will be able tojustify the payment to those who have a

right to investigate it; or give properinformation to any one seeking it from a

onproper motive, and desiring to make useof it in a proper manner.

And again, if the payment was madeto Mr. Hall in an illegal manner, or wasineffectual for the public interest, it forms

thenogood reason tojay Mr. Webb because

theMr. Hall has been paid. to

In their issue of the 2d of March, how-

ever, they say that "Mr. Hall receivedhas

the promised subsidy without any refer-

ence to the Privy CounciL" Upon whoseauthority this statement is made, it isimpossible to know, but the public areassured that no assistance was rendered

tainto Mr. Hall which did not receive theassent of the Privy Council of State.

Wc have been trying to follow up this"promise" and find out where it was. Andnow it seems to be in the very last linesof the letter of January 28th, addressed

theto Mr. J. B. 3L Stewart, in that part ofwhich, they saw fit to place in capitals. oar" SHOULD HE FAIL, HOWEVER, TO itselfPRESENT AT THIS OFFICE, OX ORBEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF MAT aXEXT, SUCH CONTRACT, HIS 3IAJ--


And we again submit to a candidpublic, whether that is a contract withMr. Webb an arrangement to pay himanything. Is it not a condition precedentthat an arrangement should be made, in

which a clear understanding should bereached as to what the person who wasto receive the monev was to do for it?how long he was to do it? fcc., &c"And they would pay the money to thefirst ship departing from this port for theBritish Colonics." "Departing" when?Before the agreement was made ? Beforea clear understanding was arrived at asto what was to be done for the money ?

Or was it to be paid from the departnrcof the first ship sailing under the arrange-ment which the Government would be atliberty to make?

It is easy to garble any sentence, andby taking out its context make it appearto convey a meaning quite different from

what it has in reality. Of course it is ot

no use to argue against people who havean interest in arguing against yon ; and asevery candid, disinterested man must beconvinced that there was no " promise,'no "arrangement," no bargain madewith Mr. Webb in the letter irom whichthese quotations are made, we shall notrecur lo this letter again, considering thatbranch of the subject entirely exhausted.We conclude that every disinterestedperson must look for a "promise" or"bargain," "engagement" or "contract"

if any has been made somewhere else.

But, if those who aver that Mr. Webbhas a "controversy" with this Govern-

ment, and that they arc making the "exposition of that " controversy," are desirous of having the last word regardingthe said letter, they are cheerfully welcome

to it.But they say that it is true in the

November letter "something was saidabout recommending the subsidy to thePrivy Concil, but he (Mr. W.,) was givento understand (what every one hereknows to be a fact,) that the reference tothat bod- - was a mere matter of form,sometimes resorted to and sometimesnot." Mr. Webb had a printed copy ofthe Legislative enactment reqniring re-

ference to the Privy Council of State,and therefore knew all that was requiredto be known regarding such referenceBut if any Minister, or all of them, toldMr. Webb that there was no doubtthat the Privy Council would concnr, andthat he (Mr. W.) might feel quite "sure

that the Council would authorize the ar-

rangement, using Uie siiuiigrat expres-sions which could be conceived of likenature, it would be merely an expressionof his or their opinion, liable to be con-

tradicted by the result, not binding anyPrivy Councillor, other than the Minister,to anv course of action. But, further, ifany Minister used to Mr. Webb even thestrong language indicated above, afterevents would have justified his opinion.For there has been no time when thePrivy Council has refused to take actionin the direction suggested by the Minis- -

try, but on the contrary a strong feelinghas prevailed among them of a desire to"

give aid to the enterprise. If, therefore,gentlemen in the exercise of an undoubtedright, desired to act with caution whilstdisbursing a sum ot money so importantto the limited resources of this country,and therefore deferred the subject untilfurther information could be obtainedfrom those communities which are quite

much interested as ourselves, and inthe meantime Mr. Webb has chosen, byhasty and action, to refuse to

f 1 1 - 5rry our lew letters as usnai, in consiaeration of the privileges allowed to him,and thereby to raise a ap-

prehension that the money, if paid, will

not secure the object for which it wasvotel, it is Mr. Webb's fault and not that

the Ministers.

Theee are some peculiarities in thistown, tliat present to the observer oppor-tunities for instruction and amusement in

great a degree, as in larger and morebustling communities. Perhaps they aremore amusing, from the fact of their beingmore salient, r instance, we pointout in our leading article of to-da- y thesmall peculiarity of an "IndependentPress" which, on Thursday last, thoughtthat sufficient had been said on the subject of Mr. Webb's steam line, and yet

Saturday found it necessary to "go in"again ; doubtless on the principle, " Ouronly aim is the Public Good.""

And it will be further amusing to ourreaders to observe the change of base of

gentlemen who aver themselves to beexpositors of what they are pleasedcall "Mr. Webb's controversy" with

this Government: a controversy whichbeen, so far as we know, or are ad-

vised, initiated by tho "Independentjournal. In their paper of the 25th ofNovember we find the following :

In view of onr position, we are not at all certhat tie line would not come without a sab-sid-

aod with all tte tees to pay."

And in their paper of December Sth,quoting the extract above, we find thefollowing comment thereon:

"That incidental remark, which occarred incommercial column, was bat the echo of

public opinion in this csramanitr. The idea ofeoall scd poor country undertaking to place

alongside of the great sad rich cemmnai-lie- s

of Australia and New Zealand in snbadiangline of ocean steamers, has in itself a com-

plexion alciost of sbssriitj. Xo one believe

tbat, were tbis Government to rcfase its mitetowards twkirjjj up the snbsidV. ibat fact wonU

weigh one feather ia detenainin Mr. Webb toabandon the enterprise."

And again, in the same article :

"The question is, arc we in a position finan

cially, as n government, to make Mr. Webb's line

a present of $25,000 per annum, simply in orderto ape onr betters (in pocket)" !

And again, likewise in the same article :

"Very natnrally the Giiktik of this week

disagrees with too clear arguments, sound sense.ana temperate langnage or iU jeMcr of alr yc's Agents to' Inqnirer,' who writes so ably on the scojeel oi

The Steamship Subsidy. Bat while disagreeing

with the writer, it wisely refrains from undertak-

ing the task of combatting his views or of dis-

proving his positions for the reason, doubtless,that tbey are impregnable."

Likewise:" As it appears to be a constitutional or chronic

necessttity for onr Ministry to ran ns in debt,and as we have no remedy but to protest, and

sabmit, let cs beg of them to at least expend themoney thns raised in tbe country, npon internalimprovements, and not bag it up for exportationin the shape of subsidies to foreign corporations."

These arc editorials, and every corres-

pondent on an important subject is sup-

posed to be in "tone" with the paper,unless the editor makes a disavowal ofconcurrence in the views of the corre-

spondent ; and hence we find in the samepaper the following extract from a cor-

respondent, which, however incorrect he

may have been in his supposition as to theprofession of our correspondent " Inquir-

er," indicates the " tone" of the paper atthat date :

" It seems to me that T have heard ' Inquirer'address a jury, of which I was a member, and, Itrust that he has sufficient influence with the

Cabinet to put an effectual bar to the proposi-

tion to squander the public money npon a line of

steamers already receiving assistance in free

wharfage and I know not what else."

Now, let it be remembered that this

was the opinion of this exponent of" Public Opinion," on the 9th of Decem-

ber last ; Mr. Webb having had his con-

ference with the Ministers on the 20th ofthe preceding month (November,) andthe Privy Council consequent upon thatconference having been held on the 23rddav, and its conclusions published by uson the 29th of the same month. It will,

then, be seen that the change of base is

both instructive and amusing.Again, on the lGth of the samo month

(December,) they were still firm in thefaith of the week before ; and in theirleader in opposition to our editorial, whichcommented adversely on our correspond--!

cnt "Inquirers" position, they say:" It" (meaning onrselres.) " thinks our duty is

to secure Mr. Webb against this small loss.'"

Unon which thev make the followingcomment:

"To do so we tanst ran in debt ourselves, for

as tbe necessity seems to havo arisen for borrow-

ing money to erect public buildings, every dollar

spent on steamship lines, for our present benefit.

will add to the load that ' oar children will haveto carry in the future."

And airain they say in the same article:' We are advised to step forward now, ' whilst

the contracts are yet unsigned' (by the Ans- -

tralian Governments and help establish the line.

Just how that is to be managed we can not see.

Mr. Webb is now probably negotiating with theAustralian Governments."

And again :

" We are led to the conclusion that Mr. Webbleft here with the assurance that this Govern-

ment would be prepared to-- grant bim the sum

appropriated, in tbe event of his securing tbemoseyed aid of the Governments with whom heintended to negotiate."

On the 25th of December it is true the"Independent" "weakens 'somewhat,"and if we did not have the utmost reli-

ance on their unlimited and disinteresteddevotion to the public intercuts, and con-

sider them worthy of residing in someother section of the world than in thisfavored land, we should say that they had" seen Sam," for they have the following:

"As to the subsidy from this Governmentwhich was voted by tbe last Legislature, amount-ing to $50,000 for two years, we were informed

some time since that monthly payments of $2,000,out of that appropriation, were begun to be made

to the boats of the Flail line, and were continued

nlil tbey ceased running. The natural inferenceis, such having been tbe case, monthly paymentsare still continued to the boats of the Webb line ;

for whatever reasons existed for tbe payment in

the first instance, must of course continue tobe operative now. Tbe discussion that was re-

cently had as to a subsidy, was, as we understandit, whether this Government should incur a debtin order to pay a permanent subsidy for teayears, as has jus, been voted by New Zealand

and Victoria."

Though there had been no discussion oranything said, in fact, about paying asubsidy for ten years, certainly not inthis paper.

On the 16th of December, they wereled to the conclusion that Mr. Webb lefthere with the assurance that this Govern-

ment "would be prepared to grant himthe sum appropriated, in the event of hissecuring the monied aid of the Govern-

ments with whom he intended to negoti-ate." But on the 73th of February,though Mr. Webb had not secured theassistance of any Government exceptXew Zealand, and though his boats haddiscontinued to ran between Xew Zealandand the Australian Continent, they de-

clare that the Ministers have done greatwrong in not paying to Mr. Webb the"promised subsidy." And in their issuesof the 17th and 24th of February, and onthe 2nd of March, all the ingenuity andtalents they possess are employed to es-

tablish the proposition that the moneyshould be paid at all events.

One can but wonder how all tills hap-

pens. With this final exposition, we close atour columns to this matter until somenew light shall be obtained.

TVaiT a cllfffrcnce mere civifilics and theacts of real friendship; horf easy to obtain the form-

er, inA at times how bird to get the Utter!



Mn. Editor: A good deal has beenc,M nHhUGnvrrnmenthansT brokenits nromlso to. and violated its cood faithwith Mr. Webb. The publication ot thecorrespondence in your last issue sets thismatter snows that the Ministry

have kept their faith and done all theypromised, and all that then could do inthe case, and I have every reason

.to be--

lievo that had it not been for the lmpolt--

thcGovernment, which must be regardedas coercive, that a Privy Council wouldhave been called whilst "the last steamerwas here, and from the favorable and

.rnnKtinni wlneii T Iin.I lipnnl

fm nnnnc jnomWr of the Council-- rt-.i.i. -- i i.:.. :.--

iiMwirus ur. n cuu hukl uia 1:1111;!

the subsidy of $2,000 per month fromDecember 1st, would have been votedand paid until the $3G,000 remaining of theappropriation should have been exhausted.The idea which has been thrown out thathis enterprise was discriminated against,and he treated unfairly, because it was anImarican entcqirise, is most certainly a

mistake. The question has been askedme: Why then did the Government aid.Mr. Hall's line and. refuse its aid to Mr.Webb's line? I reply here, as to myquestioner, tho Council voted aid toHall's line simply as a matter of justice;at least I have rfason to thiuk that thosewho so voted did it upon their convictionof its justice, and they did not refuse aidto lleW line. The law jrranting thesubsidy required that if paid at all, it beto a line which would carry passengersfreight and mails to and from NewZealand and Australia. The law passedin July, 1870. In April, 18T0, the firstboat of Mr. nail's line arrived here, andfor twelve months, with "Teat reaularitv. I

- ' a ' I

fulfilled CVCry Condition of the laW; SJI V- - I

. I

in" us enmniiiiiireitinn for all nnrnosps I

?, ,. ... .wiin .Australia auu ew z.eaiami, starting. . I

from, and returning tO bvdney, yia AllCk- - I

land. Thus Hall's line, for iriue months. I

atler1 the VaSSaiJC Ot the laiC, Illlnlled CVCry.

Condition Of It, and It Was tllC pioneer. . . . .line, and during tins period the only line,for Mr. Webb's first steamer did notarrive at Honolulu till April, 1ST1. Forseveral months after April, 187 1, neitherline complied with the conditions of thelaw, for Hall's line ceased to call at Xew

--Zealand, and Webb': hue ran only to1,. j , ,cweaiana.Evorv cent paifhtO Hall's line was for I

- . 1 Ijrz- - .rslservices Jerjormca uejvrc any outer line

ran here, and for services performed instrict conformity with the conditions ofthe law, although a part of the moneywas not paid, nor the action of theCouncil had upon it until after Mr.

Webb's line commenced to run.I regard the action ot the Council in

aiding the Hall line as only what, underthe circumstances, was due to justice. Ata good :dcal of risk he' had' commencedan enterprise which, if it succeeded, couldnot bat benefit, the commercial interestsof these Islands as well as other subsi-

dizing Governments. He was the pioneerin the enterprise, and for three monthsbefore, and nine months after the passageof the subsidy law, ho fulfilled everycondition of it, putting us in monthlycommunication with Xew Zealand andAustralia. He, if any one, deserved theaid he received. T n I

au uii ujiiiuuii, nsimple justice, and I have no questionthat every vote cast in the Council forthe measure was upon this ground.

Mr. Webb's line would have receivedthe same aid under the same circnm

stances. Xo national or personal consideration entered into the measure at all,

It was above both, and the desire to dojustice with entire impartiality constitutedthe croverning motive of the Council.

So the Government (I think,) was pre- -

pared to aid Mr. "Webb. Xo feelintr butthat of kindness existed, but the recent

exiraoruinary action in reiusing to carrythe mail if the payment of the subsidywas not made forthwith, coupled withthe charge of violation of its good faith byjme government, nas suspenaea us actionfor the present, and I do not see how it canact, with a proper respect for its own dignity, nntil the recent action of Mr. Webbhas been explained. His vessels receivelarge gratuities in the remission of wharfage and other government dues, io required by any contract vr treaty, and his

refusal to take the mail I regard both ini- -

nolitic and nninst. to say nothing of tlm... - , - . . jili.uaij;v ui wuiditvit ui tjirvu mm "j i

him. I trust "that such reasonable explanations may be made of the recent "action

as to place the parties in friendly relations,for I can not doubt but that it has occurred by reason of some misunderstanding on the part of Mr. Webb. I havestated such facts as I happen to be in

possession of, with the views which Ihold, for the information of those interested who may not have enjoyed asfavorable opportunities of observation asmy own.

I wish, as a resident, interested in thewelfare of this community, to express theregret I feel that any misapprehension of I

the true feelings of this Governmentshonld have given rise to any such in

structions hy Sir. Webb to his Agents asthose which they have set forth in theirletter to the Minister of Finance, and Ifurther resrrct that havinsr this letter intripir rianfls pvirlpntW mrittpn nnrlpr a I

misapprehension, the Agents shonld haveby

Had the Affents made no communica- -

tion, or what would have had no ill effect

least, a courteous and even pressing one,with no charge of bad faith or retaliatorymeaswres, I confidently believe that thePrivy Council, which the Minister tells

Agents tras expected to be Called,ATOnld hare VOted ihe" subsidy, and the

Government would never have heard of I

.Mr. Webb's letter. I wish to add that itwould take a large subsidy from the Colo- -

mes or mc united Qiatcs, u me rciauvowealth of tho several countries were con--

sidored the basis, to reach that alreadypaw uincraiucni in u.egratuities afforded to this line, ami which,

"? kt subsidy were ever passed or

mcnxioneu, suouui uavo tea to rcirainingj from the


ungracious act of refusing toI T il 1

Ihe Minister s letter opens the door loran explanation (wincii i nope may no

made, for I wish to see Mr. Webb's line

established here,) and I see no other wayin which the Government can make ad- -

vances with proper t. ancii aretllC V1CW3 Ot an



the Hon. ELISIIA It. AU.KX,B1 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in Frobate.In the matter of the Kstata of His lato ilishrtej!,

JIATAIO KEKVAXAOA, deceased At Chambersat the Court House, llonululu, before the ITon. KlishaII. Allen, Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court, sittincin Probate this 27lh dav of February, A. 1). 1S72.

Un readme ami nunc the petition of Joan u. uom- -inis. Administrator of the bttataofllis late HighnessAlnUio Kekuantoa, deceased, settlor forth that he Is

prepared to settle his accounts as Administrator of I

said bstate, and praying that a day and hour be appointed for such settlement.

It is ordeied that all persons interetea in me estateof His lire Hifihneij Mataio Keltuanaoa, deceased,be and appear before this Honorable Conrt, at Cham-bers, in the Court House in Honolulu, on SATURDAY, the 16th day of March,. V.D.I S72, at 11 o'clockA.M.. then and there to show cause why tbe accountsof said Administrator should Dot be settled and allowed. And it Is further ordered, that a copy of tbisorder be published for three weeks before tbe said dayof hearing, in the Hawaiian flatctte and Ke Au Okoanewspapers, printed and published in tbe City of I


Chief Justice of Supreme Conrt.Attest : Jxo. E. Barxaiid,

Deputy Clerk Supreme Court.It. n. Staslev. for Administrator.

CIIU'KKJIK COUKT 01 the HalTallnii IaU3 ands In Probate. Island of Oabu. Hawaiian Islands. In

tbe muter of the KaUte or ROBERT MOFFITT, lata ofIn said Island deceased.

A document, purporting to be the last Win and TestamentcftheM Robert siOKrin,dcaMd,iutinRon tie nthtljr of Dwrntwr, A. D. 1SJ1, brn prewitnl Id nM ProbateOunrt, nj a petition tor Hie probata lhrcf, and lor the If.nnce tirietlrre iesunaiArjtoineexiiiorirTiiiriametl

hitincbetnnlrfbrW. L.flri:It i hereby errferrd, that WEDNESDAY, the 3rd day of

Apni. a. d. ists. i ten a. oitaia day. at meCourt Room of eald court, at Honolulu, in tbe Islaodof Oaliu,t. and the Mine Is hereby appointed the time forprOTloK

ir.tereitrdm.iy appear and contet the Mid Will, andtna crantineoi Letter lejlaroentary.

It further ordered. tl.t notlte thereofbe irlten br pnhll.cation, fortelTeiacreiTeeeI.f,lntbelllwAmsUixKTTE,a neVlcr rrlntwrtnd pnbllhed In Honolulu.

And it ii further ordered, that citations be iaedtothe.niwibinc witnee to mj win, and to the hei of thefirVCffitlime acpcMieu.

Dated Honolulu, 11. l December 1Mb, A. I), lf.l.E. U.

Attest : Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.Wima R. Stir. Clerk. MIt

Health Officer's Notice!rnnE attention" of parties depositing

1 filth or tubbish below or abore tbe posts on theEsplanade, is called to Section 10th of tbe Recnla- -Hons of the Ilnard of Health. Any person or persons

. ... .t 1 1 t 11 iLivuim ueiuB(,iii uuu vr iuuuisu cuuiraij iu tueabore Section will be prosecuted according to law.

W. H. Ii.l(.k5,Aeent of Board of Health.

Honolulu. Feb. 131b, 1S72. S



ItOl.LlXS, MASTER.Wilt bave Immetltate Bispatch for tbe above Fort

for Freight. Apply toIVAhKblt A Aijbr,., Agents.


&- C. Brewer &. Co. Acronts. 3OSsierclianaiae received Sloracrc Free mndVTtfi

literal cuh ctWancts made on ebijiments by this Hoe.


C. Brower & Co. Agents.FaroraMe arrangements .can alwats t4 j

mde fY storac anI shipment of Oil. Bene, Wool, Hides and I

plhfr Merchandise to aew Bedford, Bo&ton, Jiew York andoilier Eastern Torts. 5 Cash Advances mde.

United States, New Zealand and AustraliaMail Steamship Line.

For San Francisco.TUB STEAMER

Will sail on or about March 9th.For AUCklailu. N. Z. & SVtllieV. N. S. W.



asd-At Sydney with Steamers for Melbourne,

the ste. jisiiipffffifr 20" JE "V A D A.wm bouf. M-r- ch Qtu

Or immmUnUly upon tlie arrival of tlie SteamerJrom CKin Francisco, ana the transfer

of the Mails,

11 m o Ttalolo z

Dates of departure from SaT Dates of drpartnre from HoFrancisco for ITonotnln and nololo for San FraoeUeo andport In Xew Zealand and tjr porta In New Zealand andAustralia: Jliutralia, on or aboutWedae-l- ar Jan. 81. 1KZ Saturday reb.lO,lST2Wedaeedsy re b. IS, 1572 Saturday March 9, ltWWednesday....Slareh:7,lS;j Saturday Aprils, 1672

Passengers booked throngb at redaced ratesto points in toa unueri eiaies ana to Liverpool, anaalso to ports is .New Zealand and to Melbourne.

For freight or passage atd all farther Information,apply to

11. IIAUhttliU a LU.,IS tf Agents.

For Kohala, Hawaii.k Schr. Active,

PETER J. JIEr.l.ISir, . . Slaater,Will run at a regular packet to the abore ports.

For freight or passage apply to

Regular Packejjor Molokai.

Schr. Pauahi,ItET.VOIDS 3Iasttr,

Will ran as . "11 1 - Ti. .Tr . f K.f.... TTnri'.lnlnand Molokai, teaching at Kannakakal and Pnkoo.

tor irtignr, or passage apply to me uapuin onboard or


"Kilauea,"From and after this date tbe

Agent of the steamer "Kilauea" willIn no way hold himself responsible for

any freignt or Farcels sent by steamer, nnless de- -livered to the Purser, and a receipt taken for the

rores.'andnofeM; will be properly handled, and ifany carelessness damaged or lost, will be promptly

.mid lur. I, iv I UK. it5 3m Agent.

"CALIFORNIA. BRICK, California Lime,uosenaaie Cement, roz sale &y



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ACCOUNT BOOKS!And every Article of utility and fancy connected with tho Kim, s$tptt!"6 kfa

Counting House and Office, and for Artists, Teachers, TVirfss iinnnl fraiifimen, Travelers, etc., on as reasonable term ae can W lad

here or in San Francbco, among which are thefollowing Staple Articles:

English and French Letter Papers, latin surface andextra, fine, plain and gilt edges

Do. Billet-an- Note, do. do. do.Do. Letter aod Note Envelopes, to match the abareMourning Note Paper and EnTelapes an assort-

ment constantly on handAmerican papers, from the best makers, of almost

erery descriptionEnamelled surface, and r' sorfaca CardsKmborsed and Friendship CardsPerforated Boanls( for Cbenalla workTissoe and d PapersMorocco and Emliossed, and Gald and Silrer PapersBest London Quills and Quill PensSteel Pens, from the best makersEnglish Red and colored WafersEnglish Notarial WafersEnglish Sealing Wax, red and fancyKidder's i Payion'a Indelible InkBloe, black and red Writing InkHair, Cloth, Tooth, Nail and Sharing BrashesThermometers, Tooth-pick-

Maps of Hawaiian Islands.Portable Writing Desks, from 12 to 22 laches.

Mahogany and Bosewood, adapted for ladles'and gentlemen's nse

Constantly on hand. School Books of alt klnda ingeneral use

Family and Pocket Bible J, Testaments, etc.Standard English and American BooksPaper-coTe- r Books, Song and Mnsic BooksJnrenile and Toy Books of erery deseriptienEnglish Drawing Paper, all ikes, from demy t

doable elephantBristol Boards, of erery sixa and thleknessTracing Papers and Tracing CambriaNewman's Water Colors, In boxesBest Sable and Camel's Hair BrashesPaber's superior Drawing PencilsColored Pencils, Crela leris do.Mathematical, or Drawing Instruments, In eases,

from il to $10 eaehChess Men, Wood and IvoryBaekgammon and Chess BoardsIntellectual Card GamesDominoes tf various patternsGold and Silrer Pencil Cases

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handles, f rsh and bawtfM siltHaiUrwiexpressly t arderIvory TaWeli. Paper Cutlers,Poreeialn Slate and 1st awter Mas.,Btasife Bands and Msgs. IletaWt Mtate. FMs.

graph AHkuscCash and Deed Bxet. Cheek CMtm aaa BatreCrwjaet Seta. SasVosI .SataaWsInkiUndl, lo great variety

'S" R"' K,W"' tt ,,,AH af tin gMxItIflsek Waloot Book BaefcsCbBdren'a Sets Teaatss. OhtWrvn's Brawsar CarataCepjlog Prtss.r, Oil Stetla aad BeoateaCrayans, while and etoredA'.Desk FtsHot, Pads and irdpta Itct Mm,Drawing rWka. Draft and .Vam.MtTaveWpM ,t XR laJ mUtjByalets and Byetat MaaMneaIleiharhims and Strap Bekt

.Initial Paper aad Bevel? cs

COOD.A large and mr, evapfet assvttneatj kkaa ...

be found at any ether eiUVfMom. ,,Memorandum Bwk, PMaxw Staap Atfcata1'oaket Bw.k,, WH. n4 Prrtawii.,

DLAXK BOOKS.A very fall ami eiusnva a. rlmsaJ IX samTir

MMMT- -J.egeM. Jwraab, Day Be,. U.3J

WrWnr Books. r an tt. ...w... mI'.,&d brfad. eart. fr 'Quart Aeeonnt Bka

Blank Drawlot; "Scrap aad Herbarium BekfAlbami, variety f clegaat stjf, ss..Workmen's Tta, Rack, '

at, me joweot iiates.



N.B.-A- 11 New Articles of FANCY STATIONERY received by theearliest arrivals from London and New York.

ACCOUNT HOOKS, for Bahka, Insuranco Companies. Railroad Ceauaaie,. .made to order with despatch.

Printing of Bill Heads, Circulars, Cards,

Stoelc ReeeivedbyEvery Steamer.November


Phases of the Soon tor toe Kocth of March, 1872.

raxraacs t cart, main, satrra.


Si. Last Quarter 6 ST ikm; Jw m 2 IIM TtMHmvta. 3 M rSttfc. rwB ! 3 12

ait,lact asrrer 4 00


J.C. caM t (3ia Sen Sate . 6 MMw. JwaH 6I7.......SoSets . 666 ..llrk, tae RW eis. SseSete . 008 ..flLiaW MS San Sets . 00S ..3Mk. In Wm i SmiSets . Oil

Mm. it Son Sets .610 ..

The TJmok Clcb tae become one of the institnItmra of tbt pas'- - ThefsiTrttureoflbeCloti wlllbcrM at fraction it 10 a. m. on the prcmIms. comer f Palace Walk and Richard's Struct.

Tiw.e ArrKar. In a drunken quarrel recently, at Wsdbe, Mini, a min named Charles Wallace

a n&lfve named Koaaitia, indicting a slightKotmd. He ins arretted, and afterward re)rated

i baU atfBoeBtlnr; to fire hundred dollars.

Sitom. We saUce Lj advertisement in anotherishaeen oW the ajtipnres of the estate of ChallamelA 0. are prepared to pay a dividend of fifty pereest to tbe creditor at the eGce of Messrs. P. A.SetMrX Co.

Wc wssssd eS too attention f ocr reader;, to aaextract fraau a sermon by the Iter. Geo. II. Hep worthI) of the Tartarian church of the Messiah inBraaUys. N". T., an the 4th page of this weeks pajier.Hawvrer saay differ from hit views, it will parTnal.

Vtens or the Hotel. Photographic views of theHawaasee flstea cau be had at the gallery of Mr.JtUtsait oo FiHt Street, vhich for artistic merit we

kr aot Men excelled in or any other.Those tMriotr friends and acquaintances def irin; tovMt tMs ewatrr, ahonld send them a copy of thiscaccrJieM pacta re.

Ham Tin: MatKjoESiS. Tic Missionary packetMorwtfc Star, Cap. Matthews, calls for the Mar-oaes-

Bert Monday on ber second cniise. She willlosae at all the Mk4&fl tUtloos on that group withMaBfAea aad will be abtent about tjvo mouths. TileJtrv. W. P. Alexander, of Wallokn. Maui, vroccedsla tae Tewd as delegate of the Hawaiian Board ofMswfoee,

rntsonai. Tbe March number of the Friendthat Mr. 5eo. Lalhrop second son of Dr.

Geo. JL Lathron, who la former years occupied thepotttiea of U. S. Consoler Physician at this port, andWats afterward. C. S. Vice Oocsal was married InLoodon recsatly to a daughter of the late NathanielHtwHsarac, the n American author. Thebride-croo- tn k a native of this city, and is said to pos-t- s

literary talent of a high- - order.

The Ktlices. returned on Sunday moraine froma ccgcjifol trip around Hawaii, tbe weather baringaeea pleasaBt throofrhouU She brought no news olImpatience beyond tbe fact that a great scarcity rfwater still coatinaea at Hllo, which has seriouslyluspuitd the work on the plantations in thatTiesoitf- - Should the trades, which set In on Son-da- y

moraine, continue w illi any regularity. It laSuC probable that tbe wast of rain there will con-tim- e

tooth lomer. Tbe steamer makes the trip toKoaa dor! up tbe present week, and leaves for lllloaad intermediate ports next Monday.

To BE BnralCED. We understand that tbe(Captains Smith and Mclntyre, and Mr. Geo.

XewiDef I hare reported favorably upon tbe conditionof the British ship Devonshire, which arrived here

weeks since in distress, and consider her wor-thy of betag repaired. She has been pronounced ataVrtaol tally bailt vessel, but bas been allowed to runloo losar. without repairs, and she now requires rolaatenitig aad throughout. If the amountaeoeaeary for repairing her cannot be obtained upona bottomry on tbe vessel, the work will be delayeduntil advices are received from her owners.

The Devonshire's Canoo. The large cargo oflsreaber reeeatly discharged from the Devonshire,amoattttac; to nearly a million feet, which is storedon the eenlr made portion of the esplanade, makatof tae Cpart House, occupies a larger space thanany cargo thai has ever been landed here, and withtbe lain ber already noted elsewhere iu that locality,give that part of the town the appearance of an im-

mense lumber yard. As tbe ship will probably berejteirefl, tbe will receive tbe same cargo again forit one in! deetioallon. Had the Devonshire goneiato a dry dock with that cargo on board, it is moretitan itroaiMe that vessel and cargo would nevertare idt the dock together.

EsrTEitPBWE. The publisher of the natire neirrpa-pe- r

JTaoioa, which appears on Saturday next, informsvs that it will contain among other novelties to pleasetbe satires, a spirited portrait ofthe Emperor Williamof tterssasy, who will be 73 years old on the lid ofthis saoelh. Accompanying the pictuie will be giventbe fasaaoc German Battle Song, The "Watch on theXhiee." done into spirited Hawaiian and English, andretta no fie. We notice that the circulation of theA'wafcaa has became very larcc, the edition for thepresent week betog 3,8W. Vt'e can't say how naryare paid for by the eager subscriber! to it.

Br aa advertisement in our columns it will beeeea that an lee Cream and Strawberry, festival willbe beW is the basement of Fort Street Chbrch onTbarsday evening, the proceeds of which are to beapplied to the purchase of a piano for the ladles par-

lor, to add to tbe attractions of the social entertain-isent- s

given by tbe different societies who holdlscetiocs there. As tbe ladies in charge are famousfor the eood quality of the refreshments on sale atthese (Mrs, aud the object one-o- l Interest to a larccnataber In our community, we predict a success forthe ladies and a pleasanfcvcnlug for their patrons.

McoalXTnosoorE. We understand that at tbefestival at Fort Street Church on Thursday eveningone of these instruments will be exhibited. WehTelad an opportunity of seeing the views shownin lUa one and can prononncc them somcthlng-rc-HtarkaM-

Tbe transparency view s short lng the In-

terior of the Falacc ol the Doccs, Venice, the erup-tion or Vesuvius, and the illumination of the Ca-

thedrals at Milan and St. Peters at Rome, with alltbe tights and colors dlsftnctly shown are Tcrybcaotllul as well as wonderfully brought out caleo bear that one of our merchants with a rare tastefor tbiogs " queer" will add something to the en-tertainment.

EasTEBx Mails Should tbe Ran Francisco steam-

er arrive tbit week aa we are led to expect, we will befa rareJ with a mail in less time than since the last,or for sereral tneathe preriocs. Heretofore, the de-parture of a sailing packet or transient vessel fromSan Francises), between tbe trips of tbe steamer, gavena a mail about twice a month, but that has becomerare. Tor some time, they all leave within a fewdays of eaeh other, and should a packet leave witha mail in advance of the steamer, the chances alwaysare that the former generally arrives a week after tbelatter. The Comet, now thirty days out from hereand due about the 20th, will not be likely to bringany later news than the steamer.

Fob the XanaaTOR's. The schooner WllchQueen, which left San Francisco Teb. Sd for thisVert en route tor tbe "trlgator Islands, bears thereputation of being one of lbc dullest sailers afloat,(although she'i6 otherwise an excellent vessel) sothat her present passage, under the circumstances.need excite no surprise, sue is a ressci ot no tons,

nn vb mm... iini k. nnn. limn i 11 r.. . n l . t 1' r 1 i.j. - ...-- yturtles connected with the Navigator Island Colon!'zatlon Company, for (5,500, and is intended as apicket between those islands and San Francisco.She Is loaded with an assorted cargo belonging tothe company, valued at 111,000, which is destinedfor Paga I'nga. Tbe vessel touches here for lettersand passengers fbat are awaiting her.

The Bali, at the Hor el. The subscription en-

tertainment on Friday evening last, at tbe HawaiianHotel was a decided success in every respect. Therewere present on the occasion about two hundredand fifty guests, every one of whom appeared to en-

joy themselves, and many of whom we have heardexpress their approbation of the arrangements madefar tbe occasion, aa well as of tbe complete provi-sion made lor tbe guests or the Hotel. Tbe arrange-me-

for lighting tbe building throughout with gasis quite complete, and the rooms all being illumina-ted on tbis occasion, presented a brilliant appear-ance. Tbe proprietor, for wbose benefit the sub-scription entertainment was solely gotten up,

us to thank the public for a patronige whichsecured a financial success.

Coasters ako the Weather. Tbe weather du-

ring the last week has beer more unfaroraUe for thecoasting business than at any time during the pastfire months, or since the regular trades haTe ceased.Vesselt that left here last Wednesday and Thursdaywere becalmed in sight of port nearly forty-eig-

hours, and others have been nearly a week making atrip that would be accomplished withiavorahle weath-er in less than twenty-fou- r hours. On Sunday morn-ing the trades set in fresh with every prospect ofcon-tinain-

which was an agreeable chance to the recentsultry weather, but they subsided into the south-eas- tthe next day with every appearance of another spell oflight weather. Persons who are compelled to takepassage on coasters will hardly be credited if theyconsider that owners or agents make any real profitoff those who patronize their vessels, although bothclasses hare a right under the circumitanetj, to bedissatisfied. The benefit of travelling by steam hasprobably uerer been more favorably imrtvvcd uponthose who have preferred to travel by siilisg Tvijels,than- - daring the pest few months. a

Tbe EifusitL Any one who has nat visitedthis portion of the city-fro- of late, especially beyondtne h.uauea's wnarr, will observe that it has undergsne a considerable change within a few weeks, andthat improvements are still in progress. The additionwhich is being made to what was formerly the wharffor the Australian steamers, is rapidly approachingcompletion. It is now about four hundred feet longana wm yei receive consiaeranie addition, making theentire length of the wharf, when finished, nearlr firehundred feet, which will furnish ruBcient accommodation for sereral large ships alongside at the ramstime. A about batrthe distance, is built onthe maska side of the pier, part of which is alreadynnei in w.m tne mua Drougot I mm me bottom of tbeharbor by the excavator. In aline beyond and reachinc

v. : 1. , v : i

Tde Ho.xot.rLU Rinxs. The annual electien ofofficers for the ensuing year, was held at the Atmoryon Qncen Street last Friday evening, at the regularmonthly meeting of the company, which resulted asfollows:

Cap'ai Chas. T. Gnlick,.Firrt Lieutenant William Auld.Second Lieutenant C. A. Castle.QnarleT-Sfntt- tr M. T. Douncll,Col T Sergeant L. C. Tonng.Orderly Sergeant Chas. Bent.Sergeantt Messrs. R. C. Austin, W. Williams,

J. a. lioia and Alex. Mctiregor.Secretary Chas. Williams.Treasurer Robt. C. Austin.

The Rifles at the present time number sixty mem-bers, and Is one of the most efficient volunteer military companies that has ever been organized In thiscny, w men in a great measure is one to tne ctllclencr of their commander, who has so worthllv occnpied that position, and to whose Instruction may beaiirioutco tuc mu attainment ot tue companyas a uiuusry urbanization.

Robbewes. On Friday evening last a Chinesecook. In tbe employ da family In town, while absentfrom his room ( on tbe premises where ho was employed) was robbed of JS5.00, which sum be hadsaved from his wages with the Intention of remit'ting it to his mother In China. It appears that hobad called upon a couple of friends in another partof tbe town, and at about half-pas- t eight o'clockIn the evening remarked that he would go home,but bis friends urged blm to remain as they wishedto talk with blm. Alter some persuasion be con-sented to remain, whereupon one of his ftiendsmaae excuses ana leit tue room ana aia not returnduring the evening. Upon arrival at bis own roomat a soraewnat late nonr, be lound tbedoor bad beenforced open and the trunk in which his money waskept broken into and the money taken. He liassome Idea that the friends whom he visited hadsomething to do with the robbcrr Very likclr.

On Saturday evening the dncllinr-hnus- e of Mr.Fischer on Hotel Street was entered bvburclarsandsome articles of clothing taken. The Tamlly weresleeping in Jbc room entered by the burglars.

Costlioratiosb Aoiix PitEVESTED. On Fridaymorning, tbe frame building adjoining tbe odce ofthe Yinter uorks, at the foot of Anuanu Street, andknown as the "did Ice House," but now occupiedas the "Hawaiian Restaurant," narrowly escapedbecoming the scene of a conflagration similar tothat which occurred npon tbe same spot during tbememorable fall of 1S52. Some careless individualconnected with tbe establishment. It arrears, hunira piece of cloth".ng near a t tovc-pip- and a fire hav-ing been kindled tbe article caught fire and vtasabout communicating with the dry wood-wor- over-head, when the blaze was observed from tbe streetby persons passing, through whose tlmelvassistancea scrions fire was prevented. Another instance oc-curred on Xunann Street on Friday night n hlch wassurmised to be tbe work of an incendiary. Nearmidnight, a. policeman observed a suspicions lightin the rear ol the premises occupied by Hollislcr'sSoda WaterMannfaetory.and ascertaining the cause,be immediately alarmed the neighborhood. Severalpersons were quickly upon the spot and the fire waseasily extinguished without n general alarm beingstruck, although Borne one started for "Xo. Four's"engine bouse for that purpose, but fonnd tbe doorlocked. Like the Incendiary attempt made in RoseLane a few weeks ago, it was fortnnatcly discoveredIn the nick of time to prevent a disastrous fire.

Distinguished Visitors Among the passengersby the D. C. Murray, from San Francisco, wereMessrs. Clarence King and Arnold Hague. Thesegentlemen have been for several years connectedw lib what is called the " Fortieth Parallel ExploringExpedition," a party of scientificgentlemcn sent outby the American Government to explore tbe wildtract or country lying between the River Missouriand the Pacific Ocean, on or near the Fortieth degree ot latitude. VI this Lxpedilion, Mr. King isthe honored bead, and Mr. Ilsguc Is an assistant.They received leave or absence for the "wintermonths, during which tbe work is ncccssarilv suspended on acconnt of snow, and are now absent ona riait to Hilo and the Crater. The magnitude ofthe work assigned to the Expedition may be infer- -

rca irom iuc iaci mai u win cost, inciuatng tue nvcvolumes of reports, over ?200,000, according to astatement made by Gen. Garfield in Congress, latclv.Some Idea of tbe value and character of the woik inW'hich these gentlemen are engaged may be gatheredfrom tbe following item from'the Washington cor-respondence of the Xev York Ilcrali:

"Clarence Kino's Retort. The available edi-tion of Clarence King's report of rciuing industryhas beet all distributed, and the Engineer Bureauis besieged with applications for copies that It cannot supply. Great care bas been taken to guardagainst useless expenditures of the costly volume,but the public greed for free mining Informationgoes far beyond the expectation founded on past ex-perience. Only one thousand copies rcmniu, andthey are to be rigidly withheld for future distribu-tion In sets when the whole fire volumes of tbe re-ports shall be ready say a couple of years beDccThe volume on botany is out, and it will be followedin as quick succession as possible by the reports onzoology and palcntology, descriptive geology andsystematic geology. Splendid Illustrations accom-pany the several volumes. These works are tberesults of the geological exploration of the fortiethparallel, that Mr. King bas been "prosecuting undertbe Engineer Department and by authority of Con-gress for several years, and which has awakened alively interest In scientific aud industrial circles hereand in Europe."

In tbe May and June numbers of Seribner'tMonthly, wilt be fonnd a very interesting accountof tbe explorations of tbis Expedition. The articleis entitled, "The Wonders of the Tcllowstonc,"and is well worth perusal.

Inciter from Ialiuina.Ladalva, March 2, 1872.

Friend Editor : The world mores slowly, tobe sure, "e pur se muore," but now and then itwould seem as iTa menial paralysis bad obstruct-ed its motion and caused a sadden bait in every-body's erery-da- y lite. Such an occasion occurredhere on Sunday afternoon last, when the goodschooner Kcttie Merrill arrived wilb ber flqg athalf-mas- ami the news spread that onr worthvand beloved townsman P. H. Treadway had diedin Houolulu on tbe Wednesday previous. If youhave ever seen a beehive with the Queen-be- e re-

moved, yoa may form an idea of what Laliainaresembled wben the sad news Drst fell on ilseager, listening, astonished people. Whatl Peterdead? Tbe man of iron Derres; the large-hearte-

whole-soule- genial, jovial man, on whom yearsbad sat so lightly that be looked almost ns younjthe week he died as wben first he came to thecountry, s generation ago. It was incredible, butnone the....less, alas,...too true, and the hasty, -

tions. Dreamless innniries wfro pnrrpmliwl Itvgeneral feeling of depression and sadness. OnTuesday morning last thn steamer Rilanea arrivedfrom Honolulu with the remains of the late Mr.Treadway for interment at Lahaina, accompaniedby the widow and relatives of tbe family. Onlanding, tha beach and adjacent lands were liter-ally crowded with people manifesting tbe deepsympathy and sorrow Ml by all, at the loss of oneso universally esteemed by all who knew him.

Proper arrangements lor the funeral havingbeen made during Wednesday and Thursday, thefuneral procession formed on Friday last at 2Jo'clock P. M. at the residence or the deceased,and proceeded to Wainee Church, where the ser-vices were performed in English and Hawaiian bythe Rev'ds A. O. Forbes nnd Kuaea. The pro-cession then nnd proceeded to thefamily burial ground in the upper part of thetown, where a vault had been built for tbe recep-

tion of the remains of the deceased. Here prayerswete said by Kev. Mr. Forbes, and the sprig ofevergreen dropped by the Brothers of the I.O.O-F- .

present. Earth received what belonged to earth,while tbe Spirit has gone back to God who gaveiu

The faneral procession was the largest that Ihave witnessed in any part of these Islands.More than a thousand people, certainly, accom-

panied tbe remains of Mr. Treadway from his lateresidence to the tomb, and the spacious WaioeeChurch was crowded fall in the galleries andbelow.

The chief mourners on this sad end solemn oc-

casion were the aged widow of tbe deceased andtheir vonngest son, lately returned from theUnited" States.

For twenty-on- e years Sheriff ol thejsland ofMani, ilr. Treadway was identified with everymeasure that tended to promote progress, goodorder and civilization in this country. Strong as

lion, firm as a rock, his heart was ever soft for

others woes. Genial as a May morning', frankas day, truthful, honest and nnselSsb, he was nconspicuous landmark though be knew it not;and the brightest of flowers will yet be woven' ina garland to adorn his tomb by the widows andorphans whom he succored and educated.

Mb. Editor: Tbe last issue of the "PacificS2iisXer"bas given ns in bis weekly entertainmentso varied an assortment of pieces de resistanceto satisfy our nppetitn for the wonderfnl, and onradmiration for the talent of his chef de cuisine inrehashing nnd dishing np tbe remains of his own

artistic feasts, that he must be dainty or distrust-ful who is not satisfied with the appearance ofthe treat provided for him. I must confess thatsnch is my own case, and that his feast is. to tne,that of tbe Barmecide. I have gone drearilythrough tbe whole of the proffered repast but cancot swallow an atom; tbe entire spread is so in-

famously cooked that not a morsel will go down ;the stomach absolutely revolts against it. Thefirst large dish is still too toogh, although it Ijasbeen kept on hand and offered for consumption anytimo for years past; itonght by tbis time to betender, but it is not, in spite of the drop of "oilof gammon" with which it was eridently thoughtit might be softened and coaxed down.

I he second has altogether too much vinegarand assafclida in its composition, and althoughthe peculiarity of the seasoning may salt so.meaepratett and abnormal appetites, it wilt not answer for general consumption. Again, his "steam,ins" apparatus is too much oat of order to be depended upon ; he is eridently totally nnacquainted with the first principles of the employment ofsteam in the art ol cooking, ami although he hasin his own way made a dish that looks tolerablywell to the eye, it will be fonnd upon trying itthat tbe steam-ma- either knows nothing abouthis business, or else he is deliberately bent uponpoisoning us.

This, one of the periodical entertainments ofthe slasher, is positively too suggestive of remarkfor me to do more than touch slightly upon someof its most conspicuous defects of commission ;but that reminds me that there are also errors ofomission, and that had one or two real, plainwholesome, trne articles of diet been set beforens, we might have made an excellent and edifyingmeal, with comfort to ourselves and thanks to ourentertainers. v bat I mean is this : there is moreor less of truth, generally less, however, in thSlasher's articles, but he is very partial in bisattentions to his guests, and I would suggest twosabjecU that, if skilmiiy treated, would be cntliusiasticsllv received by another portion of his cli-

entale : The first is of a class of men, I will notsay that they are numerous in our community,who go gassing about tbe town in shirt sleeves,using strong, vehement words, and asseverationsmore forcible than edifrine; in tact, most njiensire to all ears except their own. Xow, a goodsound article in their behalf might much benefitthem and remove a source of annoyance to theirneighbors. The second is on a class of, I will notsay "other criminals," but something very nearlyallied to criminals, who, lor their own base tbe open sale of the vilest and most destraclire cosmetics pander to the gratification of tbevanity.and consequently to the disfigurement audtoo Ireqaently moral ruin ol manr ol those maidens and matrons who are unfortunately seducedinto their use. ,

Tbe I.ate IS. . Davis.We copy from the Semi-- WecHy Adnrtlter of ycS'

tcrday, the following notice of the late R. G. Davis"Judge Davis was a native of these islands, but

In early youth was scnt-t- the United States, wherebe received a thorough classical education, aud afterwards traveled lor some time in Europe, acquiringTrith remarkable lacllity tbu trench, and Spanish Iangnages, to wblcn he subsequently added some conslderable knowledge of the German. Returning tothe Islands lie embarked In mercantile pursuits, withvarying success, nntifln 1S52 he took np the studyotlaw. Gifted by nature with a clear and logicalmind and quickness of perception, be applied him-self with earnest industry to tbe study, and In a remarkably bncl period could witn truth be termed awell read lawyer. In 1S56 he received tbe appointment ol Police Magistrate for this city, tbe duties ofwhich ncaiscusrgea aunng uis cigni rears oi incumbency in a manner that gave the fullest satisfactionto his superiors and to the community at large. Onthe ICtb of February. ISol, be wasappolnted Second

ous duties ol which position he discharged with distingulshed ability during his Incumbency, whichcontinued until July Tth. 1SCS. While In office becompiled and put through the piess Volume II olHawaiian Law i.epons, a work: lor wiilcn bisscholarly and legal abilities eminently fitted him. Inlsbs-bu- , be was apmmcd as one or tbe commis-sioners (with R. II. Stanley. Esa.l to compile andpnblisb, both In the Hawaiian aud English languagesthe Penal Laws of the Kingdom, and this dnty wasperlormcd in a manner that elicited the marked approbation oi mc Judges oi tuc supreme court."

Tuesday morning on the sitting ol the SnpemcCourt, at which His Honor tbe Chief Justice presided, the Court was adjourned, on tbe motion ofnis Excellency a TJ. "Phillips, until this morning.Eloquent tributes were made lo the memory of thedeceased by His Honor Chief Justice Allen, His Ercellcncy the Attorney General and by Messrs Aus.tin and Jones of the bar.



The only foreign arrival since onr last issue is theAm. bark Alden Bessie, from Porland, Oregon, boundto Hongkong, with a cargo of Flour, and a number ofChinese passengers.

Tbe bark D. C. Murray sails for San Franeisco tomorrow, taking a full and Taloable cargo of Domes-ti-

Produce.The bark Delaware will sail for Victoria during the

week, taking a cargo of Sugar, Molasses and Rice.The California and Australian mail steamers will

bo due, and may be looked for on Saturday, whentney will nave immediate dispalcn.

bngars are coming in verr slowly, owmc to extremely dry weather. Many nf the plantations inthe Hilo District have not sufficient water to runtheir works, although ther have showers to keen thejouug cauc ruwiug UDCty.

lbe barn Comet, witu ordinary weather, ought tobe nere snout tne iota.

The Jane A. Falkinberg is reported by the AldenBessie to leave Astoria for this port on the ISth nit..ana may te considered miiy due.


Feb 2S Schrs Lalekawal from "IValaste, and Molkcftl fromMMUl.

3 Scbr W!o'. from Molokat.Mar 1 Schrs Keonl Ana, Jenny and TJaltte from Kanul,

Hoc- Roy Inrtn Kootan. and Aetti alerrill from alacL. nr Anaie irom Kftuai.3 Slmr Kilauea from VI lodward Port.a Sebr Owaoa from WrUIua.S Schr Jumiufrora SMokil, and Am bt Alden Bessie,

Beese, S3 days from Portland, en route for China.

SAiLnn.Teb 23 Scbrs Kunol and Pamht tar MauL and Am brig It P

rosier, Jims, lor can uieo.S3 Schr Warw let for Mok&ai, and Am hk Anreola, Boss,

1st .'aoImo. II C.Mar 1 Schrs MoU-el- for Mint, and Miry men for Hwail.

cenn ncom Ana. jeanr ana aiannoLawal for Kasal,and Keltia Merrill frr ViuL

4 Schrs Kob Eoy for Kaneohe, Tfalola for TTalaloa, sipAVaJlele fjr Koolao, and stmr Ktlauea firf- - WindwardPorts.

5 Schr Annie for Kanat.

From Windward Itorts, perannr Kilanea, 31 arch a Ear JGreen. Hon II A Yndemann. P C Jones. Ir.. E limit p

Bonorlln, J Norton, R Moooaj and wife, Mr Mmpion aad wife,Mr vr Armstrong, Miss F S pencer. Mist Bibcock, Miss NiocrSamner, Jlta Maxwell, Mr Afoug, J Ina, J Kalna, J C

and C5 deck.

For Ynndward Ports, rar stmr Tvna Vm) i T T TiGreen, wife aad 3 children, Hon O F Hart, wife and 2 child-ren, f W FdHbr and wif-- . J L Webster. Tneodorr Gnllct., . , . .. .... .Til Tri f ..1 1 1-- ,r v" ' ' j. vr(cuL, 1 J. 111. CLOCK,IV H Oornwell, II wJU, J rrtera, wife aad 2 children, andabout 0 deck.


The bark TJ. C. Murray lea res v for San Fran.ciseo, and although she has been detained three daysorer the advertised date of sailing, owing to themovements of the coasters with freight from the oth-er


Mauds baring met with unusual delay, she hashad very fair dispatch, remaining in port but 11 days.

The Am. clipper bark Alden Bease arrived at noonyesterday from Portland, en route for Hong Kongwith a cargo of floar and sixty Chinese nassenirers.She left Columbia River Feb. 4th, tbence had lightvariable weather to 1st. 31 and was becalmed threedays, since when had light winds from the southwarduntil sighting Hawaii at davlieht on Mnndaw.fresh trades to tha Molokai Channel, moderating anduiluiio mj louuxrasi a lew noars previous to arrival.Daring Sunday, while the trades were blowinir herequits fresh, the bark was becalmed the whole day,showing that they did not reach a great distance-of- f

the land. She sighted no Tessels daring the passage.By last adviees, the brig Percy Edwards was re-

ported to leare San Francisco between the 15th and10th ult. for the Amoor Hirer, and will probablytouch at this port en route.

The Brit, brig Susan has been laid on forUongkong"and will probably obtain a fall freight and a numberof passengers, ai there has been no vessel hence forthat port for sereral months. Tha amonnt of freightaccumulating during that time ooght to be snficientto ensure her quick dispatch.

A new clipper sehooner of 120 tons, called the Lollta, bnllt at Seattle, Washington Territory, made herfirst trip to, San Francisco recently, and on ber relornto" Seattle, was to be put on the route between thatport and Honolulu as a packet.

The Brit, ship Adriatic, of 3,070 tons register, re-cently arrived at San Franclseo from Liverpool andreported very severe weather in the Atlantic and offUape Horn, cue was ou me i;ape ioar weeks witn asoeeession of violent gales from west to northwest,during which had and main and

sprung and yards carried away, besidesreceiving various other damage. The Adriatic is re-

ported to be the largest Teasel, except the ship GreatRepublic, that ever cnterra me port ot can t rancisco.cue was formerly oae oi me steamsnips ot tuc vollins Line.

atlKTII.In Ihli city, March 1C to the wife efMr. It. I. Nolt, a son,

DIED.I1EALD In 1M city. February 2ttn. Mrs Margaret Weald,

agvd St Team and 3 day, a native of Rolton. Laneaahlre, England. Sir. Ileaiawasiuemoiocroi jira u. u. nclmii anqMrs John Volt, cf this city. Sue was the mother of elevenchildren.

McDONALI In this city. March 2nd, Mr. Oeorca McDonald, a native of Hallux, ova scona, agea year.

n.tVISTn thl ellr. Mrth tth. Robert O Dark Eo..after an Hlne of several month, of drcpy, aged S2 years,9 tnODtna and J3 days.


For. Sale!4g&i3as A. SECOND .llA.VD CAU- -.tEtai3;RIAGE, of superior male, in goodorder, aud at a reasonable price.

S It jonx II. PATT.

Notice.A FIItST DIVIDEND of Fifty Tier Cent

XI will be paid to the Creditors of the Estate ofCHALLAMEL i. CO., at the Office of r. A. SchaefcrJt Co. F. BASHING.

F. A. SCUAEFER.Honolulu, March 5, 1S72. (S 2t) Assignees,

NOTICE.INDEBTED to the Estntc ofPERSONS X CO. are hereby requested to

make immediate payment to Mr. W. B. BARNES orto the undersigned, otherwise they will be proceededagainst at law.


A. SCHAEFER,nonolnlo, March. 1S72. Assignees

Steamer g Kilauea."Monday; March lltli , for IIIlo,Monday, March 18th..,., ....for Konn,Monday, JInreh 23th Clrenlt of Hnrrall.21oiaday-,.Apr)-l lat, for IConn,

i 6t SAM'L G. WILDER, Agent.

Notice.rpHE Quarterly Meeting of the Hoard of

I Trustees of tbe (juecn's Hospital, will be held atthe Court House, on SATURDAi, too 6th APRIL,immediately after the meeting of the Queen's Hospital society baa adjourned, l'er order.

F. A. SCHAEFEU, Secretary..Honolulu, March S, 1872. 8 U

Notice.milE Subscribers to the Fund of theX QUEEN'S HOSPITAL are requested to asecmblejit the Court House, -

On tSnturtaay. llic Olli April, atTVoon,To consider tho expediency of applying foralterationsto tne unarter, as follows :

1st That the Minister of Interior ex oTci'o shallbe a member Hoard or trustees.

2d That tbe Minister of Interior may be authorized to make his appointments of Trustees from thepuuuc at large, limiting tne number to nine.

Per Order, F. A. SCHAEFER,Honolulu, .March 5, 1S72. (S it) Secrclary.



Hawaiian & Micronesian Curios !


X3iclusiox3.' Art Crnllory,S- - No. CI Fort Street. 2m

3 0E3 S M? I VA T. I


Held in the basement of the Fort Street Church,OX THURSDAY EVE.VIJfG, THE 7th Inst.,

For the purpose of raisinc: funds for the purchaseof a Piano for the Parlor of the Church.

A refreshment table will be spread, at which IcoCream, Strawberries, Coffee, etc, can be procured.

a. .ni:r.Ai,r;THoscopi; on exhibition, with views of Venice, Rome,

Naples, Milan, Paris, ic.LOOK OUT FOR THE PEANUT WOMAN! ! !

Admiiiaion .... SO cents.Tickets at "Whitney's and Thrum's Book Stores.



THE UNDERSIGNED TAKESMl pleasure in annonncing to tbe public ofHonolulu that he hft.a th nltnr

n bouse, which has been

Eenovated, Refitted, Furnished & Alteredin every respect, and is now suitable as a

First-Clas- N House !

The accommodations are all new and of first-clas-s or-der. Thft room fur liAnrrl.r. nml lr,n,i,nl ., af r. ....are all elegantly furnished, and a splendid parlor withan ine appntienancej for comfort, together with afmokini- - room, havn hin fltt ami wilt VA from 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. Breakfast will beserved to order from 6J to 8 o'clock A. M. Dinner,from 12 to 2 P. M. Sapper, from i to 7 P. M.

Lunch a la Cartn hnrwnr-- Monk!The table will be furnished with a constant variety ofan iuc uencaeies ana luxuries wbich the market affordsto soit tbe taste of an epienre. National favoritesluuioe ai, ic are in oraer in lact.A Constant Change of the Bill of Fare!will be an established rule In thit Hotel, and will beserved np in neat and eleffant style. Urbane andpolite waitcis always in atteodaccc.

Having engaged the services of a FIRST-CLAS- S

CHEF DE CUISINE ARTIST to saperintend thekitchen, everythinr in that department will be servedup in a manner unequalled in Honolulu.

Hoping to merit a share of cublio natronape andapproval, I remain, with a cheering weleome to allmy inenas ana tne pablia generally.

a A. I), THAYER, Proprietor.

Licenses Expiring in March, 1872.

RETAILHONOLULU, Oahn Sth, GrunwaldEtrehl ; 14th. Ira Rich-

ardson ; IStb, Pa Chun; 20th, Thos. Wills; lOtb,Lorn Tai; 10th, Fischer A Roth ; 5tb, J. W. Widdi-Gel- d

(transferred Oct. 23d, 1B72) ; 30th, Aaron R.Powers: 31st. Antoce Manuel : 3d. Yee Wo to?!,C nr l r . 1(1.1, t.-- l. CI . T I ttit. ...3faui-U- th, E. II. Bailey; WAIMEA, Hawaii ISth,v. r. Aitau; haia.-iAK-

,uauii lata. Ah Chong:

KEEI, K. II. Hawaii-23d,.J- ohn Oraee; LAIE,TT.irtl.nlAa , H . 1. 1 ,. X'-- V . ,,-- .

v ' wss.. .iiuhh , rLvnAnai,VTaiawa, Oahu 30th, Ah Leu ; HANALEI, Kauai21st, Ah Zaan A Ghota ; IStb, Ah Mau ; KEALIA,ivauai ii, ivrnii; uuuii, Jvaaal 7th, LihuePl.nt.ttnn.

Wholesale HONOLULU, Oahu 13th, QaongYin Chang A Co.; 21st, C. S. Bartow; 30th, C.Brewer A Co.

Wholesale Spirit HONOLULU 13th. M. C,Challamel ; 31st, Humphreys t Brown.

TtnXnr.nT IT veil. 1L n ." v ,u.u, .)U VUUUp AAh Kim; LAHAINA, Maui 21st, Ayun; 2fth, Pak

Ilnti-hp- r TTnlfOT.nT. TT Tit, fi. n:..l.WAILUKU. Meui-l- ltb, Francis ITendei ; LAHAI-NA 11th, S. Luuloa ; HANALEI, Kauai 2d,

lsoat HONOLULU ctb, w.Waterhouse, No.28.Sth. R. "Weedon, No. 29.

Fire Arnia TTOVA. Oahn li l.l...n.: .---, -- .WMMC ATUUUU,2d. Costant Fortin.Laprtan HAWAIIAN KINGDOM 10th, Al- -

eernon Kidnev Ntrlinta . WJtTriVlT.A A..- - 1 itt.3IAS0Ar Oalu 18th, Jfahoe ; Hf, . ."VTT4TTT a ir.- -t r I n -uavMjunt liin, jiajrono; jixi AH U L. U , AIlQt

21st, Kuaaaa; KALIHI-UKA- , Oahu 14th, Ohulo.


J& O UrSL SALE!!bt

E. P. ADAMS!Roofing Slates, 10x16,

Superior Quality,

Roofing Felt,Sheathing Felt, in Rolls,Portland Cement,Barrels Rosin,Chain Cables,

One Large Iron Safe, Combination Lock.

Prices to Suit the Times I8 lm ins



........ .AT

Garboard Strake Prices !

Onr Specialty will bo

UoX ollA7'or toor

At all the Forts and Anchorages withinthis Kingdom

.A. Lower RatesThan has ever been attempted heretofore.

jgsT- - ORDERS respectfully solicited by

s 4m D. FOSTER & CO.

Lumber at Reduced Prices!


$25 Per Thousand Feet !

D. FOSTER &. CO..8 lm Esplanade.

To Rent.fa, THE HOUSE AND PnEMISESftplately occupied by the "Union Club," Rich-lrJar- di

Street.Also, the House and Premises adjoining, No. 29.Possession given immediately. For farther par

ticulars, apply to J. H. CONKi",S tf UrtO U. S. IlAKIOVt.




Frenolo. C3-ooc3L- s




Shirts, Shawls, Hats, Umbrellas,Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Blankets,Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Flo-vrcrx- .

Groceries, Hard ware,Manila Rope from J- to 1 J in.,

Havana Cigars,

Lager Beer, Ales, WhiskeyBest English Hoop Iron

for Barrels and Kegs,Lnncbnrg and Stassfurt Salt,

Candles, Corks, Water Filters,Salt Peter, &c &c

Wrapping - Fanger I

For Solo Low ty P






HARDWARE,&C., &Ca, &C.


Portland Cement.FOR. SALE BY

E. P.

HorseShoelng, Tj Tainting. At the Shop ofCarriage and li Repairing, Ac., SI. Bcintui, IIB General P at Keduced A II

Matkmilhini;, MX Kates, Hcnulula. tiE

H B Hariri g proenret tie Ordert In thitliooinatnpe- -ot a Art rtormanarr And at KMaced

nserTices I urn now.VKatef. 31. BEN FIELD,to execute llRP 74aad75Kinjitrt,



OT7ITHOUT tTAliMXC TO KIAJIIXE theT T best lot of Teblcles ever offered la the Ilonolaia

market; naraelj, one first-la- ss Light Koad Boggy, one fint-cl-

Medium ltoad Eoggy. one tecond-hao- Baggr. one SaeTop Baggy, cam Heavy Eiprraj Wagon, ona Tbrae-iea- tWagon, oo9 XJght Hone Cart, oDa Gig Phaetea, one Three-Se-

I'heaton, and two Standing-to- CarriagesAlso Two fine Carriage Hones.The above will be sold at prices to salt tbe times.Apply to M.

74 and 78 King Street. Honolnln.

To let !

ffianll THE PREMISES I.ATKI.T occupiedIJilUbj MB. J. PIL'Kt'ORD aa the "Criterion" tXSennouse and Billiard Room, corner cf Queen and Fort Streets.Tbee are very suitable far a retail store or unices.

ALSO a rnmiahtd cottage at WaTaiki Beach.Apply to W. L. GREEN.

ITonolnla. Jan'y Bib, 1S72. 52-t-r


PAPER TrTTOTgfjA,Published by me, has a regular edition cf

3,800 Copies Weekly Ihlch Is believed to be the LARGEST URCULA TlOXeitr

cbta'ned by any weekly paper In this Kingdom. Zach num-ber is now regularly

READ BY AT LEAST 20,000 FKBS0HS!JOTS' Which Tender It tha BEST A Ti VTt2 TT TVf! UK.

DICil la this group tha only means cf reaching lha eara ofana uuiiiuu.

Advertisements inserted br the week, month or nuartar.almost gratuitously, taking into account the circulation cftha paper. l'er tenia, te apply ta

H. M. WHITNEY, FnMiiher.




THIS DAY,WEDNESDAY. - - - Harclt6,



An Assortment of



Fnncy Print. "Woolen and CottonIIInnkctHa

Xwccdis, lllckorjr Stripes,

Pants, Coats, Undershirts,Woolen nnd Cotton Xlirt, Sock.

Handkerchiefs, Stockings,

Cases Kerosene Oil,Cases Card Matches,

JIcMnrray's Fresh & Spiced Oysters,

Assorted Xnlile and PIo I'niits,An Assortment of . Groceries,

Crockery and Glassware,"Wrapping Paper, Tca, Tobacco,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

E. P. ADAMS, Auel'r.

HOUSE AND LOT!OX3L V "tenri. St.,

On Saturday, March 9th,At 12 o'clock M.t on the Premises,



Situated at No. S, oo Alakoa St., Honolulu,and described as follows :

" Commencing at the Norlh corner of Ihe lot on Ali-

ke street, running South-easterl- y 66 or 67 feet alongthe lano : tbenee l; 23 feet 3 inchesalong the land of Kalnabi and Jiiau ; thence North-westerly 59 feet 3 inches along the land of Pahipuhi ;

thence 47 feet alone; Alatea street tothe placo of commencement." With tho


theron. with front and back verandahs, two roomsand two verandah closets in each story. Oorernmentwater is laid on to tho premises aad tnerc are bathingconveniences, the yard is nmnieu nun a vanciy oiornanental trees, and a substantial board fence sur-rounds tho whole lot. TERMS AT SALE.

For farther particular, enquire ofE. P. ADAMS, Auet'r.

THAT'S SO!ALL WOKK in the line of

Horso Shoeing, Carriage and GeneralBlacksaitaing, Paiittinp, Bepairinj,

Ac, is executed in a better maooer aail on more rea-sonable terms at the shop of M. OENFIELD, 74 and76 King Street, Honolulu, than at any other place inthe city.

FOR SALE.One Elegant Phaeton !

rith Shafts and Pole, and Patent Lanterns.ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEIt A CO.


PER'Queen F!"im m !'Made Expressly to Order !

A nice lot of LADIES' KID GLOVES white, blackand fashionable colors.

REAL MADEIRA EDGINU and INSERTION,With a variety of NEW OOODSselected by Mr. J.

T. Waterhouee, Jr., who is well acquainted with thesuperior taste of the Ladies of Ilonolola.



Koolla 3? artnl-t- ,ISLAND OF KAUAI,

consisting of about

7,000 Acres Fee Simple Land,(Royal Patent) with tho

IIiiildiiiKM Ac Improvements thereon.unexpired leaso of pasture lands adjoining, and

(I. OOO Head of Cattle, more or less,

SO Hoi-nc- Oar In, TooIh,VtciiKilx, Ac. A:c.

For particulars apply toE. KRULL. Kauai, orE. II0FF3CIILAEQER A CO.,

6 Houolulu.

Honolulu Ice Ulannfactory!

UNDERSIONED HAVING RECEIVED ATIIE supply of Ammonia and made permanentarrangements to prevent falling short iu the future,ICE will be delivered to Regular Customers as before,

At five (S) cents pcrpcund.Ordors can be ciren to Mr. IVm. Wallace, who baa

the salo and delivery in charge, or left on the slatesat Thos. O. Thrum's and at Jndd A Layton's.

Orders from the other Islands delivered alongsidethe vessels, properly paeked, at same rate, with costof box and saw-du- at added. Cost of box refanded ifreturned to the Factory.

Refrigerators and Ice Boxes made to order at lowest possible prices. D. SMITH.

Honolulu, reb. 21, I87Z. Um

Marshal's Sale!VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECUTIONIN by tbe Supreme Coart of the Hawaiian Is--

lands, npon a Judgment against the property of 0.v. .mjiiuua. deceased, now In toe bands or UnifiesKahala, Administrator, defendant in Exeeution. infavor of John Shaw, plaintiff in exeeution for PIveHundred and Sixty-nin- e dollars I have levi-ed npoa and. shall expose for sale to tbe highest bid-der On Thursday, the 14th day of March, A. D. 1S72,at 12 o'clock noon, on the premises situated on SmithStreet, Honolulu, the following described property:

t, noomata ana, me ke Hint o keut Apana, ma kaaoao e pill anala Puuwaia, me kealanuiSmith.amoeaka ka aoao mua A. 42, Hi 40 2 kapaai ma kaalaoui Smith a pili akn i ks S. Keakai. Alalia, A.52' Ko. 65 kap. ma ko S. Keakai s pili aka i kalanat oka Hui e oki aaa i ka apana alna okoa. alalia. He. 29 30, Ko. 36 kap. ma ke alanui Ho I apili aka i ko Puuwai. Alalia, He. 49 30 1 kanla,

Z kap. a bikl I ke kihi i hoomaka al, eontaininr2 fathoms. with all the houses thereon

situated. Unless the said judgment interest costa ofsuit aad my fee and Commissions he previously sa-tisfied. W. C. PARKE,

Marshal.Ilonolola, February 14, 1S72.

Administrator's Notice.GIVTS NOTICE to all PeraonaInEBEBY anlut tha EsUIe of UIF.A1I MAI Eat- -

late of Jlitlkl, Itlaad; of Oahu, deceased, Intestate, to presenttha same at my office witbin six mouths from thia data ; andIliWfl iadebted ta Ihe aald lUtata ara reqaeated to maka 1m--Deuiate pajineill lo me. 3. ii. IKJI,

Aaniinisiraur 01 ma suta or II tram jiaikaL deed.Honolulu, feb. 7, 1E72. 1 1

TO UEJfT, A Cottace on Vuuanu At--. .... .....nn. i . v - -lit! ' " uvu.v, wwm bousa. etc, In tha rear of

mo resiuince oi tuo u. s. Lonsut. jiooir to7- II. DIJIO.VD.

MESS rOKK-Af-cw barrels first mali.Mess Fork, for sale by

7 B0LLES & CO.

AMERICAN 31 ESS BEEF and OregonPork, Alio American Prime Fork

ia bond or daty paid, for sale by7 B0LLES A CO.

Salmon Direct from the Packers !

BEST Colombia River Salmon packing ofreceived per "Falkiaburg" and for aale br


EG8 ot Oregon Dried Apples, received. per "Falktnborc" aad for sala bv







IVill bo Sold at Pabtlc Asitkn,


Belonging to isiltt CI no,


"Wooden Stable, Wooden Buildio:-- ,

Flap; Pole, ate.

C. 3. IIARTOW. AoeUeseeT.

Administrator's SaleOf iraLo.aX Estate,IN WAIKfiLOA, WAIMBA, SOCIII K0IIALA,



VIRTUE OF AN ORDER Hatted otttBYof Ihe Supreme Ceurt ea the Jets day f Jean-ar- y,

A. D. 1372, will be M atPuHie Anettra at taAuction-Roo- of C. S. Bat low, oo Qvrtat Stmt.Ilonolola, onSaturdays the 0th day ofJIarch, A.D. 1872,

t 13 o'clock, noon.All the right, title, aad laterest rf the KslaU fROBERT LETT, lata of Honelnla. deceased, in aaJto all that Trad or Land situaled ia Wr ltdWaimsa, la South KohalA. Iiknd of UawaH. thasame eonslstlog of Sesen Huadred and Klgbl Aevw.

The land Is Tery valuable far gruing porpes. aadIs well located and well watered. There are apen thpremises a Dwelllog House, variena Oat Bawdtagf,and a Tannery. Tha property is ltad for $US perannum, the Lease expirlas on th Jib day of r,

A. D. 1S77. A plan f lie premises say Mseen at the Auction Room.

For further particulars apply ta J. W. Aoatla.or the Estate of Robert Lett. Honolulu,

or to C. 3. BARTOW.Houolula, Feb. S, 1872. 4--it AaeUsr.

ON SATURDAY,Jlnrcla Otli, at 13 o'clock ?foont

(Immediately after the Sale of Real Estate,)

Will be Sold In front of Sales Roam, of tha Bstat fOwen J. Holt :

One Wagon and Double Harness,

One Cart and Single Harness.C. S. BARTOW, Aaetbaetr.


AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,


.And OXotTilTig.C. S. BARTOW, Auctioneer.


Waiann, Walahole, Dis. of Koolanpoko,I3L.ND OF OAHU,

sc jzjUGrnxoisr.VIRTUE OF AN ORDER ISSUED OUTBr the Supreme Court of th llawaiiaa Islands, as

the 17th day of February, 1571, witl ba eld al pahlie auction, at the auetioa rooms of C. S. Bartow, oe.Queen Street, Honolulu, en

Saturday, the 33rd) day of Marcb, A. D. 1 ST'4,at 13 o'cloeli noon,

All the right, title, and intere'rt r th Estate) ofSAMUEL JACOBS, deceased, is and. ta two piecesof land, situated ia Watana, Waihle, District ofKoolanpoko, Islaad of Oaha. The makai piece een-sis- ts

of ten and one-ha-lf acres ef Hee, a kalo land witha dwelling honio therean, aad tl leased far a term -- T

five years, from the 1st day of February. 1571, atyearly rental of $210 per annuia, payable

and will be sold subject to tbe lease. Thmauka portion consists of 17 acres of rastare aadwood-lan- of which immediate pteniB may bahad.

For further partlenlari applieatian may be mad toJ. W. Austin, Exeeutor of the will of Samaet Jaeett,or to C. S. BARTOW.


Administrator's Sale-- ....OF

EEAL ESTATEJ.--t lAuctlon,

In the District of Halelea, Island of Kauai.

BY VIRTUE of nn Order, issued oat efSupreme Court of the UawaiUa Ieiaade. a

the 4th day of March, A. D. 1S72, wilt ba said atFublie Auction, at tbe AnetWn Roost af C. S. 3artw.on Queen Street, Honolulu,

On Saturday, 6th of April, 1872.At 19 o'clock rVoen,

All tbe right, title tod laterest cf the Estate of TfiT-lia-

II. Pease, late of Uoaolulo, Uaeeasaal. la aad t

All that Tract of Land,Known by the name of flaena, situated ia th Dia-tri-

of Halelea. Island of EauaL Than an ia thjsLand about 2100 Acres, of whieh 4M AsrU an avait-ahl- e

for agricultural and graiisg parpse, aad thLand Is well watered, and runs from the seat to thmountain tha whole forming a desirable Estata farinvestment or improvement. THI gwd. A plan ftbe premises may be seeo at th Aaetlea Reeta.

For further paitiealars apply to J. W. AL STIK.Administrator of th stat of Wil!'iaes II. PaaJa, orto C. S. BARTOW.

8 it Asetieaeer.




PaKs, M aad II i tTaabisTiiba,trfiaalsaiaach.

Fence "Wire, Xoe. 4. a, a.Oil Shooka, Kaw Oak Barrel.

Oak Boats varSeoe tisaa tjr coasiara,Beit Poctlaad Ceaeat,Eszllih Ur Bricks, ufaim aad tub,ItajEttoaca, lsl3 aad la9,Kaain la batTala,ESfty I)s(jhn, 1 loUgtAiea,

Which thsy effcr ta aala at law raUt.m It. HACICFELD . CO.



dob, yraaiipana, and otaar Prrfaaas f siaablta fraapmaxEJamxl'a Liveader Water, aiatlllad frota MHekaaa IVn ,BlmnMra Tail. I Tlaecar, celebrated tar Ua aaacd aad aa

tary proptrtlea.Klmni.t's Eatraet f Una Jgfe ao-- Olrearla-- v tbav u

prrparttloa tut tbe Hair, capeeially la warm eUnalts.EtaiiDal'a DaranE Oil Soap, partaaiad with .taatnajaa tcalrptaa- -

KimnnrsQIjterim. Haeay. "nriadaeraadnlkarT'flal SVar

Xlmnurs Som Water, Coatoa aad Tfcnl Crackers, vram mitog for Balls asd Parties., Koaa-ka- f, Bkaaaal ctkarTaBat IWevA LUenl JUtvana la Bktffert.

ZCOEXE IIUIMEL, Pat famar UILB.IL th tMactaaWalea. td Strand, US JUrast street, aad M Corakiil Ldoo; llBoaWrarddaaltatlaaa. Paraa,aad IltiaJ-aK-

.Brighton. Xi SoU by al Yttgmrj TmqtLtn. c

Notice of Assignment.EH.EAS.

O0OPZ3. of UniolBls. dki ea tha aizbtb dav at J.nary, A. D. 1172, coavey aad aaaija u th asdanifatd a."aia Mia I a in IDia aiacaani, pous reaa aaa paneaM, la irthr tha baaeat ef hia cradltars; all persons aavaxdaaaa. aaralast aaid tata axa aotlaad t tersdea t& saaaa Sa

Boderslsned, aad all partita tadabtad ta tb said lraliamilua Cocpar ara recaired ia silks Hmadiata payao' 4of tha amoaats daa by them to tka asdmliraad.

TT. L. tIO, jLudr- a-Uooolnlo, Jassarj Is, 1KZ

OULHKSprn Candles, Cmei, 4s; do.da b. warraott gvrtiae. aTarSalaby


3IclcorolosrIc Tables' 1860.

Prepared t Honolulu, bj- - Capt. Sasiel Eaitk.

Place of observations eca level. Thermome

ter al sunrise and at 2 o'clock p. m.


E. light. 3010 VI 82

24 30 05 72 823.J - 30 10 72 82

30 10 72 8230 10 72 82

G. ISonticrh-- , light i Tariable 30 05 0 82I4 30 05i C3 82

30 05 70 8830 .. 70J62

101 30 05 71 S230 10 70 82

J2..1 v. k iicht. 30 10 70 82J3.. moderate.... 30 05 71 8234., vEqtutTjv rain. 30 05 72 82J5.V 30 05 71 82as.. 30 IP 72 62--.a. 30 101 71 82

30 10 72 8230 lOj 72 84

2Ql moderator. 30 05 72 in 72.8430 101 73 84

25. s IN. X. E. moderate. 30 05j 73 8524.. i .4 30 74 6C

i 2$en ,E..& S..E.I.guU.'l". 30 73 8726. J " moderate 30 05 73 8727.. 30 73 85

-- 23.. " light showery.. . . . 30 05 73 85J29.J 30 73 8C

3..; 30 10 73 8C

Average or Thermometer minimum, 72"" " maximum, S3'" Barometer, 50.00

Arnerant of Rain Inches 3.90


JX.E., moderate. SO 10 73 82.i2.4'S"."tIicht 30 05 72 8C

moderate.. 30 10 74 645X 1 44 30 10 72 85

fresh 30 10 72 85c. r. 30 io; 73 85

moderate...... 30 10 73 8G30 10 73 80

light... 30 10 73 8610.. 30 10 72 80kim1r g 'luuuuruie. ...... 30 10 73 SC32. jts.-5sI- "moeWe. 30 10' 73 80

Sr. 5. V.. mnilpratft. 30 05 72 8Ci anil Masterly 30 10 73 SC

1S. moderate 30 10 73 SC

15. light 30 1 73 66Iff. baffling 30 10 73 873B. moderate 30 0' 73 87jo.4 30 10 73 8720.J fresh 30 12 73 8521. jqually. 30 12 73 6622. fresh..... 30 12 73 8623.JH.X E. light 30 03 73 8C

31. fv.X. 15. variable t cloudy 30 .. 73 87Variable witlirain....... 30 .. 73 85

2G.H light : 30 .. 73-8-

7 30 05 73 SC

23. s JT.E. moderate.. 30 05 73 BC

2.. 44 30 0' 73 85.. " and clea- r- 30 05 74 60

.10 10 74.86

ISveWgc"or Thermometer minimum, TS'

.'. i maximum...... ....6V. " , Barometer 30.03

Amount of Italn Inches 3.10


tttxr. BAIL TIIER.

C. K. moderate . 30 10 73 66

2.r light 30 10 73 8G

3 30 05 73 874.. 30 IO! 73 875.. 30 10 73 6C

C. " " clondy.. .10 10 73 6G

" " sultry... 30 05 73 87'8 f u 30 05 73 68'9..1 44 30 05 75 88

10 " moderate.. 30 75 6811, 30 05 75 8712.--3 SO 03 75 8713 light: 30 05 75 8G

14.. variable very light, 30 . 74 8615 moderate......... 30 05' 75 881G.. Variable i calm........ 30 05 75 8717.. 3. S.W. light 30 .. 75 8718. la. . moderate 29 95 74 8719. light sultry 30 051 75 6920. outherly light sultry. 30 .. 74 8921. N". E. light i baffling 30 05 75 8822. moderate 30 io; 75 8828.J 30 051 75 68

30 10 75 8825.. variable light. 30 05 75 8926.. - 44 44 30 .. 75 8927.. X. E. moderate 30 10 75 88

44 30 10 74 88? cloudy 30 101 75 87

30.'. moderate, 30 10 75 87

Average of Thermometer minimum,. ..SI" ' ..74. maximum,.' Barometer ..30.09

'Amebntflliiln Inches 007

Uxtleasaxt Eeveuitioxs. The moral to thefollowing, as related by a victim, is too apparentto mention, and ehonld bo a warning to youngladies, when gentlemen call, to send their broth-or- s

out of the tray on some convenient errand.

I recently called upon an attractive yonng ladyor my acquaintance who unfortunately had one ofthe most mischievous yonng imps for a brotherthat ever existed, and 1 heartily wished several

ximes daring my visit, that somebody would takethe little wretch out of the room and spank him.

However, we talked of hills, mountains, valleys

and I believe I mentioned waterfalls, when theImpertcncnt young rascal spoke np: "Why,

a trunk fuU'ol them upstairs; pa says

they are made of hoss hair." This startling rev-

elation suffused the checks of my fair companion

with Hashes, but I endeavored to persuade

herHy my manner, that the remark escaped me.

It was quito apparent that I must be very guarded

in what I said, lest the boy might slip in lis re-

mark's where they were uncalled for. Jn fact, Iturned my conversation to him and asked if he

would sot go homo with me and see what nice chick

ens we had in the country. Unluckily I mention-ed a yoke of calves which my brother owned, and

the unfortunate word calves ruined all. The lit-

tle oue looked up with refreshing innocence and

said: "Sister's got a dozen pair, but she don"t

wear 'cm only when she goes down town on windy

days." "Leave the room, yon unmannerly littlewretch," exclaimed the indignant Emily; "leavothe room immediately 1" The momentary excite-ment

Inmade her appear more attractive than ever,

while the young vagabond replied: "I know whatyou want me to leave the room for; yon want tosit on that feller's lap and kiss him like you did

BUI Simmons the other day, but you can't fool

me, 1 can jes tell you. Gim me some candy likelie did and then 111 go, but not afore. Yonthink because you've got the Grecian bend thatyou're smart, but I guess I know a thing or two.

I'm mad at you anyhow, 'cause if it bad't been

for you gettin them curls yesterday, dad said hewould buy me a top, dog on ycrl and you needn't Iget so red in the face either, 'cause I can sea thepaint. It ain't no use winkin that glass eye of

your'ii at me, 'catuo I'm not goin out till I getready, that's what's the matter; and I don't care

if yon are twenty-eig- ht years old, you can't boss

me.' After relieving himself of this tirade, theyoung reprobate bounced out of the room, leaving

the amiable Emily with feelings that were any.thing bat agreeable at such rude behavior. I re-

mained but a few moments longer, and thinkingthe she would recover her composure much soon-

er if alone, I hastened my departure.

Ax enquiting youth, who had read of sailors

heaving up anchors, wanted to know if it wasei j

sickness that made them do it.

A. ItcraarknWe Sermon by a UnUtnriait mintatcr.

It. rifrortlii Ptor of the Church of the 31m--

eith In till city, h cue of the mt --wpnlir provclien Id Uie

Esiurtan denomination. Tlii church Ii Iwjiclwd-d- , ndluj-el- y Ijjt yonng men, --rho ere ttrctc4 ty hli exmertnenind eloquence. On Chri-tm- u diy he -- rehe4 eennon

which Las exdted ft food dU cf attention, as In it he seemsto approach nearer to orthodox Tierrj of the peraon of Christ,

than if common among Cnitarians. It i worth qaotl n g from

ai align of the timet. We tate the condensed report JnVIlsbed in the HtrM of Toeeday.

Sir. Hcnworth's text was taken from John I. IS"The only begotten Son, which is In the bosom

of ttic Father." He s14 : Deir friends, I want totalk to von very plainly and Tery frankly this mornins, and upon a eubjectoftlie greatest importance.

I do not care at this time, intcrestingand Instructiveas It Diirht be, to Ulfe of the evidences of Christian,Ity. I take it for granted that all admit what the

evidences assert namely, that the Scrip- -

tares arc an inspired revelation from God. Neitherdo I care to go into the question of the various readings asrccnulc as that w ill be on another occasion ;hot 1 shall presume upon yonr acceptance of theccneral text of the Xcw Testament ns it stands, onlypremising that the words I shall quote arc regardedby the scholars as valid parts of the Scriptures.

One cannot read the accounts of the Evangelistswithout being struck with the constant use by Christof the pronouns 1 and lie If any one else shoulduse them so frequently we should call It arroganceor conceit; but In Him wc think It a natural resultof true royalty. Wc shonld not tolerate It for anInstant In Luther or Calvin, no not even In Moses orPaul, but It is as becoming to Christ as a crown Is

to a king. First, I want to speak of Christ as aTheological Doma. I know very little about thescience of theology, and care less for it. It was always a very dry study to me, but this dogma is thebasic clement of my system, and therefore 1 speakof It. I cannot resist the fecllns It has grown partly out of the way in which I read the Bible, andpartly out of my own religious consciousness thatChrist's llfean God's life are Inextricably Interwovenand Interlaced. I am bound to believe in Christ'sdivinity, or else tear certain texts tip by the roots,which I am wholly unwilling to do. When Jesus, Ina prayer, says, "O father! glorify Me with Thineown EClt, with the glory which I had wlthTbco before the world was 1" I cannot evade the convictionthat the words, plainly as any words can, arc intended to assert a If they do not distinctly sty that Christ is coeval with God, then I failto comprehend the meaning of the passage. N'ow,yoa may honestly deny the fact by openly tlonbfcnc;

the correctness of the text But, admitting thetext, the deduction is plain. Again, when He says,"If a man lore Me, my Father will love him, andWc will come unto him and take upOnrabodc withhim," I think He clearly intimates a power coordinate with that of God. I don't see how the conclu-sion can be avoided, provided you admit the cor-

rectness of the text I do believe this. Von askme, Did the Jews have any Hut of this? I thickthey did. On one occasion they took up stones tostone Him on the charge of blasphemy, saving thatHe made Himself equal with God.

Second, having pkcol myself right on the dogma,I come to speak of its historical value. I believethat the dogma, as I have stated It, has saved theworld and done more than anvthlng else to mouldmodem society. IfChrist bad been a mere man, agreat reformer, the changes be introduced wouldhave died out, and His voice, though it spoke in clarion ones, would have died Into a very dim and distant echo long before this. The Church was builton the divinity of Christ: It would not have survived if it had not been, and the Church saved theseeds of the new civilization from among the ruinsof the old. Luther and Calvin, the martyrs, and allthe giants of those early times, were but the benchmen of Christ They were His servants, and nemade them, and In His promise to be iIth them,just as God is with men, andinthcfullpowcrof Godto help, the- - were born into heroes and martyrs.

In the third place, I want to speak of the value ofthis degma in personal religion. Dear friends, towhom arc wc Invited to go for help in our troubles?To whom do wc naturally go for consolation i Godis very vague; wc have, wc-ca- have, no distinctconception of Him. But Jesus that Is, that mini- -

Testation of God which came upon the earth andwent through the whole round of our troubles HeIs our friend, and He tells us to come to Him. Shallwe do It f He says ne is the Shepherd. Canyonget beyond the Shepherd, or do you want to ? Hesays He Is the Door. You tell me, yes ; but theDoor is not the Temple. True: but Is it not apartof the Tcmplcf and so important apart of the Tem-

ple that without the DoorthcTcmple Itself is worthnothing. Hesays, "Come unto Me," fcc Again,' If ye shall ask anything In My name, I"WlIl do It'i

I might quote indefinitely, but this is enough.I come lastly to speak of the institutional value of

the dosrma. It is the only possible basis of organization. 1 1 gives us two works to accomplish to saveourselves, and then to save the rest of the world.Atheism can't organize. It never lias done so; Itnever will. Radicalism can't organize. One musthave faith to organize. Radicalism is cold ; It alWays seems to me like a hen broodingon6tonecggs.It may warm them with the heat of its own body,but, after all, the eggs are stone, and can never bringforth life. What may not this dogma be to you ?

If you are week and who is not yon can go toChrist and get strong: If you arc sinful and who isnot you can go to CbrUt and be forgiven. I im-

plicitly believe all this, and on it I wonld found thischurch. I heartily believe it, and by means of it Iwould tavc my own sonl and yours.

Faithful to his promise, the Kev. Geo. H. ncp--

worth gave his reasons, on Sabbath morning last,In the Church of the Messiah, for renouncingUnltarianism and heartily embracing the views Oforthodox Christians concerning the person andredemptive work of Our Lord. Notice having beengiven of his pnrposc so to do, the church wascrowded to lis utmost capacity before the hour ofservice. His text was Matthew x. 32:" Whosoever,therefore, shall confess Mc before men, him will Ialso coufess before My Father which is in Heaven."He was listened to with dose attention, while hespoke with an unction that indicated an apprehension of the lull and glorious meaning of his words.He has not come to this grand conclusion ail atonce, and his denomination and people have beenaware of the progress of the change from the aridteachings In which he was born and trained. He hasdone his utmost of late years to induce UnitarianConferences to take more orthodox ground, butwith no success. They have departed far fromChacnlng. The preacher continued :

Wc stand for loose, disjointed, discordantIdeas of Christ, and also lor that interpretation ofthe New Testament which leaves it an Idle, dry,lifeless letter. I savthisls no heat whatever. It ismy deliberate conviction. So far as I can knowanythlss, I know that what I say is true; and webare admitted to our fellowship brethren who areas pure In life as you or I, but who, so far as a belief

Christianity is concerned, would not be admittedInto any other religious body on this earth. If joudo not believe It look at our year book; their namesare there, and what Is more or worse than this, thatclass of men have a right to vote In every delibera-

tive assembly that Is called, provided they will paytheir lee; and In every deliberative assembly of ourdenomination these men hold the balance of power,and can choke off any resolution which any manmay present avowing allegiance to Jesus Christ inany technical sense. Onr bands are tied, our feetarc tied; and for myself, I say simply I will be aslave no longer. Take the chains from my wrists,the manacles from my feet, and, God bless you all,

go my way.After referring to the constant failure cf Unitarian

churches, Mr. Hepworth continued: The truth Is,there is no cohesion in the body itself. We are com-

posed of 230 settled ministers only, and these in-

stead or being drops, of water, are grain of sand.They may stand close to each other, but they bayc

nothing whatever In communion. Wc have notunited on truths, but on what is called freedomthat is, the right of every man to do Just as he sees

fit The body has not been Integrating, but disin-

tegrating. We cannot unite on any platform, because there is nothing that we tan Hod wiihln thebody which all believe in. Sach a state of affairs isexactly suited to some temperaments.

There is a certain class of men and women whowant to live out of doors. They cannot live in anyhouse, because It is limited, circumscribed ; but asfor myself, I am not a "free lance," as it is called.

I want an organization. I want to feci that I amworking with others, and lor others; I want, aboveall thine, to haTe a flag which will be a constantinspiration, and I must have a leader who will bewith mc In the thick of the fight to pve me en-

couragement and good cheer. These things arc necessary to my temperament, though they may notbe necessary to yours.

I believe with all my heart, with all my soul, andwith an increasing faith in Jesus Christ I believeHim to have been literally, and in the technical ortheological sense, the Incarnation of a part of theGodhead. I believe that Jcsns Christ is the lore ofGod put into human shape for the redemption ofthe world, and 1 have come to believe this out ofmy own personal experience. I know my weakness ;

I am so made that there are a thousand temptations

in life that allure mc; I knew that I was holdingwrong views, but I yielded to them. I have beenashamed of my own weakness a thonsand times, butnow I say, and I find great peace In saying It, I feel

that God has given to me Jesus Christ, Who willlead mc up to the Father, and lean stand by the sideof the Lord, and ne will stand by my side and willput His band around my waist and walk with me,and will put His arm through mine, and I shall feelthe genial touch of God Himself.

I have something new to lean upon, and as I lookaround upon you and upon this bright world, I tellyou, my dear friends, that I am not unlike yon, andvon arc not unlike mc Wc all ot us need the sameSaviour, the same God, and the same redemption.flnmnn nature la one and the same thing, and whatfits mc fits you.

I shall follow wherever God leads me, and I mayas well say I shall In the future act with the Orthodox Congregational body. I have already sent In

my resignation as pastor of this church. I must gowhere Christ is believed in, In some solemn sense.And, dear friends, in this I hare no other object under the son except to save souls. I only want something that I can stand by and stand npon.

Something to touch the IIeaet. Coleridgo

relates a story to this effect :

Alexander, during his inarch into Africa, came

to a people dwelling in peaceful huts, who knew

neither war nor conquest Gold being offered

to him, ha refused it, saying that his sole objectwas to learn tho manners and customs of theinhabitants. "Stay with us," said tho Chief," 03 long as it pleascth thee."

Daring this interview with tho African Chief,

two of his subjects brought a cause before- him

for judgment Tho dispute was this : Tho one

had bought of the other a piece of ground, which

after the purchase, was found to contain a treasure, for which ho felt himself bound to 'pay. Tho

other refused to receive anything, stating thatwhen he Eold thn ground, be sold it with all tho

advantages, apparent or concealed, winch it mightbo found to afford.

Said tho Chief, looking at the one :

" Yon have a son," and to tlw other, " Touhave a daughter ; let them be married, and thetreasure be given them as a dowry."

Alexander was astonished.

"And what," said-t- he Chief, "would have

been the decision in yonr country ?"' We should'havo dismissed the parties," said

Alexander, "and seized the treasure for theKing's use."

" And doea the snn shino on your country j"said the Chief; "does tho rain fall there? aro

there any cattle there which feed npon the herb3

and green grass?"' Certainly," said Alexander.'Ah," said tho Chief, " it is for tho sako of

theso innocent cattle that the Great Being permits the sun to shine, tho rain to fall, and thegras3 to grow in your country."

JIctcat. FonnnAiuycn. That house will bo

kept in tnnnoil where there is no tolerance ofoich other's errors, no lenity shown to failings,

no meek submission to injuries, no soft answers

to turn away wrath. If you lay a single stick ofwood npon the andirons and apply fire to it, itwill go out ; put on another stick, and they burn;

add half a dozen, and you will have a grand con

flagration. There aro other firc3 subject to thesame conditions. If one member of a family getsinto a passion, and is let alone, ho wilicool down,

and possibly get ashamed, and repent But op-

pose temper to temper ; pile on the fuel ; draw

others into tho scrape, and let one harsli word

be followed by another, and there will soon be ablaze which will enwrap them all in its lurid

splendors. Tho venerable Phillip Henry understood this well, and when his son Matthew, thecommentator, was married, he sent these lines totho wedded pair:

Lore one another, pray eft together, and seeTon nererholh together angry le.If one speak lire, t'other with water come;Is one provofced ! ,he t'other soft and dumb.

Deatii or a rKosii.vEXT Xaval Officer. Can- -

tain 0. S. McDonough, U. S. N., who died atJlontclair, New Jersey, recently, wa3 born in

Connecticut in 1819, and was the oldest son of

Commodore Thoma3 McDonough, of Delaware,

who wa3 with Bainbridge in tho frigate Philadel-

phia at Tripoli in 1803, and assisted in recapturing and destroying tho Ehip in 1804. Tho fathernlso commanded the squadron on Lake Cham- -

plain that defeated tho British fleet under Com

modore Downie in 1814. The son was appointed

to tho navy from New York in April, 1835, and

was attached to tho frigate United States in theMediterranean until 1839, and to the sloop of war

Cyane, also in tho same waters, for a year subse

quent He was made passed midshipman in 1841

and attached to the Dolphin on the Home Squad

ron, and the Truxton on the African station, until1845. His lieutenant's commission was dated in

1843, under which he served in the Warren and

Falmouth in tho Pacific nnlil 1852, and on thesteam frigate Mcrrimac in 1857-8- , also in tho samesquadron ; on the coast of Africa in the old Con

stitution in 1853-5- , and the Constellation in 18G0.

He was also in tho Brazil fleet on the Sabine, andTA4. v.. "vt n

the close of 1861, and durins; the war command- -

cd the receiving ships at New York nnd Portsmouth, N.-- Hia last cruise was in I860, and

bis 'commission aa captain on the retired list is

dated 1S67.

Chicago, February C The Chicago Relief andAid Society have prepared - an elaborate report.eboning the amount of contributions In money received from all quarters iu aid of the sufferers bythe fire, and specifying the States, counties andtowns, with the amount from each. The grand totalis nearly three and a quarter millions in cash, anddocs not include the Alex. StcwartFnnci, New York,cor the munificent sum raised by the Chamber ofCommerce of that city, nor the lanrc sums over5100,000 each donated by the cities of Cincinnatiand St. Louis, and distributed throngh their ownssencics. CMifornla is credited with $159,373 39, ofwhich amount San Francisco gave $120,750 153 ; Sacramento, 21,117 50: and Oakland, 511,215. .Thecontributions from the State of New Yort, exclusive of the items heretofore mentioned, foot up?524,5Sl; Massachusetts gave $335,530; Oregon,S1S,000 Colorado, $12,000; Utah $15,000; England,$3S6,420; Canada, $US,C11 ; Scotland. JG0.000; Ire- -

land, $SS,000; France, $57,000; Germany, $04,000.

Iu addition to money contributions, gifts of food,clothing-- , etc., have been received from hundreds ofcities- towns and villages all over the Union, andfrom Canada, England and Berlin, amountinc invalue to several thousands of dollars. Sacramento,Stockton and Georgetown, Cel., have each made liberal donations of this kind. At the date of the re

75port (January 6th) there were 0,895 families receiving

general relief, such as fuel, food and clothing.Of these only 932 arc American: 8,311 being Irish,8,013 Germans, and the balance divided among al-

most every nationality or rice on the face of theearth.





Consisting in Part of

Finest White all Wool Flannel.FinestWhite allWooU AmolaWhiteFIannellGood Grey and White Ml WoolHannels, 10x4 Bleached Sheeting,Thompson's Glove-Fittin- g Corsets,Amaskeag Denims, Jeans, Drills andBleached and Unbleached Cottons.

A Sup'r Ass't of Stationery,Water Lined Note Paper--


White Ruled Note Paper,White Ruled Laid Leaf, Letter and Bill Taper,White, Cnff and Amber and Letter and Note

Envelopes,Payson'a Indelible, and Carter'sArtists' A s' lieimie ttuiers,Smith A Wesson's Pistols Cartridges,Hair Girths, Stirrups Leathers,Spanish Trees, Crourcrsand Bridlei,Oak Belting, Street Brooms,Wood Faucets, Lamp Black, '

Itnlinn Pncklngr Lace Lcntlier,Paints, Oils, &c.

- White Zinc A Lead, in 1,2 t 25 lb containerParis and Chrome Green,Chrome Yellow, UmberSienner,Patent Brjer, Vermillion,Whiting Prussian, Blue, Bladders of Putty,

Carriage and Coach Varnish,Bright, Copal and Furniture Varnish,Boiled Linseed Oil, Turpentine,Mason's Blacking, Coffee Mills,Axo, Pick, Sledge, Adi, Hoe, Oo,Hammer & Chisel Handles,Wool Cards, Saddles, Enameled Trunks,

Coopers' Tools,Crozcrs, llowela. and Chain periog Knives,

Carpenters Planes,Foro, Smooth, Jack A Jointers, "' ' .

Cut Nails, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 30, 40, SO and60.1, Boat Nails, 1, 1, 1 J 1 2 inch,Pressed Nails, 2 k 2J inch,Cooper'a Rivets, 4. 7 t S lbs.Copper Rivets a Burs, 3, ,

it inch, Gimp Tacks,Iron t Copper Tacks of all sites.Best Rubber Hose, i, J, 1, 1 a 2 inch, .Centrifugal, Varnish, Paint, White-Was- h

and Scrub Brashes, Cov'd Tin Pails, .

i, 1, 2, 3, 4, C, S, 10 k 12 quarts,Covered Slop Pails, Dippers,Dish and Milk Pans,Jenning'slits, soldering irons, Thinges,steeli,Hammers, Gauges, Squares, Chisels,Angers, Sieves, Lime Squeezers,Yard Sticks, Bung Starters, Axes,Shovels, Spades, Oos, Tiantcrns,Englo Horse, A nnd O Plows and '

Points, Paris Plows, extrn heavy and strong,Protoxide of Iron, Pain Killer,Poland's White Tine Compound,Pails, Tubs, Brooms, Etc.. Etc.

DOWNER'S KESOSENE OIL,From the Bo3ton House.

And tVJanv Other ArticlesSS- - .AMj-T- BE SOl.t TUtW. Sm


Brit. Bark Garstane"From 2txccasllc-vpon-7in-


VTEtVCASTXE Smith)- - ConI,!M 10,000 Ramsay's Squaro Firo Bricks,

2,000 do Arch do10 tons Fire Clay,25Ncwcast!e Grindstones,25 tons Pig Iron,

100 tins Boiled Linseed Oil,10 casks Black Varnish, " -

200 tins White Lead,2C0 tins White Zinn,

5 tins Yellow Paint, - . '.15 tins Light-gree- n Paint,

4 tins Blue Paint,10 tjns Venetian Red,8 tins let Red Lead,

15 tins M. S. Green Taint,25 tins Black Paint,

6 tins Chrome Yellow, - - , ,.15 cases Galvanised Corrugated Iron28 boxes Corn Floor,10 cases Lime Juice Cordial,2 cases Mixed Pickles,5 cases Jams,

100 green cases Geneva, . .20 cases finest Scotch Whiskey,10 hbds Geneva, ,

12 qr casks Old'Scotch Whiskey,10 qr casks Maretl's Brandy, '

5 qr casks Dunville's Old Irish Whiskey,5 qr casks fine Pale Sherry,5 qr casks very fine do , .

3 hbds Ilennessy's Brandy, 4

S qr casks Martcll's do-- .150 cases Pale and Jndiu Ale, in qtVottles,

30 do do do in pints,

Also, per Baric " Malvirte,'.'' FKOM BREMERUAEIS', -

200 cases St. Julien Claret, . .40 bbls Lager Been "And. Muller," in qt, ,

10 bbis do do in pints, '

40 bbls Pale Ate, "H. Dicljen," quartsi '10 bbls do do pint?,75 cues Barclay's Portcrqnarts and pints,.

125 casks Bass' Palo Ale,24 cases Swedish Ale, v"

100 cases, 1 do; eacb, Old Cognac,. ,20 ca.'cs Kummel, 1 dni each, "


30 cases Nordhauser Whiskey,7- -.

125 green cases Holland's Gin,100 blue cases do do white bottles,100 baskets fine Holland Gin, in :Stone bottles,

large size,.25 cases Brandy,

100 demijohns Strong Alcohol, ..20 cases Nordhauser Whiskey '10 bbls Strong Demerara Hum,25 cases fine Cognac,50 cases Itudesheimer,21 cases Liebfranmilch,

'3 cases Boonckamp Bitters, "

25 cases Pale Sherry,12 cases Port Wine. ,


n LrllUIUU UbbUUIIOl Ul Ul, UUUUb.



r BUT "


El Jlarlc "Jlnlvinn,"Klngo, Master, 137 days from Bremen, the follow

ing gooas:


gSi-- The Real Ahticis Ao JJojvttrGCue l?lck!es.ysatlj,

Bbls Coal Tar, 1

BMa Stockholm Tar,.IlalTbMs aocVho!o Tar,

LbSs Etockho'tji r$ch,Half-bbl-s Stockholm Pitch.

Cases WestpbaliA Hams, .Casea lie Fruits, English, .

Ilubbsck'i BcJled raict ijil, " ' .

do White Txal,- -

d do Zinc,

Cases es SARDINES, not put vn for the31a11 overtti'e vvalr.buttmrrafli&tttaoGtfJa

may v;rrti i Lf. vmrlcL

Z5 All of the above will he sold as loir as anyoffered by any other party, by

4- - , Jjui.i,t,a & lu.CXlIXES-r-I- in. bar. link, 126 laths.;ClIAIS bar. link, 'JO fath's.: 1 in. bar. link, 99

laths.; li in. round link, 75 laths.; 1 in. ronnl link,laths.; I in. ronnd link, CO laths.; inch ronnd

link, 60 faths.; J, i and 2 inch Chain in lengths tosalt. In bond or doty paid, for saV br ,

. B0LLES 4 CO.

HAMS ftirnlc br .CALIFORNIA "- 1 'B0LLES 'CO.


iTuis-f- c c "7--e 3.INVOICES FROM

England, Germany & France,C05SISTIS0 or

MARSEILLES, BED QUILTS, WhiteWHITE Turkish Towels, Grey and Linen HuekTowels, White and Grey Cotton Huck Towels, HorseBlankets, bales of Blankets in all wool and all cotton,bales Brown Cotton, bales White Madapolams, balesof Fancy English Prints, bales White Ground Prints,bales Printed Brilliants, cases White Brilliants, easesWhite Moleskin, White Cotton Drill. Half Linen do,ATI Linen Drill, bnles Blue Cotton, bales Bine Flannel, cases White Linen Dock, Vail Barege of all col's.Silk Grenadine for Vaih, White Cashmere, Black Merino and Thibet, fine Black Coburg, Baratheas, Bunt-inz- .

colored Lined Drills, White jaconet. Mull Muslin, Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns, Swiss Dotted Muslin,

Black, t bite a Brown Linen Thread,White Cotton Thread; Heavy and extra wide Tickinc,Hair-clot- h Seating, Black Grey Linen Drill,Horroek's White Cotton Long Cloth, Crochet Cotton,bales Bine Drilling Heavy White Corduroy, Amos-kea- g

Denims, Italian Cloths, Black and Blue Broad-cloth, Heavy White Cotton Bed Sheeting, Cashmered'ecosse, Carpets and Tapestries, Tape Check, PaperCambrics, cileiifts.nne n niteblneDs, Ladies Corsets,Buttons nnd Trimmings for tailors' use. Black, Brownand White Linen Hollands, Black Silk, Black andWhito Cotton n adding, Zepbir Wool, Saddle Cloths,Black Crepe, etc.

French Peas in Water. French Peal in Butter, tinsPeas and Carrots, Asparagns. Soup Bouilly, MockTurtle, Julien Crab, Kidney, Fowl, Oxtail and HareSoups, tins of Tongue, Brunswick Liter, Mushroom,Westpballa, Italia,, Sausages, etc.. nnd ltnberry Jellies in jars. Strawberry, Car-ran- t,

Raspberry and Currant Juice, Raspberry Vine-gar, cases Mixed Pickles, Picalilly, Onions and Gher-kins, Limburg and Swiss Cheese, barrels Rye Flour,Sour Cabbage in kegs, kegs Salted Brauner Kohl,Curly Kehl.tins Brauner Kehl or Curly Kehl Cabbagekegs Dutch Herrings, kegs Salted German StringBeans, kegs Salted Turkish Peas, Canary nnd Rape!Seed, demijohns Yellow and Green Split Pens,

and Anchovies in patent glass and tin boxes,kegs Saltpeter, cases Sweet Oil, Westphalia Hams,kegs Russia Sardines, French Prunes in glass, Smyr-na Figs in glass. Zanto Currants in tins, Muscat Rai-

sins in tins. Capers in glass, glasses Preserrcd Lamp-reys, Russia Caviar in patent Boxes, Candles, Saltwater Soap, 1 reach Chocolate, cases Confectionery,Ma&inan and other Sweetmeats, Vinezar in demijohns nnd barrels. Grocery Paper and Hags, etc.

Wiuca, Aloa,Portor, cfco.


in cases. RHINE WINES in easel, snch as Lieb--franenmilch, Geisenhcimer, Hocbbeiraer, Nicrsteiner,Itudesheimer, Dcidesheimer, Bocksbcutel, nil warranted genuine. Medac 1SC2 and 1SS4 in cases, Sautcrnoand Haut Sauterne. Cases CLARET of other brands,such as Chit Litagcs, Lagrange, Lcoville, Chamber-ti-

Cases Port Wine, Sherry, Marachino, Malt Ex-

tract. Nordhauscr Brantwein, Scotch and Irish Whis-key, Nordhauser Kunimel and double ICummel, Swed-

ish Punch and Cocttnll, French Cognac, Angosturaand Iloonekamp Hitters, best and real Holland Gin,imitation Holland Gin, casks Brandy Gin and Rum,Drcljen t Schroder's star brand Ale in pts and qts,Norwegian Beer in pts nnd qts, Marian's DrafbAle incasks. Alcohol in demijohns and kegs, SeltzerWater.

C3 OLadies' Hats and Bonnets, neirstvles. Children's

Hats and Gents' Pelt Hats, new styles. Ladies.' Children's and Gents' Gloves, colored Kid Gloves for La-

dies and Gents, Suspenders, Garters, White TiqneVests, line Blue Sacks, Black nnd Blue Cloth Pants,Whito Duck Saeks, Pants nnd Vests, Oriean and

Sacs, Prima Pants, figured Jioleskin Pants,figured Victoria Pants, Silk Umbrellas, whaleboneframes extra sixes. Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, Brown andBlue Cotton Umbrellas, a eompleto assor't of Gents'Linen and Paper Colors, Tfeekties, Men's vrhito andgrey heavy merino half-hos- men's and boys, heavybrown cotton socks, ladies' superior white stockings.Merino undershirts nnd draircrs, extra sixes, bronncotton uudersbirts, pilot reefing jackets, monkey jack-ets, waterproof coats, white cotton beinmld handkerchiefs, superior white linen nnd lawn handkerchiefs,mourning handkerchiefs, calico andmadapolam shirtsnnd other numerous articles.

BLANK BOOKS, such as ledgers, journals, dayhooks, cash books, stock books, account books, copy,

note books, book folios, octavo books.Bill, cap and letter paper, pens and pen holders, ink,copying presses, etc. etc.

lEgviVits rS3 oil.Whito lead and tino, black and green paints, lin-

seed oil, sheet lead, etc. etc.,

MelodeonSj'. irbh-- Safes,-TW-


JP&2?vvrrk ery, cfejo.Best can do cologse, pomatums, hair oil, line per-

fumery,, toilet soaps, ctc'etc.. t

Cases ntcbnncks .inrl fancy articles., tors itnl dolls,lack knire, batcher .knifes and pen knires, iraternionkcrv. auk. beluiuf't ribbons in I a rite assortment,feathers and plumes, artificial floirers aaj wreaths,gulta pcrcho. round combsdrcsin ami' fine toothcombs, ladies dress trimmings, fine embroideries, thehost ot German dears, corks, black bat ribbons. blaekpolished fence wire, a good aftfelc, Ifjop iron, Manilarope, betap au twine, walking bucks, violin strings,booh, and eves, nair .pins, meerschaum pipes, ornamental globe, tabic lamps, watcnes, mndovr glass, eta

-- ALSO-







TTT.AT.TTK w1.itVnnil.. ......V- - dark ground Prints, .



. - . 'iibir.G GLOTns,

Boots SC Shoes T6r Ladies,. .GENTS::ri,d CinLDREN.,- - ',;

Denims, Briiliants'-and--

- - NumerbMptFeFiArticlesSUITABLE TRADE"-- !


Cascs Downer's Best. Kerosene Oil,

Cases' Rest Anencafl.Card Matqhes.

Bales American'Heayy" ' 'Amoskdag Ddnims,- - &cs &c



Country Dealers are Particularly Invited

Mj Stock. beforo purchasing elsewhere.36-3-o TIIEOD. C. HEUCK, Fort Street.


Offer for Sale




Flour dfc3 Bread !

Lime and Cement,

California Hay,


By Steamer from San Francisco,

Potatoes, Onions, &c.

Xeo3t3.ts forBrand's Bomb Lances,

Perry Davis' Painkiller,

Pdnloa Salt Worksi iy










A splendid assortment of the above


BOOTS just received; also, a few more


which will be sold at the Lowest Possible



flz'S i wisbad Satf 2W M

Tobaco and Cigar Store!.' . IVo. llJFort Street.

GOrfSTASTi4Y O.H HAND A LA1XCEChoicest ItranJs of

Natural Leaf ami Fine Cut

Chewing; and Smoking Tobacco,Havana, Oermou and Manila Cigar's,Turkish, Itussian anil Ilarana imported Cisuritoi,Casks of Xary Vlng, (in bond,)


4c, io., sic.A&S.O,

Kilauea Smoking Tobacco!So troll koowa for its putitj and frethneil.

For Bala by - If. tJOLLMANN",ly 41 Fart Street.

TO BENT.THE IIOUSK nnd premises

EiHS3SNo. 150 Nuuann Arenae, at presentoccupied bjr IV. h. CMEE5, Ilsq, Posiessloo glreaon tho Erst'OpAriril.- - ' -

Also The House and prcmlsej So. 1 IS adjoinlnjr.Fotseuion siren immediately.

For particulars apply to C. E. WILLIAMSr J. II. WOOD.

, Jfonolnln, Feb. 5thia72iTp iet or Xease.

Those Terr Detlrnble Premiseson the I'lains, known as ULULASI, at pres.

ti WJ rai oroapiou pj jtr. o. Xi. uoie. llieof a larce Parlor. "Dinlni.

Room, three Bed liodtj, arid Pantry, 'two largeStore Boomann basement; ther Is 'alto on (Be. landa Cottage coataidia'g two roiinr, detached Kitchen.Senranls' lloose, Btables, 'Ac, do., with a welt efgood pater.. Also a, CtrtUge 5n Xoninn VaHey.ilapplied,for immediately. For farther particulars ap-V-3l

.P4L .' J. '3.. LEMON.

To be Let.a iy The IIonsc'"aiaka of Dr.

Stangenwald's retldnee, Konann Artv.11 nue. Apply at the Office of this paper,. i tr - :a8-t- f .

"Knight of tfie Reti;Cross" Tobacco.'

ASMALIV lidl4 of Ibis fine TobaccoTarietlei for sale Ior br


PAINTS 1 and Oil I!ct English- - ahdOil, White Lead. While ZineUlaek

Pain't.Kijd lead, Fancy Colors and Fatent.bjTjsr4Alio-T- he celebrated "Star Copyer Paint." Jaat

and for salejiy (7) BOLLE3 CO.

ANCH'OHS with iron atocts an adaitlonstock, which makes the assortment

fall and complete, just rewired from Europe by baricEamoi. In. bond or duty paid, for sale by t .

7 '- - BOMES i CO.

r tJl ttTHB

rr - fCOJJUJMN I "


joi m wmm.JPOJlL'A' 1--i i. 03T



SOT TO BE CXDEKSOLD-itot- U) Ho m ler sat akfoUntee, cooik, coraprUh4g

Dry Goods, Groceries, Earthenware,

Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery,

Glassware, Leather Goods,

3P.rvdba.-tM- . OHjb, CoIois, tfco,lTJTJT

A LARGE VAED3TY of NMIONS,Xot indatal la tkta JmtUmit.


SMrttS)r. Jfcfrtroitt. VmtU gntt ntttf,.linrMUr Koj, Citrprit, Tmefa, MnfciMtw,EtajiMt Oibnru. rraark SlWiana Wd Clint. XJpMVBfailtata. Dim, Setrlrt al JevmH at4TO ItKa MtrtWU Bffcuiilt aad Wr TaiMta. ftUnTkMi Santa awl Tvnrata. w. m4 an, Mm Mh,Horn wkiU, ar7. W. htm . 4k

of tmrfnx iftvtrMfcK, Horrocktr' VmCk4k.yoy Ct-ii- ft mi wMta-ra- prKrta, UltaHit aaa.terns T.ry dfirM Car tW tntt.

Uaa DrttK Skrtxkm t 11.1..a. tirBk rusKt. eri4 Aad wait j jmx aiuiHii ,TXt nmn. alack. ! aatt Iwnt Iaji Tkfi.Brocks' 41 mimt rptw ranm i. unm tTip. Cant t. Camartat. itlgtin. UMt itVTMti,UHiaaa aaa lruaatinn, asac swaBbtk Craft, BhU Woal hi al! aakart.

Gents' Hats of Christy & Son's make.LaMtV ITay ul Baaatat, CMWrtV Hato,?!eo 11.1 Bt gHawlar SaraL4k, CWMrta ami Ou QWii. as mfmtm.ITbHa tlaa. Silk ma rwa CaiiH44GoaM Llata aad Paaar Color, X my aa Baa af SMat

fall tlada. atala, mi. rotor I aaa ajNrtllk., mta'a arf aawt la want aad li llin.uunw laaetw vast. aaa i.i.a .taraas.

A Complete Arctic Outfit I


)ltrtas UatWraalrU mui Dravxs, I kia rTiaaffr,Carpet Btf. MVift4 rUf- - aaeaf a an Mksiajiii,ritat data Casta that caaaat m imaaamaV laai Qua.jt CsaaaiM. wif, Tmd tSata. Baa fatamt. I

akta Pa Is tar aarc, rta f asaataa SAtrta,Jrsn SMtM, Tamarer aatrts, Jark iklim.4 Rm sMnt,TIxht Chub. nsrri sxl Sic CMk, TkMe 60 Cra a

TK cfePfccj pattaras. SsrtlHi Sktrta, TkU4 lawaa,ntaek Qraasittasi. Dniaask Stilfis. Taaa Ca salts.Cambric, dvscka, OlaisJ Ml t t .Silk TalTatt, TTaM.anof Tvatsi af mlaai iNsi,Tarhtwts, CKkf Kdaiai. iTnamiat; laaaia.Ladtai Xaraa. CMtars, Jsssail , XtUmm lata.Liaaa. Tsts, TVss. Iwnfttaa. 1 ii msi s fJaaVaas,IilWat's Truck C4aHk Mtrts,tekfaMtrwl skirts, mj aaar).

A Fine Selection for Leap Tear ISilk ItsadkanhtatV. 1

Table Cos an aad Ptaan Orm ml a kaaaa. 4aM Oat,rrrflca ir vref taps. 3a rafaras, assga Vaaa,Alpaca CatarsHss. 5Uk rarawh aad laaattil I.A! pecs, aad Osetim da. Lhasa Ttaklaa. Wast aa.aits.iBbstt' rEKj Heal Harts. tVaal Slfcil, Was Oesls.LnHn' Tsary W1 Ti sad saris. MataVsa ItW aad

Hair noes, ninnr aairasas. I iniasjaClack silk cord aad tassrls. avdharr asdi. .lUsck silks, tsacr sake, triasssiaza an kaask.Itaftcn. cf all kln.h, skawts sfsKlllsk. Is skaaV.rtik (rionlMaM fast anion. Hark? rl sad yilki s.Tnrk-- r rsmhric, strtaad aad rdas4 llaea drflKOotlan, liasn aad beaasamk taaeia, I1I1I11 laa ll. stf

VERY CHOICE GROCERIES!Ws fmils. pieklat. araaaat. soda, satst asaa. astaaiat;Caamry aad a M4t. walSa fcssas T sgliklssTVrstplMlla katas. alsacaad ttaaaar. tn.aad .aaiataXpam felt, arora-- i rttaa, aiiasd rasas, jsjiaa I ffrfar.On.and tlsrk asapsr. Me araasr. satajail lifcat1.Peppermint, rwa aad leatoa tsii aais kiaaa saaa,Conrsrsattaa H4eafwe, saaac stfaks, kask saasa, .lanlanf.Cream tartar, salstatae la Jan aad and, . sawa m gsj.Chile Tlnegar, Lea and tW.a asaexa. Wsrse, eaaaa,Besdins; Saare. Juka Ball eaara. keat steak autre, Klaf sf Gad. eaara, inehasy saaca,daUitj Saoca, aairsrsal aaaea.

ME-THIN- ENOUGH SAUCE ILiTcrfKMel nit bj tblWic m to. WciWi mK,

hi IB qiMiu, myLarge and mail maaerrySXO and Maer drW hetae, ldrMeH easirse, esarrs.laseaea or laraaa aad Tssepu, riaek as.SetdUU powders, futled. keef, bsaa. awae. salsaaa.w rvrs 40 iw ttas, aaa as aaae, csafjer aaf.

tukenr of llaatler aad rsaaer. alas OskaaaI am b.scalts aoatack aatsraiti, wiaiksanlna II isll est iauta e la saraa. eeaicurs. ataaad aaaea.A trrat saneta of soareaudjr's lasaaaa daae aa fceaaer

aad (aid raatta kiasea, auk,

OTHER SUCH LIKE SWEET THINGS ISalad nil. salman eatlsts. kiaaswad a ilaejs.tiiinsa ns.tcaa. ttasnesj seaima, liaSf id pVanish halter la 3ak lias, ial.ii arret a aKntlisk plata padrilaf la Uaa. klaatre aad

asasES..Kmetinee called mUiti aad ataee taassa iMIiis. Masasastmae; taat la eat


la barrels aad kalf I

1VII tali Ire Cheese, Sartllnca ia tins.Chocolate. Confectionery. Jkc.

BASS' ALE, Pints & Quarts.BETOXB X MsTM.

THE F1HEST TO BE OBTAINED 1.1 THISfiareU 1 Perkla'a tsel a aeat arte itkMiaad sery aaitaMa tar aaretat; arilktsaJs3-raj-e aad lad a taieVe ata, eSftee aad ajssete.Iiit HrMoea Ale la siats sadaaarte,

CHAJIPAGIYE, ptau sad atne.CUAIIEX. fa aaa deesw ears.


Sold ly the rlln.-t-l Facha; tby tlrs euk sv esse oaS7 ks Tr;aj.l eask-aa- a.

that hasa aaa kans taisasesd TakEasjtsh 9asa. yellow sad aiaetaa, laaws Ttnifiair ae.1CuMaeaaa, lJa Xabaix Caadeas. km.


VS la reaped to wklck tkeea at A UtCMtX. aad I aaa""t--" fc: w1" k--r rsi ItrraMaII r. TsaberMretarssMkat aa mall tsMkar fcssa aaa eask ear


Cases Downer's Best Kerosene Oil!Best America tsrd ssaickes as ssms,Haboack's koile'l on in BUeat drasae sad eaekevWall, Ztae, la. wall, kaal, gsae. r. iZSmimt.El LsaJ, Vaaetssa fad. yailaw srisea, tawtatsiaPlaster Parle, dry red, lead dryer. eaartM eaeasalias.

tflre Baae. tka oaiy toe la laa auevaa. .

Musical Instruments, Toys, &c." aaruaaa. sua Sua., wteew

Httlaa. alalia etrtaits, try, tTsJIkisvaa. sryaacSIwrf aasaet arts, kaaabOa aaarek, keysrreVawurreJlsaisJMM. ..u.4j-- . - -

- srtaUaaaa, seis sjas. Kateasb, traasi.Osjtialzsd Iraa oWsilaiiaas. traa fapdaf, aia tjeaakT

CAEPENTEES' DrCPIiEMENTS.- Dx-- Locl.4, thru kjeks, turo-- s kin. elssleu.

. , . "r--. e" ",jryiei! rtaara, treat est aaws. Jset saj trntaMag ataansQeel twwt, tery t.Hrair ftattUr kaHat. dec .fataa.- ' .u-- v, r"i, saaa raeaa. Tsaesvjarnef JtDtrea. eaeksessael stmIw mI tGsltsslzsu kackeU tak-- i, teal's aaveara ekeste?B ferswa, aaaw trei-t- , rt traay rt: t- r- n traat;ataalnwsraaclnpaawd traps.

Donble ond tSInsle IXaraesat.Exprea Karnrsa.

Twloe, fish Hats and hooks, artr-alat- tpan,lllikte ttm, lamed eriara, corrasetad traa.Taakea Alee, ted aad wMt. tOea. traa ataerpsm.,i,0B tVosa U to tallMs, aesj sal ten an

Kritlee, osUxlsrs. scale, aaj iAtJChiS.lartt, boa btm, aa.Hs. Med Cft. .pAw, laa,Gatraiiliad irttee, Eildis.. Svwar ad baVtrsiaars.Ir. Ostes, J irk iraa taj pets aitfc ec;,..:luup. rant, aa taou la 1. Ifasu.atnet trsa.newer Pete plata aad ty, w IJB4i3 aed staia Iraat

(eacutg at Vtae.tku UVa price srlinpuHsa. pJOHN THOS. WATERHOTJSE.
